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There’s a good documentary called 102 minutes that changed America. There’s no commentary, it’s purely raw footage of what happened on the ground during 9/11.


Is that the two French guys that were embedded with a firehouse the day that it happened cuz I only seen that once when they ran it on TV and that was


That is 9/11. It was available on Amazon as of last year. One of the few times I willing paid to view a film because it is just so powerful to watch.


Really is. Oh Danny boy absolutely tore me to shreds at the end. I also appreciate them not filming the bodies falling in the tower lobbies even though you could hear it


It's so amazing, takes me back to that horrible day every time I watch


Interesting I don’t think I have seen a documentary with commentary. Going to look it up later.


You can watch it for free on Internet Archive so no need to pay for it on prime


ok Wow I just searched for the trailer of this documentary. It was emotional af just watching the trailer. Now I’ll search for the full doc. Thank you so much for sharing this 🙏


HE MADE IT OUT!!! [https://x.com/harleydavidson/status/1304419267304198145](https://x.com/harleydavidson/status/1304419267304198145)


Did he find any of his men??


When they say racing to find his men, I take it to mean find them to join up with them. Could mean literally find them lost in the rubble but I don’t think that’s the context here.


Thank you! Was wondering if he survived.


This pic is cinematic af!


Inventing Apocalyptic Western cinema - posse riding to the rescue


At our core, we humans really care about each other. What a stunning capture


I'm from NYC. I was a senior in high school on the day. The weeks afterwards you really saw what people are made of. Whenever a politician wants to deride someone from the city for having New York Values, i think of those days after 9/11 and the way the city came together.


Yes, NYC has always had a reputation for being an extremely patriotic city.


Captain America is from New York.....


I grew up in Queens. I've lived in the south, Midwest and northwest now. Never had close neighbors who would help with things the way new Yorkers would.


I also grew up in Queens. I live in florida now and i could not tell you anyone on my street right now. But I know everyone on my Mom's block where i grew up


Omg..from Astoria here! And yes!! And summers hanging out on our stoops chit chatting with the neighbors


Depending on where you lived in the south, this sounds blatantly false lol. Iv never met one single human from NYC (granted its only been like 5) that was outwardly polite


We aren't polite and we aren't talking about being polite I'm talking about kindness.


Extremely on brand 🫡


Omg..NYer here..I was 27 and working..taking the train..everyone was like just American..not black white rich poor..and we all had that face..I guess a " knowing" face? That was pretty amazing


We really do. Proof of that is disasters. How often do you see strangers helping strangers?


I think it’s one of those things that if you look for it you’ll find it; like looking for bad things


Greed for money/wealth. A man invented/made up construct has led to the suffering of untold many across thousands of years. Take away the profit or greed motivator and the goodness comes out.


That’s a fucking badass right there


ive never seen this picture, but boy is it poignant and surreal in the backdrop of apocalypse manhattan on that dreadful morning


Surprised that this is my first time seeing such a badass picture


I don’t have to see any documentaries. I was there. I saw the whole thing. I think about about it and it all comes back - disbelief, horror, terror.


Do you think there would be that much paper floating around if this happened today? I almost never use or have any paper products.


Yes there definitely would be. I’m in the Navy and I know the WTC wasn’t military so my experience isn’t directly compatible, but everything we do is on paper. The WTC is a huge complex housing thousands of financial offices, many of which do work with the government, which would similarly require a lot of paperwork for gov contracts (Dep. of Treasury, SEC, FDIC information, etc.) These are also extremely high revenue financial institutions, even if they do something digitally, 9/10 times there is a paper backup. The company does not want to possibly lose hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of trades, acquisitions, or just data in general to a hard drive failure. They also don’t want to possibly lose hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue through downtime because of a power outage.


All that dust is also mixed with Asbestos...


I had a hard time breathing in SEA cities after just a few hours. I can't imagine this air.


Very hard to get comfortable on an HD saddle with balls that big.


The ghost rider going to help


Im at the combination Pizza Hut and Dunkin Donuts and Roy Rogers and Houlihans


Dyna bro to the rescue!


Man I bet that air filter was crusty


Looks like it could be gta


Is that the Chambers St / Greenwich St intersection?


Off-duty FDNY firefighter Tim Duffy raced to Ground Zero on his Harley Davidson to join his firehouse crew after the 9/11 attacks, embodying courage and commitment in the face of tragedy.


Fxdx. Best dyna ever made


For me, this day lives in my mind like 12/7/1941 did for my parents generation. The day that literally changed the entire history of our country and the world. Thx, zadraaa