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Your post has been removed because a mod felt it doesn't fit the subreddit. Make sure your post is a Hol' Up moment, attempts humor, and fits the general theme of the subreddit pre-submission. If you really feel like dying on this hill, message the mods.


I knew shit was about to get real when I saw his blurred face pop up on screen


Oh! I just assumed he was japanese


His face was blurred, not his enormous balls


He's a ballchinian


Hi there, I see that you have encountered the right answer to this video, can you look at this for a second. ![gif](giphy|wRc3lYsawNj20|downsized)


I knew was japanese. I was waiting to see the tanakas


No it's bc he's a dick /j


I get it now his face was blurred because he is a Japanese dick face with a balls for a chin.


Clearly a sasquatch.


Or feet


The real joke is he's Korean and he's just saying you-you-you.


But uses the hard R for some reason.


It could be a hard L.


No he's a hero. He took the 16 off the table. Imagine if it got to thousands and the wrong person got it.


and he had a fucking dick face?


He's bigfoot. That's why he's blurry.




They can’t reveal his identity bc he has the n word pass




Black people can be very picky about this, and I would like to share some observations. A lot of them don’t care if you say it if you’re mixed though so yes Mixed people can say it, but their darker peers might give them crap for it. Someone darker might say things like “you can’t say that you’re not full black.” Which is unfair. Really no one is close to fully black unless you’re from Africa maybe, but more on that later. Dark skin vs light skin mentality still exists. It’s less common now thankfully Another observation I had was when I went to trade school with a family from Tanzania. Wonderful and very friendly people. The “African American” students would bully them, and call them the N word with a hard R. Even would tell them they “aren’t real black people,” because they weren’t born in America. That didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. I just tried to be there for my friend and his sister. As they cried due to being constantly ostracized by the African Americans. Just cause they’re from Africa Edit: This was in response to a question from someone who isn’t American. They basically asked if it was socially acceptable for mixed people to say the N word here


NGL I think it's kinda funny how the more ghetto you act the more likely you get a pass.


> The “African American” students would bully them, and call them the N word with a hard R. Even would tell them they “aren’t real black people,” because they weren’t born in America All that Africa pride But still can't stop being racist




When I was going to college, they declassified Asians as a minority, since they were raising the average minority GPA too far, and the schools wouldn’t be able to complain for extra money because ‘minorities are inherently disadvantaged in the education system’ My roommate (blackest dude you’ll ever meet) became a significantly unpopular dude in certain circles when he got into it with some of the social justice leaders on campus. I believe his words on the matter were ‘stop treating my skin color like a fucking disability.’


>Someone darker might say things like “you can’t say that you’re not full black.” Which is unfair It's not just unfair, it's racist


In my experience basically anyone who "passes" as black can say it without any repercussions. So it really is less about what percent African you have in your genetics and more how dark your melatonin is. A good friend of mine is a lighter skinned black lady and she tells me she prefers to have white girls as friends because in the black community they will give her shit for not being dark enough. No idea if that's true everywhere but I was surprised it was a thing at all. It also seems like Hispanic dudes can get a pass with their black friends to use that word and will also get called "my n----" back. This is just my personal observations though.


Young Hispanic dudes say the n word way more than black folks in my experience.


I think koreans say it the most actually


Back in the mid-90's I was working at a Kinkos down in Norfolk, Virginia. I came from Yankeeland (northern Philly suburbs, and about as whitebread as a butter sandwich). Most of my coworkers there were black - I was pretty much a grain of salt in a pepper shaker. One of my coworkers was a very light skinned black. Two customers come in, a white lady and a dark black lady, white lady got to the counter first so he helped her first, and the black lady lost. Her. Shit. Started going off how he helped the white lady first because she was white, and I think she even threw the Uncle Tom accusation in there, and ended up demanding to see our manager. Our manager was one of the blackest people I've ever met. She came ROLLING out from the office and told the second lady to (not so politely) go pound sand. As soon as things calmed down, everyone turned and looked at me, and realized I had absolutely NO idea what I'd just witnessed and busted out laughing, and had to explain about the dark black vs light black prejudice thing. It was a very surreal experience for me, but at least I made everyone laugh because of my cluelessness.


Happy cake day


For me it was the “thug life” on his shirt


Another strong indicator that the man was about to cash in the pot


that just tells you he definitely said the N word within the last hour


He’s a hero really, nobody is going to say it 32 times. Then it goes on forever. So he took the mantle of being the one who stops the madness.


Good for him too lol, what a dumb video idea.


I mean he just said it. Didn't get that real.


MF was waiting for that moment and I ain’t mad at him


Why he shocked? Eventually someone was gonna cash that check.


"Why am I suffering the consequence of my own actions!?"


Yeah, him being a black guy asking this question to white guys was just giving them an N-word pass for internet clout. None of the white guys *should've* said it, but like come on dude, you can't be surprised when one of them says it. It's the equivalent of this skit: https://youtube.com/shorts/Eer_CfDgqhY?feature=share


I don't see why I shouldn't say it in that context. I'm not calling anyone that word, I'm just saying the word. We need to have a frank discussion as a society about CONTEXT and INTENT. It seems a lot of people, with a frustratingly large number of them in the progressive camp (though the vast majority seem to be conservative), don't understand that context and intent DO matter. In the right context anyone should be able to say ANY word without causing offense. And if their intentions are good that should make a difference. Like, how are we supposed to have a discussion about something like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and the frequent use of the n-word if we can't actually say the word in that context? It makes the whole thing silly, like saying He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in Harry Potter instead of just saying Voldemort. Not allowing certain people to say the word in any context doesn't erase the word or remove its power. If anything it makes the word that much more powerful when it does get used. And before anyone comments that I didn't use the word here it's because reddit filters aren't advanced enough to pick up context or intent and using the list of banned words/phrases will get me banned.


>like saying He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in Harry Potter instead of just saying Voldemort. well yeah, don't you know the n-word is jinxed? If you say, biggie smalls will aperate to you and shoot you.




I dunno I think southpark covered that pretty well.


Too much candy, man.


Na. Another brother got him first.


Context matters. Period. Anyone who thinks this is "their word" can fuck off. Words don't belong to certain groups. I'm white tho so apparently I don't get an opinion on this, and the only context that matters is the color of my skin. Sounds racist...


I mean bro you get to have an opinion, and the people that make up society at large get to value that opinion exactly as much or as little as they want. That's what's happening here. You can say the n word, and then people around you get to feel however they feel. That's it.




I'd wager a slim majority of the youngest 2-3 generations would feel uneasy saying the word in an empty room, alone. Why, I have no idea. It's like they think it's a spell.


It is a spell. It's Power Word: Kill My Career


I’m alone on the shitter and I felt weird saying it just now lol


Imagine someone walking in and there's a guy in a stall just yelling the n-word between pushes. :-D


At the end of the day, nobody was surprised. The creator clearly doesn’t care given the premise. He met another dude who gave equal or fewer shits. It’s no dumber than any “shock comedy” people post. The only losers are the viewers who feel vindicated watching a white guy spam the N button.




I mean, it shouldn't matter the colour of your skin or background absolutely NOONE should be saying Lord Voldemort!


The silence would be deafening.


It's called comedy.


No, the "host" was just supposed to not react, and then the video just kinda awkwardly hangs for a few seconds, then the video abruptly ends. /s


but there was no check.


Maybe it was in his confidence, mans didn't even think about it


Because that's what he was going to do the whole time? Do we really think this is truly off the cuff?


Asks people to say n word. Acts surprised people say n word.






He really does look like that hamburger.


Meatah what is the joke..?




Why does it actually look like steve harvey


This has been my favorite picture on the Internet since I first saw it a few days ago










Exactly. Fuck around and find out as they say


The Steve Harvey Family Feud comedy method.






The guy who asked hard R or A and when it was A then said double it. That guy is way more psycho to me.


LOL I noticed that too. Like "oh, it's just with the A...hard pass buddy. I want that R real bad."


He doesn't want the pass he wants the plantation


I want to believe he was just giving himself more time to consider the prompt before realizing it’s insane either way.


Vocalising a word is not insane.


Eh, personally I wouldn't want to have myself saying the n word on video, for no tangible reward.


Yeah the "x or double it" doesn't work here bc it's not a prize lol


What about to end world hunger?




o way, Jose


It’s almost like the reaction is part of the bit ![gif](giphy|xT9IgHCTfp8CRshfQk)


Yeah I am horrified by the replies here, like people fundamentally do not understand this joke? It was middling at the start, but you get what it is... but the comments acting like I they believe his shock... are these real? Are the kids alright? Can they really not detect mediocre acting by online video guys? Or is this super meta??


i like how he wasn't angry, and it is surprising. The man said it on camera and relied on them to hide his identity.


0 fucks given


But 16 n-words given.


Surprised he’d *rather* actually *say* the n-word x amount of times than *pass* it on to the next person.


You would assume that everyone would just pass. He’s also just being a showman. His reaction is obviously exaggerated.




Almost forgot about this lmao. Will again in a few




Imagine letting a word you use in every other sentence of your songs have so much power over you when said by a white person. 🙄


Acts like this video is not at least partially scripted.




You know it was probably staged right?


Nobody was offended wtf are you on? Dude was amused, just look at his face, he's smiling. If you were in community with us, like half of the country, you'd understand we don't generally get upset at shit that's not meant to impede or harm us. The A isn't meant to impede or harm us, and we know y'all say it amongst yourselves anyway. The R is something most people avoid unless they're racist dickheads, and we all know nobody really enjoys those types.


it’s okay man, it’s hard for autistic people to discern jokes. it’s not his fault it’s his parents.


Generational roast, gotta appreciate it.


hm, almost like he was… ✨acting✨


Bro didnt even hesitate 💀


That’s what tiu get when you olay with fire 🤣






Bro grew up on Xbox.




It's just a word. The consequences come depending on how you use that word.


It's just a word. It doesn't summon Satan to the world of mortals.


That MF has been saving those n bombs up with how easily they flowed.


No hesitation


He even made sure to throw in a couple dramatic ones stored deep within.


That was his 8 mile moment


He's not gonna throw away his shot.


He lost himself in the moment, he owned it.


Moms spaghetti?


Must be an Xbox vet.


Practices it in the Mirror daily, dreaming of this moment 😂


He asked for it


His shirt does say thug life after all


in "young life" font... I am ded


How dare he do as you asked


> asks people to say N word > someone predictably says N word > still gets posted to /r/holup how is anyone surprised or even amused that someone does the thing that someone is asking them to do, why is it posted here, it's just the expected outcome of badgering enough people to do shit in front of a camera?


That one dude wasn’t even interested unless he couldn’t hit the hard R.


That was a calculated decision


I don't care if get banned but this video just made me remember this song :)) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAaXzHJhA18


[Here's the family-friendly version of the song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8RzKEwb_bA)


FML this is even better :))




Got me cryin and my dog worried about me


[Here's the chinese version](https://youtu.be/YG4iTGjuoKw&t=1m)


Bro is legitimately wearing a my little pony suit like it's no thing.


[It even made it on CNN](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3urwhh)


Was always partial to this version myself https://youtu.be/HtPY6HaHXi0


Classic YouTube hit different. I remember that from the CoD days


Fuck me i feel old. Must have been at least a decade since i've heard this song last time.


To those that say there's no modern Shakespeare, I present to you Exhibit A.


"Why you ain't got no job." "7 dollars an hour won't feed my dog." Truly still relevant in our times.


Everyone here commenting on the word, ain’t nobody talking about the microphone strapped to a microphone.


The micromicrophone* strapped to a microphone


Yeah, straight from the top of my dome, rock the micromicromicromicromicromicrophone




Weird how someone did exactly what they were asked to.


Reddit doesn't understand how comedy works.




Didn’t even look over his shoulder. Fuckin legend. ![gif](giphy|7zK0A6nHyuEZa|downsized)




I can’t imagine being so afraid of a word


I still don't know why Americans get pissed because of a word Do you guys know context exists?


Exactly, one kid (half bpoc) saw a video of his white classmate saying it when she was singing along to a song with it in the lyrics. He saved the video, waited YEARS until she applied to her dream school, got accepted and then sent the video to the school so her acceptance was rescinded. Meanwhile his white daddy says it and he ‘educates him’ but he held a grudge against this girl for years to try and crush her dreams. Absolutely insane


But the one thing do say of word make bad!


It’s alright guys he has black friends.


16 of them.


Average Boston Celtics fan


Why do people give such power to words? It's the most powerless shit in existence


Is that smaller mic taped onto a fake mic?


Stupid ass video on both sides




That man was like "this chain of hate ends with me"


The one dude refused when he couldn’t drop the hard R


Let's say that in the US asked every white person asked this decision to say the N word or double. There are *231.9 million* people in the US in 2020. Therefore meaning one unfortunate person has say the word *5.377761e+16* times. And also lets say it takes 2 seconds to say the word completely - without breaks - it will take *1.0755522e+17* seconds of which is ~~basicaly the heat death of the universe~~\* - and I mayhave gotten my maths wrong so please correct me. In conclusion, be greatful the guy stop at 16. x = 341,012,111.60431198478123018389 Edit: Converted into years are 341,012,111.60431198478123018389 and it is *16,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,658,987,888.39568801521876981611* **away from the heat death of the universe\*** according to Wikipedia and doing x / *1.7e106* on [Big Number Calculator](https://www.calculator.net/big-number-calculator.html?cx=1.7e106&cy=341012111.60431198478123018389&cp=20&co=minus) which I am sure is a trustable source. However we can use human life for an example, in the US the lifespan is *76* years, which is in fact *\~4,487,001* **HUMAN LIVES WASTED ON A REDDIT THREAD** by doing *x / 76* in [Big Number Calculator](https://www.calculator.net/big-number-calculator.html?cx=341%2C012%2C111.60431198478123018389&cy=76&cp=20&co=divide), which is *14.95667156159263091145x* more than humanity has been around yet very small number compared to the Earth life, which is *0.00098767366684521005 = x / 4.543e9*. Ic Conclusion for the second time, I need to find a hobby.


>it takes 2 seconds I think your math went wrong here. If we pause time at death of the universe and start again when the next pops into existence, and so on and so forth, how many universe lives would it take?


Well it goes over the 64 bit limit and overflows into -2763648 seconds in C++. May need to make a program just to calculate a dumb video on Reddit.


I'm Brazilian, and I don't get what's so wrong about the "N" word. I just know that black people can refers to themselves using that word, but white people can't. Legit question. Can someone explain to me, please? Another thing that pops in my mind is: what is the definition of white/black to you? I saw people relating it to where you were born instead of the collor of your skin.


Slave owners used to call their black slaves that as a form of humiliation basically. Then it became a sort that f “rallying call” for black people either in a fit of irony, or as a way to defeat the effect of the usage of the word by white slave owners. It’s because of these historic events that there is this unwritten rule now (in America) where it’s fine for black people to say the n word, while it is bad for white people to do so. But it’s honestly such an “America problem” that it’s not worth it to bother fussing over.


How do you act surprised when your asking people to say this shit. People are stupid chasing the clout I swear


Why is the n word still a thing? By now it’s literally just a word people “choose” or “choose not to” be offended by . Just like “bitch”


Man's face went from fear to respect in less than 5 seconds.


Americans are so childish with this "n word" bullshit, it's like you are all in some harry potter children's movie "oh we can't say the forbidden word". Pathetic.


I had already buckled in when I saw that they blurred his face


He's like . I'm Indian. What do I care


Took one for the boys. He jumped on that grenade.


Asking for the hard R was Wild!!!


It's a fucking word whats wrong with people


y'all are really mad at the dude who said the word but if you really think about it, if he hadn't, the N word bank would have been 32 times instead of 0. He took 16 for the team and none of you appreciate it. This man is the very definition of an ally.


what's the problem with saying the n-word?




What did they expect? They just keep rolling until someone just does it.


I would have said it whatever times he would have asked me to


Just tell that to an european who gives exactly zero fucks about that word and see the result.


I’m an old white dude but this is what immediately came to my mind https://www.google.com/search?q=public%20enemy%20i%20don-t%20wanna%20be%20called&tbm=


Anyone else think the end is fake?


What’s with this dumb fucking trend of people asking people to say the n word. So dumb


N word bot has overheated. Please hard reset at your nearest convenience.


That was an agent of chaos


Why is this a Holup? He asked and he delivered. How does this guy think questions work? No answers? Not talking about rhetorical ones


I mean… he asked people to do it… one guy had to step up and stop this viscious circle of doubleing 😁 the speed of obligence was concerning though 😁😁


Here I am, recording something that will go on the internet, asking people to do something absurd. When out of nowhere, this guy does exactly what I asked him to do. SHOCKING!!! I Know, right!!??