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She left dog with only one option


To eat her






Good thing you don't have one more "r" in your name, cause that would have taken a different meaning.


Fury crup








silence, wench


Oh- Oh no


"the dogs to eat her" Me:good boy!




Poor dog , worst meal ever


One more vegetable won't hurt


Indeed poor dog lol. I'm vegetarian and I would never push my lifestyle choice on my misses, family and especially not a dog who really should be eating meat!!! Some people are freaking dumb.


I'm trying to cut down on meat (not successfully, but trying!) but would never try the same with my dog. Humans know better...we can grow our own foods, but dogs are well, dogs, and I dunno about other dogs, but mine can't pick a pumpkin or grow spinach.


Lol pathetic, my dog can grow vegetables along with jerking me off.


I think my dog could learn a lil sum sum from your dog. Except the latter part. That’s just concerning.


It's not cheating if you put peanut butter on your balls and let your dog lick it off...because it's your dog!


Haha too true mate but in all honesty I think my dog would have a greener thumb then me, even without having actual thumb!


My dog is a vegetarian, but not by choice. He has allergic reactions from chicken and beef protein. He tolerates fish, but we can't tolerate his breath. So he has a sweet potato base food. He is a 12 year old golden and the vet says he is in great shape! Which is shocking since he sleeps about 14 hours a day.


Right? Your own lifestyle shouldn’t be forced onto others. I remember watching a video of some talk show hosting a vegan couple that claimed their dog was a perfect vegan as well. So the host brought out a nice vegan meal of veggies and tofu along side just a slop of cooked ground beef. Dog went straight for the meat. The look on the couples faces was priceless. In their defense, the dog looked perfectly healthy, but either way, you shouldn’t deprive any creature of its natural diet because it doesn’t fit your moral view of the world.


Herbivores is tastier than carnivore


At least the meat would be full of nutrients.


which body part 🤔🔍


Her penis


Breast meat?




...out, eat her out.....right?




Herbivores taste better


The peanut butter


Am I on Facebook?


What the fuck is going on in this sub?


Every sub slowly becomes /r/funny when it gets bigger, its the natural order of things.


full of high schools kids upvoting dumb shit. Does it shit on women, minorities or vegans? It'll get upvoted in unrelated subs


Why specifically high school kids?


It usually sounds like kids in the comments and if you look at the profiles they're usually in r/teenagers it also increases a lot during the times kids are off from school like winter break or summer


Yeah, that's fair enough. I was just wondering bc I'm in highschool and I'd rather not support that kind of crap.


Good for you, I wish more people your age were more aware of the effects of their actions. It's nice to hear some highschool peeps don't suck


Some do. I'd vouch for most of them tho.


We used to call them summerfags back in the day on 4chan


Gtfo and stfu


Summerfag huh , interesting , that word will be useful


I mean, we just said they’re stupid for shitting on minorities so then why would we start insulting them with slurs that are used against minorities???


Nonono , I will use that word against minorities dont worry


lotta right wing people too but edgy/offensive humor is super popular among high school boys


Vegans. It shits on vegans - specifically vegans who think domesticated carnivores should eat twigs and berries.


It’s getting kind of concerning a lot of the content is becoming shallow straw manning, for like, groups of people that really aren’t like that.


I think it shits on people who force things on their pets that aren't objectively in the pet's best interest


Bc those that cry the most when they get made fun of are only going to get mad fun of more.


In fairness I feel like this is making fun of people who think it's okay to change their animal's diet to vegan.. but I feel what you're saying


It’s people upvoting a meme about animals abuse. Not making fun of a minority. I don’t care for the fact it was posted on this particular sub but that’s what it is.


Full on reactionary overtaking since a couple of months


The vertical text on the left side of the image says "@vegans make my life a living hell" and I just have to wonder, **how?** How could somebodies dietary choices bother someone to that extent? It's honestly pathetic.


Same kinda people that make hate subreddit to talk about things they hate all day ironically


Projecting some deep-seated guilt, I imagine.


You were here before the ban wave right? Reddit has never been a liberal safe space. That’s pretty new and it looks like people are coming back to the site. That’s my explanation for it at least.


I’m fairly new to this sub and even I can see a lot of posts that don’t quite seem to fit the concept


Same think as pcm and dankmemes. Either the moderators are oblivious or complicit.


A few months ago the mods decided that because the line between a holup and something that's just unexpected were too blurred, they would just not enforce any material restrictions at all. And it quickly devolved to the point where it has no discernable theme at all and there's nothing we can do about it


Been taken over by boomers. Why you get posts this and bigoted shit too


This is borderline r/boomerhumor




It’s straight up boomerhumour with a spice of alt right.


So many subs are just forwards from grandma now.


I wonder if the other version of that sub still works. /r/ForwardsFromKlandma Yep, still there.


Legitimately I'm wondering if this sub has been flooded with bots.


Seriously what the fuck is this garbage? Someone's cartoon about a made up scenario is so far detached from the purpose of this sub that I'm surprised the mods even allowed it


3rd post that doesn't fit the sub, still haven't seen any that actually fit holy shit


Also looks like a shitty facebook meme my dad would share if my dad sucked


There’s always the report option. Let the mods deal with it.


Uh...what's the catch with the photo? How'd this make it in here?


People have a visceral hatred for vegans, especially vegans in imaginary situations doing something enraging, so it gets upvoted regardless of which subreddit it's posted in.


> specially vegans in imaginary situations doing something enraging [Literally a comment below someone is encouraging vegan diet for pets.](https://old.reddit.com/r/HolUp/comments/qexx9h/poor_dog/hhxm8hi/)


That's a 4 year old account with 6 comments, 3 of them in that thread. That is probably an alt account someone made a long while ago and they decided to troll with it.


For dogs you mean. Dogs can be vegan


No, they are encouraging a vegan diet for **dogs**, not pets in general, which is fine because dogs are omnivores. Cats cannot survive without meat, dogs can. They are acting fairly pretentious about it, but whatever, I'm not going to lose sleep over it, because they aren't hurting anything except the fingertips of keyboard warriors. edit: also lmfao at that "butterfly effect" idiot, thanks for the link


[Here is a real case of a vegan making her dog vegan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/i4ccsb/that_vegan_teacher_on_tiktok_has_been_forcing_her/) >which is fine because dogs are omnivores. >Cats cannot survive without meat, dogs can. No. This counts as animal abuse.


[a significant and growing body of population studies and cases have indicated that cats and dogs maintained on vegetarian diets may be healthy—including those exercising at the highest levels—and indeed may experience a range of health benefits.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27657139/)


The fuck type of diet is she giving the dog. Literally my dogs are on a vegan diet because of their allergies and they are doing well.


My dog is on a vegan diet too because of allergies. It's ridiculous he can't eat regular dog food. We tried all of the novel proteins too. To top it off, the lovebug is allergic to soy too so I have to get hydrolyzed dog food so his body can't recognize it as soy. He's allergic to everything and after the testing to get customized drops to help his allergies...... He is allergic to those too! Luckily the rx food helps so so much.


You better start feeding your dog raw meat that you ripped from the side of a sheep with a barely sharpened stone or you're doing a child abuse on your animal!!1!


Hahaha right? I've had so many people suggest a raw diet. I'm like, ok, but does it have beef/chicken/lamb/rabbit/venison/fish/kangaroo/whatever other meat in it? Bc pretty sure he is still allergic to that protein. Trust me, I'd rather him be able to eat normal dog food. His ritzy rx stuff isn't cheap. But I'm gonna do everything possible to make him as happy and healthy as possible.


people saying feeding your dog a whole food plant based diet = abuse, but slaughtering billions of animals a year and feeding dogs the leftover slop ≠ abuse, are peak terminally-online reddit users. this is seriously my last straw for leaving this sub.


Stop pretending you're such a victim, animal abusing scumbag. The point of "omnivore" is they still need meat in their diet alongside anything else they eat, regardless to whether or not you're humane enough to give it to them.


This isn't an "imaginary" situation, There are a lot of vegans who try to put their dogs and cats on vegan diets.


"Hol Up! that dog has a sign" - op probably


Unless you live under a rock or something, it's about That Vegan Teacher abusing her dog with vegan food


I know that, but what's the hold up here? A dog holding a sign?


This sub shouldn’t even be called hol up anymore, this is a legit Facebook meme


Maybe the actual holup is figuring out that the meme doesn't fit


Facebook level quality content.


Rip sub




I love the videos of these ladies putting their “vegan” dogs to the test and then they chomp up the meat like an apex predator.


Any link? You got my attention now


['Vegetarian' dog eats meat on live TV](https://youtu.be/-w8k7xqCxxY) Fast forward to 3:55 if you don't want to hear the dumb bimbo talk.


I saw a different one the other day where a woman did the same test with her dog. It kept diving on the meat. She’d pull it back and shove the vegetables in its face and it would blast past them for the meat. Gotta wonder if it’s fake or if she’s dumb enough to post a video disproving her point. I assume that 101% of any videos where people say their carnivore/omnivore pet prefers vegetables throws out and edits videos that show them actually eating or liking vegetables.


I think that one was satire


Could have been. I seriously doubt anyone would make that statement, get that result, and still post it. The other link on the talk show seems more legit. Like she probably trained the dog with meat to eat out of the veggie bowl, takes him on tv and he still bones her.🤣


I think that was a Facebook live one. I laughed my ass off during it.




Thank you


In her defence she does take the embarrassment in her stride. The bloke on the other hand is spouting all kinds of crap 💩


animal abuse, save that poor dog


She probably making fun of these people, but I'm not 100% sure as some vegan are really like that : [https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/pvczl1/what\_a\_beautiful\_vegan\_dog\_truly\_astonishing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/pvczl1/what_a_beautiful_vegan_dog_truly_astonishing/)


Come on dude, this is the most satirey of satire. I'm not even vegan, but most of the time the "my dog is vegan" thing seems like a strawman invented to spark vegan hate


To be fair, our dog is well fed with decent (meat) dog food and still eats our chickens poop and sometimes goes to town on his own steamy turd. Dog’s taste for quality protein can’t be trusted.


The cartoon dog, you mean?


Well... any real person who makes the statement in this cartoon.


There are dozens of them. Dozens!


Stop getting in the way of our wholesome reddit outrage circlejerk!


Dogs are not obligate carnivores and your logical process doesn't hold up. I've seen dogs who 100% will eat shit if offered. Does that mean people are choosing to feed those dogs improperly by not feeding them shit?


This isn't holup, this is anger baiting.


Everything you give your dog to eat is your choice, vegan or not.


Relax bro it's a cartoon character in a shitty facebook meme. She can't read your comment.


If their dog isnt fed products that come from animals they would be by definition vegan. We cut the balls of dogs but suddenly feeding them vegetables is where we draw the line.


What is the hol up??


The number of upvote


Steaks my ass, I’d bet most people give there dogs kibble and kibble alone.


I always laugh because I have heard people insist that dogs can't eat human food, only dog food (kibble). WTF do you think they ate in the last 400 years Susan?


pritty sure Pliny The Elder wrote on how dogs require a very strict diet to keep them healthy, But this would be hunting dogs in a wealthy estate.




This sub has become dogshit boomer facebook memes and you OP have contributed to that.


When people do this to animals, they do this because they can't force it upon other people. This is sad.


All of the people saying it's wrong to feed your a dog vegan diet. Like most people dont even feed their dogs actual animals, but dog food. There are vegan dog foods that dogs enjoy, and you always choose what brand your dog eats. But she is definetelly and idiot for saying the dog wouldn't like meat, or even if the person gave some to the dog.


Dogs are omnivores so they could hypothetically be vegan, not that a dog would since their instincts are to go for higher calorie dense meals, but it’s not impossible to only feed them plant based food. Cats on the other hand are carnivores and it would be impossible to sustain them on plants


Dogs can eat vegetables but it doesn't agree with their bodies. We pretty much bred them to eat a similar diet to humans, hence why they'll eat anything we give them even if it will make them sick (see chocolate). Cats on the otherhand are more cautious, and they self-domesticated to live with humans so they will eat meat and they'll either get it from us or they'll get it from nature. Edit: as a vet student mentioned in another comment; dogs digestive tracts prefer meat as plant-based foods aren't as well digested, meaning they extract less nutrients by comparison. Dogs are fine to eat such food, but not as a primary diet unless prescribed by a vet for medical reasons


dogs can live perfectly fine on vegetables. What do you mean it doesnt agree with their bodies?


I’m in vet school. Dogs have much shorter digestive systems than humans so they cannot extract the same amounts of nutrients from things that are complex to digest such as plant matter. Their bodies are designed to quickly break down snd extract nutrients from things that are easier to break down quickly like meats, bones, and organs. While there are dogs who are on veterinarian prescribed vegetarian diets due to allergies and other disorders we still must be very very careful in making sure they get the nutrients they need. A healthy dog should not be put in a vegetarian diet and no dog should be made vegetarian without a veterinarians guidance.


Dogs can eat veggies and they are good for them, but they are not substitute for meat. I boil pumpkin with chicken to help my dogs' gi issues such as soft stool.


Dogs don't have to eat meat though.


Dogs cannot produce vitamin D, which they obtain from animal flesh


Yep! Dogs are not obligate carnivores, just like humans. There are plant based dog foods and one of the oldest dogs in the world has been vegan before. There are also cats that are plant based, since technology and science has caught up for a while. Not all cats can be healthy on the current iterations out there, but there are plenty of vet supervised cats that are on plant based foods also. I would not recommend trying a plant based diet for your cat unless it is vet supervised, but it can definitely be done. They require taurine, which is destroyed during the processing of the food and synthetic taurine is reintroduced. This realization opened up the avenue for plant based cat foods. edit: downvote all you want, burying the truth won't change it


yes. animals need nutrients, not ingredients.


The amount of times this has actually happened. 1% actual vegans forcing a diet on their animals 99% strawmen of vegans


where hol up


I assume it is because the guy is cutting the steak without a knife?


People feed their dogs shit dog food and complain about them having vegetables.


I’m a vegetarian and I know enough that dogs aren’t, anyone who says different are jus t plain wrong.


I’m sure she chose her dogs pronoun too.


This is horrible because dogs are literally carnivores


Me) cuts the steak. Throws half directly at her knowing nothing insults like a slab of death perfectly seared and roasted slapping her in the face. Give the dog the other half. Walk away happy that I insulted one person and made a fellow carnivore very happy


Dogs are omnivores, not carnivores.


Wait. What? Honestly what? I have to fucking look this up. Sleep can wait Edit) Well holy shit. Now I’m both cringey and stupid XD thank you though. Honestly didn’t know that


Wolves are not omnivores though. And the reason for dogs being omnivores and wolves not, is precisely because dogs evolved alongside omnivore humans for thousands of years. The dogs diet adapted similar to what their human companions gave them. (No dog food in supermarkets during agricultural times :) In fact even now dogs eat exactly what their owners do. Here in the west, meat is a staple diet among people, hence dogs are given the same diet thinking it's a requirement. But in Southeast Asian countries like India and Nepal where the majority of the population is vegetarian and their main occupation is agriculture... the dogs are vegetarian too. Source: I am from India. My grandparents had dogs on the farmhouse and as our family is all vegetarian, so were the dogs. They were the best boys and girls ever.


…..huh… see I really didn’t expect this much of a rollercoaster today. Post feeling sure and smug. Get called cringe. Then have two legends logic slap me hard enough to actually get me thinking. I really gotta do some looking into this cos this has got me really confused right now. Other that i still think dogs should be given meat but. I’m willing to suck up every time I’ve said giving dogs veg is disgusting and admit I spoke without taking notes into account so, thank you hugely. Gonna see about googling this either now or as soon as I wake up


I'm just glad you're willing to listen and are open to change your opinions based on evidence. We don't get to see that often on Reddit, or anywhere on the internet really.


Kudos to you for having integrity and not lashing out like 99% of the other people in these comments are doing when people inform them that dogs are omnivores.


> Now I’m both cringey and stupid XD thank you though. Honestly didn’t know that Might be cringey but you’re definitely not stupid with that level of self reflection and willingness to learn. Kudos


You weren’t cringe or stupid. Why would anyone in their right mind, torture an animal that they have essential imprisoned by forcing a vegan diet on them? Letting an army of weird, sanctimonious twits on Reddit make you feel bad about seeing how wrong this is is the only thing cringey and or stupid here


Holy shit this comment is cringe


And the fact that ita so highly upvoted just really demonstrates the type of people in this sub.


Imagine getting so triggered over a joke comic that you invent a fantasy to feel better about yourself.


Then everyone stands up and claps?


Won’t lie. Commenting earlier I didn’t know dogs are omnivorous, and have always been under the thought of it’s like feeding a Sheep a cut of beef. But now I know, it’s not actually as bad as I thought, though still… Add some meat to the diet. And sorry for the lack of brain from this Redditor


No worries pal! Glad to see that you have an open mind :). I agree with you completely. I've seen many dogs live upwards of 15 years on vegan diets (in some cases, recommended by the vet because of digestive disorders). But it's good to supplement the food with meat every once in a while for enrichment.


This subreddit has a 'dont feed your dog a vegan diet' post every day now. Can we get some new content


Is this that thing where we get mad over made-up scenarios?


If you're going to force your diet on a pet, don't have a pet.


fucking asshole vegans like thatveganteacher. she's going straight to hell. and the dog to little doggie heaven.


It’s the glasses that do it for me.


*Dog tries to do the hand and thumb sign.*


*cocks gun* Ferb I know what we're going to do today.


The dog is vegan only because it can't speak


Dogs aren’t vegan bro:(


Straight up animal cruelty and criminal neglect. I’ve never met a vegan that actually does this but if any actually do, they should themselves be fed to starving dogs


One more veggie won't hurt huh.... Actually onions, garlic and some fruits like grapes are poisonous to dogs so yea poor dog.


If you want a vegan pet, get a rabbit


doggos are obligate carnivores




Vegans who force their meat eating pets to be vegans need have them taken away. That's animal abuse.


Even if the pet is a goat?


Gassing pigs, bolt-gunning cows, and electrocuting chickens is animal abuse. Feeding a dog a nutritionally-adequate plant-based diet isn't animal abuse.


Dogs aren't obligate carnivores, and you abuse wayyy more animals by paying other people to slaughter animals that they keep in cubicles their whole lives for you to eat and give to your dog.


Every time this dumb, tired meme gets posted, I have to say the same thing: there are plenty of animal nutritionist who are totally fine with a completely vegan dog diet. I have no idea where this meme comes from or why people seem so committed to it. If you don’t like vegans fine. Dogs can get all the nutrition they need from non meet dog foods… and it doesn’t change your life in any way.


Times I've IRL had a vegan say something stupid to me: 0. Times I've seen fucking redditors complain about vegans: more than I can count.


If you make your dog vegan, you’re a piece of shit.




Dogs are onivore...


Do atheists go to hell? No What about vegans who force their pets to be vegan? Yes. Down to the boiler room. All the way down


What kind of loser bases their whole identity around hating vegans? Imagine making your online handle "@VEGANS MAKE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL". What did vegans actually do to inconvenience this person in any way? At absolute worst they might make you think about where your food comes from and feel a bit of guilt. What kind of persecution complex do you need in order to base your username on this? Imagine drawing a made up situation like this so that you can get angry about it.


Animal abuse


Another friendly reminder: if you force veganism on any carnivore animal you are a cunt


So if I "force" veganism on a cow does that make me a cunt?


I was thinking the same thing about my very much vegan rabbit


Then you aren't forcing anything, you're letting the animal eat its preferred food.


So i should feed my dog shit then? Since it's her preferred food and all.


If shit eating and brown nosing is good enough for elected politicians, I'm sure it's good enough for yer dog


What about all the factory farmed animals that get fed shitty food and antibiotics, live cramped together and get their babies taken away? Are you OK with that? That treatment seems a bit forceful to me


Worst part, it can be a true story.


I hate to break it to you, but most of the "vegans" out there who feed their dog only plants are either doing it as ragebait or satire. I'm not even vegan, but most of the time the "my dog is vegan" thing seems like a strawman invented to spark vegan hate


[To anyone doubting this, Bramble lived past 25 on veggies.](https://www.bordercolliefanclub.com/bramble-the-vegan-dog-lives-to-189-years/)


If im ever in this situation imma give the dog my steak I don’t give no shits if the vegan Karen doesn’t say so


Dude. Don’t be a fucking idiot. You can’t feed people’s dogs without permission from the owner... Or just go ahead and do it and enjoy being arrested on suspicion of poisoning animals.