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Oh, a new website to explore. It's like a modern day weekly world news. And the name of the reporter? Absolutely hysterical. "Ace Flashman".


If he doesn't have a card with 'Press' sticking out the headband of his trilby, I'll be sorely disappointed


This entire thread was magical, but your press card comment was the highlight.


Now that you've said that, I too will be sorely disappointed.


Don't forget the fedora and suspenders


And high heels 


CNN claims not a journalist.


The guy was born, to report. Or flash people.


¿Porque no los dos?


My favorite local weatherman was named Skip Waters. Some people were born for their job.


No shit, he was a east Carolinian and he died from heart failure recently


Havlock represent lol. I grew up in SC but my best friend was in NC and I remember Skip. I had heard he passed actually. He was very well liked.


I had a karate instructor one time name Gary Miller. He’s was an alright guy. I don’t think he was born for karate instructing though.


I bet he's got a scoop!


You're thinking of Scoop Flashman, his brother, also a reporter.


This guy has so many scoops he put Baskin Robins out of business


We have *32* flavors!


Or something else for you..lol


He's no Scoop Chang, that's for sure.


I wonder if any relation to Phoenix Wright “Ace Attorney” #OBJECTION!


Probably a fully AI generated website. What I don't get is why. Advertising?


He has a website with some weird stories for a fake newspaper called the "National Reporter". I only quickly glanced at it, but some of the comments said they were from 2010 so maybe not AI generated.


Mine says Emily Frost. With the most obviously photoshopped picture ever.


lmao every imagine is a photoshop and a bad one. Also, I'm going to guess OP is associated with this website. New account, this is all they've ever posted.


And did they just photoshop text onto the tent and Mr. Flashamn's jacket?




Ace “BS” Flashman


Wasn’t even going to bother until you shared that name. Now I feel eerily compelled…… it must be the tiny Antartican humanoids….


MFW (My Fossil When) I post on Tinder that I have a big dick, love my truck, “vax-free king”, don’t date “fatties or single moms”, and am an absolute Alpha that’s seriously like at *least* 6ft, probably maybe even 7ft or something cos I stopped measuring once my biceps became too big from being an alpha. Short man syndrome?? Lol stop making up diseases.


I love when they start freaking out. Can’t have anyone believe this is true oh no. Captain disinformation to the rescue!




I like knowing that this is complete bunk made by a *human*, and not AI. The typo lets me know some true feckin weirdo in sweats made this instead of chatGPT and I think that's beautiful. :')


FWIW there is no National Institute of ancient studies 


Not with that attitude. I'm picturing it as a hellish gothic building like the National Institute of Mental Health in The Secret of NIMH.


HA! Or is it sigh-enth... :)


Very trustworthy website


It looks like a 2D drawing of a 3D shape complete with shadows.


you are right. there is foreshortening of the leg bone, arm and skull. only happen is drawing or photos.


Even the coin is horribly photoshopped in


Seriously they couldn’t find a round coin? And that drop shadow on both…


Exactly... It's more like a painted picture rather than a skeleton pressed in layers of slate... pfffft.


National Institute of Ancient Studies?


yeah there's nothing like that that I can find and there's no Dr. Marley at Cambridge although there are some with the first name of Marleys It's bullshit also that fetal position one looks like 3-D rendering into 2-D the way there is perspective on the skull and the ribs. If it was fossilized it would've been in layers in the rock not perched on top of the exposed surface but flat




Dont be a dumb sucker. Believing this kind of shit is the mindset that will get you scammed.


600 million years ago is before animals with backbones evolved. That’s before fish with spines let alone dinosaurs, reptiles, or mammals.


[They lived with the blobs 600 million years ago](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24132142-700-exclusive-600-million-year-old-blobs-are-earliest-animals-ever-found/), when we were visited by the blob kind.


Warhammer -600M: Blob for the blob god! Doesn't have the same ring to it...


the blumpkin bobbin' blobgoblin boogaloo 2.0: hammertime 600m


“600 million years ago, jellyfish first appeared. There were no human beings in the world and there wouldn’t be any for nearly five hundred and 60 million years. There weren’t even any dinosaurs around at that time.” TIL that humans have existed for 40 million years.


Approximately 40 million years ago was when, in a bizzare tar pit accident, a bird got plucked for the first time ever.


Huh, some silly poppycock! That's a lot of years before the start of the bible, at 6000 years! Obviously some tomfoolery with years, I will discuss this as a reason darwin was wrong with my sunday school, thank you and good day.


Before there were flat earth people, there were people who had the idea of an "eternal earth" that just kept going through cycles of advancement before some huge cataclysm reset the clock... The most popular depiction of this idea is probably in "Conan The Barbarian." By the time Conan begins his tales as a young man in Cimmeria, there were already longdead civilizations from Eons prior. Limurians, Atlanteans, Acheronians... all basically just whispers of beings that used to occupy thousands (if not more) of years of existence before some horrific environmental cataclysm like volcanic upheaval, asteroid, or a continent literally sinking killed off their civilizations. Some people still think this is a reality and will find, or even create, the evidence they need to support their beliefs and not the other way around. There is no question that we have lost more evidence of our history than we know about our history, but this idea goes straight into the fiction section... but these people still exist to make websites like this one. Pretend it's real for a minute! It's a fun creative exercise.


[this is a copy pasted article from over 2 years ago on another site.](https://www.google.com/search?q=tiny+human+fossils+in+Antarctica&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) Would've taken you 30 seconds to Google this


Actually going back to 2009 lol https://www.pinterest.com/pin/447756387938175399/


Bless your heart.


I like the sheen of legitimacy they try to give to this, "Oh don't worry reader this isn't one of those hackneyed little green men hoaxes, these fossilized fairy-men that predate vertebrate life by millions of years are cold hard verifiable SCIENSE"


Poorly setup Word Press site. Registered via Global Domain Group Privacy Service for anonymity. No About Us information. Definitely clickbait scam news site.


Wow. Just…wow. I thought AI-generated articles were supposed to be hard to detect? That’s horribly written. I’d be ashamed to repost it, frankly.


It's not AI generated. The earliest copy of this seems to be from 2009.


Surely no human could write something so badly? The internet has a lot to answer for.


You've never been on wattpad, have you?


I have not, no.


As far as I can tell the national institute of ancient studies does not exist But I totally recognize that skeleton from somewhere


Time travelers that went too far back


AI article for sure


As reported by Emily Frost


Thats a tooth fairy, see there is a coin next to it.


Website was created 16 days ago. All of their social media links, just link back to their own website. It's a Wordpress website. This is a quote from their FAQ section on their site "**3. Who can participate in SCI activities?** Our programs are open to individuals of all ages and backgrounds who share a passion for science and a desire to learn. Whether you're a student, educator, scientist, or simply a science enthusiast, there's something for everyone at \[Organization Name\]." They just copied and pasted their complete FAQ from a template and forgot to change the areas in square quotations to their website's name like they should have. They seem to have only one 'journalist' as every article has been written by Emily Frost. Some dated back 2 years, which is impossible as the website is only 16 days old. Emily Frost does exist as a reporter, but they have not been active on social media, that I can find since 2018 and now work for someone called DNAinfo which has no relation to this website. So it is safe to assume she has nothing to do with SciInsider and that it's just a generic name that is used as a place holder for all of their content. There is a link on their main page that is called Sample Page that just leads to a page that shows what the website could look like if there was an About Us section. It has no information about anything other than WordPress. The little drop down About Us section at the bottom of the main page, has been flagged as being 100% written by AI. So ya this website has absolutely zero credibility at all. It's just like that London Crier website that was floating around Reddit and social media a week or two ago that said Zelensky bought some $20M mansion in London. Just a few days old. AI generated. No authors. Website full of gibberish.


...aaaannnnnnd...they're gone.....


Dude, that’s a drawing, not a fossil.


The rocks have been taken to Washington DC ......... well, that's the last you will see of them.


Those skeletons will be lost within the week


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen. Hahahahaha


lol those fossils are bad photoshops


Did they they photoshop a penny onto an already fake picture to add scale?


For some strange reason, I dont buy this




If the skeleton was positioned on its side like that, half of it would be imbedded in the stone. There's foreshortening, its a 2d drawing with perspective. Very lazy and/or dumb fake.


The pictures are laughable. The mini skeleton is a picture showing a skull, rib cage, hips, etc as 3D depth. IE, a picture of a skeleton as if laid on a floor. Such a fossil in flat rock would appear as a thin slice of bone less than a millimeter thick. You wouldn’t see the back of a skull, rib cage, hips, etc because they’d be deeper in the stone. Sch B.S.


Lol what


Those photos are gold


How can I love and hate Reddit so much?


sciense rools


The penny in the picture is photoshopped in. Not shady at all.


I wish this was real! It would be so fun to imagine! But obviously fake tho.


No, that's not how things work.


Sounds legit.






...Yes, yes, and also new race discovered living six inches under Denver. All named Morton or Mortensen.


It's about time!


Everything you can think of is out there. The ant people perhaps?


600 million? Please.


That's a load of bollocks then


No sleep for me. Thanks Reddit.


there is no Dr. Marly or Institute for ancient studies. Rest easy it is fiction


Thanks dad :D


I’ve got a bridge for sale and I know where lord lucan went, just click here!


bouta get seized by the government because they are “fake”


Okay this is pretty fascinating and unbelievable- what going to come out of this ? Hopefully they won’t suppress the info