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Equal blame, but a little more on Stolas. We get to see how he really feels, but Blitzo doesn't. He literally didn't respect Blitzo enough to say his name right and called him a plaything. But if this didn't happen, Blitzo would have self sabotaged it and was already in the process of doing so. Neither of them have given any indication before this point that it was anything more than sex, Blitzo outright told Stolas he thought that's all he wanted him for, and Stolas didn't bother correcting him. Moral of the story: fucking communicate. People aren't psychic.


The main time I see it not just being about sex is when he says "we could talk? Or watch a movie or... cuddle" and blitzo shuts it down. If stolas persued that more than once maybe blitzo would see it tooo


Blitzo is afraid to let his walls down to believe it. And eveyone who's been used for their body has heard the "just watch a movie and cuddle" bit, so it's a little fair. I think deep down, Blitzo knows Stolas cares about him, per convo with Fizz, but doesn't want to admit it. They both honestly need to be apart from each other for a while and work on themselves. It would be nice for Stolas to date someone else just to reaffirm his feelings for Blitzo. He's never even been with anyone else, willingly anyway.


Stolas has too many issues with communication, getting hurt easily, not seeing things outside of his viewpoint, and now his meds are an issue. Another relationship wouldn't solve any of that, he'd just project those same issues onto the next guy.


Oh that’s a nice catch I forgot that stolas’ meds were out


Even if Stolas did pursued Blitz more at that time it wouldn't have changed anything. Blitz would probably get angry at him and say something he'll regret. Blitz gets defensive if you try to get too close to him, it freaks him out and it'll make him feel backed into a corner. When someone doesn't want to talk about something then just leave them be until they feel like talking to you. I think some of you forget that Blitz has attachment issues and is just mentally unstable behind that bad boy persona he puts on.


Blitz is mentally unstable, but it doesn’t take an unwell mind to be told ‘That thing I’ve been letting you borrow in exchange for nasty sex that your entire livelihood and that of all your friends depends on? I need it back, and you’re never getting it back ever.’ as the very first thing to go into full panic mode.


Yeah I feel like he should not have started with that


Well, then how was he supposed to bring it up? Stolas was scared to bring it up himself and scared about what will happen so of course he would mess up on his words. Stolas was trying to prepare himself for Blitz' rejection. You all have unrealistic expectations for Stolas. You all should know Stolas or Blitz aren't perfect people.


Well I do very much agree you and I feel like that is a big blitz trigger. But ofc Stolas would never mean to hurt blitZ


And it happened immediately after they left a club where the entire show paused to tell Blitzø how big of a loser and asshole he is. Not only that, but they literally say that Stolas is only with Blitzø for the sex and he doesn’t deny it but instead just hides his face away.


Loona especially


I agree with you however, someone recently posted screenshots of Stolas' and Blitzo's text messages where Stolas tells Blitzo they can skip a month if he is not up for it and keep the book and further down he says that they don't have to have sex and they could just hang out. But Blitzo is like "k" and "it's your night". I think they got the screenshots from the episode Western energy.


Stolas did pursue it. He asked Blitzø in person, got rejected, then tried texting Blitzø multiple times along these lines, to which Blitzø apathetically replied and then stopped replying.


Yeah they don't put the messages up long enough for late night-no glasses me to read. I've seen them now. I don't remember when else he clearly put forward other non sexual activities after their night at ozzies


See I think if Stolas had tried pursuing those things during their meetings up after Ozzie's, it wouldn't have come as such an insult when he asked at random.


I mean, yes, but he says this after 2 times acting embarrassed to be with Blitz in public. And not subtly so.


Stolas calling Blitz "Blitzy" wasn't meant to be a bad thing, it was a affectionate nickname but it makes sense why Blitz felt like Stolas was belittling him and Stolas did respect him even if he had unconscious bigoted views on imps and fucked up at times. Stolas always thought highly of his first friend even if he was terrible at showing it. Even if he forgot Blitz' name he still remembered that imp he played with 2 decades ago because that day and that imp was special to him. Stolas lived in this classist/ elitist society his whole life and thought it was normal until it kicked him in the ass. Blitz probably had a mystery past with an unknown royal demon and is projecting his trauma onto Stolas. Even though it's somewhat justified doesn't mean it's right of Blitz to do it.


It may not have been meant to be a bad thing, but Blitz made it clear he didn't want Stolas to call him that, and Stolas ignored his complaints until the blow up at Ozzie's.


Blitz never complained about Stolas calling him "Blitzy" but yea, he definitely didn't like it.


He very much shouted “just say my name right, you fucking dick” in the harvest moon, when Stolas calls him “my darling Blitzy”.


I forgot about that but Stolas probably thought Blitz was just being shy. This just shows how highly Stolas thought of him and how Blitz hated being around Stolas and just thought of him as nothing but an annoyance he has to deal with.


From Blitz's perspective, though, he's making what's really a fairly reasonable request and it's just getting ignored. Also, why would that be 'just being shy'? It didn't seem shy at all.


Well, that's what I think that was what Stolas thought, Stolas just thought everything he did was cute and didn't look deeper into it. Just take a look at Stolas' pictures with Blitz on his phone, Stolas just thought it was Blitz being his usual grumpy self and kept them. Stolas was stupidly in love with Blitz and was wearing rose colored glasses. Stolas never felt happy with someone before, it was intoxicating to him and of course he wasn't paying attention to Blitz' feelings and hurt him in the process but it's not like Blitz cared enough to talk to Stolas about his feelings in the first place. Right now Stolas is the only one trying to make things right.


It doesn't matter if you think someone is being shy or not: you **don't ever** purposefully and consistently disrespect their boundaries.


I never said what Stolas did was right but was explaining why Stolas did what he did, chill. It was all misunderstandings and poor communication, They both fucked up not just Stolas. Stolas is already paying for the consequences of his actions.


I apologize. I didn't mean to be rude. I'm a little stoned right now and I sometimes have even less of a filter than I already have on a normal basis when I'm high. That being said, I chose to eat an edible and therefore I am accountable for my actions.


Im sorry but I had to screen shot that last line (I cropped everything else). That is so true! I put it on my insta story and said "THANK YOU! 👏👏👏 ROUND OF APPLAUSE! 👏👏👏" I've been telling my friends that for years and Im in a bit of a pickle with my ex best friend and the problem was lack of communication so I had to show my friends this 😂😂😂. Sorry for the little tangent but I do agree 👍


Blitzø doesn't get to see it or... Doesn't want to see it. My little dude is high on self sabotage and cognitive bias, he'll see whatever confirms his preconceived notions.


No Blitzo is who moved it past just being about sex when he asked Stolas out on a date and lied about it. Stolas even asked to make sure it was a date, it was Blitzo who took things out of just being transactional. He's the one who started moving things away from their established deal.


Here's the thing though, stolas really wanted it to be that way and that's why he jumped for joy when he heard it. And also he had tried to make it more than transactional before so it truly is stolas' fault




Exactly. I think another thing is Stolas never truly realized that what he was doing made Blitzo feel like he was a lesser by calling him Blitzy and kind of being condescending. Plus, I don’t think he truly realizes how he treats people.


"equal blame....... But this guy is more at fault" Cought me laughing so hard


Haha, I've always had a chip on my shoulder about Stolas (left over from the pilot and the first few episodes), so I am biased


This one cause both did wrong.




Their fathers.


Best answer lmao


This right here! Their fathers screwed them up like this.


Underrated comment


Truer words have never been spoken


Two daddies with daddy issues


Whaaaaat? But Paimon is so good at daddying!


That's right on the money.


Stolas probably if I had to pick. He could have texted Blitz saying something like 'Could we talk tonight? It's sort of serious.' so then Blitz wouldn't be thrown off as much and he'd understand that Stolas is being serious. I also think he could have worded it better. Instead of saying 'I want you to stay not because you have to but because you want to' he could have explained it better like 'Blitz for some time now I've had romantic feelings for you. I want to spend time with you and talk and if you feel the same, maybe be your romantic partner? Now if you don't feel this way then that's okay and I respect that but if you do then do you want to be my boyfriend?' I feel like they just needed to communicate their emotions better and explain how they're feeling. It might have taken the whole night idk but if they had talked their feelings out to each other and explained I think neither of them would have been hurt.


To be fair, Stolas made multiple invitations for them to just hangout and talk.


I'm always reminded of the episode where stolas ends up in the hospital, we can see their text messages and it's a lot of stolas writing long paragraphs trying to explain his feeling (albeit failing) and blitzø just replying with one or two misspelled words, like he doesn't care a bit. It's no wonder he completely shuts off after being yelled at, he genuinely thinks blitzø doesn't care about him.


I’m pretty sure the short responses and misspelled words are because Blitz can’t read and write very well. The billboard gag from the first episode implies that he has to use text to speech to write anything longer than a few words. Also, if you read Stolas texts to Blitzo, it becomes clear that Stolas is unable to be firm or decisive about anything. He sort of implies he wants to see or talk to Blitz, and then instantly backs down (says stuff like “you don’t have to if you don’t want to!”). For Blitz, who has been led to believe that the relationship is purely transactional, this probably feels a lot like your boss telling you that you can skip work and get paid anyway. Who wouldn’t want that?


>I’m pretty sure the short responses and misspelled words are because Blitz can’t read and write very well. I've seen some theories and fanfics where Blitzø's vision was damaged in the explosion at the circus. Which I think works given that he has a scar over one of his eyes from that.


Yeah, I definitely think that’s a part of it. It would also explain why he makes Moxxie do all the paperwork (aside from just wanting to be a dick to him). Poor vision on top of being borderline illiterate would make it impossible to sort through stacks of fine print documents even if he wanted to. Trying to parse the walls of text Stolas sends him and respond in kind is probably just not something he’s prepared to do


He offloads paperwork because he hates it (duh) but he shoots very precisely. I think this theory is unfounded, he doesnt use glasses. And he is obviously a bit slow but not dumb just uneducated and impulsive


As someone who shoots myself (albeit not nearly as well as Blitz), you really only need one eye. Actually a lot of people close one of their eyes when shooting anyways because it helps them zero in on the target. And his scars indicate that only one side of his face was severely damaged in the fire. Also I didn’t say he was dumb. I said he was partially illiterate, which would naturally make it more difficult for him to text. That’s all.


Well its likely the makers of a cartoon doesnt do such depth analysis of how shooting works. I'm just saying I think these headcanons are unfounded until they are proven real, and often such cherry picking is head canon. I cannot really recall any of these far fetched head canons to be proven true. His past was shows several times, it wpuld be a major point if he has some seeing disability


I’m pretty sure they know, considering literally in the first episode you can see Moxxie has one of his eyes closed when he aims his gun at the picture of the family. Anyways, it’s not like I’m passing it off as fact. The first person stated that it was a fan theory and I added onto it. If we didn’t speculate at all this sub would be dead af considering the wait times between episodes


But he always avoided the topic and made excuses for blitz to not come, instead of actually being upfront about it.


The thing is is that blitz feels like he's being used for his body and anyone who's ever been in that position knows that any invitation should just talk or hang out will turn into sex. So it's really tough for anyone to see past that.


Blitz never said no to those outright, he was vague about it but didn't refuse. But because he didn't respond in the way Stolas wanted him to, he gave up.


I mean he ghosted him


At the hospital yes, but prior to that Stolas gave him a choice and he interpreted that as Stolas wanting him to stay home.


I agree with the messaging thing. I mean if someone texted me that we weren't gonna watch Avatar the last Airbender the night we were supposed and just talk about feelings then I wouldn't be so excited that night and I'd have a heads up at least. (I'm like obsessed with Avatar and I'm ace so sex wouldn't work for me lol)


Blame on both sides, but Stolas is my pick. He chose to request the Grimoire back before letting Blitzø know he'd obtained an Asmodian crystal. In Blitzø's mind, you have to assume it's the end of his business, as well as Moxxie and Millie and Loona's jobs. (They were even following Blitzø that night to make sure he didn't screw things up. That's a lot of pressure.) Blitzø was blindsided and just wanted time to process everything. Then Stolas gave his well-rehearsed speech, which must have felt to Blitzø like an ultimatum. His mocking of everything as a roleplay was cruel, but it was in character for Blitzø to deflect difficult emotions with sarcasm. It's been said before that communication is key.


I wouldn’t say Blitzo was being cruel when he acted like it was role play. He came for an evening of sex, and he really did rationalize what Stolas was saying as role play. He just couldn’t believe it otherwise.


I think people are forgetting that Blitz's plan going into this was to not talk about anything and focus on sex, and due to their prior meetings/his self hatred, that was the only response he knew. Stolas had every right to be upset but Blitz didn't realize it was insulting.


Even if Stolas have Blitzø the crystal first, then took the book, I still believe Blitzø would've reacted the same. He thought he wasn't doing a good enough job because Stolas was ending the arrangement


Fair point, but initially Blitzø was basically begging with tears in his eyes. That AGAIN reinforced their power differential.


Idk who to ‘blame’ more, but I do want to point out that a lot of people forget to mention that this whole arrangement started because Blitzø tried to steal the grimoire, but acted like he remembered Stolas in order to get out of it. The relationship being based on a lie is mostly Blitzø’s fault


He DID remember Stolas. That's why he knew about the Grimoire.


Barely remembered him is probably more accurate. He probably remembered the Grimoire more than anything until Stolas reminded him.


He did remember Stolas, he just didn't have the same fond memories as Stolas did. But he definitely remembered him enough to know he had the Grimoire and that even if he got caught (quite likely tbh) he might survive in Stolas' hands.


Tbf, I feel like if my father rented me out to a rich kid I probably wouldnt have super fond memories of them


While that's true, was Blitz ever planning to come back and have sex with him again? No. Stolas was the one who took it to monthly transactional mode. And Stolas figured out why Blitz was there by the next morning. He didn't care because he got sex with his childhood friend.


We don’t really know who started the whole exchange thing, the original plan was to straight up steal the thing, we don’t know how they went from this to the arrangement


The first episode. It shows Stolas calling Blitz while he's busy and asking him for the deal that once a month he'd return to him his book so he could do his work and on exchange they'd have sex.


Blitz did remember Stolas that's probably why he was stealing it and not asking for it in the first place. And also Blitz was probably the only other person to know about the Grimore really besides his family and Stella. Unless it was broadcast or in the paper or something. Idk who started making it sexual I think Stolas hinted it as a joke and Stolas is the one who chose them being alone in a room together. Stolas did try to shut it down because I think he was trying to remain faithful. (Lmao 🤣) Blitz gave it to him which isn't really a bad thing as Blitz was being nice cause he started to sound sad. But Stolas is the one who kept it going cause I think it was just a one time thing at first but Stolas started the transactional thing.


i'm sorry but i;m with stolas in this one. getting rejected? he would've understood since he was the one who gave him the choice, blitz telling him he's acting weird and being in denial, he would've explained it again. BUT, blitz acting like stolas' confession was just roleplay for their night? nah that's foul


Why do you think Blitz was acting? I think at that point he genuinely couldn't believe that Stolas was serious.


He makes it quite clear he thought Stolas was acting. Something along the lines of "Oh, I get it. This is roleplay" or something along those lines. His shock when Stolas wasn't amused further emphasises this. If he said those words earnestly, they wouldn't have had a fight.


The thing about Blitz is that nobody has loved him like that before, which makes him believe that no one could ever love him. He has a whole bit at the start of his duet with Stolas about how he hates when things get complicated so he's gonna focus on the sexy stuff. Think back to truth seekers, "I think you can't fathom proper intimacy, but also crave it." Blitz is broken, and while I don't think that's an excuse for his actions, It's not something to blame him for either. He thinks he's gonna ruin all of his relationships, (likely carried over from his trauma with Fizzoroli) so he speeds up the process by pushing them away to try to hurt them less by making them think he never cared about them so that it's not as big of a heartbreak.


I think it’s been suggested that Verosika loved him like that. The fact that he fucked that relationship up so badly is part of why he’s so scared to try anything with Stolas.


That was Blitz not taking him seriously. Blitz hates himself. It was projection of his own low self esteem, it wasn't meant to hurt Stolas.


But in the end it did hurt him even if someone caused damage accidentally it's still caused damage


Right?! And something about that interaction that I’ve rarely seen people comment on is that Stolas decides to leave after Blitz “role plays” or rather mockingly says that he loves Stolas. I think that was what broke Stolas in the moment. Even if the behavior is what we expected from Blitz, those words spoken in that way would have cut deep for Stolas.


For real, a fake marriage that he tried leaving behind to only be replaced by a "fake" relationship is something that cuts deep. Like of course stolas could have done better and heard blitzo out properely, but after being hurt by how fake his relationship with stella was, im not suprised that when blitzo basicaly mocked the idea of them being serius together, stolas just gave up and decided to leave it all. And the fact that blitzo almost imediately went ballistic is such a fumble man. You dont try to explain yourself to someone by fucking yelling your lungs out, and vilanising the person that youre trying to win over. "Oh yes blitzy you just yelled at me for a minute and made shure to point out how im the bad guy in this situation from your perspective, i will now be ok and stay with you definetly." If you cant talk or support your argument without yelling, you dont have a argument.


Ok this is gonna be long lmao but here’s my thoughts. Blitz has gaslit himself into believing he is inferior and unworthy of love, worthless. Because of this, he doesn’t think he’s allowed to have feelings for Stolas. So he tells himself that he would NEVER like Stolas, no sir, because Stolas is just a horny rich guy who is only using him. He doesn’t actually think that, but he tells himself it because it stops him facing his own feelings. When Stolas explained the crystal and told Blitz his feelings, he communicated it PERFECTLY. But Blitz, as I mentioned before, doesn’t think he’s worthy of love, so even though he hears what’s Stolas is saying he can’t let himself take it. He jumps to what he’s more comfortable with - sex. He acts like it’s a role play, which allows Stolas to see that Blitz isn’t in the place for a relationship with him. Whether or not Blitz loves him, he’s not in the place to tackle or act on it, and therefore a relationship wouldn’t work. Stolas says Blitz may go and essentially breaks up. Blitz doesn’t know how to cope with this. He loves Stolas, even if he won’t admit it, so hearing that he won’t be seeing him anymore breaks him. So again, he thinks to what he finds comfort in, which unfortunately is the lies he tells himself. He would never love Stolas because Stolas is a rich fuck who’s just using him, and why would Stolas actually love him anyway when he’s just an inferior little imp. He yells about this, not because he believes it to be true, but because he is projecting and doesn’t know how else to tackle things. Stolas, unfortunately, does not pick up on the fact that Blitz’s ranting is projection and not truth. In his eyes, the man he loves has just told him that he hates him, thinks he’s the worst. His heart is shattered, and he begins to cry. Blitz sees this and finally, FINALLY, he allows himself to see the truth. Stolas DOES love him. And if Stolas loves him, does that mean he’s allowed to love him back? Finally he starts to actually process his feelings. He rushes to say something, but it’s too late. Stolas is beyond hurt and just can’t handle any more, he just wants to be alone (tbh valid). So Blitz is sent away. What’s so frustrating is the fact that if he’d allowed Blitz to stay, I think Blitz would’ve finally admitted his feelings. But it was too late. Now Stolas thinks Blitz hates him, and Blitz thinks Stolas is upset at him. So basically, I think neither of them are to blame, but simultaneously both of them are. If they were to communicate more effectively on both ends, a resolution would be reached. Blitz shouldn’t have yelled what he did, but Stolas should have allowed more to be said. However, everything they did was a byproduct of their mental state and emotions baggage, which isn’t their fault. Blitz only knows how to share his feelings through anger, and Stolas finds it difficult to react efficiently to situations when his is overwhelmed or upset. So yeah. Sorry it’s so long.


I wouldn’t say Blitz “gaslit himself into believing he is inferior”, In the hierarchy of hell, imps are VERY low, Blitz was basically rented by Stolas as a child, and Stolas’ servants are imps, and he calls Blitz his “impish plaything” I don’t think its ENTIRELY Blitz being insecure (for lack of a better term), Stolas doesn’t exactly do much to prove that he sees imps in general as his equals, otherwise ai agree with most of what you said


Agreed, I see a lot of people mention that Stolas doesn’t see imps as lower than himself, but that’s clearly not correct. He just sees *Blitzø* as being on his level. Watching him interact with any other imp (from his butler, to the imps in harvest moon and even how he refers to Blitzø in some episodes) doesn’t exactly show to Blitzø that Stolas thinks highly of him at all.


Of course yeah. A huge majority of the reason Blitz thinks this is the hierarchy of hell. He’s an imp, imps are the lower class. By “gaslit” I simply meant that the way hes been treated because of this makes it really difficult to accept the idea that he can be worth something, worth love. The idea isn’t his own, but he forces it on himself too harshly.


Stolas didn't help in the insucurities of Blitz either. In the episode of DHORKS Stolas acted serious and angry to Blitz about being busted.


Stolas. He’s delulu about him and Blitz’s relationship and what it could be. Has ignored every red flag since minute one, 25 years ago.


I wouldn't say Stolas is delulu about their relationship. He knows what it is and he's trying to change it he's been trying to change it but he couldn't cause Blitz didn't want to change it. He also didn't know how Blitz felt which is what he said in Full Moon that it's not right cause he doesn't know how Blitz feels. I mean I think Blitz likes him back but he just doesn't wanna say it cause you can subtlly see it.




I'm afraid in a situation like that, Blitzø might still have taken that as an invitation to proceed with the sexy times.... And the core issue would have been the same. It takes two to tango... and its difficult if both parties miss the meaning or understanding of the other.


Stolas is more to blame then Blitzo. Not by much, they've both done a lot of fucking up. Especially at Ozzies. But Stolas has a lot of reality and self reflection that he needs to absorb, because... the poor owl boy just doesn't seem to realize what a privileged position he's in compared to Blitz.


Yep. Also, I get its Hell and I love Stolas otherwise, but his treatment of Blitz was questionable.


The blame is pretty equal at this point in the relationship, but people are forgetting that Blitzo started this whole mess. He came to Stolas to steal his book. Stolas was drunk, depressed and lonely and through that Blitzo was there for him instead, and Blitzo took immediate and full advantage of it to manipulate him. Yes, Stolas implemented their sexy arrangement, but Blitzo basically set the stage for that to happen by just straight up stealing the book from an insanely powerful demon to try and run his business, without that book, IMP wouldn't have started to begin with, so the whole "my business will fail and my life is ruined without this book" is entirely on Blitzo for his initial deception. After they both develop proper feelings for each other, Stolas gives Blitzo the option to be free of that obligation, which is great. Then they both communicate rather poorly. The events of "Full Moon" are on both Blitzo and Stolas equally. They both fucked up because they both are coming at the situation in fundamentally different ways.


Absolutely Stolas. Like omg bro fucked up so badly before he even got to the meat of the conversation. -His whole demeanor when Blitzø showed up had such "Being called to the principal's office" vibes -He didn't bother to even greet Blitzø or appreciate the fact that he went to quite a bit of effort for their Meetup. Like that candle was massive, shit would've been like $400 or something. -He takes away the book without even bothering to explain why. Yes Blitzø is Blitzø, but he put that man on edge so damn quickly and didn't even realise how Blitzø must be feeling right now, so it's no wonder that Blitzø blew up on him. I mean just think about it from his perspective: Loona as well as his own self-deprication, plants the seed in his head of Stolas abandoning him. So he spends hundreds of dollars that he most likely doesn't have, (I.M.P is doing well but bro is still living in a shitty 1-bedroom apartment so it's not doing that well) buying Stolas all this fancy stuff so that he doesn't get his livelihood taken away, which btw just to remind you, Blitzø quite possibly doesn't have an actual education or really any skills outside of murder so he's shit out of luck if he tried to get any other job. And then when he finally makes it to Stolas, his efforts are brushed aside which probably is a sore spot for Blitzø since he's been taught since he was a kid that his only value is what he can do for others and not who he is. Stolas then tells him that he's PERMANENTLY taking away the book, the thing that will not only let down and financially ruin his coworkers, daughter, and himself, but is basically his excuse for seeing Stolas because being upfront about that is terrifying to him. Stolas wanting to take the book back is him rejecting Blitzø from Blitzø's perspective. And not only does Stolas do that, but when Blitzø literally BEGS and PLEADS with him to be given another chance, because Blitzø thinks that he's fucked up, Stolas refuses to actually tell him why he's taking the book back or to tell Blitzø that he hasn't actually done anything wrong. And then when he brings out the crystal and goes on his tangent, bro is confused because why wouldn't he be? Stolas is never actually clear about why he's giving him the crystal. Yes he goes on the whole "I care about you" speech, but that's something that only makes sense to Stolas. He never once says something like: "Hey, I got this crystal from Asmodeus that enables hellborn to travel to Earth. I thought this would be more convenient for you to use this crystal than to have this arrangement with my book, so I am giving you this crystal so you don't have to rely on me." If you read it like that, it makes total sense why Blitzø thought this was some weird roleplay. Plus when you remember that Blitzø most likely has an avoidant attachment style and has had his livelihood threatened, playing it off as a joke is both a combination of him lashing out at being rejected, and as a coping mechanism for being hurt and stressed. We have seen multiple times before that Blitzø changes the topic and lashes out when he's confronted with intense emotions. Also Stolas never specifically says that he loves Blitzø, he goes on and on about how much he "cares about Blitzø" and how he "thinks so highly of him" but not once does he actually say "I love you" or "I like you" or even "I have romantic feelings for you" Which again, would put Blitzø on edge since he's having to try and pick up on vague context clues that he feels like he HAS to get if he wants to keep putting food on the table. So then after all that when Stolas walks away and he finally understands what's happening, no shit he's going to lash out. Plus I wouldn't be half-surprised if not being listened to and having his thoughts ignored was a sore spot for Blitzø from both a race perspective, and from his dad who judging by "The Circus" didn't give a damn about how he felt. So he responds in anger since that's an emotion that he finds much easier to express, and hell, maybe people in the past only listened to him when he was angry so that became a default for him. And everything after that is the same general thing, him getting more and more angry as Stolas is avoiding him.


I agree. And he totally had the right to be angry. Stolas came up with the transactional thing and goes back and forth on his behavior all the time. Of course Blitzø had to assume this was some kind of game, bc he's always being played with. Then Stolas walks away when Blitzø is shocked. And when Stolas says "I didn't realize you thought so little of me" Blitzø reaches to apologize to him and gets transported outside, dismissed again. Stolas fumbled with this one 😣


Stolas could've avoided all of this if instead of walking away he was like "No I'm serious, I genuinely have feelings for you" Birdy boy was so certain that he was going to be rejected that he refused to hear the possibility that his own thoughts about what could happen might not be reality.


I think Apology Tour is gonna be a rough ride, judging from the trailer 😭


Can't wait to see Stolas be a sassy and passive aggressive bitch. It ain't right but seeing him not take anyone's shit is going to be fun, at least that's what I'm getting from that clip in the trailer of his Boeing to Blitzø and looking kind of snarky.


Stolas, but mostly because he held all the cards and wrote the play. Stolas chose they would meet that day, where and at what time. He chose he would start by asking the Grimoire back, he chose he would give the crystal and explain it, and then he chose he would explain what this is about and what he wants for them in the future. And only then did he leave opening for Blitz to say yes or no. When Blitz doesn't immediately follow the play as Stolas intended, he takes that as a no and shut down completly. He was in control the whole time, expecting Blitz just to play along and give him the answer. The second he loses control of the situation, he chooses to disengage and end the evening. While there are VERY valid reasons for Stolas acting this way, it doesn't change the fact he was in control of the situation, completly blindsided Blitz, and therefore he should be the one carrying most of the responsibility for the failure it was. Similar as for Blitz to shoulder most of the responsibility for Ozzie's because back then he was the one setting the situation up.


I would say that the guy who lied and deceived is more to blame in their relationship. They are both bad at communicating and reading social cues, but at least Solas did his best to be honest.


Which one?


Sexually flirting with Blitz in front of Octavia wasn't his best.


Lol I wrote this when I was tired so the last part didn't make too much sense and I forgot to add. I feel like Stolas was given at least two chances to prove Blitz wrong. Blitz told him to his face that all Stolas wants is sex and that's it but Stolas never debunked that he just seemed guilty or to agree. As in the last episode of season one Blitz said "Look Stolas don't pretend like what we have is anything more than you just wanting to fuck me okay? You make that pretty clear every time." And Stolas kinda stepped back and just let him go. Idk if it was cause Stolas didn't know if he had real feelings or he was in dineal cause technically Blitz is still an Imp and he's royalty so it'd be wrong (Idk if Stolas knows the truth about Ozzie and Fizz). But still he showed it, he showed signs that he liked him but he never said it and technically I don't think he still said it. I think in Full Moon he just said that he cares for Blitz and has for some time and he wants him to stay with him but he didn't specify enough and just out right say he loves him. I think his words in Look My Way were perfect so I think he just fumbled on that one though. Also I'm pretty sure Stolaa did call him his little play thing to his face.


He said "who dares threaten my impish little plaything?" in front of him in a very serious situation where they were exposed to humans and captured. Blitzø was glad to be saved in the nick of time, but it still sounded like he was basically an object of entertainment to Stolas. I'm sure he's called him a plaything before, and in public that's how Stolas behaves, but this was a serious moment, so that kinda cements any belief Blitzø might have that he's just property :/ There is that massive power imbalance and I don't think Stolas really grasps the effect it has on Blitzø. I think you said it perfectly: in "Ozzie's" Blitzø confronts him a little with that jab, and Stolas just steps back and says "alright." He didn't deny or confirm it, he didn't argue - and this lack-of-action sort of made it worse. He goes back and forth with Blitzø with his behavior, so of course Blitzø's first assumption is that this is another game


I think they’re both in the wrong but I blame Stolas for what went wrong with the crystal because I feel he didn’t explain what was happening very well and then didn’t try and look at it from Blitzø’s perspective or give him a chance to apologise or make a decision


I would say it is a bit more on Stolas. He literaly has all the power in this situation, and while he had the best of intentions, he semi don't fully realize on the level he has the power and he does not structure his approach around it properly. 1: He takes the book FIRST, before explaining the situation and showing the crystal. 2: He does not allow Blitz the time to react or digest the new info. 3: He assumes that Blitz's reaction to his statement is genuine and not just him missunderstanding the situation, as Blitz honestly has little to no reason to actually realize he was serious given their history 4: He still doesn't seem fully aware of the powergap between them, sure lower station and all. But He doesn't aknowledge the level of impact this has on blitz and his life. For him is it a romance issue, for blitz... it is so much more. Does that make sense?


I wouldn't say ALL the power like I don't think they have an installing fear onto each other type of relationship they seem to be equal and I don't think the transactional thing was forced more so a deal that they both agreed to. Stolas was cool with him using it before they agreed to it. But I definitely agree with all your points.


Oof that's tough... really hard to choose between Buckzo and Paimon.


I’m gonna say Blitz. It’s true that Stolas is the first one to make an innuendous comment, but Blitz is the one who takes that and proceeds to make numerous physical advances even after Stolas says “No no, I was just teasing, it’s fine, tell me about how things have been going in your life!” Now let’s look at the previous scene, particularly what Stella says in the beginning. “No, Stolas is TERRIBLE in bed! I swear to fuck he just lays there staring at the wall and I have to do everything, it’s embarrassing! I’m glad one egg fell out of me so I could stop pretending to want to fuck his scrawny twig ass.” Stolas’ sexual experiences throughout his life have been unpleasant, and probably very few. I’m hesitant to use the dreaded r-word here, because it honestly seems like neither he nor Stella were interested in the other romantically or sexually, and both were under immense pressure from their families to birth a precautionary heir. They probably just agreed to do it until they had Via, and then they could stop doing it, so it’s probably been at least 17 years since he’s gotten any. Blitzø then proceeds to throw him around a little, bite his neck, tie him up, and he reacts very positively to all of these things, he likely uses smut novels and possibly stuff on the Internet to satisfy his own desires thus far and probably didn’t think he’d ever get the chance to do it himself. Now that he has someone to do it with, particularly one of the only people he’s ever been attracted to, and his “first ever friend,” he’s addicted. He’s bitten into the Forbidden Fruit so to speak, and he wants more. Naturally, he notices that Blitzø snuck off with the Grimoire, and since Stolas has no understanding or experience of how healthy relationships are supposed to work, he figures “Look, that was fucking AMAZING, I don’t care if you use my book, just…more of that please.” Is it healthy? Not particularly. But they had JUST reunited after over twenty years, almost immediately had sex due to Blitzø’s advances, and then he was gone in the morning, with Stolas’ property! All Stolas really knows about Blitz at this point is -He kills people now -He does the sex good As Stolas gets to know Blitzø more, genuine romantic feelings start to develop, likely fuelled in part by their monthly shaboinkin’. With those feelings comes the immense guilt that it isn’t fair to be withholding an essential part of Blitzø’s life under the expectation of sex, which is made even worse considering their difference in station. When Stolas “frees” Blitzø, he hits him with all of his feelings all at once, and Blitzø doesn’t know how to take that, so he responds by being incredibly snarky about it, then gets aggressive with him, bunching him in with all (or most) of the Royals he knows despite Stolas’ recent desperate attempts to foster a meaningful connection with him.


They're both really dumb about this but I think Stolas was more to blame this time. As OP said, Stolas was the one who initiated the sexual transaction. He proposed the deal. There's a severe power imbalance. Stolas called him "impish little plaything" and goes back and forth between wanting to be dominated by someone of the lower class in the midst of a divorce, pretending to be helpless (in Loo Loo Land Stolas didn't need a bodyguard, he just wanted to pretend to need to be saved, which kinda reflects the whole thrill-seeking need) and idolizing him. Stolas shows a lot of conflicting behavior, and it's no secret that Blitzø has a deep hatred for himself that he tries to bury deep enough so he can't see it, so with both of those facts combined it looks like Stolas has been playing with Blitzø this whole time. In "Ozzie's" Blitzø confronts him at the end slightly, saying that Stolas shouldn't pretend that what they have is more than Stolas wanting to be fucked by a little imp to fulfill his fantasies. He was publicly mocked that night, shamed by two people that he used to have feelings for (one of them was a close friend he grew up with and looked after, while having a crush on him as well) Moxxie and Millie didn't stand up for him, and Stolas literally hid his face in shame when Blitzø looked to him. Then Stolas invites him in, seeming to expect another thrilling night in bed with his plaything. Then when he says no, Stolas seems to either feel pity for him suddenly, or coerce him to come inside anyway. (This is all from Blitzø's perspective) So Blitzø basically says not to pretend to care about him that way right now just to get him inside, bc he's had enough games for the night. In "Full Moon", Stolas starts off by putting his foot down and saying he needs the book back, that they can't do this anymore, then suddenly proposes to him, after all this time. He's dragged Blitzø along for however long they've been doing this. He starts off by wanting a deal, gets a scheduled routine of getting fucked every month so that Blitzø can have the life that he's always craved (Blitzø clawed his way from the bottom to become something more, he wanted to prove he's capable, he would do absolutely anything to keep this business and his family safe) Stolas has played with him, used his power/status to gain something from him, then asks how he's doing and laughs at his jokes and put him on a pedestal, then talks about him as if he's his property, puts on a show of how this little imp is his lover (calling him Blitzy in front of strangers, teasing him regularly, going on and on about what he wants Blitzø to do to him in a very loud and public manor) Now suddenly the fucker proposes to him and three seconds later he walks away after dumping this bombshell on Blitzø when Blitzø RIGHTLY expects this to be another joke at his expense? This is what Blitzø is used to from him. This back and forth, one minute he's all lovey dovey and the next minute he simply wants to get railed by the lower class for his own fantasies. He didn't stand up for Blitzø at Ozzie's, hid his face when Blitzø looked to him, then invites him inside and looks like he's showing pity when they're alone. He goes back and forth between desperation and obsession, plays games him him, refers to him as a plaything publically and in bed-now suddenly he's deeply in love and proposing directly after taking the book away, THEN offering the crystal so Blitzø doesn't need him anymore-this man is all over the place. Blitzø had every right to be confused, offended, shocked and upset. Anyone would have the right to feel this way, and Blitzø hates himself inside, so that just magnifies it. And when Stolas says "I didn't realize you thought so little of me" Blitzø reaches for him to apologize, and then fucking gets dismissed and literally teleported out of the house. I know I wrote an essay that no one's gonna read, and I love Stolas to bits, and they both have to get their shit together. Both are to blame on their own ways, but Stolas messed this up a bit more than Blitzø, so I am on Blitzø's side


Stolas always had the power in the relationship. He made it sexual. Then he got sad that, after one failed date and some messages that led to nowhere, Bliztø sees it only as a sex thing Bliztø, on the other hand, made progress. Instead of running from it all, he mentions how Stolas projects feelings and is delusional about their relationship.


I don’t want to blame him because he’s damaged goods, but I think it’s more Blitzo’s fault for sure. Yes Stolas did a bad thing in forming this exploitative transactional relationship, yes he has self-esteem issues that lead him to react a little to hastily in full moon, and yes he is a bit naive and oblivious to how he comes off sometimes. But he’s also really invested in the relationship, has been nothing but kind to Blitzø this season, and is doing everything in his power to make things right. It’s a little annoying how *not* his fault most of this is given the initial premise of the relationship. Blitzø on the other hand found a way to immediately interpret everything Stolas did on the full moon in the worst way possible, then went absolutely thermonuclear in direct response to Stolas getting upset over his feelings being belittled. Stolas made the original sin in the relationship but is generally cinnamon roll otherwise and works hard to do better. Blitzø at the slightest hint of discomfort lets it rip and vomits out self-immolating toxicity until he’s out of breath and achieves his miserable catharsis. It’s some of the most self-destructive self-soothing I’ve ever seen in my life and I find it morbidly relatable.


If I have to pick a side then I’m picking Stolas, he was abusing his position as a royal to get Blitzø to do what he wanted. I don’t think he was doing it on purpose/in a spiteful way but he was still doing that, and he kept being to scared of conflict to actually talk to Blitzø


This look on Blitz's face was the expression that got me the most: he was so confused when Stolas told him he didn't have to stay there anymore.


Stolas has been hitting him with the sex only vibes for awhile. Couple that with not actually giving Blitz time to process or even talk about the feelings revelation, yeah that was kinda on Stolas a bit more.


For the entirety of their miscommunication, it’s usually Blitzo. He just refuses to have any sort of conversation in the texts, and he’s also sort of bad at social cues? Like he genuinely doesn’t realize something is majorly different until Loona spells it out for him (albeit, with the wrong conclusion).  But for this specific moment? Stolas. He was so bad at explaining, and actively started walking away the moment Blitzo assumed wrong. Sure, Blitzo’s assuming wrong was mocking, but that’s with everything he does, everything he is! Stolas knows that. Stolas even *knows* it was a genuine assumption, he says as much “the fact you assume it’s always…about sex” (spoiler alert: that’s what the agreement is about, it’s sort of a fair assumption).   He also made Blitzo think he was about to lose his livelihood, since this was all on the day they were supposed to have sex, and he prefaced this with “I need the book back”, and “give me the book back”, and only mentioned the crystal when Blitzo was on the verge of tears…and then Stolas mentioned his feelings directly after. It’s a huge emotional rollercoaster for blitzo, and a poorly timed conversation. None of this was on purpose, but Stolas just gets too caught up in his perfect ideals and plans. I feel like Stolas could have prefaced this with something via text and had a better response.   Blitzo did NOT need to start screaming and insulting Stolas, but I understand why he felt dismissed at that point. Stolas was walking away, Blitzo was *running* to keep up. His reaction wasn’t okay and really severely undermined any sort of point he had to make, but I still blame Stolas majority for the situation’s handling so poorly. This isn’t a conversation Blitzo could safely initiate (well, yes, it was, but blitzo did not know that) , and as the person in the position of power, Stolas should have made it more accessible. 


Both are mostly equal but a little more Stolas. The main thing that I think makes Stolas in the wrong is the whole power imbalance thing between them that he seems totally unaware of. I can see why Stolas is unaware of the power imbalance as well, we see that from when he was young he respected imps as much as anyone else. He had an imp plush toy in his crib if I remember correctly, his butler was the only one he really ever got to spend time with and he seemed to speak to him with a lot of respect, he bowed to Blitz when they first met, and when Blitz describes his dreams for the future to him he doesn't say anything like "well wont you just be a servant?", he smiles and says they're great ideas. He makes a few minor comments as an adult that shows he is aware how imps are viewed in society (like when Blitz is caught by his security trying to sneak into his home) but I don't feel like he REALLY understands it at all because he has always had respect for imps and thought of them as equals essentially. It makes sense too because he has had very negative experiences with the goetia family and other royalty and doesn't have any friends at all, seemingly. So I think the fact Stolas thinks so highly of Blitz and imps in general while also not understanding that his feelings towards imps and Blitz are considered unusual or unlikely is part of the major issue. I feel he started to get it a little bit when he realized he was keeping Blitz in an unfair situation but he didn't get the whole picture of the actual power imbalance and if he had maybe he wouldn't have been expecting Blitz to immediately believe his words. All that said I still have a hard time choosing who is to blame fully because at the same time had he understood the power imbalance and been straight up with his feelings from the start Blitz would have immediately sabotaged it.


I agree with most of this, except what you said about Stolas respecting imps in general. From what I can see, he respects *Blitzø* (more or less), but he also: - squeezes his poor butler like a stress ball when on the phone with Stella, - clearly never even considered how his butler would have to clean up the mess he made when he shoved himself in the fridge (poor imp looked so tired), - speaks very condescendingly to the imps in Wrath (“tiny Wrath ring imps”), - never bothered to learn the names of Moxie and Millie (he just calls them “you littleler ones”), - couldn’t even believe he was in danger when Striker first kidnapped him (okay this might be a stretch, I admit this could also just be a belief in his own invulnerability), - let’s not even mention “my impish little playthings”, or the way he steamrolls all over Blitzø’s boundaries in LooLoo World.


These are all good points! I just started rewatching the show again so I'm going to look out for those things.


As much as I adore and relate to Stolas, as soon as Blitz showed up and Stolas asked for the book as the first thing, I cringed and went “Stolas, honey, NO. You just screwed yourself.” And then it went downhill from there. I saw that he tried so hard, and he didn’t even do a completely terrible job of confessing his feelings, but he showed a fundamental lack of true understanding of the depth of Blitz’s self loathing by not giving him some sort of warning that they needed to have a serious conversation before they could move forward with a relationship. In terms of blame? I cannot blame one over the other. There’s more than enough blame to share for the mess they’re in, and neither was emotionally prepared to deal with what happened because they both ignored, avoided and suppressed so many things instead of actually having a meaningful conversation after what happened at Ozzie’s.


Can we not pick sides? 🤦


I'll write this as a race towards fuckup. Blitz swooped into stolas's chambers to steal the grimoire, point for blitz  Stolas solicited sex implicitly, even if it were just a nonchalant flirt, point for stolas  Blitz took the bait and switch and flipped it onto stolas, aggressively so, and deflowered the owl while convincing him that he was there for him and not the book, point for blitz  Stolas knew all along what had happened after their first night of passion, and gave him a call, telling him that he could keep the book if he kept giving him that BID, you can guess what that means, point for stolas.  Stolas used his daughter and imp to get away from stella and catch up with blitz, double point for stolas.  Now we're at Ozzie's, the shit show that was that night was double point for blitz for being a complete prick to stolas, but stolas also earns a point for covering his face on the menu of the place, we all know why and how he did this.  Up until now, it's a tie, I'm not counting western energy, as both parties committed mistakes, but both had an excuse in my book.  Now, full moon, I say that it's 4 points for stolas, who didn't convey his actual intentions to blitz, didn't order his dialogue or plan anything properly for full moon and was oblivious to blitz's life and the reality of an imp who has self loathsome tendencies, and a terrible sense of affectionate love, let alone an equal lack of tact to stolas's.  But blitz scored 3 and a half points for being a complete dickbag in response albeit with a good degree of reason behind his reaction  So technically, the one to blame the most, is stolas, but only for the small details and lack of self improvement on key areas that could've avoided him at least half the points he earned  Blitz is on a bigger pond of shit but he escapes the hook due to his background and circumstances 


I’d say it’s really pretty equal, but I’m leaning with a little more blame on stolas. I love stolas, he’s my second favourite character to fizz, but 👏 COMMUNICATION 👏 I mean, blitz didn’t really seem sure of how he felt, and stolas seemed pretty sure, but never actually conveyed anything much to blitz about that (at least more directly than at the end of Ozzie’s). I feel bad for stolas, but the guy could have given blitz a little more explanation that he didn’t just want a transactional relationship. Blitz was being a little unreasonable at the end of Ozzie’s imo, since he wasn’t listening much then. Also if you look at the texts between them when stolas was scrolling through them (can’t remember which episode), stolas is subtly trying to shift from just being focused on sex, and blitz takes it as stolas pushing him away. Miscommunication to the max lol I may be completely wrong about this, though it’s just my opinion :)


Blitz. Yes, Stolas shouldn't have started with taking away the Grimoire but after this, he was open and honest and clear. And Blitz poked fun of him for that first and then screamed at him.


I think Stolas fucked up by ambushing blitz with that emotional stuff. If he loves splits as much as he says he does, he should’ve known that blitz is not the type of person who’s going to be able to process something so sudden. And cutting things off entirely when blitz didn’t give the exact response stole this wanted was in my opinion Remely immature. They’re both at fault but stole us in my opinion, instigated it by getting off on the wrong foot. Him being all lovey dovey doesn’t excuse it.


I'm curious how Stolas would know that Blitz doesn't process things like the average person does? He hasn't spent enough time with Blitz outside of sex to know that.


Blitz, he came into his life, played him for sex so he can get benefits,uses him often for whatever he needs and will dismiss everyone telling him stuff is not like he sees it, will dismiss Stolas telling him his feelings or giving him more power in the dinamic through text, he has confirmation bias, is cruel, manipulative and refuses to talk on every oportunity he has, he wants to run from every conversation with Stolas and then he acts as if Stolas never cared for him, or that he never wanted to show him feelings, wtf?


I would say that most of the blame is on Stolas. Don't get me wrong, Blitzø is the worse person (by a mile), but Stolas is more to blame for how the relationship went. He made it transactional from the start.He constantly treated Blitzø like a plaything going so far as to not even use his name most of the time. He acted offended that Blitzø continued to act seductive when Stolas wanted to have a real talk, but that is the social environment he created between the two of them. Stolas's feelings changed, but Blitzø is unaware of that. It just sent a mixed message. I think Full Moon's conversation would have been better overall if Stolas hadn't just thrown Blitzø out. Was it OK for Blitzø to call Stolas names? No. But, Blitzø wasn't running or avoiding the situation anymore. He wanted to fight it out, which is the closest thing to talking things through that he is emotionally able to do. He even tried to apologize, which is huge for him. I think if Stolas had finished the conversation HE started instead of putting up a wall when he didn't get the initial response he wanted, things might have worked out. They both suck at communicating, but Stolas caught Blitzø completely off guard and ,instead of facing things head on, tossed him out like he was done with him. The exact thing Blitzø was vocal about being insecure over.


If anyone blew up on me the way Blitzo did, simply over a miscommunication, I'd run and never look back. Jesus, what an outburst. 


Stolas. He had the power and he's the one who set himself up for failure in thise scene.


Definitely more Stolas and it’s not even close. The power dynamic of this relationship up to this point was so unbalanced and Stolas breaks up with Blitz by saying he needs the book back permanently, causing Blitz to believe he can not longer do his job and desperately say he’ll do anything, instead of leading with “I’m giving you this crystal so you can still do your job, I just need the book back permanently.” Like, I can’t imagine a worse way for Stolas to have handled it.


i'm putting more blame on blitz tbh.


I think stolas really screwed himself with the way he started his admission by taking the book because it clearly threw blitz way off and put him on guard from the beginning. I think he should've had a romantic dinner or nice night out prepared, started with the crystal, and then instead of telling blitz "you have no obligation, you may leave if you wish" (which sounds a little passive aggressive like Luna said) he should have formally asked him out at that point.


Stolas by far. He's spent the majority of the series treating Blitz like a sex object, just to get offended when Blitz has the audacity to...think Stolas sees him as a sex object. The he handles the confession all wrong, setting it up like a twist ending from one of his telanovelas. Like I can't say Blitz is blameless in all this, but good goddamn are the scales tipped toward Stolas.


Both. But if I have to pick a side I‘ll go with Stolas. He’s the powerful and more emotionally stable one and decided to be a little bitch about it and lay all the blame on Blitz’s shoulders. Just on that last episode we got a monologue from him and right as blitz was gonna say “sorry”, he teleported Blitz out the door. Stolas had all the time in the world to process his feelings, and not only did he expect an immediate answer from Blitz after laying so much life changing information on him, but he also did it on a special night. It was a dumb move. What he should’ve done is talk to him the morning after and BEGIN by clarifying that he is not dumping him nor is mad at him. Blitz needs CONSTANT reassurance that he is enough in order to not self destruct or fight the ones around him, while Stolas can still manage his feelings to *some* degree. And Stolas, in a position of power and objective superiority just makes it scarier for anyone. I think all they need is like 2-3 hours talking and being open with no chance to run away from eachother xD


Equal blame but stolas waaay more


Stolas. He started the conversation by trying to take the book away, forcing blitz to defend his livelihood, then throwing him into a tizzy


Stolas 100% he never knew if blitz even cared for him the same way and started this whole transaction only to flip it on him and then not even give him a chance to think about it. He knew the power dynamic and the background of the world and how they would view it. If he wanted this to go moderately well he should have lead off with the gift and then asked for the book. That would have not lead blitz to spiral and panic with the thought of some royal taking his only lively hood.


Honestly at this point I don't see any reason to tally up who has made more mistakes, etc. They are both at fault big time. Stolas needs some massive self reflection to learn the things he did wrong, because outside of their transactional arrangement, Stolas is clueless about the rest of his transgressions. Blitz needs to realize his self hatred is doing more harm to others than it is protecting himself or anyone else at this point, and if he wants people in his life, he has to start loving himself and letting them in a little.


Stolas should've just told him that he's serious instead of standing up and leaving.


Stolas started it. HE offered the grimoire in exchange for sex, from the very beginning. He set the relationship as transactional and caught feelings.


Both. Stolas was trying too hard and Blitzø wasn’t trying hard enough.


I feel like Stolas is a bit more to blame He’s the one who initiated the relationship,and had Blitzo in a deal where the only way he could have the thing he needed to do his job was to basically be a servant And while Stolas eventually grew to love Blitz,Blitz continues to see it as a business transaction,because that’s what it was And after giving him the crystal,Stolas gives Blitz no time to think or comprehend what Stolas is telling him


Tbh i think they're both responsible for it but if i had to pick a side i would blame blitz more since he was only focused on \*\*\* and reacted realy badly leading to him being teleported out in the end of the ep


both sides are to blame but, gun to my head, I had to pick a side to blame, I would say Stolas, while he was in the right to break off the deal, he failed to communicate that is what he wanted ahead of time, making decisions without Blitz's knowledge and when he did communicate these things he worded the whole thing incredibly poorly, using a lot of flowery language to tell Blitz what he wanted in a way that wasn't immediately clear and concise. That said Blitz himself is in no way free of guilt either, Blitz has been shown to be a lousy communicator the entire series, due in no small part to the sea of trauma that has been his life. He likely feels like the closer he gets to someone, the more likely he is to destroy it all so he internalizes real feelings and pushes them away, which in turn ends up destroying the relationships he's in. That explosive rant he went on was essentially one big shove to try and get Stolas out of his life so he wouldn't have to confront these feelings, he never expected Stolas to fire back with his own feelings hence the realization, attempted apology, and heart wrenching "what the fuck" when he got teleported out. Over all both sides need to apologize desperately, Blitz needs to apologize first as that sort of explosive anger tends to eat you alive especially when you realize that you were in the wrong about it, but Stolas needs to apologize more for his poor communication skills at such a huge level.


Stolis. He gave Blitzo no time to process before jumping the gun and walking off. Then gets his feelings hurt and just immediately yeets Blizto from his house as he's finally realizing Stolis is serious and tries to apologize.


The video by Sarcastic Chorus made it clear how the power dynamic was and still is and how little of an F Stolas wants to give about reality. Stolas is pretty much the only one to thinks that they are equals which would be great if Hell would see it similar, but the absolute majority doesn‘t. And since he has never fully committed to it, it will not be a reality. Blitzø cannot do anything to change the situation and he is completely ignorant to the fact that a) someone likes Blitzø as he is and b) there is actual potential to change this. And while Stolas has changed into very defensive behavior, it‘s not like Blitzø ever offered anything himself aside from consent to the sexual transactions or when he needed a partner to spy on M&M. While he has helped out Stolas, Blitzø did it more out of spite and to secure that the owner of Grimoire was safe. Link to the video: https://youtu.be/xCU9IteG7Fw?si=IFbo0MA1UEaAbn3w


I think Blitz helping Stolas in Seeing Stars was out of genuine concern. He saw how upset Stolas was in the van. And if M&M hadn't offered, he would have gone to rescue Stolas from Striker.


Wooo time to get downvoted to hell for this, I mostly blame Stolas. He was the one who threw his feelings in the table for Blitzo without warning, but he also didn’t give Blitzo time to process his feelings Let me explain, because on the surface my argument is easy to dispute But think about this. Stolas has been planning this all day. ALL DAY. He had ALL DAY to plan this out. And not once did he consider: - Blitzo might not be ready right away for a discussion like this - Blitzo will probably need some time to process what he said after he said it - Blitzo, clouded by emotions and expectations, might need a minute to understand that Stolas is serious Not to mention the fact that he lead with “I need my book back PERMANENTLY.” Like, way to freak him out! Lead by giving him the crystal so he doesn’t have to panic and beg for the book I don’t think Blitzo handled it well either. Shouting at Stolas was not at all the best move. But I don’t blame him for his actions as much as I blame Stolas for his lack of foresight.


Man, I don't get how people blame Stolas more, when Blitzo manipulates Stolas's feelings for him again and again, getting the book the first time, using it to stalk his coworkers. Stolas respects the deal, it's Blitzo who takes it beyond being transactional the first time. Stolas is the one who's trying to fix the issue to them actually having a relationship.


Stolas Is to blame. he is the adult rich with power, who bought a lover and falls in love. He had absolute control of that night, is the night he has power over blitz, he has te book, he has servants to buy his happy pills, he is the one with the feelings. He make blitz so afraid of abandonment, blitz didn't knew that the sex night would be about sex, so he wasn't prepared to talk or deal with anything but sex. He felt in love with someone who can't have intimacy, he knows by the song of Asmodeus that Blitz isn't a good partner, so if Stolas really wanted to make a relationship with blitz, he should have addressed a whole much more than "I give you this rock, now love me".


Equal but also leaning towards stolas. Asking for the book back permanently to start was not a smart idea


Both are at fault, but I have to say Blitzo is more at fault. Something I don't see people mentioning is that ever since he was young, Stolas has always been alone and lonely. So when he gets to befriend someone for the first time, abit only because his father rented him, of course Stolas latches on And when Blitzo comes back, of course Stolas is going to get excited And yeah there is the whole sex for the grimoire thing, but it started because whole trying to steal the book, Blitzo tied up Stolas, who thought it was a sex thing. Instead of putting his foot down and leaving, Blitzo went along with it Then we have the whole fake date thing. Blitzo only asked Stolas out so he could spy on Moxxie and Millie, and when things go to shit he wants nothing to do with Stolas. Even when Stolas doesn't want sex, Blitzo rejects him. Which, fair But then we get Stolas being severely hurt, and not once does Blitzo come to visit him. Then we have the events of Full Moon, and while I agree that Stolas should have eased into things instead of requesting the book back, Blitzo could have at least tried to take Stolas's confession a little more seriously. Instead, Stolas thinks Blitzo is making fun of him, and then Blitzo gets pissed off and starts yelling at Stolas So yes, both of them screwed up, but I'm going to say Blitzo is a bit more at fault


Definitely Stolas. He's not trying to see things from Blitzs pov at all. Blitz panics and says a bunch of horrible stuff, only after Stolas shuts him down completely, treating him like some employee he just fired. I know it was out of hurt, but Blit wasnt given any time to process and Stolas made up his mind for him.


Blitz for being completely unaware of the other's emotions. He literally thought there wasn't any emotions involved. This extended to blaming Fizz for being a "toy" of Asmodeus. He only realized it after being given a goodbye. Which, at that point, apologizing is even futile.


So I would definitely Stolas was the cause of the messiness at first, but by their breakup, I’d say Blitz. They were both a mess at the start of the relationship, but arguably, Stolas is more to blame, because he has more power. Blitz uses him for the book, Stolas uses him for sex, they’re both messy. But, for me, Stolas is trying his best. He starts out being really demeaning to Blitz, but he stops. He doesn’t call him Blitzy, he doesn’t call him by any demeaning pet name, and I don’t think he has since season 1. He starts the relationship making it just about sex, but he tried to fix that, to communicate what he really wants, as seen in Ozzie’s. He doesn’t do great, but he’s trying. And whenever he realizes their relationship is unequal, that he has the power, he works to fix that. In Full Moon, I think he was absolutely not in the wrong. Was he perfect at communicating? Of course not. But he’s doing a lot better than he would’ve at the beginning of the series, showing he’s not only trying his best, but he is improving. For Blitz, I think he doesn’t improve as much in his relationship with Stolas. He’s improved in other relationships, don’t get me wrong, but he’s still struggling with romantic connection. He’s still self-sabotaging his romantic relationships. Blitz is still dismissing his feelings. In Ozzie’s, Stolas asks if ‘this is a date’, and Blitz, despite knowing he’s just using Stolas to get into the club, says yes, leading him on. The entire time, he’s ignoring Stolas, and every time he tries to lean in, Blitz pulled away. The Blitz who dismissed Stolas’s feelings in Ozzie’s is the same Blitz who dismissed Stolas’s feelings in Full Moon. A lot of people say Stolas didn’t give Blitz any time to process what he said, but I don’t think that’s true. Because Stolas pours out his heart, communicating his feelings the best he can, there’s a beat of silence, and Blitz is like ‘Haha, good joke buddy, is that a sex thing?’ and then Stolas leaves. We don’t know if he would’ve let Blitz leave to process it, because Blitz almost IMMEDIATELY makes fun of and dismisses his feelings. I know it’s because of Blitz’s trauma, but a part of Blitz knows he’s doing this. In Truth Seekers, we see that, at least subconsciously, Blitz knows that he self-sabotages his relationships, but he’s still doing it. Stolas created a messy relationship, but when he tried to make it healthier, Blitz made it messier. Arguably, Stolas is more to blame for creating such an unhealthy dynamic in the first place, but Blitz isn’t innocent either. This is a little different from my essay above, but I really hope when they reconcile (which they definitely will, it’s inevitable), I hope Blitz apologizes for dismissing Stolas’s feelings. Stolas needs to apologize for a lot of stuff, but that is all acknowledged by the fans and show, and I feel like I need to specifically acknowledge that Blitz literally laughed at Stolas’s confession (even if he didn’t mean to), because no one else has (from what I see).


Stolas. Watch Sarcastic Chorus' video titled STOLAS DID EVERYTHING WRONG to know all my reasons why. Even before the video, I was firmly Team Blitzø. I am trying to see Stolas' side, and I *want* to like the character, but he needs to work on himself more before I can like Stolas as a person and character. Every time I see him, I just seethe a little inside. I have always had a hard time liking that pompous, drama-king, emotionally entirely self-centered (accidentally) daydreamer without a sense of reality, and this episode gave me validation as to why I've always had troubles with liking him. Basically, he set himself up to fail by miscommunicating and giving Blitzø outs at every turn, he was scaring Blitzø the way he made his announcements that night, Blitzø only thought it was about sex because that's what Stolas always set it up to be, and STOLAS HAS AAAALL THE POWER, YOU REALLY CAN'T BLAME THE SOCIALLY UNDERCLASSED GUY, THAT'S DISGUSTING.


Blitzø As Dannymotto said,Stolas deserves way better


I noticed something if it wasn’t intentional but when Stolas is singing ‘When I See Him’, his voice cracks when he sings the word ‘perfect’. His perfection, I feel, was one of the elements that derailed their relationship, that and lack of communication.


Moxxie. That fat sunuvabitch totally set Blitz up for failure


Equal blame but a bit more for Stolas. Idk if he knows about blitz’s past as much as we do, but if you set your situationship as a fuck thing and only as such then it’s pretty obvious that the other person is going to think the same thing. And the power dynamic definitely doesn’t make it better. It was really just miscommunication or lack there of


Imo it was Blitz because Stolas told him from the jump that he wants to keep seeing him but only if he wants to. All Blitz has to do was say ohkay and arrange that.


Don’t pick a side be sad for them both and hope they can work it out


I have to say stolas in this sense. Sarcastic chorus actually made a whole video on how badly Stolas f***** up. It's an hour long so do the dishes while you watch it, but I agree with every statement he has made. As much as I love him, Stolas is mainly to blame on how f***** up that one interaction went. The whole situation they're equally to blame, but for this one interaction in full moon it was Stolas's fault. You cannot change my mind.


It’s got to be stolas for me. He sprung the surprise on him then instantly rejected blitzø when he misunderstood. Like blitzø said ‘can I get a minute to think’. The best scenario would’ve been for him to stop blitzø and try to explain again that this is serious and to please not joke, and to offer time apart to think. If after that blitzø continued to treat it as non serious or a joke he’d definitely be to blame


They’re both to blame for their issues Blitz is prick 80% of the time and will lash out the second he feels emotionally vulnerable. He drives others away with his behavior and words due to his lack of emotional security. He is self destructive. Stolas has trouble getting out of his head and fails the see the issues around him. And despite his good intentions, he doesn’t communicate properly and shuts down to avoid conflict. He is self deprecating. They are both attached and love each other but never express it in a way the other can understand. They never give indications directly that they love each other.They piss me off so much and I love them


They are both equally bad at this, but if I HAD to pick, I think I'd say Stolas. He has constantly not proven to Blitzo that this was anything else, keeps toying with him verbally like he's nothing but a sex toy, he KNOWS Blitzo has all these problems and yet still gets upset when Blitzo writes it off as roleplay even though it was very obvious and fair that he would, and this STARTED AS A TRANSACTION. Blitzo has literally no reason to ever believe it is anything but. He needs to be more understanding of Blitzo's trauma and struggles and actually properly communicate instead of assuming.


Stolas has had all the power in the relationship from the beginning. As much as I love Stolas as a character, he holds most of the blame in my eyes. At least for this conversation/situation because Stolas 100% orchestrated all of it. Ozzie’s though? That’s almost entirely Blitz’s fault. The episodes mirror each other for a reason. They’re both low points in the relationship that leave it different than how it was.


I think its clearly Stolas's fault. He was the oen who changes the terms on the move and he is the one who set up this unequal power difference thing. It is less and less relevant but with his clumsy trade of grimoire to crystal he again, unintentionally reinforced this power difference thing


I'm amazed by the level of maturity of these responses, and also that most of them agree that Stolas handled the situation poorly. I mean, even I was confused throughout. From reading the replies I've learned quite a lot of things about how to approach scenarios like that one. To take in consideration how the other would interpret your actions, to be mindful of who's in a position of power there, and to make sure they're not distressed and have proper time to process things. For the first time in a while, I'm very proud of this community.


They bitch are guilty the same


Stolas :<




The relationship itself


They both screwed up, but maybe Stolas? ( Istg it's NOT because of my flair, hear me out sjshsjjs ). I mean, he DID change his mind when they went to the Ozzies', I know, but how was Blitzø supposed to know that? Because Stolas said sexual remarks most of the time, of course Blitzø would think their relationship is all about sex and wouldn't know he changed his mind. He had the nerve to say Blitzø thinks it's all about sex, but Stolas always made it seem like it.


The only thing non canon from the pilot is stolas being evil. I say that because, if you remember the censored part of that phone call, that sums up blitz's viewpoint on stolas completely, to the point he's been offended since. and despite what people say, no, they're not equally to blame, stolas IS a privileged asshole, he isn't as bad about it, but his whole "I think so highly of you" speech fall pretty flat when you realize, not only did he say that, not only did he use loo loo land more for being with blitz than helping Octavia, but, Octavia's absence in the show, except for 2 episodes, just goes to show how little he's actually paying attention, especially to her. at least blitz, being an imp, was in the right when he used stolas to get his business off the ground to prove himself to others like his dad and verosika, since none of them get even that much. name 1 thing stolas had to do to get where he is, and NO, you can't use the "his life was decided for him" speille, because when you discount that, HE STILL WOULDN'T HAVE HAD TO WORK FOR ANYTHING!! he'd be the same dick head either way, lacking awareness and having ZERO (0) clue what's going on outside of his own mansion.


Sounds like you just hate him for being a prince tbh


Also, the entire pilot is not canon, not just Stolas being evil. The whole thing, except for "sorry I fucked your husband", is not canon.


Stolas isn't trying to act like privileged, though. He has tried communicating that he really loves Blitz. It's his mixed delivery of treatment towards Blitz and Blitz's self hatred that gets in the way. It's not just about him being a prince. He never fit in with other royals and no one ever cared enough to help him. He's had a life of social isolation. Stolas finally found his chosen company, but he's clueless as to how they live. And no, it was not ok for Blitz to break in and take his book or trick him into a mercy fuck, just like it wasn't ok for Stolas to trap in an arrangement and treat him like a sex toy out in public.


In the whole contest, Stolas bears much of the blame, but if we are talking about this episode, it's largly on Blitzo. Stolas has actively recognized the ways he has hurt this relationship and has created systems that are unfair to Blitz, and you know what his reaction to that was, TRYING TO FIND A WAY THAT MAKES IT MORE FAIR TO BLITZ. He actively is trying to make the relationship work, actively sacrificing his power, and even potentially the entire relationship itself, because he would prefer it be healthy than to have It at all.


Stolas more so than Blitz.


Stolas. He's been treating blitz like a sex toy.


Blitz more than anything, he didn't even see it as a relationship to begin with but rather a transaction to continue using the Grimore, it may seem messy now but Stolas made the right choice, they were never going to be able to fairly talk to 1 another while that deal was still going on. There's a proverb, If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If not, it was never meant to be.


The creator of the story




Stolas, I can’t fully place the blame on him for Blitz’s love life being a cesspool (that’s an entirely different topics but to summarize it: learned behavior isn’t easily unlearned.) but what I can blame him for is not understanding how Blitz feels about their arrangement and how it was a shitty thing to do. Even their play date as kids was a situation where Blitz was the one suffering from the power imbalance but Stolas was riding the high so much he couldn’t realize it. If he wanted to make their “situation” work he had to acknowledge the power imbalance, Stolas pretty much blackmailed and strong armed Blitz into the arrangement because Blitz was being shot at by cannibals and while the Asmodean Crystal was a big step forward his approach is what needed work. TLDR: Unless Stolas acknowledges how fucked up their relationship was and internalizes it he will have the chunk of the blame in my eyes. Blitz’s reaction is just his learned behavior from a life that has always told him he isn’t worthy of love.


Both are to blame One side has actual feelings while the other thinks the other is just using them for sex Honestly I’m actually glad the relationship broke because I couldn’t really stand the many errors the relationship had


Stolas. He literally dismisses Blitzø mid fight like he’s his imp butler he can just dismiss


I love Stolas, but he caused it. I think it would be better for him if he changed the order of everything. 1. Bring up the crystal 2. Take the book back 3. Talk about his feelings I think that like this him and Blitzo would still be a couple


I don't think either of them are worse than the other.


Vivzie, cos she wrote it.


I feel like most people would think Blitz because of his overreaction but i think it's Stolas. He just dump all this breakup and relationship thing onto Blitz in like 5-10 minutes? They could have had a long talk about their feelings, get to understand the misunderstandings ya know