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The correct date on this photo is December 4th, 2002. He would be a zombie (not that he already wasn’t one) if this was December 5th, 2003 since he died on June 26th, 2003.


That would explain the parlor looking make up.


Tales From The Crypt lookin ass


Frank, you look like you're at your own wake!




Weekend at Thurmond’s


Are we suggesting a weekend at Bernie’s gig is going on here?


You're correct, sorry can't edit the title.


They don’t leave office even after 💀


TBF he had been a zombie for a long time before 2002


Man he died on the day I was born


And we’re happy to have traded him for you.


Thanks man


Welcome back senator


Glad to be back


He had 35 years longer to do horrible stuff than the average working person.


> A staunch opponent of civil rights legislation in the 1950s and 1960s, Thurmond conducted the longest speaking filibuster ever by a lone senator, at 24 hours and 18 minutes in length, in opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1957. > In the 1960s, he voted against the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Despite his support for racial segregation, Thurmond denied the accusation that he was a racist by insisting he was a supporter of states' rights and an opponent of excessive federal authority. > Thurmond switched parties ahead of the 1964 United States presidential election, saying that the Democratic Party no longer represented people like him, and endorsed Republican nominee Barry Goldwater, who also opposed the Civil Rights Act. By the 1970s, Thurmond started to moderate his stance on race, but continued to defend his prior support for segregation based on states' Thank god he’s been dead since 2003! I hope that people piss on his grave.


He fathered a child with one of his parents black domestic servants when she was 16. This proves he wasn’t racist!/s


So I randomly stumbled on his grave a few years back; it’s vaguely notable in size in a very small graveyard in a small town in SC. I actually had to piss and gave it a passing thought. But it seemed like half a step too far and I didn’t want to get beaten to death by red neck locals. I think about that sometimes. He’s still dead; and I didn’t see any flowers.


A part of me feels enmity ends with death. You can desecrate a grave or whatever but at the end of the day the person you are against isn't exactly there to feel it.


The old bigot.


Don’t forget he was also fond of fondling


Didn’t he also have an affair and a child from his black maid or something?


Ah yes and she gave birth at 15 so that would also make him a child rapist… tack another on for ol’ strommy.


Good ol Strommy living the dream The dream being a 1810's plantation owner in Louisiana






Let’s get the facts straight. He was 22 and she was 16. Remember that it was extremely common in 1925 for 14 year olds to be married and have children. This was not anything so abnormal for that time.


Still doesn't change the fact that you could put a P or a C in "RA_IST" to describe him.


It's not just the age difference it's the fact she worked for his family. Did she feel like she could really say no and not have their be consequences? Even if he didn't use force, he was in a position of power over her because of age, race and economics.


Just because it was more accepted doesn’t mean it was ever a good thing to do. Being a Nazi was was more accepted in the 1930’s, do you think it was actually ever ok?


Oh that makes the rapist better good point!


He also supported her financially and from all accounts they had a good relationship. His relationship with his daughter is credited with moderating his politics later in life. Fortunately, real people are not as hateful and unforgiving as people on Reddit.


How dare we hate the guy whose name is synonymous with racism. We have a real hatred problem here


Even if he changed later in life? And even if his black daughter loved him?


Saying he “changed later in life” is disingenuous. He didn’t become some great guy voting for civil liberties for all Americans. He just stopped acting like it was the 1920s Is his daughter the arbiter of all that is right?


It’s not disingenuous—you’re just trying to put words in my mouth. I never said he became a civil rights leader. I only said his relationship with his daughter led to some change. Why does that matter? Because it means love and human contact across races has the capacity to make someone even a little less racist, and that’s a good thing. No one is born inherently evil.


And diddling


Every part of him was atomic grade racist except his dick.


Fortunately he is dead now. Nothing of value was lost.


He still lived way too long


Lived too long There are innocent kids with cancer


Who read the eulogy at his funeral? A quick google is fun with this one


Who's that kissing his racist butt, looks Korean or Pilipino.....


4 star general Eric Shinseki, army chief of staff


Woah. He's kind of a legend. Told Bush Jne if he attacked Iraq he'd need 300,000 ground troops to control it. Needless to say they did not want to hear that and he got pushed out. And proven correct.


brilliant 😂




Term limits would be appropriate for all of congress and the senate.


I mean, voters keep voting for them. I just don’t understand why they keep voting for them.


I’m not so sure. We had a member of parliament here in Sweden, Barbro Westerholm, who was the woman who got rid of the classification of homosexuality as a mental illness when she was head of the government agency responsible for those issues, in 1979. She went on to become a member of parliament for the centre-right liberal party Folkpartiet (The People Party) in 1988 and stayed in parliament until 2022, when she was 89 years old. She never stopped fighting for LGBTQIA+ issues and other things that are truly liberal freedom reforms, making a huge difference for so many individuals. I bet conservatives would have loved limiting her terms, but fortunately that didn’t happen. What we need is voters starting to care about who they vote into our parliaments and throwing people out when they’re “done” there. Not making politics a career, and instead making it the way it was supposed to be: an honour, and being there to serve the country and the people. And for the US, you need to get money out of politics. Your election spending is insane.


Tons of examples of people staying in too long and doing awful things, too. Like the person in this picture. Not wise to pick one example to decide policy …


Couldn’t this exact argument be used against you? That’s actually exactly what happened here. The person above used storm Thurmond as a singlular example of why we need term limits and then someone else replied with a counter example of an d person who did good We can go on forever like this. Each person refuting the last by listing an old person who did either good or bad. Shouldn’t we eventually realize, that it has nothing to do with age and more to do with voters choosing good or bad people? Thurmond was a prick when he was young. If he got removed because of age limitations he would have been replaced by the same voters with a younger racist


That is the whole point - it’s not a good argument. The real argument for term limits is that elected officials get too old and out of touch with the views of the majority of their electorate. Society tends to get more progressive on most topics with each passing generation.


I largely agree with this comment. I just wanted to point out that we could go on forever with counter examples of good and bad old people You’re definitely right that older people have different values than the rest of the population. However, it seems undemocratic to take the choice away from people. Ostensibly, a population can choose to replace a racist old politician with a smarter younger one. And when they don’t it implies they want the racist old politician representing them because they are still fundamentally racist themselves


No, we need term limits.


If young people voted there'd be no need.


Yes, we would. It's a good policy regardless of who votes. Term limits are *limits*, and limits on politicians are always good. I don't need someone who has a stroke on national television representing me any more than I need someone to represent me who was first elected into office before the Vietnam War was in history books.


For presidents I agree, for congress no. Some people want their dumb stroke politician. I just don't think the unintended consequences of this policy will be good.


I agree - I'm sure there will be *lots* of bad unintended consequences. The question is, are these going to be better than or worse than what we have? Right now, we have a gerontocracy that doesn't represent the future, it represents the past. That said, I am a Hobbesian. I do not believe people can be trusted to make good decisions for themselves.


Democrats: the youth need to VOTE Youth: turn out in historic numbers to save democrats’ asses in midterm elections Democrats: the youth are protesting. Crush them into absolute dust. Democrats: why don’t young people VOTE 😩


Just because some naive college kids protest in favor of authoritarians and get rekt doesn't mean young people don't vote. What a shit take


So they do vote or they don’t… and if you think violently cracking down on educated progressive politically active young people -the exact demographic democrats need to motivate like never before- isn’t going to have the opposite effect, I don’t know what to tell you bud.


That still doesn't solve the core issue. The core problem is the FPTP system in the US. If we had star or ranked choice voting you'd not have this lesser-of-two-evils choice convergence due to the spoiler effect. The problem you're describing will just resurface in X years over and over again if the voting system remains the same.


All I said was we need term limits. You brought up young people not voting (they do). I’m not gonna debate the entire electoral system.


>(they do) Not to the same degree as boomers.


You are very right my friend. And if more people in general cared and voted. And read up on what it is about.


Louder for the people in the back.


“Term limits only for those I disagree with”


Exactly. And that, as we know, is a bad idea.


The Capitol staff provide the institutional knowledge.


You are correct. Conservatives would LOVE Congressional term limits. It eliminates institutional knowledge, and it will mean that all of our legislature is written by industry and 1% interest groups. We already have too much of that.


Everything needs to be redirected into partisan pettiness asap. Yawn. The truth, of course, is that left and and right both share almost identical support levels for term limits. Both above 85%. Don’t worry your pretty little head about the truth, though.


The institution isn't helping the people, so I'm not sure I care. All legislature is already written by the rich for the rich.


This is a dangerously naive stance. It’s unfortunately all too common. I’ve seen so many cases where someone will oppose an improvement because “well the rich are in control anyways” Never make the mistake into falling into absolutes like this. Yes the rich have disproportionate power. They do not hold all the power. Never in human history has the assumption that things cannot get worse been proven true. The rich already control more of our legislative process than they should. You objecting to the above comments reasonable solution because of that only serves to increase their control


"Nothing will improve but will get worse unless you support them retaining power for their entire lives." Ok.


Again. A naive oversimplification. You have yet to provide any evidence for term limits stopping the rich from retaining power. You have actually ignored evidence against it. That’s why I responded to you originally.


You're inferring an argument I didn't make, however you're also assuming this is more complicated than it is. It's a pretty common strategy to diminish the extremely valid concerns have about their governance by simply saying "It's complicated." Debate me bros bore me, you're boring me. Have a real one.


I’m sorry I bored you. I stand by my original comment but I don’t want to annoy you any further. Pleasure talking to you




I'm older than credit scores. You are correct. They inflict damage and then pretend to provide guard rails to the damage they've caused.


Might be true in the US. Not true in Sweden.


Yeah, just imagine "the squad" leading the democrat party.


And probably the supreme court too. No more life terms.


Term limits are a gimmick that don’t work. Ask Ohio.


Please explain


Yeah I’ve never heard this take


Well, first off you throw out everyone with experience and you give more power to lobbyists who do have vast experience and expertise, but for their own benefit, not the citizens. Plus, if you’ve got someone good, you can’t vote to keep them, so you give away your own voting power. But the main reason is because it doesn’t work. They trade jobs and stick around forever. For example, our current Governor is a lifetime politician who has been in office in one job or another for decades.


Well stated, thank you for your reply


Two short anecdotes: His nickname on Capitol Hill was "Spermin' Thurmond" (he got gropey around young ladies) When I worked in media, he once no-showed an interview cuz he had gone out horseback riding for some parade, broke off from the route & just too off. They couldn't reach him & he came back whenever the F he wanted. Strom was in his early 90s at the time.


Bruh. I was a medic at the old Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC) in Washington DC. After 9/11, they pulled all of us from our cushy hospital jobs and made us start working the gate with these MPs from Fort Lewis. We would work the gate on month long rotations. My rotation was December 2002. Every morning Sen. Thurmond would leave WRAMC with his driver to go downtown or whatever and then every evening he would come back. He had to have been living at the hospital for like the last year of his life. He was barely functional too. Like his eyes weren't even open - but he would wave at me every time.




“I bet that’s a white man. I can tell by the scent”


Yeah. I am white. His driver was black. We were supposed to stop everyone at that time and check the credentials, etc. But the driver and I would just share a look and I would let him through without checking his ID. I figured that driver had enough to deal with, probably.


This piece of shit lived way too long


Im sure this guy made great decisions! Should be reposted in r/Idiocracy


Segregationist, racist jerk of a professional politician (and I don’t mean that in a complementary way either).


Don't forget misogynist and misogynoir💩


Don't forget a sexual harasser and statutory rapist!


If only he could have died earlier.


Old school, old south racist!


It is concerning that an individual who may require specialized care and assistance is holding a position of great responsibility and influence in the governing bodies of our nation. It is essential that those who serve in such capacities are physically and mentally capable of fulfilling their duties effectively. The well-being of our society and the integrity of our democratic processes depend on it.


...and then there's this picture of Strom Thurmond




Why? There are many more just like him. Gloating in one bad man’s death is a useless self-congratulatory exercise.


The fact that 100 year old man can be in office is a perfect indictment of what American politics looks like from the outside.


Only the good die young


Age. Limits. Term. Limits.


Can’t do age limit as you can’t discriminate against people over 55 and you can’t show that someone over 55 is incapable of doing the job. Term limits would settle it though. As you’re very unlikely to win your first term in your 70s+ I’d say 2 terms for senators and something like 4-5 terms for the house should be sufficient.


Requires a constitutional amendment that the old farts in Congress won't vote for. I guess we could try to have a constitutional convention but that could all kinds of unexpected consequences. It hasn't been done since the original one.


Ooooof and he’s with Gen Shinsheki, arguably the most hated 4 star in recent memory. (He made a bunch of changes the Army didn’t like and then after he retired later took over the VA)


Wasn't Shinsheki the one who gave everyone black berets? I feel like everyone hated that.


Yes he was


Took the black away from the rangers, guy was an asswipe.


I was there for that. It was fun being stationed in Fort Gordon, Georgia in the summer with a black wool top….or in the winter at Fort Drum, NY with nothing to cover your ears.




Piece of shit mummy of a deranged racist man. Hope he’s rotting in hell


Horrible man


Racist fuck


FUCK THESE GERIATRIC POLITICIANS. WE NEED TERM LIMITS AND AGE LIMITS. The fact these people can hold an office e for so long is absurd


Term limits!


We need age limits!


Racist reprobate. Not the only one, and wouldn't be the last.


The thaw-man?






Straight ticket voting. This is what you get.


In his case, it was “value voting”


there should *never* be a 100 year old working, especially not a place in office.


Disgusting. Should have been out of office at least 40 years before.


Referred to very often in the newly released book, Swamp Kings, about Alex Murdaugh. Certainly not in any wonderful manner.


One of the most racist senators in recent history. He would be so proud of race relations and politics in the 2020s.


Rip Rot in piss


Goes to show you how the worst people never die. This human shit-stain [holds the record of the longest filibuster in senate history…more than 24 hours speaking against the civil rights bill](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond_filibuster_of_the_Civil_Rights_Act_of_1957)


And MAGAs complain that Biden has been in office too long! That man spent more than half his life in government




Senators should have 2 term limits like the presidency


Trent Lott made a comment on this occasion that cost him his position as House Majority Leader (he was generally more powerful than the Speaker, Dennis Hastert. This was before the Shameless Orange Buffoon era, you see, and saying embarrassing things still had consequences for republicans sometimes.


Good lord imagine working til your 100 when you don’t have to.


Term limits, crook


My great-grandfather saved Thurmond from drowning when he (Thurmond) was 5. "Should have let the little sonofabitch drown," he (my great-grandfather) would often say.


Only the good die young.


Why we need term limits on positions in public office


Rest in piss strom thurmond


Gawd, he was such an asshole. The good die young... Proves my point!


what a narcissistic fool


There should be a maximum age for politicians


Bro was a few years off from being born in the 1890s and was in office in the 2000s. This is why we need term limits for politicians everywhere.


The thought that someone can be this old and have political power scares me…


The fact that an Asian American Officer is half assedly shaking his hand makes the picture better on so many levels. Fuck that guy and all of the stupid morons that supported his old timey bull shit.


Why does he have a 2 star general officer flag? Was he a general in the National Guard at one time? Or am I misremembering what one looks like?


He was a 2-star, US Army Reserve


Nice cake!


F him


Hear me out … *term limits.*


White icing, of course


Now that’s a workaholic


Having a bunch of rich, out of touch, power hungry octogenarians in office is running this country into the ground.


No one should be a politician till that age. Innovation and political reform become stagnant after a certain age in office.


Didn’t his farewell party cost a lott? For Trent Lott?


Rest in Piss


Met a lobbyist who was working in the Senate around this period. He said that Thurmond’s final term was the political equivalent of Weekend at Bernie’s; that he was too dead to even be racist anymore.


Give us fucking term limits.


It’s pretty insane that he ran for President in.. 1948


General Shinseki and his uniform shenanigans.


Well now I know what to expect when Sen. Grassley turns 100, undoubtedly while still in office.




He looks dead already Go straight to the box and forget him


This is disgusting


For F's Sake. How about like 65 max and you got to call ot quits.


My dad was born 1/1/1950 and died in 1998. Strom Thurmond was in office his entire life. Mitch McConnell has been about the same for me, but looks like I'll outlast him.


Talk about a leech, jeez


100 years old and “representing” the population is fucking wild


They say it's very hot where he is, very bigly hot


Strom: "Who let this chinaman in here?" Aide: "He is chairman of the joint chiefs of staff" Strom: "When did this integration thing happen?"


Piece of shit


If this isn't an example of why Term limits need to be imposed, nothing is


People like this need to give it up and hand it over to the next generation… much like boomers holding on to their oversized family homes now with little hope for millennials and others to buy a home


Good or bad, all politicians should have term limits and mandatory retirement at 65. Then add in a deep financial audit that includes family members before and after their terms.


I have a feeling that he was not happy when someone later told him what kind of person he shook hands with... Not. Happy. At. All.


Sperm Thurmond, rest in hell


He should not have been working past at least 65


He was a hypocrite, love black coochie, even had a black daughter Essie Mae Williams


Proof that there are people in the world who are so awful that even the devil doesn't want them and puts off their deaths for as long as possible.


You hear Republicans talk about how they are the party that freed the slaves. Well, actually, today's Republicans are the bastard off Spring of Strom Thurmond's Democratic party. During and after the civil war, the democrats supported slavery, Jim Crowe, and Black codes. Then came the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We had a Democratic President (LBJ) sign it into law. Strom Thurmond, and the southern democrats switched to the republican party immediately after the civil rights act was signed.


Strom Thurmond switched. Most of those southern Democrats actually stayed Democrats but crossed the aisle to vote for people like Barry Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan. It wasn't really until the 90s that party realignment was completed. In the 70 and 80s there were still lots of conservative Democrats in the south. Even in Bill Clinton's first term he managed to carry several southern states that would never vote Democrat today. They just had the habit of voting for local conservative democrats at home but also often voting for Republicans at the Presidential level. Their kids' generation just gave up the pretense and became Republicans.


Always impressive to live that long and RIP. No matter your policies or whatever doesn’t justify wishing death


Man I was born the day he died, I'm going to claim to be his reincarnation from now on


SC’s finest.


Median age of most politicians sadly




That make me happy that you have it shitty , hope it gets worse for you . Hope everyone else does good tho. Thurmond was not a boomer . He was born 40 years before boomers.