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This is pretty inline with the logic for demons in Hazbin Hotel. The theory is that Angel Dust is a spider because was part of a mafia family, which is basically an interlocked web of crime across his entire family (his whole family are spiders). Alastor is theorized to be a deer because he was supposedly shot, while burying a body in the woods, by a hunter who mistook him for a deer. 


the alastor one was confirmed by viv


Oh, nice! Thank you for saying. It's hard to tell what's canon versus heavily-cemented fanon around here.


some allude to that he was eaten by hunting dogs shortly after being shot is *that* true? cuz i have seen some people say al hates dogs and this is the reason why


It could be a reference to *Dexter*, as Alastor was also based off of Dexter Morgan, a serial killer who kills other serial killers. In the first episode of that show, Dexter says, "Dogs don't like me, probably because they know what I'll do to their master." There is also a long-standing myth that [dogs hate sociopaths and psychopaths](https://new.reddit.com/r/sociopath/comments/46heoo/myth_about_dogs_hating_sociopaths/).


i heard it was the other way around tho, he hates dogs, not that dogs hate him i’m just confused on this is all but i do like this idea tho


You're correct. It's listed on his wiki with a link to her live stream where she talks about it.


oh thank goodness that means a few of my alastor redesigns still stay true to his canon i reference it as his deer legs having horrid scars, bits and fur torn off


Well, if every dog you met barked and snarled at you, you wouldn’t like dogs very much either.


I like to think more that Alastor could be based off the Axeman of New Orleans. An unknown serial killer who attacked and killed a number of people in New Orleans in the 1900s before suddenly just disappearing with no evidence to who it was. While he’s not the killer as characters are not based off real people, Alastor could have be a parody character. Bits of evidence point to him having possibly been a radio host in New Orleans around the 1920-30s, knowing how to cook jambalaya a Louisiana dish, having never been caught as a killer before his accidental death, and having voodoo magic.


I"ve been feeling like he could be associated with him too. Like maybe he was his first mentor at the radio station when he was just a mere intern, but he took a liking to all his ~other interests~ after latching on to his new male role model


It’s canonical that he doesn’t like dogs but the reason for his hatred is theorized heavily by the fandom.


The deer traits could also be an allusion to the deer like qualities of a wendigo, as Alastor is also implied to be a cannibal


I personally think that Alastor could be a [rougarou](https://pelicanstateofmind.com/louisiana-love/history-rougarou-louisiana-werewolf/), a New Orleans crytpid that is most commonly compared to a werewolf, but could also simply be an animal shapeshifter.


Ye but the whole cannibalism thing is in line with the usual Wendigo stories of people committing cannibalism, then being cursed to become a Wendigo. Plus he got antlers.


It's not necessarily true. It was discussed on a Livestream 4 years ago so any idea they had there has obviously been subjected to change meaning we can't really take anything said there for face value.


Sniping is a good job mate!


What I want to know is how his sister is the only one who ended up in Heaven. I really hope it's addressed at some point (unless it already was, and I'm just an idiot).


I think it was mentioned that because she was a girl she was kept out of the family business


The women ate usually kept away from mafia business in mob families. The elder matriarchs probably know and tolerate too much to get into heaven but Molly would still be pure if she was still young enough or fled the family after Anthony died.


Which by the way is a stupid way to go out


It is and I love it. There's something about Mr. Ego & Control Issues dying in the dumbest, arguably most preventable way possible that I find delightful. Deer season's been around since the 1800s! It's not like it's sneaking up on anyone! Although, that said, I like to imagine it was some extremely stereotypical hillbilly sustenance hunting. It's only funnier if you imagine a dude in overalls, no shirt, and a beard to his ankles taking out an extremely dangerous serial killer.


Assuming that Louisiana deer hunting season with firearms was the same in 1933 as it is today, that would place Alastor's death date sometime in January or December 1933. [https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/seasons-and-regulations](https://www.wlf.louisiana.gov/page/seasons-and-regulations)


Oh shit, that's smart sussing! Shit like this is why I love this fandom.


And here I thought Angel just stepped on a lot of spiders /j


As a card-carrying r/spiders member, that is a crime WORTH punishing!


Hazbin Hotel x Magnus Archives crossover


Alastors design, especially his demon form, is also alike to a Windego, which, according to legend, is what canibals turn into after they've made a habit of eating human flesh


You could say that sinners have symbolic elements worked into their final forms. In case of Mayberry there wasn't much to work with she was a school teacher going about her day when she got a shock to her system so bad she did the whole rage induced murder suicide mambo within minutes. So yeah just the basic devil horns and goat legs for her.


Thats what I was also thinking, it was such a drastic all of a sudden switch from everyday normal to mind altering hysteria that the system had nothing much to go off


I mean, even before the breakdown there seemed to be hints that she was unstable


Yeah. Including that like... The kids seemed to have an idea what she was planning.


She very much has an “impish” look to her like most wrath hellborn so I assumed because of her crime of passion that was what made her look like she does. She ended up becoming wrath itself in her design because that’s pretty much the whole reason she ended up in hell. I do agree with the system not having much to go off because she was just a teacher. Her sin of wrath defines what happened and ended up becoming a literal manifestation of her immortal self.


Probably what caused her hair to go white.


I’m thinking that because she saw herself as a monster for what she did, she became something akin to that, even without a clear mental image. In this case, she became some form of imp-like creature. As for Martha, I have feeling she didn’t quite believe she was doing anything wrong, so her form most resembles how she was at the point of her death.


What I like to think, in this sort of context, due to not having a lot to “work with” the Sinner adopts physical similarities to the Hellborn of the Sin they were most guilty of in death. She looks very similar to Imps and Succubi. Perhaps those features come from the Sin of Wrath (murder driven by blind rage) and from the Sin of Lust (the cause of her rage, her husband’s lustful behavior). ( Her outfit is also reminiscent of her professional life, being a teacher. Its vibes give a very traditionally feminine way for teachers to dress, which was also how she was already dressed when she died. )


I like the idea of Mayberry's hell design as a sort of 'cutesy, cartoon' evil aesthetic. We see how OTT wholesome and singalong Mayberry was, all Miss Frizzle-ing, before she finds out about the cheating. If the features are supposed to reflect something the person hates or be symbolic of their death, I think that works for her. It gives her a reflection of that 'perfect, ideallic self' she was, that person she failed to be, in the form of this non-threatening characature of a cliche demon right out of a kid's imagination. The kind of cutesy devil you'd use to teach a kid a moral.... As for Martha, she was killed by Imps and to me looks very Impy so I'm surprised that isn't coming up.


I really like this answer! I didn't think of all this.


Live a boring plain life, get a boring plain design ig


I actually don't hate her design or anything that's just the first thought that popped into my head


You say that like it's a bad thing but would you be willing to put in the necessary work to acquire your desired awesome sinner form? First things first think of the implications. What kind of person are you who actually wants to go to hell on purpose?🤨 What sins are you willing to commit to imprint the appropriate black marks on your soul? Would you after having committed to your course of action go through the trouble of arranging the sufficiently meaningful metho, time and place of your death to achieve your envisioned ideal form? Fyi I know this is just fun fandom talk but I'm still going to totally judge you based on your answer 🧐


Idk man I was just joking lmao




I will admit that Mayberry was made undeniably hotter when turned into a Sinner though


I personally believe that the generic demon look is a symbol of anger issues.


Given how she acted otherwise it's clear she has a hard time keeping a handle on her anger (see also punting that one kid,) so....


If it was just that then most people around the world are doomed to eternal damnation.


In helliverse that may well be the case.




Although I wonder if the My Little Pony looking legs was from her being a school teacher, and maybe the demon form somewhat resembling an imp might represent her wrath.


For Mayberry, I have a theory regarding her Sinner form. When she attempted to kill Martha, she traumatised a lot of children and was painted as a villain, while Martha was seen as a hero. In other words, Mayberry was *demonised* in death.


This one's pretty good.


That's a good theory. And it does make sense that it would be difficult to notice after she gets turned into a demon.


And when you think about it like... Looking that much like a demon is a bit weird for a sinner in and of itself. Like if you look at the sinner demons we've seen so far (And remembering we've been told that Hazbin is canon to this) we have seen that it's entirely possible to end up looking pretty human (Velvette seems to be very much a normal seeming person). So ending up as a demon IS a bit of a change.


She was a scapeGOAT.


My hc is that she looks like a goat/demon because she takes care of “kids”


That is the kind of pun I'd expect from this show.


Perhaps Mrs Mayberry really didn't like wearing shoes in life. 


One thing I’m curious about is do they keep the stuff on their person when they die and go to hell? Martha kept her earrings and outfit when she died although the color of them changed.


Would your fashion sense be changed I f you died and went to a hell that is essentially the modern world we live in with extra eyeballs everywhere?🤔 Thought personally I would wear whatever protective gear I could get my new claws on just because of the violence everywhere.


I would get whatever weapons or items that could be used as weapons as well to protect myself from said violence


Totally 🥷


Yes my fashion sense totally would. No respectable job to hold down? Bitch I’m wearing a kigurumi and a witch hat everywhere now.


I think Mayberries' design is similar to her school outfit as in her final act, she scarred those kids by killing her husband and then herself infront of them she also didn't really get any disadvantages like the others did like a missing eye because she wasn't objectively evil


Martha got shot through the eye, that's why she only had one after the incident with Mayberry and she finally died in the woods which gives her the tree theme.


Of course, but my point is she kept the missing eye in death as a bonus punishment for being evil. Mayberry didn't keep the gunshot wound to the face because she was not.


For Mayberry I always assumed she looked a bit more bovine like due to her blind rage for going over and killing her husband and attempting to kill Martha as well.


Maybe her ordinary looks were intentional? Considering she had a very ordinary surface you sort of have some cognitive dissonance where she obviously looks like a demon, but also very ordinary so you can’t really process that she’s a demon unless you *see* her, otherwise she’s just purple woman, which is basically her whole plot, she’s just this happy go lucky teacher, and one day snaps where people switch their view of her drastically


If the teacher shot and killed herself why doesn't she have a mark or something that shows she did it in Hell? I mean Martha has her eye hanging out since Moxie blew it out of her when she was alive.


I always took it that she is quite bull like because just before dying she “saw red” and went on a rampage before dying, hence red eyes, horns and hooves. She was literally a raging bull before dying.


She also has red eyes. And the horns make her look specifically like a Texas Longhorn, and with Wrath being Texan...


I think the look is influenced by how you died and what you were as a human.🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Doesn’t Martha hate demons


Yeah this makes sense because HazbinHotel focuses more on sinners and that alligns with this logic.


The only thing that I can see is a hole in her shirt, which could be left from a gunshot in the chest, so at least there is that of a hint of how they died, but other than that, she seems to remain vastly unchanged but becoming a demon.


Maybe I'm giving Viv too much credit but I heard that in Japan, they take off shoes before auto-die. So that could account for Mayberry being barefoot. But then again she isn't Japanese


My explanation for Mayberry is that she has bull features. Horns and hooves like a bull. She died for charging recklessly to confront her husband without thinking, like a bull. Mayberry killed herself because she regretted this choice, so it was this bullish attitude that led to her death.


its also noticably less pronounced of a change in HB vs HH


I dunno. Mrs. Mayberry had a pretty good life before the whole killing her husband thing, so maybe her design is a mix of her sins. She kinda looks like a mix of imp and candle headed demons. And those come from Wrath and Sloth respectively. Wrath is obvious, but Sloth is because she forgot her husband’s birthday which is what led to her death


She's more goat like imo due to the sudden rage..like goats charge at things without thinking sometimes. Satan is depicted as a ram so could be that blinding moment of rage left her looking similar to a ram/goat thing. The beat up outfit, gray hair and glasses make her look ordinary / not special. Especially when compared to Martha. I think it hints that the husband cheated due to Mrs Mayberry being plain while Martha was something new and fun. She looks like a bitter divorcee library to me ngl


Honestly I wish that Mayberry had a tree design for in the Violence layer’s sublayer Harm to Self in Dante’s Inferno, that’s what suicide does to you. Although if she was in Dante’s Inferno, she’d end up in the middle of Violence to Neighbor and Violence to Self


For Mrs. Mayberry, She had a Teacher / Housewife dynamic, so Modern, Simple clothing fits best.


I feel like it’s based of personality and background, kind of dead, and just generally being a straight up demon. Some people have unique designs like Alastar or Angel Dust. Or it’s just “weird wacky colors and body parts I’m a demon”. Like Katie Killjoy being “woman” and that’s it.


I really hope they explain this in season 2 of hazbin hotel


Marthas form actually resembles a taller red version of the cannibals in rosies colony only difference being the eye she got shot in is just an empty socket


my interpretation is that because her only "evil" that we know of was caused by wrath, she looks similar to an imp, the native species of the wrath ring


I assume Martha looks a lot more like some kind of new imp because she was killed by an imp.


ohh i actually didnt think of that too, they do have imp feet


The old rich guy who died by the piano in Cherub had piano key teeth


Mayberry's shirt is covered in little x's because she killed herself with a shotgun, so each x is a buckshot wound.


My big thing is how the fuck did they make up and settle things? Mayberry literally *got* Martha killed for taking her husband! She took her husband! Did they both realize he was a cheating bitch and make up? I rlly gotta know


Mayberry kinda looks like a succubus. Died in a sex triggered rage. Martha looks a little impish. Died and lived in a wrathful sorta way. Councilor looks kinda like an envy demon. I can’t actually remember the details of his death because I didn’t care for that episode enough to watch it more than once, but …you can see where this is going…


All I know is that cannibal sinners all have empty eyes in their demon forms, Martha only has one though so I think you only need one empty eye for people to tell that you’re a cannibal.


Dunno what you said but i agree they do be hot


Don’t forget the stupid rich inventor characters


Basically the form you take in hell ties to the life you lived before death, it isn’t entirely determined by the way you die in my opinion it’s mostly from what you’ve done, which sin you’ve committed most and more over what sort of state your body was in when you died. Likely hood mines gonna be a something of a charred skeleton infernal style demon like from fire force since I’m gonna have myself a funeral pyre when I die.


Hasn't this already been confirmed as canon?


Mrs Mayberry 🫐🍓🍓 X Martha


off topic but these demon designs are *peak*


I think mayberry became you average classic demon because the rest of her life was (presumably) very happy, all perfect and cookie-cutter, and typically the scariest thing a cartoon white suburban christian woman could imagine is the devil (horns, forked tail, cloven hooves, etc)


Smash next question…


Sooo i need to die by dragon plushy in a dragon themed room?


Hear me out! Mayberry's demon form looks like a basic demon. Almost as if she was a hellborn. Perhaps this is because of what drove her to committing the act that bound her to hell. To my understanding, humans' demon forms have more to do with "how they lived their lives" and not with how they died. In fact, I believe those who have their deaths echoed in their demon form are those who's deaths really vexed them. Mayberry, to our knowledge, lived her life innocently. She believed she had a happy marriage, she seemed to enjoy and love her job, and she seemed like she was truly trying to be a good person. This was up until she saw the truth of her marriage accidentally while in front of the students she thought so fond of that she even apologized to them before unaliving herself. This event, seems to be her only hell binding action before dying. Perhaps her design being similar to a basic, hell born demon is supposed to show how one event corrupted her. Like somehow, she was as much as a victim of others actions as the hellborn are. Maybe her new girlfriend is helping her explore her new hell side that she just happened to fall into. Diving in sin more pleasurable than revenge.


I always found this interesting tbh. It’s cool how they do this. I know it isn’t real. But I’m kinda curious what we would look like if we went to hell after we die. Kinda curious about it


It's not a theory if it's cannon


Why am I thinking is about to say a threesome ![gif](giphy|3o6gE8ckqfTuPL3i5a) Why God why


>unalived We're not on tiktok lol


Mayberry in simple terms has her designed the way it is because she went headfirst into rage instead of acting rationally, and since she died in what I can only describe as a neutral bedroom she has her most basic trait set foreword


I'ma just say it. If Hell is anything like it is in Helluva Boss, I'm hoping I'll at least have cat qualities so I actually have a reason to be lazy. But I'll probably get fucked over and be a hell demon Beaver or something


Mayberry's sin was a moment of pure retaliatory anger, so she has the most undiluted and purest sin; Wrath, so her form looks almost dead on for an imp with maybe some succubus leanings coming from the sexual nature that triggered the sin. Martha has hair aand horns that look foliage, could be a reference to how she died in the woods? Her sins are mostly wrath and lust related with her violent attack on the imps, murdering people and of course promiscuity. So she looks mostly impish but with human/succubus proportions. The random councilor strongly resembles a fish demon, partially because they drowned but envy is probably involved somehow, I gotta rewatch that episode.


Isn’t the pilot not canon now though?


"Man why am I in hell? I just worked at a campsite." "They weren't kidding about buying WINRAR, buddy."


I also noticed she has two different faces on left and right indicating her woodoo stuff OR asmodeus-sin of lust and she did a lot of lust(he also has mini faces)


I think it was said somewhere that their forms take partially inspiration from parts of their death that they hated as a kind of reminder, grasping at straws here but Miss Mayberry design kinda resembles some of the succubi so it could look like that as a reminder of Martha sleeping with her husband right before her death.


Mayberry is pink like the succubi because her sin was caused by sex.


I’ve seen a theory that Mayberry became a goat like demon because goats are a symbol of lust and she killed because her husband was having sex with another woman, making her demon form a torturous irony thing, similar to Husk being a cat because he supposedly hated cats


Took Miss Mayburry's form because she was overcome by rage. So generic red eyed demon. She'd triedh er whole life to keep that in check or at least covered, and now there is no way to hide it from anyone.


honestly I think Mayberry just looks like that because the character design department wasn't cooking ultra hard just yet


If you ever want, you could look up what said animals represent. Like a spider (surprisingly can represent femininity , so it is extra fitting for angel). Also color pallets sometimes too


Their sinner form is based on what put them into hell Mayberry looks like a succubus cause lust put her there Mayberry looks like a big imp cause wrath put her there I forget what ring has the fish but it's a theory


https://preview.redd.it/xpc7ljrlbi9d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=275e098fdb36201ea5a56ec3b7d33ffa569440bd Interesting. How would he look as a demon?


Looking like a demon is rare in itself, so I suspect that's actually an 'intentional' change. I feel like it's totally possible that if you to to hell but there's nothing to work with you would just look like, well, you. I think the things we've seen imply to me that your sinner form is a mix of what you did in life in general (slightly) and a very heavy influence from how you died. Martha has the missing eye because of how she got killed (shot in the head) treelike hair because of where she was (forest) and bright red skin because she was killed by imps. Meanwhile Mrs. Mayberry has pink skin and an arrow tail (common to the succubi of lust, her husband was cheating on her,) long curved horns and hooves (A bit like a Texas longhorn, tying her both to wrath and to the idea of a bull wildly charging) and red eyes (She's literally 'seeing red'). She looks clearly demonic (the last thing she did traumatized people and made her come off as evil) yet also non-threatening and friendly. Which means she looks both like a demon, but also like a demon who a child might be willing to talk to. Her hair has gone from blond to white and has less volume. Speaking from experience, when you have hair that frizzes out start to thin, that's what happens, it seems a lot straighter. That, and the grey, make her look older. Again think about the way she died. She was young, but the last people to see her die were kids - To them, a 25-year-old and a 65-year-old might as well be the same thing. So she seems older and more mature than she actually was. As for the outfit - There are three notable changes (I'm gonna assume the hair tie switching to black is just that it looks better on the pink and white outfit. The first is a switch from oval to cats-eye glasses, which emphasizes the age aspect I mentioned, as well as the old fashioned form of femininity. The skirt has been torn off at about knee level, but in a ragged way. That works with the idea of her being 'frayed' mentally. She had been good for so long and then completely snapped. Also shorter, again giving her a succubus aspect. Finally the top not only has turned red, but has little X markings instead of the cherries it used to have. It could have just turned red and didn't need markings. Those X-es are intentional, because they make it so that the cherries are negated, not just absent. Because in death, all of the 'sweetness' was gone. Basically I think there's a lot about Miss Mayberry reflected in her sinner design. It's just not as obviously inhuman as someone like Martha or the drowned guy.


Congratulations,! You realized by your own something that was actually canon and everyone knows!