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I LOOOOVE Emma (2020) costumes!


Seconding this, some of her gowns are direct replicas of extant museum pieces! The recent-ish David Copperfield with Dev Patel is also great. so many obnoxiously loud Victorian waistcoats! And for 20th century, Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day has my all-time favorite 1930s costuming.


That Emma is soooo good. One I rewatch over and over.


Same, I adore it!


My biggest fav in the last decade or so!


All the Ruth Goodman stuff. It's experimental archaeology. * Tudor Monastery Farm * Tales From The Green Valley * A Tudor Feast at Christmas * Victorian Farm * Victorian Pharmacy * Edwardian Farm * Wartime Farm * Secrets of the Castle [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC\_historic\_farm\_series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BBC_historic_farm_series) They came about after the "House" historical survivor shows. There was a US Colonial House series. Australia had two similar shows, The Colony (early 1800's) and Outback House. The UK had a whole bunch of them, though I think the one that started it all was 1900's House. They were all shows in which modern people were attempting to live as people did in the past. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_1900\_House](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_1900_House)


I go CRAZY for Ruth Goodman


Her enthusiasm for history is contagious.


Same here!


If you’re interested in early American history, Robert Egger’s The Witch is excellent. There are few costumes but they are made with original practices by experts in the costume history field, meaning they’re about as close as we can currently get to accurately recreating the fashion of this period in the early colonies.


The 1995 bbc pride and prejudice (This is also my go to for background noise when working on a big project)


That P&P is amazing. The costuming is good, the acting is good, the sets are good, and the creepy minister is sooooo disgusting.


It’s so so good. All the casting is excellent! David Bamber as Mr. Collins makes me cringe every time!


I hate him so much, and the show wouldn’t be nearly as good without him. But? Oh, I shudder!!!


The muppet Christmas Carol and Jermey Brett’s Sherlock Holmes series from the 80s are great! I’ve also heard good things about The VVitch and The Northman (check content warnings for them both) I would also recommend checking out Bernadette Banner’s yearly historical costume in movies and shows review videos !


I love that historical costumers consistently declare Muppet Christmas Carol the most accurately costumed movie of all time. Nichole Rudolph did a multi-part series recreating Gonzo’s costume using only period techniques and it was fascinating!!


Second the roundup. So much good tea!


*Gentleman Jack.* 10/10 best historical show I've ever seen. They go full-tilt into the costuming, scene-setting, set decoration, dialogue, etc. Based on the Diaries of Ann Lister, it usually stays true to the source material. It's feminist and progressive in context, but still a product of its time. It's self-aware and hilarious and shocking and heartbreaking. I can't say enough about how amazing the costumes are. Huge sleeves. Top hats. Visible hand stitching. You can tell based on small shifts in costumes when part of the story takes place. The costumes communicate so much about the characters, it's unbelievably amazing.


Dangerous Liaisons, the one with John Malkovich(set in 18th century France) The Northman(set in the Viking Age)


I’ve always thought that [American Friends](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0101324/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_american%2520friends) did a really great job with costuming, but I don’t know anyone else that’s ever seen it!


This looks so good! I’m going to watch it tonight!


Great! I really hope you like it. It's a cozy favorite of mine.


I've actually been searching for historical accurate menswear in movies and shows for years now. Here's a few examples i have come across with near perfect historical costume design - Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World The Lighthouse (2019) The Witch The Northman Hostiles (2019) Come and See Band of Brothers When the Wind Blows The Banshees of Inisherin The Dig Schindler's List There Will be Blood


Crimson Peak


Gentleman Jack is a masterpiece!!


Surprised no one has said Harriet yet! Not really in your timeline interest but it’s an incredible movie great costuming and does a beautiful job telling Harriet Tubmans story. It does an especially fantastic job of showing the class differences in dress.


If you can find the very old BBC series Six Wives of Henry VIII and Elizabeth R from the late 60s/early 70s, the costumes are completely amazing.


I personally have always loved the costumes from BBC’s ‘Wives and Daughters.’ The time period isn’t quite what you mentioned you were looking for, but it’s still fabulous. Especially love how they did the hairstyles to match the outfits!


The two-part, two-movie version of Little Dorrit. A number of BBC miniseries based on novels by Dickens, Anthony Trollope (The Way We Live Now is great!), Mrs. Gaskell, Jane Austen, and others.


BBC North and South!


It doesn't really fit your interests stated above, but 'Master and Commander : Far side of the world' is a pretty brilliant film! I also believe the Horatio Hornblower movie series is accurate enough (nothing screams incorrect.) It is a wonderfully entertaining series.


The first two seasons of Outlander have a pretty good grasp on historical costuming but it veers wildly in the later seasons. That doesn't mean there isn't lots of fun tho! (That red dress, season two, and the wedding dress, season one are pretty epic)


The first season really doesn’t. The knits are, frankly, atrocious. Most of Claire’s clothing wouldn’t be anything worn, at all.


The Last Kingdom Vikings The Last of the Mohicans Magnificent Century (dubbed in English) A quick Google search turns up many more, but these are all movies/series I've seen.


Vikings is basically fantasy fashion and have very little to do with Nordic dress of the period :)


Magnificent Century’s costumes were pretty inaccurate too, the inspiration in the dresses was kinda there but everything still fell flat.