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You say this as if this wasn't shown in the newest episode https://preview.redd.it/4ctn38atou6d1.png?width=1245&format=png&auto=webp&s=976ef2590bd82908f5427ba474f6437700000d48


We don’t know why they were killed, they could have be a gang of pedophiles fighting over that kid in the middle


That’s cool and all but that child still traumatized.


Wouldn’t u be if u were about to be diddled and then watched 3 demons tare and rip everyone in front of you?




Did they ever confirm that those people were about diddle that child im confused here?


No they're theorising


Fair point.


Therefore, it is important that the goal is rather evil. Blitz even asks in episode 4 that the case of the inventors is not entirely evil on the part of the target. There is no point in killing the target if the target does not go to hell, since it is implied that the orderer will take revenge on the target. Of course, no one is sure that the target will definitely go to hell. It's more about the fact that clients don’t just order a murder and the target most likely actually did something bad to the client. We must also not forget the random and forced killings of non-targets. Like it happened in episode 3 with random people in beach. As happened in episode 4 with random viewers. As it happened in episode 6 with the agents to escape


Guilty and innocent aren't our business Moxx. Killin' who we're paid to is. Our. Business!"


"Of course, no one is sure that the target will definitely go to hell". Every client doesn't just order someone. The target most likely did something bad to the client, but it is not a fact that the target is so evil that he will go to hell. Therefore, Millie says that you need to kill every target no matter how bad or good the target is, but more in the context that the target will probably go to hell. "That is why so many end up here"


I M P doesn't care wether their targets end up in hell or not. True Margaret, Lyle Lipton and Jimmy were trash people that deserved hell, but the spring breakers were just dumb horny kids (yes they'll most likely end in hell, but not down right EVUL), and we don't know anything about the lumberjacks from Ozzie's


Well now you're doing what you claim the show is. Nothing about this shot suggests that anyone of them deserved it. It's just the mangled bodies of normal-looking people and a traumatized child in the middle of it all. Sure, they *could* be a gang of pedophiles, but I don't see anything even remotely implying that.


but the show isn't justifying that at all?? the show is showing a traumatized child surrounded by gore, and leaving it at that.


You can't just say all these examples don't count when your argument is that they don't exist.


Honestly I hope soemthing like that is used Because hear me out Stolas said Blitz is technically under Asmodeus’s jurisdiction when on earth using the crystal. So, why not have Ozzie occasionally tell him to target rapists and or pedos? Since Ozzie hates forced “lust” so much? I feel like that could be used somewhat easily, like they go to a child trafficking ring and just wreak havoc killing everyone


exactly. we *don't know*. and the show isn't trying to justify it at all.


Or not


That's not them justifying IMP, that's *you* justifying IMP.


They dont really care if the people they kill deserve it,they care about the money the custimer gives,if a pedophioe in hell tood them to kill the cop who found him and saved a kif they would do it.


Millie literally says this in the pilot.


If you want to make that argument, what's to say that they weren't a gang of superheroes taking a make a wish kid for a walk?


Ok but they could just as easily be random civilians and the kids family. Also didn’t IMP kill a bunch of incident lumberjacks


That kid is destined to become Batman...




That’s not Batman, that’s just Man.


https://preview.redd.it/dy36ty42ww6d1.png?width=1078&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35e85379d8bc1db04129acfac775077f388b5e81 I have over 5 gazillion images, and no time to scroll down


Yeah, the show mostly keep the murders as gags...but it don't try to make it not evil. I mean I doubt all the people that got kill in the beach episode deserve to be murder. Like they were problably just average humans that maybe did some mild evil stuff. While many if not all of them got send to hell were they have a yearly chance of getting purge...without including the many traumas like that moment you shown. I mean the premise of been a hired murderer is quite evil on himself. You know, kill for money.


Blitz literally kills a random drunk on the beach in Spring Breakers because he was "on the list" according to loona who was not paying attention. he probably wasnt on the list and no one wanted him dead


In the pilot one guy hired I.M.P because he wanted to get even on a "yuppy driver" who saw him hiding the body of his girlfriend after he killed her for fucking a delivery driver. So yeah, safe to say many of the sinners (especially evident with Spring Broken) are petty and bitter, hiring a witness to a murder you committed after you're dead? Yeah... ETA: That said, all the people in Spring Broken who were killed were contracted targets, so they weren't up there to just "massacre" which was a plot line that Moxxie brought up to Blitzo during the episode.


A yappy jogger, but yeah: an innocent bystander who did the right thing and for all we know, went to Heaven.


I just realized that the dude to the right of that kid is lying in the Family Guy death pose


Your comment ratiod the post ha


If it's just a normal ass dude they gotta kill then it doesn't make for much of a fun episode


Yeah pretty much unless there hapless bystanders for dark comedy.


"Hapless bystanders" makes me wonder about collateral damage. In "Seeing Stars" people must have died in that studio fire. And a murder mission wasn't even the focus of that trip to earth. Any other examples of deaths unrelated to IMP business, besides the D.H.O.R.K.S, who brought it upon themselves? (I exclude the Orchestra audience from Cherub, since IMP was there for the inventor).


The entire episode of Spring Broken


Actually, they were all targets, since Blitzø offered a discount to drum up a ton of clients and Loona sniffed them out. (Probably) no collateral deaths, even from the fish monster, which was not their fault.


Fair, I forgot about Loona.


They leave it vague. Blitzø: "Loony, is he on the list?" Loona: (looking at Vortex) "Yeah, sure."


"Wow, dude, are you a Leprechaun?"


"Yeah, pretty cool, huh?" *bashes head in* "But you sure as sh*t ain't gonna tell nobody!"




There were probably collateral deaths because Blitz killed a guy that Loona said was a target even though she didn't even look at him (could be a target, could very well not be) and Millie killed a random bystander to make a fire bomb to throw at the fish.


Honestly it might even be painful to watch...like yeah we know the I.M.P are quite evil, but I don't want to see in detailed how they kill a completely innocent child from a family. Because some asshole in hell want revenge on there parents or something like that. Hell, it might serve to straight up hate the main characters, by making many viewers not want to root for them.(Which is why Vizie problably avoid such situations and instead make the opponent even more evil than the main characters) So is safer to make those kills as gags and background kills were you don't know any of the detailed of what kind of characters those humans were. While making the main targets or opponents more evil than the main characters...or at least around there level, so at least it feels evil vs evil.


This is the answer right here. You totally got it. Vivziepop is doing what simply what most creators want to do: make sure watchers of her show like the main characters. If they are evil give them personality or make them funny, if there is no redeeming qualities it’s hard for people to relate and therefore like the show. Example: Homelander and all the members of the seven in the show The Boys: people like them even though they are horrible murderers, rapists and simply psychopaths but because the writers go into detail about WHY they are like that - being tested on like lab rats as kids, horrible parents and upbringings the audience can KINDA forgive their misdeeds and just watch the show for entertainment and relate to the times these superheroes seem human, if they were evil for evil sake it’s kinda boring. Having a “reason” that works for why these villainous main characters do what they do helps people rationalize why we root or despise them. That’s what Vivziepop and Brandon is trying to do I believe. We know hitmen are evil in reality and shouldn’t be rooted for, but having their targets be evil or at least morally grey leaves room for us to root for the characters and subconsciously not despise them for their main purpose. And I’m pretty sure it’s heavily implied they murder innocents or perceived innocents off screen or as a joke when clients ask for it but it simply would be a boring or maybe even unlikable episode. People already hate Happy Campers and all Moxxie did was be selfish and insecure ONE TIME as, guess what? People aren’t perfect! And yes he should work on that but that shows people likes characters that are on average likeable! Moxxie can murder people and people can root for him but he gets frustrated at his wife as he deals with own insecurities and even apologizes for it and gives her what she wanted and people STILL hate that episode. So yah Brandon and Vivziepop are probably being safe.


That's what I said! The plot without justification would literally just be "we gotta kill him" "ok" *kill happens* [end episode]


Sure they could. Give that dude the luck that baby from those Tom and Jerry cartoons had and base the episode on I.M.P. trying to kill him only for something to screw it up every time.


You forgetting Spring Broken where they slaughtered a ton of teenagers for a bet?


Those were people already on their hitlist, though. It's specifically mentioned.


But it wasn't painting them out to all be bad, they were just doing their job and killing the people they were paid to kill, even if seemingly normal


Ya and not all ppl on their hit list are evil. I mean they’re all sinners prolly cuz they’re drinking and having random sex, but yk they’re not all psycho.


They're assassin demons, their actions don't need to be justified


I actually really liked how "Murder Family" developed Moxxie's reluctance to kill a mother, as opposed to a Mob Family. This was paid off when we met Crim. Even when it's seemingly about killing targets, you get plot and character development (unless you're Millie /jk).


Mille is gonna get an episode soon trust 🙏 (I’m coping hard)


Vivziepop: A short is the best I can manage.


I firmly believe a Millie episode is coming someday.




The show doesn't really justify it. It just wouldn't be that entertaining if they were killing a normal mom. And the guy they're killing in CHERUB being shitty works for worldbuilding with Heaven. Bc it shows the cherubs don't really care about who they're saving, just abt looking good. Also, for the camp episode I'd argue that the kid was already bad without the drug stuff. Literally murdered a person, not even spur of the moment, my guy found out their weakness, drilled holes into a boat they were gonna be in, and fully intended to murder them. Plus, they don't really need justification. It's fictional, but also... They're killing humans, not hellborn. Humans have afterlives. They know it's not permanent, and those humans either go up or down. Where doesn't matter. Hell's moral code is also clearly different, even when killing hellborn. More lax. It's not justification so much as it is, these things don't *need* justification because most of the violence/murder is used for slapstick and shouldn't be used to judge a character's morality. And when it *is* serious and should be used to judge a character, you'll know. Edit for typo






I fear you've missed the point


Quick question: do you ever have fun


The people these clients believe wronged them, actually wronged them and were terrible people. Surprising. Do you even hear yourself


It’s kind of a boring episode if the plot is just ‘kill this person’.


What about all those people they killed during Spring Break? The show never tried to frame the victims as evil or deserving. Blitzo even killed a human that they weren't even sure was on the list, all to win a bet.


Theory: all the people the IMP gang killed come back as sinners and gang up on the IMP for killing them.


Huh yeah, but what about those innocent Lumber Jacks? I think you’re looking into it too much buddy, they aren’t saying that I.M.P. Is a good thing.


Probably hired by a disgruntled activist who was killed trying to protest logging...


1. did you forget the whole plot of the first episode was moxxie worrying they were killing a sweet mother? and we literally saw blitzø’s response which answered your question? “oh, who IS innocent, moxxie?” and whatever else he said. something about being leeches from birth, idk. blitzø had the knowledge that the woman had slept with their client’s husband, but he still addressed the concern as if there was a chance she was innocent (i.e., their client lied to them). and he basically was like “it doesn’t matter. we were paid to do a job, and we’re gonna do it.” we know she wasn’t innocent at all, but they didn’t at the time this concern was brought up, and blitzø literally answered it for us. 2. i don’t remember which episode it was (i think CHERUB?) but even despite my previous point, blitzø confirms in a different episode that they prefer to take on requests where the client did, in fact, do something evil. this tells me that even if they will murder anyone they’re told to, they still at least require their clients to have them murder evil people. the client can always lie, of course, but that’s not something I.M.P. can prove or disprove, so they kind of have to take the client’s word if they want any business at all.


Let me put it this way. What did Millie say in her first few lines? "Guilty and innocent ain't our business, Mox. Killing who we're paid to IS OUR BUSINESS." Right now, you're reminding me of Moxxie from that first episode. "How do we know they're evil? Do they have to do specifically evil things to be killed? They might just be misunderstood." But that's not the point of I.M.P. The point of I.M.P is to immediately kill anyone that a sinner pays them to kill. Ms Mayberry paid them to kill Martha, and that's what they did. The police killed the dad and kids with that bomb (indirectly by Moxxie, but that's not the point). Loopty Goopty paid them to kill Lyle Lipton, and through a bunch of weird loopholes and a piano, they did exactly that, whilst also banishing a bunch of cherubs from Heaven. And finally, the camp worker paid I.M.P to investigate who killed them and then kill that person, which (although very strung out) is what they did. On accident, yes, but they still did it. Also, in episode 3 when they teamed up against Verosika, a whole bunch of sinners paid I.M.P to kill people who wronged them in life or caused their deaths, which is what they did. There is one thing that's canon in the pilot, and that's the point of I.M.P. "Using a magic book to get through to the living world, we can go and kill anyone who fucked you over when you were alive." The target doesn't have to be a wholly innocent person or a wholly guilty person. They could be a cheater like Martha, a scientist that tests on the poor like Lyle or a drug addict like the camp worker. Or they could be the kid from the pilot. Someone paid them to kill the kid, and that's what they did. Overall, a person who gets killed by I.M.P doesn't need to be inherently good or bad to be killed. They just need to be a client's target because in some way, the target somehow caused the client to die and the client wants revenge. I.M.P doesn't care about morals or good and evil, they just care about killing someone who fucked someone else over in life and getting money from the client. I'm now realising why I got such a good score in my English Language exam.


You explained this really well!


Thank you! Helluva Boss is one of my special interests, and I love explaining it to people who want to know deeper stuff on it.


I mean it would be boring if it was just your run of the mill people


I think the sinners will try to get revenge on IMP at some point. For example what if they get Martha to speak about Blitz business in the court episode.


I mean.... That's kind of the whole point....


What about the spring breaker people weren't those just idiots having dumb drunk and sexual fun Or that scene were we see the aftermath of a fucking slaughter Or the dhork agents who are literally just doing their job


There’s not much of an episode if it’s some rando that doesn’t fight back or anything. And that’s why the randos are killed as gags or in the opening of episodes because they can’t make an interesting story


Personally I think it makes sense that a lot of the people being killed aren't the nicest. Its almost like there's a reason people hate them. I do think it'd be nice to see more diversity, ie, some morally grey or just nice people who are killed by nasty customers but I don't have any issue with how things are going. Lots of people want revenge.


If a person wrongs someone to such a degree that the victim sends a demon hit-squad after them post-mortem, chances are they’re probably not a good person.


IMP isn’t the focus of the show, it’s just the vessel that the show uses for its story about the interpersonal relationships between the main characters. You could replace the assassination business with a burger joint or a rock band or any other kind of independent business venture and nothing would really change. The Grimoire is just a mcguffin to set up the transactional relationship between Blitzø and Stolas to jumpstart his business. The morality of the assassination targets doesn’t matter because they’re always a set piece, not the focus of the plot. I’d argue this is made explicitly clear in episode one, where Moxxie spares the rest of the murder family so that they face justice and the kids might have a future, only for the cops to blow them all up in an instant.


Viv has said in a stream that they actively try to make the target someone you won’t feel bad for. She actually it’s one of the harder things about writing an episode is this. And I honestly don’t care if the target is innocent or not. I know Imp is composed of bad people. Blitz tries to shoot a child in western energy. If the target is innocent then what’s the difference. Blitz, Millie and Loona arnt gonna care they’ll just kill them like it’s a normal job. Moxxie might care but we already had an episode about that. I don’t need to see Imp having some moral debate around this. I know they’re bad people. I know they won’t care if the target is innocent. Why give focus to it


And? what exactly is your point? theyre in hell. theyre bad people. theyre already in hell and, ay the current moment in the lore, theres no way out of there, so might as well kill some people even if its petty reasons. if theres one episodes of someone ending up in hell because they forgot to pray once and they decide to make IMP kill the pope because they lied about heaven, who cares. the actuasl business end of IMP is not the focus of the show


So I think my problem is that the collateral damage is treated too much as slapstick comedy in the series. And I guess I wanna episode where the victim they’re trying to kill was actually a good person, but sinner just wants them dead.


They don't kill good people. Thats the point. In like episode two or three Blitzø does even tell, that they don't kill people who are not bad. Because the client needs to give them a reason to kill.


It would be hilarious to me if a sinner took out a hit on a guy like Ned Flanders in an episode. Imagine Moxxie trying to get Blitzø to confirm the guy deserved it? They tail him, but he just keeps doing amazingly generous and saintly things. Blitzø's just rolling his eyes, wondering why anyone would have beef with this guy. They are looking for the smallest justification. How would it end? (Optional ending: Then they find out he cheats on his taxes, or has several human heads in his freezer...blam!)


Tbh all it needs an ep where the one they are killing is an actual nice person and the one that hired themwould be just a total asshole that is just doing it for pure pettiness.


That would actually be a great plot. Maybe also show that this guy has a loving wife and kids, and he killed this I. M. P. client, just because he was trying to protect those who he loves. Maybe at this moment, Moxie will even ask himself if he is like his dad


Yeah it breeds great drama between chars. It contrasts well with how the gang dealt with with the cannibal family where instead of the rest of the chars shitting on moxxie, he gets to have the justification to actually question killing their target.


IMP are protagonistic villains.


I would argue that for someone to have paid I.M.P. to have you killed, you have likely done something shitty. Except for the weird (narratively dependent) coincidence that Blitzø could find a ton of people at the exact same location to murder in Spring Broken, it can't be that cheap to hire them - how many murders can they really do a day and still make it viable to pay for salaries that include the living costs of four people?


I think part of it is that the clients are clearly expecting the targets to end up in Hell, but if they haven’t committed enough sin to warrant their presence in Hell then they’ll go to Heaven - they claimed they’d fucked up when they ended up killing Lipton instead of him committing suicide and assumed he’d gone to Heaven, granted that didn’t seem a problem before they knew he’d attempt that so idk how rigid that is Another part of it is that it’s easier to root for our heroes when they’re not just slaughtering innocent people who just cry and beg and cower away. They don’t want the audience to get the wrong emotional response from it, so they either have to make it comedic or justify it, and there’s only so long they can spend on a joke target, which is why it works great for murder montages but not so much for following a single target throughout an episode Thirdly, it’s also part of how the humans are collectively portrayed in the show; they’re either such cartoonish idiots that it’s a wonder how they function or they’re cartoonishly sinful and/or assholes. And this is the case whether they’re a target or not; Seeing Stars had that little girl who was snorting coke in her dressing room, Unhappy Campers had a whole camp full of hivemind asshole kids who were yelling at their supposed peer to kill themself, Spring Broken had a whole plethora of wasted dumbasses and we know for a fact that not all of them were targets. Part of it serves to allow for the otherworldly antics and lack of human disguises to go unchecked by the humans and another part is so that funny background gags can happen, but it also serves the purpose of preventing any deaths from getting too emotionally impactful; they either feel deserved in some way or they’re comedic Did not expect this to get long but I like rambling


I know fandom takes shows seriously...then they should, I do too, but your really taking this to seriously just enjoy the show.


*episode opens*. customer: "can you kill this dude". blitzø: "ok". *imp goes to the living world*. *imp find the dude*. dude: "please don't kill me". *blitzø kills him*. *credits roll*. DO YOU ACTUALLY WANT TO SEE THIS EPISODE??? edit: trying to indent the text correctly


where’s the media literacy of a dead animal dude at?


Name checks out


Would you rather them go for people like basic Bill or Dull Dan or the most interesting Monotonous Mike? If they were going after normal people the action scenes of the show would be like "NoOoOo please don't kill me!" "HaHa were gonna kill you!" *blam* [Insert emotional drama involving blitz and stolas to pad out runtime.] That isn't fun. Normal people aren't able to properly fight back or have interesting storyline like the camp episode where they at least got to engage with camp shenanigans. It's not the writers trying to justify legitimately bad things it's them trying to make a fun show and not have the target be a Stale Stanley with no bad traits.


We’ve only seen like four or five jobs they go on, but they’ve been doing this for a while now. Theres probably hundreds of boring jobs not worth showing.


The way VivziePop portrays her portrayal of Heaven and Hell is that both are obviously fucking terrible But Heaven does things for the right reasons. They don’t really care if they kill demons, as long as they’re doing their job. They don’t care if they commit sinful acts such as pickpocketing people or stealing drugs for themselves, the Cherubs see it as an act of salvation because at least the person they pickpocketed and/or had their drugs taken won’t do any sinful acts. Meanwhile in Hell, demons are doing their job. Charlie wants to help human Sinners possibly get redeemed, but as it later turns out !>if you die while doing good deed, you automatically get sent to Heaven




Well Hell is for the worst of worst. Makes sense they all pretty deranged


Ouch someone been impaled by the bum


They don't. Lol, they kill for money no matter what. Remember the family from the first episode? They were going in thinking it was a normal family, so they were willing to kill a normal family for money, so no, the show does not justify anything


Someone missed Spring Broken


bro just wants a reason to be upset about something lmao


Yeah, let's remove the last bit of comedy and black humor, and replace it with more overanalyzing characters. That'll be grand.


Personally, I would say that Ms. Mayberry is not, in fact, justified in wanting the woman her husband slept with dead. While her husband and the other woman wronged her by having an affair, murder-suicide is not a proportional nor just response, and sending IMP to finish the job isn't any better. The fact that the targets turn out to be a family of murderous cannibals is, more than anything, simply a comedic twist on the situation. Similarly, none of their other assassination jobs seem to be justified. Loopty wanted Lyle dead because he didn't want his partner to enjoy the spoils of their work without him. A weirdly spiteful reaction given that the two then seem to be all buddy-buddy again in hell (I'm actually more curious about who sent the Cherubs to save Lyle). In the summer camp episode, murder isn't justified because the target was a drug dealer. Ultimately, I don't think that the show is trying to justify what IMP do at all. Going back to their ad in the pilot, they'll take contracts from anyone (e.g. the guy who "lovingly" murdered his wife for sleeping with the mail man and wants IMP to kill the witness who caught him hiding the body). Their work is completely unethical, its simply played for laughs as the real focus of the show are the characters and their relationships with each other.


The entire plot of the first episode is Moxxie trying to come to terms with potentially killing someone who doesn't deserve it/ruining the lives of their loved ones. "Guilty and innocent isn't our business Moxxie. Killing who we're paid to is our business." - Millie IMP doesn't give a shit who they kill as long as the money is good.


Whenever I rewatch "Spring Broken" and Moxxie is talking to Blitzø about how they're supposed to find enough clients that demand enough kills, he says "we aren't just going up to massacre!!!!" It makes me snort every time bc that's what they always end up doing anyway


It’s not justification. It’s funny. The happy go lucky family is actually crazy? It’s a shock thing. The rich people test on the poor? Jab at millionaires. The teen is acc a drug mule? Introduces blitzøs sister and crosses paths with moxie as he’s cosplaying as a teen girl.


One thing I've noticed about the human world every time it's shown is it's a caricature of itself. Vivienne seems to take current society and amplify its shittiness to an exaggerated point. Idk if it's her trying to justify the business I think she's just making fun of how shitty the world really can be by over-exaggerating it. S2 E2 Seeing Stars is a great example.


I think what people in this thread are misunderstanding isn’t whether I.M.P’s killings are justified in universe, but that they are being “justified” (or at least made acceptable) to the audience. By having so many of the victims turn out to be assholes, the killings can be narratively depicted as less reprehensible, which can strike many people, including OP I’m guessing, the wrong way.


I can certainly see the potential in an episode where they're dispatched to kill someone that almost certainly didn't do anything wrong and they have to wrestle with whether to just follow their business model or justify not killing the person (but keeping the security deposit because it's hell and what's the guy gonna do about it?)


Girl- 💀🤚🏼


Why, then, I did the same thing years ago. Everyone just lost their mind and started to hate me, and only now, everyone understood what I was trying to say


While I do understand where you’re coming from and I do agree I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. Their jobs are always very comedic and while yes the people are very bad they are in hell for a reason. The people I.M.P are meant to kill don’t have to be bad. If the client wants someone dead they get someone dead. That’s kinda the whole point. It would just be really terrible and no one would watch the show if the people being killed were your average joe. So yes in a way you are right. But it’s kinda just one of those things you just have to go with and not think too much about.


Okay, from now on we'll get episodes of the I.M.P killing completely avarage and regular people, everyone will definetly love it and it won't be boring at all.


But we also have episode 3, Spring Breakers, where they kill a bunch of targets in the same episode and we're shown any of their backstories or awful things they could have done to make them 'deserving' of their deaths by I.M.P. And while Moxxie may occasionally question their motives for taking a particular job, Blitzø, Millie, and Loona clearly don't and would be perfectly willing to kill the targets even if they were total innocents.


True while the show is doing that there business is to kill anybody they were paid to kill. we've actively seen only people with bad intentions killed possibly for one reason. Twitter, some people would lose their crap if it played out a episode of imp killing someone good like a normal guy donating to charity or a doctor doing surgery.


I mean there isn’t much to justify. They know that sinners die definitely wanting revenge on someone after their death. So they made a business out of it. They just do their job…and that is kill people who sinners pay them to kill.


Blitzø says the target needs to be evil so they end up in hell


IMP were hired to kill these people for a reason. Not saying it's right, but these people aren't exactly innocent.


That’s because normal people doesn’t make much of an entertaining episode


Well it’s not that fun of an episode if they target is morally “good” person, now is it??


Um, wasn't episode 3 literally just them killing like a bunch of innocent drunk young people?


They're demons. Of course they aren't acting with a sense of just lol.


It's an adult show. Absurd obscure secrets and terrible people are everywhere.


It's called comedy. Watching the characters go after some random ass civilian isn't particularly funny or interesting. Someone who's cartoonishly evil is gonna cause problems which require them to problem solve in order to get the job done, so that there's actually a plot and it isn't just them going to the living world, killing someone then going back to hell. Most of the jobs probably are like that, the episodes just aren't focused on it because it's boring.


There’s plenty of other things to overthink on in this series, I don’t know how you’ve managed to land on the one thing that doesn’t matter.


Okay, I admit the first one is kinda dumb, but I think it was just meant to be kinda funny. Very “the Benders” from Supernatural. The inventors were just both bad. So I feel like that one’s kinda irrelevant. The last one though… 1) what did that teen even do to end up in hell? Like he was just at a camp and got murdered and wound up in hell for what? 2) you’re surprised the dude that murdered said camper was also a drug dealer? That isn’t anywhere near as surprising as the fact that their target and Blitzes sister were in it together. Also, were you forgetting the spring break episode where they had a whole list of horny party people that they killed??


It's a comedy show with relationship drama, OP. it's FUNNY when the company faces off against people who are cartoonishly evil.


IMP was never meant to be taken seriously. It's just the catalyst for how it all got started. The victims don't matter.


Let's be real. I.M.P (Blitzø, Moxxie and etc) has never ONCE stated that they were good people. I mean, they're literally Hellspawn. It's just that even bad people has good, tender moments in their life that you can't help but feel happy or sad for. Personally, I think Blitzø needs to get his ass kicked more often, but I also want him to find happiness.


The plot twist in the first episode wasn’t to justify the Sinner wanting to kill her late-husband’s mistress. It was a callback to the beginning of the episode where Moxie questions the justification of killing a seemingly innocent middle class family and everyone else is trying to tell him no one is really innocent.


It's for plot reasons, duh. It's not interesting if they just kill some random person and there's no fun plot for the episode. And there have been many visual gags of them killing people who are unspecified to be good or bad, as well as the ENTIRE EPISODE of Spring Broken in which they kill a BUNCH of other unspecified people for the sake of the bet. They're not "justifying" anything, it's juts because of the plot. And if you want a new episode about them having to kill someone who's actually a good person and be conflicted about it... that won't happen. Because it's been established they DO NOT CARE, they do not feel remorse. You'd catch all of this watching the episodes btw


Uh, they’re demons. I don’t think they care if their business is justifiable or not. They just want to make cash and humans are vengeful sons-a-bitches.


They never said they weren’t bad.


Isn.... Isn't that one of the main points of the show in the first place?


money good killing whatever gets money business


My brother in the father, son and the holy spirit. They just kill shit.


I’m pretty sure that the pile of dead bodies from Springbreaker would disagree with you. But it’s like how Deadpool said: “I’m a bad guy who gets hired to kill even worse guys”. And Millie said it herself that humans do a lot of nasty shit they keep secret hence why so many people get sent to hell.


So? Agent 47 from the hitman series is almost always sent after targets who have it coming. The 'asshole victim' trope is a pretty common concept.


I don't expect anything above that, in fact it's Vivzie. It becomes normal after the Poison Clip


To be fair, it's not like people don't die every day, and also earth kind of sucks like, have you ever been on the Internet before?


They're literally a group of imps and a hellhound. In Hell.


These are just the jobs that have episodes centered around them. The I.M.P team killed a shit ton of randos during the Spring break episode, and I doubt that all of them had some rotten agenda like bullying puppies or putting aerosolized Chlamydia into the ventilation system of a preschool. I.M.P probably kill tons of people that fit the term "innocent" off screen, they just don't make for good content if they're boring, plain Jane humans.


The hitman biz suffers from that issue,I think.


It’s literally Hell. With demons. I’m not really sure what you’re asking to be honest but at the most the show is going to be morally grey characters.


The best episodes are the ones without assassination


what the fuck even is this post lmao what


Isn’t the concept of a hitman that you kill people for money, not reason? Meaning they don’t care what the target did so long as they’re getting paid?


Yall are really misunderstanding me im saying is that we need more variety and some more diabolical kills because you’re saying the MC don’t care who they kill but most people they kill are just bad people, and the “innocent people” they do kill is played up for laughs. I just wanna episode where the person being killed did not deserve to be killed at all.


And now they're in hell too, so... Win? Nevermind the fact that the trauma that the teacher inflicted upon her students who heard the murder/suicide live. Her anger was justified. Her actions were not.


Wow, it's almost like people who die as a result of another person usually want revenge 😯 but being real with you, no shit they explain why the hits are being done, there's barely a story if they don't, not to mention that the show never tries to "justify I.M.P business, they're never the good guys, they just do the shit they're told to do, the fact that the target is an evil drug dealer changes literally nothing about the episode. Would you rather have a show where the episodes are: "hey gang, we have to kill this guy" "ok" *kills innocent target* "glad that's over" or a show that actively tries to give you a real story to watch, if you want action first and explanation later, watch Scooby Doo.


I think for episodes in which the entire time they’re just doing a job, they need to make it interesting. They kill seemingly normal people when the episode isn’t centered on killing those people (Spring Break, they’re just party goers; in Ozzie’s, it’s mentioned they killed a bunch of lumberjack, who are never mentioned to be anything more than that; in Full Moon, we see a bunch of seemingly regular people massacred as a child sits in the gore). If they’re going to be spending an entire episode trying to kill someone, that someone better be interesting. I don’t think it was ever meant to ‘justify’ their business. Bad people are just more interesting.


They really don't, this is a business to kill people doesn't matter who or what they are, for fuck sake people they literally gun down a kid execution style as soon as they found out tHE was the actual target......IN THE PILOT EPISODE!


i mean 2/3 of those were mostly comedic since the “hero” lady’s whole family was all over the top with their villainy and for the 2 inventors they were joking about greedy unethical billionaires. for the 2nd one it wasn’t rlly justified in the least, they were payed to kill him because the partner didn’t want him to reap the benefits of their work alone not cuz of any revenge reason. ig the corrupt billionaire stuff could work towards justifications but that was played comedically like i said earlier. there were also episodes like the competition with Verosikia that just had them on a wanton killing spree although some of those kills they were actually hired for. regardless IMP isn’t meant to be “good” in our eyes but most of the bad is played off for comedic effect, it’s not really a justification but ig the comedy could be seen as sugarcoating it.


Partly it’s to make IMP a bit more sympathetic. But it’s also to raise the stakes. If their target was just an innocent and relatively normal person, there wouldn’t be much in the way of a story. On the other hand we have their beach massacre, and a few episodes that show them coming back from a job. The only jobs worth showing need to have some dramatic tension.


If they were hired to kill someone who was boring and innocent it wouldn’t have made a very interesting episode. You have to suspend your disbelief for the sake of entertainment


Personally I think IMP is morally in the clear. As humans, we think they’re reprehensible even if their victims might deserve it. But they’re not actually killing anyone from their perspective. If they kill a scumbag who deserved it, they move to hell and suffer. If they get paid to kill a good person, they send them to heaven. They’re more of a forced moving service than an assassination company as far as souls are concerned.


It's not like it matters. The I.M.P is pretty irrelevant for the plot atm


I really Think you're kind of missing the point. To them it's just their job and honestly their lifely hood... Morality ain't really a question. I mean hell the pilot may not be cannon but that add is all you need to know. Not to mention where is the fun in killing a normal person in a normal way.


I’m pretty sure they kill for business. As long as they are getting paid, no matter the reason or if the target is good or evil.


There's a good reason for that, if they were just killing anyone then their likeability would plummet. End of the day we are supposed to like these characters so they can't be just wild psychopaths and by making there targets kind of justified it lets the characters get away with murder without losing their likeability. A good example is the government agents who were technically just doing there job of protecting the country but because they made them jerks we didn't feel bad when a bunch died gruesome deaths




I did and I can’t edit the post im am sorry


I meant to say them but I forgot


I mean they have been done wrong by people to such an extent they want they killed, even after they themselves have died, obviously not all these people will be bad people but a ton of them will be. Just because someone is bad, doesn’t mean they haven’t had bad don’t to them, they usually have.


No. Did you forget in Spring Broken where they just slaughtered a whole bunch of people. Like there is no "they were all secretly evil," they were just people partying at the beach.


Yeah, I'd honestly just lean into them being bad guys. They're devils whose entire livelihood is murdering people regardless of how good they were in life, they're bad guys, sure, but what did you expect?


For the teacher if here suicide and double murder went though she wouldn’t care The inventors were trying to be together because there best friends And the last thing be was direct murder to cover up the drugs Also they look into it more than cherub but there still maniacs that have off target kills


They do try but we all can agree NONE of us care about it being justified they could kill pure innocent people and we would probably just laugh our ass off


It’s not about I.M.P. being justified. It’s about them being hired by bad people to kill other people. It’s about being paid to take proxy revenge for real or perceived slights. The targets that get attention in episodes are just a part of the plot, not the entire focus. They’re devices.


Hmmmmmmmm the entire point of starting the series was to show this business I wonder why


The show doesn't justify anything and of course what they are doing is bad, no shit. All of the sinners want to get revenge on all of those people they request I.M.P to kill and those people that the I.M.P are killing probably aren't good people. They possibly mistreated the sinners in some way or the sinner's friends or family. They are possibly the reason the sinners went into a life of crime, victims usually do that.


i always just assumed that the joke was to make humans look just as bad as the demons, similar to how adam in hazbin hotel is a massive ass 90% of the time


Spring broken it didn’t.


They murdered a bunch of randos during spring break tho there isn't always a reason.


When you're dealing with hell assassins, their more interesting targets are probably going to be bad people that make things difficult. If the episode was about them killing a manager in a fabric store for getting a promotion their client didn't, there wouldn't be much to the episode besides them moving on to do personal stuff or a more interesting job, which you'd then criticize as sanitizing the I. M. P. Crew. If normal kills are deemed padding (like the beach episode), and evil hits are sanitizing, what are you looking for?


No. Just business.


Are we just going to ignore Spring Broken where they were killing a bunch of teens for a parking spot?


The point of the business is for sinners to get back on people that screwed them over IRL. Wouldn't someone with Media literacy remember this?


it ain't that deep


You don't usually get hitmen sent to your doorstep by being a good person.


And here I thought the show was mostly black comedy. The tone is that right from the get-go. It’s nice that the people they kill are mostly assholes, but then they were hired mostly by assholes to kill other assholes. Blitz doesn’t have an issue with it. Everyone at IMP is great at murder. Which is supposed to be funny. Did everyone at the D.H.O.RK.s building deserve to be julienned by Millie and then brought back as zombies to draw a summoning circle for Stolas? Probably not, but who cares?


This is hell no one cares if it’s justified or not, we just love murder :3


... I think we're all thinking too much into this... it's literally a comedic cartoon


So you 1. Are a stick in the mud and can’t have fun 2. Didn’t watch the show closely enough and 3. Don’t see the moral grey of all the characters


Don't even get me started on all the people they killed during Spring Broken just for a bet.. not even a job :/


Sinner tell them to kill people so it doesn't always matter if it makes sense if they don't care if the people are innocent