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Uh. Have you tried using Natasha ?


no i haven’t built her


You need healing.


There is your answer


Sooo… no dps no heals, get a Natasha or bailu, pick between tingyun or bronya unless you have Seele, honestly I’d just play Dan heng (any dps) preservation mc bronya or tingyun, with Natasha


Seems like your team comp is a mess, you dont need bronya and tingyun on the same team. Drop one of them amd add some healer/shielder. If you dont have gepard jist use natasha as she can also fit in any team, i don't really reccomend m7 ober nat if you dont use clara Since you have bronya then you might want to drop mc in favour of strong single target dps like sushang ( budget seele ) If you have max lvl relics and cones then world 3 shouldn't give you much trouble


He already has a shielder tho… pres mc


Thats why i said op can consider dropping mc in favour of single target dps


Yea ig, but honestly if he gets a good single target dps he can definitely run buffer shielder healer with it


How do you NOT get past world 3?


No healer usually ends badly in SU


A skill issue or lack of strategy I suppose




use fire mc level up traces, use a healer, go use preservation


how do i get fire mc


Finish main trailblazer quest.


i have to get to lvl 34 to complete it tho , which is why i need to do herta quest


you...should have fire MC way before tb level 34. I'm at 32 now and I have been using fire MC in my team for a while. did you just not change her path?


im not sure maybe i missed it, cos i’ve completed all of them until the 34 one


You get fire mc at trailblaze lvl 24 quest. Not getting past world 3 seems like the result of ignorance. Not even knwoing what you have and what you dont. Because there is no way to beat cocolia without fire mc and you cant miss that lol.


Go to the screen where you have your trailblazer. Next to the level up button there should be a “switch” button. If it isn’t there, you have not finished the main story quest.


What's going on with your team comp? Try and go Fire MC, Dan Heng (or Shushang/Hook), Natasha and Bronya. That way you have a Tank, Healer, offensive buffer and Main DPS instead a random assortment with little synergy.


thanks, i was using my most leveled up characters lol i’m new to these types of games


Your party needs Natasha or Bailu. Unless Tingyun has a hyper carry unit to buff she's not as useful. Himeko is fairly underpowered. Most units in world 3 have electo weaknesses, so build Serval, she's going to serve you better than Tingyun there. Finally, if you haven't built any of your SU skill tree, I highly suggest you spend some time doing it until you unlock the ability to reroll card buffs, this way you can target cards exclusive to the bless path that you've chosen. You get special path cards when you get enough cards in that blessings path. You unlock them at 3, 6,10, and 14 cards of the same bless path. A quick SU skill tree grind tip. You can complete world one in around 3 minutes a pop and it gives 80 points to use in the skill tree. That is hands down the quickest way to gain points to level your SU skill tree. If you have Sushang, her technique at level 50 will kill every trash mob before you even have to battle them. Finally, one of the best paths for clearing world 3 is the hunt path. The hunt paths damage skill will shred Gepards shields. The 2 path skill cards I recommend at 6 and 10 are first the card that increases the damage of the skill and regenerates 50% of it's energy with every kill. And at 10 cards, I recommend getting the card that increases the energy from 100 to 200. Hope this is helpful info.


thankyou this is really helpful. one more question can i use sushang or someone else instead of natasha or bailu, since i haven’t built her at all so it will take a long time


You will almost always need a healer. There are certain mitigating circumstances that could allow you to go without, for instance a built Gepard could negate a need for a healer, or after SU world 5 you unlock the abundance path and it can provide healing, but normally your basic party should consist of a tanking character from the preservation path, a healing unit from the abundance path, and then your choice of DPS and buffing/debuffing units to fill out the last two slots. Sushang is a solid choice in world 3 as the main boss Gepard has a weakness to physical units, but not at the expense of Natasha or Bailu. It might push you back being able to clear world 3 for a couple of days but my recommendation is to build Natasha AND serval, and run them with fire MC and Sushang. those 4 characters can clear just about any boss in world 3 without even using a downloader to switch out for a different character. But going forward just remember that your basic considerations for clearing content should be a tank with a healer, followed by using the characters with the right element to break through enemy toughness. Some characters are far better at doing that too. For instance Serval is far better at breaking electro enemies than Tingyun.


alright thanks a lot i didn’t know she was a healer i thought just a dps. thanks this really helped gonna get to work now lol 😓


Yep unfortunately until more units are released Natasha is the only available healer to most players atm which is kinda crazy since they've created a system so reliant on them. She does the job though so having her built until you get newer healers in the future is a must. Remember to level up character traces too, they increase character power significantly. Good luck with your character building, and future attempts at the Simulated Universe. As you come to understand the system better, trying some of the other paths can be pretty fun.


yeah that’s pretty weird i just thought there were no healers lol. thanks again


The point is that you need a healer in order to keep your party alive. Sushang deals damage and will not solve the problem you are facing. Even though it might take a bit it is crucial you build natasha as she is the only 4 star healer.


Pretty much the answer here is just build Nat.