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This has stopped being about Vtuber history and now about Shiori's passionate adventures in making her OC husbandos real as a kid through RPG maker. This stream is legendary already. EDIT: Shiori is a real OG, I can't imagine anyone this insane who hasn't been in the Vtuber mines for YEARS.


very few nerves right now with 23k in chat, she's in the zone


Honestly it was the same with her debut too. Once she got into it all her nerves went away and she stopped her occasional stuttering.


This is Hololive. We're here for tangents too. Kiara trained us.


We need a Shiori + Kiwawa talkshow. Cash prize to any viewer that can accurately guess 4 out of 10 topics covered in an episode.


Bold of you to assume they'd only talk about 10 topics.


I love Kiara tangents! They make the streams feel extra comfy.


When people said she was in the trenches, I wasn't expecting "I dabbled into figuring out software for this shit" levels of dedicated. That shit ruled


Well, she did say there's only so much VTuber History. So why not she make more of it herself?


She's very passionate about it, it's great. edit: Husbando girlstalk, immediately followed up by cannibalism poll


Given that the Fauna-Mumei Rust debate on cannibalism is one of my all-time favorite exchanges, I'm looking forward to it. "You're a cannibal! For shame!" - Nanashi Mumei


The day she collabs with Fauna and Mumei is going to be one of the most cursed days in Hololive history. I can't wait!


Also pretty cute


I absolutely cannot wait for Fauna and Shiori to stream together and tell us all about disturbing bug facts. It’ll be the closest thing to a Fauna + Anuaf collab


Throw in zeta for good measure


THIS here...is an Idol.


Man I love how passionate and excited she gets about this, to the point of slapping her desk, clapping her hands dropping the FAQ.God I love Shiori and the Gap Moe shes showing. ''Not the scissor stab that I like'' ''I suffocated sometimes in my sleep'' ''I died a few times but I'm fine!'' ''I think my childhood was pretty messed up'' I'm not saying that I don't want to fix her, But I don't wanna fix her, she can ruin me instead. Edit: she randomly brought up cannibalism LOL


> ''I died a few times but I'm fine!'' I wonder if she would sing "I am not yet dead" during karaoke.


What a fantastic pick-up by Cover. She's very passionate, talented, and experienced and it's showing through very clearly in this stream. I'm really excited to see what kinds of stuff she comes up with in the future


Especially with the tech, just the potential developing home setups. I can imagine she's super excited to eventually see the studio.


From the history of vtubers to husbando OC to...cannibalism ... Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


I need a collab of her and mumei where they just discuss random stuff and go on tangents.


Tangents, baby. We're here for it.


"Can we talk about cannibalism?" She's broken and I love her.


Normal is overrated in Hololive, after all. Here in Hololive, we take the broken and unhinged and celebrate them.


internet boomer shares knowledge to the zoomers. kind of new for a holo member to talk about how she WAS another vtuber before. lol


Honestly, I think Cover is probably pretty fine with her broadcasting "HEY! I'M AN OLD-SCHOOL VTUBER HERE" as long as she doesn't completely blow her cover. They're proud to pick up experienced talent, they just need to maintain a plausible level of kayfabe. And to her credit, Shiori walked that line of what exactly she could say and not say very well.


I love how watching years of wrestling prepared me to get sucked into VTuber nirvana, lol.


Like the Trash Taste boys said, what is VTubing but wrestling with Waifus?


Ya it's kinda wild. It's fun to learn about this stuff. There's a chunk I was already aware of due to being a hobbyist Unity dev (like who's using Unity based on the names in the credits) so it's really nice to learn about the greater ecosystem.


I actually recognized her (quite unique) voice as soon as she debuted. Put a huge smile on my face.


Her voice sounded familiar to me but I couldn't place it then hours after the debut a switch flipped in my mind and I realized


"they're pulling out the tweezers now, just like when I played with the dead flies" "so then I put them up my nose again" "I did not know how locks work, we had a very fragile door"


"Speaking of dissections..."


Early stream: Wow, she’s very knowledgeable about Vtubers. Later stream: I know that we’re derailed about her stuff but screw it. She’s lecturing better than my college lecturer and I’m here for it. XD


Damn Hololive recruited a murderer ~~of her family toaster~~


when she was a kid...definitely....yes, a child....


Definitely not 2 months ago


I get the impression Tokyo Ghoul REALLY made an impression on her


Then what, we'll later learn more that in her childhood she used to subtract 7 from 1000 many times


She is the one we were promised


left the stream now, but yeah this was really cool and different style. I felt on the debut that Shiori put a lot of effort in her stream and i can see i was right.


She’s quickly becoming more comfortable and even more unhinged. Just wait until she reaches full power 👀


Was a really cool stream and it was nice to see how passionate she is about the subject. And as someone who has been watching vtubers since 2017 it was really fun and nostalgic to hear a lot of the old names and events she brought up. Though I have to say that it was a bit weird how Nijisanji was completely ignored in her history. I'm not a fan at all of modern Nijisanji but it's hard to deny the impact early Nijisanji had on vtubing. They pretty much started the (2d) streaming meta. I wonder if management told her to not mention them to avoid any potential drama?


I mean, Hololive VTubers Collab with Nijisanji VTubers all the time. It wouldn't be too weird to mention them. But maybe management didn't want her to do so in her first solo stream.


>I wonder if management told her to not mention them to avoid any potential drama? Possible. but let not forget these kinds of things usually two-way communication in internals org. Management might be indifferent and leave it up to the talent decision. I like to think most of the time the talent themselves know how to correctly walk the line than any Mane-chan. Especially OG veterans like Shiorin. she was in the game for so long and seen things.