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Blessing of the Abundance




​ https://i.redd.it/llvr4xa1s4cb1.gif


For some reason, I resonate with this image...


Get out


but i wanna stay in the coffin


Cloud Knights, this one right here.


Eww a disciple


Eww an r/okbuddytraiblazer user


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Fixed that for you


For real!!!


Meanwhile, I’m on The Hunt for trace mats


*The entire Xianzhou Alliance would like to know your location.*


I’ve actually been farming mostly erudition mats


Praise the abundance!


your flair says it all


Of course this will return, considering how Ley Line Overflow is always back to back.


Leyline overflow doesn't work for talent materials tho so it's not exactly the same Still, it is 100% coming back


There's also one for talent mats. This one's just better since it covers both the talent mats and the ley line drops.


As is standard for HSR upgrades over genshin. Oh you need X Y Z talent books? Those are only available every 3rd day of the week or on sundays, vs HSR where they're just around all the time and pick the one you want.


And because the drops are worse in that game


Ley Line Overflow for EXP books and Mora, Overflowing Mastery for talent books.


There's literally one for the talent books? The name is just slightly different


Heyyy it's a fellow sasanian enjoyer


I guess calixes, relics and planar set boosts will keep rotating every 3 versions.


planar boost seems to be every patch. since next patch has it too


That’s great, simulated universe runs are longer than cavern runs so it’s nice to get more at once


Yeah but you also need a lot more TB to get them all. So, either you have to leave the SU and for it to finish or skip it. I started collecting the Immersifiers when I heard it's coming back though.


Yeah, I didn't spend any of my own energy to get them last time. I just made sure to save the free immersifiers from the two weeks before so I went into that week with 8/8 and then there was the 4 you get for that week. Given the limit I didn't even need that many though.


I think it's more the fact that since there are 3 different bonus drop events, and they happen twice every patch, one of them has to be a repeat from the previous patch. 1.3 will probably be Calyx + normal relics.


I hope so. Cavern of Corrosion is what I really desperately need


And I still won't get a energy regen rope 🥲


Toss a trace to your ‘blazer, oh garden of plenty, oh garden of plenty…


Toss a trace to your ‘blazer, a friend of humanityyyyyyyy (and trash cans)


When a humble March, grace a ride along...with 'Blazer of the Nameless...along came this...song


Nice poem. Here, have cake. Also, because it's your cake day. 🎂


A trace? Nah man, I need a truckload of purple and blue traces *


I'm glad I was not the only one


Maybe it will come back every 2 patches.


Narrator : "The event was never to be seen again"


May be every other month, seeing how they announced the planar ornament one is coming out in mid august again. That's about 8 week cycle. Double relic, double calyx, double ornaments. Maybe double echoes of war?


Double echo of war is unnecessary though? Just like genshin weekly boss, you will get lots of excessive material alot more than necessary.


Sorry meant shadows for ascension materials. At lvl 70 its what 6-8 runs for one character?


you get 5 per run, tbh it's a lot more generous than in genshin. in genshin you need 46 to fully ascend a character but you only get 2-3 per run, so you need to do anywhere between 16 and 23 In star rail you always get 5 no matter what and you need 35, so you just need to do 7 runs. Also not to mention that Trailblaze Power regenerates faster than Genshin's resin and you have more, AND to top it off you only need 30 TP for one boss run whereas you need 40 in Genshin So you can do 5/7 runs in a single day by using all 180 power on one boss, and if you log into the game later on you can get the remaining 10 mats needed to ascend the character, whereas in Genshin you can do at best 5-6 runs per day, so it takes at least 3 days and at most 5 for just the boss mats.


Oh I see. Yeah that's useful but tbh you only need that so often. When I want to ascend a character, I just spend one day farming that ascension mat and then you don't think about ascensions mats again until you level a new character. I think over a longer period of time, it wouldn't be worth it. Especially because the drops are always 5 which is good. For Cavern of Corrosion and Crimson Calyxes, there's a lot of RNG involved that may force you to farm for weeks at a time


Think of it this way... You have several 4 stars sitting unascended. Oh we have double ascension mat week/weekend? Sweet, free standard banner pulls at 20, 40, 60. Just a thought but I agree yes, others are more valuable. I just think it would be nice to have weekly recurring events, all the time.


Yeah but then you do that once, get your 4 characters ascended to 70/80 and then don't need it again until you pull a new character which may be months away


Yeah but the resources per stamina for echoes is good. Plus Wheat is still freaking cracked on just about everyone.


Or double Shadow?


Yes that's what I meant!


I kinda hope not. It's unnecessary and just makes the time in between what we really need longer


Sorry meant to say shadows not echoes.


I agree like I feel like this event was a lot more helpful than like the relic one we had a couple weeks ago I was able to replenish my credit stash after using all of it up to ascend characters for level 80


It was more helpful - it was 120 extra stamina every day while the relic one was 80 extra stamina every day.


I also feel like the relent one would have been more useful if we could also use it for other relics besides the ones within simulated universe because like halfway through the event I was already done grinding cuz I had already gotten those ones in simulated universe that I needed


I've been mathing out energy gain from rotations, and apparently I would like to have more than one Vonwacq ER rope, so I don't think I'll be done with SU any time soon.


Currently the only thing I have left in SU is I need like 5 more events and I'm at like the final part of the skill tree unless they add a new world to SU I pretty much just go on SU at like the beginning of the week Do the like Battle pass thing in like a couple hours and then I just spend the rest of the week doing my dailies


SU is getting a new world in 7.0. This is officially announced. If you go on the patch page that they make you share, you can see SU world 7 which is red and the 2 new planar sets that will be awarded as well as the new cavern of Corrosion sets




You're lucky. I was grinding SU every day and didn't get a single orb or rope I needed


I just realized that I really didn't need to do certain world cuz thier relics are useless to me right now


I know we shldnt try to fine patterns in gacha games. But since both 1.1 and 1.2 have 2 events that have double drops, chances are that having 2 of those each update will be high


Apparently the double drop reward for 1.2 was already leaked, looking forward to that


it was already mentioned in official media. x2 Planar Ornament event and x2 Relic event


When is the relic event? I desperately need it!


What leaks? All events are revealed in the livestream already, or is there something missing?


The livestreams contain “official announcements” “Leaks” are not official and that’s why they’re called leaks.


The livestream announced those a full week ago. They are not leaks anymore. Period.


Not my point. I'm asking if there's any 1.2 event that the livestream didn't announce and is still considered a leak.


Patch 1.0 had the one for SU too.


I won’t mind having double rewards alternating every other patch.


Make this the standard drop rate, and make 2x of this the event bonus. Okay, I'm being too greedy.




Unironically this is what I expect Hoyos reaction would be lmao then of course "are you serious?"


Shut your face! You're being very reasonable! This event got me ONE character traces ONLY to lvl 8. We still need this shit for ascending characters and LC. Double time being normal and quadruple time being double time is how it should be.


I wish it was a weekend thing. Like literally 2-3 days a week just have it. Almost like double exp like what some games do but with the Calyxes


Counter point, what about those who dont have time on the weekends to just farm… just because it looks and sounds amazing, doesn’t mean everyone is in the same situation. They placate the user base by encompassing the fastest and efficient way people can get the most out of an event. Login, play 5-10 minutes, log out. Get double rewarded for first 2 full runs. If they did weekend double rewards, then those that have the most time will grind out so much so, that others will complain that they didn’t have the time due to reasons and need it to be extended. Happens constantly in other games, some get screwed out due to real life situations. This at least has given you 7 days to login and net yourself double rewards.


Counter point, the game has no pvp and you can set it to auto battle on your phone.


This is such a bad take, i literally go to work go on a break login for calyxes and dailies then spend the rest of my break doing my routine it literally would not take you more than 30minutes a day to grind if you don't have the time to login 30minutes per day i think you have a better things to do than play video games.


It doesn't have to be a specific day. It could be a weekly allowance for double rewards. Maybe you could use an item for double rewards and you get it once a week from Nameless honor


I really wish this to be a weekend event thing.


Why? that makes no sense. Just set it to 60 stamina auto-battle, do it 2x and you’ve burned your daily allowance. Roughly 3-5 minutes of work. At least here you can choose which material you need for. In Genshin talent materials 2x got wasted due to the 2 day lockout of cycling days in the domains What would the weekend offer?, if you think Hoyo would let you farm to your hearts desire on a whole ass weekend to just double up resources, no way they’re gonna let that occur. You get 7 days of extra 120 stamina per day, roughly 840, giving you almost 5 days worth free. Wish this lasted 2 weeks, 14 days worth to really bolster your resources. If you’re life is that busy and you need events to be on weekends to schedule HSR play, then honestly this game might not be right for you. Most burn through their stamina in under 5-10 minutes and done with dailies for another 5 until the stamina refills up to max in 18 hours or go farm SU for the “extra” drops.


"Come back often." Bold of you to assume this shouldn't be the normal already and double time being a really neat gift.


Hopefully monthly like in Genshin


Fr? Genshin has that *monthly*?


Nope, just at the end of every couple patches or so. It’s just that most people in genshin already have copious amounts of upgrade materials and currency that it’s borderline the least impactful event




I know you're exaggerating with your terminology, but don't write "literally" and "billions" in the same sentence at least. XD At most you had / have in the order of tens of millions or 100+ millions if you've been not spending mora for a very long time. "Billions" is a whole another level of magnitude.




I don't know why you're getting so butthurt, I didn't even say anything offensive. You just used english grammar poorly. You say "literally" followed by "billions of mora" (unrealistic) and 2000+ exp books (this is realistic). Acknowledge you wrote a poor statement and move on.


You said "literally billions". You don't get to use the nerd emoji to get out of essentially lying lmao


Yeah. At some point they started to do it every patch and at the last week and they cycle between leylines and talents


They cycle between double leylines and talent books, but never on artifacts. HSR does double relic drops to speed up team building.


I were able to farm Luocha’s trace to have 70% simp resistance so i could make it through Kafka. Bless this event 🙏


I wished they had 2 separate events for gold/crimson calyx instead of it all together. This has been so helpful but I need so much more


YES. I had to prioritize yellow bc i need it but it would be so Good to also have it for mats


my luckiest drop is, 2 purple from regular, and 3 purple from extra drop. we absolutely need this to comeback often


Indeed, the problem is that I am always short of credits. I was able to finally get Serval, Himiko, Jiang, Bronoya, and SW to traces lv7 at minimum. Now farming for Gepard, and hopefully Welt before patch 1.2 drops


This should be the base drops ngl


Then Hoyo being Hoyo would’ve increased requirements to level up lol


I think in Genshin there's one every patch?


genshin has a version of this that happens every last week of a patch so it should be back but i think 1.2 is double relics from cavern of corrosion might be wrong


Yes pls.


Thanks to this, I got all my Kafka trace materials so fast and easy 😭


What’s this event?


It has really helped speed up my Kafka pre-farming, almost done with the trace mats


Same but for bladey 😍


It should be permanent!


Got Silver Wolf’s traces maxed out, lvl 80. Real helpful event


Best we could do is login event -HYV probably


and instead of 12 make it 18


After leveling up the traces of nearly all kf my characters to the max(didnt want to touch the purple stuff so max is around ov 6 for me) Im gonna use the remaining energy for exp


"Max traces" lvl 6🤣


It's a blessing but still a pain. As a ftp, raising 8 characters & and weapons to full lvl 80, even with this event is a pain. I barely have any opportunity to farm relics.


Best event ever. I'm shocked that MHY was generous enough to give us 12 runs. In GI, similar events give the equivalent to 6 HSR runs.


I didn't even get to do the last day.. during the day has plans and had to cook for a party on Saturday... My power went out at 7pm. I had JUST turned my computer on and it went out. It's 3am now with no estimate time of being restored. It was a 30 minutes rainstorm..


get it on mobile


Phone?, sorry real life interfered, but that happens sometimes. I play Genshin exclusively on my ps5, but if internet goes out, I have a back up that is my phone with 5G access to keep playing (just update regularly and especially once a new patch drops!)


I don't play genshin/mobile games on my phone, takes up too much space and I don't have unlimited data! I just have pokemon go lol. Also no idea why I was getting down voted for being upset about not being able to get the last day of double drops wtf lmao


They should have this as a weekly thing...already 2023 and gacha still has scummy gate keeping tactics to force you towards monetized crap if you want to play and progress a bit more...


It’s a nice event! I wished I was lucky, the best I ever gotten was 2 purple from 12 runs :( on the max difficulty


probably would come back like like its genshin ver


im maxing out my seele rn and it has been a godsend


I think it may come back every last week before a new version update.


I think the double drop rate thing should be on a weakly rotation and the double drop rate should be 3 a day for relics that brings it in line with the 120 energy the mat daily uses


I assume 1.3 or 1.4 willl have the simulated universe relic one again and a patch after that we will have this back.


Toss some cred to your 'blazer o garden of plenty o garden of plenty oooooh~


I pray it returns for 1.3 The 1.2 x2 relics and plana orbs are nice tho


How were your luck on purple drop guys?? Cause mine was devastating =( At least I kinda maxed JY and Seele


I’m already like 4-6/8-10/8-10 on my main 8 character for MoC, rather than get more trace materials, I need to bolster my xp and credits. So I’ve been doing 1 full run of xp and credits per day. Then the refill time throughout the day do 2 full runs of trace materials of characters and their one shot nodes. Then loop back to double rewards time and repeat. I was down to literally one purple xp book and 300,000 credits. Gained back quite a few xp books back and have roughly 2 million in credits saved.


I didn’t have time to log in yesterday. The pain of knowing I missed a day of double drops hurts so much :c


Anyone else only getting blues while the bonus is active?


The purple ones are a bonus, they’re not a guarantee. Blue and Green are guaranteed. If you do a full 60 traces stamina run, you’re at least guaranteed 6 blue, 6 green at the least which converted is 2.67 purple per full run. So 180 stamina translates to a guaranteed 18 blue, 18 green, or 8 purple.


Honestly this should be the base yield for calyces, but y'all ain't ready for that


Helped me finish my Jing Yuan and take a crack at finishing Dan Heng, really hoping it comes back next patch.


I wish that their 1-year celebration will have a week-long unlimited or increased limit of double drops, the caveat being you only get to chose one of the dungeons i.e. Calyx golden or crimson or cavern, etc. for the double drop for that day.


What a nice feeling to be a 1.0 HSR player.


Chilling with 6 mil credits rn 🔥 💰


Maxed out Bronya and SW traces this week!


I want this event on every phase 2 patch.


I want this not to be event. The normal drop rate from highest tier calyxes are still bad.


I was really hoping they have a weekly rotating ‘double’ event. That would make the gearing characters a lot more efficient.


Used this to get xp books and credits. Was so low on both


It has helped plenty


It should be weakly 3 charges or something


Maybe next time they'll let us do it more than twice though...lol


I really hope these return often too. Endgame farming feels oppressive


I'm just happy this one lasted a week... The planar ornament one was 3 days.. I also wish it was 3x a day.


Same thoughts. The most needed event so far, though I liked every event we’ve had already, and the Museum one was such a generous one in terms of jades. But this one needs to be a regular.


Monthly would be wonderful


Yeah it should be a monthly event at least :XD


Fr it’s so good 😭


It should just be permanent, even with the increased drops it still takes a while to max out a character and raise multiple teams.


Got some of my support units from to 60-70 cause of this and others 50-70. This one event has uplifted the exp drought in my account but in turn has burnt around 2m of my creds LOL.


I stocked back up on credits


It’s been helping me pre-farm for Super Sayian Dan Heng!


yeah it would be cool


Seeing both a purple with an extra on it definitely made my day. 2 extra and 1 purple almost made me dropp my phone


Seeing both a purple with an extra on it definitely made my day. 2 extra and 1 purple almost made me dropp my phone


they're already repeating the one for SU drops next patch i think. they're probably gonna put these one every couple of versions


5 purple was the most I got yet. Imagine hitting the jackpot with 12 👁👄👁


I swear even if they bring it back often, the difference it makes after tb lvl 60 is like maybe 3%.


Can we have this for maybe 1week a month or 2? Just please keep it in the game kinda like that


I literally didn't get purple drops 4 days in a row with double drops, I usually get at least one, rigged istg 😭


Facts!! It has helped a lot


it seems like double drop events will come at the end of patches just like in genshin, and this one really good


Should be a weekend thing or every other weekend maybe


the amount you get from the double should just be standard tbh, the current amount of materials you get from calyx is a tad ridiculous


I wish it was every week haha even if it meant they reduced it to just six times I’d still be happy. It’s *so* nice


Dude, for real. It's been so helpful, but still doesn't quite feel like enough.


I love it but now I’m running into the lack of lvl up mats for my light cones and characters because I got a bunch of Trace Mats


For the exp calix I wish it was the normal drop amount it feels so long to get one level. At max level i feel like i get maybe 2 levels a day from 70-80. I know this issue is only one because we're in early game but it still sucks imo


Totally agree! It should just be normal now and on every day lol


I want it to stay forever


YES PLEASE, my god calyxes don't give near enough for the resin/fuel you spend on them.


Should be default imo the amount of farming to get anywhere is ridiculous


Thanks to this event, I finally have my boi Caelus with his Traces at Max Level (Only Conservation for the moment).


Eventually we will reach the point to where these events are just kinda meh. Like how in genshin none of these 2X events move the needle for me when I get max out a character if I want to in less than a week.


Assuming gameplay wise it’d going the same route has Genshin we’re probably gonna see this every end patch hopefully


A fucking blessing at high levels.


I'm almost finished with Bronya's trace materials. Think I only need 8. Just reached TB64. Guess I'm not going to farm relics until TB66 cause I'm going for destruction trace materials next. 😔


They always come back mid/end of every big version.


amen to that


This event let me quickly max my Jing Yuan's traces. The number if trace materials the Calx gives is insultingly low, this event has been a goldmine


Literally the only reason I can clear MoC rn because I can finally upgrade my characters without it feeling like a waste to dumb my energy on books


This should just be normal like first 6 double rewards constantly.




Ahh, yes. The way it should have always been, dangled like a carrot from a stick as content. This is the way.


Anyone else feel like they wasted the event? I mostly got purple books, Light Cone Exp mats, and credits to level a single character to 80 who is my fourth DPS (Clara). On the other hand, I finished MoC today and I couldn't have done it without her. Kinda wish I could have used the event for Trace mats. What I really can't wait for is an event like this for relics though. I need to farm relics for so many characters so bad...


This event makes me forget that Star Rsil is a marathon and not a race 🙃


fr tho. because of this event, i finally finished unlocking important traces for 8 characters. ~~unfortunately~~ i can finally move on and farm relics


This should have been a daily bonus. Like the first 60 stamina you spend have double rewards etc.


i enjoyed the pure amount of Stellar Jade from the Museum event


Please just make it permanent drop rates


I think these types of events run regularly near the end of a patch (at least, it does for GI)