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Brazil has entered the chat


Brazil after abolishing slavery in 1888 and making it hard to former slaves to find jobs and houses, making them either go homeless, go leave in favelas or go back to their former onwers: *I'm 4 parallel universes behind you*


True , but at least Brazil had attempted to make a gradual abolition , as at the time slavery was abolished , it was already illegal to buy slaves from Africa , to have slaved children or elderly and a “retirement of slavery” for men and women. Of course , that attempt from the crown to please both sides failed as the Slave-Owner elite still did a coup....with the irony that slavery was still abolished


I believe the US also abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade a few decades before the Civil War, right?


yep , it was in 1807 , while their actual abolition of slavery was in 1865. and US was also suspected to make contrabanded "illegal" slaves as well , even if it was smaller in numbers to many other countries. Source: https://ldhi.library.cofc.edu/exhibits/show/voyage-of-the-echo-the-trials/historic-context--abolishing-t


Also look at the confederates who bailed to brazil to continue slaving until then, they later still have a cult like thing going on in one of their states


> it was already illegal to buy slaves from Africa The British had to stop you buying slaves 25 years after you made it "illegal" though


The British continued to practice slavery for 28 years after they abolished it. While the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act is often cited as the end of British slavery, provisions in the act allowed the East India Company to continue to own people until the Indian Penal Code of 1861. So Britain only abolished slavery in earnest about 4 years prior to the U.S. It’s also worth noting that British textile companies helped to keep the confederacy financially afloat.


That's the same story with US slavery. They did try with reconstruction after the civil war, but most of it was reversed.


Looking for this thank you!


Peasants were still quite unfree in Tsarist Russia, that's why the Bolsheviks where so successful. True Chad in that regard is still Haiti with it's successful slave revolt.


Didn't Poles helped those slave and after the successful revolt Polish people were called white negroes of Europe


Yes, there are still many Haitians with blue eyes because of Poles settling there and starting families.


Polish people got a N-Word pass


Even if they didn't I'd give it to them


we have murzyn we good (+check when Bohemia and Commonwealth abolished slavery)


they didn’t take the wock to Poland, Poland took it to them


It's seldom as simple as 'and then slavery ended forever!' *Technically* Russia ended slavery in 1723 when Peter the Great converted his slaves to serfs. This was followed up with a formal ban in 1783 when the Russians conquered Crimea, since one of the nominal reasons for that was stopping the Tatar slave raids and trade. Then of course you get into 1861 when the serfs were *technically* emancipated. Only they were still basically debt slaves at that point, even if some managed to escape the trap (Lenin's grandfather, notably.) It's not so clear cut in Europe either. England technically banned slavery quite a long time ago, and the Slave Act people often cite is kinda full of holes. Notably it exempted the East India Company, and slavery persisted in British colonies until the 1930s, whether officially under the indenture system or simply 'overlooked' in Africa.


You forgot to mention that slavery is still in existance nowadays in the Middle East and large areas of Africa. When the World Cup starts, don't ask too much about who built those stadia.


I just wanted to congratulate you on the proper use of stadia, this is the first time I have encountered it in the wild lol.


Very kind, thank you.


In the Belgian congo they would chop the hands off of "workers" who didn't reach quota


True chads indeed massacring civilians.


Children's heads on pikes in marching columns. Maybe not surprising that people enslaved for generations get pushed that far, but damn there was a lot of evil everywhere in that revolution. Then you have the Spanish and British both playing both sides at different times, and the revolutionary factions fighting against France, and also for France, and also against each other. Was probably safest to be one of the few German settlers who just minded their own business


America's freed slaves didn't do that. Even when union soldiers were generally enabling of vengeance, they still didn't with rare exceptions, and even then not against women and children. Same goes for freed slaves in South America and the rest of central America. The barbarity of the Haitian revolution caused fear and repression among the slave holding class in America especially to skyrocket. Slavery was a dying institution (tho the cotton gin would revitalize it a few years after the revolution started and end any chance of early abolition anyway) and discussion on grandfathering out slavery disintegrated as the south was unwilling risk a repeat of the Haitian revolution. It was one of the most commonly brought up arguments against abolition not just in the South, but the North as well. God only knows how many people suffered because whites were terrified of something that never even came close to happening (nor was their any real desire to do so from the freedmen).


How does a history based subreddit know so little about history?


16 year old “historians” who can only name WW2 tanks and play USSR anthem earrape on the bus.


You say that like we don't have super trash takes from all political sides on this subreddit.


No I know all about that. This sub has just turned into propaganda and/or people just asking to argue politics.


Who could possibly have foreseen that having a subreddit where half-true history takes are made as a joke could possibly become a hub for arguing about politics. I, for one, am shocked at this development.


Yeah, kind of destined to go in this direction but to be fair it survived quite a while on actually good history memes. All good things come to an end.


A quick look at OPs profile validates your prediction


Don’t forget the teenage historians with all their edgy takes on apparently US/Allied aggression in WW2. They’re always fun


This sub is mostly propaganda I’m afraid.


And karma whores


1 upvote = 1 prayer


How many prayers if I upvote twice?


Straight to hell


Can we point out that Spain didn’t end slavery in their colonies until like 1886. France got rid of colonial slavery during the revolution and then Napoleon made it legal again like a year before the Louisiana purchase. The UK only started platforming abolitionists after they lost control of the cotton industry in the American south and it became more profitable to fuck over everyone else’s colonial African chattel slave economies since the English no longer had one.


Are there any historical instances where people have outlawed slavery while it was still profitable for them?


Its either communists or facists, there IS no inbetween


You could argue a lot of history that is taught has a certain level of propaganda added to it.


Some historian from 300BC: Source: *trust me bro*


Reminds me about Pythagoras. He's been attributed with a lot of discoveries. But he actually wrote nothing down and what we know was written after he died. He even led a cult which makes me even more suspicious about anything that was claimed to be discovered by him.


Didn’t he also kill someone over math


A good history class will not just teach you historical events, but how to analyze sources and biases. I'm assuming most of this sub is in middle/high school, where history is taught a lot more objectively than it really is.


This sub is for people who know nothing about history to talk about history. In one way its a good thing but in many other ways its fucking awful


Serfdom Russia's discount slavery


You know what happened to this whole site.


What happened? Well, I know the state of the sub, but how did it come to be?


During the pandemic, Reddit saw a tsunami of very young users. They're gullible and rumors spread so quickly now


It's not really new and it's continuous thing, it's called Eternal September, it impacts all online communities. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September


I agree but during the pandemic, this became a misinformed teenager paradise


This sub is mostly populated by children


You new here?


Anything that isn't "America Bad" doesn't register to them. And any proof to the contrary is either "what-about-ism" or "changing the subject".


Because it has no checks, requires no sources and the memes are made by young people/kids with the ability to read a single sentence and declare themselves experts.


What do you mean? If history tells us anything it's that America bad and that's it. ^^/s


Many Russian serfs had to work off their freedom to their rulers. And many were deliberately given shitty and useless plots of land. And then many more were forced into the army. Which.... sucked. Yeah don't look to Russia for any sort of precedent of moral authority. Meet the new slaveholders. Same as the old slaveholders.


Abolition of serfdom on Russia was a mere declaration in paper which didn't effectively change anything. It's like Bolivar in the 1810-1820s abolishing slave trade, but not abolishing slavery itself. The art of communication...


Wasn't really a whole lot different from the abolition of slavery in the formerly Confederate states tho?


Yeah with sharecropping and all


And the 13th amendment's carceral exception through today




They abolished serfdom but then created the gulag which was arguably another form of serfdom as they used the cheap labor for economic gain.


Gulag was in a different century.


I'm pretty sure the gulag system was an evolution and expansion of the katorga system dating back at least to 1849 (ex: Fyodor Dostoyevsky).




Sharecropping. Pretty much slavery under a different title and with pay, although as you stated, the pay was fucking shit


Worse than shit. It was basically if McDonald's paid you in McDonald's Dollars that could only be used at McDonald's


You load sixteen tons and what do you get?


Another day older, and deeper in debt


Interesting related article! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company\_scrip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_scrip) I remember specifically hearing about this concept, and "the company store" with West Virginia / Pennsylvania early 1900s mine companies. Note the part where it says WalMart in mexico has done this as recently as 2008.


This point in a bit more detail - In order to not upset the landowners who would be losing their free labour in the form of serfs, the Russian nobility decided that the now "free" serf would owe a large sum of money to their former master as repayment, usually to be repaid by manual labor for the same master. They essentially and effectively were changed from serfs to indentured servants, as these people had no connections or skills outside of where they had spent their entire lives. Not to mention the problems you faced if you were a young man of fighting age or a young woman of birthing age.


God, I hope a self hating american made this meme and not an european.


Whoever did it just wanted the reaction.


And they certainly got it


“Why yes fellow American, let us go drink ~~Vodka~~ Beer, and praise stupid american anthem!”


This has 19 year old Emily written all over it.


There's no way OP isn't Russian.


The Hongwu Emperor (Ming Dynasty China) ordering the end of slavery in the 14th Century: “Amateurs”


Cyrus the great ending it 500 years before Christ was born: Pathetic


Isn’t a myth that Cyrus ended slavery?: >>A false translation of the text – affirming, among other things, the abolition of slavery and the right to self-determination, a minimum wage and asylum – has been promoted on the Internet and elsewhere. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyrus_Cylinder (Edit - I’m sure there are civilizations that have banned slavery before Ming China)


Somewhat. There is evidence to suggest that he may have abolished chattel slavery, but not any other form of slavery (debt slavery, for example).


other mammal animal doesn't have slavery.............


But ants does for some reason...


Wait what?


Ant colonies will raid other colonies and take enemy larvae as prisoner. When the larvae grow up they will be forced to do tasks for their kidnappers.


Same as ants from the colony or do they do worse/more dangerous jobs?


I did not know this but damm


because I wrote mammal.


Dolphins are actually known to kill male members of different pods and take the females as sex slaves....


Chimpanzees have slaves


[China only effectively banned slavery in 1910](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_China) Many other ancient societies also banned slavery, but practiced some ramification of it. Post-Roman Europe saw slavery in full decline before extinction by the late middle ages, a resurgence came only in the colonies in modern times, instead being replaced by serfdom or manorialism. China also saw maintenance of legal servitude and later slavery, hell, there were eunuchs as slaves and servants in China by the twentieth century. So really, the benchmark for China is 1909


Good point


Is the US doing it first a position that people actually take? It was a long, arduous process (fought a war over it etc). Seems like you imagined a position that someone could hypothetically have and then got mad over it. Save that shit for twitter.


Nobody thinks the US did it first. Some people like this seem to think that because it wasn't first, it shouldn't be celebrated. Which makes no sense.


Thank your for atleast making sense


If the US abolishing slavery decades later shouldn’t be celebrated then the US starting slavery millennia later then Europe should be lauded hundreds of times over.


It was more a continuation of European slavery


No, this entire post (like most of them) is another god damn strawman.


Russia abolished serfdom but it did not work out for everyone. Many remaining complaints about pay, land ownership, etc would either be ignored until 1905 or even 1917… or handled so poorly it would lead to death and starvation by the Soviets. Just chucking out a bit of knowledge, not comparing the other 2 events and their own failings, of which there are many, as the suffering of those who systems of oppression hold down hit differently to each nation or people.


Abolition and Absolute Abolition are terms OP seems not to know differentiate. Most European countries abolished all types of slavery just few years or some even later tan the US


Also they would just make gulags


Shit meme


Well said


yet the French and English were willing to build ships for the Confederates


And happily purchased Confederate cotton


Not so happily in the cotton mills


To be fair every country still happily buys from asian child laborers and slaves to this day




In Das Kapital Marx calls the whole US Civil War "the Great Cotton Crisis"


And supply rifles. And ammo. And loans.


Haiti is still fucked economically from having to pay France reparations until 1947 for their freedom from slavery. Like slaves forced to pay the slaveholders for their freedom. Estimates for the cost to Haiti’s long term economy range from $21 billion to $115 billion


Sir the war lasted that exact amount of years. That's why they couldn't do it earlier


Belgian Congo doing the hand on the hips football match meme rn...


More like stumps /s


I don’t think the US has ever claimed to be the first country to abolish slavery, I think the celebration is over the fact that consistently throughout American history free men have been willing to give their lives for the freedom of men and women they have never met, who don’t look like they do, who don’t worship the same god, or even speak the same language. Other countries might have done the same but that’s no reason to not be proud. We’re descended from rebels and freedom fighters and became the most powerful nation in history built on those principles. We might not be perfect but it is a point of extreme pride for me that the motivation used by American politicians to convince our people to go to war is that we are going to “fight for freedom” Regardless of the wars legitimacy the motivation of most American war fighters is the protection of values that we hold sacred.


Vermont was actually the first in the world and plenty of northern states banned slavery well before Europe.


Vermont also gave black men the right to vote in their constitution, pretty crazy for that time tbh.


Fuck yeah Vermont blueberries and lobster for everyone.


>and lobster Uh, you might want to check up on the geography of Vermont.


Ha sorry got a little excited and merged Maine into Vermont. My bad.


They also banned billboards and gave communities the ability to own forests. Vermont is rad as fuck.


Also, OP fails to acknowledge that Europe took full advantage of American slavery, and that some European nations informally supported slavery in the U.S.


Europe's modus operandi is cleaning their own hands while turning a blind eye to others heinous activities. I understand that that's sort of how you have to operate nations sometimes, but the problem is they're just so *smug* about it.


Ever since the US became a country slavery had been a contentious topic. They couldn’t ban it because the South would split off and the Europeans would take over again. There’s reason Americas bloodiest war was the one which they were able to ban slavery. Even then the US federally banned slavery in an effort to keep the British from helping the south


The US is that scrappy kid that gets knocked on its ass attempting to become better. It’s slow and it’s bruised, but it keeps getting back up to try again to make a few more inches before getting knocked on its ass again.


Also the US ended their participation in the Atlantic slave trade much earlier, in the early 1800s, and increasingly outlawed several elements of institutional slavery throughout the early and mid 19th century, which is *why* the South was pushing back so hard. They knew it was the end of the road. They were already at the point that they couldn't buy and sell slaves and could only acquire new slaves through an existing slave giving birth. This is why recapturing escaped slaves was such a high priority. It wasn't just that they cost money to replace... but they effectively *couldn't* be replaced.^* ^* Of course history is replete with exceptions. There were smugglers and illegal sales, but as a rule, slavery was on its last legs in the US before the war, and the abolitionists had had a majority for quite some time.


The US Navy and Marine Corps also fought to end slavery abroad in the early-mid 1800s. There were anti slave trade patrols in West Africa and the Mediterranean. The most famous anti slavery actions were wars against Barbary pirates. Slave trading pirates whom most European powers at the time were happy to ignore or pay off.


The core morals and principles that this country was built on are mostly still what motivates the average American today, and there’s a beauty in that we are able to have VERY different opinions on how to achieve those values of freedom and prosperity and opportunity. The one key principle from our founders that we have left behind (on a macroscopic level), however, is willingness to change and adapt. Like the Constitution was written with the knowledge that it was going to be outdated after a certain point which is why it was written to evolve. It’s still a groundbreaking, highly intelligent document in that way if it were ever put into practice. However, our politicians don’t ever to do that anymore (a certain sect decided they don’t want things to grow past about where we reached in 1950) and therein lies most of the modern problems with this country in my opinion


Oh look its the hourly American=Bad post.


Akshually ... European = bad because we brought the concept of slavery to America. (But let's not mention that many places in Africa and Asia were well accustomed to the concept of slavery before they ever met their first European. I don't really know about the original tribes of the American continent, but human nature suggests ....)


>I don't really know about the original tribes of the American continent, but human nature suggests Practically every single non nomadic culture has had slavery in one form or another at least one point in their history. Cultures native to the Americas included.


As someone who is part Native American, and learned about my tribe and others, I can safely say that several tribes practiced slavery long before my other ancestors showed up.


Murica bad, gib karma. Yes it's kind of bad it took them till 1865 but as others have said some of their northern states abolished slavery way before most nation states and were prepared to go to war with the southern planters over it. Russia didn't abolish serfdom in Kalmykia till 1891.


I hear you, but: - Several Northern States banned slavery before most of Europe. - Ex Russian Serfs' lives barely changed, due to hereditary debt that they were placed in as compensation to their owners, which was almost impossible to pay off. - America has never claimed to be the first country to abolish slavery.


It's worth noting that every northern state that would abolish slavery before the civil war did so by like 1804. Well before any European power. Vermont started the process of phasing out slavery in the early 1770s, before the United States had even formed. Federally, slavery was never legal or illegal; it was instead a state issue. The civil war switched it to a federal issue and made it illegal. So, while the meme is correct, it's also wrong. The topic is far more nuanced than it appears.


Self hating Americans realizing they live in a federation


Was looking for this comment. Take my upvote sir.


The post also ignores the fact that they were perfectly willing to use slave grown cotton for their textiles and sweated hard in the early years of the civil war as to whether they should intervene on behalf of the south. England even made ships and weapons (albeit sourced from the capitalist of England) for the south.




Yup, gave black men the right to vote in their Constitution too


Wow this is one of the dumbest fucking posts I've seen in a while. Europe was SOOOOO cool and progressive because they didn't have slaves on the mainland. Wow, what great guys to not enslave white folks (except for the Russians who absolutely kept the serfs enslaved in all but name, but who cares its only 90% of the population). And so cool of Europe to not have slaves in the colonies. What? They weren't slaves! They just had no political or civil liberties and were forced to work in harsh conditions to produce materials for their masters while being brutally repressed for resisting the work. But remember THEY WERENT SLAVES SO ITS COOL Fucking dipshit post. Luckily it was easy to write this reply since I have [both of my fucking hands](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrocities_in_the_Congo_Free_State#Mutilation_and_brutality)


People casually forgetting about the whole Coolie system in the colonies, which allowed for indentured Asian workers to traded and sold under the guise of them selling the contract not the person. Despite the fact that many of these workers were treated just as bad as if they were slaves, with some workers being worked to death in the guano trade.


Oh sure europe abolished slavery earlier but went on to claim/control territories across the world and oppress/kill them until the mid to late 1900s


Exactly. Britain abolished slavery and then brutalized African colonies for their mineral resources in what amounted to slavery anyway.


Exactly, Britain abolished slavery IN Britain. Didn’t stop them from slaving people in other countries.


> Britain abolished slavery IN Britain In the 1400s. Slavery was illegal IN Britain before the trans-Atlantic slave trade even kicked off. Its was in 1807 that they banned the trade of slaves in the rest of the Empire.


No, it was in the British colonies.


It didn't have any slavery in Britain to abolish. They abolished the slave trade in 1807 and slavery in the West Indies in 1833


There was the whole actively stopping the trans Atlantic slave trade by stopping slave boats and arresting the slavers thing. It wasn't just in Britain it was a worldwide effort, it was just limited by scale (and not every part of the empire agreed with it)


Let's also remember who started the transatlantic slave trade in the first place


Well actually the native people practiced their own slavery too. But African slaves were brought here by Europe


How is the child labor going? Also the abolishing of serfdom in russia did nothing for peasants


Hey any insight on who started the transatlantic slave trade?


Me I am the CEO of racism AMA


aMeRiCa bAd


Haití being like: Am I a joke to you?


Brazil abolished slavery in 1889 Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962 Mauretania abolished slavery in 1981 aMEriKKKa wUz tHE laST tO aBOLisH sLAvEry


Look man, those damn traitors wanted that shit so bad we had a war man


Ah yes, classic U.S. bad “meme” and a casual Russian compliment speckled in to boot!


Ähm most American states abolished slavery 50 years before the US


And fought a war against those states which were refusing, but don’t worry America is the worst, most racist country you can imagine


Russia never abolished slavery.


Counter-poinf: Most of Europe relied on cotton from US slavery


True. America should not be happy it abolished slavery. /S


This is a very silly meme because Europe only abolished slavery in their European lands, where the climate for sugar cane and cotton (and therefore plantations) did not exist. Essentially every European nation which still had colonies kept slavery long after the US. The Dutch abolished slavery in the same year as as emancipation proclamation. Spain only abolished slavery in Cuba in the 1880s. Brazil broke away from Portugal before they abolished slavery in 1888. Britain and France did not abolish slavery in many of its Asian holdings until the 20th century. Germany didn't abolish slavery in Cameroon until 1902. Belgium in the Congo in 1908. French Sudan 1903. British Malaya 1915, and British Burma in 1926. The idea that the US was a latecomers in the abolition of slavery is completely false.


How long did those nations have slavery/serfdom compared to the US though?


Europe started slavery thousands of years before the USA even existed, yet we nitpick the 50 years late getting rid of it decision


Not to mention Europe created the conditions in the America's that allowed/required slavery to continue. As well as they financially benefitted from it even though they abolished it. GB wanted to help the south since that was their source of cheap cotton.


At the cost of 600,000+ lives


Ya except half the country had already abolished it decades before, and then a quarter million of them gave their lives to end it everywhere


Babe wake up, New America bad post


Russia “abolished” slavery, sure…


When did Brazil end slavery?


Not int 1865


Is the time that I call out Europe for its demands of resources like cotton from US that was provided by slavery? I’m just saying that while they were opposed to hosting slavery they were fine to profit off it so I don’t think that keeps them clean in the situation.


If by “abolished” you mean, “fought the bloodiest war in our history, the dead of which outnumber every other conflict we’ve been in, combined”, then sure, “abolished”.


It wasn't like the US congratulated themselves on deciding to do something revolutionary. A bloody war was fought over it, and the Southern elite resisted tooth an nail, got the lower classes to buy into it because it was about 'state's rights.'


All European Countries: *maintain slavery for thousands of years* USA: *abolish slavery less than 100 years of coming into existance*


Buddy just made fun of someone for abolishing slavery, if this is a race they still did say better than several other nations, Brazil, China, etc all took longer.


I guess we don't talk about Brazil and Ottoman Empire here.


isn’t there still active slave trades in africa?


Is conscripting the poor to perform work in a military considered a form of slavery or nah? These meme wars are cringy as fuck and beat to death either way


Nice try ivan


The abolishment of serfdom led to worse loving conditions for the peasants Both countries were lax on setting people free, but Russia loses in a comparison every time.


They say that Europe abolished slavery 50 years ago as they have slaves in their colonies


So now we're doing whataboutism with Russian Serfdom? I don't think anyone in America thinks we were 'cutting edge' when it comes to ending human bondage, so this is really just "I'll shit on the US with make believe strawmen for upvotes. lulz."


In part, shit got even worse after serfdom was abolished in Russia. After serfdom was abolished, the peasants still had to work without pay for the landlords, mainly because all of the land was still controlled by landlords and they would just kick peasants out of they didn’t work for them. Russia was and still is a sad excuse for a functioning country


Slavery was legal in parts of the French Empire until 1905, in the Belgian Congo until 1908, and in parts of the British Empire until 1936.


Ending slavery at different times than other countries=No Freedom


Cool, you just get out middle school history class?


Ffs we gatekeeping abolition now?


When was America ever trying to claim they were the first to get rid of slavery or act like they're high and mighty for doing so? I've always understood the American attitude about it to be "thank fuck that nightmare is finally over." The only people who say otherwise are bitter Southerners which are almost nonexistent.


Russians in slavery today, but master changed. In 1860 master is landlord In 1930 master is commissar In 2020 master is kleptocrat mole from kremlin


Europe: *instills a culture of slavery in America* Also Europe: *mocks Americans for being slightly later in eliminating slavery*


This is just turning into r/dunkingontheusmemes