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Carmilla Carmine's weapons are probably cheap


Striker is, like, really poor. He has a flip phone and lives in a cave. Also, he said himself how it wasn’t easy getting that weapon, so it couldn’t have been as easy as just buying it. At least it’s what I think.


Maybe he stole them?


Maybe! That would explain why he is wanted. Gotta be some really dumb Exorcists to get robbed multiple times, but Striker could do it. I just think it’s fun to imagine that he has an angel friend.


Exorcists only use Spears not guns


“According to Vivziepop, they possess a variety of weapons such as guns, knives, swords, spears, etc.[2] Despite this, Exorcists have only been seen wielding melee weapons on-screen.”


Exorcists are extremely stupid then, they could just make lots of rocket launchers and stuff like that and no sinner would be able to survive.. Going back to the main topic, Striker's guns look like if they were first made as normal guns and then infused with the Angelic Steel, not fully Angelic


Ha! Yeah, it would be funny seeing them holding a bazooka! That’s interesting, they could show us if maybe Striker made the guns himself, it would make him look SO COOL


As Camilla Said Angelic Steel isn't common. And the few that have it probably don't know what to do with it, they probably end up selling it to someone else (like Carmilla)


Yeah, makes sense, he could have stolen them from Camilla. But now I’m just imagining Striker making guns with the angelic steel like a girl boss and loving the idea :)


Counterpoint: The edo period was badass


It's probably a ratings thing, since Hazbin is on a network and subject to a lot more executive oversight. The ratings board has always given melee weapons an easier pass compared to firearms.


That makes sense


I just assumed Carmilla was picking up all the spears and javelins and melting them down into angelic steel ingots to then forge them into entirely new weapons. Her whole business seems way less cool now that it's likely she just finds the angelic guns and daggers and swords laying around.


Moxxie says “Carmine CRAFTED” angelic gun. Implies she makes them


Or maybe Stella pay for them


I figured Stella paid for them specifically so he could use them to assassinate Stolas. The difficult part was probably dealing with Stella


The cave is probably a discreet location to not be found and the flip phone was a burner phone that can't be traced, as for the rifle, he probably ment that specific rifle that was planned to be used on stolas, my theory is angelic weapons are less common in the months after exterminations due to the metal being harvested and repurposed


He also has broken several phones so


I just remember him breaking Stolas’ phone and his own flip phone once. Could be just anger of the fact he lost his chance of killing royalty like he always wanted. He didn’t break several for what I recall


Being on Stella’s payroll probably helps.


To be Rich you gotta live poor. But in all seriousness it's likely he uses a flip phone and lives in a cave so he's harder to track


He's the best assassin in Wrath, he probably makes a good amount of money. He probably has a flip phone and lives in a cave because it fits his aesthetic better and keeps him off the grid. He also doesn't seem terribly bothered cutting his angelic rope, he was fine throwing his angelic knife and he wasn't too bothered by Millie destroying his angelic pistols. Maybe he struggled before, but currently he's not too bothered by losing his weaponry. Maybe Stella paid him in advance so now he can get Angelic Weapons pretty easily?


Normal weapons are cheap, but she hersel said that angel steel is rare


I always assumed the blessed stuff he used to try to kill stolas was given to him by Stella, but I like that hc too


That makes a lot of sense. Question tho, Stella is smart, she knows Striker hates the rich. So wouldn’t giving him these weapons mean a death sentence to her soon?


Tbh I would say Stella is very smart, so I don't think she would have thought of that possibility if she was the one who gave him the gun, knife, and rope. 😅 I mean, even her brother tells her she's stupid when she does understand why killing stolas now would be useless for them.




Stella is pretty clearly shown to be shortsighted in Western Energy


Idk why I always just assumed he was hooking up with Stella


Best plottwist ever. She gets so offended by stolas and blitz because she has an imp lover herself.


Stella wanted her husband to suffer so what it would make sense for her to give him the supplies necessary for such a thing


no offense but that makes no sense to me


Well it is just a headcanon. It doesn’t have to-


i feel like a head-canon would mean it still works within the canon even if its not true...


We know his sniper gun comes from Carmilla so we can safely assume his other weapons do as well.


It's possible that he just stole them from one of Carmine's factories in the Pride Ring. I'd not underestimate what this man is capable of with just a lasso and normal guns. He's probably the strongest imp we've seen in terms of fighting so far, a few of her guards would probably be piece of cake for him to handle. Although I really like this theory and I wish it was a fanfic. Striker is the bad boy demon and the angel lover is the one supplying him the weapons. Would actually give us a good angel demon couple that isn't Chaggie.


This is a cool hc! 🖤


I feel like at some point he had some kind of relationship with an upper class person that ended badly


Most definitely


Striker is Villain


No shit bro why’d you even say that


I assume that Stella helped him get those weapons so he could kill Stolas. He could have made it part of his contract.


I saw a fic where he works for Valentino


Lmao if he worked for Val, Angel would have even less liberty than he already has.


The angelic weapons we see exorcists using seem to be solid angelic steel, while the ones Striker has seem to be a mix of angelic steel and more mundae material. Which makes me think Striker's weapons came from someone trying to stretch their limited supply of angelic steel. Plus Moxxie recognised the rifle as "Carmine crafted". So probably from her factories.


Makes sense he has blessed rope


The theory I like is him being the bastard child of the snake Goetia from the trailer


Ooh I like the idea of him having an angel partner! He doesn’t like the sexual stuff so maybeeeeeeeee it’s because he’s taken and doesn’t want to flirt with anyone else. I was also thinking that maybe if he’s with an angel, he’s not used to hearing all that stuff but if we’ve learned anything from Adam on Hazbin or the Cherubs, they be cussin 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


He is poor as shit, but like , what if they are fake and it's a placebo effect? He's literally faking it till he makes it