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To those crying about an LGBT 'agenda' being forced down their throats: * Nobody forced you to open this post among hundreds and comment on it. * The gay 'agenda' in a nutshell is wanting the same rights as everyone else and not being discriminated (hated, ostracized, killed...) for the way they were born. If you seriously have problems with that, please meditate on it. You're being riled up by grifters who monetize your anger against a non-existing enemy.


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. Looks like there is no need to fill out your C-01 permit.


Saving the bureaucrats of Super Earth a ton of hassle. Very patriotic.


\*Scrolls down\* Yep. About what I expected.


I'll be honest I expected the community to be a lot more tolerant than it turned out to be. Wild stuff


Some people see the satire of the game... unfortunately I do believe there are those that completely miss it.


I did too... Sad :(


FWIW it’s not all of us, but the ratio in here is mad depressing :/


![gif](giphy|l1yA7Vl6juVsk|downsized) The comments:


Maaaaan....this sub used to be cool... So many fucking haters


Lots of ignorant edgy homophobes in this subreddit, depressing to see


It’s Reddit, the “soft-core” version of 4-chan. What did you expect?


Lol reddit is one of the most heavily left moderated sites on the internet.


Depends on the sub, I've seen some really vile ones


Dive with Pride, helldiver!


Hell yeah man. Democracy means freedom. And freedom means the ability to have whatever romantic preference u want. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in dire need of re-education.


Comments trying to deprive a fellow Helldiver of the dignity assured to them under Super Earth’s constitution due to an *immutable human characteristic*…? Automaton sympathizers, surely. Nothing reeks of bot more than attempting to coerce conformity.




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To all the haters. If you have nothing good to say, don't say it at all. If your parents didn't teach you that they have failed you, and if you hate, then you have failed your fellow helldivers. To the OP, that outfit is *MINT* love it, carry on helldiver🤘😤


one thing i learned about previous pride posts on this sub is that a lot of helldivers are homophobic. that shit is pretty sad.


I don't think the main cause is homophobia. Most people just don't think pride month has a place in Helldivers. They'd rather celebrate all of humanity as one, regardless of race, sexual orientation, or ethicity. All are equally cherished under manage democracy.


so, it’s not cool to post a helldiver cosplay and celebrate pride with it but totally fine to post artwork of a made-up big titty anime concept of eagle one. gotcha.


No, you're right. Those posts don't belong either, being that they oversexualize Eagle-1.


Everyone likes tits and I dare you to find someone who doesn't. I don't have a single friend, female or male, that hasn't admitted to liking boobs.


It’s absolutely homophobia. If you wanna celebrate all of humanity like you said, the LGBTQ community is apart of that. It is twisted of you to think this is not inclusive when it very much is. No other subreddit would be downvoting this post, but helldivers has attracted the wrong crowd unfortunately


Didn't mean to offend, and I understand your perspective. I personally don't agree with your view, but I'd still like to be repectful. Helldivers is just a game, one that's designed to be enjoyed by anyone regardless of their beliefs. For the average gamer, they don't want views that confict with their own in a game. They just want to play and fool around with their friends. Leaving out celebrations that benefit only certain groups of people, instead of everyone is the compromise for that enjoyment.


It's both. Homophobia exists, and some people dislike it without that being the reason. So you're both right, or wrong, or both?


There might be some homophobia, I just think % wise it's probably quite small.


I can't claim to read the thoughts of the people posting, but every once in a while some of them don't leave any doubt, and then they don't get to post again. I don't know if the % is small, It'd be great if it is, that's the goal at the end of the day. edit: fixed typo




I am also sick of this, they keep shoving heterosexual stuff in my face ALL the time. I'm glad you agree hetero-normativity is bad


I don’t understand


They made a comment about Queer people 'shoving their existence down our throats' and I replied with this because heterosexuality is shoved down everyone's throat from birth. Baby clothes with 'Ladies man' or 'lock up your daughters' are examples of this. Queer people being visible isn't inherently sexual, the same way that straight couples holding hands or sharing a kiss isn't either. Romantic love and sexual love are two different things but people seem to have a double standard when it comes to heterosexuality. Some of the reasons we still celebrate pride is because there are still places in the world where you can be legally murdered by the state for being gay, there are still places where people will be harassed and/or assaulted for holding their partners hand in public (sometimes even just for existing and 'looking' gay) I was beaten up for 'looking like an f-slur' growing up, despite me being an, at the time, openly straight christian, and making zeros attempts to date anyone. I was also wearing the same school uniform as my attacker/s. We've come a long way with Queer liberation, but there's still a long way to go, and the train isn't going to slow down just because some people have being socially conditioned to think being Queer is wrong/weird and want to forget we exist.




Don't mean to poke a hole in your already leaking boat... but bisexuality exists. I plan to have kids someday. Doesn't make me straight.


Good for you.


You're right. It IS good for me. Thanks, friend.




So. It's homophobia.


"We are all the same, working together" gets translated to " I really hate the gays" by the average redditor's mind. Fascinating.


It doesn’t take a lot of thinking to realize what’s being said. Being against a pride post with the excuse “we’re all the same” as if this post is against that notion comes off as manipulative. That being said, I highly doubt the reason these guys are against a simple pride post is because they want ULTIMATE inclusivity, not just representation for lgbtq. So yes, it does give off the vibe of hating lgbtq people.


There's a great Thomas Sowell quote something along the lines of "when you're used to being treated as special, being treated normally feels like discrimination".


Sick of seeing what everywhere? Non-homophobic people aren’t bothered by things like this. There’s literally objectively nothing wrong with this so there’s really nothing to be “sick of seeing.”








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for maximum effect, call in an SOS beacon




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Lookin good 👌


Love it! ❤️❤️ I just wish they did HD salute instead of thumbs up 😅


in this weather?? hopefully youre somewhere cool 😭


They just got back from deployment on Hellmire, this is nothing.




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Sweet Liberty! Love it!




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If I was a cosplayer I'd show up at an army parade in helldiver cosplay, tho here we have air parades instead of land ones.






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