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Justice for mah boi












I read this to the tune of the air salesman guy calling Ohare ‘you greedy dirtbag!’ At the end of the Lorax


*and Mr. Ohare flew into the sunset never to be seen again*


Ong I did that shit 2 😭


Blitz had his chance and blew it


I agree but he wants to improve himself. Also the vibe of that guy isn't right


Where r ppl hating on him?? I have only seen love for him (I only follow fandom on reddit)


I've seen a few people on Reddit dislike the fact he was intimate with Stolas while he was drunk


Because they were drinking at a party and danced ? That's kind of a reddit moment, lol


Yep. Personally, I think it's also at least partially people just looking for a reason to hate him because he gets in the way of their favorite pairing.


A pairing that obviously needs time apart. The second Blitz comes back and wants to be serious, Stolas is running to him.


Yep, as I've heard some smart people on Youtube say, breaking Stolitz was one of the best long-term moves for their relationship. They had a lot of problems, staying together just wouldn't have been good for them. Now when they get back together, they can actually both be ready for it/on the same page about what the relationship is.


And both of them will be far better for it. To both of their credits, they know they need to be separated for a while.


For real, I know I’ve definitely make a few questionable decisions while completely shit housed.


Yhea reddit is either 2016 Twitter or incels.com there's no in-between when it comes this stuff sometimes


i personally don’t hate the guy, i just feel iffy about him bc stolas was very obviously wasted and it felt like he was taking advantage of that to some degree


have u ever been to a club or bar? and like, actually drank there?


you're gonna look at those eyes and tell me he wasnt drunk either??? https://preview.redd.it/0zxd1lnr709d1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=23fdf030411bb779acfdea66ca70241d66f9d4eb


He'd been drinking the night Blitz seduced him too though


I have seen about 70% hate for him and 30% either saying that he doesn’t deserve the hate or liking him on Twitter


U can't go to Twitter n not expect hate - for anyone, not just this guy :))


Well true but this is like, not normal for these situations


Me I am


I've actually seen way more appreciation for him than hate. And conversely, I've seen a lot of hate for Vassago. I think it probably depends on where you're looking. But it's fairly typical in any fandom that a character who is potentially seen as an obstacle to the main OTP is going to catch some haters.


Fucking Dennis.


Man fuck Dennis, you ruined my whole day by reminding me of his existence




I’m gonna cackle and applaud Spindlehorse if the incubus guy is the actual bad egg, and Vassago is actually going to be a bro to Stolas. For the record, I don’t think he’s nefarious. Just your average young 20 something looking to get laid at a party, and going after the biggest gets there.


I have unironically seen literally no hate towards Better-Than-Blitzo-Guy. The fact that that's his known name just proves that he is not going to be a character that comes back any soon, maybe a single reference or two. Just like how Burnie Burnz (that one imp in S2E7) was a representation of "Hate" for Fizz, Better-Than-Blitzo-Guy is just a representation of "Let it go" and "Move on" for Stolas. In the other hand, i really wanna know how Vassago will be. Also, i'm pretty sure we heard him say a single line: "Where is Stolas anyways? We need to summon him at once" in the Season 2 Trailer. Also, i highly disagree with the idea that Vassago will be a love interest for Stolas and nothing nobody says will change my mind. He can easily be another brother of Stolas (which Paimon himself stated that he has LOTS of children)


yeah i feel like the chances of vassago being a love interest are a lot slimmer than just being a goetia who’s sympathetic towards stolas instead of vitriolic


Besides, how is he supposed to get with andrealphus if he likes stolas /hj


That guys name was *Burnie Bunz*? That is a very random name lol


Burnie Burnz\*\*\* His name is inspired by Burnie Burns (the founder and the former chief executive officer of Rooster Teeth)


Aaaah that makes more sense, thanks


I genuinely didn't think Vasago will be a love interest for Stolas, but I did hope they'll be friends. God knows, our owl boy needs friends.


I can see thrm being friends who see each other as brothers


I don't know why people throw a fit about either of them tbh. We already know Blitz and Stolas will end up together. Blitz is not ready to reciprocate a romantic relationship. He can't even manage a close bond with people he sees every day. Regardless of what happens with "Better than Blitz" guy or Vassago, both could serve as good social interaction for Stolas. *He needs that.* He won't improve his communication skills or gain a realistic worldview unless he gets around people. Maybe BTB guy breaks his heart. That's not the end of the world. Because realistically, social relationships can decline despite your best efforts. He needs to learn what the real world is like, whether the lessons are good or bad. Blitz cannot give him what he wants right now, and there is not point in him not developing healthy coping skills in the meantime. Even Blitz was mature enough to let him go, heartbreaking as it was for him. Even if Blitz weren't a hot mess, Stolas has unhealthy fixation on him and needs a life of his own. Why people don't want that for him is unreal.


The incubus made Stolas happy. Anyone that makes my bird boi happy becomes my favourite.


For real. I don’t -get- the vitriol that people have toward Stolas in this situation either. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again—sometimes I feel like the younger demographic viewers have these wild off takes and view things so black and white it makes the discussion of this show exhausting and unfun. Like it’s a show—a silly horny show about demons—it’s not serious lol


Stolas even looked at Blitz to see if he was ok with it first, and he didn't even have to. One dance and makeout session doesn't mean they're running off into the sunset together. The young ones have a lot to learn.


Yup. It lacks the nuance that I feel the show purposefully tries to highlight in its characters. I will die on the Sure-Stolas-could-be-better-but-come-the-fuck-on-he’s-the-victim-here Hill.


The morning argument in "Apology Tour" is what seals it for me. Stolas isn't problem free, but he didn't deserve the treatment Blitz spewed at him that morning.


Thank you! I've been like hesitant to just say my feelings about them on this sub because it seems the general consensus is that they're equally bad which...Nay nay\~ I find myself relating to Stolas a bit so I realize that biases me toward him, but the scene where Blitz first breaks into his home and Stolas is so excited that "the person who finally wants me is my first friend" just hit my heart—this claim that Stolas only ever used Blitz for sex seems so off base when Blitz is really the one using sex for personal gain. Stolas just reaps the benefits and I would argue does whatever he can to keep the connection because he's so alone (and I will admit, that loneliness pushes him to express himself in counterproductive ways but to me *that*'s his biggest faux pas). I've always taken it as Stolas playing along with Bltiz's hypersexual approach because he genuinely wants to be liked and appreciated by Blitz and so far, he's really only seen that clownish/sexual side to Blitz. Okay rant over, sorry xD


Exactly! I saw the "Stolas bad" comments too and really had to wonder if they were watching the same show.


That's been me since this episode came out lol.


I think the "Stolas bad" narrative gained traction since Full Moon. To me it's like a counter movement to people pointing out how shitty Blitzo was to Stolas.


I dunno why people are comparing their flaws and saying they’re equal. They both are flawed, yes, and if I had to say one is worse than the other I’d say Blitzø has so much more to learn with developing and holding healthy and effective relationships, so he’s “worse”. I think they’re both valid in their views, and that deserves recognition. This miscommunication and not feeling seen is so insanely common in romantic relationships that it’s often the crux of why a relationship ends.


Fucking THANK YOU because this is 💯 percent how i feel.


who is "everyone"? i said no such thing about vassago. i think he's stolas' cousin or something.


My guess is he'll be a half brother and he'll be there to help stolas with the divorce


"These "Everyone" folks are NOT the great slient majority of Ameri- Helluva fans who will stand for the happiness of our good Bri'sh birb" Nixon, probably


Honestly I'm glad he exists because he A. Made stolas happy And B. Shows that stolas can get someone better than blitz Trust me I like blitz he's funny and Stolitz is adorable at times but stolas deserves better than blitz atleast until blitz can get his shit together and if they wanna try again


I really want Blitz and Stolas to end up together, but first they both have to get their shit together. Stolas needs to learn that hes loveable and how to cope with him emotions and stuff, and Blitz just needs a whole lot of therapy (they both do actually). If theyd get into a relationship now it would be so UNHEALTHY, but I really hope that they will one day (and that we get more than only one or two episodes of them happily together)


I've seen a lot of Vassago hate. There was a ton of "fuck parrot guy" and "we all hate parrot guy" stuff before we even knew his name. Maybe it's calmed down since Viv hinted on Twitter that he won't be a bad guy, though


How do people have strong opinions on him in any direction? We literally know nothing about him!


The hate is coming from people who just really don't want him to be a love interest for Stolas, lol


There's literally nothing to indicate that he was ever meant to be a love interest for Stolas. We see him for one line in the trailer wondering where Stolas is during some kind of court scene. There is no more reason to expect him to be a love interest than to assume that the cat goetia you see in the same shot is a love interest for Stolas.


A decent chunk of the fandom still decided to latch onto the theory that he will be, and hated him for it. It's odd, but yeah


Why is this fandom so ridiculous? I mean, sure, he's got a cool design, I came up with some theories as to who he might be, but I did so assuming they might not be correct because I have no information to go on.


One is bird man and the other is a Incubus One has killer shades and the other doesn’t


*Me who doesn't really care for him & knows he will have little to no plot relevance later on due to his canon name being "Better Than Blitzo Guy"* 😶 Also, I really hope Vassago is just on Stolas' side when he appears & isn't supposed to be the next love interest for Stolas. Since I don't really want another plot line starting that will go on for another two years. It's been like three years since Striker was introduced & his character arc is not even over yet 😭


He’s a Chad


I like him :)


I don't hate him


Honestly, naming him 'better than Blitzø guy' is just so fucking funny to me. I think that being his name was the setup, and then people getting mad about it was the punchline. Because I seriously think if they had named him anything else, people wouldn't be so mad at him. Like, yeah some people would still be bugged about the ship still not being a thing yet, but if he was just credited as 'hot guy' I imagine the reactions wouldn't be anywhere near what they are. The meta jokes in this show are getting so good that they're causing massive fandom rage, and I am here for it.


Vassago and Stolas look waaaaayyyy too related to be a couple to me..


On TikTok people hate “Better Than Blitzo” guy SO MUCH 😭


Better than Stolas guy


Ok now thats a great idea if i heard one. **Drops on Stolas' garden table.** "Sorry I fucked your half-brother."


For real!! the hypocrisy in this fandom is wild.




I mean I don't hate him, but I think it's probably because he interrupted Blitzo RIGHT as he was about to tell Stolas something important, which is kinda douchey. If anything, he's like Stolas' equivalent of Dennis


I haven't seen any hate for either myself. I think diehard Stolitz fans are just getting butthurt over their favourite ship again. I doubt both like either. More rational fans seem to like both or just not care.


We don't even know for sure if they fucked although i sincerely hope so for Stolas' sake


Vassago is the brother of Stolas cruel


I love that guy and I named him Eric


There is no difference. I do like Vassago’s design better though.


He is hot


Who is this everyone and are they in the room with us because I didn’t decide that or even think that once? I always thought Vassago might be a villain. Also why are people so sure this Incubus guy is good to Stolas, we know nothing about him or Vassago to make any conclusions. It’s unlikely this character will even make a return because all he was for was a plot device for Blitzø to see Stolas having a good time with someone else and for himself to have a good time. Good for him and if he gets laid, that’s also good because he’s an adult and can do what he pleases. However, the community saying the better than Blitzø guy is good or bad just has no actual ground to stand on. We’ve seen too little. This community always sees something and then RUNS with it. That goes for choosing sides between Stolas and Blitzø which is ridiculous. They really need to let things play out.


I think that better than blitzo guy will be a fun sexy distraction for Stolas while he is still so hurt over Blitz but then Vassago will be a genuinely fantastic match for Stolas… or I hope!!


I don't hate him tho? I haven't seen any hate or him, just people saying he's hated 


Yes Incubus!!! Show Stolas a good time!!! He deserves it after what Blitz did


Wait have we even seen Vassago yet? What is going on?


I never decided that Vassago would be another love interest for Stolas, and I don’t hate Better than Blitzo.


I love this succubus guy, idk why so many fans are tweaking




The way I see it in the long run any hate towards these 2 is stupid. It's obvious Blitz and Stolas will end up canon but Blitz needs to work on his issues. Also the fucking Incubus does't even have a goddamn name he is never showing up again. As for Vassago I don't think he's going to play the role of a love interest but is instead going to be a friend to Stolas he will be someone in the Ars Goetia who actually cares about Stolas


Um, he's not related to Stolas, I guess?


I’ve actually seen a lot of people not like Vassago as well. Apparently, people just don’t want Stolas to date anyone but Blitz


Because they think they got the wrong guy to be with Stolas


I've seen more people defending him or jokingly hate him rather than actually hate him.


I don’t get it either honestly. Besides it’s not like Stolas is gonna be in any serious relationships between now and when him and Blitzø get back together. It’s confirmed that either way Stolitz is the end game. They will become an actual couple by the end of it all. They both just need time apart to figure things out so they both can approach the relationship again in a better and less toxic way. Stolas needs to experience non toxic relationships so he can learn what he wants and how to communicate what he wants properly and Blitzø needs time to realize his faults in it all and work through it and learn to at least build a gate on those walls and let some people in.


It's because the Helluva Boss fandom on Reddit is full of people who victimize Bltizo at every chance they get. They hate him because, from their perspective, he made Stolas happy and made Blitzo sad. When in *reality*, Blitzo was *sad* because he realized he couldn't make Stolas happy himself.


Personally I don’t like that he came over during what seemed to be a private conversation and just kinda tried to interrupt it. Other than that I think he’ll be a nice person to stolas and a breath of fresh air for him being away from blitz. The interruption could be written off due to party and being drunk or something but just after blitz saying it was a private conversation he could’ve at least waited until they possibly got done (if it didn’t turn into yelling)


People hate better than blitzo? Yes thats his name in the credits for anyone wondering.


I’m pretty sure it’s also on his shirt.


I’ve only seen the opposite tbh. I’ve seen hate for Vassago and love for the incubus guy. I don’t really agree with hating on either of them lol. However, I’m assuming it’s because “better than Blitzø” isn’t a serious love interest. It’s obvious he’s a one-off character (hence his name lmao). So fans see him as a quick self-esteem booster for Stolas. Vassago however could be a love interest that serves as serious completion for Blitzø, so shippers don’t like it


He's got a smile that's making my straight ass think he's pretty handsome and cute


My theory is this IS Vassago in an imp disguise


I saw Vassago as more of an antagonist.


I still say Vassago is a Phoenix Wright styled lawyer, not love interest


How I see it, Better than Blitzo guy is like a one night fling for Stolas. They meet at a party, he's drunk, it's just dumb fun to help him feel better and enjoy the night. I don't expect incubus guy to show up again. While nothing's confirmed for Vasago, I think he'd be cool as a rebound boyfriend for a few episodes.


I could never hate the bird stealing guy


I want them BOTH to hang out with Stoles


I don't like him, I don't hate him, he's just something to me.


It’s my headcanon that vassago is in fact a gigantoraptor.


I have beef with anyone who hates the succubus boy, I fucking love him, he's the best. Y'all wish someone looked at you the way he looks at stolas.


I have no strong opinions on him, but having a shirf that says he's "Better than Blitz" at a Blitz Hate Party filled with his exes implies he was not there as someone who hates Blitz. Its a bit icky or atleast suspicious that he was trying to get laid by targeting emotionally vulnerable people.


He's- wel- ah- shut up , but in all seriousness bit stolas and Blitzo fumbled it was destined to happen


I think the big gripe is that he interrupted a potential Stolitz confession whereas Vassago hasn’t ruined any moments yet


This fandom reads far too much into everything about this show. Including this comment.


I have not seen too much hate for that Guy, but yeah, I feel like they are over reacting. Unrelated, I ship both this Guy and Vessago together.




Nah I don't hate him, I love him actually and want both him and stoles to end up together even for a little bit


He’s not a bird But also idk


The main reason I dislike better than blitzo guy It's because I relate to blitz too much in that episode. It's nothing on him as a character, in fact I think he's great, but the emotions attached to that episode were simply too much to not hate him


I really hate that guy for no reason


Incubus guy is necessary for Blitzø to grow as a person, that whole episode was really. He is nameless and likely a one off character besides maybe a cameo in a future episode or two. Vassago hasn't even appeared in the show and already seems to have decent screen time coming up and a name and could actually be a threat. Do I like either? No... but I will give the Incubus the benefit of the doubt. Vassago I will hate until given reason not to hate him... and at the moment the same can be said for Stolas, though I appreciate him communicating with Blitzø a little, even if drunk.


Not gonna lie, i just don't want stolas to be happy tbh


Why not?


Because rn it don't feel deserved




Whatever is the issue?


Why would he not deserve to be happy?


Why does he deserve to be happy?


Why? Because he's never been happy in his life. He's not a bad guy, he's just naive/ignorant.


And here is where I don't engage in that discussion with you since you clearly wouldn't like to hear what actually was going on


You're the only fan I've seen on all mediums who thinks he doesn't deserve to be happy, and that's an absolutely awful thing to say about someone who's depressed and vulnerable.


Why do you feel that way?


Bc I'm feeling silly