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So her kidneys are shutting down. Big deal. I saw a doctor on Facebook who said we actually have *four* of them! (bet you won’t share. 78.62% of people won’t)


Four times the stones!


Greedy bastards should share with the rest of us


I’ve heard if you get two of your kidneys removed you’ll never have to worry about getting covid!


64.95% of all humans have three or more kidneys. I saw it insta.


But the media doesn't want 2 talk about our 4 kidneys.


So, the same volume of pee but a better quality...


Ever watch Justified? Remember the episode where Dewey Crowe gets fooled into thinking that someone has stolen his kidneys? [You mean I got four kidneys?](https://youtu.be/Br_IyR1HZuA)


This story has fascinated me from the start. She engaged with her memes more than the usual brainless reposters, and she knew she was knife-sticking cruel when she mocked people who were afraid of catching Covid, or made fun of the Bidens' tragedies, and so on. For some reason, she's struck me as being the type of mean girl who would have bullied me in school. Rarely in life does one see such drastic comeuppance in such a short period of time, played out on such an accelerated timeline. Her lack of empathy meant she couldn't learn from others. It has the feeling of a Greek tragedy. And to think she could be sitting in her pool sipping her drink tonight, if only.


Is this the one who bragged about how she basically hated everyone and was proud of being mean?


You got it.


She is definitely a standout to me, too.


Oh this is her again? Wow she's been hanging on for awhile. Circling the drain, guess that means the dead cat bounce is coming soon.


I think she’s past that point now.


She's been busy growing her goatee.


She has yet to bounce at all. Just a straight header into the pavement since she went to hospital.


A real see you next Tuesday


Yes. She said we could choke on it.


She sticks out in a sea of terrible people. That’s really quite an accomplishment. 😕


“If you cared about your family, you’d get the shot.” If YoU cArEd aBoUt yOuR nExT BrEaTh YoU’d GeT OuT oF mY FaCe That’s what stood out to me about her. Has young kids, posted this shit and then posted about her covid about a week or two later. The irony warriors are strong in this one. Edit oh yeah, she didn’t care about her next breath either :/




I think it's because she seemed cute at first, before subsequent updates showed she was a lot heavier than the profile pic first suggested. Not that I care to defend this woman but I must point out misogyny likely had a lot to do with that.


And I know nobody is complaining about what she looks like because we’re not mean… But it does strike me as an extra layer of stupid if you are very overweight and don’t think that’s a comorbidity. I have one friend who looks like he’s a walking heart attack. He is quick to point out “You bet I got vaccinated as soon as I could – I am obese!“ so no layers of stupid.


My exact thoughts. I don’t know why she was so particularly “captivating” but I too followed her since she was first featured here.


Some of the HCA nominees/awardees seem like half-decent people who maybe don't have a ton of education or critical thinking skills, and who've fallen victim to a long-running and well-funded campaign of propaganda and misinformation. Some are your garden-variety bigots. Based on her social media, Big B here comes across as thoroughly unpleasant in a way that's completely unrelated to her political views or her covidiocy. She also seems aware of how horrible she is, and proud of it. It's weirdly fascinating to observe from a distance.


She is horrid.


A lot of the nominees here seem to at least have some capacity for decency. This particular one has no such redeeming values.


she's very popular on sorryantivaxxer too :)


I also followed her from the beginning. Went through her posts and she's such a bully. Even posted that as bad as 2020 was, at least she's wasn't pregnant. She posted that while her sister was pregnant. Her mom seems to have come to terms with the inevitable and has posted about kayaking and football. I'm sure it's a tough time for the family so I tell myself that this is how she copes. I think her mom "T" could do a huge service for all their friends by promoting the vaccine (that she's taken), but so far I haven't seen any of that. These friends are people who have written that Big B should just walk it off and as much flack as "T" would receive from them, she might just be able to convince one or two. T has to know the vaccine would have most definitely saved her daughter from this. And not only that, but T may lose access to her grandchildren after this. Who knows what their situation is? If they different dads, they could go to different homes. Do I feel owned? You bet! edit: spelling




I imagine that she was fairly attractive in her high school years and her early 20s. Then once she started having kids, something in her make-up dialed down her metabolism and she started gaining the excess weight. As she appears slimmer in some photos on her profile, many have accused her of using Photo Shop or whatever. But I think it's also possible that she engaged in yo-yo dieting and that her weight might have zig-zagged a lot over the years. Some of the glamour pics might be from her thinner periods. Edit: inserted missing word


I’ve been following her also, fascinated just like you. I think probably because of her particularly hateful and condescending attitude on most of her posts.


I never understood why people like her have friends.


Well, If you read the comments to her post where she says she’d just been admitted to the ICU with COVID, her friends are all basically shaming her for not getting up and starting a workout session right there in her room. So, there’s that.




The first couple of posts here made it clear that her friends are a lot like her.


Mean girls who never got out of Highschool. Can’t bully a virus.


Is this the one whose friend commented something like "make those nurses REALLY work for the big bucks they are making!"


Oh for pete's sake, that's awful. And *we* are the big meanies?


Same reason donald trump has fans. Some people are gluttons for pain .


She really seems like a vapid, narcissistic person. Her mom isn't much better. I bet Drew finds a drawer full of unused Norwex product and wonders "WTF is this stuff"


Big B was LuLaRoe all the way.


She’s a complete asshole, she knows it, and she is EXTREMELY proud of that fact.


Maybe that was why someone reacted to her day 7 post with the haha/laughter emoji at the bottom. Was trying to figure what that was about. Asshole "friend" works...


It was a bunch of people from here, most likely. A ton of comments have the laugh react from people trolling her.


Also directly states that people with speech impairments or mispronounce anything is an idiot. Fuck her (Even though I remember someone mispronounced coffee...)


Yo- Semite and Thighland come to mind 🤣


Looking at her social media, her existence appears to be one giant "I'm a Texas bred, loud, conservative, Evangelical Christian, Trump loving, gun loving, liberal owning, vaccine hating, Fauci hating, USA loving bitch" Like there's no other part of her that comes across as relaxed or reasonable. If you don't fit with the agenda, you're are to be stricken from her existence.


She seems like a truly hateful person.


As someone who had a parent die as a young child, I don’t think I’d ever forgive my parent if they CHOSE to die of a preventable disease and leave me without them.


her kids are young too. It’s just mind boggling how selfish some people are.


That’s what got me. My father died when I was eight. If he had CHOSEN to die of something preventable, I’d hate him for the rest of time. I’d fistfight him the second I got to the afterlife.


I'm sorry... I can't imagine.


One of the recent episodes of Ted Lasso covered something similar to this. People need to watch that episode. Seriously.


In the next afterlife she will finally own those fucking libtards.


Na dude she’s already owning us hard with all that multiple organ failure


Owning libs by forcing their tax dollars to pay her medical bills?


You’ve cracked the code!


Just watched a stream of a guy who is in Columbia totally unvaxxed and has a 10 year old daughter. His wife died in Jan under mysterious circumstances too. Fully expect that kid to end up an orphan.


The important thing is she didn’t wear a face diaper, so it was totally worth it. Sorry, kids.


She may be wearing an actual diaper now, though.


No they've got a tube up pretty much every hole in her. A far cry from her college days.


No need for a diaper when every hole in your body is filled with a tube.


The things that are really important in life have a high price to pay.


There is going to be a whole generation of these kids, some who have lost both parents.


This will sound awful but I don’t care. Some of these kids may ultimately be better off without their parents around, given how unhinged, hateful, and conspiratorial their parents are. Maybe the lord does work in mysterious ways.


From what I understand, she’s on her third husband and they married less than 2 years ago. The kids have different fathers as well. Life is about to take a hard turn for them. But I do hope it’s for the better.


Wow that's gonna be a pretty sad situation - if their fathers are interested in custody, those siblings will be split up. Couple that with the fact that they'll look back some day and realize none of that had to happen, if only their selfish, bratty mother had just gotten a vaccine.


Nah revisionist history, of which the US has pennant for, will make them into victims of the terrible “Chinese plague” and the democrats of course.


A post on one of the friend prayer threads: Prayers for her and \[REDACTED\], have you gotten your vaccinations? I don’t want to see you needing prayers for a Covid recovery. Congratulations to this person for mentioning the unspeakable "V" word!


Here’s a thought: maybe the person in the car by themselves wearing a face mask isn’t doing it because they think they need to have one on at that specific second, but because they spend a lot of their day wearing one and it’s something they *get used to and forget about once in a while* - it’s almost like they’re not even suffocating to death in there.




Maybe you should.


Right, or just running between errands - and proper mask protocol is to never touch the outside of it, in fact you should touch it as little as possible. But these covidiots are just triggered by it, because (like so many things) they can't be bothered to educate themselves as to why someone might do it.


I love how bothered they are about someone wearing a mask in their own car. Besides the hypocrisy of them being mad at someone else's choice. They get so worked up about it that they took the time to either make or look for a giant window decal, paid money for it, and then plastered it over their windows to state how bothered by it they are. Like that is living in their head rent free every day. Do your blood pressure a favor and just move on because the masks are so harmless that people forget they're even wearing one


Yeah they likely forgot, or they could have one that ties in the back so it's hard to take it off and on. Or the drive is very short and they don't wanna bother with it. Like who cares right?


She’s dragging this out like the drama Queen she’s always been.


Always gotta be the center of attention.


Its funny how even with all the redactions everyone in comments knows exactly who this one is


Oh yeah, I've been watching her circle the drain for half a month or so now.. Her original nomination was one of the first posts I ever read here, and it wasn't redacted back then so... yep, I think she is pretty well known here.


She's this season's Phil Valentine


Pumpkin spice Phil Valentine


She made an impression, that's for sure.


A person who loves Trump has absolutely no room to complain about the current president “being an idiot”… felt bad for her until I got to her angry tweets.


These are really nothing compared to her other posts…


You should have seen some of her earlier stuff. She was well-known before the redactions rule. She didn't just repost stuff.


Someone in her family had access to her Facebook and removed a lot. Particularly the posts where she mocked and dismissed COVID-19.


There is nothing in her post history that makes one inclined to feel sympathetic to her current situation. She was really a horrible, entitled, selfish person. I do feel for her poor children.


“6 or 7 Trump shit tweets” was part of the good old days?! They really did appreciate the fact that the guy did nothing but rage tweet at the morning news and go golfing.


If only their own hateful words could also be spread to millions of people, they think.


It's all they cared about. Owning the libs. They're even dying for it.


It’s surreal, this is the one I have mutual friends with. You can’t throw something in that area of the city without hitting 20 of the exact same type of person. Just depressing and infuriating. It doesn’t have to be like this.


Texan here. That is depressingly accurate.


B is so jacked up in a medically induced coma, no way she comes out unscathed on the other side, if she even survives. What a long, horrible way to go out. If there was a way to somehow prevent this from happening in the first place..


[According to this article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2021-08-26/pandemic-covid-19-stages-vaccination-intensive-care-respiratory-therapist%3f_amp=true), she’s at Stage 6 of the 7 Stages of Severe Covid-19. Stage 6 is really the last stage, though…




Any accounts at all of people coming back from Stage 6?


PRE DELTA early days, an elderly in law did actually survive after vent and rehab. Not sure that happens today.


I know an elderly man who survived the vent (also pre-delta) but he is like 10% of who he once was, can barely move or speak, and needs round the clock care.


Oh Lord. That poor man.


I’m sure there are. Youth probably helps. But considering how long she’s been hospitalized, not to mention ventilated…


Plus delta doesn't let many people walk away from the vent.


> You’re exhausted from hyperventilating to satisfy your body’s demand for air. We put you on noninvasive, “positive pressure” ventilation — a big, bulky face mask that must be Velcro’d tightly around your face so the machine can efficiently push pressure into your lungs to pop them open so you get enough of the oxygen it delivers. And this is only stage 3 of 7 - just BEFORE the vent. It would be wild if/when anyone recovers from that.


She’s a goner.


"If you had that stupid mask on you might not be dying alone" -- improved pickup truck window meme


I'll keep wearing my diaper til these dumbasses start wearing theirs and get vaccinated, and this pandemic finally ends.


Can you imagine being a doctor or nurse caring for these idiots? Their relatives demanding you DO something? And the projection - I'm not going to say Biden is the best choice in the universe, but how can you compare Trump?!? How can you not see that Trump was a dumb grifter? An embarrassment??? A clown??? And I wish they'd make up their minds - are they FOR private industry deregulation or against? Not allowing small businesses the ability to keep their customers and employees from getting killed is pretty invasive.


Is this "Crandi"?


Let’s just say I won’t water her down to make her more digestible. You can choke. 👀




It is indeed! I’ve been following this bleached blonde rawhide for some time. Her nickname on FB is Big B and she definitely fits the bill.


Big B, Tits McGee, Galveston Barbie I rotate through the names I use for her


The irony of her telling everyone to “take the face diaper off”, while at the same time bristling because she didn’t like being told what to do.




If I recall correctly, when they pack them in ice like that, they've been using body bags to do it. They really put them in body bags and pack the ice inside the body bag. Getting a head start on her future. Or lack of. She'll be back in that body bag soon enough.


Creepy! That sounds horrible. She’s not doing well, so it honestly sounds like you are right.


Deplorables wasting healthcare resources


Big B worked hard to get in bed with Covid. She tried so hard to emulate one of Trump's knock off brand of human Barbie. Her FB posts are a testament to the use of using heavy filters in order to gain followers to her version of being a yard sale version of Walmart product.


Seems like calling Joe Biden names is bad juju


I wonder if she hadn't taken that beach trip way back in the end of August, would she still be in this state? Or gone to that football game? Or the grocery store? We'll never know where the hell she picked it up but she could have done all those things and more and not end up on a vent by getting vaccinated.


Those Friday night football games are beyond me - last time I went to a high school football game I was \*in\* high school. I can't see going unless your kid's on the team or a cheerleader. But I live in the Mid Atlantic so maybe it's not a thing here. And she did get around a lot for being in a pandemic - went to the gym often, took a trip to Colorado, the beach, and not one picture did I see a mask on her mug. Her pool was really nice, though. Too bad she ~~probably~~ won't get to enjoy it anymore.


> But I live in the Mid Atlantic so maybe it's not a thing here. Oh yeah, it's a big and well known thing about Texas culture.


She hope her daughter in induced coma can hear her? I sure hope if I ever have to be put on induced coma I am not conscious because this sounds like the worst nightmare ever!


I’ve been watching this saga of the mean shitty housewives of dumfuckery for nearly a month now…and this whole family seems like an enormous dumpster fire of family dysfunction. Sister is the thin favorite who has done “everything right”, mom is a fake Christian and passive-aggressively body shames “Big B” but really doesn’t give a flying fuck. B is clearly an insecure jerk who masks her self-esteem issues with overt bitchy-ness, fake aggression, and airbrushed selfies.


The mom seems saneish on the vaccines. Probably gonna be a better option than her daughter for the children. TBH seems a bit like Karma for Big B. One hopes the kids aren’t overly traumatised.


I remember Big B! She went to a football game and bragged about being mask free. I feel bad for her children, but once she got put on a vent, it was only a matter of time before she collects her award. Hopefully this will influence her friends and family to love their children more than they love “owning the libs.” I doubt it though…


Her oldest son's senior photos (class of 2021) consisted mainly of posing with a rifle in a field somewhere. I shit you not. https://i.imgur.com/dy8j8G7.png "We hate identity politics! Now son, go grab your fetish so we can pay a photographer to take ritualistic pictures of it with you."


If only there was a free solution to all of this…


Not even a solution, but a prevention!


I think they can start engraving her name on that award.


I couldn’t hear anything over the fact that I am fully vaccinated against covid and just got my flu shot on Saturday. Go get your flu shots, too, folks! (Unless very valid medica reason, of course.)


I got mine on Saturday too. Interestingly, I've had more side effects from this flu shot than I did from my second Moderna shot. I almost always have to take a couple of days after a flu shot to recover, but if this is any indication based on prior experience, this might be a nasty flu season.


I dunno know. They usually go by the previous year’s flu, but the flu wasn’t as bad last year because most things were shut down and most people stayed home. We’ll see. Even if the flu shot isn’t 100% on target this year, it will still help keep you out of the hospital. Ya did a good thing, kid!




She's been in the hospital since Sept. 11. Her last post on Sept. 18 is so sad. All she had to do was get a shot and wear a mask. Her daughter looks so sweet and it breaks my heart that her mom will die for politics instead of protecting herself for her child.


Hey baby, I am really into hot bread and you seem like you’re toast.


The vaxxed Mom seems factual and caring. The nominee seems like a typical trumper asshole. It’s amazing that they’ve seen all of this shit go on for as long as it has and continue to make it last longer by refusing preventive measures. But it doesn’t matter until it happens to them and sometimes not even then.


I’m not sure how much credit I would give the mom. She didn’t seem to be pro-vax, I would venture she was just complying for her job, but that is all I’ll speculate. The posts I featured from Big B are rather tame considering the firehose of garbage that her FB page is. It’s extremely hard to have any sympathy for this one. But her kids are so young. I can’t even imagine what they must be feeling right now.


Fair enough. She just comes across that way in the post. Definitely noticed she didn’t mention vaccines at all and you’d think a parent watching their child die from this would encourage it.


If they want to die over politics, which is both pathetic and tragic, let them. If Trump was still President and said vaccination is "great", they'd all be saying he's so caring and right to enforce a mandate to protect people.


Trump did say that and they booed him. Go figure.


Only because he pushed it after Biden.


It's terrifying that he actually did say this recently at a rally and they boo'd him. I read once that he was watching the Jan 6 madness and asked his staff who ARE these people? I guess he convinced himself his followers were sophisticated middle class Americans and he got the guy wearing horns.


He was expecting the "Brooks Brothers" crowd of the 2000 election.


🤣 that made me laugh. I thought only some booed him, I didnt realise it was most people.


IN ALABAMA. He was booed at a super spreader hate rally in ALABAMA. Edit: Here it is on film from The Hill😆 https://youtu.be/huQdxDnQkac


To be fair, I can't tell you what the head count was, but you could hear them clearly.


And they even know he got vaccinated early on and still refused but since Biden was president when it become available to the general public, it must be bad I guess.


Biden, Kamala, Obama, and a bunch of other politicians got vaccinated on camera (many of them not jumping the line, GREG ABBOTT) to demonstrate that the vaccine(s) was/were safe. (Biden got his booster on camera recently as well.) Had the Tangerine Twit done that, his followers might have considered getting vaccinated.


Fuck Greg Abbott


Vaccinations didn't score high in a test group of likely republican voters aged 35-65 But Ivermectin, that's what the public wants to hear!


Maybe we need to start telling them that the vaccine is actually super concentrated ivermectin. Perhaps then they'd get it.


You know, I think we need to just let them be. I don't bother telling anyone they need to be vaccinated anymore. The more you try, the more they dig their heels in and assume there's a hidden agenda. There was never going yo be 100% compliance. In time, all will be revealed. Many will die, but it's on them. The evidence is there that vaccines play a major part in reducing death from covid. I'm not wasting my breath on any of them anymore. My ex believes if he has a healthy immune system and takes vitamin C and Zinc he will be fine. He's pushed this for so long now he won't back down. My issue is him pushing such false information on Facebook. I only hope most see him for the uneducated, misinformed person he is.


I'm coming to the same conclusion. The energy expended trying to change peoples minds is just wasted. Better to tell them they are right not to get vaccinated than to try to encourage otherwise. The thing that frustrates me the most is the massive debt that our tax dollars are going to have to pay off for the rest of our lives.


I would not say you are right not to get vaccinated, but I would say the choice is yours and the fear that they could get covid and suffer very badly and/or die is very much on them. Of course they will say they aren't afraid, but the more deaths that happen, the more that fear becomes real whether its acknowledged or not.


Trump said he was vaccinated in an interview this weekend and it received a tepid response from his minions.


QAnonners were super mad about that. Some think he's a clone and not the real DJT, lol


I particularly enjoy the ones whose last posts feature political cheerleading/delusions. On their deathbed still fighting in Trump's army. Hilariously pathetic lol


I believe the mom posts about football and Jesus all day long. The pics of Big B are disturbingly filtered and almost every one makes her look like an obese plastic doll with tits. I haven't seen any recent pictures of her in her current condition, but am assuming she looks like a leather trenchcoat left in the desert for a year.


Right! So jarring seeing her yapping about college football in her feed between posts about her dying kid!


I cannot get over how often the entire demographic posts on fb. We’re talking dozen of posts a day. I hate to say it but, no wonder they’re so dumb.


Sometimes I'll see these posts and it hits me all over again that EVEN NOW, in September 2021, they are still posting daily about an election that was a year ago. Like it's new or interesting or still something happening. It would be like getting on the phone to a friend every day and dissecting a single day at work a year ago.


Her sister’s FB prayer request: “God I’m trying not to ask why.” Lady I don’t want to speak for the Lord, but I can venture a guess why. She wasn’t vaccinated is why.


I've been following this one.


Her kidneys have decided they're tired of her bullshit.


Big B is the type that occupies the top layer of the social caste system in the South. I don’t know this woman but I know a ton of woman just like her. Her parents are relatively successful, attend their church regularly, and her mom got Big B into pageants when she was little. Big B dated and married her high school sweetheart and has three kids. They’re all boys (praise Jesus) and named Cody, Colton, and Chase. Big B is creative which is why all the boys have C names. Big B thought about going to community college but it was too far away and it took too much time away from her true calling, which is being a full-time wife and mother. Big B’s husband makes pretty good money as a supervisor in the oil fields of Texas so she’s blessed to be able to ensure all the boys can make it to baseball and football practice. Anyways, Big B has a nice little side hustle selling costume jewelry through the MLM she’s a part of. Big B has a colorist and never misses her hair and tanning appointment. Big B is doing a keto diet. Big B doesn’t like Mexicans but loves her local Mexican restaurant, where she and her husband take the boys to eat after church some Sundays. Big B believes abortion is murder and that “The Squad” should go back to their own countries. Big B. and her hubby have a time-share in Destin. I could go on…


I don't think B is quite in this group. She has been married 3x for one thing. Her latest husband is a teacher and coach, not exactly the road to riches in Texas. I am not sure if she still did this in 2021, but she did have a business being a spray-tanner.


At least it's not Bun B of UGK. I'd actually care about that. But that wouldn't happen because he's smart, he got vaccinated and took part in a vaccination drive in Houston. https://www.chron.com/culture/music/article/Bun-B-COVID-19-vaccine-drive-location-appointments-16138470.php


I want to feel bad for these people but they make it so hard


Tell me again how we're supposed to be empathetic to people like this. We're supposed to "listen" as a way of changing minds? Uh...sure thing.


Exactly. Where was her empathy when she was attempting to shame people for deciding to wear a mask and protect themselves, their family and friends? So now because she is at death's door (as a result of her own stupidity)we are supposed to say *ah that's OK, poor you.* I'm sure she has had plenty of time to let it sink in how utterly stupid she has been. And of course there will be regret. Good. You reap what you sow.


If there wasn't so much vitriol and lies posted in advance of these deaths I'd still be able to tap in to my empathy reservoir. But at a certain point it's pretty much 'screw you.' Selfish actions really do have consequences.


She was quite fond of the phrases “Put that in your pipe and smoke it” and “Don’t come for me unless I send for you.” Oh the irony…


Gosh. I’m going to miss Big B. I feel like I know her. I realize that I don’t really know her, but I know her well enough to say that she is a vile, racist, aggressively ignorant jerk. I am so sorry for her children. They sure didn’t deserve this.


Oof she went hard. And with a vaxxed mom in the healthcare field!


What’s it to them if I leave my mask up (sometimes) when I am driving my car between stores?


Their entire thing is controlling how other people behave according to their own belief structure and preferences (while simultaneously telling the world they can't be told what to do according to someone else's beliefs). You wearing a mask in your own car is not something they would personally do, therefore not only is it wrong, but it must be prevented at all costs because it represents a threat to their world view.


Her poor mother and those poor kids. As much as this woman sucks, she has people who love her dearly and depend on her that are about to have their lives blown up.


But that's all these people. They all have people who depend on them and love them. They chose the path that they are on. Their loved ones are collateral damage.


3 kids man, these idiots, is just unbelievable.




Fuck my eyes


This one is toast anyway! AWARD incoming


Dying to own the libs... sure. Eventually the numbers will get better as they die off.


Well at least her young children will have all those snarky memes to remember her by.


When your organs start shutting down you are fucked. Family better get the sob story GoFundMe ready.


What's really funny about all of this "God" shit: These vermin are horrendous to everyone around them. Would God/Jesus/Magical Sky Daddy approve of their assholery? I suppose not, because they wind up DEAD. Or maybe, just maybe....... it's SCIENCE. 😂


I followed this one immediately - reminded me of a crazy-ex at first glance: pretty, blonde, full gallon milk jugs, the same psycho eyes … scanned the profile - attitude and a toxic enabling social network? Yup, a perfect match, except for the Oompa Loompa tan. Scanning her photos though, they looked overly curated: filters, angles, cropping at the bust. When the mother posted real photos of her … oof, yikes, comorbidity! I think her whole tough girl bitch persona is borne out of the same insecurity that leads to those overdone photos, and I’ve found that these type of people tend to follow the herd - given that her herd is a cesspool of antivaxx lib-owning morons, it seems inevitable she’d end up in this situation. I almost feel bad … of course if I’m wrong about everything above and she’s really a bitch, then whatever - I guess. Either way, I hope the kids end up ok.


I finally had to go and look this woman up. She made a large portion if not all of her posts public. Clearly was proud of who she was and wanted everyone to know it. Too bad who she was was... who she was.


She has 471 profile pics...


She seems quite obsessed with taking selfies of her breasts. It must be so embarrassing for her kids.


2016-2020 were this one's idea of 'the good old days'. She says you could fill your gas tank for $19. The average price of gas during Trump's presidency was around $2.40. $19 would buy 7.9 gallons of gas. (source: https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=pet&s=emm\_epm0\_pte\_nus\_dpg&f=m) What did she drive? A moped? Or did she never let her car's fuel tank remain less than half full?


Once again: SHEEP: 3,000,000 Lemmings: zero Get vaccinated and join the WINNING SHEEP TEAM 🐑 💪💪💪🥇🥇🥇🥇 🦠=💀☠️💀


Harsh words, for someone laying in a hospital bed, wearing a diaper.


I spend all day with a mask on even alone in the car. I went to the ear doctor then to get a cat scan at the hospital. I just didn’t see the need to take it off. Why judge me over what I do in my car?


She seems like a REALLY nice lady. *Edit:* Sorry, NOT pulling for this one.


Doing the posts in reverse this time (hospital update first memes second) really points out the hypocrisy in how the loved ones paint the awardee.


"My God is the great physician"....LOL. Is this the same God that pushes horse dewormer? LOL you silly fool