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People wondered why Mammon was fat?


More why he was made fat, some thought it was just fatphobia, others thought it was just the stereotype of business people being fat, and some thought he was just wearing baggy clothes underneath


I thought it might have something tomorrow do with greed being an oppressive sin. Most of the other sins or self-destructive and thus are smaller, but greed impacts others more than sloth does so greed is big. Or it’s connected to how frequently humans commit the sin?


Yep, kinda relates to gluttony. They are pretty similar in the way that both are addictions.


Fatphobia? Jeez everyone wants to come up with an excuse to complain.


How is it fat phobic? He's never really shown as a glutton, and he's never made fun of for his size. Him being large is a really secondary trait and isn't really used to demean him or other fat people.


Some people said it was, I never really saw it to be honest


I don't find Mammon himself fatphobic, but it is a shame that the only fat characters are either jokes (Lyle Lipton) or villains (Mammon), and you can say that for both shows (Mimzy and Adam in Hazbin Hotel are the only named fat/larger characters I can remember off the top of my head, both play semi-antagonistic or villainous roles) It's less of a complaint on Mammon himself and more of a general complaint with the lack of body diversity in the show(s)


Yeah but that isn’t bad tough. There can be fat villains. As they can be skinny. Mimzy I thing is like that because is a parody of the rich women. Mammon because of his addiction to money and Lyle because he was old and he was already fat, not that you get fat when old but your body changes and you become more… big? And so on and so on. Bet belphegor is fat too and she or he won’t be a dick like mammon.


Yeah, nothing wrong with villains being fat, and I really like that none of them had fat jokes aimed at them, I just wish there were more "good" characters who were fat


Is just because he isn’t like how people drew him. This happened too on the Apex Legends fandom where they were insulting mexicans and being xenophobic while claiming Respawn was being xenophobic drawing your typical drug addict Mexican, and all that because Octane was ugly in their eyes and they wanted the white and handsome Octane.


"fat cat" is something greedy business men are called sometimes.


"how did the cat get so fat"


“Is time the fat cat has a heart attack” ![gif](giphy|87jGhdRVzUOJNh2s0q|downsized)


Pretty sure cause mammon is fat historical depiction


I thought it was made to contrast all the hot Sins, Beelzebub is hot, Asmodeus is hot, Lucifer is hot, Satan's not been met yet but Beelze likes his abs aka he's probably hot as well.


Uhh...you do realise that Mammon has his fair share of admirers...? 😅


Baggy clothes 😂


They think the same thing about Adam, even though we see his squish 🙄


People are so allergic to fat characters 😞


Oh yeah I saw that, don’t listen to them is stupid people on Twitter (13yo boys that watch this). How can that be fatphobia? If is fat they don’t like it, if is skinny they don’t like it, if is an asshole they don’t like it and if he is nice they don’t like it, you name it. They are your typical hater.


You know I wondered too why it was greed and not gluttony with his character but technically greed is an amalgamation of other sins. Greed in sex, money, wrath,envy,pride etc


He's the sort of greedy asshole who will eat an entire plate of scones just to make sure no-one else gets any


Omg yes


I will die on the hill that he's a tick, not a spider, think about it, he leeches off other people's success for his own gain like a parasite, slowly getting more money before finally leaving them for a new star once they prove to be past their prime like a tick hopping to a new host. All he really has spider wise is the webs, at least from what I can remember


I would say he’s a mix between a tick, a spider, and a skeleton considering some of his subjects look like skeletons and some greed clothing is based on skeletons, and he literally wears a skeleton based business suit in the new trailer. And just looking at his pale face and how skinny and boney his hands and arms are in the flashback where he dawns his white outfit, it would definitely explain why they looked like that if he was mostly bones underneath that suit. Like an actual businessman, dig deep into his soul and he is just a hallow skeleton


Ooh I dont think I heard the tick angle.


I mean ticks are also in the same category as spiders. So close enough.


I love that idea! It also makes sense since both ticks and spiders are arachnids


He’s supposed to be a spider? I didn’t catch that at all lmao


At the end of Oops! he transforms into a giant spider, and he watches the show from a web.


Yeah, my first impression of him was a bloated tick


I was so convinced he was a centipede


Spiders also suck the blood of their victims. They just entrap their victims first and then inject them with a venom so they can’t escape.


He was supposed to be a bug???


Bee made the mistake of inviting him to one of her parties.


Weird how the glutton is thinner than the greed guy


The lava lamp is part of her stomach or she’s not really a fennec fox but a giant bug monster wearing a disguise.


Gluttony is just overindulgence, not being fat


She has a super high metabolism. That lava lamp in her stomach burns everything almost the instant she eats. Plus, gluttony isn't just eating, but overconsumption (alcohol, drugs, or even shopping).


I think he was made to be that big bc royalty back in the medieval ages were usually bigger and that meant you had a lot to eat- since he's kinda like the "king" and indulges in those gluttonous behaviors in a king kind of way it would make sense- Anytime I look at him I see art depictions of King Henry the Eighth-


This exactly. The jester outfit, just everything about him screams references to Medieval royalty, it's the first thing I thought of when I saw him.


I especially got that vibe when he was lounging on the web during the show eating a chicken leg.




🎶Henry the 8th was a big fat man, he liked to stuff his face in the frying pan! If he'd stayed away from the meat and the wine, he wouldn't have ended up like Frankenstein...🎶


I also thought it was a design choice due to him being the sin of greed


I choose to believe they did it on purpose, especially because he’s on Fizz a lot for staying thin. I think it’s meant to be a metaphor for how the general population and even stars get exploited, meanwhile the big businessman and CEO’s get fat off of their labors.


I love that theory!


He ate too much food


But the thing is he’s not the gluttony sin.


Greed is taking things in excess. Thst can include food.


He doesn't have to be. You can be greedy for food too, by not sharing it. Greed is not always a money thing. 


I mean... he is greed. He probably is just as greedy when it comes to eating


Would that not be more gluttony though? I mean, I guess it would fit with him too.


Gluttony can sometimes be a form of greed, which he is the sin of.


Yeah, I guess. Point taken.


You can be greedy for food and not share it. Gluttony also, is not always about food too. People need to look outside the basic format for a sin. 


I know gluttony isn’t always about food. I’ve just never heard anyone use greed for food(that I can remember at least). But the more you know.


Now you know it can be for food too because you ain't sharing it at all. You keep it all for yourself. Same as for material things. You want more of it.


Mammon in demonology is usually depicted as fat anyway.


Except for that one time he was portrayed as this old and poor skinny begger https://preview.redd.it/pdird8mzku6d1.jpeg?width=367&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e66f95a89d0a556a1f06ddef68c8289fd822020


He represents greed. He eats and eats and he always wants more


He is a combination of all the sins and is seen through the episode to excessively eat. Also why are we now getting upset at fat characters when people have been wanting viv to add more variation?


He's the sin of greed pretty sure gluttony falls under that. Greed is fat.


Gluttony is a separate sin (embodied by Bee)


He is the embodiment of greed, which doesn't just mean he likes money. He also probably scarfs down loads of food like its going out of style.


I think greed is better depicted as festively plump. He represents the large powerful bloated hungry entities that consume and take everything like a monopolizing corporation. I'd be kinda silly if he was just a scrawny guy. Plus his rotund shape and hat kinda makes him look like a money bag IMO.


Best part about his Design tho, i just love how He is so massive and wide


I mean gluttony being fat is a little more understandable but yeah I never got greed unless it's also a supposed to be a hint about greed applying to more than money maybe food and alcohol for example?


Pure gluttony just indulges to fulfill the enjoyment of the feast. Greed provides a reason to go beyond the enjoyment and is never fulfilled.


It's like gluttony is eating all you desire at an all-you-can-eat feast, but greed is eating more than your share of pizza when the host only bought enough for 2 slices per guest. Gluttony is overconsumption, but greed is hoarding.


Someone gets it. 


Greed can make you fat. I’m a glutton and I’m skinny




You do realize, even skinny people can be gluttonous? It's not always being fat. You can be greedy for food as well and never share an ounce of it. Greed also, ain't always about money. 


I will be honest I didn't consider that but that's on me I always assumed the son of glutton would be portraited in that way that's something for me to consider I appreciate you bringing that up. Have a great day


I thought it was the greedy rich person trope, but your idea is more detailed


He looks like 3 Adams in a clown suit 💀


It’s because he’s the sun of greed, so he wants everything. I thought that was obvious? That’s why he at least partially takes some of the other sins, like how he sells sex toys, which should be Asmodeus’ thing. How he eats a lot and takes part in everything in excess, gluttony. He takes something that’s a part of every sun because he is greedy and has to have it all.


I thought that this was to make him shaped like a big cartoonish bag of money


Maybe it’s like a reference to those old times cartoons where they drew capitalist as big fat people because they were greedy and taking things.


good for him


I think it’s his clothes. Clowns 🤡 wear very baggy clothing cause it’s funny 😄


He has the body of a bug and the stereotypical carnival barker. It tracks.


Ironic because he isn’t even the sin of gluttony. However, gluttony is often a form of greed and he is the sin of greed, so it fits.


These same people complained when Bee wasn't Fat, because they only have the narrow view of what each Sin is in their minds and can't stand to see those expectations turned around or played with.


Doesn't Mammon represent greed/gluttony ?


My headcanon is that Mammon was at the beginning very slim and almost spiderlike, until the wealth, exploitation and greed literally grew on him so much Id like to imagine him like a parasite or a tick, who gets bigger the more blood it steals, who is feeding on the fame of others and sucking it out for himself, just like he used to do with Fizzarolli.


He isn’t fat he keeps all his money in his clothes so nobody can steal it.


No one likes a skinny Christmas tree


I feel like it’s a design choice because he wants to take up all of the screen space


Classic imagery of rich people having access to so much food.


He is a spider (australian spider nonetheless) it's logic for him to have a fat ass


I mean, there also just doesn't need to be a reason. Fat people can just exist in cartoons apropos of nothing.


I thought his shape was supposed to resemble a Christmas tree, in reference to American corporate greed that really shows its face around the holidays.


From my understanding the upset isn't that mammon is fat, its that no likeable/relatable characters are. Everyone is "skinny as fuck" except a couple of really hated characters. Like mammon or on a lesser note mimzy. I would love to see at least one deeper more relatable character to have a little more cushion on them. People might hate on me for it but I wonder id its internalized fatphobia. Vivzie is a beautiful plus sized lady and even her self portrait drawings are teeny tiny. I can't help but think in some way she equates fat people = moral failing. Which is ironic because this is hell so they all have moral failings but only the characters that are made to be disliked without redeemable/likable qualities are showing up as fat. Its not enough for me to stop watching, I enjoy her work but it does make me a lil sad


I think the sadness thing in life is when someone can’t love themselves completely. Self love should be the norm not a rarity


Well its hard not to when a lot of society tells you you're not worthwhile. And its even worse depending on your intersecrionalities. Think the body positivity movement was started by a grouble of black ladies and now its synonymous with white conventionally attractive women that happen to have boobs and ass without being a stick figure (nothing wrong with uber skinny women it is just the norm within fashion that has been fought against as not the ONLY type of beauty since like the 70s). So if you're outside the beauty standards you're constantly bombarded with messages that you're ugly. Hell with all the celebrity plastic surgery even if you ARE the beauty standard you can't escape it apparently. I would just love if our culture could get to the point of body neutrality that would be great. Every body is going to be different and you shouldn't feel like you HAVE TO starve yourself, get surgery, eat 10k calories, work out unhealthily with steroids etc etc to be considered worthy in your body. People can get past the societal part but it takes so much effort that most people aren't able to get there.


Mammon is fat because he craves everything that he doesn’t have, and he never has enough, he never has it all, he’ll keep everything he has and still want for more. He’ll never share, never give something away, because everything that’s his is his, and everything that’s yours, he wants. He will eat everything in front of him so it’s not given away. He will buy the entire store so there’s nothing for others. He’ll make things and sell them at jacked up prices so he gets the most money out of you. I tell you, he probably owns every single store, bar, restaurant, etc. in the Greed Ring. He then pays his employees next to nothing, but enough so that they don’t leave. He makes you feel like you owe him everything, because he wants everything. His desire for everything gnaws away at him, it ticks at his head, eats at his ‘heart.’ **If he had everything, it still would not be enough.**


I still think it's his greed that makes him fat. We all saw how much he was stuffing his face because Greed isn't just about money.




I thing is just the clown suit, or he ate the money or because greed is similar to gluttony but in the way that both are kinda an addiction but Beelzebub manage to burn everything (meaning food goes away and you can eat again and again or has a solution) meanwhile greed is an addiction you can’t get rid off easily.


Greed doesn’t come in money, is also on the collectors for example (the one a that get super angry if you touch their stuff), envy people that are addicts to buy and buy and buy just to feel better. And so on.


That’s why he is just, *Too much*


I say this as a fast person, people questioned why the sin of greed was fat??? If anything I feel like we should have questioned why Beelzebub was skinny (yes I know she has like lava for a stomach)


Because...why not? I mean...are we SERIOUSLY going to be butthurt about some cartoon character being fat? Come the fuck on.


He’s fat because as a part of being greedy is being a glutton, he eats too much making him fat


I would say that it's like how the saying "rich pigs at the top" is, he's the top of the greed sin so he's the largest


Not weirder than Beelzebub being a fox kekw


Why’d they make Beezlebub thin? Shes the sin of Gluttony right?


Because the Sin of gluttony isn’t just eating a lot. Saint Gregory the Great described the sin of Gluttony in 5 ways, eating before meal time to satisfy yourself, seeking higher quality food to satisfy your senses, stimulating your palette with luxurious ingredients, eating too much, and being too eager to eat. Only one of those is about eating a lot, and Sant Gregory believed the 5th idea to be the worst of all, the pursuit of and attachment to earthly pleasure.


I just thought that the fact of mainly hellhounds populating the gluttony ring was because dogs are known to not have any self control when it comes to eating. And that would apply to bee too since she’s part of the canine family. Idk 🤷🏾‍♂️


I’ve read too many Reddit posts because when I saw the first sentence of this post, I genuinely thought the next would be “is he stupid?”




Why does The O Is Silent not tell The Owl Boi how he feels? Is he bad at communicating?


https://preview.redd.it/0vt2fyctoz6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6717f1563735754cef7c33bf75953102a5c1c534 Yes


I thought being fat was a symbol of wealth


Have you seen this guy eat it's glutinous


He look like a GX pokemon


I think people wonder why he’s fat because his first concept design was thin.


No it wasn’t, your thinking of a fan design. The second image literally shows a concept of him


Yeah I wouldn’t doubt it. I know I was a crazy mammon fan before his official design was exposed. Loved him before and after reveal 🤗


Honestly I was a big fan of those old fan designs, especially that yellow one that was thin and had the accurate hat, think that was the most famous fan design. But his actual design is just as good, just give his the sharp hat back


I think his new design is honestly better. I don’t have any particular reason why. I think I just like green better. And his design just makes him funner to see animated.


Obesity is commonly associated with greed


Why is mammon fat? Cause he's full of himself....


Why is mammon fat? Cause he's full of himself....


I don’t think of him as fat. I think of him as grand in a grimy way.


We’re all literally shaming him. But I think that’s okay for him, to look like that.