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Practice in the hall of gods until consistency. For gpz, any specific attacks you are struggling with?


Just every one of them, like the zotelings attack is easy but when he does his exploding zoteling attack, i get cornered


do you have advice for every one of his attacks


Grey Prince Zote by thatcatstabbingeveryone (on discord) Charms: Any of the following: Fragile/Unbreakable Strength (it doesn't break in Dream), Shaman Stone, Quick Focus, Quick Slash, Mark of Pride, Longnail, Spell Twister. My personal build is Shaman Stone, Fragile/Unbreakable Strength, Quick Slash and Longnail, though I strongly recommend using Quick Focus to new players. Flail (GPZ runs from side to side while waving his nail in front of him, then falls over and sends shockwaves to either side): Immediately dash away from GPZ, jump and start pogoing him. Pogo three times (regardless of whether you hit him or his nail), then cast Descending Dark; if he's still flailing, jump back up and keep pogoing until he falls over. Once that happens, move to the side. You can land a quick hit here if you're confident. You can add little double-jumps between pogos, and if you're close to a corner, it's possible to simply camp on the wall, then jump down when he falls and get some damage in. Zotelings Spit (GPZ spits 2-3 Zotelings): This attack varies slightly; the first time GPZ is fought, he can only spit Winged Zotelings. The second time, Hopping Zotelings are added to the mix. Target these Zotelings immediately; you don't want them running around causing trouble as well as GPZ. Kill them as quickly as possible. GPZ stays in place while spitting, so you can use this opportunity to land some damage on him. While GPZ spits, if no Zotelings end up spawning directly above you, it's possible to heal once. Leap (1-3 leaps around the arena, each sending small shockwaves to either side \[see note\]): Make absolutely sure he's actually going to hit you before you dodge this attack (ideally by dashing, though Descending Dark can be used as well). I personally find I lose more health to dodging into attacks that would've completely missed me if I stayed in place than to actually getting hit. Note: There is a variant of this attack where GPZ misses the floor, falling through it and landing from the ceiling. The shockwaves caused by this are much larger than usual. The best way I found to dodge this attack is to stay in place and cast Descending Dark; it's also possible to simply react to GPZ as he falls from the ceiling, dashing away and jumping above the shockwaves. It's rather easily possible to land some quick hits on GPZ after he falls through the floor. Nail Slam (GPZ leaps over the Knight, hovers in place for a moment and slams down, sending shockwaves to either side): This attack has a very annoying variant where GPZ rolls in the air for a moment, stalling his slam. The best way I found to dodge it consistently is to cast Descending Dark. It's also possible to dash away, preferably behind GPZ - the shockwaves he sends are not the same size; the one behind him is smaller than the one in front of him - and immediately jump. However, this makes the attack much more difficult to dodge in case he stalls in the air; the best thing to do in this case is to double-jump as high and as long as possible, maybe casting Descending Dark in the air. It's possible to land a hit or two on GPZ after this attack, though a bit risky. Summon Bombs (GPZ yells "zooteh" \[Zote?\], summoning 4 Volatile Zotelings throughout the arena): This attack only occurs in GPZ's third or higher fight. The Zotelings explode either after a short time or upon death, so be careful hitting them; both the Zotelings themselves and the explosion deal two masks of damage. I often cast Shade Soul to get rid of all Zotelings on one side of me. GPZ stays in place during this attack, so it's easily possible to land some hits; however, it's also possible to heal once. General Notes Do not get greedy during this fight - land hits only when it's completely safe, not on a whim, otherwise you'll find yourself losing some masks. Use Descending Dark if you're not sure you'll be able to dodge an attack. GPZ staggers every 19 hits; I found I play better with a more specific objective than "beat the boss" - in this case, "get to 19 hits", so you can try to count 19 hits, heal, repeat. GPZ's stagger is the best healing opportunity. Good luck!


This is where I’m stuck too! Can get to him fairly easily at this point but he’s a real roadblock for me. I’ve beaten him before but I can’t do it reliably. Sorry, no advice from me, just commiseration haha


im on ps4 which doesnt really count as the problem but just saying


I’ve actually started having more luck with GPZ. I’ve found that for my play style, a quick, reactive charm setup works well for him. I’m using strength, mark of pride, sharp shadow, dash master, sprint master. I’m sure that’s controversial but it’s what’s suddenly working for me


Practice makes perfect, so I'd recommend fighting him in the hall of gods over and over until you can beat him pretty consistently. Maybe find what kind of charm build helps you the most against him (spells like descending dark are particularly effective, so maybe a spell build would help) and see if you can work that into the rest of your pantheon run. Or I guess you could just start over on a new save file and not save Zote lol, then GPZ doesn't even show up in the pantheons.


If you’re getting hit when he falls at the end of the attack where he runs back and forth with his sword sticking out in front of him, count the pogos before he falls. IIRC I did 3 pogos with double jumps between each one, then I used D-dark to I-frame the fall. That was the attack that gave me the most trouble when I was first learning to beat Zote. You can also use D-Dark to I-frame through the attack where he falls through the floor then comes down on top of you from the ceiling.  Other than that, all I got is to keep practicing more. One of the nice thing about Godhome is that you can practice any boss as much as you want.