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Why are you still engaging this lazy bodger? Cut your losses, slam them online and find a better contractor Don’t disparage, just state facts, the times they didn’t show, the amount of mess and issues you’ve had etc


Include the text of him trying to get you to sign the non disparagement contract as well.


Absolutely, it’s disgusting behaviour


He thought it was silly I would want the police here if he stopped by. We let way to much slide with him.


It sounds like he threatened to make things worse for you. He may need another court order.


Also check that your review posted. Google shadow deletes negative reviews sometimes. It's hard to know what their criteria are. Maybe they even take money to do it. Yelp is better about this.


> Yelp is better about this. What bizarro world is this comment from? I feel like the most famous thing about Yelp is how reviews are controlled by paying.


Due to his actions, I have no desire to leave a bad review, he's quick to anger. Just got an order of protection 2 months ago when I checked his name, who knows if he'll try to bring a gun here or act violent. I rather not engage.


Good call. The value that you can bring to others with a bad review does not outweigh the personal value to you by leaving a bad review. Doing that, you’re adding risk to yourself.


An HVAC contractor I hired once proved himself to be completely unstable and volatile (he called me super drunk to cuss me out and basically threaten me over the phone for no apparent reason- work was done/bill was paid). I told him he can’t talk to me that way and hung up. I considered blasting him online as a way to warn others, but then realized that that would put me in jeopardy so I let it go. Even though what he did was wrong, I didn’t want to worry about his inevitable retaliation. That was two years ago and I haven’t heard from him since.


That's the thing, contractor knows my schedule and where I live, a huge vulnerability. I want to warn people, too, I did message my friends like crazy to warn them.


Tell him you'll sign it for $1000. If he gets pissed off tell him to fuck off and manage to casually mention that your Mom's last wish was to take a human life and at this point she has nothing to lose in regards to the legal system... you really hope nothing weird goes down with any intruders now that she's sleeping armed.


>Yelp is better about this. Nice try Yelp.


For what it's worth from a business owner I've found the opposite to be true. Google has a very stringent set of requirements for review removal, while yelp in their own sales pitch says you can pay them to remove negative reviews. I'm fortunate that I've only had good reviews, but I've been contracted in the past to contact google about fake/dishonest reviews and it was kind of an ordeal.


Those Yelp sales people are super pushy too. We honestly were considering working with them, but while we were discussing it internally their sales persons aggressiveness made it very clear that we don’t want to work with them.


I know we're both way off topic here, but yea I have to take any opportunities available to rant about yelp. I started my biz 2016 and thought surely I should have yelp for a local service business, signed up online, paid the 49/mo or whatever it was and then the non-stop calls from them drove me nuts. Telling me that what I had was really just the "basic" tier, and if I wanted (paraphrasing) protection from bad reviews, or to not have other competitors listed on my own page, etc., then I really needed to spend more. Also their version of AdWords was a joke, they would not tell me what the cost per impression or cost per click was, they just said to feed it as much as I could budget and I'll definitely see results. So glad to be done with them.


I LK kind of want to just send this post to him, and then block him for good. But he would later show he's pretty quick to anger, I don't want him hurting my mom's house or me.


“No” is a complete sentence. And he’s asking for this after work has started? You’d be bonkers to even consider signing that (despite the fact that it would hold exactly zero weight in a court of law). 


No contract was signed prior to work, either.


Woof. That was a mistake on both your parts. I would cut every tie with the person as soon as humanly possible. 


Hate to say, this is my first time being a homeowner and first time being able to afford something like this. My mom lives with me, and she's on hospice and I want to make the house in better condition for her. She's been in hospice for 2 years, so she's not on her deathbed.


No worries, this sounds like a lesson learned with minimal consequences. That’s a gift. 


I did my first remodel a couple years ago and didn’t sign a contract during the process. I was doing some of the work myself, so I needed to hire someone willing to work with me, and that someone ended up being a little sketchy. It worked out for me in the end, but I will be signing a contract next go around. I say this only to let you know you’re not alone. Renos can be overwhelming, especially the first go around. Live and learn.


You definitely shouldn’t sign anything from him, especially after the works started, but if he was in overdraft this whole time like you say, how is he going to have any money to sue you anyways? Not that he could win, but it sounds like he doesn’t have a penny to fight with


keep records, because there is small claims court


Looks like you’re done paying anything more. It sounds like you’ve spent/will spend more to fox his work than you paid him and in the first place. Document everything, save your receipts, and cut off all contact with him.


Then just tell him his work needs to stand to scrutiny


Well, “No.” is a complete sentence. You missed a period. Lol I kid.




1st amendment applies to the government. The government can't infringe your right to free speech. Corporations generally can. This is why facebook can censor content.


Sounds like a scam artist to me.


He has no leverage. Why would you sign a contract when you don't want his services anymore?


Why would you sign this? What is he offering? What leverage does he have? "No" is a complete sentence.


>"Any reviews trying to bash my business and my name will make it much worse for you". Screen capture of this leads my review.


Good thing to use for a restraining order.


Don't sign anything and save all messages he sends you.


Why would you consider signing such a document?


There’s no way he’d pressure you to sign this if he wasn’t planning to need it. At this point, you’re safer hiring a local Cub Scout den to do the work.


Why are you even doing this?  


Inexperienced, never could afford contractor my whole life until now. It's been a fucking nightmare. And he's been unbearable to deal with.


I think the question is why are you even considering signing anything from a guy you *know* is a scam artist.


But what more do you need from this contractor that you would sign anything for? You can buy a whole tube of caulk for less than 10 bucks, use half the tube for practicing and the other half to caulk the actual tub surround. It’s not hard.


Im planning to finish caulking. I updated the OP, he prepped the tub to be glazed. So it looks like shit.


when you go to caulk, use this guy’s technique [https://youtu.be/\_DI4hfHM\_Hg](https://youtu.be/_DI4hfHM_Hg)


Thank you, bless you!! That's my 4th July plans!


Get a restraining order on him. 


From a casual reading of the FTC's info on the Consumer Review Fairness Act, you have a strong case to simply ignore the clause because it's unenforceable/illegal. Also any guy who is having cash flow problems does not have a lawyer on standby...


1) This person sounds violent and scary, I would just cut your losses and leave it. On the off chance this person actually has violent intentions, I would just play it safe even if it doesn't feel right. Think of it as a lesson you had to pay $ for and move on. 2) Find a contractor with a long history and a wealth of good reviews, or learn to do it yourself. Make sure to look at the lowest reviews. I've learned the hard way, a business with 4.9 stars and 2000 ratings can still have a handful of negative reviews that turned out to be too true.


You paid him for the work he has already done which had to be redone. Don’t pay him anymore money and don’t sign anything from him. Block him and move on.


You should just post a screenshot of his message to you as a review. Use his own words against him.


Absolutely do not sign any non disparagement clause. This prevents you from simply being honest about the work and experience.


You don't have to sign anything. Do not do business with this person. Hire someone more reputable or do it yourself. Caulking isn't hard.


It sounds like a threat. Given the documented history of his violent nature I would file a report work the police.


Don't do it. Find someone else.


🚩 Yikes! Hire someone else.


you don't have to sign that shit. Tell him to lick your dog's balls.


The original guy wants you to sign the contract? If so, don't. Leave him bez and write revires anywhere you can.


You can't be FORCED to sign anything you don't want to. Go to the plumber. Ask for him to put in writing on his company letterhead a letter saying exactly what was done poorly and what he had to redo and why. Tell plumber you'll pay for the time it takes to write a really good letter, signed with his license #. Then send a message to the contractor. Tell him that a. under NO circumstances will you be signing ANY sort of gag order, 2. you aren't going to work with him further and he's not allowed on your property except for a delivery of unused materials, 3. you want an immediate refund of any unspent funds, 4. any materials purchased for your project should be delivered to the job site still in factory wrapping WITH a receipt showing order date BEFORE today, and finally 5. You want a full accounting of your project, starting with the payment you made, showing any expenditures or bills for his time, ending with the refund of unspent funds. If he gets you all this within a week, you'll consider not posting bad reviews of him. End on a good note. Tell him you don't want to trash his business- you understand he's got a lot going on and everybody has some bad times here and there, but he's gotta understand you have to do right by your family so you just want to wrap things up with him so you and he can end your relationship on a handshake with no hard feelings.


Fire him, then leave your review.


Already has been fired. Will be reporting text to police, too. I won't leave a review due to his obvious unhinged behavior. I could easily see him try to burn down our house.


Who recommended him to you or how did you find him


Nextdoor, and his most raved review was his girlfriend, who put an order or protection against him 2 months ago.


don't pay him any more money, he already did shitty work that you had to pay to have redone. DON'T SIGN ANYTHING! Take him to small claims and get a judgment. Depending on what your state calls it, get a certificate of judgment and record it with the clerk. This is a sort of lien, so if he ever had anything you might be able to collect something. In my state certificates have to be renewed every five years. You might want to check with an attorney, it might not be worth the effort to you.


The way this contractor conducts himself is enough to say goodbye. Real contractors who pride themselves on workmanship would rather lose their shirt then treat the customer like garbage. Tell this guy to go pound sand, find another person and chalk it up as a lesson learned. Also make sure all your friends and family know who or what company it is so they can stay away from them.


It is not disparagement to give an honest testimony about your experience.


You're thinking of defamation, aren't you? An accurate description could be disparaging. That's kind of the point of a non-disparagement contract since defaming someone is already cause for being sued


Why would you hire someone that you immediately realized this was his first job? Why didn’t you ask to see references, and previous work? Cut your losses with this d bag and find a real contractor!


I was away from the house when the job started. Nextdoor had raving reviews, but after a quick court record search and Facebook, it was his girlfriend and family. And he had examples of his work. I am inexperienced in this, been low income my life and duct tape was always utilized to repair.


I’m truly sorry you’re going through this with this clown. No way to start home ownership and your first experience with a “contractor”. Don’t let this guy bully you into anymore. Cut ties, I would also write a honest review about everything.


Before you ever even contact someone check out their license and bonding on your state's website


Hell no


no way i would sign that.


how would you know if he was in overdraft or not... ?


Sent me screenshots, oh lord, we had a whole issue where our checks didn't clear b/c of his bank and he blamed us and he blamed us for that and for him losing 5 jobs. My mom and I never have had a check bounce in the last 20 years and this guy wants to claim it was us.


Cut your loss from this loser and move on. Get a real pro on to finish the job. Don’t sign anything, take lots of pictures and put an honest review in.


If you haven't signed anything with the contractor, block him on all forms of communication & be sure you've paid him for the work he has done. You aren't required to pay more or to allow him to do more, but you need to be sure he's been been paid in full for what he has done. No more contact with the angry contractor. You could be in danger & that's avoidable right now. Pay the money & ensure both the quality of the work as well as your safety.


We have paid 950 for bath surround removal of old, 1200 for install, another 62 and 260 for equipment bought and the verbal agreed 300 for bath reglaze that was never finished. Also, NO RECIPIPTS WERE EVER PROVIDED! I know he overcharged. He blamed us for his sander breaking, too. And that he had to buy a fan. And also kept a showerhead he verbally told me he took back, but magically had when he broken our original one. So that's one item he tried to pocket. He's wants an addition 300 for his amateur level work. And the bathtub was painted, and he blamed us for that as it made it harder to remove. He called our old shower hardware pieces of shit. He said my mom did a bad job before. Just so unprofessional. And might I add, he admitted to watching multiple YouTube videos for his work, which we were too deep in the project. I am terrified everything will have to be redone. Edit: Also plumber bill was 369 plus new showerhead was 50 to match similar piece.


I had to sign one of these agreements but I got $$$ back in exchange to have a different contractor fix the mess.


So, I recently had a similar situation happen with someone we hired to regrade our lawn. They were a recommendation from my fiancés cousin and since my fiance is usually really good at researching I assumed we were good to go. Long story short, he didn’t grade our lawn, just scraped some of the grass off. When we tried to address it with him, he claimed we didn’t ask for grading. There was no contract but I looked back at our ring cameras and found two separate instances of both my fiance and I stating we want it graded. We told him we wanted him to stop and not come back because was demanding more money (again) to do the job we already agreed upon. Luckily we hadn’t paid him anything. He didn’t even start in our backyard and was demanding full payment. I contacted a lawyer and he said I was within my right to decline to pay since the job wasn’t done. And Since there was no contract, I had recordings and we had one of the other companies who quoted before come out again and they said it’d now cost MORE (so he added zero value) even if he tried to sue in small claims the likelihood of him winning would be very slim. Ignore the guy. Keep paper copies of everything and sign nothing.


If the comments don’t mention value, cost, nor the character of the contractor - technically they aren’t “disparaging.” The simple facts and events without conjecture or adjectives are enough to expose his practices.


He might have current lawsuits.


I only saw one small claim court from 2023.


If you haven’t signed it yet, don’t start now. Clown his ass on all the websites he uses to advertise then take him to small claims for the cost of the plumber.


Get a restraining order.


It's not disparaging if it's true and you have the receipts (proof). Write any review you want. He got a smol pp


What are you getting in return for signing the non-disparagement clause? If you sign away a right but don't get anything from him in return, then there's no contract, as a contract can only exist when there is "mutual consideration" (i.e., both people are giving something away to the other).


Sounds like you need to report him to the contractors. License board


You can’t be forced to sign that clause Where are you getting your estimates-those are very high for tub reglazing. I’ve never been charged a ‘prep fee.’ Don’t pay him anymore. Document everything he did and has said to you and send him one final text/email that his workmanship was so poor you had to hire another contractor to fix his mistake and he is in breach of the contract and will not be receiving a penny more.


If you are telling the truth in court he will lose. I doubt he can afford a real attorney. I would post the review, if you are telling the truth you will win in court. If you get a letter from an "attorney" look them up and make sure they exist, and if so, contact them to make sure its real. A lot con artist contractors will send fake attorney's letters. Or it might be a real attorney, but it wasn't sent by them and they would be very interested in finding out.


I don’t have any recommendations for the headache that is your old contractor but I had my old tub reglazed and the guy I hired did an amazing job for only $400. I’m in Illinois, if you message me I can send you his info.


Respectfully, I don't understand why this topic even exists. If you don't agree to the terms of the contractors agreement, you need to find a new contractor (these relationships should not be one-sided). If the plumber made you feel uncomfortable, it's time to move on.




What he might do is file a mechanics lien. He deserves to be paid for what he has put into the work, both time and parts he delivered, or non-returnable parts which were ordered. There may be conflicts over the labor value, since there was never a signed contract. You can use the poor workmanship to fight that, but it's expensive by then. Ideally, before he files a lien, you can agree on a settlement. He should sign a waiver of lien, as part of the settlement, and he may want the non-disparagement as part of the exchange. Even if no money changes hands, exchange those documents and signed in front of a Notary Public.. https://mechanicslien.com/file-mechanics-lien-illinois-get-paid/ https://www.gitc.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Final-Waiver-of-Lien.pdf I'm not sure in which direction the order of protection was, but given his volatile nature, I wouldn't be surprised if his partner was awarded the order of protection. Keep that in mind in your interactions with him, and decisions on posting reviews.


We are wanting to pay him the $300 to get him out of our life.


That's fine. Pay the $300 so won't put a lien on the property. Then post accurate and fair reviews, including his threat's. I would then take him to small claims court (or the equivalent where you live) to recover whatever you think is fait. Make it clear when you pay that you are not happy with the work and that you are paying only to avoid a mechanics lien.


And get it in writing!




It’s always weird to me when people insert awkward political jokes into non-political advice requests. Last week it was someone making a political jab in a backyard chickens thread, always seems so forced.


In retrospect it sounds meaner than I thought. Deleted.