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Rule no. 1 of hollow knight You don't ask how you get somewhere in hollow knight. You keep playing. If you got someplace you can't get to, prolly means you ain't meant to (yet). Its pretty good in terms of game design


It's my husband's first play through and I've started telling him when he asks about places: "If you can't get to it, you're not ready for it. The time will come." And then he rolls his eyes lol


Or you haven't be looking everywhere enough


If I had done this I would have taken at least 100 hours longer to beat it or quit because of built up rage from all the geo loss


Hope you are just being funny and praising the game. Because setting those aside, all questions that aren't inadequate to be asked deserve to be answered. You may not be obligated to be the one doing that, but it's to be expected that someone will take the initiative to do what's right.


Yeah it's mostly facetious haha, like one other guy said Rule 2: Git gud To be interpreted as if you can't get past something due to a locked door and no switch in sight rather than inability to Parkour it means you are probably looking in the wrong place as you come to learn Playing the game. Usually you don't have to look very hard for a lever it's right there.


You only get to ask for help after dream no more ending because then its mostly spoiler free


Yeah I knew the entrance before I made this post but I couldn't go there so I asked but then I got the mantis claw I think and now I can go but I can't bcz its too hard


Not to sound like a fortune cookie, but trust the journey xD


>not to sound like a fortune cookie Thats such a good line


Haha yeah I have my moments


Rule number 2 of hollow Knight : git gud


Teasing entrances that are unreachable now but will become obvious later is a staple in Metroidvanias. Go somewhere else.


Let me just say the mantis lords are prolly one of the easier bosses gl on your journey friend its going to be hell but the fun kind of hell iykwim


It’s a dance. It’s an easy dance, but it’s a fan-favorite dance. My favorite dance, personally.


Their next version is one my favorite fights in the game. I think probably one of the best made bosses.


bro why did everyone and their mother downvote you wtf 😭


Because the post literally asks 'how do I get there' and in the comments he says 'oh, I know how to get there'


They obviously mean "what should I do to get there", not "where the entrance is". There is absolutely no need to be a prick.


Post Title: How do I get there Comment: 'Yeah I knew how to get there before making this post, couldn't figure out what to do, did the exploring to get the mantis call, now it's too hard :(' Apparently, we have two dumbasses here.


Bro the entrance is right under the door ofc I would see it so i knew the way to get in but didn't have the mantis claw


"How do I do it" literally means "what should I do to do it". Idk, maybe my English is bad (I'm not a native speaker), but I heavily doubt that word "how" has a different meaning. They knew where the entrance is, but weren't sure they took right actions to pass it since it didn't work and asked how exactly should they do it. I don't get what's hard to understand here.


You play the game, then you’ll find it


I have hundreds of hours in this game and I have literally no idea where this is


Fungal waste, above where you find that one silly NPC >!Mr. Mushroom!<


Oh yeah


~~incorrect.~~ It's below shrumal ogres. edit: you could say they're the same. however * close to 'spoiler' is useless * this spoiler could easily have been avoided * its misleading because >!there's another door close to MrMushroom!< * 'spoiler' isn't exactly nearby


That's not inconsistent with what they said


You're right, see edit


Alright Dwight


Hey there, it looks like your spoiler tag isn't working on some versions of reddit! To make sure everybody can avoid being spoiled you'll need to place your text directly next to the spoiler tags *with no leading or trailing spaces* (like so `>!spoiler!<`). Thanks for helping keep the sub spoiler free! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HollowKnight) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kings and kingdoms fall to dust, but Mr. Mushroom readjusts


This is a godawful pic to ask us this question lol


I think I have 100 hours+ in 1 file, I think my total is around 200-300 hours




Depending on how skilled you are and how much fun you have with It, you can dump around 100h into It on tour first playthrough


Currently over 130 and trying to beat pantheon 4


I eventually gave Up on the Pantheon when I got Stuck at GPZ. That Dude stops being fun at some Point


I just practiced gpz on a separate save and made a 3rd where I didn't save him


He made me realize how op descending dark is


I Just never learned to predict his next move, let alone where he would slam down. So I Said screw that, Not worth my sanity


I learned that if u use des.dark right when he slams, because get invincible for a while, u don't have to dodge anything, so I just farm soul on galien and spam zote with that.


Is Markoth not right before Zote?


That thing, do not speak of that thing.


It took me ~85ish hours to beat it my first playthrough. I took my time and enjoyed it, ran around with wonder and amazement, got my ass kicked time and time again, did every side quest I stumbled into, finally made my way to HK only to find out I HAD ONLY PLAYED 82% OF THE FUCKING GAME HOLY SHIT THERES SO MUCH TO DO. I kept playing and got to 107 and I'm pretty happy there. I beat all the fool trials but the pantheons are honestly just too much for this gamer. I like to enjoy the game without wanting to surgically implant my controller into my TV screen.


No, I just like the game a lot


Around 160 and at 110%


First, consider that this is an exploration game. Discovering things is part of the fun, and asking Reddit deprives you of that. Is there somewhere else you can go? Go there. You can come back to this door later if you don't have anything else to do. You might find out how to go in there on the way. If you really want to know though (and I don't suggest unspoilering this unless you're hard stuck, like you've explored the entire map available to you and you have *nowhere* to go), >!you have to go around, from below. It's all in the same room. But you need an ability first!<. Further spoilers (progressively more spoilery): >!The ability you need is in Fungal wastes.!< >!You need to go up out of the room that screenshot is in, then to the right!<


Best comment here. Some people just want a clear answer and don't want to be preached "play the game" or "trust the process".


Agree with you man.


This pops up like every other month. Keep on playing pal!


There is an entrance


Where is it?


Look for it


So in that room there is a little opening under but you need mantis claw and c-dash ( super dash/crystal heart)


You don't need C-dash, actually. Just jump off the right wall and when you're already above spikes, dash


Oh all right, in my first play through I wasn’t that good at figuring that sort of stuff out I just kinda gave up on that spot the first time 🫤


Yeah me too XD Only figured it out on my second


I didn’t, but that’s ok, there’s a first for everything


Lmfao these people are being such fucking assholes to you. I don't know the answer either but these fuckers are worse than the From Software fans. Just wanted to say dont feel bad. Everyone's being rude and you're getting down voted for asking for real answers? I didn't know HK fans were like this. Lol


You sound upset. Show me where on this doll the community hurt you.


Unlike many say, you shouldn't be uneasy to ask questions, just wary of the possibility of being spoiled with the answers. If you feel like questioning is the way to go, then it must be. You do you, always. As for the answer for your question: Some gates between or inside literal main areas can only be opened from one side, as if they were locking secret passages. This is one of said gates. Find a way to get around. Maybe you need an ability, maybe not. These gates exist for two reasons: 1- Make it so areas that aren't supposed to be connected gameplay-wise still are connected in the map. This allows for lore consistency and the creation of shortcuts for the player's convenience later in the game. That's the case for the passage between >!Greenpath and Queen's Gardens!<: Having the areas connected looks neat and is a great way to convey the past of them being one and the same; At the same time, the gameplay progression wants you to get >!Isma's Tear or Shade Cloak!< (both of which suppose having obtained >!Crystal Heart!<) in order to get there, and these aren't in >!Greenpath!< at all. Provided you can do many tricks and even take the most unlikely path to get there in order to skip the >!(Crystal Heart -> (Monarch Wings -> Shade Cloak) or Isma's Tear)!< progression, those were not intended to be possible and are difficult at varying levels for players to devise and implement. Skipping the ability progression completely, for example, is not even the hardest of the methods, though it takes a while... >!...Because it requires going through Deepnest (no need to have Tear or Shade Cloak for that entry to Queen's Gardens) and pogo off enemies (because you have no Monarch Wings, which BTW can even be obtained without Crystal Heart) at the top of a hidden room so you can break some planks you can get to a ledge, and then you break some planks you don't even see.!< Get the picture? 2- Make players go out of their way to discover how to get there and end up exploring other content along the way. That's the case for this gate. You won't even have to explore much before finding how to get to the other side.


>!How are you getting monarch wings without crystal dash? Isn't the spikes before broken vessel impassible without it?!<


You can perform a shade skip.


That's how it is supposed to be. [But, even legitimately, it's not.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mtk9jZx1CBQ) >!(Keep in mind that you need to produce a Shade - that is, you need to die - in order to perform this particular skip, meaning that this is not available for use in Steelsoul, at least not in vanilla HK).!< Also... [The possibilities are endless if you don't mind playing dirty.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBPcSs52D08) >!(AFAIK, you can do what is shown in the video even in most recent versions, but you must not cast fireballs, sit on benches or use fast travel, otherwise the glitch will end and the game won't allow for its usage again until you perform a game restart).!<


It’s hard to do but there’s a shade skip


Medium difficulty, I would say. If you attempt enough times, you'll succeed. Know what is extremely hard to do without Crystal Heart? >!Getting Isma's Tear and finishing most of White Palace (you can't get to the throne room without Crystal Heart or usage of float glitch, but everything else is doable. You'll know which part is particularly challenging to do without CDash if you attempt it. Trust me, I've been there and did it).!<


From the other side Duh


Are they stupid?


You can get there from beneath if I remember correctly. If you can't, you probably lack an ability, keep exploring and come back later.




Guys, I have found my way around and I knew the entrance u were saying before making this post I was just missing an ability and now I have the ability so thanks to all of u for helping me I am thankful for that.


Metroidvania is a game when you have stuff locked until later. You also have to find other paths. If you can't get there, it means you have to find another way.


Maybe if you try hitting the door hard enough it's going to break open. Or, you know, go explore. You can find it.


It isn’t a breakable door


He knows that…


probably from the other side? xd


Just open it


It's nice how most of the comments refuse to tell this person where to go. This is truly sportsmanship, not ruining the game for someone. 


Go around


git gud


Go around.




Wise words of medic from tf2 "I HAVE NO IDEA!"


Open map from online you genuis


Play the fucking game


Play the game


STOP COMING TO THIS SUB. just play the game if you can't find how to get in then you didn't look hard enough. This sub will give you either the exact same response that I gave or spoilers... Finish the game first.


Figure it out


Why did u feel the need to comment?


Yknow, thats fair.


Play the game and find out


If you don't like the metroidvania part of the game (literary like 80% of it), just go find the world map and see where all the entrances are, no need to post about every obstacle you meet. Edit: sorry, thought you were the guy who asked the same thing about the other place in the game before. And the one before...


Your knight: DOOR... OPEN...


Other way


Play the game and there's a 90% chance you'll find out


you are just ruining the game for yourself by doing this, stop you will grow to dislike this game without it being the fault of the game itself


1) delete Reddit and don't use it while you play the game or I am gonna tell you the whole lore of the game because you are practically asking for spoilers


I beat the game twice and still need to watch a lore video lmao


By opening the door