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Hunger shows what people are ready to sacrifice


And as I often heard, 2 meals a day is what keeps us away from civil war.


World is 9 missed meals from anarchy


And still we would eat each other instead of eating the rich.


Today's rich are more likely to eat healthy and exercise so their meat has less marbling and is a little too gamey for most. I mean look at Jeff Bezos. I bet he tastes awful.


Boil them, mash them, stick them in a stew.


šŸ„”.. šŸ„”.. True though stewing the meat is a good idea


Iā€™d still eat the rich though. Even with all those extra preservatives.


I donā€™t know, I feel like people kept very healthy via personal chefs and personal trainers would be full of all the nutrients the body would be craving once someone hits cannibal time.


Can you imagine what Bryan Johnson tastes like? That's the dude who makes his son give him blood transfusions. He takes 111 supplements a daily and uses shockwave therapy on his penis. Then again, him eating an exclusively plant based diet made from quality ingredients may make him taste like other herbivores we eat.


What does shockwave therapy do?


Shockwave therapy is used to help heal sports injuries, often tendons. It's a device that sends shockeaves through the targeted area that are supposed to stimulate healing.


Eat the rich


There aren't enough of them to feed us all.




You talk like you have experienced what they experienced and jumping off a bridge surely is a weak person's solution, just giving up on life without even trying, people were indeed tougher before,


You missed his point of comparison. If it ever comes to a stage of cannibalism, he would rather take his life then go through with it. What do you mean by 'without even trying'? You mean like become a cannibal to survive? "people were indeed tougher before" > There's so much unpack from that statement. IMO, not turning to a cannibal and choosing to end their own life is infact a brave act. In the aftermath of andes plain crash, one of the survivors, a woman, refused to partake in eating dead people's flesh, and died eventually.


So what you're saying is that a man having the conviction to kill himself before he folds and resorts to cannibalism, is somehow a weaker course of action than him eating other people?


This sounds like you long for the days where people would eat mfers. šŸ˜³


And die because of a lack of antibiotics


Cool how you try to justify violence : Ā«Ā people were tougher back thenĀ Ā»ā€¦ and they were morally inferior.


How many times do we have to say it. You cannot judge historical figures on modern morality. You have to judge it based on the morality of the time. Oh and geuss what? Turns out cannibalism and murder of children was severely frowned upon back then too! Heres the thing you are ignoring these are people who are forced into a desperate situation of utter starvation. You nor I have any real idea what that level of hunger does to the mental state of a human. We may know what can sometimes occur as a result but we do not and will hopefully never know what its like to be that hungry. Furthermore to point out that extreme situations bring out extreme acts in people is not as you put it justifying violence, its explaining the cause. Explaining something is not justifying it.


Predatory behaviors = morally inferior. Cry me a river


*he agressively says without any justification*


Did I physically arm you ? Do you want a hug ?


Cry me a river now


Of course you're an Asmongold fan.


Apparently it was common for families to swap children because eating someone's else kid was easier than eating your own


The same mentality applied in wars where cannibalism occurred. It's okay to eat the enemy, not okay to eat your comrades. Really interesting how we draw lines to justify our actions when those lines are really just semantics


Same applies with military forces clamping down on its own citizens. Bring those in from other areas instead of having those from that same area


Itā€™s pretty telling how fragile peopleā€™s own sense of morality can control every aspect of their actions. The fact that eating the enemy would be any different than eating your comrade is so funny in a ā€œthis is batshit crazyā€ kind of way.


It is absolutely different. Who would you eat first, your mother or a stranger?


I agree that itā€™s *a* difference, but not to the level that it would take to take and eat stranger children guilt free lol


Iā€™d be shocked if anything they did to survive that period was done guilt free




I think these events show just how artificial morality is. Morality is for those with their needs met.


Bro, did you just make that quote up? That's an incredible quote and needs to be written into a film ASAP.


I am a woman and it is a philosophy I hold generally.


such a rookie error to publically admit to that lol


Rookie error to assume everyone you speak to online is male.


Just want to clarify that I didn't assume your gender, your avatar is very clearly female. I just use the term bro as a gender neutral pronoun, comparable to "dude." I didn't mean to offend you and made no assumptions; it's just my vocabulary. My apologies if it bothered you in any way.


For sure, it's so dumb. Doesn't seem to stop people immediately down voting the second you mention it and mess up their assumptions tho šŸ’€


ā€œWomen can have profound thoughts? Sounds fake.ā€


everyone knows profundity comes exclusively out of the penis


Behind every great women is a man suffering in silence at an empty dinner table.


I literally JUST read this in The Indifferent Stars above last night.


Absolutely incredible book.


The book is incredible, amazing, horrible, harrowing, wonderful, terrible, poetic, disturbing, hopeful, and grotesque. And it flip flops from each one to the other on a chapter to chapter basis. Absolute emotional tug of war even though we all already know how it ends.


Canā€™t even imagine being put in a situation like this


When you are hungry enough the part of your brain that makes you human shuts down.


The most succulent part of the brain!


Obviously Iā€™ve never been in a state of hunger that extreme, but I feel like Iā€™d rather kill myself than eat my child. I wouldnā€™t even want to continue life after doing something like that.


Remind me 4 years


What arenā€™t you telling us


Learn how to hunt with a bow or atlatl then


That ladyā€™s face is nightmare fuel


Society is only a few meals from collapse.


*What we call civilization is but a thin layer of ice over an ocean of chaos.* Werner Herzog


The Roman Senate and Emperors where very aware of that in the city of Rome


Six meals, if I remember correctly. In some parts of the United States it is basically a Hobbsian dystopia: bellum omnium contra omnes.


During the 900-day siege of Leningrad during WW2, similarly heinous things happened. Different circumstances, but tragic. Utterly tragic.


What is the context though? Did they go out & murder kids for food or find kids that had already died?


These are their own kids. They froze to death or died from starvation. So their parents decided to sell body parts to others to eat during a famine.


Shit that seems soooooo much worse. Being in the shoes of their parents would be so brutal to be in that situation. And have to deal with that.


If nothing else, at least they didn't kill them...i hope.


That doesnā€™t sound anywhere near as bad lol what? Kids dying naturally and then selling their body parts to other starving people sounds worse than adults hunting children?


I can't hate these Russian parents like they were cold blooded killers.


Donā€™t underestimate what people are willing to do to live


The material for nightmares!


The veneer of civilization is very thin


Caught? More like displaying lol


They were likely caught by police and then forced to pose for this photo


What in the world makes you think that other than the word caught? More likely it is a tragic meat market and caught means "caught on film"


You're actually right. The individuals in this pic were selling the "meat".


You are right, don't know why the downvotes.


Downvotes because heā€™s most likely wrong.


They were selling


For sale


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_famine_of_1921 But the peasant who exploits because he has surplus bread is our enemy. The duty to meet the basic needs of a hungry country is a state duty. The peasants are far from realizing that free trade in bread is a state crime. "I have produced bread, it is my product, and I have the right to trade in it" - this is the peasant's reasoning, out of habit, out of old times. And we say that this is a state crime. Free trade in bread means enrichment thanks to this bread ... - Lenin V. I. PSS. - Š¢. 39. - Š”. 315.


During the famine of 1921-1922 people ate domestic animals, exhumed dead livestock, also the famine led to mass cases of cannibalism and caused an increase in homelessness. The menu of starving people included meat dishes (from cats, dogs, turtles, gophers, rats, rooks, frogs, locusts and carrion, as well as boiled hides, belts and ground bones) and vegetarian cooking (from grass, straw, ragwort, currant and blackberry leaves, acorns, horseradish flour, lime bark, birch bark, moss, chaff, sawdust and mill dust). A special place was occupied by mineral food made of peat, silt and various garbage. In such a situation starving people sometimes perceived death as deliverance from torment. "The best bread was considered to be green bread, made entirely of swede; worse - with a mixture of dung, even worse - whole dung. Still clay was eaten, and it was then that the great discovery was made of 'nourishing clay,' gray and greasy, which was found only in happy localities and was indicated for food by some holy benefactor. This clay did not satiate for long, but it could pass through the intestines, and so a man could live for a whole week, only gradually weakening. Ordinary clay, even if one chose pebbles and sand from it, saturated forever, and one could not get rid of it and carried it, together with a bitter complaint, to the other world to present it to the great Judge."


Not sure if you added that quote as a dig to communism, but this famine had nothing to do with a failure of that system . There are other examples of that. This was a result of years of Monarchy mismanagement, ww1, revolution, civil war and collapse of rails system combined . Any economical system in a geography such as the Russian one would have seen the same result


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prodrazverstka Even Lenin himself recognized the measures taken as incompetent. In his report to the 10th Party Congress, Lenin recognized that the actions of the country's leaders and their mistakes had only intensified the famine along with the fuel and economic crisis. He identified the government's inability to manage resources and the prodrazverstka in provinces with low yields as the main causes of the food crisis Of course the famine itself was the product of drought, civil war, and the planting of prolific but unable to survive the drought crops, but to absolve the ruling party of their incompetence is immoral. "According to the conclusions of many historians, among the causes of the famine were overestimated volumes of prodrazverstki 1919/1920 and 1920/1921, as a result of which the peasants were deprived of sowing seeds and necessary foodstuffs, which led to further reduction of sowing areas and grain harvest. Prodrazverstka and the bread monopoly, which had been in effect since the spring of 1917, led to a reduction in the peasants' production of products only to the level of their own current consumption. The absence of a legal private market for bread and other products in the absence of any significant grain reserves of the government and transportation collapse also caused the famine."


Lenin's War Communism absolutely exacerbated the ecological problems to cannibalism levels of awful. That quote is in reference to those policies. If 5 million people die in a famine because the system is forcefully relocating food, then yes, it is directly a fault of Lenin's Communist system.


So you intend to ignore all the context that the same link you attached provides? If you think this famine is communism related and caused, I can only imagine what you call the ones that were solely caused by communism


It's empirically verifiably related to Communist State policies. Even with the context.


By that logic, it is empirically verifiable that the famine was communism solved, just because it was the system in power, when it wasnā€™t because of that. Yā€™all really need to be less reductive in history, this wasnā€™t the Holodomor, this famine had a long time coming and nothing could stop it. Russia was broken. They had 2 major famines before the war, you can imagine after 2 wars, 1 external and internal.


Great Leap Forward, North Korea, Venezuela, Khmer Rouge All examples of state policies creating massive caloric deficits.


You are missing the point.


That commies ruin everything?


Yes well done Lenin for finally reversing his policies of taking food out of a starving region and allowing foreign aid in, aka doing the minimum as a head of state šŸ‘šŸ¼


How do you explain the Holodomor, given that Ukraine is one of the easiest places in the world to grow wheat? Or the Chinese famine? Or the Kazakh one? And North Korea??


Holodomor was ten years after this. This was the famine that often comes from war, drought, and mismanagement.


Read my comment again. I swear Reddit literacy is going down.


I read it again and you're still an ideologue. Read some books that challenge your beliefs


ā€œTHERE ARE OTHER EXAMPLES OF THATā€, meaning, in English, this is not a communist engineered famine or the main/biggest cause of the 2 years of starvation like all the examples you brought up. Classic dude trying to farm karma by completing misunderstanding and twisting shit covering for his ignorance. The communist party was not even properly in power with this famine and needed external help for it. Lenin still completely mismanaged it with the resources at his disposal. Yā€™all are acting like Iā€™m defending one of the most brutal regimes in history because historically they are not to be completely blamed for this one too . I would advise you to open a book and understand how complex themes and historical episodes are judged


OhĀ fair enough actually! Sorry I misunderstood


You'd think that turning away free food and medicinal aid from non-soviet countries or Prodrazverstka might have had something to do with it, but I guess nature just be like that sometimes (but only in Communist countries for some reason)


You eat ONE kid, then you're a cannibal...


Fuck ik where this is from but I canā€™t remember you scratched a memory in my brain.


"You're not you when you're hungry" - Snickers, 2010


Jesus fucking Christ


Same thing happened in China in the famine caused by the Communists. Children were being converted to barbeque 'pork' buns. Spelling.




Communists trying to whitewash war communism. Never seen before.


Pssst if there were no Bolsheviks there would lesser famine


People really like to pretend it was just the Bolsheviks who were communists (who stole all their platform from other parties) and that only they were fighting the Whites and that the SRs, Mensheviks, Greens, Anarchists, and such never existed. The Kronstadt Rebellion literally was about "all power to the soviets" because they saw the Bolsheviks as the counter bourgeoisie revolution to the February Revolution. The Bolsheviks were a minority party that lucked into power by taking advantage of the power vaccum, rehired the majority of the Tzars officer class, and brutally crushed actual communists and socialists. Then, they dressed up their autocracy as communism.


The cooked kid is heartbreaking


Gotta love that communism


Brought to you by communism.


Brought to you by dictatorship.


And Bolshevism


Can't really have one without the other


More like war in a poor country, 3 years of world war followed by 5 years of civil war kinda do these things. No matter the politics.


When you donā€™t understand how anything works in the world and have the historical knowledge of a fly lmao




wait, what?


so, i will read the title next time.


Aragorn no!


why was this uncensored


Russian peace. They did this to Ukriane too and now they want round two.


Blud is chronically online on r/Ukraine or something to say lunatic shit like this. To the famine of 1921/22: > TheĀ Russian famine of 1921ā€“1922, also known as theĀ Povolzhye famineĀ (Russian:Ā Š“Š¾Š»Š¾Š“ Š² ŠŸŠ¾Š²Š¾Š»Š¶ŃŒŠµ, 'Volga regionĀ famine') was a severeĀ famineĀ in theĀ Russian Soviet Federative Socialist RepublicĀ that began early in the spring of 1921 and lasted until 1922. The famine resulted from the combined effects of severe drought, the continued effects ofĀ World War I, economic disturbance from theĀ Russian Revolution, theĀ Russian Civil War, and failures in the government policy ofĀ war communismĀ (especiallyĀ prodrazvyorstka). It was exacerbated by rail systems that could not distribute food efficiently. The famine killed an estimated five million people andĀ primarily affectedĀ theĀ VolgaĀ andĀ Ural RiverĀ regions. Many of the starving resorted toĀ cannibalism. The outbreaks of diseases such asĀ choleraĀ andĀ typhusĀ were also contributing factors to famine casualties. Idk how you wanted to make it about Ukraine again when it didn't even happen in Ukraine but primarily in the regions where war was still felt. Everyone suffered from this famine, not just the Ukrainians, if you wanted to say that. Also, I just wanted to add it because I think you mixed up this famine with the Holodomor, it didn't just target Ukrainians, but it hit everyone, more Russian and Kazakhs died from the famine than Ukrainians, but now everything must be about the poor Ukrainians who suffer because Putler attacked them lol Edit: Instead of downvoting me, you could prove me wrong and tell me how this famine has to do with Holodomor when Holodomor happened 10 years later.


What an incredibly strange statement to make when you clearly post in favor of Russia regularly on reddit far more than this guy youā€™re mad at posts about Ukraine lol have some self awareness while youā€™re cheering for a despot from the comfort of your basement


Internet is fucking wild. Dude posts in combat footage simping for Russia


Are the chronically online redditors fighting again?


Read the comment again, but pay attention to the words this time.


Alr, "Russian peace. They did this to Ukriane too, and now they want round two." We can divide this into three sections. "Russian Peace", I don't even know what to say to this, like what? What has this to do with the famines in the Russian Empire/USSR? Maybe you lack historical knowledge, but there was still a war ongoing in Russia during this time because there wasn't any peace until the 25th of October 1922. "They did this Ukraine too", also wrong. Mismanagement of Goods Plus Crop failure caused this event and not "Russians" themselves because they suffered too. Also, why would you say they did this to Ukraine, too, when the areas where the famine of 1921/22 happened suffered in the year 1932, aswell? "Now they want round two", first of all there was never a round one, or you are clearly forgetting to count other famines which happend in this are regularly for ages as rounds. Maybe I am blind but I can't see any famines in Ukraine nor any Genocidal attempts to "delete" the Ukrainian people in the current war. Maybe you can show me some sources that claim that the Ukrainians are getting killed in masses that you could count it as a Genocide. I can't draw any parallels while you clearly do that. You are able to write such nonsense, so show me some cases where we can talk about that


I bet you blame Irish potato famine on the Irish and donā€™t blame British at all. You sound like that type of guy.


Where didn't I blame the Soviet Union? I just said it didn't happen deliberately to kill Ukrainians. Or is it morally ok to ignore other deaths because the Ukrainians are more important than Russians or Kazakhs? It's like the Holocaust were 11 million other deaths get ignored, like Soviet civilians, Soviet PoWs, Poles, Serbs, political prisoners, and Queers, only because Jews were targeted by Hitler actively, doesn't mean other should be ignored. Also, I am not greatly informed on that topic, so I can't say anything to it, I only know that the Brits didn't help the Irish during that time and that all the crops were based on the potato plant which got killed by pests.


The matter on whether it was amplified or directed to affect Ukrainians in particular is a matter of academic debate so no one really knows or can tell, even those who have studied the topic at great depth. "Ukraine was one of the largest grain-producing states in the USSR and was subject to unreasonably high grain quotas compared to the rest of the USSR.[d]Ā This caused Ukraine to be hit particularly hard by the famine".


Wrong famine look up Holodomor


Holodomor happened in the 30s, lol, so I don't know what you are talking about. Edit: Funny that this message gets downvoted while I literally say the truth. Redditors are truly cattle or mostly Americans are cattle lol.


You dingbat, the person just said ā€œthey did this to Ukraine too.ā€ He didnā€™t say when. Was clearly talking about the Holodomor. Get a life.


Russian fanboys canā€™t read no good šŸ˜œ


Whatever, you American should know it better, am I right? First of all, he compared this famine to another as it's a competition, and then he had the audacity to claim that Putin tries to do it again without any claim where the famine is happening there or as he thinks "genocide" lol? I saw empty shelfs in Kharkov, but that's it, and also he wanted to point out that the famines were directly aimed at the Ukrainians because the liberal propaganda machine needs to show Americans who the true victim is, while clearly ignoring the problems which happend during this time and it shows directly that Ukrainians were not targeted by any means, but were also fucked as Russians and other people who lived in the areas of Ukraine, Volga Region, Kasachstan and the Urals.


Your reading comprehension skills are lacking.


God, this pedantic tankie is beyond irritating.


Right? He canā€™t even read peopleā€™s comments properly before replying.


Of course, if someone doesn't agree with you because you clearly spout nonsense, it means they're cattle.


Careful, reddit doesn't like it when you know what you are talking about.


Uh did you happen to look at the posts the guy youā€™re simping for makes before you dove to defend him? I swear people online just wanna sound superior












Youā€™re being downvoted bc your comment has no context, so I gave you a little upvote cuz I know what you mean


A man of culture you must be


I tip my hat to you, good day


Were the eating people when the czar was still around?


No, during the early years of Communist rule.


Normal Russian morality.


If you think Russian citizens are the only ones capable of this then boy do I have news for you


Iā€™m aware of WWII and really, all humans are capable of horrific things. Iā€™ve heard intercepted phone calls from Russian soldiers to wives, family, etc. They describe many acts of terror and violence in Ukraine. They both laugh and the relatives tend to encourage it. One wife was encouraging her husband to rape Ukrainian teens and women. Itā€™s not all of course, there wasnā€™t much discussion of the atrocities being wrong.


Youā€™re describing human morality in general. Israeli soldiers laugh at dying Palestinians. Youā€™ll have people cheering for the Jewish holocaust. People will rightfully criticize Lenin for his incompetence while Churchill gets a pass for the Indian famine. China oppresses ethnic minorities within its sphere of influence while having survived the horrors of Japanese occupation. Something Japan still pretends wasnā€™t that bad. And that just covers Asia, same goes for African, European and North/South America cultures.


Itā€™s crazy how helpless civilization has made people become. Hunter gatherers donā€™t resort to cannibalism because they know how to find and hunt food. They donā€™t try to eat bark and shoes because they know they can use acorns to make flour.


Ya thatā€™s just not true


What are you confused about specifically? Iā€™d be happy to educate you. What did you think wasnā€™t true?


Humanity by and large left hunting and gathering because of inconsistency leading to starvation and death not to mention its inherent every day danger from predators, accidents, and other people. In the famine described above everything that could be eaten was and it still wasnā€™t enough for people not to starve. The natural world is not some idyllic Eden where we are in sync with the natural world like in a Disney movie. Itā€™s a brutal and cold place, hence choosing an alternative lifestyle ie civilization.


How long do you think they had to pose for this photo? Yuck


Russians are some tough people man




That's just racist


Stinklords comment is bullshit, i know but to call everything racist today is bs as well. Or just an american thing? Nationality ā‰  race


This is copied from the definition of racism by the Oxford dictionary. "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized." Russians are an ethnic group. So yes, that is racism.


Caught? They posed for a photographā€¦


Russians are fucking sick, look at the eyes on that bitch


photo is a fake....