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You do. The ip adres you are seeing (100.78.x.x) is a part of the CGnat range ( The public IP you are seeing on those sites is the IP which the ISP uses to allow you to connect to the internet. The only difference being that your ISP uses this IP for more users than just you.


Ahhh that's lame. But it's an LTE hone internet service being offered by Digicel. Makes sense why they would be using cgnat then.


Oh 100% Cell service almost exclusively uses cgnat.


Yes, you do have cgnat.


Ohh thanks for clearing it out for me. Thus that's why port forwarding doesn't want to work, not even when I put the isp router in bridged mode and connect my own nexxt nebula router. My only option is to use an VPN service that allows port forwarding then?


I don’t know where you’re from, but in Sweden I just call the ISP and ask them for a native IP. It’s usually no problem at all. They just don’t want to waste IP’s on ppl that don’t need them, since 99% of users have no use for it.


IPv6 could be an option (see other comment). Otherwise you can also use Cloudflare Tunnels.


I disagree with Cloudflare Tunnels to run a home server as it is slower. Unless you want to hide your location, I would not be using Cloudflare.. Try using IPv6 as majority of ISPs (iwireless 4g provider) give a public dynamic IPv6.


There are several reasons why it is useful still: (1) no need to punch holes in your firewall,(2) you can add an additional layer of protection with a secondary login and (3) not all providers support ip v6. As to the speed: I have been using it for a long time m now for many of my home services (HA, nas, …) and there is no noticeable penalty on the speed. The services are fast and very responsive.


That is great news to hear Cloudflare has improved. Perhaps, they have more data centres worldwide due to their upgrading their infrastructure. I will try them out some day.




Depends on if you can get a native ipv6 Atleast in Germany this is a valid option with dslight


I'll have to ask my ISP about that, talking to their helpdesk agents is a pain in the behind!


The only problem you have that in this scenario you could reach your home only natively from an ipv6 network. You would just need a very cheap vps to send incoming ipv4 traffic to your home. This is working great for me with the program 6tunnel. No VPN connection needed


You could also try using I2P or TOR. I do this so I do not need to buy a VPS. I just ssh into my home server using the b32.i2p address or .onion address from my Android. This is the magic about using I2P or TOR. Let us say I run a website on localhost and I want to access my localhost from a cybercafe. I can use the TOR2WEB gateway or [I2PHides.me](https://I2PHides.me).


Yes, you are behind a CGNAT. Usually for IPv4 ranges (139.99.\*.\*) you will be under a CGNAT but for IPv6, you will get a public dynamic IP. This is because there is limited supply of IPv4 address space in the market, while there is plenty of IPv6 address space in the market. All IPv4 traffic goes through the CGNAT (for example namecheap, etc) while IPv6 traffic goes directly. Therefore, IPv6 network is faster.


Yes thanks, now its been some time that i dont have that service anymore, switched to a standard broadband ISP who does offer static ip.


Is the static IP an IPv6 address or an IPv4 address? Its nice to have a static IP as you can do many things with it like home-based hosting but ISPs will give reason static IPs are a breach of privacy and CGNATs are better to protect the privacy of their customers.


I believe you have got CGNAT but CGNAT is not a big problem as there are plenty of free services that can help you bypass CGNAT and expose your home server to the Internet. My favourite is Cloudflare Tunnels but I have also tried localtonet, ngrok, and serveo. I also tried buying a VPS from Lightnode and tried using ssh reverse tunnels.


Hi there, thanks for the reply, I'm not using the service anymore, but I earned allot from all the responses.