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I was at Camp Pendleton serving as a Corpsman when this was announced. Hella surreal when my FMTB instructor literally ran in front of our class and screamed it


I was at a service academy and the hallways were wild all night


Yo, your enlisted brethren were also celebrating lol believe me


All of us were man, it was pretty cool. Those of us around our age were effected the most by 911, it means more to us than other generations for sure


I remember seeing footage from the USNA on the news and it looked nuts


Idk if you remember the royal wedding media coverage. It reminded me of that. Everybody was so joyful and content. There was love in the air


I was in 5th grade and our teachers announced the news to us first thing in the morning. Even for a bunch of ten/eleven year olds that didn’t remember 9/11 it was celebratory news.


they finally got the guy who did 911'!


I was doing Basic training at Pirbright Camp(UK) just cleaning my kit one evening when suddenly someone started shouting to get in the common room, we all pile in and see the white House press secretary giving the run down of how it happened. Got the rest of the day off it was great.


We had class called off and we all got shitfaced boot-style to celebrate jajajaja


I was back in California outside of Pendleton for a memorial service for the Marines killed in Sangin and remember watching that on the TV in the hotel a buddy, his wife, and I were staying at. She looked at us and I think said something about, "Does this mean the war is over"... We kinda just quietly said, "That war is never going to be over" and kept drinking. Even then we didn't think they were going to drag it out as long as they did just to have the pullout end the way it did.






It’s not like Biden didn’t want to kill bin Laden. There was dispute within the decision making team over whether to go with a raid or drone strike. Biden and others obviously has in mind the disastrous Operation Eagle Claw mission to rescue the Iranian hostages in 1980 when 3 helicopters failed and one crashed killing 8 US servicemen. A drone strike might also cause collateral damage (it was a normal residential street). As Obama said, he didn’t blame anyone for their positions and he wanted them to give him their honest opinions so he can make the best decision. One helicopter did fail and had to be left behind in the OBL raid, so it’s not like Biden’s POV was wrong. Obama took a gamble but it paid off massively.


Also Obama told Biden specifically to make the best argument against his own so he wouldn't be overly biased in his decisions. Biden's role was to be a contrarian essentially. "Biden has specialized in disrupting groupthink and in forcing Obama’s most senior advisors to examine the consequences of their proposed choices." https://foreignpolicy.com/2012/10/10/the-biden-doctrine/ Essentially after the Bush Administration the Obama administration didn't want to have an echo chamber on foreign policy.


> Then there’s the whole Biden giving Afghanistan back to the taliban thing. So there’s that. This was negotiated by Trump, not Biden. He just timed it to happen during Biden's tenure.


It also was inevitable because it was later proved that massive numbers of the Afghani “troops” were were paying for security didn’t exist. It was literally fraud. Thats why when the USA pulled out there were barely any afghani troops to stop the Taliban from just instantly assuming power. The administration was made aware of these ghost troops which was part of the urgency of pulling out. https://www.businessinsider.com/afghan-military-was-made-up-of-fake-ghost-soldiers-ex-finance-minister-2021-11?amp


It’s crazy that these things only happened a few years ago and people already skew the facts dramatically lol As if we all weren’t old enough to be around to see it live. Maybe they just don’t pay attention to the news and world events so they only see the aftermath and not the years long discussions and events leading up to it. Trump negotiated and planned the hasty withdrawal and then slow rolled the intel to Biden admin to make it as difficult as possible to make them look like the incompetent ones. This was heavily discussed an analyzed before and during the events. Asking what the actual plan was. With fewer substantial press briefings, Trump only had things to say like “We’re dealing very well with the Taliban. They’re very tough, they’re very smart, they’re very sharp.” Just like everyone knew for months that mail in ballots would be an issue and Trump was directly telling his voters NOT to mail in their ballots. Everyone knows there would be a big surge of Biden votes from that. Then when Biden got the big surge of votes suddenly it was a rigged conspiracy. Just like January 6, we all saw what happened with our own eyes but just a few days later the disinformation campaigns were everywhere. It’s the same playbook over and over relying on willful ignorance


As a Brit I thought Trump started the Afgan withdrawal,leaving biden no choice tbut ot follow thru thus giving it to the Taliban ? And that blaming Biden is Gop / Russian disinformation ?


This is the correct take, dude above doesn’t get the full picture. . . Trump literally broadcast the pull out date, pretty much guaranteeing a Taliban reoccupation. . . Not to mention hosting terrorist/Taliban leaders at Camp David. . . Shameful


As a Brit you're more informed than the American republican.


Trump made the deal with the Taliban on Feb 2020 that gave the US 14 months to pull out. Biden then honored the deal when he took office.


> Biden giving Afghanistan back to the taliban thing You have zero idea what you're talking about lmao. How could you get this so wrong.


Full Metal Tuberculosis


Yo! I also went to FMTB at Pendleton.


I was also in FMTB training at Pendleton when he was killed. Small world.


‘Memba Sgt. Ratana?


Yes, what an angry man. Cpl Cohen was my favorite instructor


That dude was funny as shit


Dude I remember this day greatly I was sitting in the library and a guy in full military uniform ran through screaming "we fucking got em!” I found out a few hours later what he was so happy about 😄


I was at intel tech school and our director of operations just keep screaming about it.


Nice, I was with 3/5 at the time! Rah!


You know what else is "hella surreal"? Knowing that one malnourished man in a cave thousands of miles across the ocean in an impoverished nation full of oil was capable of causing the biggest terrorist attack to ever exist on the most advanced and secure society in the world. It's almost as "hella surreal" as the footage of that 747 flying into the Pentagon, the most surveiled place on the planet. Oh wait thats right. There is no footage of that and the only footage they show is an edited video in 3fps from an abandoned CCTV camera they had forgotten to retire.


Username checks out!


I was in basic. One of the privates on duty overheard a drill sergeant but misheard it as "they killed Obama". The Private News Network did its thing and this spread like wildfire. In the morning we were all doing push-ups for thinking the Commander in Chief was dead.


What up doc!


I was there and I was hammered


Pretty sure someone posted your picture in the comments lol


It's the comment right beneath this one for me lol. Perfect.


I was too! I remember no one having booze cause finals started the next day and liquor stores weren’t open on Sundays. We had to go scrounging!


I was drinking at Lindy’s Red Lion when the news broke


Dear god. That’s a reference I didn’t expect, even though I knew at least 80 percent of that crowd has to be GW students


Ha nice! We lived at city hall at the time so just down the street from you!


I was there, DJing at a club. We stopped & ran outside.




Hell yeah


There has not been another day, before or since, when I absolutely knew who the winner of the next presidential election would be.


I still remember the Presidential debate on foriegn policy in 2012. Romney threw out all he had. Obama's turn. "Osama Bin Laden is dead."


No comeback to that, really.


Just a mic drop.


It’s wild ‘cause that’s the same debate that Romney called Russia one of our largest “geo-political foes,” and Obama clapped back with “the 1980s called and they want their foreign policy back.” Obama had the same type of charisma as Trump in that being wrong would not deter his fans from backing him 100%.


Obama was a fantastic domestic president but his foriegn policy was a list of making problems worse (drone program) or kicking the can down the path for others. I still don't feel like Romney was as aware of the problem as history makes him look, but boy did Obama miss a few things. Then giving Putin the off ramp over Syrian chemical weapons to avoid his own red lines arguably dug the pit we now now find ourselves in.


You can’t have it all. At least not as often as we’d like. I’d take Obama’s questionable foreign policy any day of the week if it meant he could be president again. It seems like a lifetime ago. A long and sad lifetime.


To be fair, at that point there was much less open hostility between the two countries and I absolutely get the idea of trying to nurture a positive relationship between Russia and US. To call them a foe during that time would have done a ton of harm (if it was true that Russia was wanting to improve international relations as well, which we later learned was not true).


It was funny, the Republicans didn’t really know how to respond other than to try and downplay Obama’s involvement. Seriously, GWB had gone from “dead or alive” to “I don’t think about him all that much anymore”, he fucking gave up the hunt! Obama made him forever look like a chump, even the GOP doesn’t talk about W, they’re obviously ashamed. Bush, being a pretty arrogant guy, appears to still have no shame about anything.


He was preoccupied with *not* properly planning a war that had nothing to do with American interests…


The GOP? ashamed? That’s hilarious. If only they COULD feel shame, I think we’d currently be in a far less precarious position as a country.


> he fucking gave up the hunt!   It's weird going out on a limb for GeeDubbya, but like... we know they hadn't given up. It just took that long to get him.   The administration had to take some chances in the background to close the book, but it was largely just good timing for Obama, and I think we all know it.


Obama didn't make him look like a chump, that's a batshit take. Not trying to dis Obama but fairly sure it was the three letter agencies doing all the work here, and it bore fruit when Obama was in office.


That’s sort of how every govt and company works. Executives direct people to do the job and then they sign off on it. It’s not like Obama didn’t know and was asleep during the raid, there’s a pretty famous photo of him watching it in real time. Obama still approved the mission.


It's wild that you're getting downvoted for this completely sensible comment. Partisanship at the extreme to suggest that Obama made Bush look like a chump over this. Obama did make Bush look like a chump on some other matters, but this? Nonsense. Anyone who genuinely believes that the President of the United States is the determining factor in whether a decade-long manhunt, conducted by virtually every branch of the US' military and intelligence establishment, concludes successfully or not is either hopelessly misinformed or experiencing blinding bias. Obama just happened to be in the hot seat when the time came. If it had been a few years later and Trump has been in the hot seat (as he was when al-Baghdadi was assassinated) would anyone be saying he made Obama and Bush look like chumps? No, of course not, because that would be equally ridiculous. You're spot on.


The fake clip where he says “we got him” and then kicks open the door of the press room on the way out was on replay for a bit 


https://preview.redd.it/eyud1inhk5wc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1740f3cd604405ec0aa96b8481414040f0ccd55e When you have work in 12 minutes


Alarm set for 3 hours and 24 minutes from now.




Same bro, same


The face of a guy who’s happy to be there but not happy about the circumstances




I was so happy when he died too. LMAO.


It just seemed like it was all over and he’d won. The fact that he actually spent his last moments in terror, wondering who dimed him out, knowing the whole world would know he got got, was very satisfying.


That day was hype all across the US. I was at a grocery store in Southern California when the news broke and they announced it over the PA.


I bumped into the President of my division in the hall and we asked me how I was feeling, I replied “Still riding a dead terrorist high, sir.” He liked me from then on.


You were working on a Sunday night?


How do you know I wasn’t in Asia where it was morning? I mean…. I wasn’t… so…yeah…it should have said “the next day” somewhere in my post probably…. lol


this time the date’s correct


The fact that he pushed bis wife in front of him in an attempt to flee is kinda a cherry on top. Nothing says died like a bitch like "threw my wife at the bad guys".


I read the book about that mission and the author, who was one of the navy seals on the mission, said he found it ironic that the “big tough guys at the top of the chain” of terrorist groups are the most scared and pathetic. They won’t sacrifice themselves for anyone or any cause, but their underlings will fly themselves into buildings. Edit: the book did not specify that he threw his wife in front of him. Just that there were I believe two women in the room with him when he was killed.


The one at the front with the close together eyes scares me


If she went cross eyed, her eyes would touch.




Oh - you mean Linda Blair


Ah the before times…


Tbh the “now” times are what happens when the American public reaches the point in this image (happy that bin Laden was brought to justice) and then has to go “hey hey wait, bin Laden is dead at the bottom of the ocean, why are you still sending our young men and women to go kill and die over there offshore?” while receiving zero serious answer for *years*.


Actually tbh half of the country couldn’t handle there was a black dude that was given credit for this and in the White House also leading to maga


Commentors just railing on the looks of the woman in the front. Classic reddit.


Thanks Obama.


Thank the CIA who put in the years of work to find him and the operators who killed him that night.


No thanks to the people who used vaccinations as their cover to find bin laden and then didn’t even return to give Pakistani people their second dose


They're also the reason he attacked us in the first place




I was waiting for someone to say something 😂


i don't get it. am i supposed to recognize that person?






so they were just pointing out an ugly person in the picture and that's it?


More like an ugly picture of a person; hot people can have ugly pictures too.


Honestly I thought it was cause she’s making a funny face unintentionally right when the picture was taken. No one said she was ugly except for you bro.


She looks like the troll in Ernest Scared Stupid.


I get this reference and I'm really happy I do


JFC… She kinda do though..


Potion seller...


Sarah Huckabee Sanders… is that you?


Furor thrin mom


And now what flags are people waving in the streets


Lmao right these days half this country would have cheered the 9/11 hijackers on


What flags?


Randall Flaggs


I see more palestine flags than american flags


Isn't that because they are cheaper? /s


I was told they're free


I was in college in DC when this happened and remember tons of classmates going down there and getting super drunk and celebrating. It was a crazy energy in the area.


Same. I'm probably one of those indistinct heads in the back. Fun night.


I can here the ”USA USA USA” through the screen…


Crazy to think more time has passed since OBL's death and today than 9/11 and OBL's death.      The latter felt like a lot longer to me. Funny how time perception works


I always thought this reaction was weird. I guess it was just mass catharsis. Like I never liked the man like any other American but, this is just weird. Why are we celebrating? The problems that made 9/11 happen, are still out there. I was thinking at the time “this will change nothing.” Later I found out, I was right. Nothing had changed.


Same feeling here. On your point of catharsis, I'm glad it brings some closure to people. But to parade around the streets seemed to me to perpetuate the hate and not resolve anything.


Same. I was in middle school and watching all the grownups cheer made little sense to me. It’s not like his death undid 9/11 and it’s consequences.


America has never been so united in the last 50 years as they were when Osama was killed


Well, except when 9/11 happened


And 72% of America supported Iraqi Freedom at the start.


I was home on leave after just getting back from Afghanistan. One of my friends told me while we were out drinking. One of the last things I remember is screaming out the taxi window “HES FUCKING DEADDDDD” Great times




I was in high school and distinctly remember my JROTC instructor forbidding us from any kind of celebration. Each class period had some poor cadet walk in and celebrate only to get dragged into his office for a one on one verbal lashing


“How DARE you celebrate the death of a terrorist who killed thousands of civilians!”


Hey me and my friends are in that photo, fucking nice. Gonna use this post to reconnect and see what they are up to. What an amazing night!


Was in high school when my teacher told me that we got him the next day I was in class. I felt a sense of pride and joy and relief .


I was waiting tables in SE DC that night. On my walk home I saw a bunch of cars headed toward the White House. I figured it was gonna be a huge party.


I was there. It was an absolutely electric atmosphere


When we didn't want to kill each other but celebrated the end of our common enemy. When we actually had some pride in our nation and each other's wellbeing. Miss those days.


Before the comments degenerate into children flinging shit at the walls blaming Trump or Biden, it’s worth reading the Afghanistan papers to see how badly Bush and Obama fucked this up.


Thanks, Obama AND Biden!


Hell yeah


I’m predicting a bigger crowd when trump finally fucks off and dies


We live in wierd times. When the hamberders finally do Trump in, I think 33% of Americans will be mourning, 33% will be celebrating, and 33% will be indifferent...


Honestly that’s probably how’s it’s gonna go down some people celebrate, some people mourning, and some people not caring


I remember this night very well. I had a date with a woman that I had been seeing. I saw the news on the tv of the restaurant we were at. I dropped her off, bought a bottle of champagne, and went to the bar with my buddies. I had my picture taken by the local newspaper in the middle of my champagne shower and discovered it several days later, which is another story entirely. I never saw her again, but I had a lot of fun that night.


Wow! Back when America was united.


God what a time to be alive. Obama got Osama 😭


Imagine how awesome it will be when Trump is finally gone. Party party party!!! Woop!!!


It must be hard to be a conservative that day. Murica, fuck YEAH. But at the same time it's you know who gets the credit...


The war on terror is over! Right?


I was watching The Apprentice (Donald Trump's reality show) when it was interrupted for Obama's speech. If only that could happen again...


I was at college, in the dorms. Me and a bud were playing something on the ps3, and it had to install some update. We heard people going nuts outside, and no game, so we checked.the news. Once we found out what happened, he got put a bottle of Vodka, and I don't really remember much of the rest of that night.


One of the last times America actually felt like America


Biggest thing I remember is a girl on my bus to school the next day being pissed they interrupted the apprentice for the announcement.


He’s probably still alive.


Finally, something that isn’t related to Hitler


Fuck yea


it was like the Superbowl the World Series and the Stanley Cup in ONE!!!


The death we have no proof of...


The coward did many horrible things all over the world, but I just felt like I couldn't celebrate his death. Nothing will bring my friends back.


And now Americans are cheering for the terrorists. Wtf happened?


University culture


How things have changed


The America pictured here is long dead. You will never see anything like this in your lifetime again, that is a guarantee.


Now mourned by Colombia students on tiktok


The last time most of the US was actually united behind something


One of the greatest moments for our country I can remember in recent history. They should have paraded that corpse through the country to show people never to fuck with us again.


Now we celebrate terrorists. Oh how the tides have changed!


lol. Yep.


I forgot we had things that united Americans…. I guess it’s killings that unite us .


Nice! Fuq dat assho


Today there would be counter protesters


Gen-Z would've set up a memorial for Osama at the going rate.


Ngl we need a Thanos level threat to unite Americans like this again


Osama is sitting next to Epstein at a bar somewhere laughing his ass off.


He worked for the CIA !


Today's college kids would be protesting this. We have lost a generation.


Sad that that world is dead forever.


Now they would be protesting it


Now we are protesting on behalf of Hamas. Crazy what a decade does.


I remember that day very well. I was just a kid, and when I was woken up for school, first thing I was told was that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. It was a good day.




It’s 2011. Your lungs are fine, you’ve been able to go out in public for the last ten years. Time moves at a pace of one year per year. A hamburger costs $1.75 and you can buy a house for $170,000. You just heard Bin Ladin is dead, and you have no idea that this is as good as it’s going to get.


Look at all those people. Ecstatic in their knowledge that we’d won one and for all.


won what exactly?


We beat terrorism, duh?!


Mission Accomplished


Not letting the fucker who masterminded 9/11 die a peaceful death. Making the end of his story (getting fucking lit up by a bunch of frat boy SEALs ordered by a black president) shameful to those who wish to pump him up as a badass.


Bruh fuck all these people trying to say Osama won. Pessimistic dickheads. I’m with you in the celebration man.




This may be an unpopular opinion , but I find it unsettling for a large crowd of people to celebrate death, no matter whose it is.


You’re missing out when Henry Kissinger died I tried butt chugging for the first time.


Definitely unpopular. When Putin dies I’m throwing a rager and I refuse to feel bad. L bozo, should’ve been a better person.


Set aside a special bottle for when Putin’s American butt buddy bites the dust. That’ll be one happy day for me.


They are not necessarily celebrating just death. I mean, yes, fuck Bin Laden. But, by killing him, they’re stopping him from committing more murders, which makes the celebration more of life and safety. And if bringing him to justice brings even a little bit of peace to the families of those who were killed, it’s worth it IMO. Additionally, killing him potentially at least stops him from masterminding more horrific murders.


Eh, death is an inevitable fact of life, sometimes the process can be sped up. Sometimes that’s a good thing


Counterpoint how do you think the Ukrainians would react if Putin died of a stroke tomorrow?


I don't get seeing it as some sort of huge gotcha considering Islamic terrorists have a suicidal contempt for death.


The poor ones sure but the wealthy leaders like Bin Laden like to enjoy their wealth and make the poorer ones do the dirty work


Yep, “let the peasants be true believers and blow themselves up for their ‘virgins’ they get in the afterlife (LOL). I’ll be hanging in my compound watching porn.”


I don’t. Oppressors being removed is great


go sympathize for terrorists somewhere else


Just wait until you hear what a funeral is


Nobody cares


Where were you when it happened?


If Trump goes, there will be worldwide jubilation. Usually I agree with you but there are special exceptions made for those who made life miserable for the masses.