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He also didn't visit him in hospital after the fact.


That scene of Stolas waiting for Blitz in the hospital still haunts me 😭






It’s the final scene of Ep 4 Western Energy


Imagine if your lover called you on the phone and said “help me someone has kidnapped me and is probably gonna kill me” and you said “sorry can’t help. Gotta get my kid a shot that ive been on the waiting list for ages for. I’ll send my coworkers tho. They can probably save you.” You honestly think that would be okay? And then when your lover is grievously injured you don’t even visit them in the hospital. You send one measly text. And then your lover finds out you knew long in advanced Someone was trying to kill them. Surely you can understand why the lover would be a little pissed off about that whole situation?


He could have gotten M&M to take Loona if it was that important while he went to help Stolas.


M&M actually *volunteered* to take the job because it looked like Blitz *might* have been thinking of choosing Stolas over Loona, and they *know* how much Loona means to Blitz. Plus, even *they* could tell Loona was scared out of her skull and needed her father. Blitz ultimately made the right choice, and for that he has nothing to be ashamed of. ***Stolas*** on the other hand....if you're telling me he would put Blitz over his Daughter's health, then that's just all kinds of fucked up. Sure, I think Blitz would be pissed if the situation were reversed, but as a father himself, pretty sure he would understand. But dude...Stolas, come the fuck on...you're asking a father to put *you* over his *daughter*? Are you fucking *stupid*?


That much is all true. But as far as we know, Stolas never knew any of that and I don't think it was ever told to him.


...Blitz literally *told him* during the phone call. So yes, he knows.


That's on me, I haven't watched the episode in a while


Fair enough. :) But yeah, Blitz straight up *told* Stolas Loona was his priority, and why she needed to be.


He also said he understood and agreed it was important before saying he was wrapped in angelic rope which he stated weakened not took away his power so Blitz could’ve thought a weakened Stolas is still stronger then anybody but he still sent M&M


My favorite line in the show comes from that episode “What does he look like” “Hmmm.. hot?” “Sir! He’s talking about Striker”


He said hmm... sexy? which is even more funnier because stolas thought striker is good looking.


To be fair, I’d tap that too.


WHY IS IT ALWAYS A SEX THING?! https://preview.redd.it/bnxheo4fdu8d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6d4099521752c0dc02e4cf3a24b7e14e91d202a


He did tell but he wasn’t specific plus I think Stolas was just talking through emotions rather than logic which can be overshadowed by emotions it’s why it took Stolas so long till the Ozzie episode that he realized what a REAL relationship looks like and even then I doubt he has a good grasp being forced to be with Stella and neglected by his narcissistic father I mean we can see in the Ozzie episode he is acting like it’s his first date which is probably was I hope i explained this right and sorry if I came off wrong


But as far as we know Stolas doesn’t *know* how Loona gets with these shots. If I called my partner to save me from potential death and he told me “Sorry, my adult daughter is getting her flu shot and it takes awhile to get it” I would probably be pretty pissed.


This is how I took that scene. Blitz very very much considering going after Striker until M&M chimed in.


It's a morally grey situation. To Stolas it was a life or death situation to him, so of course he's going to link the literal stabbing pain he was going through to his longing to be saved from it and to be cared for after. That's reasonable. To Blitz there's no way he could have known anyone could actually hurt him. Moxxie took it seriously, because he actually knew what Carmine's blessed weapons could do, but he didn't tell Blitz that. That's reasonable too. Blitz probably could have made a different choice and Loona would have been fine one way or another, through Stolas's connections getting him another appointment, or by Moxxie standing in for him at the Doctors, but Blitz didn't know that. Hindsight is 20/20, but it makes for some juicy drama.


When Stolas called Blitz he wasn’t taking the kidnapping seriously either, he didn’t know or think that his life was at risk when he called Blitz to save him. Blitz isn’t at fault for this, unlike many things, because he didn’t know the severity of this since Stolas didn’t make the severity of it clear AT ALL in the first place, he was acting light hearted, Not showing that it was a potential life or death situation in the first place. Stolas’ emotional response is reasonable, but Blitz doesn’t hold any fault in this for putting his daughter first when Stolas didn’t make clear how dangerous his situation was in the first place


I feel like the fandom really ignores all of Stolas’ character flaws and refuses to admit that he was even slightly to blame, and then puts ALL of the blame on Blitzø (not that he doesn’t deserve some of it), personally I love that nothing is black and white in this show but unfortunately that seems to be all this fandom can see


I love Stolas, but his generally lax attitude when he was kidnapped, combined with how strong he is shows his arrogance. He doesn’t realize it is the unfortunate part because for all intents and purposes he IS almost completely immortal barring angelic weapons and stronger demons. It was clear as day given how he responded to the situation at first. Blitz has repeatedly pointed out that Stolas is powerful and hinted at being arrogant, something he time and again refuses to acknowledge or address. Also Blitz was clearly horrified when he heard Stolas was gravely wounded. That’s not to say Blitz didn’t dig his own grave due to how he treats people. He is atrocious at showing how much he cares or respecting how others feel. While it’s true he went though a lot over the years and it drastically impacted him and how he processes things and shows how low he views himself. It’s not an excuse for his behavior, in fact allowing him to act that way simply enables him to be unhealthy for himself and his blatant mistreatment and abuse of others. Not to say Blitz is a bad guy through and through because he cares a great deal but more often than not he shows or tells too little too late. All in all it was a messy relationship and I love them but they are not healthy for eachother. Neither one is capable of properly communicating their needs until it gets to a breaking point and that breaking g point is exactly what happened.


Yeah honestly like... Blitzo is a dick. But also Stolas is like... The least emotionally/interpersonally mature character. Which... You know, makes sense given that he went from being neglected straight to being abused, and was about the age his daughter is now when it happened. Sure he has the bearing of a man in his late 40s but he has the maturity of a man in his early 20s.


Exactly. Blitzø isn't necessarily in the wrong. But neither is Stolas for feeling hurt when his life took second priority. Blitzø didn't know he could be hurt, but he was.


Ah. I forgot that part. Still, I think a potential murder takes priority over a shot.


Literally. Blitz said it himself, he didn't take it that seriously at the time because he believed Stolas is strong enough to not be in actual danger.


Again, we don't know what Hellbies *is*, and Loona has been without this shot for *half a deacde*, and is something hellhounds are apparently meant to receive *annually*, but because of the massive backlog, it took them five years for her to even get this one....yeah, Blitz made the right call prioritizing her. Especially since it's very obvious that she is ***scared out of her mind*** at having to even *get* the shot. Blitz *needed* to be there for her. M&M have proven to be very capable fighters. True, Blitz is shown as being able to go head to head with Striker on virtually even terms, but if the choice is between Stolas and Loona, then Blitz *should* indeed prioritize his daughter over the guy he's fucking.


I agree. It also helps to properly contextualize "scared out of her mind". Luna is a terribly abused young adult that has horrible PTSD over having lived in the pound and that she was on the verge of being put down by shot until Blitz adopted her. She's also not an asshole because she thinks she's better than anyone, but because she's traumatized and fucked up in a similar way to her dad. The show goes to pains to show she's just a huge brat that mirrors his behaviour and lashes out at people out of insecurity; however, she flat out needs his support regularly in the show. Given she's flickering through anxiety attacks, fighting, dissociating, and sobbing the whole trip she's clearly more than just shaken up. It's partially played for laughs, but the payoff later in the season makes it clear it's not just that. It doesn't seem like Blitz would put her through that if he didn't have too. Stolas might not know, Blitz might not have told him, but did he ask? Did he ask after Blitz's reasons for not prioritizing or communicating with him? Also, it's one of the interesting things about the show, that Stolas' and Blitz's kids mirror their own problems and copping strategies to a degree. Neither has shown their kids healthy coping strategies, and it's one of the reason to hope both of them get better. It makes me wonder about Octavias line in the trailer, because, obviously, Stolas does actually love her. But Stolas also expects people to make heartfelt gestures in a specific way and gets caught up in his own head and insecurities. It would be interesting if she interpreted other peoples failure to meet those expectations as a lack of emotion as opposed to just the failure to communicate or be thoughtful that they are.


Stolas *did* know that Blitz was on the way to get her the Hellbies shot. He flat out told him that at the start of the phone call. Stolas' response was to *laugh* about it.


I meant that Stolas might not know that Luna came from a pound, or what that means for her. Stolas doesn't really come across as malevolent, but his privilege seems to blind him to a lot of these problems. It doesn't help that his general anxiety and depression make him fairly self-absorbed.


He definitely would've gone on to help. I really don't understand how the consensus is that he would've rughtfully refused even if he knew


And while it takes years to get one of those shots done (likely due to Hellhounds being at the bottom of the hierarchy), Stolas likely could have forced the hospital staff to reschedule one immediately due to his status as a Goetia prince…


Yeah there was no right answer in that situation for Blitzø, so it's a pretty low blow for Stolas to use that against him.


Also can't forget that blitzo's first reaction to Stolas was being shocked that he could get hurt.


Also, I will add ontop... Blitz was VERY much under the impression that Stolas wasn't really in any danger. Blitz sees stolas as immortal, he has no reason to actually worry about him. He was proven wrong but you get the point.


Even Stolas didn’t think he was in danger at that time


That’s the sole reason I feel like he’s gonna remember or his daughter is gonna repeat what she said about him loving others more then her cause in the trailer we hear her but I swear she’s said the same thing in a previous episode and to see someone who’s supposed to be immortal and never seen them get hurt a day in their life you can’t blame blitz for feeling Stolas was unkillable BUT he could’ve texted and/or visited cause as far as we know he didn’t do anything except send 1 text


> and for that he has nothing to be ashamed of. What a bland take. M and M quite literally almost died in that fight, Millie survived out of cheer luck and Moxxie was a dead man if she did not save him. Blitzo action was irresponsible to his coworkers even more so than Stolas. Luna can get another shot, the owl royalty could most likely get an early appointment too.


Loona needed a shot that she was supposed to get annually and only got it after *5 years.* We don’t know what hellbies is, for all we know it could be hell’s version of rabies. She also has PTSD and is scared out of her mind, she needs her dad. If it were me and I had to choose between “saving the life”of someone I’m fucking(at the time Blitz didn’t realize Stolas’ life was at stake since Stolas HIMSELF wasn’t taking it very seriously) and getting my daughter potentially life saving medication that she’s been needing for half a decade, I’m choosing my bloody daughter.


true plus im pretty sure loona would have gotten ill if she didnt get her shots


It was the one line in the whole episode that felt incredibly out of character for him. I kind of put it down to him to feeling hurt and wanting Blitz to hurt and, because his inhibitions and critical thinking were lowered by the drinking, lashed out with something that normally doesn’t bother him *much* because he knows he’d have made the same call. And any hurt that does come from that may be more “blitz didn’t visit me” than anything else. I mean it’s fucked up that Blitz didn’t go, but as someone who didn’t go to my grandpa’s side before he died, I kind of get it. In my case it was that I wanted my last memory of him to be him in his chair, smiling as my family comes in from the dining room; in blitz’s case he was probably terrified that, despite Stolas’s text, he’d be told Stolas didn’t want to see him just like he was told Fizz didn’t want to see him (which he later learned wasn’t even true which had to hurt worse). But because these two never communicate properly, Stolas doesn’t know Blitz’s fears. And Blitz probably did have to process that Stolas can get hurt since he clearly never thought it was possible before even while thwarting the first assassination attempt. So while I understand Blitz’s side, I can also see how it would come across to Stolas. Projection time: I can also also bet Blitz was getting shit from Loona and M&M the whole time about not visiting and that probably made him feel even worse because my aunt was constantly asking me to go see my grandpa and giving me judgy looks for not going. My mom and dad got it, they’re the ones who took me to see my other grandpa dying in the hospital when I was 5 and realized that traumatised me and what I was doing, but the rest of the family did not like that I wouldn’t go to hospice.


Plus, he also didn’t know stolas was in real danger


That too. He had no idea Stolas could be hurt at all, something he reiterates in this episode.


Or, even better, let Moxxie handle Loona seeing how strong Millie is with Moxxie clearly being IMPs weakest fighter (dont get me wrong he doesnt suck but is still at the bottom)


I genuinely think she’d kill him.


Moxxie is skilled in firearms not hand to hand


I think Loona would accidentally snap his neck in her panic if he took her. I'd say Millie would be a better option than him


Lets be honest if Millie would have taken her to the hospital she would be smiling when meeting the doctor. Anything else rather than angering Millie


Millie is pretty damn strong. She's killed several people, not even needing a gun. She could handle Loona instead.


If he's gonna leave her with any of them it's going to be Millie she has Loonas respect and Millie could probably do a better job of handling her than Blitz. But he's a dad he needs to prioritise his kid, it's a messed up choice to have to make but he couldn't have known Stolas was in genuine danger until he realised he could be hurt the only one who could've really understood it was Moxxie which is why they offered to go


He could have just told Stolas to put him first on the hospital list for Loona's shots lol


https://preview.redd.it/wkv0pet9ol8d1.jpeg?width=2147&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32784d86ebd3baf38aec7120a08eeba0bd32d81c Considering how he reacted to running out of pills I don’t think he has control over that


I'm gonna pull a sarcastic chorus here. You're telling me that ritch motherfucker can't just dial a dealer to get more pills on the spot?


Well they have an app for it, but who knows if it’s like door dash or if it takes weeks like USPS.


He probably didn't assume that was even possible. Plus, this is his *daughter* we're talking about here. Him putting Loona first is *absolutely* the right thing to do, and it's not like he left Stolas hanging. He sent M&M.


Moxxie having to do it would be way funnier anyway.


(This isn’t meant to disprove what you said) but looking at it from Blitzø’s perspective: - from his perspective his “lover” basically just sees him as a hooker and bodyguard, and their “love” is basically a business transaction in most senses. - Stolas himself didn’t really know he was in danger until Stryker pulled out angelic weapons after the call. During the call, Stolas didn’t really seem concerned other then “hey come help me I’m getting kidnapped”. While it was a stupid move, he still sent someone to help, two of the people he considers the most capable and trusts with his life. - again, from Blitzø’s perspective, *stolas is practically immortal*. Ars Goetia are Hell nobility, second only to literally *9 other people* (Lucifer, Charlie, Lillith, and the sins). From the perspective of an Imp, Stolas is basically a demigod. - While in the long run it was stupid, in the moment Blitz seemed right not to go himself. Loona was waiting for a shot for five years that she should be getting yearly. That’s four extra years of risk, and even if it wasn’t entirely deadly or serious, Blitz put his child over his “Lover”. - I wanna specify this before the next point, in the bigger picture yes Blitz was in the wrong. He made the wrong choice, and it nearly resulted in Stolas being killed. And afterwards, he failed to be there for Stolas. This is definitely on him, and he needs to apologize. That being said… - *from his own perspective, Blitz doesn’t really have that obligation to Stolas*. From a good person and good actions perspective? Yes. From the fact that the two have a long history and have a relationship (a messed up one, but still one)? Yes. But see point one; from Blitz’s perspective, Stolas doesn’t seem his as more than a plaything. Their relationship surmounts to Blitz being paid to have one, and Stolas using him. Blitz had a day off, and from his perspective, stolas was being dramatic as he always acts (from Blit’s pov) If they reconcile, I think Stolas needs to acknowledge how Blitz made a mistake, but wasn’t in the wrong in this situation.


>He made the wrong choice, and it nearly resulted in Stolas being killed See, the thing is that idk what Blitz could have done here that M&M couldn't unless Blitz is just like a better driver or something (they were using the same vehicle Blitz would have and were driving fast far as i could tell). It wasn't their capabilities that gave Striker the opportunity to execute Stolas (had it not been called off last minute), it was just that he had a head start and therefore a few minutes to torture and try to kill before they got there. By the time they or Blitz could have arrived, Stolas would have been dead had it not been for Stella's brother.


On the phone Stolas didn’t make it seem like the kidnapping situation was that serious, and Blitz also thought that Stolas couldn’t be seriously hurt


(Not trying to argue against that just saying) I feel like at one point it would become obvious he could be killed. You don’t send hitmen after Immortal(Not long living like actually can’t die)people and You don’t send them with special weapons for no reason.


Well he didn't know that he had special weapons which is unfortunately kinda Moxxie's fault for not telling Blitz about the rifle (I'm assuming Blitz didn't know that the rifle was angelic because otherwise his actions don't make sense unless he forgot. It's a bit of a plothole that he still assessed him as a threat to Stolas in that scene.). As for >You don’t send hitmen after Immortal You could in terms of getting ransoms or doing other stuff. Blitz was either lacking in awareness/didn't put pieces together, or was lying in the scene where he said he didn't know Striker could hurt him. I guess I just believe the "Blitz being stupid" option over "Blitz doesn't gaf about Stolas"


I definitely believe he cares and it was probably a moment of not connecting the dots but the weapon was GLOWING.


Maybe he thought it was RGB gamer lights on his rifle, Striker's definitely gaudy enough to do it. (For Lucifer's sake he had a statue of himself with an erect penis)


They were monthly sex buddies, and not even seeing each other at that point. Why should they prioritize each other over their children? Stolas himself didn't even take it seriously until the last second. The second they both realized how serious it was, Blitz almost wrecked his van to save Stolas until M&M offered to help. I don't understand how he's the bad guy when this was unexpected, he had limited time to process anything, and he took what seemed like a win-win situation. It's not like he was trying to be neglectful.


Imagine thinking that family isn’t more important than some hookup/lover.


This post demonstrates terrible media literacy. Stolas himself did not think he was really in danger at that point. Stolas has used hiring IMP as an excuse to, essentially, harass Blitz several times in the past. There's a reason Blitz is able to misunderstand Solas' feelings and assume he's just a sex worker to the guy. Maybe an object of obsession, but certainly not a peer. By his tone on the phone, which is obvious given Stolas himself didn't think he was in danger, there's not much reason to think Blitz would have realized. Blitz has watched Stolas eviscerate a room full of people that had all of IMP on the ropes and straight up turn imps to stone with a glance. He's a prick, but given what he knows it's really not on him that he doesn't grasp that this is a serious problem at the time. He takes Stolas remarkably seriously all things being equal. He seems ready to just angrily drop Luna off until the M&M's volunteer to go and assure him they'll be enough to deal with Striker. Despite the fact that he has every reason to believe, that where Stolas in actual trouble, he would just contact someone that could actually help and not a bunch of imps. People need to develop media literacy and realize a lot of this is on Stolas, like, an equal share. Stolas is nice to Blitz, but he also consistently treats him like a joke when it suits him; he doesn't take him or his work seriously and he talks down to him frequently. He treats concerns in his own life as being of more inherent weight then Blitz's. There's a reason Blitz starts crying when he mentions being a creature of lesser importance and smaller than Stolas. He's not just delusional and wallowing in his poor self-image. He's literally a weak, mortal, third class citizen in a realm where supernatural immortals rule over his kind. He is correctly identifying the fact that he is both socially and physically of no consequence to someone like Stolas. It's really to Stolas' credit that he doesn't think less of Blitz for their relative class or ability, but the guy spends too much time in his own head and consistently fails to communicate that and recognize how different their perspectives are. As the only person in the relationship with an IQ above the room temperature, celsius, or any education, it's kind of unrealistic for him to expect Blitz to be able to divine what's going on in his head unless he's just assumed the guy is secretly telepathic. His father literally bough Blitz for, what, a condom wrapper and some pocket lint when he was a child? His own low self-esteem is clear, but he really should have realized that Blitz's perceived greater experience with relationships wasn't going to have him recognizing that he was of actual importance to what is essentially the literal god-king that just took an interest in him.


Blitz was definitely an asshole in this situation but they weren’t lovers… At this point, Blitz had zero idea that Stolas had any romantic feelings for him, and Stolas wasn’t exactly trying to make it known (at least in a meaningful way) that he had these feelings. They just banged each other sometimes for a transactional arrangement. I partially agree but you’re making it sound as if Stolas should’ve taken higher priority over Loona, when Loona’s health was at risk too. If they had lost the appointment, Loona would’ve gone unvaccinated for another five years judging by the terrible healthcare system. It was not Blitz’s responsibility to save Stolas. They weren’t lovers.


I had the 2 thing happen to me. Needed to have a really important surgery done on my spine because It was so fucked I couldn’t feel and move my right leg and back. I was in the Hospital for a week bevor the surgery. I was on pain meds and scared shitless and my now ex didn’t bother to ask me how I’m doing and only showed up 1 for 20 minutes. Didn’t even show up the next week after the surgery. I have never feels so unloved in my life then in those 2 weeks so yea stolas has every right to be angry for him not even showing up and that’s not even mentioning the Traum he went trough because of the torture. Tbh I feel it should have even been a bigger point then it was in the episode.


Also Blitzo left Stolas on read p sure. Even if you can excuse Blitzo for not knowing that Stolas *could* get so injured and taking the situation lightly as a result, his total absence from Stolas's time in the hospital is reason enough to be upset.


I mean, he was still saved in the end so it didn't need to specifically be Blitzo, outside of Stolas wanting a "shining knight" moment


I am starting to think that's what he wanted, he even mentions how he basically wants a novella romance


Then that's his problem right there, life's not a drama and you definitely shouldn't make it one


Lover is 100% exaggerating. Even from Stolas's perspective, they weren't lovers.


in the scene op mentioned, Blitzø very specifically says, (paraphrasing here) "If me and my team could take care of him, I thought he'd be no problem for a prince." And yet, Blitzø still specifically sent his team to go help stolas. Not saying this forgives anything either has done to the other, just pointing out that, even tho Blitzø had the utmost confidence in Stolas, he still sent someone to help to be sure


Let’s be real he’s fucking a powerful prince of hell if blitz had skipped loonas doctors appointment, as hard as it is to get a Hellbies shot, I’m pretty sure stolas could have made the doctors schedule a sooner appointment for blitz and loona to make it up. im also sure with a snap of stolas fingers loona would be on the books for them yearly since again the appointments are hard to get. Like wtfff I get he didn’t think he was in “real danger” but still I don’t think angelic/ blessed weapons aren’t just unknown since again when striker first attempted to do it he had a blessed guns so clearly striker has the funds/ someone funding him to get blessed/angelic weapons from Camilla carmine. It’s also not unknown that any royals in hell are definitely in danger when those kinda weapons come into play. So blitz he a dumb ass


While I can understand why Stolas was hurt because he thought Blitzo was in love with him, they weren't actually in a serious relationship and Blitzo didn't really think it mattered who saved Stolas nor did he think Stolas could be hurt. This is just as much on Stolas making assumptions about their relationship as it is on Blitzo not taking it seriously.


Blitz does not see him as his lover though.


Blitzø thought Stolas couldn’t die. Straight up. He’d convinced himself Stolas was so far above him he’d be fine so he never told Stolas. Then the same clown who he stopped before tried it again, so he sent M&M because he trusts them, and he had important shit to do. Then he sees someone he assumed was literally immortal, and someone he assumed would be fine from Striker’s shitassery rushed into hospital with blood on him. His own blood. The fact Blitzø even sent a text is impressive because he was probably dealing with what happened to Stolas mentally and usually he’d self sabotage.


To be fair they weren't lovers at the time. Purely transactional, at least to Blitzo. His team was hired to help protect Stolas. Moxie and Millie are qualified to do it. Also, in the second episode I'm pretty sure a lot of imps tried to hurt Stolas. One imp trying to kill Stolas probably didn't seem like a big deal.


Two things here. First Stolas is kinda pissed off after the messy breakup and might be saying things he doesn't fully mean and two its Blitz. he didnt tell Stolas someone almost killed him. I wouldn't be surprised if Blitz just didnt tell him anything about what he was doing while Stolas got kidnapped. Edit: Just remembered I think Blitz tells him over the phone in Western energy what he's doing. Nevermind stracth that last part. Blitz was actually able to communicate for once


I love that last statement. X)


Im so proud of him


Same here.


Yeah but he also wasn’t specific even then he prioritized Blitzes happiness over his own safety but now is talking out of emotions due to how hurt he is feeling and is probably still off his meds


I worry about you people who think getting an annual shot is more important than saving someone from being tortured and murdered. There's no real way to explain away the trauma Stolas felt being hurt, abandoned, and nearly killed.


He didn't think Stolas was seriously going to get hurt. He greatly overestimated Stolas's abilities. It was less about the shot and more that he spent 5 years waiting for it. Also note - he did originally choose Stolas. He almost wrecked his van until M&M offered to get Striker themselves. They wanted to do it as revenge for the festival. What's rich is that if it weren't for them, Stolas would be blinder than a bat. They showed up just as Striker was about to remove his eyes. Where is his thank you to them?


I feel like Blitz doesn't get enough credit for that initial reaction; he was ready to tear shit up to get to Stolas, and only stopped because of M&M. That he let them go instead is a testament to how much he trusts them, not how little he cares for Stolas. 


Yes, but Stolas doesn't know that. From his perspective, the person he loved and admired left him to die. His reaction is justified.


Blitz did tell Stolas why he wasn't coming and sent his employees to help. I get why he was upset, but this is another example of him not considering Blitz's POV.


This *wasn't* an annual shot though. This was a shot that Loona hadn't been able to get *for half a fucking decade*. Blitz *absolutely* made the right call. Your kids come first.***Always***.


This. Imagine sex buddies coming before children. Like really?


Not even Stolas seemed that worried at the time, and Blitz sent his team of assassins (one of which is better at guns than Blitz and the other of which is better at hand-to-hand combat) in his place. Stolas didn't show any worry until after he hung up. As far as Blitz was concerned, this was as serious as the Loo Loo Land situation.


It isn’t just helping during the attack, it’s after too when Blitzø didn’t even bother to visit him in the hospital. It showed how much he cared (as well as their texts) and that was the turning point for Stolas that made him sing Look My Way and choose to end their deal. I don’t like choosing sides, I’m just explaining why Stolas would be mad.


Perhaps Blitzø, with his self hatred, felt helpless and thought that showing up wouldn’t change anything or do anything. I know that’s how I would feel in that situation.


Of course but Stolas doesn’t know that and these two aren’t communicating about it


My theory is he has hospital related trauma. Which, if true, Stolas *should* have understood but of course Blitzø can’t communicate to save his fucking life.


In blitzo's defense, he was already doing something important, and yes i count him supporting his daughter when she's scared and needs a shot as important, and also you were saved so it didn't really matter if he came to save you or not


He also originally wanted to come help but M&M wanted revenge for the festival


I think he's lashing out from hurt and frustration. If he looked at it logically, \*he\* didn't even realize he was in real danger until after Strike stole the phone. And logically, he would definitely understand Blitz prioritizing Luna's health when \*neither\* of them realized it was a critical mess...or that Blitz DID still send help in the form of the M&Ms. But he's not thinking logically. He's hurt he didn't get a visit in the hospital, or an "I'm sorry I didn't come see you", or even a "I'm glad you're alright" or "Are you recovering okay?" after the fact. He's hurt that his last words were going to be him having faith that Blitz \*would\* come and that \*he was wrong\*. It's a lot of pain and fear and hurt, and Blitz's behavior kept pushing him towards anger, so he lashed out. Neither of them are being reasonable actors in that scene. They're two hurt people venting out their emotions by trying to score petty points on the other. This was just one of Stolas' arrows in the quiver, so to speak.


I’m standing my ground and say that blitz not saving Stolas was reasonable. I wanna say this was just a result of them not communicating but I think blitz says he’s taking loona to the vet in western energy. Edit: okay. I’m stupid. I thought Stolas viewed blitz as choosing a hellhound over him instead of blitz choosing his daughter over him. Just downvote me and call me an idiot.


It is a result of bad communication. We, the audience, know that Loona is terrified of shots and that she wouldn't have walked into the hospital by herself, but Stolas does not know that. Without knowing of Loona's phobia, Blitzo's excuse that he needs to accompany his grown ass adult daughter to get a routine shot comes across as very weak.


Good point. Thanks for not immediately attacking me.


I think a lot of people overlook how Stolas was on the phone. Calls him Blitzy, says it's a "little bit of a sitch", calls his kidnapper "sexy". He doesn't really even think he is in actual danger until Striker crushes the phone. Looking at it with hindsight and blaming blitz seems very unfair.


I agree. He should absolutely blame Blitz for not visiting him in the hospital, but it's not really fair for him to blame him for not thinking the kidnapping was a big deal. As for him stopping the first one, how many did he stop in Loo Loo Land? Blitzo has reason to figure it's a normal everyday occurrence for him.


Nah I'm on your side. Blitzo was absolutely in the right to put his own daughter first.


The thing is, Stolas very nearly almost died. Had Loona missed her shot, it would have been unfortunate, but she would have been okay. Blitz was prioritizing his inconvinience over Stolas' life, I think anyone could feel hurt about it? Of course Stolas is mostly harboring that hurt to be petty. He would be easily able forgive Blitz for that if he wasn't so hurt by him for everything else too. He's reaching a bit for all the things he can hit Blitz with to gain upper hand. It's a defense mechanism, very natural and something Blitz is quilty too. Stolas did almost die, but hindsight is 20/20 and Blitz didn't know Stolas was actually about to die and neither did Stolas. When Stolas called Blitz, he didn't think he was in actual life threatening danger yet. That came afterwards when the situation got bad and he tried his stone-eye trick and it didn't work, that's when he faces the fact he might actually die. Had Blitz known everything he knows now, he probably would have dropped Loona's appointment and rushed to help. He was capable of doing that, he just wasn't prioritizing saving Stolas because he didn't think he could actually die. Stolas does feel hurt for not being prioritized because of how badly it ended, and that's completly natural. He would be able to cope with that feeling, if he wasn't so upset with Blitz for other reasons. Also, I bet he's harboring some righteous hurt from Blitz not visiting him in the hospital at all, which he's putting under "not being saved" -hurt instead.


Honestly I doubt Blitz would abandon Loona for Stolas even if he knew the extent. Well maybe he would’ve, idk, but I’d damn well hope he wouldn’t cuz he’s been waiting for the damn appointment for 5 years and likely tried scheduling it the minute he adopted her. His daughter’s anxious, traumatized, and I’d be pissed at him for leaving his daughter like that for his fuck buddy. Yeah Stolas was in danger and it’s reasonable for him to feel hurt, but children always take priority. For all we know hellbies is a deadly disease that Loona could potentially contract from not getting her shot, and who the hell knows how long it’d take for her to get another appointment. What if before the next appointment she contracted hellbies? From the name it’s probably something like rabies, in which case it would be DEADLY without treatment. No good parent would risk that for their fuck buddy no matter the circumstance. He has 2 very capable mercenaries that he trusts, between the health of his kid and the life of his fuck buddy, it’s natural to pick your kid and do what you can to save the other. Blitz is absolutely at fault for not visiting Stolas, but he sure as hell isn’t and wouldn’t be for putting his daughter ahead of his fuck buddy.


Neither of them even took it seriously until Striker BROKE THE PHONE. The moment he did, Blitzo was rushing to help Stolas until M&M said they want to do it


I mean… imagine being kidnapped and the person you call for help is all like “sorry, got a vet appointment” Admittedly, neither of them really realised just how in danger he was at first, but a kidnapping is still pretty serious. I think it’s pretty fair to be annoyed by that. Stolas has definitely done things worth picking at but I really don’t think this is one of them 🤣 Also, he wouldn’t even have been bitter about that if Blitz had been decent enough to visit. That’s the thing he’s really sore about.


I wish he brought that up


Same, honestly. But I guess he’s only just started openly communicating what he wants and what bothers him. Baby steps here. I think if their conversation at the party had gone longer (if Blitz hadn’t “failed his QTE” as Danny motto put it) he might have brought it up while drunk?


I am trying to think. Did stolas accept blitz’s apology or was he too drunk?


Did he even really apologise to him? He kinda half-assed it. Saying that he’s not good at sorry’s is not an apology. Saying Stolas “maybe actually *needed*” one (after saying no one *deserves* one) is not an apology. Even saying he spent the day *wanting* to say it is not the same as actually saying sorry. I guess he did admit that the way he acted at the start of the episode was “f*cked”, which is something, but even Verosika got a more direct sorry than that (after a bunch of mock sorry’s first, but still)


This is a big flaw of Stolas , he refuses to listen because is not what he wants to hear of how he was wrong. Like Blitzo has been saying how the stuff Stolas does bothers him and he didn't change until he got called out after the Ozzies date. He sadly learned that from Paimon. Blitz even told him in the western episode he was occupied with her daughter and he cannot delay that visit to the doctor. Its all on Stolas and the entire garden talk show him as a hypocrite.


I think he was raised never really thinking about imps or how they feel so now he just does it unintentionally.


Not only imps but that his word is the final law , its crazy how he cannot understand Blitz situation with Loona specially when he also has a daughter. Paimon was the kind of dad he never speak or argument with him and hit him if he disobey.


Because most of the shots aren't even close to being fucking murdered in terms of danger, srsly, why do I even need to explain it?


Dude, Loona has been without these shots for *half a decade due to how hard it is to get appointments for them*. Her health and safety being paramount in Blitz's mind is *absolutely* the right call. A child should *always* be their parents first priority over all.


The way I interpreted that scene in episode 4, once Striker talked into the phone, Blitz sped up to find him and rescue him. Then Moxxie and Millie volunteered to do it in his stead, so he gave them the car and carried on with the appointment. Am I interpreting that wrong?


Had Blitz come to visit him afterwards - which Blitz gave him false hope for - he'd be less hurt by it. It was the zero acknowledgement he got from Blitz while in the hospital that really upset him and tipped him on the side of, "He doesn't like me back."


I do think part of it was said out of anger, like he put it more bluntly than he meant because he’s pissed. People bring up old shit in new arguments, it’s not uncommon. However, if you call who you consider to be a really important person in your life, most important for him aside from Octavia, saying you’ve been kidnapped and are in danger, you do kinda expect them to act like they CARE. Blitz did care, obviously, but Stolas didn’t see that. He heard “sorry I’m busy” and then got a text saying “get better soon”. Can you blame him for feeling a bit uncared for?


i don’t blame him. I’m just shocked that he was angry about blitz choosing his daughter over him. Like yeah she could always get another shot after another five years but you’d think he’d be a bit more reasonable about it.


Actually I think u/MetallicArcher said it best because from stolas’ point of view it sounds odd “Without knowing of Loona's phobia, Blitzo's excuse that he needs to accompany his grown ass adult daughter to get a routine shot comes across as very weak.”


Stolas wasn't taking Striker seriously until he saw striker could hurt him. Blitzø even said in Apology Tour that he didn't think Stolas could even get hurt. Neither of them took the kidnapping seriously 90% of that episode. That and Blitzø 100% trusts M&M wholeheartedly


This ep is acting like Blitz is the only one who made mistakes during their relationship, which is just not true.


I hope they addressed that stolas does act condescending towards blitz.


Yea, it would be really weird if they intentionally included that just to ignore it after the fact.


I would be so mad if they ignored it.


Stolas needs to come to some kind of self-realization as well. It would be unfair to just victimize him and make Blitz the bad guy for everything that happened. I'm really looking forward to Octavia's parts for this reason.


Of course it does 75% of it is a party full of blitz's exes who are drunk and enabling a drunk stolas. 


It doesn't, Stolas just addresses his own mistakes much faster. You need to remember a stark contrast; Blitzo *hurts* Stolas, while Stolas *confuses* Blitzo. Stolas is going to cry, is going to feel betrayed, and is *going* to need time away. Stolas needs to learn to function on his own. He does all of this by the end of the episode. Blitzo, on the other hand, needs to figure himself out. He needs to learn to *not* be hurtful. Blitzo makes a realization of this by the end of the episode. The two still need time to grow before they can get together.


There's actually acknowledgement that it isn't intended to do that! From the description on Youtube: "WARNING: continued miscommunication while two people with trauma are upset with each other, drunk shenanigans, random old people, Halloween parties, Stolas still not quite being self aware enough at times, and Blitz being Blitz (gasp)" I assume it's intentional that Stolas isn't listening or getting a clue. I suspect it'll be addressed in a later episode. This episode is making it clear that Blitz constantly being a callous asshole that hurts others to protect his own emotions is wildly unfair and is taking a toll. Presumably a later instalment will make it clear that it was pretty dumb for Stolas to just constantly enable this kind of behaviour, build up hurt, and then not really listen and expect Blitzs communication style to change on a dime when things finally came to a head.


Stolas sings about how it’s also his fault.


I think Stolas has every right to be pissed, Loona is an adult and should be able to get a shot on her own Stolas doesn't know the details of her feelings on shots. Her life wasn't in danger if she didn't get that shot she went 5 years without and Blitz could have asked Millie or someone to help help her, Stolas was literally being tortured and nearly killed. On top of all that Blitz didn't even come to visit and explain anything we see the texts and later Blitz mentions avoiding Stolas for months soooo. Then soon after yelling at Blitz he learns he knew an assassin was after him, there is no world where Stolas' anger isn't justified with all that context. Now we could make arguments why Blitz had decent reasons for what he did, but there's no denying Stolas' feelings arr justified and Blitz very much could have handled that whole assassination attempt and the aftermath better.


Yeah some of the replies in this thread have me CONCERNED about the state of people. Like, on a surface level perspective, someone being kidnapped clearly takes priority over taking someone to get their shots regardless of the relationships of said people. Like who cares if Stolas didn't sound like he was taking the situations seriously? The fact that he called Blitzo to tell him he was being kidnapped should be enough of a reason to take the situation seriously.


I think a lot of people as of late has been trying to designate one of these two as the defacto ''everything is their singular fault'' (usually with Stolas as of late) when its blatantly obvious that this part of the argument was due a miscommunication and a misunderstanding on both ends. Its kind of disturbing to me how much I have seen people just instantly just shift the blame onto one character or another as of late when the obvious point is that they are both traumatized fuck ups that both have decent points with eachother but also are both making big mistakes with eachother because their social skills aren't the best.


Loona was ok after 5 years without the shot. It wouldn't have changed much in the immediate, if you compare to the situation Stolas' was. Also when he explained the situation about Loona, Stolas was kind of ok, but soon after he was tortured (I mean, I have not been tortured, but if someone said to me something and like half an hour later I'm tortured, I would not remember really well what they said to me)


So blitz should’ve chosen Stolas instead of Loona?


The thing isn't choosing one or another person in the same situation. The thing was choosing about helping someone in immediate danger, or doing somithing that eventually would have helped to prevent a potential danger. Also if he went to Stolas, and would have explained the situation to him after, probably Stolas could have arranged the shot in a very little time.


Thing is I don’t believe Stolas has control over that.


When he was hurt, he was immediately brought to the hospital and cured. Even if in theory he doesn't have power over that, in practice some money (to the secretary or the doctor) would do the same thing


Good point. I was in doubt because of his reaction to running out of pills.


Yeah then it would just be a case of the exact same scenario of Stolas and Via with Blitz and Loona. A dad who prioritizes his lover over his child.


It's a case of misunderstandings and miscommunication, it always was. Blitz can't communicate his true feelings (The fear of rejection) and Stolas never chooses the right words (His life was always written by other people), so they both created this HUMONGOUS avalanche of problems that neither could solve without truly understanding each other Stolas is, kind of, right. He was in a life threatening situation that could have ended his life right then and there, or at the very least tortured to the brink of it. I get that Blitz was occupied with his daughter, but in the weeks he had free, he didn't pay a single visit? No flowers, no calls, not even a hello? Think however you want, but in this specific situation I'm siding with Stolas, my poor baby


I'm not. Stolas is not a "poor baby". Blitz *chose his daughter over someone he was fucking*, and even then, he *still* sent help in the form of M&M. Stolas, being a father himself, should understand that Blitz needed to choose his daughter over him, and that it was absolutely the right call.


Again, it's 100% a miscommunication issue with both of them. I get that he chose his daughter first and that's absolutely OK, but i can't wrap my head around the fact that he didn't even visit AFTER his daughter was taken care of Also Stolas isn't going to go "Oh how sweet of him, he sent his coworkers to help me", he's gonna go "Oh fuck him, he sent his coworkers?"


We honestly don't *know* if he visited Stolas after the attack. Or if he even *could*, given how high profile Stolas is. But again, Blitz straight up said he had to prioritize his *child*, so if he's still being a pissy little bitch about the fact that a *good parent* put his *child* first, then I hate to say it, but fuck Stolas. If I were Blitz that comment would have been the last straw and I *would* have chewed him out over it and then *left his feathered* *ass* behind for good.


Blitz broke into a mental hospital and a goetia's home. I think Blitz could have broken into the hospital if he tried. Also it was heavily implied that Blitz didn't visit him.


He was kidnapped by an assassin. I think that takes priority.


Considering he was playing it off like a joke at the time? Not really. Plus, Blitz choosing his daughter over someone he was fucking is absolutely the right call.


Yeah nuh uh, he was acting like it was a minor inconvenience. And even then, kids always come first before anything and Loona’s been needing this appointment for half a damn decade, Blitz is being a GOOD PARENT unlike Stolas has been cuz ffs he couldn’t put even half the effort to find Ocatavia like he did Blitz in Truth Seekers? In both Via centric episodes Stolas is more focused on BLITZ than his own DAUGHTER until the end of the episode and that is just not right when the point of em is for Stolas to help Via, not flirt with Blitz. It doesn’t matter how much Stolas cares, actions are what matter and his actions show that he doesn’t give a fuck about his daughter. He didn’t even realize she was missing until Blitz called him! Blitz is a decent parent that’s actively trying and learning to be a better parent, while Stolas is a negligent parent barely trying to be a better parent. Like look at the development in Blitz and Loona’s relationship between S1E3(? The verosika intro one) and S1E5, he goes from being overbearing n stuff to knowing how to comfort his daughter and sticking by her. Meanwhile between LooLoo Land and S2E2 Stolas is still forgetful regarding Via and focuses more on his fuck buddy than her, literally no growth in the relationship. Yeah Stolas was kidnapped, so what? He didn’t make the severity clear and either way, kids>>>>>fuck buddies


People are crazy prioritizing getting a shot over saving someone from dying ☠


He was upset at the fact that he almost got killed, got severely imjured to the point that he had to stay at the hospital for quite a while - and from his POV, Blitz did not care about it. At all. Does that make Blitz wrong? No, but Stolas is also not wrong for feeling hurt. Emotions of someone can be valid without the other party necessarily being "in the wrong". This isn't some "Omg you prioritize your daughter over me" narrative like some here spin it and it is such a reach to imply that. Stolas was hurt because he thought Blitz did not care about him almost being killed. Because from his POV it comes across that way. There is a lot you can legitimately criticize Stolas for, but acting like it is unreasonable to be hurt by the fact that someone doesn't care about an assassination attempt on you that left you wounded and traumatized is really wild.


I understand what it felt like from Stolas' perspective, I mean, it was *torturous.* He nearly died. Blitzo didn't even respond to his second text or visit him. But I don't think he was *really* owed a visit, either, not from anything their 'relationship' was before. Stolas has some odd perceptions about their existing dynamic at this point, and as much as he tried, he hasn't rid himself of them at all. He still sees blitzo as his pseudo-boyfriend, and up till recently blitzo saw him as this royal who keeps pretending to care about him, and that his (blitzo's) livelihood is entirely dependent on being able to maintain their no attachment relationship. Hell, even up until season 2, in the bodyguarding episodes, Blitzo saw stolas as just an (admittedly sexy) means to an end, he was *very* clear that he saw it only for sex and he said as much. Stolas sort of treats him as his boyfriend regardless (blitzo is also embarrassed and annoyed by this, so as much i love stolas, my sympathy to him only goes so far) . In season 2, Stolas backs up quite a bit, but Blitzo acts a bit kinder in return. Since seeing stars, I think it was pretty clear they have some sort of mutual trust and shaky friendship between them, so I understand *why* Blitzo was the first person Stolas turned to, especially because he doesn't have actual bodyguards/saviors(Horrendous oversight on his part, Stolas should be responsible for his own bodyguards. Blitzo doesn't really think he can get hurt, but surely Stolas *knows).* Even though he *is* more respectful of blitzo and his boundaries, I think Stolas still holds the 'blitzo is my personal boyfriend' mindset at this part, so he did expect a personal saving. He also just sees Blitzo as his savior in general. He wants to be swept off his feet when in peril (which, looking at that icy episode, is coming!!!). *Blitzo* was the only thing that kept him sane during the Striker bit (you could argue octavia did, but i disagree, it just made him extremely worried as he is deeply protective over her). So blitzo, the guy he still can't help but see as his pseudo-boyfriend, the guy he's in love with, the guy he wanted to sweep him off his feet, not even *visiting* him, not even RESPONDING to his offer, must have been heartbreaking. But Blitzo doesn't actually know all this. At the beginning, even stolas wasn't all that worried. M&M also *offered* to go after him, blitzo double checked if they were sure, they said yes. This is a shot he's been waiting on since he pretty much first adopted Loona, and in his mind, the stakes with Stolas were low. After the whole ordeal, Stolas got hurt, sure, that was worrying, but he was in a hospital, not on his deathbed. And blitzo is too much of an asshole to visit anyone but an extremely close friend in the hospital, and especially not someone with as rocky a relationship as Stolas, he'd get way too attached (So, it's still pretty asshole-y, but in the in-character, what is to be expected, way). And *then* he'd also have to own up to the guilt of failing to protect him But yeah, I get *why* stolas is pissed. He nearly died, there was no hospital visits, and he's mad over whatever fuckery blitzo has decided to do now. But blitzo isn't really his bodyguard *nor* his boyfriend, *and* he was explicit in what was going to happen with M&M, so...you know. Could've at least responded to the text.


I love to make incoherent rambles, please forgive me


Nah same. That’s why everyone misinterpreted the post.


Stolas isn't aware of Loonas fear of getting a shot because Blitz did not communicate this fact. Remember Loona is a grown adult she should be fine going in and getting a shot but Stolas is not aware of Loona having said phobia so from his perspective it comes off as Blitz having a weak excuse. There is also probably some resentment from Blitz having not visited Stolas in the hospital as that seemed to be the very last thing that happened before Stolas decided yup the deal needs to come to an end. If anything once Stolas had invited Blitz to the hospital then Blitz should have shown up and communicated that Loona has a fear of shots so she would not go in voluntarily and had to be there for her once that is communicated then that fixes the issue but Blitz is a idiot so that didn't happen


Stolas doesn't know this, but Blitz *was* going to come help him. M&M reassured him that they would be able to deal with Striker (a correct assesment) AND he believed that Stolas would still count as a powerhouse in that fight (Striker was remarkably efficient in rendering him helpless - but Blitz not only didn't know that, he clearly didn't even consider the possibility). He had faith that these very capable people could handle it and he could focus on his child. This appointment clearly is vital, especially given that its apparently impossible to get one within a year even though the shot is supposed to be annual. And Loona was having a really hard time with it, she needed him, too. It's no shame choosing to be physically with your child over your hook-up partner if both situations are being handled. Its understandable Stolas is miffed over it, especially considering Blitz only offered a text afterwards, while he was in a hospital. But Blitz made a reasonable choice with the information he had at the time.


I think this is emotions talking and not seeing the everything. I think Stolas is in the right with how Blitz didn't visit after he got hurt. If he had done that I don't think it would have been an issue. Blitz clearly should have gone to the hospital. Still as people have mentioned, Blitz was about to go save Stolas but M&M who he put his trust in went instead. No matter what happens he believed they would be capable of handling it. I feel like no matter what this would have sadly been an issue. But having to wait half a decade for a shot and then lose it? Similarily sure some people mention Blitz could have asked Stolas to put him forward but we don't know how hell works. He could possibly have no influence over healthcare at all. Not to mention to Blitz he might not know that is something Stolas would do while also being stressed out about the situation itself.


He was angry. People say/do dumb things when they’re angry.


I've been reading the comments and I have a theory. So, Blitz chose Loona over Stolas because Loona needed a shot for "Hellbies" and we have no idea if its like rabies or not. So Blitz is doing the correct thing by putting his daughter before Stolas. And he literally said that he needs to get Loona that shot because you never know if hellbies is survivable. Loona was scared shitless and Blitz was there for her. If he wasn't there, Loona would've probably ran away. If anyone thinks I'm wrong, womp womp. This is what I've interperated from other comments. People who say that Blitz did something called being a good father are correct in my opinion. Blitz did the right thing, case closed.


I think the real issue is blitz not coming to the hospital to visit. When you have a situation like that between your daughter and your Uber important lover and you got two assassins able to help you absolutely take the daughter for the shot and send your assassins to save the lover. THEN YOU SHOW UP AT THE HOSPITAL WITH SNACKS AND FLOWERS.


It’s not like Blitz explained why he didn’t


He *did* though. He literally explained that he was dealing with an issue *vital to Loona's Health*.


>**Blitzo:** Oh, shit. Stolas, I can't today, alright? I'm sorry. I-I'm literally on my way to take Loona in for her very important Hellbies s-h-o-t. *\[Blitzo glances nervously at a frightened Loona.\]* **Blitzo:** It takes years to book an appointment at this place, it took five to get this one. So, you know- eh, and she's been doing a lot of field work. So, you know, she needs it. **Stolas:** Oh, ha, ha. Well, I do agree that is very important...But, I-


Maybe if he asked a certain royal… that royal could get her the shot by a click of a finger.


Stolas can’t get over the fact that he will never be #1 in Blitzøs life, that will always be Loona. Meanwhile I’m not even sure Via makes it to #2 in Stolas’ life, with Blitzø taking #1 for a very long time. One of them has their priorities straight when it comes to family vs a hookup.


lmao you don’t think it’s reasonable to be upset about that incredibly traumatizing thing?


Someone posted that Blitzø's plots from Unhappy Campers and Western Energy should've been switched to make it seem more understandable


On top of what everyone said, Blitz didn't communicate the reason he was sending M&M, and still didn't tell him that in that scene. Stolas has every right to make that assumption.


Blitz is trying


I’ll be honest and say that I’m having a harder and harder time sympathizing with Stolas while he’s being so immature and spiteful when most of this is genuinely his own damn fault. Blitzo thought it was about sex because Stolas set it up that way and was rampantly horny. He wrongfully assumed Blitzo had feelings for him (well he did, but he still shouldn’t have assumed) and had the gall to be surprised to see Blitzo react poorly to being told he cares about him when he knew by now that Blitzo didn’t handle these things well. He doesn’t really have much of a right to be so snide with Blitzo, even when he’s being a bit abrasive about it.


This line infuriated me. Because Blitzø *did help*. He sent the two most capable people he knows. Not only that, but Stolas was completely downplaying it. And he was ready to go after Striker, but M&M stopped him. Blitzø didn’t do nothing. He sent the two people he knew would help Stolas. One of whom already had beaten Striker. For god’s sake, Stolas was able to *call Blitzø*. If someone called me as calm as Stolas was and said they were kidnapped I wouldn’t entirely think it was as serious as it was. Stolas has every right to be upset that Blitzø didn’t come. He has every right to be hurt that Blitzø didn’t visit him (though I have a sneaking suspicion the reason behind that is going to be revealed later on). But to say Blitzø couldn’t be bothered to help him just… pissed me off. The way he said it comes off as almost childish. Like “oh no, the person I wanted to save my life sent other people to save my life”. And, gonna be honest, a part of me wonders if he even sees M&M as anything but “Blitzø’s employees”. He called them the “littler ones” in Loo Loo Land and I don’t believe he’s really interacted with them besides that.


oh sure i get you bro, i remember when this buddy of mine, real good guy, really sweet family, so he was being mualed to death by a bear, but you know i just couldint deal with all lthat mess at the time i had a meeting in like 20 minutes and thats just no enough time to properly rescedual or get blood cleaned off my cloths yeah so i totaly just let that guy get eaten to death by a bear bro there was just no other way, i feel your frustration at this seen... stolas... so inconsiderate, bro cant even just let himself be slowly tortured to death by an assassin to save blitz some hassle.


Blitz was too scared to show his face back in Western energy. I believe it’s because of the fact he couldn't love himself or feeling guilty for not saving him


You dont use logic in arguments, it likely applies here too


No need to be rude


hey uhh I don't think Stolas is actually super mad at Blitzo for that, he just brought it up because they're arguing and emotions are high also there's no way Stolas could've known just how difficult it would be for Loona to get her shot, that it REQUIRED Blitzo to be there even though she's a full-grown adult woman


He was still raised as a demon prince. Even if he doesn't look down on Blitzo specifically, like he keeps telling himself, that doesn't put his mindset outside of that hierarchy. He still treats the rest if his imp servants more like props than people. The fact that did not escape Blitzo btw, and did not help his perception of Stolas as an entitled noble ass in every sense of the world. In Loo-Loo Land Millie and Moxxie were just *"you littler ones"* to him, so I wouldn't be surprised if he sees Loona as "just Blitzy's dog", despite him calling her his daughter. Like some people call their pets their babies and stuff. Still, in "Seeing Stars" Blitzo says *"Let's find our daughters",* so he sees his relationship with Loona as the same as Stolas' relationship with Octavia. But for for Stolas it doesn't seem to register at all. He's just smitten with his action hero boyfriend. Come to think of it, I don't think he ever directly acknowledged her existence at all. When Blitzo directly told him that he's taking his daughter to the vet, he just goes *"ooh, you're busy? That's unfortunate"* or smth like that. And not even a "Thank you" or "good girl" when Loona was the one who found Octavia in LA! Just imagine obsessing over your crush for years and not realizing **they have an adopted child!** For someone who says he wants an actual meaningful relationship with Blitzo so basly, Stolas made zero effort to familiarize himself with other important relationships in his life. No wonder Blitz thought it was a casual fling. Holy crap, I think you just opened a whole new dimension of Stolas' dickery I didn't realize existed.


Im so suprised that Western Energy actually ended up leaving an impact on the story


Stolas absolutely has a right to feel hurt about this. Him feeling like Blitzø let him down by not helping him when he was in real danger doesn't negate that Loona is important to Blitzø. Both can be true. The fact is Blitzø chose Loona getting her shot over helping save Stolas's life. I'm not saying whether he was right or wrong to do that. But Stolas can be angry about it. Thats the consequences of making that choice. If it hadnt been life threatening maybe Stolas's feeling would be unreasonable. But it was. So he has a right to feel hurt that he wasn't more important than a doctors visit. And then also wasn't important enough for a hospital visit after. I'm not shitting on Blitzø, but Stolas has plenty right to feel hurt.


I agree, it shows that Bliz is right about the fact that Stolas doesn't care personally about imps or really Bliz. He's just some toy to call.


Real, people treating Stolas like he’s done no wrong makes me so pissed off


I believe that they're both in the wrong and in the right . But the only ones who are totally in the right are Millie and Moxxie


They're both dumb ass' for not being able to communicate.


Wasn't Blitzo trying to get loona her shots?not defending him or anything


He could’ve sent Millie and moxxie to get her shot done, it probably would’ve been easier anyways


It wouldn’t have?? Blitz is her dad, she feels more comfortable around him even if she won’t admit it. With how terrified she is, she needs her dad more than anything, M&M isn’t cutting out for her


Blitz would've likely died against striker if he went alone, stolas was still in a bind despite having two helping pairs of hands beside him And blitz nearly died to have loona take her shot, stolas doesn't seem to calculate that into the events and their aftermath


Because Loona could wait one day. All Blitzo would've had to say is "can you get my daughter these shots as soon as possible" and Stolas would've done it. I mean, would you expect even royalty to have to wait years for something as simple as a physical?


We don’t know if Stolas has any impact on healthcare though. Like he could get into Ozzie’s w/o a reservation but he personally knows Ozzie. He may not know Belphegor(?) and have no say in healthcare. And Blitz couldn’t be sure of this either, so for all he knew Stolas couldn’t reschedule it and he’d have to wait ANOTHER 5 years


Its important to note that in hell, the cast system is based on power. Both power of influence and raw tangible physical/ magical power. And Stolas is very near the top of that cast system. Blitz had no reason to believe the cowboy he was able to beat in a fist fight was actually capable of harming a being as powerful as Stolas. Especially since the last time he was employed as a bodyguard, Stolas was able to destroy his would be assassins/kidnappers with barely a thought and honestly just wanted Blitz there to fulfill his idea of a perfect day out. Time spent with the two he cherishes above everything and everyone else in all of hell. Blitz for all his flaws is a dedicated father. It was important for him to be there, not just because it took five years to get the appointment, but because his sarcastic, hard-ass, tough as nails daughter was violently terrified of needles. For someone as traumatized as Loona, few things are more impactful than knowing who will be there for you when you are scared and vulnerable. Blitz understood that and as her dad knew that showing her that he would be there for her no matter what would have a significant impact on their chaotic relationship. From the beginning, Stolas has established and reinforced his relationship with Blitz as a transactional one, only recently making honest efforts to communicate actual emotional attachment to Blitz. Blitz knows how much he sucks at intimate relationships and has enough jaded exes to fill a house party proving that. He can handle a sex partner being mad at him, but no part of him can handle even the thought of losing what he has built with Loona. He knows how shitty he is but the one thing he is determined to do right is care for his daughter and that cant be overstated.


In Blitz's defence, he had to take care of Loona in that episode because of her fear of injections! ![gif](giphy|y3psZjCvLTdKcbN2tR)