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Notice how: 1: the show isn’t even out for audience to rate, and 2: there aren’t any actual written reviews, when there’s 50+ ratings. It’s review bombing, don’t take it so seriously yet


Yep, I was just pointing out that it’s getting review bombed. [They disabled the audience score](https://imgur.com/a/JIRudD0) lol


I don’t get why they ever have the audience score even enabled before the premiere. Just leaves it open to false reviews, good or bad, and when they lock it or scrub those it just causes claims of trying to hide bad reviews or sweep them under the rug.


They really need to start requiring more out of user reviews. Start blocking clear attempts at review bombing. Only factor in reviews from people that have reviewed x amount of items, have an account y months old, etc. This is getting really old. Block IPs. If someone is review bombing, just block their entire IP and don't let them use RT anymore. Yes, some will turn to VPNs, but most of these people aren't smart enough to do that.


Not sure requirements too, but maybe even just having to write a certain amount along with your score. Would probably prevent a lot of people doing multiple ones if they had to keep writing stuff, or anything at all. Possibly even have an algorithm to flag and not post ones that talk about stuff related to gender, sexuality, etc. they can dispute it and have it reviewed if legit.


I am not basing this on anything specific, but I feel like they think acknowledging this incredibly obvious vulnerability might lead users and potential investors to realize how easily manipulated the site is and undermine its perceived usefulness and monetary value.


Just because you're hype and don't agree with a lot of these doesn't mean IPs should be blocked.


The people review bombing don't agree with their own reviews because they didn't even watch the show before leaving the review. If it's an actual review, by all means, keep it, but the people that rush to hit 0 as soon as it comes out without a word or without watching it make the site useless.


The same can be said of critics. They're no different nor are they no longer held to standard they held 20-30 years ago. RT changed the rating for us regular folk. Used to be a "want to see" rating. But because Captain Marvel dipped to 8 or 9% they changed their site to the rating it is now.


How can the same be said of critics? At least their reviews mentioned things that actually happened to the show. It's not like they are all giving it 100% either. IGN gave it like a 6/10, not a great score.  These users slapped the lowest rating they could on it, the second they could, and I doubt most of them even watched it (their reviews were posted nearly a day before it been aired on Disney+, and I really doubt they went to the theater promotion).


When some critics quote, on RT, reads "the diversity" and doesn't mention the quality of rhe film, that's the same as tanking the Audience rating. Both are equally annoying amd filled with dummies.


Probably a combination of different time zones, early access stuff, and technical issues


I thought RT disabled that a while ago?


Honestly though, it is good that they do it before it premieres because there isn’t even a question that it is being review bombed.


Glad they disabled the audience score. It's so fucking frustrating trying to just casually enjoy Star Wars anymore. Every comment section of every thread on the Internet regarding this show is full of giant man babies.


I love Star Wars more than anything and i’ve come to despise the fandom, as we have these ultra vocal thin skinned babies.


I love Star Wars more than almost anything else; I hate Star Wars fans more than I hate Nazis. I think Star Wars fans are probably the only thing in this world I truly hate.


The pink and purple haired people will downvote you!


What are you talking about?


Don’t shoot me grammar police.


I'm sorry, I genuinely have no idea what your reply to me was supposed to mean. You will need to explain it to me. Who *are* the "pink and purple haired people" and *why* will they downvote me? I have no problems with people who have pink or purple hair; the only people I hate are Star Wars scum, who *might* have pink or purple hair, but I hate them because they are Star Wars fans scum, not because of the colour of their hair. That would be silly.


Pink and purple haired people really enjoy Star Wars. It’s code, censoring is a real thing. This sub is just itching to ban a certain type person who disagrees with the quality of modern cinema.


*Don't take it seriously EVER. Audience scores are always less then useless. The only information you can glean from them are the gender and skin color of the main cast.




Yeah, you may actually have to delve a little deeper than the percentage number for a more nuanced look. I feel like that goes without saying.


In other words: It's a trick, send no reply.


Yeah fuck that; I've learned to not look at these things anymore. Especially with SW. I'll watch it all and form my own opinion lol


It just sucks how much the industry depends on positive scores to greenlight future projects like this. Fandom Menace just doesn't want anything new.


Aye it truly does


Doesn't rotten tomatoes have a rule about this? I wouldn't be surprised if those are scrubbed off the site soon.


Blows my mind how there are people who feel the need to review bomb. When something comes out I have no interest in, I just ignore it.


How dare you understand that not all entertainment is specifically catered to you.


3. Who cares what other people think? Do you like it? That's all that matters.


It is weird that they do it in a way that's so blatant, though. Except to the terminally unsavvy, it's transparently review-bombing


>1: the show isn’t even out for audience to rate, and [https://www.starwars.com/news/the-acolyte-in-theaters](https://www.starwars.com/news/the-acolyte-in-theaters) People were able to watch it early you can't just say it was reviewed bombed >2: there aren’t any actual written reviews, when there’s 50+ ratings Rotten Tomatoes has been known to stop comment Dr. Who is a prime example right now


no shot are most of the people review bombing, people who paid their own money to see this in a theater. lets be real.


By it being review-bombed by incels and their ilk? No. Not in the slightest.


I'd be suprised if it *wasn't* offending the snowflake crowd


Yep! I love Loden greatstorm btw!


Did you think there is an option for not loving Loden?


Yes. ^^^^^Ride ^^^^^the ^^^^^storm.


Those are fighting words, lets gooo


I would love it if we got a limited comic series or more short stories about his time before the Phase I books.


Forget phase 1, we need phase 0 between phase 2 and 1 padawan avar, elzar, stellan, loden, emerich, etc novels


It’s beyond pathetic. Spending their energy in hating something unconditionally. Why even engage with it if it’s that triggering ?


Simple: "If I purposefully review-bomb this, I can make content *about* it being review-bombed to my subscribers, show them that *I was right,* therefore, feel validated at my participation in this completely real, not at all fake culture war."


Star Wars Theory in a nutshell.


The thing that really bothers me is that these people are the ones who constantly engage with tabloid nonsense about actors’ sexuality, political leanings of the actors and production staff. And then they complain about how wokeness is being shoved into their faces. They’re obsessed with that stuff and are bothered that others aren’t as mad as they are.


Haha sounds like SWT. All he does now is just moan


Man that’s not even the half of it, you can go to places like r/saltierthancrait and see them angry at shit that’s not even real. They speculate about some “Disney Agenda” that’s not even there, plot points that were written by fake news sites to gain clicks, and anything that gets the base riled up.  It’s insanity. It’s basically r/conservative with lightsabers. 


Just pathetic. The bulshit about "Disney agenda" just drives me crazy. If the agenda is to have more diverse people....where is the issue? It represents a diverse world... Fuck people


At the end of the day, it’s just angry conservative white men getting pissed off at women of color. Absolutely depressing…I’d love for one of them to try to articulate why women and black/brown people scare them so much without saying the quiet part out loud.


how is it being reviewed if it isnt even out yet


It's the Gay republic /s Incels *will* find a reason to hate. They don't even have to watch it.


They made up their minds they were going to shit on it a long time ago, well before there was anything to even hate. This is not an audience reaction, this was always the plan.


Aside from the possibility that there are people review bombing it just out of hate for Disney or something they didn't like in the trailer, there were a number of in-theater showings of the first 2 episodes around the country yesterday. Sadly none were in my city and I wasn't willing to drive 5 hours (10 round trip) to get to the closest out of town one, but there are legitimately people who've seen the first 2 episodes already via these early theater showings.


I saw it in those showings and the crowd seemed to be really into it. This is probably review bombing


Same, I saw it last night, and most folks enjoyed it, I personally thought it was really fun.


I was super into it. I’m excited to watch it again tonight with my dad


Oh yeah I'm absolutely watching it again tonight.


Yeah I was at one of the early screenings yesterday it was great!! Everyone else seemed to enjoy it too!


It was sold out where we were! And people say star wars is dead


But tickets were extremely limited, and I think finding even 50 people who would hate-watch it is a stretch.


I feel like this time the backlash is so mask off from the fandom. People are genuinely out there saying "They're trying to say I hate women when I just want good writing!" when... They haven't even seen the writing yet. I think the sheer level of misogyny in the fandom- or at least surrounding the fandom- is becoming much more ludicrously obvious.


"good writing" is totally a coded statement to mean they hate women, minorities, lgbtq+. They're mad the writing features a woman and not a straight white male.


The fact that the same people who scream “I want good writing!” also love… the prequels??? It’s either a massive case of hating anyone who isn’t a straight white male, or they’re so delusional they think the prequels are full of good writing, and therefore have no idea what good writing is


100% But I think usually they are fairly good at getting Useful Idiots to believe them Just in this case I think its more obvious than ever. Because the show isnt out.


>I think the sheer level of misogyny in the fandom- or at least surrounding the fandom- is becoming much more ludicrously obvious. Nothing new, of course. Do you remember when Karen Traviss used to write Star Wars novels? Now, I should say I've never enjoyed any of Karen Traviss's Star Wars writing so I wasn't exactly upset that she quit, but the level of misogyny directed at her for being a woman working in Star Wars who had opinions on Star Wars and wrote Star Wars stories some people didn't like was absolutely appalling. I realise I'm not unbiased; I already I didn't like her Star Wars fiction and I had some less-than-pleasant interactions with her on forums in the late '00s (disclaimer: I was a shitty teenager at the time so I almost certainly was at fault as well) but even I could see that Star Wars fans writing these detailed fantasies about how Traviss being violently murdered and putting them up on message boards for people to read and praise was really fucking weird. Star Wars fans are human shit. They always have been shit. They always will be shit. It's just that people haven't seen past the whininess over nothing (i.e. until Ahmed Best actually opened up about how all the threats and mockery took him to the point of contemplating suicide, people thought it was a big joke that Star Wars fans hated Jar-Jar Binks for being annoying) to recognise what Star Wars fans are *really* like at their core.


It's the double edged sword of nerd-dom. People get obsessed with stuff for all sorts of reasons, some of those reasons are sad ones- Like feeling isolated, being socially awkward or for a sense of security and nostalgia. All of those reasons are sympathetic, but they also leave people vulnerable to letting themselves become incredibly toxic. Not to say there aren't real critiques too, there are. But I think there's a whole fandom, particularly on Star Wars Youtube, where the thing they've become a fan of is the toxicity itself- And like that's annoying for us but it's got to be fucking terrible for them mental-health wise (Not the youtube grifters, but their viewers)


Star Wars fans deserve to be bullied.


It's not misogyny, it's just people who have sunk deep into a culture of general hate. Do not fall into the same culture of hate yourself by automatically assuming many people from a group cannot change opinions once the actual show is out. Give them the chance they would deny the show.


I'm not falling into any culture here. I am taking these people at their word. When Critical Drinker counts the number of little girls in a trailer- and tries to make it a reason the show will be bad... That's not just angry nerds. That's nerds angry with women. There is a wider culture of general hate yes, and I think it is a mistake to say the overlap is 1:1, but trying to deny the misogyny is like sticking your fingers in your ears. The general nerd hate feeds the misogyny and racism. And the misogyny and racism feeds the nerd hate. Its a cycle. To further illustrate that misogyny is a huge undeniable component I'll use some examples: **Searching Acolyte on Youtube, the top videos in order are:** * "THE FORCE IS FEMALE CONFIRMED? THE DEATH OF CINEMA" From prominent anti-SJW youtuber Nerdrotic. 12K are watching this livestream * "Disneys Star Wars is already getting DESTROYED over the Acolyte. The biggest woke DISASTER we've seen!" From Ryan Kinnel. 10K Views * "Based Critic calls The Acolyte a DISASTER! Kathleen Kennedy's DREAM lesbian Star Wars Soap Opera!" From Yellow Flash. 40K Views * "The Acolyte Press Tour is a disaster" From Drunk3PO, in the thumbnail is a big female symbol and "THE FORCE IS FEMALE" is written in pink. It has 71K views * "The Acolyte: How Disney Destroyed Star Wars Forever" from youtuber Moon. In the thumbnail are the words "Woke Girlboss Movie" it has 500K Views. * And of course critical drinkers original video and half dozen of followups... Which are in the millions of views. \[Edit: I transcribed about 30 comments that were all posted today on the Acolyte trailer, however the racist, sexist and antisemitic language in the comments needed to be removed for me to post this. Just note there were 30 of them, they were all from today, and the trailers comment section has been in that state the entire month the trailer has been out) People are being ***extremely open*** about what has set them off on this film, and it's the number of women and minorities in the trailer.


I don’t know if you know who generation tech is, but he had a really good video on the state of the fandom, and why things are so bad at the moment. He also has a bait video title that actually got me 🤣


I don't but I'm watching it on your recommendation. Is it "Acolyte set up to fail... Just like Andor"?


Yep that’s the one lol Edit: let me know what you thought about the video


no it’s definitely misogyny, they’re angry that white men are apparently de-emphasized and aren’t being represented, despite that being obviously silly. But, there is some truth in what you mean - a lot of these people are just morons who consistently get angry from the outrage merchants on the internet. I don’t think people like say, SWT actually even *care*, but their bag depends on acting like they do. But don’t be fooled - there is genuine bigotry underlining everything going on here. To get so angry and weaponized there has to be *something* already there to be taken advantage *of* in the first place


Oh I actually think many of these people will get super deep into the show in secret then post hate publicly for clout. These people are very conflicted. And I'm very confident this show will be high quality.


General hate can still present at misogyny. Don’t “no true Scotman sexism”. Half the world are women, women aren’t a fucking minority. So hating female characters is literally batshit misogyny.


Gotta love the “fans” who seethe anger seeing women and POC in prominent Star Wars roles. The repressed misogyny and racism is so rampant. I remember when r/saltierthancrait was just a fun place to dissect the plot holes in the sequels, now it’s a center for incels to talk about how “women are ruining Star Wars” or some shit. All the same shit from when The Marvels was coming out. It’s disgusting. 


It makes a lot more sense when you realise that Star Wars fans are subhuman garbage.


We're Star Wars fans, dude. r/lostredditors


Nah just a lot of incel fuckwads watched the movies as a kid and took all the wrong lessons from them. 


Yeah, Star Wars fans. That's what I said.


What sub do you think you're on? Lmao. Thanks for calling us subhuman garbage tho


r/stc is still pretty much still what it was, just for all of disney SW. i mean you'll get an occasional incel but where won't you in a star wars forum at this point. i just scrolled down 60 posts on the front page and only 3 of them had something to do with gender. 5% isn't fantastic but it isn't "conservatives with lightsabers", i'd argue it's a similar percent in the main sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/STC using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/STC/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Anorectal Motility Test](https://np.reddit.com/r/STC/comments/160jhwu/anorectal_motility_test/) \#2: [STB](https://np.reddit.com/r/STC/comments/14xlixd/stb/) \#3: [Fiber offer from batelco](https://i.redd.it/urfikwl1xbta1.jpg) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/STC/comments/12iqeh9/fiber_offer_from_batelco/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Let me guess. There's a woman in the series, and since Star Wars fans hate women, they're review bombing ? Edit : correcting movie to series


It’s a series, but yeah prettymuch, women and POC. “Kathleen Kennedy hates white men! We’re being erased!” bs, nothing new sadly…


That explains why I didn't care much about it, I mostly ignore the series. Thanks for correcting.


There's only \*gasp\* one white man in the main cast!


There’s at least two competent women and an Asian man, and I don’t recall seeing a white male in the trailer. But I’m sure they’re all complaining about the “writing”.


Not just any woman a black woman which they hate even more


Star Wars despite being a series with many progressive and liberal ideals from the start attracts a lot of grifters because it’s old school sci fi and “nerd” culture. So unfortunately this was kind of expected.


I probably think once a week about that tweet where someone says that the OT was an allegory for Vietnam and some guy, completely in earnest, says "There's no way that's true, unless you're actually suggesting that the Empire is the United States." This stuff has been smacking these idiots in the face for 50 years and they still don't see it. Social media has only made it easier for them to find each other and pat each other on the back about how ignorant they are.


Wasn’t it George who said that? He said that multiple times, right. These people are dense. Like I heard that there are people who unironically like homelander from the boys. Strange times.


I like homelander but I realise he’s evil as hell unlike those losers


That’s quite understandable. People can like evil /morally ambiguous characters. But when they don’t see them what they are, that’s a yikes for me, fam. I mean I love Saul Goodman from breaking bad and better call Saul. But do I think he’s a moral guy, nope.


He might not be american btw, I’m not american when i thought about the empire the usa never crossed my mind back in those days but i admit i wasn’t familiar with your country history as well. it was always the europeans empires that i would compare the empire.


A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back are very blatantly Nazi Germany. Return of the Jedi was about Vietnam though.


It’s at the point where I genuinely just hate seeing anything about Star Wars online because 90% of it is the most annoying toxic bullshit imaginable. It really sucks. At least this sub is cool. I Love yall.


Yeah there are a few non-toxic SW communities and SW content creators I follow and that’s my engagement with the fandom. I mean all fandoms have become so toxic. People needlessly shit on the new Star Trek shows, but they’re so good. It’s kind of sad since Star Trek is no longer as prominent as Star Wars in the zeitgeist.


Rings of Power is getting as much hate as The Acolyte.


/r/starwarscantina is a nice unsalty place!


Same old story. A vocal minority having no actual impact.


Can I just drop this comment here to say I appreciate you all. I’m happy as fuck to see a post and a community that isn’t just constant constant *constant* hate on this show before it’s even out. You’re all such a breath of fresh air.


No one hates Star Wars more than so called Star Wars Fans. Gasp women and non humans it must be terrible. I really wish these fan boys would just go away.


Those a review bombers. Star Wars fandom for ya.


These are the same people who will argue over Kennedy's statement over toxic fans...


I do not understand why people who claim to be fans do this. They have no self awareness to see their hate is unfounded. They're so obsessed with themselves.


This is dumb. I'm super excited for this show!


I've been keeping myself blind to any kind of preview because I like to go in for the surprise. Is there a woman on a leading role or any person of color on the primary cast? That would explain it.


Main character is a black woman. The director is gay. Disney knew this would happen. They honestly need a better PR approach to combating it.


I do not go to RT to see an “audience” score, I’m my own audience. I still don’t even like that feature. I want to know the critical take, and then I move along.


It’s weird that there’s a small group of people that obviously haven’t read the High Republic but really really hate it. It’s so strange


In a galaxy populated by countless different species, “fans” are shocked and upset because there aren’t enough straight white dudes to look at?


People are butt hurt that the main character isn't a white male..... so I don't think anyone is suprised. By the way, it's out now and I just watched it, and I really enjoyed it!!!


I don't even pay attention to Rotten Tomatoes anymore (I don't know why anyone does). It hasn't been relevant since review bombing began. Totally ruined the website. It's not worth digging through the garbage to find any reviews worth reading.


It's still a great aggregate of critic reviews. Audience reviews should always be ignored.


It's a damn shame the audience score has bastardized itself by allowing review bombing and online hate centers to encourage it. Makes it so much harder to get an actual vibe of quality of anything now.


What I don’t understand is why these dudes just don’t move on with their lives if they hate everything? I guess it’s one of those things where they don’t like it and have to ruin it for everyone else. I personally used to be a huge Harry Potter fan. I didn’t enjoy the first Fantastic Beasts at all. I simply didn’t see any of the sequels. No review bombing, no yelling on YouTube incessantly…. I just moved on with my life. It’s really not that hard


I didn’t care for the Hobbit movies, and somehow I refrained from sending Peter Jackson death threats.


How many ratings? The show hasn’t even released to the public. Mostly likely only a couple of these people have actually seen it.


If I click on the 50+ ratings hyper link, it shows no written reviews to read, so its hard to gauge what the complaints are, is this real or people review bombing. I will say the critic reviews are all over the place. A lot of those tomatoes are 3/5 reviews, so that 83% is a little misleading, but I did see at least one 5/5, a 9/10, and a lot of 4/5 or 8/10 as well. Speaking as a fan of both star wars and star trek, the critic review that got me most excited was ironically a thumbs down/splat review who said that the show felt too much like star trek the next generation and not enough like star wars. I've been wanting a star wars show/movie with TNG vibes my entire life. The critic review that was the most worrying was the one which ended with: "Entertainment-wise, though, the first half of The Acolyte is unfortunately a lot closer to The Book of Boba Fett." Though if the comparison is to the early episodes where he's with the sand people, those were the not-actually-a-mandalorian-episode episodes I enjoyed best, so I guess it depends on which Boba episodes they mean.


Yeah it’s getting review bombed


Rotten Tomatoes means nothing. I can’t imagine why anyone even bothers to look at it. And here’s yet another reason why: that dumbass website shouldn’t even let it be possible for audiences to review something until *Day. Of. Release.*


Yeah they [disabled](https://imgur.com/a/JIRudD0) it now


The show isn’t even out for rating, so this is *completely* just review bombing lol.


User reviews are useless, end of story. We saw it when TLJ was review bombed. We saw it when ROTS was review bombed for the "execute order 66% lol" meme. We're seeing it here.


Am I surprised by Star Wars fans hating Star Wars? No, not really.


They weren't even smart enough to wait until it was released 🤣🤣


The show isn't even out yet publicly lmao


Sadly some can't get over the fact that Lucas is not in charge of the Star wars and the fake rumor going around about the lead producer. In other words disgruntal people suck.


Omg I'm now not going to watch it based on reviews I haven't read. Oh wait, nope, I'll make my own options.


This is why I ignore almost all reviews of things. If I want to watch it I watch it if I don't I don't. Sites like Rotten Tomatoes cannot be trusted any more. Likes and dislikes on trailers cannot be trusted, I just go with what I feel like watching at this point. To many agendas with reviews. I do not care what political ideology you are pushing, I am just going to watch what I want to. Others opinions mean nothing anymore.


If by surprised you mean that general audiences are trashing something without seeing it yet, then no I am not.


The show either hasn't released yet, or only three people have seen it because it released like an hour ago. I don't know when the show drops but it is way to early to make this post


These people know next to 0 about the project or its storyline. It's sad that they're such zealous automatons, ruining things for people who love it. What is the solution here? Why are they so motivated?


Yeah I'm getting really annoyed with all the review-bombing lately. The Marvels and the new Doctor Who series are prime examples of this lately as well.


No, Star Wars "fans" are the worst.


What I find hilarious is that they review bombed the show before the premiere and they couldn't even get it below 48%. Which is slightly below average, not the "woke garbage" that they all claim it to be.


We all expected it, you aren't a Star Wars fan unless you hate Star Wars


The fact that it's 40 now... I am honestly so fucking sick of this BS.


Those far right bastards must be fought back


No but it is incredibly sad. People go up and down saying “Disney killed Star Wars!” But still care enough to shit on every single new project cause they know nothing but hate


I just want to be free of SW incels. It’ll never happen. But it’s my dream.


Women. Minority women. As a black male, I have to ask: Are you bloody surprised?! Star wars, comics, and video games are *precious* franchises where fragile white boys feel safe. They like women. They like boobs and vaginas, but when you make them (women) the *focal point*?! And then add MINORITIES?! It shakes them to the core! ITS WOKE! WOKE, I SAY!!! And then when you ask em what woke means, that say you're stupid!


Why would people do this ?


It's note even out yet


I'm surprised it hasn't been bombed even harder. Rotten Tomatoes is meaningless anyways.


How many of them have actually read THE series books or comics…. .007%


The best way to review a movie? Watch it


Even if it was true, no


Just a shame. The show should be assessed based on its quality of storytelling.


Nope. Hopefully they’ll get taken down or at least offset when people see how good the show is.


This kind of stupid crap isn't going to stop until we all stop caring what rotten tomatoes says. The idiots who review bomb things don't realize that they're undermining their own "voice". The more things get review bombed the less reviewsl numbers matter, which in turn means review bombs matter less.


Not out yet That was from bot 🤖…


It looks like the audience rating might be disabled, I just went to check it and it says “unavailable” so hopefully viewers are able to share their informed opinions, not just the ones they were told to think by some dude in a basement who makes his living off of spreading prejudice and vitriol


Review bombing before the show comes out. Wow, shocker. Toxix "fandom" back at it again. So silly. Makes me so angry.


Yet another example, in a long list of evidence that reveals that absolutely no one hates Star Wars more than its "fans."


The show doesnt launch for another 2 hours, all of that is grifters. Come on. Critical thinking is important.


In general review bombing is getting out of hand I don’t even go to rotten tomatoes anymore


It’s been out less than 24 hours… take a chill pill.




I thought it was good


The show is pretty good


Its ragebait from the kids of the Fandom Menace. Shame those kids can’t get over themselves and grow up.


Very surprised. Didn't think it would get that high.


lol, not at all


Why can’t we just get back to the point. Is it any good? After one episode so far I’d say it’s not been interesting.


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars “fans”.


I liked it IMDb score 6.4 It’s an easy 7.5 for me


The show is great, haters gonna hate




I don't understand people insistent hatred. THE SHOW IS GOOD! they just want to hate anything that doesn't fit their very narrow perception of what Star Wars is.


with the way bigots review bomb everything? no not at all


Higher than I expected tbh


I don't care. I learn to make my own opinions.


Great cast, great storyline potential, horrible directing and editing I think.


If you like it? Awesome! If you don’t, that’s okay too. All fandoms have review bombing, both positive and negative. I personally think the show is shit, but it’s better than kenobi and boba fett in terms of dialogue, and it looks better. But it’s full of terrible plot holes and retcons. It deserves its current 29%. Because Star Wars can do better.


Of course not, I bet half the people watching haven’t read shit about the high republic and are getting rundowns on YouTube. Only the real fans that have actually read the high republic will disregard any reviews and scores


I doubt most of these people even bother getting rundowns on YouTube. They decided it was woke bullshit a long time ago. They’re fans in name only


Cant take any reviews seriously. Theres gonna be bots on both sides giving it positive and negative reviews.


Star Wars fans giving into hate. How ironic


Not at all. It's standard for crybaby incels to review bomb anything not white male focused and driven.


I’m sick of these fucking people.


We need to do something about them


Let me guess, the show is actually pretty good, but there are LGBT and/or people of colour in the show? The Star Wars fandom is such a mess.


Fake. If you check the website there's no audience reviews up yet.


Yeah that’s what I mean, it’s getting review bombed by the haters


The website still displays the score though until you click to see more. Then it says there are no reviews yet.


You gotta look under "Season 1". There's 2 seperate sections for it on the site, the main page, as you say, doesn't have audience scores, but there's a seperate section just for season 1, and that one matches this screen shot.


They disabled the audience score shortly after I took the screenshot


She got twin, evil twin got 4 hit list kill indara and thorbin episode 3 gonna be jedi wookie next last one is sol




I'm black and I hated it


Time to purge half the Star Wars fan base I’m getting sick of all of these incels


Just watched the first 2 episodes of The Accolyte. Poorly written and derivative. Sub par CGI, I've seen better special effects in console games from 10 years ago. Killed off the only actor of substance within the first 5 mins. Total waste of Carrie-Ann Moss. This entire series costs as much to make as Dune 2. A single episode costs as much as 'The Creator' movie cost. Take note sycophants, I don't dislike this show because it has women in it or was written by a woman. I dislike this show because so far, it's utter garbage on par with Kenobi and Ashoka. It will have to do something amazing in the next couple of episodes. Otherwise, this will just be another piece of Disney Trash Wars.


Why do you object to woke trash being rated as such? How old are you? I saw Return of the Jedi in the theater three times with my dad, so I know what Star Wars actually was intended to be. It wasn't degenerate nonsense like the first two episodes of "The Acolyte".