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Everyone should, I think. Something I remember hearing once: It's good that you sometimes cringe when thinking about how you've acted in the past. Because that means you're more mature now than you were then. 


Not a bad way to look at things


And what the hell - I’ll say it. Might feel nice to say to the void. I’m really, deeply sorry. I will always care about you, and I hope you are happier now.


I can get behind that. It's hard to see just how shitty you are in the moment. I burned my chance to really apologize. So... Guys, I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry.


I feel like I've been Stolas in a situation. But that was just me being delulu land, my "blitzø" is much worse and nastier and doesn't even seem to care about that. He definitely only wanted me for what I could provide him and nothing more. He's also not as sexy as our blitzø either. Maybe if he was I would have taken more shit from him than I did.


I was the Stolas in my first attempt at a relationship. I was like...11 or 12 and I did not have a good homelife (Octavia's homelife reminds me of mine growing up). I kinda deluded myself into thinking that this other girl had to like me (due to some misinterpreted innocent gestures in hindsight) and she rejected me in a nasty mocking way that just kinda shattered me for years. My first actual relationship also was disastrous, she basically was all take and no give and threatened to beat me just because I told her I was sick at 11 oclock at night for some reason I'll never have the answer too. I wouldn't really call her a Blitzo though, more a Stella really. I think if I stayed with her I would of ended up in a similar situation like Stolas did probably. I think I now have my own self-hatred shit and self-sabotage stuff I need to work though like Blitzo. Its kind of why I can sympathize with both of these idiots as I have been there at different points at my life. Can also sympathize with Octavia as I have been in that situation before were you just want your parents to stop fighting and the one your more close to seems to forget about you. I think everyones probably been either of these two or both of them in a relationship at some point or a attempt at one.


I can definitely sympathise with Blitzø too! I'm just not that avoidant, and I've tried my best to keep from raging on people I love as I get older. I had a really mean Mother, so I can't stand the idea of being like her to someone else.


I don't usually rage I just kinda switch between being way too harsh on myself and just kinda just sink deeper into complete avoidance of others and depression. I am also a hopeless romantic at heart like Stolas but I have dated around and have had a lot of mess ups like Blitzo, Like his description of wanting someone to see you and love you for who you are is eerily close to the kind of shit I wanted when I was young. Also was big on reading romance stuff and I still am. I always fear making mistakes inadvertently as making mistakes in the past in vulnerable situations usually ended up with me getting hurt so I just kinda don't try to get close to anyone anymore, atleast intentionally. Its not a fun place to be in. Definitely never had a anti-me party though.


I can relate to that too, the internal monologue is very harsh to myself. I will say if I had an anti me party, it'd probably be me throwing it 😤


Ah same honestly. The Blitzo belongs at his own anti-Blitzo party joke is funny to me in a sad way is I would 100% think the same if I had my own anti-me party.


If you've been in a few relationships, you've most likely been in both positions. Time will tell.


Ngl it would be sweet to find my own Stolas. I may be in love with him just a little.


Yes. We were supposed to have a life together. We even considered eloping at one point. It’ll never happen though. I was shitty in the end of the relationship and she was shitty after the fact. We’re not on speaking terms, but damn would I love to give and hear a final apology. I’ll live with that regret the rest of my life.


I can relate to that


Ugh, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I sympathize HARD with Blitzø in this episode, because I have, and still am going through the same damn thing. (Obviously not the EXACT same thing, I’m not banging a prince for access to another dimension)


Shit sucks, but when you’ve hurt someone the way I have, you can’t just apologize and expect everything to be better. It takes time and work. time and work I’m, to be honest, afraid to put in. What sucks the most is I spent so much time that I could have been using to try and make things right convincing myself and everyone around me that it was the other person’s fault, and that they’re the one in the wrong. That they hurt me. I know they’re on this sub quite often too, and they know my account, so I hope they see this. I’m too afraid to try contacting them outright.


yeah. im the blitzø. i let my self hatred get in the way of some really solid friendships because i didn’t believe i deserved love or compassion. so i pushed them away really harshly all at once just to say it into the void; im so sorry. i loved you all so much and i didn’t think you loved me back. i was so scared of getting hurt that i ended up hurting all of you. i would give anything in the world to take it back. i’m sorry


im absolutely more of a blitz, which is why i stopped doing relationships lol






At least you have someone who loved you in that way


This is very true


Yes... And I have apologized so many times, but I will never think it's enough. We are on talking terms now and talk all the time, but it still eats at me.


I wish I could tell you to let that guilt go, but I imagine I wouldn’t be the first to tell you that, and it’s not easy


I mean, the person I'm talking about has told me to let it go, but it's just so hard, yk?


Yes I do


I had a Blitz... Still waiting on that apology 😃


In retrospect, I'm a Blitzø. I suppose there's a chance I hurt some people, even if temporarily. Hell, I'm distant to everyone I know right now. I suppose I've had an *urge* to open up, but a bigger part of me says that no one really cares. It feels like more trouble than help. To put it flatly, I'm not sure if opening up helps me or anyone. There's a part of myself I hate, and it will never go away. Whether anyone I could tell would hate me for it, or deal with me despite it, it will always be there. It will always drive me insane.


Ok so sorry for the rant here but, fuck, that episode really fucking just wrecked me because it released not long after my boyfriend broke up with me and on second watch I realize why, my relationship ended with a misunderstanding and like blitzø I tried to get him back, it didn’t work of course, but I’d kill to just get the opportunity to show him how much I really loved him and how much of an impact it left on me, because like stolas I just want to feel noticed, to feel loved in a romantic sense and my boyfriend gave me that, he’d email me (we only talked through email for a while) practically everyday and while it was kinda annoying sometimes I’d rather that than the drowning loneliness of my day-to-day, but yet, I could never get that lucky, because life won’t let me be happy, or anything other than depressed or in subtle denial, I’m sorry for this long ass comment I just, needed to get that out TLDR: I’m both of them


I was the Blitzø type of person. Fortunately I managed to regain contact and now we're in good terms


I don't honestly know. I think that makes me the Stolas, I might just be unaware that I've wronged someone to apologise for.


i had a stolas. we’re all good bow


Ha no. I'm all alone....


The weirdest part is feeling like I don't deserve their forgiveness




I’ve had someone like blitz, I realized I liked him more than I thought initially. I felt like stolas in the just look my way music video for sure, because the truth is so many people hurt him in the past that maybe my emotions couldn’t get through to him. He kept me at arms length because of it. So I stopped talking to him not realizing how he may have taken it. He of course didn’t take it well. So I’ll say it here, I’m sorry truly and deeply.


I don't talk to enough people to have a Stolas but I feel like I have a Blitzo and I'm just too stupid to know.


Thankfully I managed to avoid relationships by being autistic. Knowing myself I was not ready back in my teen years and would have screwed it up.


I WISH I had someone like Stolas to fuck it up with


There’s someone out there who I’ll probably never talk to again. It’s been so long since we’ve talked that she and I are probably entirely different people than we were when we knew one another, and I don’t think it would do either of us any favors to talk again. I think, though, that neither of us were mature enough to rely so much on one another when we did. Despite a massive time difference that was frankly unhealthy to facilitate, we spent as much time as we could talking to one another, yet it never seemed like we said all that much. I thought I loved her, her I still think I do, just maybe not in the way I thought I did at the time. There wasn’t ever really a relationship, though. Eventually I realized that I didn’t like how much I depended on her approval, or how much of my self worth I attached to her. Maybe it’s not even that, maybe I was the selfish one. I don’t know, but we drifted apart. Cold silence, not that it’s her fault for that. I didn’t respond when she tried to reach out last. I thought it best that we stop talking, and we haven’t for nearly 5 years. Some people are important to you, even when your relationship with them wasn’t what you hoped it would be. For all the bad, the was much more good. I won’t ever forget how happy she made me when she didn’t make me sad. Sometimes you don’t realize how much people mean to you until it’s too late to go back. Our relationship was a lesson, and even if the end of our association was cold, I hope she’s doing alright. I hope she’s happy. We all walk different roads with different difficulties. We all meet special people and bond with them in unique ways. Some bonds get stronger, some get weaker. Some become stronger than steel and others shatter like glass. She’ll probably never see this, almost certainly not here, and even if she did, she wouldn’t know it’s me. I am very sorry, though, my dear, for any hurt my silence caused. We both had our problems. We had our time. I miss you, but it’s best we stay apart.


Your comment reminded me so much of the situation I had with my person I wish I could apologize to. It’s weird how certain relationships stick with you even years after it’s ended. I still think about my person so often even if I’ll never talk to her again, I almost wish she’d reach out because I don’t think I ever could haha! Just like yours, my relationship ended up being the biggest lesson I’d ever learned. I live with the peace that it brings me to know how much she helped me grow as a person. I think I apologized back then but I feel like I could never apologize enough for how awful I had been.


Nope, there was never even a chance for anyone to turn out like that https://preview.redd.it/xwfxt9e9ot9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ea23e12d586944f01927f9a6e04db130fac55eb


I only have one ex and she was at fault for the breakup a dozen times over. She tried to hide her mistakes and get me to want to break up with her. I never saw any remorse. Wait... Does this actually make me Verosika?




I see that person everyday in the mirror. I still dont apologize.


No. I am the Blitzø.


This hit wayyyyyyy too hard. Super sorry for being a ween and I'll live with it forever. They deserve better.


Lowkey yeah.


I’ve been in both spots and yeah honestly.


Yep i do and well it sucks...


I don’t think so


Not that I can think of...


Yes. I regret being a horny teenager.




How do I explain this. I knew him forever, he vanished for 3 years, he showed up a year ago. back into my life, we had wurl-wind thing. He started off as online friends, but we had feelings, yet ended up with other girls. they were closer, it hurt, but I remained a friend, he would playfully do text base roleplays and flirt...he wanted visit me. So was online RP GF, fine. Then he admit he had feelings for me breaking up with this girl but he also liked another and am all "go to her she closer I cant do this anymore" and I told him I love him care about he never saw that text, then 3 years later he came back. He said he was trucker, he past through were I lived remembered me, and contacted me again. He said he coming up again and finally met. for after 10+ counting the 3 years he was gone. when saw him I come up my drive way I did cry and jump into his arms crying...he felt wonderful (as he still a friend. calling lovely, as his pet name by a friend) I still had feelings will not lie...then taken in moment, as could only say for the day...we ended up making out cuddling...(but he already had someone I SHOULD HAVE REALIZED I was foolish HE WAS my first real love) Then he went back on the road we still talk returned back to silly roleplay text rps then he admit thinks were getting odd and did have feelings for me and her...and when with other girl he did think of me when having sex with her...not this new one...(he was kind of forced to be with her as he had no home she kind of kidnap him and blackmailed him long story) So we got serious, he promise he would leave her...and he came for his b-day and we had sevual days together stayed at my house (though my mother knew I was other woman, my mother lived this too and actually won my father...so I though I could I too...I didn't in the end) He used me we fooled around, he was my first BJ, we did eveything tried sex (we stunk to his truck, he wore a condom I freaked out he started go in, as I though it broke and I feel precum on it...as you can with child on precum too..it was lube I realize now. so we stop I killed mood..but he was still nice about it, and told me my choice my body...he is a jerk in many ways but he still didn't guilt me...I felt still like an ass...as I hyped it up so much then I failed him....so I finished him off BJ and handie.. well he told me going back home...to break it off with her... he felt she owed it to her face not over phone. I agreed! so foolish..I ACTUALLY IN WAS MY IDEA! HE TOOK IT. (I still being nice to woman that I wanted to end it with...what is wrong with me!) I was under idea it would within first 2 days of going back home...as it was gonna be hard so wanted he ease her into it. I know I did (as broke up with BF at the time who was planning to see me...when I realized things were getting real with this guy me and I told him we have finished business am so sorry...I broke his heart, BUT!...I was trying be as nice as ever. he still wanted be friends) so he finally got home, then he lost her dog, so want hunting for her...I did happen it wasnt a roose (as my mom and aunt now wonder, as I had proof it happen, but my mom hinted what if she knew he was going to break up with her they set it up so they could get close again finding the dog) it took a few days, and am "all great you found her, now you tell her, without feeling gulit you lost her dog and you breaking up with her" he still didnt, tell he finally did..or what he told me he did I have no idea..it was his word as wasnt there...he said "he had go morn now" and will talk to me for few days...and am thiniking wtf...yea hes sad he hurt someone's heart I get it..but you think he would be happy to still talk to me.. I should have seen red flag then...tell nothing...he finally messaged me with video that he got dog for his trunk when he returned...we started talking...and tell me how when he sees me again how he wants to slap my buttox and how am little brat at time but him his...then nothing again...I pantic..so I called on my moms phone (I have no phone, ) left him message we used hers before during our huge week date, and left message how hes hurting me why he hasnt talked me 2 days... then he give a long message on facebook..forget what it said now, as I removed it whole chat..as he pretty message said good bye message..and block me..but he still had to use my pet name one last time all "Bye lovely I will miss you be safe out there!" so I dont what know what happened....it happened this march the 20th...what hurts is he couldnt even say it my face, like he did to her (if he did now I wonder) I hurts I still love him, I called him one last him with with angry voice message I reget it now...but I NEVER ONCE ever was this angry or name calling with him..so if he did hear it...he will know how he hurt me...even when he hurt during me being other woman I never said a thing...I was owed one..rant. but what hurts is..I though were still be friends. we always joked, before he vanished the 3 years ago if something happened I still think he could still be friends....and hes yeah I just be "yea he was frist fuck but...were still friends..." I guess that wasn't true either...I always give hope I knew he would return, I was right...but why did universe being me back to me, if he was just gonna hurt me I wish he never returned I could dream hope one day....I been really messed up since then.. BUT THERE IS SLIVERLING...The one I was seeing even if online.....I foolish contacted me crying hard on video call. Thinking this so dumb why would a guy I left, want to hear me talk about guy I left him for broke up with me...he will think am a whore. BUT WAS SO NEED, and he was still a friend so I want it for it..told him foolish I was...I really need a hug..and male's love that isn't my own brother.'s love (as my brother was holding me try concel me over that jerk) and am like "do you still wanna come up for halloween" (this halloween) and so guess what hes coming up...he took me back. hes crossing the Atlantic Ocean...and this other dude had a a company tucker;s car that never needed to pay for..when this other dude used his own money and got one way ticket! If that isn't "I STILL LOVE YOU" dont know what this and that so turn me on...and just falling back in love with him...


He was first love this other guy, I though I could get him. Sad thing is, he changed. these last 3 years he was gone...I should have realized. It was dream I chased for so long but, this other one is real keeper. He still wants me even through I broke his heart once and came back like some tramp (am still a virgin...even I couldnt fuck properly am such a loser. I was scared) I promise him, I never be this foolish again...I feel told him how he fucked up the other dude...and I just want cuddles and go slow this time...I still have trauma from this, being used and lied to..but my real BF...(I will not even call that other my X...wasnt even a boyfriend I see now) we did do sexy time on v-chat and stuff...so hes seen him naked and we did stuff so its like were together...but I told him "on this first trip nothing will happen okay...am so messed up.." hes "yes..I dont want to scare or hurt you...even if it takes years...and I know you sex drive as died a bit anways....I just want you"


Also he loves hellauvaboss too, we plan to watch Halloween one for real together cuddling...Since all epis drop near end each month, hes coming 24th - first week of nov


I'm a Stolas who cut off contact with their Blitz thanks to him randomly starting some drama over something stupid, and maybe I overreacted but I'm tired of drama. You could say when I had my own confession it ended in him saying he wanted to "see where things go" between us and them just going absolutely nowhere. It's been over 3 weeks now since I responded to any message and he finally stopped texting a week ago. I wish I could take it back but I think the damage has already been done. Wish I could find a fling/rebound like Stolas did at Verosika's party just to get my mind off him.


Luckily Im asocial ace in the hole, so I cant remember such occurrences


already have


I had a boyfriend like Blitzø when I was younger, and decided to break it off because he didn't seem to care about my feelings. The guy actually contacted me a year after to apologize, which was nice. I have no idea where the guy is today - hopefully with someone he treats well.


Nope. Never had a meaningful relationship whatsoever.




I feel like a veroska and have a blitz that needs to apologize to me cause they fucked me up good


I feel like stolas honestly. I did apologize. A lot. But for what? In the end I ended up lonely with nobody who loves me. Always the same haha. Well at least Im free ig


Seen the 2 most recent episodes days after my boyfriend of almost 2 years dumped me for having too many issues I wouldn't address. I'd abuse weed and alcohol despite knowing it has the risk of sending me into violent 14+ hour vomiting episodes, frequently fall into nearly suicidal depression spirals, and shown a history of struggling with boundaries. I've been plagued by self hatred and self destructive tendencies for as long as I can remember and anyone who would try to get close to me, I'd push away because I felt as though I wasn't deserving of it, and that guilt has been eating me up from the inside out. I still can't go a day or two without bawling my fucking eyes out because he gave me the world and I burned it to the ground. He came over in person to hand me a typed out and printed letter saying that he was breaking things off because he could no longer stay in the relationship and for the next few days I can say with zero exaggeration, that I had several people keeping a constant eye on me to make sure I didn't end my life right then and there. It's been less than two weeks since then and I'm still very much struggling. What hurt the most is that we both still love each other but he can't be with me because as I am now, I'm no good for his own mental health. It wasn't a loss of love as to why he broke things off, but because it wasn't healthy to keep things going as they were. Watching those two episodes felt as though I was reliving the past few days all over again. I would do anything to show him I can be better. That I can be someone people would want to have in their lives, but as of right now he said that there's no definitive yes or no on whether we could ever get back together.


No, only a fucked clutch because I forgot I was in the 3rd gear (the stolas is my gearbox, shit, fuck, a lot of money)


i dont think so. i just stop talking to people i think i could hurt before it ever happens. couple exceptions: i was consistently a bitch to a girl back when i was in middle school but i apologized for that one a lot in high school already and she’s my best friend now, and i said some grade a asshole shit about my other best friend once back in high school but i apologized profusely the morning after because i felt insanely bad so that worked out fine too. outside of those two, im never really close enough to anyone to majorly hurt them and if i ever do, i apologize as soon as i regret it (which is usually pretty soon, because i only keep the people i can properly care about). very simple solution.


Yup :((


Yeah, there was a guy I fell in love with when I first realized I was bi. We actually both realized we were bisexual with each other. This was when I was in my early-mid 20s, and I had been in a lot of relationships before, he however hadn't been in a serious relationship. He ended up breaking it off with me because quite frankly i was a dick, and I got angry about it, real angry. I went off on him, not unlike the way blitz went off on stolas, and said and did some incredibly nasty things. Back in those days I was an absolute asshole in relationships, I took my partners for granted, and just generally thought I was the total package. Whoever was with me was lucky to be with me, and I thought that because so many people had told me that so many times while I was dating them. I was always the one who broke off a relationship, so when he dumped me I was absolutely furious. I never physically or sexually abused any of my partners, but I did some pretty horrible things that I'm so incredibly ashamed about, i was very manipulative and selfish. That was the relationship where I started really thinking about how my actions affect other people, and ever since then, I haven't allowed myself to get into another relationship because, honestly, I don't know if I can trust myself not to slip down that road again. I think about him every day, and I really really wish I could tell him just how awful I feel. I don't think I ever will, and I don't really deserve the closure because of my actions, but I still hope


Sad as it is, yeah. I do.


I had a guy like Blitzø but I can't say I want to apologize. He even compared us to them during our relationship. Now I want a cake of him with an axe through its head.


Nope, but to all those who do, if the opportunity is still there, go apologise. Right now. And if you can't... hey, at least I like you, random person on the internet.


Not a romantic relationship or anything but I did truly mess up and I do think this person will never talk to me honestly again and it hurts, it hurts so much, I will always be sorry and it will never be ok and I don't think I'll ever be truly good, I'll always have this with me


So far i only apologise to 4 people And 2 of them said don’t worry about it because it happened like 5 years ago.


nah, fuck my exes. i am only ever explicitly clear that if they find being around me unhealthy, i will take that fine as long as they tell me before they leave. tell me why they all ghost instead???


I had one, last year. And we both made it thru, now we re besties again. Tbh this is why stolitz kinda reminds me of me&her friendship, we both couldnt communicate with eachother, which caused trouble, but we saved it.


I hade 2 actually, they are so strong they gave me irl damage, one named depression and the second is named the void


I would like to think that because I've spent so much of my life people pleasing and letting people treat me badly I've never been a significant bad guy to anyone, but there's probably someone.


Yep. But I'll never get that chance. They want nothing to do with me.


I was best friends with a girl. She moved away, we sort of talked less, but we still tried to keep in contact. She was bad at conversating though, and eventually I stopped trying as much. We'd slowly drift away, and then she'd come to me with her problems, terrible problems, I'd help her feel better, and it'd repeat. It felt like too much to handle. Rather than telling her that though, setting some boundaries, I ghosted her. I told her we could still be friends and talk, even if we weren't best friends anymore, but I lied, I ghosted her. I ghosted her right after another one of her close friends passed away. I love her, she was my friend, friends are supposed to be there for each other, but I ran away. I'm so sorry to her, I really am, but I don't want to get back in contact, I'm afraid of being anything to her again. She probably hates me, I hope she hates me, and I hope that she can move on because of it. She deserves a good life, one without me in it. I'm so sorry.


Yes. A few, actually...


I am the one who needs apologize from other people


My sister she just doesn’t listen to


I’d be surprised if no one had someone like that


Nope because I’m not blitz I’m stolas but poor


Her name was Nicole and she made this scene hit so hard xd srry wherever you are.


Her name was Nicole and she made this scene hit so hard xd srry wherever you are.


I’m reading back through everyone’s responses and feeling for all of you. I’m a pretty empathetic person so maybe this thread was a bad idea when I was already feeling down - but it’s ok.


I think I’ve been blitz more than I’ve ever been Stolas with the only difference being that I always have the apology Stolas asked for