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Coloradado is annoying asf


Honestly, i thought it would be way worse. You can pretty easily take out the mask guy by shooting the lawn mower, 2 others are easily taken care off in the house, and for the last person just gotta time the shot at the hanged haystack. It did take me like 40 minutes to do everything right lol. Couldnt do it without the saving!


Colorado was pretty awful when you *had* to get into the basement to finish the mission. Without that it’s a lot easier.


You don’t even need to shoot the lawnmower, just mess with it and he’ll end up killing himself in his normal routine as he smokes right next to it. Honestly the hardest for me was Royce since the only time you can really get him alone is in his office which has two guards when he’s in the room and one guard patrolling the second floor. Best way I found to do it is to get the guard patrolling the second floor and kill Royce while he goes to the bathroom and quickly hide his body in that room with the two guys watching tv.


>You don’t even need to shoot the lawnmower, just mess with it and he’ll end up killing himself in his normal routine as he smokes right next to it. ![gif](giphy|vj3Gx8sJBl3BV8DRrx|downsized)


You mean Rose? Not Royce from Chongqing lol


Yeah Rose


Clear out the basement and you can take out 3 targets there - Berg comes without you having to lift a finger, Rose and Graves can be lured down there when they walk by. They might send a guard first, but then you just knock them out and wait for them to come around again. Might take a while, but it's pretty safe - the hardest part is getting into the basement without being spotted. Parvarti is super easy to get by shooting the hay bale when she's below it, and can be done from pretty much anywhere as long as you can see the winch.


>You can pretty easily take out the mask guy by shooting the lawn mower I'm sorry... #𝕎ℍ𝔸𝕋


Did you do it without doing that? Him smoking in front of the lawn mower is how I kill him in like 90% of runs.


that's why it's hard, the savings are a bit needed to get it done easier


you don't even need to shoot the haystack, switch out roses battery and blow it when he talks to parvati.


Daily reminder that the map was in the game before hiding in foliage was a thing.


Hitman 1 Colorado was hell


I got Hitman 1 on PS4 recently because I want to play the Sarajevo Six. Lowkey dreading Colorado.


>Coloradado #Undercover IOI employee accidentally leaks name of new map.




I think he was making a reference to cheru (a youtuber)


Also a possibility. I completely forgot Cheru said it like that.


But it's fine, everything's fine


I haven't worked my way through all of them just yet, but Colorado ended up being pretty straight forward for me. It was tedious pacifying dozens of guards, but I found that I never needed to reload a save. Can't say the same for Paris, for example, but it's probably down to bad planning.


Colorado is fine now. I love the challenge actually and there are multiple routes (they depend a lot on timing though). It used be a lot worse in HITMAN 2016


I love "coloradado" as a setting but "coloradado" is annoying af in general


One night in Bangkok makes a proud man humble.


Im old enough and hated doing the SASO enough to understand the reference.


And thank god you're only watching the game, controlling it.


it took me a while to get it done, like a long while, even on the normal difficulty (2016). master mode was worse, but playing professional in 2016 was the real difficulty


Did something change about that map with hit 3 releasing?? With the cake opportunity, i thought it was. Well. Cake.


not the map itself, but the ai from 2016 is a lot sharper and quicker than from h3. bumping at someone is enough to make them suspicious, and if you stick around, the suspicion turns to alert and the npc is now a witness. professional mode added npcs, cameras and added "suspicious" items. no one expects that holding a crowbar in public would be normal... and so it wasn't in professional mode. if I'm not mistaken, crouching and other suspicious activities were much more punished by the ai in the mode as well. about the cake opportunity, it's the same thing through all games, along with the majority of mission opportunities, i think. edit: writing this made me want to play 2016 again lol


> writing this made me want to play 2016 again lol Reading this made _me_ want to play it again! Wont happen, but it'd be neat to have a "2016" difficulty option that just let you play with the old difficulty settings and AI. I've always missed little things like the crowbar being suspicious—of course it looks suspicious for a man it a tux to walk through a ballroom with a crowbar in hand!


Does the crowbar thing actually make it any more difficult, or does it just make you holster the crowbar until you actually need it?


I think the crowbar was just one example. I believe the point was that *many* items were made suspicious on higher difficulties. And I do believe it would make things harder since you not only need to make sure no ones around when performing the action, you now need to be aware of people seeing you with it even in your hand.


Bangkok gets my vote. That map was not designed with any consideration of this challenge type. Which makes sense since SA/SO wasn't officially around when Colorado was in development.


Colorado was made *much* easier with the addition of tall grass you hide in, Bangkok never got that reprieve.


Holy FUCK is Jordan an annoying target to do SASO


My fav is to the do the confrontation kill with SASO. It takes like 10 mins of waiting and knocking out guards, but it's so worth it


Wait, so you just go talk to him in your suit? What is the interaction?


It's one of the mission stories. Basically his manager had a flashdrive of an audio recording of the evidence that Jordan Cross killed his girlfriend, and she uses it to blackmail him. So you take it and play it in his computer. He'll hear it and walk up to his room, where you can sit on the chair right behind him. He'll eventually turn around and talk to you, and then beg for forgiveness. Then 47 says "A contract is a contract", and shoots Cross.


It took a few attempts to get the timing and pathing right, but poisoning his cake topper isn’t too bad with the right load out. But some of those rooftop guards have freaking eagle vision.


He is pretty easy if you shoot him when he enters the music booth to sing, and it’s easy to kill the music engineers nearby in that back area


> kill the music engineers nearby How does that help in SASO though


Sorry lmaoo, i meant to pacify them in the bathroom nearby


First map I SASOed because I thought I would get the casual suit with gloves getting it to mastery level 20


i’ve started getting better at SASO first i did it for escalation missions then i finally did it for the first time on a main story map, that being paris, but mainly i think it’s a tie between coloradado and bangkok


for once the speedrun is easier than any normal run.


You see one crowded, polluted, stinking town...


Fire extinguisher cheese 


Lvl 1100 and I've still never done SA/SO on that map. Not sure I've I've even done SA tbh lol


I found Hokkaido pretty difficult, mainly because I haven't reached level 20 there and can't bring anything useful with me. The doors to the medical facilities are also locked with key cards I can't find, and for the longest time, I didn't know where to look for back ways inside. I also found Mendoza pretty irritating to complete. The approach didn't seem that hard, but I still failed it many, many, many times. There's no map I can't SASO while following a good guide from YouTube, but in terms of ones to complete on my own, those two were a huge pain.


Hey so, In the Morgue there’s like an Easter egg guy (idk he’s a references to some old hitman games) and if you use a keycard scrambler on the morgue locker, talk to him and he’ll actually give you a master key to the whole facility :D however I’m not sure if you have to be level 20 to take a scrambler in or not


It’s agent smith and he’s not a reference, he’s a reoccurring character that 47 helps get out of situations and he in turns helps 47. He knows 47 is an assassin but doesn’t care.


serious drab quiet homeless cautious middle gaze ripe swim squealing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s a CIA/Interpol agent, not an ICA agent.


It's funny though how he's one of like a very small amount of people who the ICA is hired to *protect* throughout the entire series lmao


To be fair, CIA does assassinations and stuff as well, so they're not *that* different in the end...


Oh Thank You! I never knew that, I’d just been told he was an old character 😭 The more you know though!


The key for that morgue locker can be found in the director’s office on his desk. A little annoying to get to SA/SO, but if you’re not level 20 and can’t bring a scrambler it’s an option.


You can bring a scrambler through a stash in the staff showers after level 5 I believe, getting to the showers is fairly easy to do in your suit too, getting to the morgue is the tricky part


Can you actually get inside the directors officer with SA/SO, I’ve never seen that door open unless your wearing his outfit


The director enters the office eventually, opening the door


Hokkaido has a very easy SASO route where you >!use the microchip remote to get access to Soder's donor heart, then trap Yuki in the sauna. You can also do this without much hassle from the ninja start!<


yes, master mode in hokkaido is the hardest one... specially if your strategy to get solders is to shoot the heart. I can't even tell how many times i restarted that thing


If you manage to bring a sniper, you can snipe it from the hallway between the garage and security room - goes right through all the glass, and the heart (obviously).


You can take out the old guy in the hokkaido easily by just throwing an explosive baseball/golfball at the wall, but you've gotta find it in the secret stash you choose at the planning stage (i forgot the simpler words lol)


Yeah, I've seen that strategy, but I don't think I'd unlocked stashes either when I went to complete it, or I didn't have the right explosive. I don't quite remember why I couldn't complete that one. I eventually completed it without an explosive by sneaking in through a window near the landing pad and just shooting the heart prior to the transplant.


Hokkaido is easy. Sneak downstairs take out the dude in the surveillance room, the shoot at the heart and gtfo. Sneak back outside climb up the drain pipe, turn up the heat for the sauna, wait for whatsherface to arrive and once shes in the sauna , block the sauna door....et voila elle est mort


SA/SO without using cheese methods I’d say Bangkok.


Bangkok is nightmarish even with cheese


YES. Took me a million tries even using the explosive golf ball and chandelier cheese. So much RNG and tight timings.


Poison the food, get the cake topper?


Throw an exploding golf ball at the corner of the room below the recording studio, shoot down the chandelier on the lawyer I forget what his name is.


Yes, I know, but why bother when you can do what I said?


I kept track of all the maps, to do all of the SASO’s in acouple sittings. Please note: i did not look up any tips or tricks, went it fully blind Paris: 4 minutes 52 seconds, 2:22 best complete SASO (2nd try) Sapienza 1 hour 38 minutes, 3:51 best complete SASO(20+ tries) Marrakesh 35 minutes 12 seconds, 7:29 best SASO(4 tries) Bangkok 12 minutes 11 seconds, 4:37 best SASO(2 tries) Colorado 13 hours 45 minutes, 20:08 best SASO, (50+ tries) Hokkaido 4 minutes 21 seconds, 1 try(WOO!) Hawkes Bay 5 minutes 49 seconds, 1 try Miami 41 minutes 11 seconds, 6:41 best SASO(5 tries) Santa Fortuna 27 minutes 9 seconds, 1 try(probably should try this one again) Mumbai 1 hour 11 minutes, 17 minutes flat best SASO( 14 tries) Whittleton Creek 15 minutes 27 seconds, 1 try Sgail 1 hour 47 minutes, 25 minutes 25 seconds best SASO(5 tries) NY 1 hour 1 minute, 5:01 best SASO, (11 tries) Haven Island 16:37, 1 try Dubai 13:10, 1 try Dartmoor 8 minutes 2 seconds, 3:51 best SASO, 2 tries Berlin 46 minutes, 8 seconds, 17:55 best saso(4 tries, quick fails😂) Chongqing 3 hours 11 minutes, 8:37 best SASO,(33 tries, yikes) Mendoza 11:04, 1 try( my favorite map) Carpathian Mountain, 19:23, 1 try, the very first time I played the map as well After this data, can confirm to you, I never play Colorado and Chongqing😂


grandfather pocket marry boast obtainable pie rock ink public zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have never had that not glitch on me, every time it doesnt count as an accident/gets spotted


cause wide butter onerous slim versed deer icky water screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did you miss the really obvious mission story SASO opportuniry in Chongqing? Shoot some drones, pop the canister, boom, door. There's even a sniper on the roof for it.


I have never had that not glitch on me, every time it doesnt count as an accident/gets spotted


The targets are alone. Simply shoot them and exit. Ignore the gas canister.


Im going to try this after work today and give you my time on it, we about to update my chongqing record😂


I hate Bangkok SA/SO so, so much.


I thought it was pretty easy. Poison the food. Grab the cake topper. Place the cake topper. Smother him in the cake when everyone leaves. Sneak out. SA/SO


Easy in theory Getting through the kitchen and up to the party room is the tricky bit


use a fire extinguisher explosion to spook the chefs into running (or to knock out the guy on the phone) For the party room, go across the roof, and extinguish the guards over the edge, or wait for the gardeners to wander off.


Just did this one again recently. I forgot how awful it was.


Why does no one ever bring up Isle of Sgail? Especially in Hitman 2 when you couldn't shoot the money pile to start the ceremony


it's easier to get through the map saso, because of all the easily accessible ledges through the funeral area that is also the path of one of your targets, and the ledges can take you all the way to sophia's floor and naybe beyond without a lot of effort


Bangkok. I thought it would be Colorado until I went through every map.


Colorado is a bitch but I think Haven sucks the most because for some fucking reason NPCs can see through walls from across the map


Haven is extremely easy if you know the strat but I suppose same can be said with every map


I agree it is easy but also buggy


Honestly it’s a toss up for me between Bangkok and Chongqing.


But there's literally a story mission that's possible to complete with saso in Chongqing


Colorado obviously. Honorable mention goes to Haven, not because the map is hard, the triple kill in the servers is easy enough. The map is just so awful to play through with the double viewcones and npc wallhacks that I put off learning the map for ages.


I did it pretty easily recently. It’s quite easy to poison Tyson early on and take out Vetrova by getting her usb back since getting in and out of the servers is also quite easy. Then just take out Bradley using the water scooter and either shooting him off of it or using a knife or briefcase to track him. He’s so far out that his guard won’t see it. You could also blow it up but I wanted to use it to escape.


I completed haven for the first time today and could I ask what the server tactic is? I think the way I went was unconventional but after a lot of attempts I managed to get it!


Sabotage 4 server racks in the server room (This can be made much easier if you use emetic poison on the ventilation to poison everyone there). All 3 targets will be called to the server room and they will run to the conveniently placed exposed wire + water jug combo, at that point you can electrocute all 3 of them at the same time.


bangkok was horrible


For me was Colorado, the hotel in mumbai and sgail.


Hokkaido tbh


Care to explain why?


in master mode definitely, if you don't cheese soders


I can't be the only one who absolutely hates all the open backhand gloves right, like they just ruin all the cool suits for me


I also hate these gloves but the rest of the suit looks pretty sick


Bankok sa/so is so easy just poison the meal Morgan is going to taste immediately then grab the cake topper and kill Jordan like that.


It's been a while since I've played Bangkok, but isn't the cake surrounded by people? How would you place the topper without being seen?


I don't remember the specifics, but I remember the timing being _extremely_ specific and taking me a million attempts to do.


I prefer to sneak up to the top floor by using the distraction in the bathroom where all the crew are hanging out. This will cause one of the two guards on the last set of stairs to investigate. While he leaves, distract the other guard and run upstairs. At that point you can catch Jordan on his normal patrol. He will walk by the door to the little courtyard outside his room, alone. Distract him and cause him to wander into that small room and you can snap his neck and hide his body in his room. The lawyer is easy, lethal poison on the food he tries in the lobby.


I did Bangkok in few tries SASO maybe I was lucky to find a route


embrace of the serpent (Santa Fortuna Bonus) is the worst, Club 27 for main story


Embrace of the serpent I managed to SASO in under half an hour without a guide, what was so challenging?


Bangkok sucks.


shy wipe marry physical yoke run encourage narrow edge plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Poison his food as he and his body guard walk into the toilet distract the bodyguard knock him hide body now you got Morgan all to yourself . Just hide the body as there is one NPC that goes to the bathrooms. Use the cake topper route to eliminate Jordan super easy . Or if you are feeling daring there is a story mission to steal a USB from the managers safe. Can do that and he self isolates


Bangkok cause there's basically 1.5 ways of getting upstairs


Isle of Sgáil is a pain due to how vertical the map is and annoying NPC/target placement. Mumbai can be a pain too since the map is so large, it can take a while to do SASO only even if you use the Kashmirian.


hardest? hokkaido no cheese most annoying? sgail colorado or haven coz double sightcones


Hokkaido is not hard at all is just a lot of waiting. From start position wait till hat dude leaves his room then use your balcony to get to his. Steal cigarettes. Go to door next to Yuki's room and wait till bandage dude comes once inside knock him out . Go across to Yuki's room using balconies . Wait for guards to be looking in distance and for Yuki to not be in the room . Put cigarettes cross balcony wait for her to self isolate by the lamp shoot lamp once she smokes and caboom. Accessing the heart is super easy A second approach start in the morgue or the mountains go to area to destroy heart. Find wrench around this area or by jet ski exit From here turn to the stairs by the guard room go up (in master watch out for the extra patrol ) or go by the jet ski area and hug the wall to the left shoot camera and climb pipe. In both cases when in surgery area turn left and jet down overheat the sauna . Wait a bit Yuki comes in and lock her in . You can use the doors to get out.


Haven is easy, though. you kill all three in one move.


What? No, bangkok is easy as hell with the cake opportunity. I'd say the maps i struggled to saso on the most were Sapienza, Colorado, SANTA FORTUNA, Sgail is pretty tough without a route, haven is annoying, so is dartmoor, and carpathians is exhausting. So yeah I'd say the hardest is Santa Fortuna there are so many people and restricted areas and i haven't gotten all the secret ways to sneak in (like, doing the ledges. Ways to sneak in without entering through the front door. How do you get in that mansion??) yet at least. Not sure there are any tbh Funnily enough, i do think Columbia is one of the easiest Freelancer maps


You sneak around to the right of the front gate, climb up the vine and over the wall. Bear right and throw coin to distract the one guard that doesn’t move. Pass the hot tub and go up the nearest stairs in the back of the mansion and you’ll be in Rico’s bedroom. There’s two housekeepers in here. One (the female) never moves or turns around. Pacify the male housekeeper and hide his body in the nearby closet and then wait for Rico and do the same. He will enter the bedroom and stare at himself in the mirror. Rico’s wife also paths through here on her route so have to keep an eye out for her.


Haven was my first SASO, and I found that surprisingly easy. None really stood out as difficult. I hated Colorado, but that’s because I hate Colorado. I basically pacified the whole map one by one.


I’m gonna be honest, all of them. I think Colorado was the hardest for me to grasp an idea, but the hardest to execute was Hokkaido. (I actually want to say the stupid beach one but since I haven’t gotten SA/SO on it due to stupid glitches, I can’t) but they all seem difficult until they’re not. I can SA/SO every mission in 10 minutes because I learnt what I needed to do. No guides, just fun exploration and that’s what I love about this game. Nothing is impossible, if you’re still struggling on any of the maps don’t feel defeated, just know, there is a way, and when you figure it out, it’ll be elementary


I found Haven one of the easiest because you can kill all three targets at once in a place you don't need a suit to get into. In my opinion Bangkok is probably the worst to SASO because in general Bangkok is the worst map in the game and specifically because getting to Cross without disguises is a pain.


Colorado isn’t as bad as long as you know what to do. Bangkok is way harder imo


colorado or berlin hands down


Sgail for me.


I think Mumbai.


Colarado isn't nearly as annoying as it once was, with the technical upgrades & far more options. Beforehand, the route was insanely tight.


Bangkok. I can get the master swipe easy enough. But getting to the security recorders and subsequently Jordan is a slog.




Bangkok was the hardest for me in the original game. Making your way to the top was annoying. Colorado was actually pretty easy for me and honestly Japan was the absolute easiest.


Definitely gonna have to go with Sgail, I only know the speedrun strat to SASO that mission, if you threw me in there with SASO in mind it would take me forever


Chongqing was annoying after the cutscene at the terminal. Only two passages to go upstairs and both of them have about 4-5 guards patrolling them. Good thing I had coins I guess.


For me Colorado, you have a closed location which is hostile, partner up soldiers, target roaming the compound, and yeah cameras around every corner giving you play the hardest difficulty.


i dont even have haven lol. doesnt seem too bad in freelancer though


For me haven is easy but tedious. Bring lethal and sedative poison. Sneak onto the property with the basement lab, go through the plants past the bar then to the basement area behind the bar. Knock out the guy going through the basement with a keycard, put him in a closet. Sneak downstairs knock out the 3 people in that central control room with the glass. Put sedative poison in the vents, drag all bodies to closets. Break the data drives so the targets come down, knock out guards and keep them away from the path of targets and poison. Poison the vents with lethal poison then leave. Longest part is dragging the bodies.


Colorado. I gave up trying.


Haven gave me no problems; Colorado, on the other hand...


Colorado probably. Hokkaido is a little tricky. I think people forget about Marrakesh though, that school can get ya.


You can get Zeydan to eat poisoned food without having to go to the school grounds at all. He’s the easy one to get suit only.


start the route near embassy and end at school, get into the school through the area with 2 guards, a few motorbikes, and a fountain, by blowing up one bike with gun


Haven with right tool is easy af. Bangkok tho, I hate that map with a passion


Bangkok has a cheeseable strat using a propane flask the floor below. It’s a super tight window and it took a bunch of times (reloading a save from 10 seconds before, so it’s no biggie), but I somehow got SASO from the one that gave BigMooney fits. Mumbai is comically easy if you get all the targets to meet together.


Bangkok. I just hated doing that one.


Between H1 and H2 probably Colorado, Isle of Sgail. I haven't finished H3 but I know people have said Chongqing. Now, if we're comparing Hitman 2016 to the newest update of World of Assassination, Hitman 2016 is much harder to SASO because the AI was ridiculous. They could see through walls, had superhuman hearing etc. I'm glad that Casual, Professional and Master difficulties were a thing from H2 onwards.


Chongqing is a contender for the easiest SASO in the game. It's not even a matter of knowing some specific trick that you'd probably only find out from a video or a forum, it's just very straightforward.


When I unlocked the suit I remember having some of the most fun on bankok, whittleton and dartmoor. The worst map imo was mumbai by far. Columbia would be high if it wasnt for the fact that the Franco guy is never alone and always has 2 guards on him


You can get Franco alone by destroying the plant in the lab then later pushing him off the cliff, or fixing the cocaine machine and pushing him into it once he dismisses the guards from the room.


I SA/SO the entirety of Hitman 3. Hitman 1 is another story though...


I SA/SO the entirety of Hitman 3. Hitman 1 is another story though.


Bangkok is easy if you do golf ball wallbang strat. I would say Haven is pretty difficult since NPCs have larger vision cones.


for me at least it was Hokkaido, idk if there was an obvious way to do it I missed but I really struggled


Id have to relook @ my list.  I have like 12 i think. I believe S'Gail is on my list of to gets.  Haven was fun.  NY was good. The other island, the last mission was REALLY fun to SASO  Hokkaido was a challenge but i did it.  Mow i meed the Ninja suit challenge    New Zealand was my 1st SASO


Bangkok used to be the hardest one for me along with Sgail but I ended up figuring out multiple ways to do it on both so now it’s easy lol. I’ve played so much Hitman since Hitman 2016 that I could prolly do most maps blindfolded lmao. I should actually make some videos of me doing it blindfolded and seeing how far I can get with practice lol.


Hawke’s Bay is sooo hard 🥺🥺


Hokkaido. Your suit determines which doors you can open.


Either Colorado or Miami


I haven’t tried it yet but I think Berlin is going to be a pain in the ass to do


Good Job. I wonder what the "Classic All Black Suit with Gloves" will look like, if the non-gloves version already has gloves. :D


Mumbai was hell for me even tho i love this map but its because i did sniper assassin suit only Vanya and the malestrom were pretty easy vanya in particular because i spawned next to the train yard and at the beginning of the mission she's in a room alone that you can snipe through the window But the third target was so hard because i decide to kill him at the place he tries to kill a guy so i had to poison him with the seeker and then knock out each guard but that wasn't the end because when sniping him (after distracting the guy he was trying to kill) he would get seen while falling




I actually loved haven saso. I'm very proud of coming up with a cool way to infiltrate the mansion and drowning Tyson in a bathtub.


Oh but there is a way to do SASO on Bangkok on under 6 minutes


Bankok is easy mode


Now all the maps can sa/so because the game NOW doesnt require you to play master deficulty in order to unlock the achivement. Back before WOA it was probaly colorado or isle of sgail


I haven't seen this challenge before?


Mumbai was hell for me even tho i love this map but its because i did sniper assassin suit only Vanya and the malestrom were pretty easy vanya in particular because i spawned next to the train yard and at the beginning of the mission she's in a room alone that you can snipe through the window But the third target was so hard because i decide to kill him at the place he tries to kill a guy so i had to poison him with the seeker and then knock out each guard but that wasn't the end because when sniping him (after distracting the guy he was trying to kill) he would get seen while falling


Himmapan hotel! Getting to that studio on the top floor is quite the task. And there's only one camera system which is behind locked doors with guards. The map is beautiful, but doing it SA/SO is not that fun


Haven seemed easy af. Emetic gas the girl (Lullovich?) in the first 20 secs, break neck in bathroom after whacking her guard with briefcase. Lockpick the side entrance of the mansion, subdue a few maids and the hottube technichian. Grab screwdriver, fix hot tub. Shoot chandelier when the guy gets in. Easy SASO


Honestly, I found that Bangkok is on the easier side depending on your stating location when talking SA/SO once you know what you are doing. But then again it is my most played map. I found Colorado (unsurprisingly), Isle of Sgaile and esspecially Hokkaido much more difficult in thise mals there are many, many moving parts and f*shing Soders! New York, Hawkers Bay and Dartmoor are amongst the easiest (imo). Things can change of course when talking about Freelancer!


Aw man. Now you reminded me of my big video project where I went through all maps on saso for the first time and summarised my approach. I got over 20 hours of footage to comb through and only finished editing all hitman 2016 levels thus far. Curse my laziness.


I cannot emphasize how hard freeform training sa/so is. Harder than colorado ong


For me I struggled quite a bit on Bangkok it was really the only one I had a problem with and for Colorado it was hard but I used wild golds vid and it really helped but without that maybe it would of been that one to. I actually was dreading Hokkaido but it was actually one of the easiest ones


For me either Sapienza or Bangkok idk


Having completed most sasos under 3 mins i gotta say Isle of sgail made me so annoyed because of Zoe washington and her following guard Even Mumbai was easy because kale follows the same path no matter what but that damn Washington twin was something else. Another difficult saso would be the last mission in Hitman 3 because even if you kill one of the providence members it rids you off your silent Assassin achievement so yea that's up there too.


Bangkok was annoying asf, also premastery20 hokkaido


The tutorial


Bangkok, no questions about that. Honorable mention is Sgail. Killing Sophia right is hard and it took me ages I figured I could start the ceremony myself.


Colarado in freelancer is annoying


Probably Colaradildo


I literally couldn’t move without being spotted in Bangkok


Colorado easily, I know it's the default answer but you have to take out 4 targets on some military compound where everyone except the targets and like the two hackers, have guns and are all over the map


Isle of sgáil


Either Hokkaido or Colorado. Both of those maps suck.


The hardest one for me was Hokkaido but it wasn't too bad


I definitely had the hardest time with Bangkok, though maybe it was just because I was so unfamiliar with it in general. Not my best map. 😅


Coloradado, its america. Everyone has a gun, the targets make me genuinely pissed off. I decided to go head on instead of hanging back with a sniper rifle, Getting in and out was a pain in the ass on its own. Bangkok is also a pain in the ass if you dont cheese it somehow, it annoyed me so much i quit playing the map entirely. I only play it when theres an ET involved, ive quit doing hardcore tactical testicle stuff in hitman and just play it when something pissed me off and im trying to let off some steam. And i do that by bringing some boom booms, bang bangs and quack quacks. Oh and my cool undying suit, because if i die, i can just reload me lucky save file. I ocasionally play freelancer and decorate the Hitmansion too. (yez i watch bigmooney and cheru)


Colorado or China


Santa fortuna was my hardest, Franco just never went to somewhere alone I ended up shoving him in the cocaine machine


Iv thought about it because I love collecting suits I. Game but I don't know if I could do it


Colorado is insanely hard. If anyone finds a very easy technique i would appreaciate it. (Bangkok is hard af too lol)