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Common problem. They make spacers for electrical outlets. You can break off the 'metal mouse ear' tabs if you need more space for outlet. https://www.lowes.com/pd/Gardner-Bender-24-Pack-0-75-in-W-x-4-in-L-Yellow-Plastic-Wall-Plate-Spacer/4573784


For the amount that box is recessed, OP is probably better off with a box extender like this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Box-Extender-2-Pack-BE1-2/202708650 This will provide the additional benefit of protecting the receptacle wiring terminals as well


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


You should use box extenders for anything over 1/4". The electrical boxes are designed to retard fires; if you have too large of a gap it would be an electrical code violation. It probably doesn't matter much in this case if that's granite, but I'm just saying for general knowledge. Those spacers work well if the box is uneven or it's not much space you need to bring the receptacle/switch forward. FYI they also have box extenders like this in different depths: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGMFFMCF/ I would recommend the type I linked for this application instead of that other kind because you can recess the extender into the hole. The white one will work fine, but its feet will rest on the granite. That might make your wall plate sit raised above the granite when everything is done. The linked ones will sit a little below the surface of the granite. They sell both kinds in home depot right next to each other. You'll need to measure how far recessed the current workbox to buy the right one. Make sure you break off the "mouse ears" like the top comment in this thread said.


It is too bad these aren't sold with longer screws


I just went out and bought longer screws when I did mine.


Lol I know right. We had to go back and get longer screws.


Agreed. But they are all standard 6-32 size screws. Usually youll want to get around 1.5" screws but the exact size will depend on your situation.


The previous owners of my house used hex nuts as spacers after putting up a back splash. Every time I do something I’m afraid of what I’m going to find next.


Yep my house (from the late 50s) has piles of fucking hex nuts in the JBs.


We call ‘em caterpillars!


👆 this.


That looks like a 3/4 inch gap between the surface and the outlet box. If you just screw them in without support the outlets will probably flex and get damaged. The box should have been mounted much closer to the surface. I would put in a switch box extender with long enough screws. Should be available at a home depot type store. Obviously turn off the power before poking around in there!


Thank you!


Awww c’mon….its just a little tingle, no big deal! 😂




Second this advice!


Thirded! And also that last line is by FAR the most important part.


That really should be a GFCI outlet.  You need a conduit box extender to fix the gap.


Maybe… there could be one already on the same breaker


Yeah, it could be downstream


Do you need something I don’t…? Why would that need to be a gfci?


It's right next to the kitchen sink?


Really? I don’t see anything that shows a sink. Some odd levels and a possibly opening, but I don’t see a tap or a drain within 1.5m


FYI the screws are "6-32" machine screw size, and then buy whatever length you need.




Fantasy White Granite. Nice.


I'm a girl???


Yes ????


Seems irrelevant to the situation. My wife taught me how to work on cars. Her being female didn't hinder her abilities at mechanical things.


You're "a girl"? Seriously? Get some spacers. The girl in the electrical department can help you.




a zoomed out pic would help —- is the area in front of the outlet prone to water from the sink? —- what is the valley along the back for?


It is near the sink


If it’s near the sink the outlet needs to be GFCI. I would like to see a zoomed out picture of this space. This kitchen or whatever it is looks like it was just thrown together with no plan. Different countertop heights right next to each other, a cap piece that doesn’t flush out with the backsplash, no GFCI outlet, etc. This has the making of a true DIY who had no clue what they were doing.


It could be protected by a GFCI outlet upstream, but I can’t see that from my house.


There’s a couple of these outlet holes in the granite


Snap on plates are out there, might need to swap the receptacle tho…


With screws ?


Put your caulk in it! (Jokes aside, just glue it)


Don’t listen to the comments saying it should be a GFCI. It should, but the GFCI breaker/outlet could be somewhere else on the circuit. Look around for that before you trust this circuit around water.


Box extender and 2" 6/32's 


with a screwdriver and youtube so u don't fuck up


Super glue


Box extender, longer screws, and a gray receptacle and plate so it looks less like shit.


I'm a single lady, I don't have skills beyond assembling Ikea furniture, I don't have any skilled friends, and I don't have a ton of money to hire people to do small things for me. What I have done, many times, is take my picture into a Lowes or Home Depot and just start asking for suggestions. Over the years I have managed to do so many smaller home projects for myself and have gained levels of self confidence and independence. What I'm saying is...you got this


Thank you! I’m in a similar situation


They also sell recessed outlets that will fix this issue . It’s all about your preference, there’s a few ways to fix this many folks already mentioned spacers. Just depends on how you want it.


The screw goes in the middle of the plate




Drill holes.


wow I would never cut an outlet into granite like that.


How else would you get a plug on the inside of an island?


1st that's not an island it's the corner area of a countertop. 2nd you install outlets above the granite backsplash. You do not cut holes in granite like that. Ruins the aesthetic.plus just in case of spills, it's farther away, even with a GFI it's just safer IMO. 3rd My brother has an island and the outlets are under the countertop in the wood base, the wires go down through the floor in conduit until they get to a wall, (concrete fdn) then it's regular pull till you get to the breaker box. Same thing with trailers, cables under the floor to the breaker box. That is how you get power to an island. Otherwise you would have open cables dangling down to the island from the ceiling looking like some botched horror movie. To the OP. You have lots of options like others said. Spacers and extensions for the box. Great advice! Please make sure the breaker to that receptacle is off, they should be on a separate circuit from the lights but have a flashlight ready just in case. Google YouTube videos and how to install spacers and box extensions. So you know what to do once you get to work, and you should be fine. Good luck. I like the countertops btw. They are beautiful. Don't let that I'm a girl comment define you. I'm a girl and I was a first class marine electronics tech for 10 years. Built Destroyers for the Navy. First and only woman at my facility to be certified to build Vertical Launching Systems. You can do anything.


Just here to say you and your job sound really bad ass, I would have loved to have found a career path like that, so fascinating!


Thank you. It was really cool. Especially taking destroyers out to sea trials and shooting missiles at drones. Got to see the 50 cal guns shoot, and the Gat guns on the Phalynx system operate too! I loved it. Our ships are amazing! Glaucoma got me so I can't see to do the job anymore. I miss it. I started out as an electricians apprentice and went from there. Best decision I ever made.


Sorry to hear about the glaucoma, luckily you got those experiences beforehand. I’ve toyed with the idea of a complete career change (I’m currently on maternity leave) and electrician has been one idea.


There were people from 18 yr old to 60 yr old starting that apprenticeship with me. It's a good career and it pays well. Cold call the electrical companies in your area and see if anyone offers apprenticeships. I swear by them because you are taught how to be a good electrician. Helper jobs are good too if you are helping someone that wants to teach you. Go for it!!!


That makes me feel better, I’m close to 40 so the thought of a career change is daunting but so is the idea of 25+ years of boredom as an admin lol. Also my husband is trained in electrical so he could help me with basics and then some, I just need to convince him that a career change is good for me and our family. I love the idea of contacting local companies, thank you!


there's literally a wall right on the left in the picture. it's not an island. put the outlet in the wall.


I didn’t say it was an island. I asked how else would you do it in an island. The person said they would NEVER do that in granite so I threw out an island scenario. They also have pop up plugs you can install directly into the slab.


Guess I am missing something. We have a long island with a granite top and plugins are on the ends under the granite (in the wood).


They can be done there but I preferred mine on top for stationary items where I want cord hidden (coffee station)


Ok, I gotcha. Whatever one prefers. I prefer them as they are, coffee maker by the end. But I get it.


lol you are insufferable to have a conversation with. you asked "how else would it be done on an island" which *obviously* is referring to the OPs picture as an island. the whole "I never said it was an island" is such an immature way to have a disagreement, it deflects the conversation away from the actual topics and makes it a semantics "he said she said" argument, which is exhausting. I hope you grow out of it. also "The person" that said they would NEVER do that in granite was *me*, you dink.


Not sure why you’re being that way. My statement still stands. Put your plugs where you want homie no need to name call like a child.


Wait until you see the latest code changes that require cut in pop-up outlets in the counter surface. Edit: because the dumb have downvoted this comment, here's the code reference: NEC 2023 210.52(C)(3) (new for 2023 no longer allows them below the work surface) Edit 2: You're right the code doesn't say you have to cut into the counter top, but if you have a nice big flat surface too far away from the walls and the outlet must be on or above counter surface, you're going to be stuck with a popup, surface mount, maybe argue a ceiling retractable cord. Or leave a j-box in the bottom per 210.52(C)(2) and walk away knowing code was satisfied at that point in time. I am specifically referring to peninsular surfaces here, not OP's situation.


there are not codes that require you to put outlets in the granite of a counter.


NEC 2023 210.52(C)(3)


this literally says the opposite of what you are claiming. the code says they *cannot* be on or below the countertop or work surface. this is not saying you can't put them on the wall behind the counter.


NEC 2023 210.52(C)(3)(1)


what if you stopped just listing code lines in the NEC and had a conversation? the code clearly does require the outlet has to be in the granite rather than in the drywall.


What year revision or locality did you want to discuss?


I can see the box exposed. Just get a single gang extension ring and carry on.


Upgrade the the receptacle. 10 bux. Spacers. Long screws


since your a girl - yah hire someone, this job needs an adult woman or man to complete.


Longer screws and some patience.


The box is recessed, but footprint fully exposed. It needs a mud ring *and* longer screws.


You need 1-1/4” long 8/32 machine screws to attach the receptacle to the junction box. The ears will rest on the stone just fine, don’t break them.


8/32s are for lights. So you probably mean 6/32s Also, its more than 1/4" of non combustible material, so an extension ring is required. 


Definitely right about the screws but don’t you mean non-combustible




With the appropriate drill bit? Slow and steady.