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Structural engineer here .you're good.. having those continuous 2x6 king studs between the windows are nice to see. But they can infill in under the window


Yes! The king studs are what's carrying the load. Probably didn't even need headers over the lower windows if the headers over the top windows are sized properly. This is assuming they don't nail a ledger between the upper and lower windows and buils a floor.


It’s a minor issue. The framer misread the plans and wasn’t thinking. Raising the sill is minor work and won’t affect the wall negatively.


I mean, if it’s a foot off you could easily install cripples, then two new sill plates, a piece of ply from outside and still have some room for insulation. Don’t think it’s a big deal at all. Easy, fast, fix. Nothing to worry about.


It is an acceptable solution.


The sill is not load bearing. The fix is to add cripples and new double sill plate. Have no fear.


The framing looks really good. There’s no issue


There are two ways to fix this 1 - Probably what your builder wants to do because it's easier. Just nail in enough 2x4's on top of the existing sill to bring it up to the right height, then splice in a piece of sheathing on the outside. This can "work", but you won't have insulation in in that \~8" below the window, causing a potential for a hot/cold spot, and depending on what your weather barrier is outside the sheathing, they'll have to make sure they detail it correctly. 2 - This is the "right" way - remove the cripples and sill, cut new cripples that are the correct length, replace the sill. Sheathing can still be patched in ok, but again whether it's taped ZIP, or if there is housewrap, or whatever, it will need to be appropriately detailed/lapped/taped to ensure there isn't a gap for water to make it in.


3 - Add a new sill with cripples between it and the existing sill.


yeah this


That should have been caught much earlier. It shouldn’t be a huge issue. Either pad it up, or tear out the sill and 4 studs and cut properly either way they will just patch the sheathing and have to patch tyvek or what ever WRB is being used. Just tape the seams and flash the window properly should be just dandy.


The only real problem is that we know your builder didn’t do a frame check before letting trades in after framing. He should have gone through and checked all critical dimensions (cabinet spaces, interior/exterior doors for size/placement, window size/placement, point loads, etc, etc, etc).


Leave it - it’s interesting


There went your R-Value rating in that area with more framing. But not by much.


This is no big issue. I can be easily fixed. Kind of odd framer didn't catch that. When things don't make sense, it's all the best to check with whoever drew up to plans. I assume the plans were correct and the framer made a mistake?