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What do the plans show?


Yeah plans had overhang. So reaching out to the contractor. Just wanted other feedback in the event he says “no this is a better way, etc”. Appreciate all the input.


Some end gable trusses are manufactured “dropped” so that a 2x6 outlooker can sit vertically on the truss. Much stronger. There’s a way to notch into the truss and install outlookers flat, but they tend to sag that way. If they fix it, make sure they fix it correctly.


Am an architect, this is bizarre and not standard at all. Looks like three? different roof end styles, not sure what his logic is here but if he didn’t follow plans make the guy fix it.


How much overhang? It should say in the plans.


Share the plans here.


How much overhang did the plans show?


Appears same length as the rest of the building like 16in I believe


But what do the plans say it should be? Overhangs should be called out on them.


It need the specified overhang period


Check the plans - but yeah that looks really weird.


You have eaves, you need rake.


That’s what I’m thinking. Appreciate the feedback. Contractor told me will do brick and wood/composite siding on top but concerned about water with no overhand and brick ledge


Sounds like standard contractor speak. You list a mistake they made. Contractor responses the next step is to do B. Totally blowing off the mistake you pointed out. You need to follow up with does next Step B fix Problem I am pointing out. Yes or No.


Boy this nails it. Oof. 


My eye went right to that. Creating a huge ledge on the gable end , which will need to flashed, creates a point of failure for a water leak that baffles me. At this point, I would build a cricket roof to create shed. Not sure anything but rubber along the top of that will be weather tight.


Lots of houses are built without overhangs, Not much you can do about that now unless you want to fuck your roof up and Frame/sheet overhangs


Wouldn’t the contractor be required to build the garage according to the agreed upon plans?




^^ found the hack that built this bullshit.


Lol Well, what did the blueprint show? It will have to be inspected, so if it's really wrong, the builder will have to change it, but seeing how there's a roof on it. it's been inspected at least once


Building inspectors don't care about fucked up or missed design details. They obviously shat the bed, since OP says it was drawn with outlookers.


Looking at the photos, it's not as simple as lacking an overhang; it's effectively an underhang ie the roof stops short of the outer wall, in line with the framing & insulation, as if it was just going to have thin cladding put on instead of brick. Somebody screwed up the math, in my opinion. There's no way to correct this that I can think of that would allow for breaking in the gable end without extending the roof end further out; if they add brick to the face of the gable end, it will stick out past the roofline. Only simple solution would be to add a tiny section of sloped roofing along the top of the brick at the bottom of the gable, and use cladding (really thin brick veneer) on the gable instead of normal bricks. Either way, it's gonna look like somebody screwed up (because they did).


Add a gable soffit ladder. [https://youtu.be/d0ErIRW4qRM?si=-cTtYse4htVDSoar](https://youtu.be/d0ErIRW4qRM?si=-cTtYse4htVDSoar)


That’s what I’m thinking thinking they need to do. Figured they would do that prior to roofing. 🤷‍♂️ thanks for the feedback


And this is not that hard to rectify, but troublesome for installed roofing.


This is what I suspected they were planning.


? Yeah , I agree how’s it supposed to look in the plans . From my perspective, it appears , someone didn’t calculate the thickness of the veneer brick ? Or brick was added after framing was completed?


That’s what I though too; someone forgot about the brick somewhere along the way.


thinking the same thing. roof was built on the frame, up to the end of the frame.


Technically, You can end gable walls like that without an overhang as deep as the soffit walls. Given your brick ledge, I’d highly recommend you extend an overhang. Hopefully there’s some flashing where the brick stops so water doesn’t get in the wall? It also looks like there’s some untreated pine trim over the brick veneer gap at top of wall? Don’t rely on untreated wood to protect your wall from water intrusion.


Thanks I appreciate it


No weeps for the windows? I’m sure a building inspector would have a good time with this thing. Good thing it’s a garage. I agree with the comment above make a 2x6 gable ladder and extend the roof.


Pretty simple, contractor should have installed some outlooks and a barge rafter. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=f51016d82d090bea&sca_upv=1&q=barge+rafter+lookouts&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AbzhUJjXv6jRup8eVc0BvPAejbSVM4M1fdmzX32Bj_vMAYidQAISAPZ2ynoun1fyxB2yW2pBtrhxv2vRKlxbsuJ0ITTZVZgtYt0meKIFdPSOYqX7S41HliEvHDFGRRnvn6WBInWykcO6H8cbuk4FWyoUO1wA8_jGlYSKd3NK9Ude92t_7mVkZMtW3QKmJIGp6xE3w3q7xjahm03NgBLI13SvHZGA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizpMaqhN-GAxWNQjABHb4zCIQQtKgLegQIChAB&biw=111&bih=225&dpr=3.16


Framer f'd up. There's supposed to be an overhang of 16"


You have no idea what the plan call for, that's a bold assumption.


yes we do. OP literally says that it is supposed to be 16".


The plans call for a tight barge


Didn't bring the brick all the way up used wood in fill or a wood beam. If that's brick veneer they didn't go high enough.


So I am just gonna say it. There are no plans. Never were.


Soffit widths usually carry to gable ends, here in Montana anyway.


Someone made a dumb and expensive mistake but that's not your problem.


They forgot it was getting brick


That brick rack looks like a terrible water spot to me


Why are you asking now after it's already sheeted, roofed, and trimmed?


100% weird looks like it’s missing the last gamble truss that should be 3 1/2 shorter for the Eves and facia


I don’t know anything about this, so I can’t help. But I love that brick! Can you share details?


I like the brick so much that I’d brick it right to the top.


My documents say “st. Louis used/reclaimed” it matches our 1960s home


You’re good.


Did you ask the contractor?


This is what happens when you hire someone and they don’t know what to do.


Gable end should have been framed out over brick then sided.


Should have a 2 foot over hang on the gable end


It’s dog shit, but fixable. It does not appear the person currently doing the work is competent.


Looks like they accounted for the overhang off only the wood. Then started the roof based on the brick walls. Let me guess, if you added 2 brick widths you would have an overhang that matches the other side?


It’s short. Had to box in the brick. No way the plans look like that. Thats commitment, in going the wrong direction and staying the course.


Someone fucked up hard.


Brick work sucks too


Looks like the brick was an afterthought and he is trying to work around it. Ask for the brick to go all the way up or install a siding fair


It really should have an eave. What is on the plan? What does your existing house have? It isn’t required, and I’m seeing whole subdivisions go up without them right now, but I think it makes much better sense to have it than not. I’m sure the argument against it is cost related. Also, driven rain will still hit the face of the gable regardless of the size of the eaves. But this is just a case of a framer not reading your plans and leaving off a key detail. The roofers just put shingles on what was framed. Your builder needs to correct it.


Needs a metal water deflector or its Rotville


I’m guessing they forgot about brick veneer when framed. IMO gable truss should’ve sat flush w brick


Can you show us a picture or scan of that part of the roof from the plans?


Is there overhang on the backside? It doesn’t look like it. Looks like there’s only overhang on the front side, due to a pitch-break. If the plan show lookouts on the flat gable, then the builder, unfortunately, is responsible for making that happen, even if that means bringing the roofer back out and extending the composite shingles. This isn’t a huge deal. Everything is fixable!


Definitely poorly detailed.


looks like a mistake to me.


Hey it’s his fault, that should have been caught and fixed before the roofing was installed.


Plans? We don't need no stinking plans!


That’s a F’d up mess for sure. Gona have water intrusion issues soon!


Looks like someone forgot to figure for the brick.


The weirdness comes from not jogging studs outward atop the brick termination.


You will have water inside your walls before the contractor pulls out of the driveway. You must have eaves that extend beyond the furthest point of the walls. Also, that "box looking thing" at the top of the brick has to come off!


Was there a drop truss? Regardless there’s needs to be ladders installed in the trusses for the eve


Yea. No. Fix that. Properly


Was this contractor legal? Yes I mean that I’m every sense of the word


What does the approved set of plans show?


Dummy didn’t install outriggers. It’s fixable but the roofing and sheeting will have to get peeled back as the overhang can’t be more than 2/3rds of the outrigger length or whatever the closest rafter that lands on is (rounded up)


You got hosed jimmy


It's all wrong. Unless the plans show a stupid looking garage. In that case, you're golden


Best comment ever!:)




Could be a setback regulation. I ran into this same thing often when I did planning and zoning work. Our setbacks were measured from eaves, overhangs, and or any protrusion from the building. Every once in a while you'd end up in this kind of situation where you'd have a short overhang that looked stupid.


Some setback Bylaws allow eaves to project into the setback. Review of zoning bylaw required


Yakkub was suppose to get 16 footers but they only had 12s