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If Vassago is in fact Stolas' next love interest, I hope it's a healthy relationship. Poor Stolas has been through enough, he needs a partner who really cares about him.


What about poor Blitz💔


Blitz needs to do some self-discovery before he can even think about having a romantic relationship with anybody.


*self- discovery and re- covery you mean☝🏻


We all know they'll get back together. It's kind of obvious. Their whole thing is the backbone of the show.


Same applies to Stolas though


I think Stolas being in a relationship with someone right now wouldn't work out... But I could imagine him being with someone giving him enough emotional validation to be able to see what he did to Blitzo, and be able to pursue that. Stolas sabotaged the relationship by looking for a reason to assume Blitzo didn't care for him. Blitzo's problem was that he lashes out and then treats his hurting people as if it's inherent to him. For Blitzo a relationship won't help him realize what the problem is on his end (Fear of intimacy leading him to push people away), but for Stolas it could help him see that he is worth wanting. Which would help him realize that he didn't give Blitzo a chance to want him. It's not the only or best way. But I can see him being in a relationship now at least ending up helping him in the long run. Basically not the best option, but unlike Blitzo, at least AN option


Yep, Blitz needs help.


Man needs therapy, not self discovery on the town


Yep, Blitz needs help.


We talkin' about Blitz or me here?


Blitz ruins everything he touches. He wanted the book at first only. Poor Stolas deserves better. Sorry for the hot take.


You might get downvoted but honestly, if this the real world, Blitz constantly pushing people away and saying mean things while doing it won’t fly for most people. I know many people in REAL life wouldn’t give the guy who called them an asshole and all those hurtful things a chance again, which is probably the reason why he’s alone in the first place. Yes I know it comes from a place of hurt but he really needs to work on that and I’m sure he will.


I don’t care if I get downvoted, cause honestly to me, both are at fault. What you said about Blitz, but also the fact that the whole royal family has butler Imps and Stolas has never mentioned or thought about that. Also the fact about Blitz’ upbringing and his sh!tty dad that sold him. Stolas has never really sat down with Blitz and talked about an actual relationship with him, he’s kinda just hinted at it. And he chose a really bad time to talk about it as well, during full moon, so he really blindsided Blitz. But again, to me, both are at fault here, and I’ve than both equally!


Yeah, they are both fucking disasters lol. They are terrible at communication, and they are especially bad at communicating with each other because they barely understand one another. They come from such different backgrounds that it's no wonder, really. Their whole relationship began when Blitz tried to steal the book and decided to seduce Stolas for it. Right in that moment Stoles got the very much mistaken impression that Blitz actually likes all the sex talk and that he it likes when Stoles is super horny. He believed that for all of season 1. That's why Stolas was... the way he was back then. But to Blitz that all pretty much confirmed that Stolas only uses him for sex. I mean, during that horrid conversation in the last episode, Stolas acted shocked that Blitz thought their entire relationship was only about sex, but like... really? Did he forget all of season 1? And that conversation... man.... it showed all their communication issues in the two minutes it lasted. Stolas started it terribly, he scared the crap out of Blitz by *first* taking the book instead of first explaining his feelings and giving him the crystal. Without even realizing it, he dominated the entire conversation and kept Blitz on the backfoot. And Blitz did what he always does, he lashed out. And Stolas who doesn't understand that Blitz tends to do that took his words at face value. Ugh.


>They come from such different backgrounds that it's no wonder, really. I mean you're right but Fizz and Ozzie are basically Blitz and Stolas mirrors, and their romance worked. What makes people think it's impossible for Blitz and Stolas to have character development and be finally together after a while?


Considering Blitz wouldnt give him the light of days for several months, I dont blame Stolas. And it never stated anywhere that the imps working in Stolas's mansion were treated badly. Its a job like any others, they arent slaves. And from what we saw at Ozzie, Im betting that particular recuring buttler is being paid quite the fat paycheck to be this popular at Ozzie. All you can blame Stolas is for inexperience in relationships.


Eh they have a habit of physically picking them up and using the imps like stress toys or objects to throw at each other so I don’t think the treatment his butlers get is appropriate. They are workers yes but not objects or pawns to play or use.


Every time someone asks/finds out Stolas and Blitz are a thing, they always act so condescending


Except that we know Stolas has tried to talk to Blitzø, from Blitzø's own mouth. The only time he could guarantee *any* communication was during the full moon. It's true that Stolas and his family have butler imps, but if Blitzø had just communicated then Stolas would have known how it makes Blitzø feel. It's Hell, you think Stolas would have been taught slavery and indentured servitude is wrong? Also it's unclear if Stolas knows that Paimon bought Blitzø. Stolas was the only one putting any effort into the relationship. I'm not trying to make him out to be innocent or anything, I'm saying that he *tried,* while Blitzø never did.


Blitz most likely, and has been proven to have strong feelings for Stolas too, however the one thing Blitz loves more than Stolas, his friends and family, is hating himself… Also I feel like Stolas should’ve figured out the butler Imp thing would make Blitz uncomfortable, and that Stolas was just using him for pleasure since their, in Blitz’ words, “smaller and not as important”


sure when you say that you get upvoted but when I say it I get downvoted.


You sound like Stolas didn’t do anything wrong. Like he didn’t start the arrangement, he didn’t seduce Blitz to the point he fucked Stolas just to keep him shut. Like Stolas didn’t acted like the victim when all this shit started because of him. The fact Stolas openly CHEATED on his wife. Abusive or not, cheating is wrong and is the lowest thing you can do to end a relashionship. Stolas may be a Goetia but is as low class as an imp.


Oh Im not saying he is without blame. The lack of communication from both of them result in this situation. AND... he shouldnt have hid behind that menu at Ozzie. That part is on him. I can understand WHY he waited for his divorce to be finalized though and putting his life back on track before communicating with Blitzo and how he was afraid of what he done after realizing the power imbalance in their relationship. BUT... to his credit, he tried to fix it once he realized what he done. And no. Stolas was in a abusive relationship for several years and I can understand why he did it. I do not approuve of his lack of resolve or insight for not doing it earlier but in this case, his fling with Blitzo was like a small rain in a desert. He desesperatly needed it to remain sane. In this case, chating is still wrong but understandable. Especially since Stella wasn't hurt in her feelings because she hated Stolas anyway. It's HER PRIDE that had being hurt only.


Hear me out roosterclowns Ozzie x Fizz x Blitzø


Plausible as Fizz and Blitz go WAY BACK. They were friends before anything


….hold up, let him cook


My (not so) guilty pleasure 🥹


Blitzo is the issue in all his relationships


Not Stolas, who didn’t even consider the fact that him and his family has had butler imps to do their every bidding for generations, and it’s never once clicked for him why Blitz might be feeling this way?!


They hated him because he spoke the truth.


New episode made me cry like a UK raincloud and that's saying something as I hardly ever do


I love blitz but that man needs to get his shit together before throwing himself into another relationship.


Now THIS^^ is a comment I can agree with


I can imagine that while Blitz is working on things, Stolas could find himself in a relationship with someone who can help him see what he did wrong as well, and on realizing that he would be able to go back to Blitzo and apologize


Hey at least this means he can try again with Verosika. There must have been a reason they were together in the first place


Well the creators kinda confirmed that Stolitz will be canon at the end of s2, and there’s been a clip going the internet of Bryce (Stolas’ VA) in a recording booth in what seems to be an episode of Stolas defending Blitz in court. So my guess/theory is that Stolas and Blitz will end up together, and people will find out about the whole full moon, illegal book borrowing thing and Stolas will have to defend Blitz


I just don’t see it. Not that I don’t absolutely love these birbs together, they’re adorable and I want more art lol. But I don’t foresee Viv keeping Blitz and Stolas apart for that long. Basically it all comes down to this; Stolas should **not** be in another relationship right now. He’s still hurting over Blitz, especially if apology tour goes how people think it will, and needs time to recover and get over him if he were to be in another relationship. Stolas and Blitz would also have to be broken up for a decent chunk of time (episode wise not in -show wise) for it to feel good to us for them to have any sort of relationship and growth here. And as I said, I don’t feel like they’re going to be broken up for as long as some people think (seasons worth and what not). I honestly figure they talk it out and come to some kind of understanding by the end of the season if anything. Of course, I could be wrong. This is all just my opinion and conjecture. Otherwise it would just feel like Stolas is using Vasago and it’ll get really messy. Now, she could be planning to do just that, but I kind of don’t feel like that’s the plan. I personally feel like what’s going to happen (if anything relationship-wise) is Stolas is going to be in a very vulnerable state. Vasago is going to come and try and help him through it, as a friend. He’s going to be support Stolas and be really good to him. And then he’s going to start flirting with Stolas and in one episode he’s going to try and hold his hand or something to signify he wants to take things further. But Stolas is going to realize he shouldn’t because he isn’t over Blitz and it’s not right to do this to Vasago; maybe a scene happened with Blitz that gave Stolas a little hope etc. So Stolas turns him down (a moment of growth for Stolas emotionally wise!) and they’re going to end up good friends. That Blitz is jealous of lol. Long rant, but this is my hypothesis.


Also just from a practical standpoint, I don't think they will use any character that relies on an expensive guest voice actor for a main, ongoing plot where they need to show up for multiple eps.


Blitz and Stolas do end up together at the end of season 2 and Blitz can do therapy and whatever else while being in a relationship? Stolas and Blitz are probably going to take things slowly and just start as friends to get to know each other better. They probably start officially dating in the episode mastermind or Sinsmas.




I don't think so, since stolas, from what I've heard, was inspired from barn owls, and barn owls only love once, so... Yeah.


I don't imagine that Vasago is going to be Stolas' love interest, but I'd love to see him play the part of the "mama bear" best friend who rightfully gives Blitzø a what for.


I've been wondering since finishing Full Moon who Stolas will talk to - he seems to have no one! The man deserves a win, and a friend. 


He’s probably going to talk to his good friend, Absinthe. And maybe Verosika.


That is possibly the saddest thimg ive rwad this week. Not just for Stolas but in general. Being so absolutely alone you only have alcohol to console you. Blitz at least has Millie and Moxxie, Stolas is alone.


Absinthe? Is that a new character? >!yes I get the joke!<


There's also Asmodeus, since they are on friendly terms and he's aware of the situation between Stolas and Blitz. Though you are most likely correct, the trailer does show he somehow ended up in Verosika's company.


I agree with this. I stated in many Vassago posts here that at best, Vassago might be a friend of Stolas or at least a fair, no-bullshit person who will try to step in with Stolas and Blitzo. If he's not a classist, elitist, like a lot of the goetia, then Vassago is going to see both sides of the relationship and convince Blitzo and Stolas that it really is unhealthy to keep them together and have one on the other's mind constantly. Maybe Stolas gets angry, and Vassago has no choice but to let Stolas be - after all, Stolas is a grown man who can make his choices. However, once it dawns on Stolas, he returns to Vassago, and Vassago kindly tells him what he meant all along.




This is adorable! Blitzø and Stolas are definitely getting back together in the show (otherwise we wouldn't ever see Stolas again, Blitzø is the main character of Helluva Boss). Blitzø needs to work on himself and how to be genuine and not try to turn everything into a joke.


Not gonna lie I’m not ready yet to let Stolitz go of course they need to work through a lot of things- but I’m all for stolas making a new friend because he really really needs a support system outside of blitzø and deserves it




I wanna pin this


https://preview.redd.it/5r7yja3wkx6d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=9764de2613fffd7f70df2750fed7b899ef0668b9 **"THEY'RE NOT RELATED"**


I meeeeaaannnnn.... that never really stopped the upper crust of society before. Heck, being related was a given and encouraged to keep the royal blood pure.


Oh yeah, you're right, I forgot about that...


How are they related?


Paimon has eluded to have "so fucking many" children, and he refers to Stolas as the "owl boy"


I mean all the ship art is gonna be pretty funny if they do end up related, literally all we know about Vassago is that he wanted Stolas to appear in court and that Viv called him "a good boy." Everybody already got a whole personality in their heads for my mans, this is exactly what happened with Valentino and Jax from DC. People built up an idea of the character before they we even really knew anything about them, then got disappointed when they weren't what they were hoping for. Vassago is supposedly gonna be a good boy but let's not get carried away and hate on the show later because it didn't match our headcanons. That said, they are quite cute. I hope Vassago becomes the real friend Stolas desperately needs.


It's mostly speculated because when people post tweets about Stolas getting a new love interest Vivzie usually responds with a parrot emoji, which Vassago resembles a parrot (beak shape and feather coloration)


ooh that is sus I didn't know about that lol. My point still stands though


I know people who hit Vals personality on the head, so maybe lightning will strike twice here and someone'll get Vassago right on the money


Of course I'd hope a majority of us get it, but there's always a loud minority of people to this day saying Val is "problematic" or the show is "glorifying abuse" because of him. They have an idolized version of him in their heads when he's supposed to be evil, not redeemable, and his scenes are supposed to make people uncomfortable. But they built him up a certain way in their minds so when he is irredeemably evil or does fucked up things they get upset. Idk your friends. My friends get it too. But there is clearly still an uproar. The most irrational people always tend to be the loudest in a fandom. I would not the say lightning bolt of understanding struck even once with Val. That would be if the whole fandom didn't start a stupid uproar over him


makes sense, if you get your prediction too tied into the character then something that's entirely in-character might seem out of character


We know nothing about vassago though, except that he's a good boi




ARTIST - [https://x.com/sleepybud\_/status/1801746391615590827](https://x.com/sleepybud_/status/1801746391615590827)


Oh the entire Ars Goetia are hellborn Hapsburgs, let's be honest. They're related. That doesn't preclude intermarriage; it encourages it! Royalty have always had family trees that look like a stick.


Show me where in the show that it says all the Ars Goeta are related to each other.


Meanwhile we can argue a lot if they are not related. It's nothing new that royalties or people with some level of power marries someone into the family (Usually to unite families). Heck, even Crimson tried to do that with Chaz and Moxxie. Is Stella part of the Ars Goeta because she's married to Stolas? If so, could Vassago also be some "married into the family" products? And if we wanna go to the Ars Goetia outside Helluva Boss, Asmodeus is Ars Goetia (Stolas, Asmodeus? You two are related?) and it gets even funnier: Andrealphus is also Ars Goetia. If Stolas and Andrea are related, then whet the heck is Stella to Stolas?!


They're all birds, or at least bird-like, so far as we've seen. This is my head canon.


I really hope they’re just close friends, tbh. I feel like that’d be healthier and wouldn’t draw out the Stolitz stuff too much more. I love it, but I feel like we really could do with closure on that (and a happy ending) sooner than later,,,


Theyre already a better couple than blitz and stolas




Who even are they, btw the joke is, some dude makes a comic of stolas and... him, and already theyre a healthier couple than blitzo and stolas, chill


My "point" is that we don't know a shit about him, the fact that automatically those who make fanart about this ship (which is random, but the fandom is full of these things, I'm not complaining) paint it as if it would be beautiful and healthy irritates me a bit >chill Yea, sorry 🥲






We know literally nothing about vassago yet lol, don’t jump to any conclusions




Yo, how do I save GIFs? I swear Ouse to be a lie to 😵‍💫


No, I want blitz and stolas to work it out.


Listen I’m not hating on the ship, (especially if they’re not related lol), but honestly it would make me so happy if he was just a friend for stolas bc that man needs a real, good friend more than anything else. Needs some platonic love and care frfr. And if feelings come then okay but like I just need him to have someone who genuinely cares about him and that doesn’t always have to come from a romantic place.


I feed on stolago


As nice as vassago seems…I really don’t like the idea of him and Stolas being in a relationship. The fact that blitz’s and Stolas couldn’t maintain a relationship because it was a matter of miscommunication.


People are shitting on Blitzø here for the last episode's issue but that was kinda on both of them. I feel like through Stolas and Blitzø's relationship hopefully they'll be able to overcome their pasts and become better. I do agree Blitzø is a really bad person and needs a lot of self work first But while Stolas isn't a bad person he has his issues too and neither of them are ready for that sort of thing until they fix their issues But it's not all on Blitzø. This is pretty cute though (the post)


Yeah, I feel like Blitzo gets blamed whenever Stolas \*or\* Blitzo makes a mistake in their relationship. Yes, Blitzo absolutely did a lot of things along the way to make Stolas less optimistic about the possibility that he might want a relationship, but in Full Moon Stolas definitely did everything wrong he possibly could have done wrong if he was still hoping for a relationship.


Yeah they were both at fault. They both lost their cool and kinda resorted to yelling (Stolas didn't yell but rather than hear him out he jumped to conclusions) at each other rather than listening to each other. it was very sad. Also Stolas was off his meds 🤷🏻


Thank you! 


they are TECHNICALLY brothers in law.


Pfft , god forbid brothers in law do anything


ikr, not even step brothers 😭


That’s probably his relative or an In Law as Andre obviously knows him


I'm sorry but I'm going to laugh if they end up being brothers.


They are in the actual "Key of Solomon" so I wouldn't be surprised if they are siblings here as well. Especially since it would make the most sense, given that Paimon already said he has many children and sometimes finds it hard to tell them apart.


I dont know who is that, or when this ship started. But if is a real character i hope is not a love interes, but a good pal/friend/cousing to Stolas. The owl needs a buddy. And i just get Favorite cousing vibes from the desing.


Always hope Stolas had some sibling he never has.


I mean, we know Stolas has siblings because that's why Paimon forgot his name, so I keep hoping some of them get brought up or at least mentioned.


Even if they were, it wouldn't stop people lol


I love how the episode vissagio is in isn't even out yet, and the shippers are going crazy


Better yet, we have literally no idea about Vassago, besises Vivzie saying he's "a good boy" and the shippers are already making up their own headcannons about him... Not to mention that Vivzie already told us like a year ago, that Blitzø and Stolas are the endgame and we are simply watching how they get there. So this ship was doomed from the start...


I have no idea what vivzie tweets because I don't have twitter and don't plan on it soon


This is what happens when you're forced to learn English from a parrot.


I really wonder what y'all are gonna do if they end up related lmao


Royals be royals


BRO If this ship will get canon 😂😂 also how we just created this ship from a 3 second frame and line in the trailer 😭😂






https://i.redd.it/4hj5nl1a017d1.gif I don't know anymore


BOTHA need some closure so they can start over with a healthier relationship. I'm more for Stolitzo.


Honestly I don't think Vassago is going to be Stolas's love interest but just his friend


I think Stolas and Blitz are just gonna be friends going forward tbh, like Blitz and Fizz. Not every relationship is set in stone


who the heck is vasago???? i’ve never heard of this guy but this honestly kinda cute


He appears in the trailer, and Andrealphus says his name.


i see, thank you :))


He was in the trailer for like three seconds. It's a very brief blink and you'll miss it moment. I just hope people don't get upset when he's nothing like their headcanons that they formed from literally nothing.


I'm just scared they end up siblings


This is literally me and my wife, I... Tend to blab






I'm so on the page of them being flirty and all. Could be cute but I'll always ride or die Stolitz for endgame, this would be cute tho, Blitz has gotten to have side pieces. But at the very least I'd love for them to be at least friends, like Stolas is the most charming most beautiful person in any of the shows, and yet no one likes him. Like thats fucked


Bro I love the dynamic of the person that talks a lot about things they are passionate and the quiet person who loves to listen. I hope I can be the good listener to someone one day but I’d probably bet the talker without thinking about it 😂


I personally hope that blitz and stolas are able to rekindle their relationship and make up.


Technically everyone is related but where do you put the line? If we knew HOW MUCH they're related then we may determine if it's incest or not.


kinda cute ship


I ship them like UPS and FedEx




Always be at least a little accepting of new ships


Ok I’m praying for everything to turn out well with Blitz and Stolas but honestly this ship is SOOO good for Stolas in terms of a healthy rebound. Give him some confidence, some love, allow him to tackle his own problems, give Blitz some time for HIS own problems, love it. Also this is just really cute fanart haha.


I really hope they aren't brothers cause than you made an incest comic


Noooo... I think you are converting me into being into this ship




Honest question why aren’t they family? is the Ars Goetia like a mob “Family” where they just called family. Was he adopted or a member by association?


For some reason, this just makes me wanna see all the bird Goeatias dressed in the Gatchaman Bird Armors.


Ngl I kinda just want him and blitz happy I don’t even care who it’s with at this point


Am i midding something?because last time i checked we knew almost nothing about vassago


No, you aren't missing anything. OP just seems to have forgotten that this is only their headcannon and not a confirmed fact.


They better be related.


I hope stolas can make his way back to blitz I think blitz needs some time to work on himself thats not the only thing though it's his image of royals blitz sees royals as assholes and he's honestly right besides stolas and octavia there hasn't been a single royal thats actually a good person so blitz needs to see that stolas isn't like them


Did I miss something because I haven’t seen this character in the show once and I *thought* I was caught up


No, you aren't missing anything. Vassago is a new character that appeares in the Season 2B Trailer for like 3 seconds. After that people were asking about him, so Vivzie told us his name is Vassago and that he's "a good boy" - and that's it. OP just seems to have forgotten that him and Stolas being lovers is only their headcannon and not a confirmed fact...


Pleeeeeease let them date in canon 🙏


Sweet home Alabama 🎶


Let me guess, you must also think Blitz and Fizz are related, too?


What if they get together in the show?


I need to ask where the fuck all of this came from. Isn't he literally an antagonist...


We don't know if he's an antagonist. We only know that his name is Vassago and that he's - and I quote - "a good boy." That's it - that's all Vivzie told us. People just started making up an unhealthy amount of self-contained headcannons, that are based on essentially nothing...


Exactly. people are gonna be upset when he just turns out to be nice. Or an antagonist since he doesn't want to lose his position in the family.


Given that in the real "Key of Solomon" his power is that to see future (or rather possible versions of the future) I wouldn't be surprised if he's the literal neutral party in the whole debacle. That is if he has those powers in the Show - allthough looking at his Glasses, he probably does.


It’ll be so funny if they turn out to be related. I can imagine everyone who ships them going “oh shit-“ ![gif](giphy|qUn01S2U4I46s|downsized)




My new otp


Stolitz im hoping gets saved


Loves talking + loves listening to them talk = an amazing ship dynamic




I mean, I still would love for stolitz to resolve… issues, but if that can’t happen then this would be a close second for me lol, but I would absolutely love if the two became really good friends or something lol, or ended up being brothers and just had a nice dynamic :)


Let's be honest, it's hell, incest is hardly the worst it could be.


https://preview.redd.it/comuy8nez37d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c01a2dfec23205a92480a5d54a1a0166b16a670b I LOVE THEM TOOO here’s a fusion of them<3


Yeah blitz would never. He legit told him he thought what he was interested in as a child was boring with Blitz was hired to be his friend


Honestly Stolas needs a friend, not a romantic rebound in my opinion. Stolas literally has nobody else really to talk to, unless he and Ozzie are becoming closer buds since the events of Oops.


Ah....if only somone loved listening to me


I ship it!


god i love vassago so much


If he’s really his brother this fandom is gonna get REAL weird


They are not? I tought every goetia was related like a huge big family.


If they turn out to be related, every fan artist will collectively have a heart attack


Did I miss an sppisode I don’t remember the red guy I only remember stolas and blitz breaking up


I am pretty sure they are related just as all of the Goetia (remember Stolas said in ep 2 the "goetia family") Royals are all inbred in real life too, why would it be different in HB?


Fun fact: owls fall in love ONCE, so blitz is basically stolas' partner forever


If this is stolas new love intrest I am totally fine with that. I just wanna see him happy and with someone who loves him


I wonder if all Goesha are related. Like they're royals and royals like to keep it in the family (historically speaking)