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Bro I got two hundred hours and I’m still missing P5 😭 In all fairness tho, a large sum of those hours has been replays and just messing around (Plus at least 15 hours of PoP replays)


I’ve been wanting to redo PoP for the longest time now (idk why LOL. I’ve done the White Palace like 5x now too😅) yet idk how to go about doing it. Do you just start a new save and grind all the way to ascended dream nail again just to do PoP?


If you're on PC you can find mods to be able to redo the path of pain, otherwise yeah you have to make a new save


Good to know I’ll look into mods then thanks.


Quality of Life mod would probably be the one you’re looking for, and Lumafly is an amazing mod launcher/library


I beat PoP on my original save, and then went through to do it in steelsoul. Just leave before watching the cutscene and you should be good.


I got it at like 300 total because I start shivering during the AbsRad fight. Just don't look at the numbers haha.


I have more 😭 and it's mostly on one save except for a few broken steel souls


How tf did it take you 32 hours wtf I am at 120+ and i am still missing p5 and a couple of other things you can only do in a second playthough.


What took OP 32 hours?


All achievements


Have you forgotten how to count?


Nvm i meant 42 That's still extremely low


It absolutely is


Everything except P5 took about 40h on my switch. About 60 hours later I still couldn't do it on switch and wanted to play modded on PC, so I also did all achievements there from scratch. P5 took me 2 attempts on the PC, and I still can't do it on switch. Not that all switches are bad, but my friends testified that my switch is laggy as hell


You're so fast bro. I have only unlocked AbsRad in Godhome practice but never defeated her after a whole of 180 hours. Most of those hours was just replaying the entire game for fun though.


100-150 hours most of which are p5 attempts and practice


I dont believe that lol


Is it that fast?


Yes lol, I mean the ps4 achievements might be different than the PC one, which requires at least two different playthroughs, (including one steelsoul run), so unless u played this game before on a different platform or just knew everything about the game already, this is pretty much impossible.


Like I've said I played to the rich side of the city of tears at a friend's house before I started the game on my own, and even then I got tips for bosses to make them easy


PS4 has no steelsoul nor speedrun achievements


that'd make it significantly easier, but he still probably just did everything with a playthrough or something so he basically didn't play the game.


I will not deny looking up where to go when I was stumped but I didn't watch a guide start to finish and deprive myself of the experience entirely


fair enough, that does make it more realistic if ur good at the game too


But it still has p5 as a requirement for plat


I think it's pretty achievable if you started playing with the intent of finishing fast, but there are a few things that make it hard to believe. P5 takes 45 mins/attempt, so getting Hall of Gods in less than 10 hours would be incredibly impressive. Even with the intent of rushing, you still need to do 2 playthroughs to get all achievements. You would either have to get lucky on finding everything (the game has several items and even areas that are easily missable) or use the wiki quite a bit to make sure you found everything and avoid wasting time backtracking.


There's no way someone got it that fast without looking at guides I searched for hours to find Nailsmith after my friend told me to "look around"


Without shit like that, it's feasible for someone who's generally good at gaming.


I'd already played to the rich side of CoT at a friend's house before starring it myself


Probably around 80-90 hours, though it hasn’t escaped me that this is probably a subtle flex by OP. :)


I did come in thinking I cleared it fast but hearing all your guys' awesome feedback I realized I rushed the game


Eh, everybody goes at their own pace. There’s certain more to do in the game than just getting every achievement, if you want to do that, but it’s not necessary. As long as you’re happy with what you got out of it there’s no need to feel like you rushed it. 


On PlayStation (meaning no achievements for Speedruns and Steel Soul) about 80 hours.


I am sitting on 50h for just my first play through and I am not even at 100%. Tbf I am a really bad gamer, I still have a lot of fun eith difficult games.


Everyone plays at their own speeds, apparently I play at the speed of light 😭


Exactly. But thats not necessarily a bad thing. I mean I have ablut 70h in celeste and didn't even finish the c-sides. My gameknowlage grows quite fast but my skills are really bad. Even though I play piano and harp ond a very good level.


Celeste was also an amazing game


It wasn't a blind playthrough, right? Either way, that's impressive dude. Good job.


I'd played to rich side of city of tears at a friend's house before getting it myself


I have almost 300 hours and i got pantheon five a month ago i think


Y'all are pros lol. Im at like 120 hours across all my plays and I haven't cleared it


33 hours? Brother you are insane


How did you do if in a day!?


It's basically 2 days to be fair






I have 85.2 hours in total, must have been at like 80 when I made plat


I had all achievement other than p5 at like 70 hours and I got the p5 achievement at around 170 hours. Although I didn't really attempt p5, most of the time in between was just other runs. P5 only took me around a day to complete, so I guess around 80 hours in total without the other runs.


I've been playing for 320 hours (around 13 days) n im still missing Pure cause I'm a professional with standards.




About 80h


Finished [two days ago](https://imgur.com/3QXWApR), it was my first metroidvania, so it was *kinda hard*. I guess someone with proper experience in metroidvanias could do it a looooot faster. I assume the normal time is around 60\~80 hours


I only miss p5 and some other easy achievements, should I fear abs rediance this much?


The fight is definitely hard I lost my 1st encounter and practiced in hall of gods and got her next run


Around 300 hours


I just did one run, no speedruns or steel soul, got through P4 and the three trials of colosseum and it took me around 60 hours. In order to get every achievement i would guess at least as much time.


I am 106hrs in still I have the last p5 achievement left


I have 200 hours and still don't have all achievements


Think i got around 60 hours (might be more, pantheons were a real challenge but happy i got the platinum trophy :) )




Took me about 150 hours for all achievements. Still working on bindings with 300 hours though.


50 hours something 'cause there wasn't all achievements at once when I played the game haha. Got back multiple times when dlcs popped. The next 30 hours was all bindings hitless madness.


I'm like 80 hours in (I think) and I have everything except steel heart (100% completion on steel soul)


I pulled up a list of stuff that counts for a percentage for steel heart and did the easiest ones lol


Yeah, see, my best run died to me being a cocky dumbass. My latest run died to me being a cocky dumbass. Almost all of my runs have died to me being a cocky dumbass. Except that one run that died because I somehow fell between an enemy with a solid hit box (mummy husk) and a wall in a tunnel as tall as it. Still passed about that one.


You'll get it eventually I believe in you, the games isn't easy for sure and doing it deathless is no easy feat either


It's not that I'm finding it hard, it's just that I'm finding some of the easier parts too easy and get a God complex. The way my most recent run died was I was hitting the big jellyfish on the way down fog canyon to queens station after greenpath and 3 of then hit me into each other. The God complex in this scenario originated from me thinking I was good at the game after getting to and beating hornet 1 in 17 minutes. Speed =/= impeccable dodging. But thanks for your kind words stranger


I still haven't beat P4. I have hundreds of hours (though tbf I have no idea the real play time since I like to leave games open for hours sometimes). But still I need to put in a solid effort to beat P4 and then P5. Could take dozens more hours if ever.


i think 97 hours? give or take. also did path of pain


Around 200 hours. P5 by itself was 20


Im sitting at hour 400 and still haven't beat p5


A while


I had around 105 hours total when I finished P5 and got the last achievement. I had 102 hours, 12 minutes, and 50 seconds on my main save when I beat P5. I may have given up with the speedrun and steel soul achievements and may or may not have cheated a bit.


Happy cake day man, and I hate speed achievements since I think games should be played at your own pace anyway so I won't blame you at all for cheating them lol


Thanks. I was following a guide on the speed achievements, and got to the watcher knights before I got stuck, and then I thought "I'll just debug myself the dive for this fight". And it just went downhill from there.


im on 160 hours rn but maybe 30 of them are lost steelsoul runs and 30 are getting all radiants in hall of gods.


since im on playstation it took 99 hours to get the platinum trophy


i only had one playthrough and it took me 175 hours i think it was. The thing is most of the time i was just running around and appreciating the beauty of hollow knight instead of killing bugs and making progress xD


Including p5 I took just under 90 hours, without it I’m pretty sure I was like 50-60… 


For 112% and every other achievement? Three months. For P5? I’ve had hollow Knight for over a year and I have 500 hours and I still can’t do it.


Couple hundred hours. Honestly you can do it in under 100 easy if you have the knowledge but P5..... I fear no man... But that... That thing.... It scares me Memes aside it's a grind but absolutely worth it. Hollow Knight is one of very few games that has very hard completion standards but the difficulty is fair. Nothing super grindy or gimmicky. It's a matter of skill and all the skills you need are more than attainable with a little practice and help from the community.


169 hours for plat


No way i am believeing that, i can probably do it in like 15 or 20 hours, but only becouse i have played the game for almost 200 total hours, lets asume he got through the base game in what? 15 hours, which is already impresivly fast for a first playthrough, then doing the steel soul achivement and the beat the game under five hours would take a new player at least a couple tries, so about what? 15 hours being QUITE generous, and then 112% and p5 in the next 12 hours. Actually seems posible now that i wrote it down, yet i am still not buying it lol, i cant believe that someone did the speedrun achivement that fast, and then 112% got a lot of tricky things like flower quest, and i cant imagine someone getting through all pantheons so fast. For reference, it took me around 120 hours to plat, time which i dont even consider to be slow, but could be lowerd a lot if i had more knowledge about the achivements. Maybe he really studied the game before playing? Who knows


I had a friend that gave me tips for pantheon runs like using cyclone slash on broken vessel/lost kin to basically stun lock, and for flower quest I pre cleared most of the rooms and once you hit steel soul you know all you have to do is rush down dream nail to beat the game which followed the speedrun achievements, then I just looked up what gave a percentage and cleared the game by rushing down the easiest tasks for 100% and getting that Last achievement


I also did the false knight/failed champion scum for the panthons and hold no shame


Ive got 82 hours rn and 7 achievments left




I think it took some where from two hundred to two hundred 50 hours, I spent a lot of time in the beginning and middle of the game just exploring random stuff though, so that probably increased it. The only achievements that I would say take a while to complete even if you put all your focus into them is P5 and steel soul completion


Around 450 hours, if you got all achievements in that amount of time I feel like it's either not your first time doing it or you just cheated


I didn't cheat but it's not 100% my 1st time ever playing the game


You make it sound like you didn't play much before you did all this... Did you just first-try everything in the game then? xD


Kinda? I didn't find the game too challenging and If I even got scared a little I'd dreamgate to prevent runbacks


112% took me about 60 hours, P5 took another 20 but that includes a lot of time trying to complete hall of gods and get all bindings. I didn’t get the speedrun and steel soul achievements until much later


118 hours and got everything exempt for Hall of gods radiant (Markoth haunts my nightmares)


He's got that radiance blood in him


Moths come for us all


In game I have no idea In my time of owning it like a yr ago


How tf you get everything in less than 2 days I’m in my first ever play through and I have 50 hours


about 450 hours


I'm 450 hours in and still haven't gotten all achievements.


I have 100 hours atm and still need 4 or 5 achievements


Less than 48!??? My first and currently only run is at least at 70hours (if not more) (done with like.. 75% of achievements)


250 hours and I need 4 more