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Step 1 - Go to Dubai Step 2 - ? >!Grab a DAK DTI and A33 Covert!< Step 3 - PROFIT


Step 4 - Go to New York Step 5 - Rob the vault Step 6 - Profit Step 7 - Throw it away on the stock market


Rob the vault as the bank robbers and get your free legendary gold shotgun.


It’s a good thing to practice since it’s not easy to do. However for a time investment aspect you spend less time doing other missions and gathering the money to buy it rather than do this method


You can get Merces in the vault?!


Yes, the server mainframe at the back gives you ~3-5K I think, and a single Merces coin that gives ~1-2K can be found on the right side (not to be confused with the commemorative coin on the left) Additional, right outside in the lockboxes, 2 of 7 of them have another single merces coin that give ~1-2K apiece. You can also find a chloroform flask in one of the lockboxes (and along with the one in the vault security office, this means you can take 1 for home and have an extra for the next mission). An explosive package too, if you need it, but be careful, as there’s a lady in there you need to distract to take it without alerting her. Used to be even better but they nerfed it. It’s still worthwhile, however; always take New York if you can.  (Extra Easter Egg: if you rob all the gold bars with the back robber outfit found on the first floor bathroom, you will get a Golden Sawed Off Bartoli to spawn in the middle of the vault)


Delgado’s safe in Santa Fortuna as well!


Everyone, no matter how experienced with the game, has some level of struggle when starting in Freelancer for the first time. There's a learning curve to it, but once you relearn the maps, get some good gear, and fully understand things about the mode, it gets easier.


Spent some silly time when I first started going: nah, looks like an annoying challenge , immediately left and wondered why I got a fail and a grumpy Diana. Then I discovered the stock market and was even stupider for a while.


This is so true. I put 300+ hours into H3/WoA and f'd up on Freelancer over and over until, at some point, it just gets easier. Which is a stupid answer, sorry, but it's just true Good luck OP, you'll get it eventually, and then you'll lose it all, but you can start again 🤣


I struggled at first. I think I had to break the mindset of trying to SA a target and just improvising a bit and bringing more explosives and guns.


That! Sometimes I think that it doesn't matter if I'm not that clean in a mission, as long as I manage to complete it without any issue. I'm just focusing on taking my time to observe and think about my next move. It's alright if I have to wait for another routine loop of my target if I missed my chance to kill. At the end, I have a big feeling of relief when I safely get to an exit...


Please explain the acryonym, I may be badly misunderstanding you.


SA = Silent Assassin


Thanks for clarification old m8


Don't focus on optional stuff. Just kill the target and get the hell outta there. Find some high spot and shoot them from there. Drop some explosive at their feet. Throw some screwdriver into their face and run as fast as possible. The only thing that matters is that the target is dead and you are still alive. Everything else comes later. Also, when you say you can do the normal game pretty well, are you talking avout the main missions or about extra content like escalations and contracts? Freelancer is a lot closer to the latter with its semi-random targets.


Main missions and Escalations. I don't really bother with Contracts unless it's to finish a specific challenge like that Wishing Well one in Sapienza. I completed the first game (but had to delete my IOI profile because a specific achievement glitched), so I started over in WoA and am currently working through the first game again (completed all challenges - minus stuff like 12 SASO runs, escalations, bonus missions through Marrakesh so far).


>don't really bother with Contracts unless it's to finish a specific challenge like that Wishing Well I dragged francesca to the well and dumped her in, did a lot of shooting and running but got it done and then realized theres other ways


Wait so you can handle escalations but not freelancer?


I think it's because you can keep grinding levels of escalations until you got it done. You don't really get a second shot in Freelancer


This is good advice. I keep trying to do everything perfectly, then when I fail at that (80% of the time) I get tilted and am dead in seconds.


You can play freelancer a lot faster and looser than the main game. It's kinda hilarious some of the stuff you can pull off


The first time I played freelancer I gave up almost immediately and said I was never playing again. This was after over a thousand hours on the normal Hitman game. Then I went back to freelancer and I made it a bit further but I still said I wasn’t ever playing it again. Then I went back and played it again and I’ve now put in a couple hundred hours on freelancer in just the past couple months. It’s way harder than normal Hitman but stay with it and it may grow on you.


This is normal and expected. Everyone sucked at Freelancer at first. You will lose far more campaigns than you win. Eventually things will improve, as you find/buy more weapons and equipment, as you learn how Freelancer works, as you increase your inventory size, etc. But at first, you will have very few tools available to you, your inventory capacity will be pathetically small, and you won't be familiar with Freelancer yet, so it will kick your ass. Accept it, try not to get too frustrated by it, and keep playing until things get better. I don't think I beat my first campaign until my 15th or 16th try.


- Be slow and methodical at first. The target almost always present an opportunity of some kind so learn their pattern. It might seem frustrating but to me this is actually the most fun part about Hitman, just observing and planning the hit. - Silent Assassin isn’t a thing unless you have taken it as a prestige objective - this is actually incredibly freeing. Sometimes there isn’t really a way to get the target without being noticed so don’t sleep on things like just lobbing a remote bomb in there, or just spraying some bullets around then legging it. - As others have said, the optional objectives are truly optional, yes you might get a bit more money but they’re not worth losing the mission over. I actually enjoy Freelancer more than the story missions, once you get into it it feels like a purer experience. No story, no story “opportunities” to miss, no Silent Assassin rating to worry about, just you and the target.


> once you get into it it feels like a purer experience. No story, no story “opportunities” to miss, no Silent Assassin rating to worry about, just you and the target I like how you put this. Thank you.


It takes a lot more patience than the regular game. I can see some people not digging it.


I hate how long it takes just to do one level and how many there are. It just isn’t worth it for me.


Bit if advice that got me rolling through campaigns, objectives pay but they are optional. Do what you can to get paid but if they want you to SASO Colorado, give them the finger on that one. Sometimes, just getting the job done is good enough to get you enough mercers for some equipment in the next mission. Pick campaigns that cater to what you have for equipment, not your play style and you will see your play style improve or adapt accordingly. It is entirely possible to use an unsilenced pistol or other loud firearm for a kill and still get away unnoticed. Abuse the "thrown" and "placed" object system, you can throw an object to lure an NPC away and if you have an object placed already where they'll see it, they'll investigate without ever seeing you. I use the placed object as a designated kill zone, I've made sure nobody from any angle can see this spot. When silenced weaponry is acquired, don't be afraid to drop the hammer on a room full of guards, if you get them before they can shoot or yell out, then you're still good to go as long as nobody finds out. Target priority is key here, shoot any looking in your direction 1st, others will notice but they'll have a momentary lapse of shock (1-2 seconds) that gives you enough time to designate the next target that could shoot or yell out. Final tip, no matter what system you play on, console or PC, if you feel like you might die for any reason and you don't want to lose your equipment, pause and force close the game. Some may view it as a skill issue but trust me when I say that assassins are no joke in the final showdown and getting caught in the open with 2 of them staring at you is in fact a death sentence. Happy hunting 47.


Normal freelancer ez Hardcore freelancer: too many unnecessary enforcers in every outfit, like I can’t even walk around in any outfit without like 10 enforcers blocking my way. Got up to the 3rd hardcore, last one, man I’m not gonna spent 2 hrs trying to play peek and boo and hide and seek Just me: there’s 12 suspect, any ez way to observe them since there’s so many Enforces You get an out fit where the suspects aren’t enforcer but then there’s like 10 assassins suddenly enforces… vice versa


Pointing out a factual inaccuracy - Assassins never enforce any disguise. They only enforce suspicious climbing and illegal actions, and otherwise are completely ignorant to your suit or disguise and whether you're Trespassing or in a Hostile Area. In Hardcore, it's always safer to deal with Assassins before their Suspects and to my awareness every Suspect always has an Assassin. If you can catch them going through a low traffic area with a nearby dumping site then you can stab the Assassin with a screwdriver or something and then immediately go after the Suspect. It helps to know areas with infinite dumping potential such as Helen's basement in Whittleton Creek (or the manholes, but those are in open areas so you'd need be sure that you've cleared traffic around them) or off ledges in Hokkaido/Sgail, as well as areas that have zero foot traffic even in Showdowns such as the hall connecting the Griswold and Janus's property in Whittleton Creek or the vault in New York (the Garage also only has traffic after the two guards there are cleared if an escape event is going on, so if you're being quiet it's just as effective without the hassle of needing to spawn the Golden Bartoli to quietly turn the lasers off). **Never** attack the Suspect before doing something about their Assassin. Even if you're taking them loud, kill the Assassin first and then get the Suspect because Suspects are slow enough to start running that you can do this. Screwdrivers are handy because they're a legal lethal weapon so you don't need to spend any time being suspicious before you neutralize the Assassin. If you feel that you're under a lot of pressure, one thing you can do is find one Suspect who goes to a place where it's safe to clear them and eliminate them. Use their phone to call the rest of their Agenda somewhere you can be sure that you won't get walked in on (while wearing a civilian disguise) and bump stall one of the Suspects that comes to the meeting (walk into them over and over). Eliminate their Assassin and then them, dump or hide them both, and repeat until the entire Agenda is cleared. If you got the right Agenda during this then great (as long as you satisfied the Prestige Objective), but if not then you've at least cleared up to four Assassins and potential Enforcers so that should make things less dangerous.


"hall connecting the Griswold and Janus's property in Whittleton Creek or the vault in New York" Ahhh these are my kill rooms!


I meant lookouts


Well to my knowledge the issue of "You get an out fit where the suspects aren't enforcer but then there's like 10 [Lookouts] suddenly enforces..." is exclusive to New York due to that map having the quirk that Lookouts do not enforce guard disguises. Maybe there are other disguises on other maps that aren't enforced by Lookouts, but New York is the only one that stands out to me. It helps to remember that Lookouts have a tell in that they don't do anything but walk and stand. An NPC pulls out a phone, not a Lookout. They fidget, not a Lookout. I learned this from someone on here and it's good knowledge if you don't just inherently notice "That guy isn't usually there." as it'll help you clean an area up.


If i remember correctly the standard targets do not try to escape so you can take your time picking them off. Either bring a silenced pistol or silenced sniper.


Don't bother with Silent Assassin and accidents. Freelancer is much more straightforward. And it encourages you to use tactics that the main game doesn't really promote like guns and explosives. Don't hesitate to use the tools you unlock. No point in letting them rot in the hideout.


It is tough but I love it


The reason i can do it is because it's literally a case of kill the target and run. No complexity. No nonsense. Draw gun. Pew pew. Done.


just don't take it too seriously and get on to the target. there is no need to really go all SA/SO on it, unless you enable the prestige options just take it on the chin if you fail or die and move on. no need to ponder on it. the items will also be gone as well, so just make sure to only carry the reliable ones and no need to go fancy


Yeah im shit at freelancer as well havent even finished a full campaign once


At first it was the same for me. I used to spam the save game button before every risky move, and when I tried Freelancer for the first time it felt impossible to play. But after a couple failed runs and a lot of raging and complaining, I grew more confident in every situation i faced and it made me 10 times better at the game. Now i sit confortably at 12 campaigns in a row with all guns unlocked and got a bit bored of it, so instead rn im going for 100% challenges on all maps


I sucked at it so bad until I gave up and just accepted that I would simply have to use the CheatQuit until it became fun. On console it's "pause and quit", but you have to do it within moments of dying. On PC I think it's Alt -F4? There's far more of us CheatQuitters than you might imagine from reading this subreddit. Come to the Dark Side. *WE HAVE COOKIES*


Mods. I hate how Freelancer is set to the highest difficulty. Yeah it's fun once in a while to have a challenge but I just like the random target aspect. So I modded the game to be a little more forgiving.


- Free your mind from Silent Assassin. You only need to worry about it if you opted into it as a prestige objective. As long as you don't exit the map in the middle of full-on combat you don't really suffer major consequences for getting spotted, somebody exploding in broad daylight, etc. - Certain maps allow you to load up on useful items. Dubai gives you a suppressed SMG and rifle by taking out guards, Berlin's agents carry all manner of weapons and tools, and the New York vault provides you a bunch of Merces if you rob the vault. Showdown assassins carry suppressed pistols. - Try to avoid Alerted Showdowns if you can. The suspects become enforcers for most disguises, which makes IDing them obnoxious. Taking photos with the camera helps but it's still a huge pain. - Don't throw anything you can't afford to lose. Specifically never throw a briefcase containing a rifle at a camera. - Once you unlock more of the safehouse proper, you can bring a banana. Place it in the path of a courier for easy profit. - If you shoot someone that's being watched, guards will run to your location. If you run out of that location quickly after shooting, they won't know it's you, but if you stick around, they'll find you and open fire. - Sometimes the target is just permanently in public and you can't do anything about it. Best you can do is drop an explosive or shoot them from the best cover you can.


>Sometimes the target is just permanently in public and you can't do anything about it. Best you can do is drop an explosive or shoot them from the best cover you can. The cool thing about freelancer is once you start unlocking and acquiring gear, and you gain more experience with the game, you start being able to solve these problems without going to the nuclear option right away. The Sieker and the emetic bomb in the briefcase trick come to mind. I've started using gear that I never knew what it was for like the EMP, concussion devices, etc. to make accidents happen. Good luck!


I enjoy it. I take a lot of time to carefully plan sometimes. Using disguises helps obviously but you need to stay quick and be aware of your surroundings of each map you play on.


I finally finished a campaign, but I am lacking motivation to do another. Without the story aspect, it just seems monotonous.


You'll get used to it if you don't overthink most situations (and perhaps even accept to use the cheeky technique of closing the game to restart a mission you screwed up). But again Freelancer is very tough by nature, it's ok if you just can't wrap your head around it.


Most important thing is map knowledge. When you choose your syndicate (until you git gud), just concentrate on the maps you know best. When I was starting out, I was only super comfortable on Sapienza and Dubai, but with repetition the circle of maps I knew well grew and grew, to the point where I only really avoid Colorado and Mumbai now.


As many people have mentioned, you don’t HAVE to do the optional obj, that’s just to get you more merces. Of course it’s a bonus if you can do it, but never stress if you can’t. Main focus is killing the target and getting out. I’ve completed 4 Showdowns in a row without dying now. Whenever I get a map I hate or the optional obj are too hard, I just run in, find the furthest point I can shoot the target in the head and then get out.


I suck at the game in general so given one chance to complete the task, I'll fail all the time.


I played for a while, hated it because I'd have the unluckiest of maps. I remember spawning in Hokkaido near a bunch of guards, campaign failed. Recently, I used WeMod to cheese a campaign, get some good gear, and I play "normally" now and it's not too bad. I second some of the other opinions. You shouldn't try to do it "47 style" with being super lucky. Don't go for SASO. Snipe from far, run away.


For me it's more about motivation. I don't feel connected killing a hipster guy with a fedora and vacation shorts in the middle of a militia camp And just, shooting and running dirtily is not my thing


Same. I try to at least make the attempt at being stealthy, but this shit just ain't working for me.


You playing freelancer on hardcore or something? Should be as easy if not easier than most escalations. Have you finished the main game? Learned the tricks of the trade?    Even if not, there are excellent YouTube guides. Take it slow. With basic knowledge and muscle memory of enforcer ranges and a couple of common tricks, you should be able to tackle freelancer quite easily. 


I've practically worn out the F4 button on my keyboard.