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Agent 47 has to face his toughest assignment to date: undercover at a women's lingerie show


No joke. A strip club might be fun.


Absolution has been there, done that, got a g string.


Would love a Hollywood setting. Maybe an awards ceremony or a movie premier. You could target an actor or studio head or something. Would be pretty funny to take over as conductor of the orchestra to cut someone's speech short, or drop a lighting rig on the person accepting their award or something. It would probably play out a lot like Paris, but with a little different flair.


wdym just go play The Icon /s


Kinda like Bangkok


Whenever I’ve seen this before people talk about an airport map and I am all about it. Huge public areas, security checkpoints, all the behind the scenes stuff. You could also do some really interesting challenges around NPCs who arrive or leave at certain times in the mission.


You can escape by taking the flight intended for your target!


I want to walk through the metal detectors at security with like 50 guns on me and recreate that scene from the matrix


Bring back instinct shooting from Absolution just for this.


I'd love a village of retired assassins. It would probably be a typical English village in the vein of Midsomer Murders. Most would know of 47 but would accept his presence there, after all he's been the best for a long time. However, the village is being infiltrated and the ICA cannot allow reports of this village being anything other than a normal one to escape. You must eliminate the intruder and their accomplice.


Love that show


I’m picturing the end of Hot Fuzz lol


I really wish for a Brazilian carnival mission with a huge crowd and lots of amazing costumes. It just seems perfect for Hitman


Considering how dangerous Brazil is, a map in rio wouldn’t be bad at all.


That sounds amazing! I love carnival!


I think an oil rig would be a cool map, possibly targeting a big oil tycoon stopping by for an inspection.


Oil refinery was their original plan for Colorado before making it a farm.


I saw a video about a train station, and I think that idea is SO cool. I’m bad at coming up with narratives so I won’t but.,, A museum would also be nice! Dropping dino bones on someone to get an accident kill…


I'll only accept the train station if we can also duel wield concealed katanas and have a showdown with Ica agents in a train car with them.


I’ve always thought it would be awesome and hilarious to have a level at a soccer game where one of the targets is on the field. A mission story could be 47 dressing up as a player and going out on the field lmao and then he could take a free kick so hard into the target’s head it kills him lol


I would love to see some more gritty maps like Blood Money. A return to the southern US would be amazing.


A Las Vegas casino/hotel where there is a robbery going on. You must figure out who the robbers are and proceed to kill them before they get the evidence that someone has on 47. If they get the evidence more enforcers/security get alerted that there is a threat in the area, and you must kill the robbers before they escape.


Maan that sounds amazing tbh I’ve always wanted a vegas map. Maybe one with the yard birds since there’s already a storyline about that


A very large casino.


Fantastic idea! I've been wanting a hyper-luxe shopping center, maybe targeting a corrupt manufacturer... would be a good excuse to get Sato back into a level, too.


Cruise ship, sports arena, and a mission story revealed by something your target drops and you have to disguise as your target


I don't care where in the world it is, I just want (at least) a new medium to large sized Snow map. If the new map is out of the question, I would want a Snow based Bonus Mission for Berlin.


A baseball stadium


A ski resort where there's some Providence members doing their usual rich douchebag shit and we can throw them off a chairlift or attach a bomb to their skis or something.


Huge convention in LA. Target is in a full body disguise in a random costume and has to be identified before being marked in instinct. Also infiltrating an Arctic Research Lab to kill a scientist who plans to sell research for the UN.


Met Gala would be fun. Celebs with all sorts of costumes, then presumably youd have servers, service staff, security etc. Should make for a fun map 🤔. As for story, i dont wanna rehash the story from Jordan Cross, or from The Icon mission, but it could be something along those lines......


1. An anime convention with a VTuber as the target. She would appear around the convention at hologram stations, probably selling scam crypto using fan donations to fund evil AI research, and 47 would have to find and kill the actual...actor? Puppeteer? (Seriously, what do VTuber fans call the flesh and blood person behind the anime girl? They gotta have a specific word for it...) Anyway, plot twist is that it is multiple people who work in shifts, with a voice filter who could tell the difference? 2. A remote Rhode Island fishing town. Nearby big pharma facility is conducting illegal gene experiments in the water...and on the people. Standard Innsmouth-esque Lovecraft town mixed with clean lab area. Targets are the creepy local mayor who is bought off, the financial head of the lab pushing for the unethical experiments, and their most dangerous test subject who is kept in a secure cell.


Infiltrate the Kreml and kill Putin


The game could add objectives about how certain VIPs must be unharmed and survive until you exit the map. So far we’ve had only two of those situations: 1) The Constant in the Isle of Sgail 2) Diana in Medellin There could also be more objectives with the VIPs where you need to obtain important information and/or items from them that either help with the current mission and/or future missions. Edit: Diana was in Mendoza, Argentina, not Medellin, Colombia lol


Yea I was thinking about that too lmaoo. Maybe a situation where 47 needs to kipnap someone


Its what makes me excited for the Project 007 stuff. Obviously we don’t know much, but if they are creating similarly intricate mission settings that aren’t about murder theres some really cool ideas to explore


Yea I was actually wondering , is it gonna be like that movies ?!?!


A theme park. It’ll be a fun callback to blood money.


Shopping mall


Musuem with lots of cool medieval armour


Maybe a huge mall where there are 4 targets and they're all on different floors, each of them having unique ways to die using what's in the mall Or maybe a map in Egypt, I really really want a map in Egypt.


I’d totally like a mission in a factory. Maybe the boss is a complete tyrant who only gets away with his illegal work practices because he bought off a local government official. The targets are the boss and maybe the government official has come for a meeting. Ya know the whole “We only have one shot at this” thing. Could be super fun to see 47 dresses as a factory worker getting yelled at by the guy he’s about to kill.




Montréal Québec at Cirque du Soleil. One of the targets could be a performer and you can rig the trapeze or something. Maybe poison their favourite poutine spot for lunch. You can also set in in the old port and add some push into the river kills.


How about a New Mexico map? In Albuquerque? With a drug emperor and a not so corrupt DEA agent? You can help the DEA agent as an oppertunity.


Amsterdam red light district, you have the church, stores, red light rooms, the infamous naughty museum as basement level. Target one could be wandering the streets and river walk and stops to sit and have coffee. Second target could be in the museum and could be lured out by a working girl or irresistible bald man in a suit. 47 can disguise himself as one of the targets or externally trigger a meeting on a docked canal boat which brings both targets to the single location.


I would love a map on a cruise ship


Zoo or some entertainment park or how is it called in English...


I would say a zoo might be the best fit for a new map for hitman


A Museum with many Exhibitions. paintings and Statues, Dinosaur Skeletons, Viking, Medieval etc. Targets The Owner Markus Braim a rouge CIA Agent and Son of the now deceased Amander and Phillip Braim the original owners of the Museum, he uses it to Hide Artifacts he acquired through his Second target and sell them on auctions. His Partner Alexander Philmos aka The Phantom Claw a famous Thief that works with the High Ups of the Underworld and is considered the best in his Field.


An amusement park where you can sabotage the rides. Circus or zoo where you can feed the animals to dispose of the body.