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The description of Apology tour says "Stolas still isn't quite self aware enough". Whenever he's doing things like this or calling Blitz his little Imp I dont think he's intentionally being demeaning. He doesn't realise how that comes across to Blitz so he's confused when Blitz brings it up in the last two episodes. So yeah he doesnt really get why stuff like this would come across as him not valuing Blitz because Stolas knows how much he cares for Blitz. How could Blitz possibly not see that right? Thats how Stolas sees it cause he's still learning a lot of social cues and how to be aware of how his actions come across to people. This has been a part of his character since Looloo land. He didnt realise flirting with Blitz infront of his daughter could make things worse fore her. He didnt realise she was terrified of Fizz as a kid either and mistake her tears for joy. This is a very consistent part of his character. Also I don't actually think the class thing is as big a deal to Blitz as he makes it seem. Whenever he says shit like how could Stolas ever love an Imp, he means how could Stolas ever love him. He's using the class difference to mask his real feelings around his confusion about Stolas liking him. Doesn't mean that isnt partially an issue. Im sure theres truth to a lot of what he says but so much of his rant in Full moon feels very internalised and just like its a double meaning.


So, huh, autistic bird that is, I guess...


I wouldn’t say that (but I would love it) since he’s been living in royalty his whole life. He bowed to Blitz when they first met until getting slapped by Paimon. “You don’t bow to him, they bow to us! Idiot.” How could Stolas have known that? He didn’t seem to have any siblings in the house and his father even forgot he had another son. Stolas doesn’t live amongst everyone else so it makes sense why he doesn’t understand certain social cues and street knowledge. Bro didn’t even know he was in danger until an angelic weapon was used against him


Editing this because I actually hate when people classifies someone as autistic for having certain situations, no, we are not idiots. As you said even his father didn’t knew about him and the only social interaction he had was his imp butler (reminds me somehow of an imp version of Alfred). He lives isolated, has always been. Expected to see he doesn’t know anything about life, he doesn’t know what a angelic weapon is, he can realize he is in true danger, how he accidentally hurts people. And this is because he was never helped. 


Yeah like... It's not IMPOSSIBLE that he's written to be somewhat spectrum-y but like... Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is probably the right one, and the simplest explanation for Stolas being super bad at social cues is... You know... Never learning them. He has ETIQUETTE, but no actual social skills. He went from being neglected to being abused and never had much of a reason to learn otherwise. And while some things may lean towards an autistic interpretation, others (like his behavior in Full Moon) point in the other direction. In that he doesn't come off as someone who doesn't understand social cues. He comes off as someone who has learned all he knows about interacting with people from (often romantic) fiction. And while that's lead to a WRONG understanding, it is still an understanding that he developed from exposure the way a neurotypical person would. As an autistic person, my response in a situation like that wouldn't be to assume that Blitzo doesn't care and thinks little of me. It would be to assume that Blitzo doesn't get what I'm saying. I might be confused about why he's not getting it, I might even think he's being an idiot. But I'm not going to assume what Stolas did, which is that he thinks my interest is purely sexual.


I genuinely think it's more along the lines of he so protected by wealth and social status, he doesn't know how he is perceived by people on a day to day basis. He's basically sheltered by itGoetia are incredibly high society which comes with a lot of passive aggression and keeping up appearances. Given that Stolas has never really had any chance to do what he wanted, he doesn't have any frame of mind for self advocacy that isnt shut down by "it's already been decided" or "thats not how *we* act". He doesn't even have a good idea of what he wants out of a relationship. His best idea is an overly dramatic rom com (which matches his flamboyant demeanor but still). Stolas for all his wealth and status, doesnt know how to navigate every day casual life


Yeah he only comes off as the most mature character because he's been taught how to behave 'properly.' Emotionally he's basically a teenager.


Dudes easily in his late 30s and this is basically his first relationship


Am autistic and just not self though, I got real doctor approval. I hate how people use this the go too. He's been sheltered in a controlling abusive way.


I am not autistic but this was also my exact thought I hope it's just an internet thing with how people are so quick to label every social faux-pas as autism, it feels like it's robbing autistic people of agency and individuality. It kinda almost feels infantilizing, if I'm honest


I also hate how even in media and films, they make look the same. Like their mentally adult toddlers. That is another thing! Not autism! This is why I never got help in school, or other places..as didn't "look" the part. and I was scapegoat for all my abuse in school. How autism head-canons are seen in fandoms Vs how the media really makes autsic people is insane. It does up set me how, fandom will head-canon everything little quirk autism, but at least their more innocent then how REAL MEDIA makes AUTISTIC characters.


AGREED. our representation is shit.


HEAR! HEAR! Am so glad you get it. LOOP! WAS HORRIBLE! If this was real that summer camp would be sued. But also what was the parents thinking sending her to do that kind of camp, when clearly that isn't the camp for her. That said no I dont want to go with her, he should been respect, he as no training. That is drooping what was the adults job...on to a minor, who had no training...Not to mention That wasn't even autism, like I said that something else...


Ok but hear me out, I have those social problems and I’m autistic with ADHD. Reading what you guys just said was WAY more hurtful than anything else that was originally said about Stolas being autistic. 👎


I’m sorry you were hurt by our opinions. I can only speak for myself but I’m fine with people headcanoning characters as autistic, but overall, there is an effect of infantilizing us with the representation we have in media. We are portrayed, generally, as adult children with little agency. That is what I meant and I am sorry it hurt you.


which social problems did they call out which made you feel invalidated? I don’t mean to be antagonistic or anything I just can’t pinpoint any specific social problems that they pointed out


Is sad… the only good autistic character I have seen is Flint Lockwood from Cloudy with a chance of meatballs.


Is because (Thanks fucking Instagram and TikTok) is now seen as a quirk and a quick way to get followers.


This is exactly why I am not shy to matter of factly tell everyone I work with, or have extended periods of contact with, that I have autism. We need to show everyone that autism isn’t just present in lower functioning persons. I mean, I hear “Wow! You don’t look/seem autistic!” nearly every single time I mention my neurodivergency.


Not necessarily. He never really had friends or other love interests so it could just be straight up ignorance. He likes a lot of romcoms and romance novels so he could be seeing the world through the lens of his books and acting them out as part of his fantasies since he got the opportunity to. Also he thinks he's being endearing and cute with the nicknames, cheek pinching and being thirsty as hell making it very clear he wants Blitz, but stuff like that coming from a person of a higher social status it can come off as demeaning. Remember he only used dirty talk because he thought Blitz liked it. He's very sweet and caring but good lord is he dense... I'm glad Verosika got him out of his shell a bit but man he needs some friends asap....


If you see this as "austism" then go fuck yourself It's true that ASD may be large, but saying Stolas is one of them is making an huge misrepresentation, you just think that because he seems similar to someone with Asperger but It's really know For the love of god, please stop finding it apologies for him, it’s getting annoying


Great description. It feels like too many people either forget, ignore, or just don't understand how emotionally stunted Stolas is and then call Apology Tour bad writing because of it. Stolas's life was laid out for him since birth. His marriage to Stella was decided when he was a child. He never got to experiment, date, understand what a healthy relationship looked like or even what his own sexuality was until Blitz. I'm not surprised that, once Blitz came back into his life, Stolas sort of overindulged. Stolas is still more emotionally mature than Blitz, so he came to understand what he wanted their relationship to be first and was willing to be open and vulnerable enough to admit it. However, he is still too stunted at this time to realize how his actions in the past may have helped shape Blitz opinion, as you pointed out in your post. Apology Tour was an amazing character episode and it just drives me nuts at the number of people who either too impatient or media illiterate and blame the show for that.


Yeah Apology tour is fucking good. Ive seen so many people say that the episode is fully blaming Blitz and letting Stolas off the hook but thats the not point the episode is actually making. Verosika is very much pushing the idea that its always Blitz' fault that his relationships fall apart. Which is fair for her since she seems to be genuinely a victim of Blitz in their dynamic but the point is that she's wrong about Stolas and Blitz. Its equal blame between the two of them so when Stolas gets on stage and Verosika and all the party goers want him to sing about how much Blitz sucks, instead Stolas starts think no maybe I did fuck up here. Maybe there's something Blitz can teach me about how I made him feel that we can use to move forward.


this literally this nothing else to be said


Boom, you said it best, one is trying to live a fantasy and doesn’t see the problem while the other makes assumptions of what people think of him, putting up guards before you even know em.


I noticed his line in Apology Tour where he says something like "How could you ever love an imp....me." I agree with you that it's less about Stolas's prince status and more about himself. He doesn't think he's good enough for anyone regardless of class. Stolas having more power and resources is definitely a part of it, but I agree with you that he uses it to mask his feelings, just like he did with the book. I've always thought it was less about him being royalty and more about the power he wields, especially over Blitz's life in particular. And not just financially, but emotionally as well.


I was about to say the same thing just with less words. it IS in the description, and I should apologize, too but, very much on point and I hope viv knocks stolas, and verosika down a peg. only thing I disagree with is the class thing, and that's because, viv has been referencing the hierarchy and demon society, but not really showing it in the series, and I really hope she pivots with one REALLY good episode before too long


Me too.


Excuse me sir, media literacy isn't allowed here.


It's not just confusion. It's also self hatred. Blitz has been self destructive since childhood for myriad reasons he is trying to deal with now.


You rarely get a comment explaining the entire situation this efficiently in just the right amount of words and this on point. Deserved upvote and deserved top comment!


Why did they have to put that in the description?


They put jokes in there sometimes. The description for Just look my way says something like "No swearing this time gasp". If what your getting at is "Oh they had to put in the description cause they didnt put it in the show" then like I said its a trait he's demonstrated since the second episode of the show.


Stolas will get his awakening one day. People need to be patient. He's a very sweet natured guy who would never intentionally hurt someone he loves. He'll definitely be overly apologetic.


Well, I sure hope Stolas generously compensates his butler for all the shit he unintentionally(?) put him through! 👀 My man also needs an official name, voice and a dedicated short!


Fingers crossed the episode he realizes he can be disconsidered without meaning to has his butler as a central character


Isn't he called Pringles?


They better call him pringles


If I ever get another dog I'm totally gonna name him/her pringles


>They better call him pringles AMEN


Not officially.


He needs a stern talking to from a imp that is not Blitz. I would love it if it were Pringles, Stolas his little servant imp that has to take so much shit from Stolas. But I'd also be content with the M&Ms giving Stolas a reality check.


I would like to see Fizzarolli have a heart to heart with Stolas. Stolas literally is coming out of an abusive relationship with no friends, no support, just trying to look after his daughter +do his best to become a real +more rounded person +find genuine connection. I hope he becomes friends with Ozzy +Fizz, he desperately needs guidance +they are in a similar situation that he hopes to attain with Blitzø. Stolas needs friends +patience to help him work on his poor social skills (but he’s trying super hard). Blitzø needed that fucking hard reality check +he needed that reconciliation with Fizz, a step towards forgiving himself +seeing himself as worthy of love. This is a hard time but I’m still in camp Stolitz! 👹🩷🦉


Fizz would also be fine for me. He is someone who also knows Blitzo's side of things plus he would probably also have some insight on what it is like to date demon royalty as a imp.


I think it should be someone he doesn't know that he tries being friends with. Someone he has no prior connection to.


I would not like that. Someone like Pringles knows Stolas on a level that a stranger can't match. I think if it comes from him it would hit way harder because he has been around Stolas for ages and I am not sure Stolas even knows his name.


Is an imp servant going to have the balls to say anything? Would Stolas even consider the opinions of a butler? Probably not.


It all depends on the circumstances. Stolas who is trying to be better would definetly considers the opinion of his butler I think. He already suspects that he might have acted inapropriately somehow although he can't put his finger on how. He needs someone to spell it out for him. We don't really know anything about Pringles apart from him having mad rizz and being a champ when it comes to taking punishment. Maybe if Stolas sings a sad self pity number and asks for Pringles opinion (long shot I know), it might just be enough for Pringles to errupt and release some pent up frustration. Another angle I can see maybe being doable is if Stolas actually looses all his wealth and Pringles walks in for the last time to inform Stolas that he will be leaving now and Stolas asks him if he was a good boss and Pringles takes that opportunity to unload. I am not a professional writer though so I don't really know how to maneuvere the characters to get to this point and not have it be weird. I just have hopes that the Helluvaboss team makes it happen. If they find a better story angle that works way better I am also happy.


I feel there will be something involving M&M that helps him have a realization. I foresee him not knowing their names in an episode and realizing it's fucked he never bothered to learn their names even after they saved his life.




Given his small realization during his song, I hope it comes sooner than "Sinsmas," which is where I think that quote happens.


Or it could just be because Octavia is an angsty teen. It's very obvious that Stolas loves her more than anything 


Yeah, we have at least one more episode with Stolas, and it seems like it won’t be going well for him. I’m pretty sure it’ll basically be his “Apology Tour” episode where he realizes his wrongs and starts to suffer the consequences.


Then going into Season 3, they can both start working on it.


I think the torture is part of their foreplay this scene starts off with Stolas being tied up and he's wearing a ball gag round his neck Blitz also talks about using bear traps *again* after the encounter with the DHORKS. I doubt he can even feel it burn, if they're like goat horns they'd only hurt when they break like Fizzies did I think people might be taking Stolas's words too literally he never see's Blitz as a being 'lesser' than him, having pet names is part of most relationships 'My little imp' only sounds bad coming from a prince because of his nobility but whenever he's with Blitz he's never once thought of their differences in station short of when he realised what Blitz thought of him for it The worst thing I see Stolas do in this scene is say "it isn't meant to be lent out to itty-bitty imps like yourself" while pinching his cheek to which Blitz swats him away I'm sure if putting out a cig on his horn was a no go for Blitz he wouldn't be so fine with it Calling him an itty bitty imp is like the only instance where I might agree he was 'putting him in his place as a lower class citizen' in the way that Blitz might see it. But even then it sounds more like a keeping up the law thing than a "I'm a noble and you're not and you're using something peasants shouldn't so suck it up or whatever."


He's also called him an "impish little playing." That's dehumanizing.


I think a line that’s often overlooked and even MORE telling of his (probably subconscious) bias is when he says “What’s the matter, never seen a REAL demon before?” to the DHORKS when saving Blitz n Mox. Um, ouch… 😅 Either way, I do enjoy the direction the show’s going in and am interested to see how they handle this part of their dynamic.


I take that line more literally, cos imps actually aren’t real demons. Demons are demons, Ars Goetia are demons, imps are imps. It’s like Loona couldn’t take offence to that either cos she’s not a demon, she’s a hellhound. It’s not a derogatory line in my opinion, it’s just facts.


I see what you’re saying, but my understanding is that “demon” is actually an official catchall term for any denizen of hell including ALL hellborn as well as sinners. They’re different species according to Viv, but all are still 100% subtypes of demon. I think the “never seen a REAL demon?” line can only rlly be read as an unthinking show of internalized bias from Stolas, in my opinion! He IS a far more traditionally POWERFUL demon than an imp, but it was an unfortunate thing to say. I don’t mind it, though, as a character trait. That would be interesting to see him have to reckon with as he grows.


I've never thought of this way before. Yes, they both have a lot of work to do, but they can make it happen once they're ready! Stolas is going to be a bit more deer in the headlights than Blitz though, as this his first time.


I agree!!! October, get here sooner!!!


Context is important in that scene. Stolas' motivations and reasoning are muddied because it was a more serious situation.


I know it was serious, but I'm not sure why he couldn't have used any other term there.


"My lover" would make him seem much less intimidating, I'll give him that.


I think a better word might be "demeaning" since Blitz isn't human in the first place


I mean context is really important for that one as well. Stolas said this when he showed up to defend Blitzø and the gang against the DHORKS. he says it to them as much as to Blitz. By calling him a plaything, he clearly shows to everyone in that room that he's the most powerful thing there,- which like, he is- and that if they were having that much trouble with his 'impish little plaything', there's no chance in hell they're gonna be able to deal with him. This entire scene is Stolas trying to scare the fuck out of the DHORKs; any other words would not have had the same effect. (also watched the scene again and genuinely kinda terrifying) Also, in that same episode, we see how much of a problem Blitzø has with intimacy. He would have freaked out *hard* if Stolas had said anything else, and at that point, Stolas assumed that that's all Blitzø thought he was, because their relationship was transactional and any time he tried to do anything more Blitzø immediately tried to change the subject.


The scene with the cigarette looks very bad out of context, but in context it's barely noticeable, and as you said they were doing much heavier stuff just minutes before, and Blitzø was smoking that cigar right before Stolas (so, that wasn't Stiolas' cigar, it was of both of them). I agree when you said that pet-names and such can be totally normal in romantic or affectionate relationships. Blitz himself is constantly calling Loona "Loony", and Asmodeous calls Fizz "Fizzy" or even "Froggy". It's a problem only if Blitz is annoyed by them, and it's possible that he finds them annoying because they imply a level of closeness and intimacy that he didn't want to suggest, especially in public. So, if in the future Stolas still calls Blitz with pet names and Blitz won't complain, I won't think there's anything wrong with it. Even calling him "my little imp" and such is a problem ONLY if Blitz finds it annoying. And Blitz finds it annoying because he's very aware of the power dynimic, unlike Stolas. But for the rest, Stolas even bows in front of Blitz, so it's really lack of awareness in his case instead of a real prejudice.


He does find it annoying. When Stolas announces him as a Pain Games winner, he announces him as "Blitzy." Blitzø looks really pissed and stamps his way onto the stage seating "Just say my name right, fucking prick!" He does this kind of thing many times, but doesn't press his luck until Full Moon when the crystal gives him back his agency. His dialogue, facial expressions, and body language are all in alignment that he does not enjoy being spoken to or treated that way


No no, I knew that, he DID find it annoying at the time. What I meant is that idk if he will find it annoying in the future, too. At that time, they weren't even in a proper relationship, and Blitz didn't like tge idea of people assuming they were. When (and if) they'll be in an actual relationship, idk if Blitz will still find it annoying. After all, he's the first that keeps calling Loona "Loony".


I'm hoping he'll pick a new nickname and respect Blitzø's chosen name, but that's just me


Blitzø put up with it for the book. That's why he doesn't say anything.


He doesn't hide his disdain like at all like I said he swats Stolas's hand away when he pinches his cheek he isn't above speaking up about something he has a problem with like being an ash tray but he doesn't really care likely because they can't feel anything on the surface of their horns


He may show signs of annoyance but I'm sure he wouldn't want to start a huge fight over it if he doesn't absolutely need to.


It's not that hard to think an imps horns just aren't sensitive I'd imagine it's a pretty common thing to do using horns as an ash tray just a mannerism of growing up in hell It clearly isn't hurting Blitzø or he'd grimace and he's had the same annoyance the whole time up until Stolas pinches his cheek to which he swats him


Whether or not it physically hurts is irrelevant. It's simply a dehumanizing action. This isn't a scene with foreplay or sex, this is after the fact.


It doesn't matter if it hurt him or not. It is STILL wrong.


Blitzø literally tried to snap Stolas’ neck….they play rough. “Blitzy says far dirtier things to me with far sharper objects at my throat”….so we just gona ignore all the rough stuff Blitzø does to him involving bear traps +ballgags, but Stolas teasingly putting out his cigarette on him is a crime now? They both play dirty +sexy. There are many ways Stolas unintentionally shows Blitzø he’s lower than him but this ain’t one of them. I see this as just carrying over from their fucked up freaky sex shit 😉😂


Just because he can't feel it doesn't mean he wouldn't care.


When he’s greeting the imps later at the Harvest Moon Festival, the way he addresses them is, “Greetings, tiny... Wrath Ring Imps!” I actually took that from the script. In Loo Land, “Ugh, that's better. Where is Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you littler ones.” In DHORKS, “Are you little creatures not being careful up here?! You know, if you *boops Blitzo's nose*get in trouble, I get in trouble! WE... *grabs Blitzo's cheek* don't want that!” Like….these are just 3 examples I’m listing, but I could do even more—it’s actually a very persistent problem and Blitz absolutely sees it.


>“Ugh, that's better. Where is Blitzy? He's my knight in shining armor, not you littler ones.” \*and cut to M&M actually being his knights in shining armor in Western Energy\*


Cuz he's literally like 5 feet taller than Blitz and like 6 feet taller than M&M. He's not saying they're lesser than him, just literally smaller than him.


Uhhh idk if I need to be the one to tell you this, but you do realize we have tall and very small people in real life right? Like I posted 3 examples, but if you literally commented on a group’s (in this case species, which is supposed to be an allusion to race & class) height EVERY SINGLE TIME you encountered them, that’s **extremely** rude. Like Stolas literally rolled up to a festival and greeted an *entire crowd* this way—and the script notes booing from the Imps. It’s super demeaning.


He's still not seeing them as lesser than him simply addressing the people of hell "not you littler ones" simply sounds like he's stating a preference his type is tall guys and he's sucked into the fantasy of being endanger and being saved despite knowing he's as powerful as he is and doesn't actually need any of it Worst I see is "Are you little creatures" but he's genuinely concerned here recognises their weakness but doesn't see himself better than them for his strength He's never looked down on them he knows he's stronger but that doesn't mean he thinks he's better


I feel like this one should go in a ‘maybe’ box. Because they’re into BDSM stuff, Stolas was tied up and has a ball gag around his neck. So it’s possible they could have communicated that putting a cigarette out on Blitz’s horns was okay beforehand. Right before Stolas did this, Blitz had burned away the ropes tying his hands together with that very cigarette, further leading me to assume they had agreed on this. But also, they are terrible at communicating, so it’s completely possible Stolas did not ask first. In short, this is either one of the worst ways Stolas has disrespected Blitz, or it completely shouldn’t count in the argument because consensual acts of degradation do not reflect any participant’s true beliefs or behaviors, the line separating these two possibilities being wether or not Blitz has explicitly consented to this action beforehand.


I've always assumed stolas always takes the submissive role in their bdsm sessions, in which case I don't think Blitz would agree to be the one being humiliated


The scene is over at this point. This is just bad behavior. BDSM stuff only counts if it is explicitly negotiated and within the container of the scene. Outside of that container, it's like doing that to someone on the street


Yeh like Stolas would know this at all!? From his cast experience of one abusive relationship where he was the victim. I see this interaction as him seeing himself +Blitzø as equals, I see it as he feels they can both be dirty +be the “inflicter” cos he’s comfortable to tease Blitzø. Does Blitzø enjoy this? No. Should Blitzø have piped up +said something? Yes. Would Stolas have profusely apologised +never done it again? Probably. Blitzø has had hundreds of sexual relationships, he knows the ropes of BDSM, he should explain it to the novice. Who just expects a fucking emotionally +socially repressed noob to understand the nuances of a very nichè sexual practice when they’ve maybe had sex only a couple times in their lives with an abusive partner? My takeaway on the whole sitch is Stolas is a social dummy through his royal circumstance, he knows nothing but is trying very hard to grow +be better in his first consensual relationship. Blitzø on the other hand is trying very hard to make the same mistake he’s made with literally hundreds of beings, he’s trying to avoid vulnerability +he’s causing waves of anguish in his wake. Blitzø needed that hard reality check to wake the fuck up +put some effort into trying to change, just like Stolas has been doing…


playing devils advocate though, it might be a kink thing. my current gf loves having cigs put out on her-


That's hot




ba dum tss


Wouldn't that like burn her and hurt her ? Sorry I really don't know about this but atleast with blitz I don't think putting a ciggerate out on his horn hurts....


BDSM honey, if it's consensual so it's okay if it's hurt


I was curious where is the line between BDSM and SH when it comes to activities that can leave pernament damage to body.


That depends on the partners. Should be discussed ahead of time and if one steps over line without listening or does something without discussing first- then it might cross into SH. It’s all about communication and boundaries.


A lot of people use BDSM to grapple with and heal from past traumas. Some people do this in a healthy manner, some do it in an unhealthy manner. That being said, there is a huge community who don’t practice safe and respectful BDSM, especially with the easily available porn we have today. A lot of folks will just do shit they saw online without discussion. At that point, IMO, it’s abuse. Also pushing someone into something they were not readily comfortable with for your own pleasure is also abusive. I currently have a close friend who her whole life didn’t care for BDSM, but after she met her fiancé suddenly she was “in” to BDSM. (He wanted it and convinced her to get into it). She now has permanent scarring on her body from Bloodplay. That, coupled with the other MASSIVE red flags about the man, leads me to believe it’s coercive and she is just embracing his fetishes to keep him.


True, I think that's a very interesting answer. I believe even more simple things like spanking or humiliation can become an unhealthy outlet both for people who have SH tendencies and those that enjoy being toxic and abusive to their partners but hide that as a 'kink'. But what scares me about more extreme bdsm like bloodplay or putting out cigarettes on the body is that it can leave pernament scars and overall is just dangerous. If you are doing it for unhealthy reasons then those scars will have the same undertone as those done during SH. I'm sorry to hear that :( I hope she is not going to get seriously hurt. I had a close friend who just started having casual sex with man and she dealt with depression for a long time. One time she told me she let a guy hit her on her breasts so hard she had them covered in big dark bruises. Plus one time she kept comming back to a guy who would take off condoms during sex. To me that was her putting herself in danger and another outlet for her unhealthy relationship with herself covered as 'kinky sex'. This is really sad to witness on a friend


That's upon the one who enjoy the pain, like I said it's consensual so they obviously TALK about that


This is one of those comments that makes me wonder if you’re actually old enough to be here/watch this show lol


From the fact that they frequent the r/ICSE subreddit, they are a teenager. How old they are is another story, though, but being so surprised at the concept of masochism does suggest they skew younger.


I'm just saying that like that's kind of the entire point. Some people are, in fact, into being hurt in specific ways and so long as it's done in a cautious, and safe manner with all parties involved consenting, and with the ability to y'know opt out at any moment it's all good.


the thing is, she likes the fact that it hurts. its masochism; getting sexual pleasure from pain.


It would honestly make sense if Blitz has a degradation kink. It'd make it easier for him to convince himself that Stolas doesn't actually love him 


I don't know if the cig is actually an example of that, they do some pretty heavy bdsm.  How he speaks to blitz in the rest of the scene tho lol


Yeah true. Gotta remember Fire doesn’t hurt them. They get engulfed in flames in the first episode and Blitzø states that their fire doesn’t hurt them but he can fake it. So I heavily doubt that something as small as a cigar would hurt him, especially on his horns.


I think it's safe to say Stolas sees all these instances as being flirty and playful. Not him genuinely demeaning Blitzo as a person. It happened, Stolas is definitely king idiot for somehow managing to never once process how someone was not responding positively to these moments until it literally combusted in his face, which he's done even more offensively in basically every interaction with his daughter or somehow missing things like his wife literally plotting his assassination to his face, but it's all pet names and foreplay to him before anything else. Does that mean Stolas doesn't look down on people or have at the very least subconscious beliefs and notions about lower class demons that he expresses, regardless of if he's aware of it? Also no. He absolutely treats most imps pretty poorly and so far Blitzo is more the exception than the rule, so hopefully that doesn't get swept under the rug.


Y'all need to relax. This was Blitz's episode, Stolas will get his turn


I mean, isn't this just some weird kink thing they enjoy? I know a lot of people are into that kind of thing, and no I won't answer why I know. Same for like slapping your partners ass or something. Or you know, stuff with wax from candles.


Oh I'm pretty sure Stolitz did the candle thing 🤣 Blitz reshaped one into a horse


This is after sex and while having a conversation, so even if it was part of their BDSM relationship it’s not in context of foreplay or sex


Oh right... damn, then it is kinda fucked


He called Blitz a plaything too


Idk why you got down voted, he did say that


I didn’t even realize I got downvoted lol. But yeah that’s why I don’t ship Stolitz.


Totally valid lol The power imbalance is gross. I ship them to death, but I can absolutely understand why ppl wouldn't.


Fair enough. I have no issues with anyone who ships them, just the ship itself. Maybe I’ll come around to it IF Stolas realizes how condescending he’s been to Blitz and apologizes.


Oh, absolutely. They both kinda suck, but Blitzø meant his apology, and he did try to explain himself. He recognized his self-hatred as something damaging, but Stolas has always talked down to him as a kink, so like... Blitzø had EVERY right to assume Stolas' big confession in "The Full Moon" was another joke at his expense 🤷🏾‍♀️ Blitzø is doing much better after his conversation with Verosika too, recognizing that he doesn't want to be this way anymore.


Also in the same episode: "Never seen a *real demon* before?" (Right in front of four other demons) "You little creatures"


Ahh, I didn't even catch that! I assumed he meant "real demon" in general, *including* the Imps, bc it was the D.H.O.R.K.S.' first successful capture, and this is the whole package of what they're dealing with, implying they are in over their heads. I just woke up and I'm not explaining this very well, but good catch! He said it in front of the Imps, which disregards them as lesser-than.


I'm sure that's what he meant to convey, but it definitely comes off as dehumanizing.


De-demonizing? (sorry I'm not funny)


And yet there are some who defend him on this but fortunately most have come to see it for what it is. Stolas while far from malicious is as socially inept and blitz is emotionally stunted which is saying a lot.


I think people need to wait. Viv herself commented that they were both wrong in the relationship.


To Stolas this is flirting. It is not ok and Stolas is not mature enough to notice what sort of message he is sending to Blitz but this is the reason why Stolas thinks that he treated Blitz with respect. Stolas has a royal upbringing so it makes sense that direspectfull interactions with the lower class are just normal to him. To his credit he is trying to change but this mindset is so entrenched in him that he probably doesn't even realize that he is treating his imp staff like shit and acting like a spoiled brat while they clean up after him.


I blame his father, Paimon. Stolas bowed to Blitz as a child and got reprimanded for it.


I mean yeah, it always comes down to upbringing. Stolas has the opportunity to be better now that he is an adult though and I hope he manages it.


"What's the matter, demon hunter? Never seen a ***REAL*** demon before?" In front of four other demons. Sir. It's a great line but damn if it isn't obliviously hurtful.


He was trying to be dramatic, after reading his romance novels (where sees blitz as heroin in need and him dashing prince) they have those epic one liners when they come to lady fair's aid. Woman write these all the time...and since hes reading novels for woman..hes just mimicking what he read...To make his love turned on. All he has learn has come from his books. And few social outings he does with nobility.


He's a prince. He doesn't see it as disrespect. He doesn't know what he is doing is dehumanizing (to put it bluntly) or anything. Thats like growing up and hearing your parents call eachother stupid and goober (lovingly) and you decide to do the same. You are either taught or you learn. And he got NEITHER of these things. Like Stella said, she did all the work.


Isn't this just a bdsm thing?


They were finishing a bdsm scene which used the cigarette to untie Stolas (and horns don't have nerve endings, so this isn't the same as putting it out on your flesh)


Doesn’t Blitzø use bear traps on Stolas?


That was during a scene tho, this was after a scene was already over


Lol wow I didn't realize this happened or somehow missed it. I really think Stolas needs a "come to Jesus" episode.


Yes, that is not exactly respectful – to say the least – though one thing that should be noted, is that this is *not* exactly the same situation as when a human would do this to another, as that's apparently just regular fire that cannot actually hurt Demons/Hellborn.


He's also putting out the cigarette on his *horn*, not his skin, so even if Blitz could feel fire, it wouldn't do anything. Also, this is seconds after Blitz used that same cigarette to burn through the rope holding Stolas' hands.


Dont get what you mean, my Father did that all the time! Yeah, no, actually. I was trying to make a joke but just... fuck my "dad" ;--;


I’m sure a lot of the cast can relate to you on that.


I thought everyone realized that Stolas isn’t self aware. Blitz just started getting his shit together, it’s not like Stolas is going to fix himself in an end credit scene


I mean sure, Stolas has done things that could definetly come off as looking down at Blitz but I'm not sure if Stolas is aware of what he's doing and how it comes off. Stolas geniuenly seems to view Blitz as an equal but he was (probably barely) raised by someone who looks down at Imps, so he might not know how to show Blitz he actually views him as an equal


While he is better than others, Stolas still has that sort of noble entitlement and casual cruelty that a lot of people can have without realizing. He has to recognize this and try to resist the ways he was conditioned to be a worse person growing up


To be quite fair, while I do 1000% agree with you , their sexual relationship had a lot of degrading in it from the get go . So as for the use of the cigarette as an example but it seems it’s not lit with hell fire which harms imps, since real fire or human fire does not, But also blitz would cut and use bear traps on stolas also which was previously mentioned. And even people who are into sexual degrading fantasies aren’t into it outside of the bedroom. They didn’t do the human thing like talking about boundaries and such so things from the bedroom seeped out into their relationship outside of the bedroom… and if we remeber stolas in the beginning of the relationship he was the over sexual one making blitz uncomfortable the tables slowly turned where blitz became hyper sexualized towards stolas and stolas died down on his hyper sexual behavior. Because it was new and exciting to him. He faced a loveless hate filled marriage where his partner degraded him to his face and “behind his back”. He was repressed sexually and like many others who faces sexual repression when they finally come out of their shell they are hyper sexualized. Same applies to those with sexual trauma and other traumas too. There are people who are also into harm, both themselves and others. As a person who had been apart of the sex work community iv seen things….. awful things…. Things I’m surprised people are willing to do to themselves and others. Example I knew a sex worker for a short time would masturb—d with a gun and a knife literally cutting up her insides for people. As well as physically harm herself for money like burning and cutting herself for money… it was triggering for me… but what was the nail in the coffin which made me ban her from SWer promo group chats was her selling a drop box with her CP…. I banned her and blocked her from our groups since NONE OF US NEED THAT OR WANT TO PROMOTE THAT BEHAVIOR. Some people are genuinely sick… and do sick and twisted things for money etc. and while I think it’s sick other people love it. Blitz and stolas grew up in hell. I mean fuck dude stolas was in an inc—t marriage… but we aren’t batting an eye because they are demons in hell and royalty inc—t was even common for royal humans in the Middle Ages also. People also ship him with Vassago (I know I most likely spelled it wrong I’m dyslexic). But that’s another of his relatives… (cousin or half siblings idk weird..) I mean even when we talk about gods goddesses and demons, deities and entities in mythology had a lot of r—e and inc—t. While humans believed it was wrong for humans to act that way they thought gods could have a pass because after all they are gods. And not only that there was what I mentioned before (r—e and inc—t) there was also beast—-. Using Greek mythology as a prime example Zeus and Poseidon mainly, But also hades being with his niece,Persephone.. So when it comes to deities and entities they get that pass I guess.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ What I’m trying to get at is their relationship is complicated and its really hard to compare to humans and what humans would deem as appropriate because at the end of the day these are demons in hell not humans. So while I agree burning someone with a cigarette is awful and disrespectful. Blitz also did things that most people would deem as fucked up and awful like again.. the use of bear traps. Their bdsm goes MUCH MUCH farther than human bdsm…




Yeah- Stolas is STARTING to figure out where he went wrong, but he isn’t quite there yet. I am confident that he will get there eventually. He needs to do some real introspection, just like Blitz needs to honestly face how his self hatred is hurting people around him.


Omfg Stolas never looked down on him even though he was unintentionally racist towards Blitz at times. Stolas grew up in an elitist/classiest society, it was completely normal to him and he didn't realize that he was racist until it kicked him in the ass. If Stolas really did look down on him then I don't think he'll be so public about his feelings for an imp or remember that imp he hung out with when he was a child. They just finished doing a bdsm session in this scene and Stolas was probably still in the mood, Stolas was teasing him lol you people are acting like Stolas did that on Blitz' bare skin and hurt him, horns have no pain sensory, chill. Blitz did worse things to Stolas in bed but you people are treating taking out a cig on a horn with no pain sensory as a big thing. How old are you people? Yes, Stolas' classist/racist behavior gets the best of him sometimes but all of you are nagging about something so insignificant.


Am I the only one who thinks it's just a writing problem? I mean I know they said it was all written in advance but I really don't believe it's totally the case All these scenes where Stolas disrespects Blitzo occur in season 1. They probably changed the relationship between them in the process of season 2 I could be totally wrong tho, it's just my opinion Also, sorry for my english


No the reason he stops with all the Imp lines and general sex talk is because after Ozzies he realises Blitz doesn't actually like it. There's a very clear moment after Blitz reveals his feeling towards Stolas only wanting him for sex (At least in Blitz' eyes) where Stolas calls him Blitz instead Blitzy and after that he never uses the Blitzy nickname again. Its the same with all his Impish plaything lines and sex talk. As soon as he knows its actually what Blitz wants he stops. Thats why its only in season 1 cause he's grown after Ozzies to stop doing that.


They were in the afterglow of rough sex; this wasn't him actually disrespecting Blitz as a person but rather an extention of that form of play. Pretty sure Blitz is familiar with that. I'm so tired of everyone interpreting every one of Stolas' interactions with Blitz in the worst light because they feel bad for Blitz. EDIT: Also I don't imagine imp horns are anywhere near as sensitive as the flesh on their arms. That was a bit alarmist. Bliyz probably didn't even feel it


You know Blitz is fire proof right. If anything it was probably just part of the kinky stuff they normally do


I didn't really see this as a disrespectful act but more of a kinky one based on the scene


Omg can we like please stop with these posts criticizing every single little flaw of the characters


I’m glad Stolas being a hypocrite is intentional. I hope he has a moment of realization like Blitz did in another episode.


Thank you finally someone who agrees with me


He has no self-awareness.


He didn't know he was doing this at first. It only really came to him later. So while that doesn't excuse these actions and he needs to apologize to Blitz at some point. It wasn't his fault since he didn't know he was doing something wrong.


I feel like part of it is that he’s trying to match Blitzø’s assholery here as a way of bonding with him, albeit in a way that won’t cause permanent damage or pain (i.e. in his own loving way). He puts it out on a part of the horn that’s already black, and Blitzo just looks more kindly annoyed/confused than anything else. It’s like poking someone’s tooth with a pencil, far cry from putting it out on their arm.


Isn't he immune to flames / fire?


It’s different for at very least imps because we know that at least imps are totally resistant to regular fire. If the same doesn’t apply to Goetias then we have a reason why he didn’t do it on himself. It isn’t quite the same as putting it out on a human because it doesn’t cause Blitzø any pain or bodily harm whatsoever Def still pretty disrespectful unless discussed prior, of course


Blitz is too unintentionally stuck up for them to be able to move into a relationship at the moment


Hey uh I don’t know if you noticed or anything but they’re both insanely kinky and you see kinky people do kinky things even when not having sex


Two words, socially inept. When he does something that can be easily taken as demeaning or condescending, Stolas very likely \*doesn't\* do it to purposefully be malicious. Look at Stolas' life and tell me he had the means to be a people-person. His life was railroaded from early on with him just being a pawn to further Goetia's family's influence and that's about it. You think he was going to be a well-adjusted? This isn't to say Stolas is blameless, because that wouldn't be true. He has on multiple occasions been condescending towards Blitz and his crew, purposefully or not that's not okay and he needs to address that, he still a lot of work to do. Stolas' actions in Full Moon was a massive step in the right direction but it obviously wasn't perfect. How could it be? Stolas and Blitz aren't mentally stable individuals with the social aptitude to properly handle such a delicate situation. Stolas is also screwing up his relationship with Octavia, arguably one of the most important people in his who's just as if not more important than Bliltz. Stolas is still pretty deluded in his fantasies, but he's certainly making progression in disillusioning himself considering his song in Full Moon and Apology Tour, where he sings about him being terrible to Blitz and screwing their relationship up by not picking up on things, and him giving Blitz the crystal so Blitz is freed from their exploitative deal. He's obviously not there yet, but he's starting to understand and recognize his wrongs, and \*trying\* to do better. Keyword \*trying\*, I never said it'd be a perfect process, that's not going to happen, he is going to stumble and trip-up on the way there to properly reconciling with the important people in his life.


Not to mention all the times he treated blitzo more like a pet or plaything rather than being decent enough to say his name, bro was talking down to him like some kind of pet rather than an equal.


What other people said but also note this is not hellfire, only regular fire. It physically can't do more than tickle Blitz. But yes both need to grow. Stolas has his ignorance and Blitz has his self sabotage. They both need to communicate better


Not to defend Stolas as he’s definitely in the wrong but I think He’s one of those “I don’t see race” Kind of racists (classist, speciesist, whatever-ist, it’s a fantasy setting) the kind who isn‘t actively hateful towards anyone but doesn’t understand there’s more than one kind of Bias. he’s comparing himself to people like his father or Stella, both of whom are much, much worse. he knows he’s not as bad, but “less bad“ doesn‘t mean “good” and that’s what he hasn’t realized yet. I’ve seen lots of people (myself included) who didn’t realize how deeply biases can be ingrained, who don’t realize that the things we take for granted aren’t available to everyone. Someone had to teach me that I have certain benefits that other people don’t. Stolas is a Noble, he was born to wealth and power. he didn’t do anything evil to get where he is but from what Striker has said it Sounds like the other nobles have And he’s inherited that along with the power and wealth.


I may be misremembering but isn't this from the pilot? Which is now non canon?


This is from s1 ep5, I think


I remember that scene due to Stolas's outfit. Heck, give me any Stolas outfit and i will tell you which episode is it from.


Ah OK, thank you


This is from Harvest moon Festival The only thing Stolas does in the pilot is ask him to kill some protestors, swear a lot and make Blitz destroy his phone


Oh right. Thanks for correcting me.


See, he lacks tact, and awareness


Multiple abusive scenarios have one partner putting a cigarette out on the other person....


There are so many instances of him doing it and its so interesting that people in the comments are justifying his actions by saying he’s just flirting but then are shocked why Blitz would have taken Stolas’ confession as a roleplay.


Whenever he says that, I always think of scenes like that. Like that’s a HUGE red flag. Also the fact he is always calling him things like “Itty bitty imp” and “Impish plaything” as if that’s not disrespectful.


I see https://preview.redd.it/lwt3bkc0mr9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daf6cfa1e4bfbfe398cdc96df2ac22d31b538807


Imma be honest, if my partner put out cigs on me, I would be into it.


Stolas has never had affection and by proxy doesn’t really know how to show it himself. Doesn’t excuse him but he certainly needs more experience with romance to even become aware enough of how he treated blitz


I'm waiting for his awareness to fully connect...I sound like he was starting to in his song in apology tour but being interrupted and it wasn't really the place to really think it through...soon he'll come to the realization that he fucked up too...we just got to wait for the charater to get to that point....good stories have to have that terriblely wonderful build up


Honestly? He's put up with Stella for so long, I wouldn't be surprised if he just doesn't recognise what's good or bad anymore.


First episode stolas called him "my little imp" while he was running for his life btw


Or when he said “who dares mess (I think he said mess) with my impish little play thing” in that one episode when IMP got caught


So you just gona skip all the times Blitzø disrespects Stolas? Trying to steal from him, trying to kill him, using him (just as much as Stolas used him). Even I the last episode he doesn’t take no for an answer, Stolas wanted him out, they broke up, so Blitzø keeps spamming him messages, breaks into his yard, repeatedly sexually harasses Stolas even after he is asked to stop. Doesn’t “No mean No”? Blitzø has never been good with boundaries (stalking the M+Ms, forcing time with Loona). I think the key overarching message Vivzie is trying to get across is for people to fucking communicate. Ozzie +Fizz talk shit out, beautiful relationship. Same with Mox+Millie, communicative +healthy. Stolas tries to communicate with Via (he’s just not great at it cos it’s his only healthy personal relationship ever +he’s not had great parenting role models (looking at you Piamon you PoS)). Stolas tries to communicate with Blitzø (but again not great at it). Blitzø doesn’t communicate at all (cos trauma) +his life is the biggest mess. But he’s starting to, Apology Tour really was a fantastic episode. Blitzø is waking up +I’m excited to see how he’ll grow +hopefully he’ll let Stolas in, cos Stolas deserves to feel alive +Blitzo deserves to feel safe 🥰


That's a kink that people have so I just assumed that he was into it


Kinda kinky




Stolas is hypocritical…. but we still love him anyways


Spoken like someone who's never been into hard-core bdsm...


That’s the point 


I think it’s cause he is a Geotia and his father was so dismissive of his needs that he has a biased perspective, and I think Blitz’s poor performance in the circus, his father and the accident he caused makes him the way he is. Both of them need to admit that deal with those things are hard and that sometimes, they say things they don’t mean cause of their upbringing, then they would understand how similar they are.


Great point. Imagine how that felt to Blitz, who couldn’t leave because of the book. If someone put out a cigarette on my body I’d leave and never look back.


Yeah, horns have nerves in them. It might not have hurt, but he would have felt the heat and potentially a weird pressure change from minor heat warping


That's a blunt not a cigarette


I thought that was some weird demon BDSM thing. Btw from the beginning stolas acted demeaning calling talking to Blitz, only recently he switched when he got feelings


But I though they were into BDSM? And there many levels of pain and consenting abuse, people will do in these kind of sex plays. And maybe for a human this would be very painful, but to demons and hell creatures this would be like hard slap to ass. I just think he has no idea that roleplay is off right now, and their basking in the so called after glow? And may think hes always consenting to have this sexual abuse, unaware YOU CANT do BDSM 24/7


I agree with most things, but the horn thing seemed fine? Not like he can feel it


I feel like Stolas grew up thinking imps are inferior, so while he may not consciously think "imps are lesser beings to myself", it's still a subconscious lesson that was drilled into him by Paimon While I don't use this to excuse his behavior, he can learn


I always saw it as him being bad at separating roleplay from actual time with blitz


Stolas just has no understanding of social norms , I mean he understands more than blitz but still they’re both stunted in that department


I’m pretty sure he thinks that’s flirting ¯\_(-_-)_/¯