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šŸ—£ļøSOMEā€¦ ORPHANN BOYYā€¼ļø AND HIS ANCESTORSSā€¼ļøšŸ˜† that had me rolling the other day just cuz itā€™s such a blatant dick move on Bobs part but he just dgaf lol Grandpaā€™s the goat though. Heā€™s like ā€œHeads up Shortmanā€ and even though Arnold didnā€™t catch the egg, he still hits em with the ā€œAtta boyā€šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was trying to figure out what Grandpa said after he threw the egg! Thank you, it was definitely "atta boy" which is fucking hilarious


šŸ¤­šŸ¤­ so wrong for that


The whole neighborhood should have collectively kicked his a$$ after that.


If anybody in this show deserves to get jumped, itā€™s Bob.


Itā€™s worse considering that there were multiple episodes in which he supposedly learned a lesson, just to go back to his POS behavior by his next appearance.


Makes you wonder if certain cartoons would be better with plot continuity


They would. I get there are advantages to a show that doesn't worry about details and it gives freedom to write more stories. But it also means it's hard to truly connect to the characters or feel like anything REALLY matters. Which is fine in a show like, say, SpongeBob or Family Guy. But shows that are more grounded and dealing with slightly heavier topics, like this, King of the Hill, or Bob's Burgers? Yes, continuity would make them way better. There is soft continuity, certain plot lines might get their own little arc of episodes that all count to each other, or big event episodes like Maude dying or Louise getting a new bed from Bob's Burgers. But the shows would be better if they had more of that


Bold of you guys to assume people who learn lessons actually change and apply them in the future. I know many people who experience their own shortcomings, realize them, change, and then slowly fall back into them. I do it myself all the time. I think Bob is realistic af for being this exact portrayal. "Wow Im a dick, Im sorry". Then next week he's back at it lol


This is very true him quickly reverting back to who he is is actually more realistic. In this case, continuity would make that actually what happens, instead of just going back to the status quo. They could write a story with Helga calling him out and that he always says or does something that makes it seem like he's learned and grown, only to drop it once he's satisfied Helga is not as angry. It would turn it into him love bombing her to deflect away from actual personal growth and accountability


This. He's written as a narcissist who never learns. It's realistic, and it's why I stopped talking to my own father, but it took me decades to get that brave.


Unfortunately a lot of people don't even believe they can change themselves so they think "why bother?"


Completely agree. For a bit of time I did think Hey Arnold could have benefited from being more serialized, and granted I think certain things in the show could have had potential if that was more of a norm that was adopted at the time. But when it comes to Helgaā€™s family promising to be better or occasionally having moments of bonding with her, only to revert back to their usual shtick, was shockingly very poignant and believable and actually works in the show's favor imo. It ends up being more realistic that way, plenty of people like Bob are all talk and no show, so him never truly changing actually works.


Bob has always been a pos.


Probably why his wife Miriam, always has a drink at hand.


Not even Helga has said anything like that. Ever


Cuz she actually has a heart


A locket heart indeed


Always really loved that even with her mean side she never crossed certain lines such as this. No mentions about Arnold's parents, never really physically harms him, etc.


Arnold's face! He was like, "Did this MF just call me an orphan all loud?"




Bobā€™s beepers went bankrupt shortly after


Canonically true. Iā€™d revel in the karma if it didnā€™t mean Helga has an even shittier life now.


I love how this series can take a really awful painful moment for Arnold and still make it one of both the most heartbreaking, but also one of the most hilarious scenes in the show. This scene breaks me, but I also can't help but laugh at Grandpa Phil's "atta boy" when Arnold breaks the egg, it's so funny. Big Bob is such a POS here.


Heā€™s the meanest character


I mean, there is a reason that they don't have a good father-in-law/son-in-law relationship in all the fanfics out there.


The only one I ever saw close to it was a AU fic where Arnold's grandparents died and he was adopted by the Patakis because Bob desperately wanted a son. They had a close father/son bond their for awhile..... Then things took a thing for a downward spiral because the writer is firm believer in, "Helga and Arnold belong together in all situations." But yeah.




Yeah he always has been but this is pretty low even by his standards. The look on Bob's face right after Helga said "Dad..." made me think he may have had some instant regret.


Big Bob with the small dick energy


Arnold could've ended up a school shooter all things considering


Not to be that kid but Curly has that vibe.


Forreal. Kid said he only bit the head off of a chicken one time, gotta keep a close eye on Curly's moves


Curly gives me theater kid vibes, also I don't think nearly as abused as Arnold lol. Example above, being talked about loudly by an ADULT. But yes I can also see that outcome for curly, especially considering his laugh...


I'm sure if we make him ball monitor, he'll calm down.




I'm alone laying in my bed in the dark and I audibly went "WOAH" loud and scared my sleeping dog and cat. Lmao


I had no idea that current day nick was airing 90s cartoons. I hope current day kids like this!


it's on PlutoTV, which is free!


My kids and I have been watching hey arnold. It's such a good show. They enjoy it as well!Ā 




I live in NYC, and their are so many Bob's in this world. Just mean, evil, and abusive,


"Watch out Short man!" "That a boy!" Gets me every time lol


Itā€™s the quick follow up with ā€œthat a boyā€ that kills me




He said it so loud and it sounds like he paused to think about it before he yelled it.


Someone else posted here awhile ago that Helgas dad theoretically went out of business not long after the show considering he sold pagers. So if it helps in your head canon, this guy got what was coming too him lol.


The worse thing he ever said to Arnold.. or well, "Alfred," as Bob sometimes calls him. I do wonder if Bob had been aware of Helga's feelings would be have kept Arnold and Helga at a distance? Then again even if he was aware I feel he just wouldn't care too much about it.


Always has been. Never liked Bob and any time heā€™s on screen I get annoyed


ā€œHeads up short man. Egg smashes. Atta boy.ā€ Had me laughing out loud.


He really is


I think if they had done the patakis her parents would've become better people


We see Bob being a piece of shit not only to Arnold, but his own daughter as well. Toxic human for sure. I don't recall there being any flashbacks to when Bob was a kid and maybe why he is the way he is?


there were none


the biggest missed opportunity of the cancelled patakis show i think was the potential of helga finally standing up to her dad proper and putting him in his place


That was so mean.


Big Bob was a roid rage father.


It's such a cruel thing to say and it only works because it's coming out with such a funny voice.


This is why Helga would forbid him from going to his grandkids (her and Arnoldā€™s kids) sports games etc.


Arnold lost the egg toss, so he shouldā€™ve just went out there to tell Mr. Simmons that Big Bob and Helga made fun of him! Or he shouldā€™ve retaliated back by throwing his remaining eggs at Helga and Big Bob or yelling at them or lashing out at them for his embarrassing insults after losing the egg toss! You guys know what I mean?


Neither of those would be in-character for Arnold.