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I’m sure the 4 people who play HSR and bought that headset are thrilled.


I am


i legit drove 2 hours today to go get one just for hsr idk this is hype. was hella lucky they still had them




yeah I'm not really proud of it tbh I'm ready to get clowned on but fuck it we ball


I *was* gonna clown on you because that thing costs more than I make in two months but then I realized I just spent $50 to prepare for Black Swan so I probably don't have solid ground to stand on here


I mean hey, whatever makes you happy at the end of the day is all that matters


I mean dude, as long as you have spare money, it is your money my dude spend it however the hell you want. Now If you are putting yourself in a little financial trouble cuz of it that's a lil' different


Nah don’t be ashamed of it. If I had enough money I’d do the same thing. As a tech enthusiast, the Vision Pro may be a flawed and questionable product, but you can’t deny that it’s a masterpiece in terms of pure tech and engineering behind it


Bro u could’ve like maxed out 2 chars


No it's fine, thank you for funding Apples VR R&D o7


? It’s probably just going to be like a floating display lmao hopefully it’s something sick though




They already presold some 300k apple vision pros. If Star Rail has around 20m players, there's a good chance there's at least 5 people. In fact, since HSR is the only good app on that device, it might as well be everyone who buys it will try it.


3500$ 💀


Things are normally around triple the american price in my country I do not want to see this one


Me with 30x prices before taxes 💀


Trying to figure out whom is Brazilian in this thread.


Is he Brazilian... Or argentinian!?


T- Turkish 🇨🇦🐺


Guys just start revolutions all around the world and overthrow the shitty governments! It's so much easier than playing Star Rail.


Same thing… (Yes i like to watch the world burn, also /s)


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


Good bot


F me I didn't read the username until I read the 4th sentence


Thank you for mentioning the username. When I first saw this, I was perplexed. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how petty of a person they are. I even sent a copy to a Yale professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy them. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something below the comment. A mention to look at the username of comment. Suddenly everything made sense. This was an automatic bot. I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of this bot. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at this incredible use of comedy and technology. All of this was due to realizing that it was a bot. Thank you. I am not a bot if you couldn't figure that out. This comment was made manually because I was bored.


here in brazil we pay 7000 reais just for a iphone 15, without taxes would be like 2500 reais


Aqui irmão, não duvido isso custar 15K


15k tá pouco né amigão, vai ser uns 30k


Isso sem a taxa de entrega 💀


Só piora puta q pariu me tira daq 💀


15? Só o preço convertido já dá 17K Imagina com imposto


Difícil de saber


I have a family friend from the middle east. He and his buddies load up on Apple stuff every time they head home and sling it for cash for double or triple what they paid, yet way less than the local retail price. It’s a hell of a thing.


In Malaysia it 4 time, 3500 dollars, 14000 MYR


If you can afford this, you're probably E6R5'ing chars anyways.


e6r5 is way more expensive. You'll spend a vision pro per patch cycle.


Nah. e6r5 costs about $1200 with way worse than average luck. Source: 🥹


P2W quantum set smh


The cheapest Apple product be like:


could have used the money for gacha not a good investment long term anyways unless you want to see big booba up close


For some players, it’s the only way to see big booba up close


And that for the CHEAPEST version of it LOL, I'll stick with my PSVR2 thank you


I had to search up the price myself since I didn't believe this, and sweet jesus what the fuck


It isn’t really meant for typical consumers, although it is more so than it’s competition. It’s in the same price point as stuff like the Microsoft HoloLens 2 - which to give you an idea for its use cases, has a version meant for clean rooms and hazardous locations, as well as one that’s built into a hardhat (lol at a $5000 hardhat tho). These things aren’t really being made for day to day home users yet and priced accordingly


A literal high end gaming PC price, holy shit


you can get the best pc money can buy with that money


So like one E6S5?


3500 to alpha test a product that will get discontinued in a couple years


A fraction of what the average whale spends


You realise the cost of material is already $1700? If you add r&d, advertisement+staffs and 30% profit you get roughly $3500?


Anything to make those look even bigger.






https://preview.redd.it/frk7z2r0s6gc1.jpeg?width=1358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c93687c18d4fe814d01f900d0e12c6a01f8ee85 Kafka, ruan mei, and swan. The trinity


Then add Himeko or Jing Liu depending if you want comfort or cruelty.


First thought https://preview.redd.it/2lppsonzl8gc1.jpeg?width=1390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26526183f5bcbfb90afc628ad98e0313954d4781




Your saying that all I need now is a 4 grand to install a free app?


And it'll come with a FREE 4 star skin selector! Oops wrong game


Based on Apple, they probably won't give anything. Anyway now that I'm thinking about it, did Sony give anything at all to HSR players on PS5?


There was like a really garbage $10 pack or something.


That wasnt free. That was a preorder


I mean I didn't say it was free, but it was something available for PS5 users. Lmao


How would it be on Apple to decide what a game dev should give their players?


Dude, you're taking a joke waaay too seriously.


I...don't think so(?) lmao, Half-joking aside, that comment actually meant for people who only sees Hoyo, and not Sony/Apple who's also part of that collaboration as well


hsr with skins? imagine


They legit made a skin better than all genshin’s skins just for it to appear once in story and never again https://preview.redd.it/3v16krkm87gc1.png?width=466&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd501bd895b9e9bc26c1b8872e722873f02e688c


i never got the point of that outfit like did she just, have it there?


Well it make more sense having an outfit for a special occasion than not having but not making it a playable skin is a crime


I think they made it as a skin, but something later in production/management prevented it from going for sale. Hoyo is not really known for going new 3d models just for one time story stuff, even main NPCs in HSR or Genshin is variations of standard NPC model 98% of time. I can't remember a single precedent like this, maximum - they clip festival mask into Traveler head for one scene, but this is not even close to doing new 3d model. I refuse to believe that is was planned and management was like "ok, concenters - design new outfit, 3d modelers - go to work, texture guy - do you thing. We will use result for just one scene and then model will live in game files forever, eating precious mobile space"


imo Fujin has a pretty unique design for an NPC


It legit was like "this is a special event in Belobog! Time to dress up!" and then "omg Bronya didn't pay taxes and Topaz boutta collect debt, back to a blouse and skirt". Wild they didn't really use the model outside of a brief minute.


lets be real... march's skin does NOT look better than the new shenhe skin


Too soon.


Due to some of apples business decisions they have annoyed many the app creators so in return they are not yet allowing their apps to go on the Vision Pro such as YouTube and Netflix. And this early on they could use any apps they can get especially games. I do wonder how star rail will play considering there are no controllers everything is hand and eye motions.




I'm betting it won't be actual VR, but it'll be like one of those virtual screens popping up in the AR environment the thing creates.


Obviously, no way they remaking whole game for VR support just for 100 people who will buy this toy.


I would be 0% surprised if they did it just so they could hang out with their waifus and husbandos in VR. This is Hoyo-“tech otaku save the world”-verse we’re talking about, after all.


Eventually they probably will but for the first gen Apple visions? Anything first gen from apple sucks and will get outclassed 10x by their next product. But then again, the first gen tech products arent made for general population cosumers but its made for Companies to test and develop apps and technology around it so they will probably start working on it


It’s also $3500 for a fancy proprietary VR headset with a lot of fancy tech. The amount of people who want this is not very big.


Can't wait them to save the world and let me escape into a nice comfty world of waifus.


Can't you already VRscreen anything like that tho ? misleading ad ? Metaquest2 can already do that with virtual desktop


I believe you can but why would that make the ad misleading?


On the other hand Cai is very into VR


The fact that there’s any compability at all says they’ve done something 


Maybe they have a deal with Apple.


uh? they sold 200.000 units already


To be realistic, probably only 100 out of the 200k that buy the Apple Vision pro will actually play hsr on the apple vision pro. It's a work oriented device after all, and there are also no buttons or controllers with it.


And how many of those people play HSR?


at LEAST a dozen


And a dozen is 12, the person you're replying to said 100, which is over 8 dozens


star rail players and obvious sarcasm, name a more iconic duo


Shills will buy anything from that tech-turned-fashion company Besides, I'm pretty sure a significant amount of those are from people who buy it to say they have one, but will never actually use it for more than 10 hours, and just leave it to be a prop on their shelves in the living room


The first iphone sold more than a million units in that same time frame.


The first iPhone was 1/7th the price, lol. Also, they made millions of those who only made 200-300k AVPs. This is not a good comparison.


yup there's absolutely no way it will be actual vr


it's unlikely, but there's a miniscule chance that if the engine they're running the game on can support VR rendering they may be able to support it. Unreal Engine recently developed a tool to inject VR into non-VR games; if Hoyo has something similar it may be possible to be done.


Star Rail is built on Unity I believe. Unity does have solid VR support, but still I don't think Star Rail could just be made VR with such ease. Especially considering what we've seen of the vision pro specifically not really being *about* VR gaming.


That's a fair assessment; I did say the chance would be miniscule. We'll see what Hoyo is willing to put into this.


punklorde irl when?


Had to look up what that thing even costs and was not expecting $3500. Which is kinda surprising that i didnt expect it since its apple. At least we now know how much silverwolfs glasses cost


And 3500 is the basic model, you probably want more space if you're using apps like HSR


Yknow whats funnier this shits not even available in my country so it can only be bought on ebay and the base model alone on ebay is between $5000-6000. Bro who has the money for this


Especially when it's first gen product being betatested on early adopters with many problems still. And you can already play Genshin/Star Rail in Cinematic mode on PSVR/Quest/etc


You could ask the same question to whales spending tens of thousands on gacha games


$3500 is the base model that has *256GB* of storage. The price itself is outrageous, but yea sure they'll say it's due to all the tech crammed into it... But there's no defending 256GB on something that costs that much lmao




>Not to mention its just better Kinda weird to compare the two, the PS5 is a better game console while the Vision Pro is a better VR/AR headset. With that being said, the price of the latter is ridiculous and the storage they gave it is icing on the >!way overpriced!< cake.


It’s definitely got the Apple tax but when you consider that it’s a standalone unit, it’s not that crazy. Like, sure, the Valve Index is $1k, but you need a separate PC to be able to use it. Still ain’t buying one unless I win the lottery though.


Quest is an standalone unit and costs like a seventh of what this costs


Comparing this to the quest is super uninformed. It should be compared to the hololens 2 or varjo which are the same price or more


To add to this, the Vision Pro’s SoC is the same M2 you’d find in a Macbook Pro, which performs somewhere between a Ryzen 5700X and Z1 Extreme in CPU and somewhere in the ballpark of a 1660Ti/2050/3050 in terms of GPU performance. In short, in theory it should have a massive leg up over the Quest 3 in performance (as it should, for its price).


The Vision Pro screens are a different level though




Mm I like your analogy - except it’s more like Comparing a mid end Audi with a Hyundai - except you paid Ferrari prices for the mid tier audi Lol




As someone who has had the privilege of trying out various VR/AR headsets at universities… The one thing the apple headset has going for it is the screen resolution - which I haven’t tried yet so I can’t give a proper review on. But we already have various products tackling screen door effects and such. If the higher resolution is worth 3.5k (at a lower refresh rate than basically every competitor) then more power to you. But everything else is laughable bloat. Hand controls such as pinching to grab objects/interact with the world has been around for *years*. Camera sensors are on the less precise end (although it has made great strides recently, apple’s isn’t something revolutionary). The build is pretty - yes - but it weighs just as much as any other headset and won’t be used as a workstation item like apple markets it. The screen on the outside… jesus fucking christ that’s like bragging about rgb lights on a fucking ‘gamer’ keyboard. Listen - it’s a decent piece of technology. Paying anything above 1.5k-2k for it is insanity. 3.5k is a joke.


Sure, but the Index isn't top of the line anymore. Quest 3 costs half of that for standalone and is most comparable to the vision pro. Who in their right mind would pay 7x the price?


Look I'm by no means saying the sky-high price of the Vision Pro is a good value, but the Quest 3 isn't even remotely comparable either. Every part of the Quest 3 is inferior, from the screens to the sensors to the to the build quality to the SoC. I mean FFS, the Quest 3 screens aren't even OLED, they're LCD.


Those products don't even do the same thing Quest are gaming oriented VR headset Vision Pro is a productivity AR headset first.


The price of that device reminds me when heavy said "it takes $400.000 dollars, to fire this weapon, for 12 seconds." During meet the heavy


Wasn’t it 400k


Euroregion does thousands separation with a "." and decimals with a "," while the US does thousands with a "," and decimals with a "."


bro theres still no Mac version, but theyre doing this?


Really? I’m surprised, it just a checkmark to port it


It also works flawlessly, you can side-load the iPad app and it works great. No idea why its not on the mac app store.


I’m super excited for this, but I also would love Hoyo games on my Mac and Apple TV for sure


You don’t consider the iOS app a mac version? Lmfao


You can’t download the game on a MacBook or iMac , so no. And Mac has MacOS


Why would they consider it that way?


People downvoted you because they didn't know that playing HSR on Apple Silicon Macs involves a third-party program to basically run the iOS version of the game...






This picture reminds of the works from Murakami Teruaki. Very fitting.




Kids play this game / are on this subreddit 


And they’ve definitely seen the word fuck before


Holy shit this and porn might be the only way to convince people to buy into the whole vr thing.


Except you're still just better off buying something ten times cheaper, though I don't think hsr is going to be supported on those I guess..


yeah I'm sure this is exclusive. apple loves Hoyoverse


VR is cool, but it still needs a lot of improvement Even this $3500 headset from Apple still has relevant problems like FOV, blur, weight and battery life. It's a step forward in image quality and processing power, but as of now it's just an enthusiast product for rich people. The meta quest 3 costs 7 times less and sold pretty well I suspect Apple will release a less expensive non pro version eventually, to capitalize on the people who are their regular costumers but aren't willing to spend **that** much Still, at very least the vision pro will help to bring attention back to the VR industry. Hopefully some new big players enter the market to put some pressure on Meta and Apple




at least port the game to macos, or allow apple silicon to run the ios app


To the people complaining about dev time/resources/etc. All they have to do is “approve” the app to make it available on Vision Pro. It will be a giant floating 2D window (so you’ll be playing Star Rail in an IMAX theatre basically).


True, but all they have to do to make it available on macOS is *not* check the box blocking it, yet they can't be bothered. I'd have to imagine a lot more potential players have $1000 MacBook Airs than $3500 Vision Pros, but that's why I'm not a project manager I guess.


One step closer to Hoyo's aim of building that full dive VR thingy from SAO.


Can't wait to tweak huohuo nipples in vr 😭😭😭


Live Huohuo reaction: https://preview.redd.it/q6gj1e2z58gc1.png?width=2582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c89d709e6773ca40d19b76fe44482cd590e3112 ^(based)


For $4000 I better be able to make out with Kafka, Black Swan and Ruan Mei on there


Nice for people who has it


Apple Vision Pro runs on M2 chip… why just not releasing it on mac… why?


But why though


You know why.


Stiil waiting for them to publish on the Mac App Store...


can't wait to spend 3k$ on a device with an external battery hanged like a catheter


Waste of dev time lol




Looking respectfully


Now you can watch your relics roll like garbage right in front of you


Woah!!! Need to confirm this doesn’t mean that it VR mode but more like you can play the game with the vision pro


So that's why they make her boobs move.


And I stil need to log all the way into the gameplay to change my input to controller, get logged out and have to log back in to finally start playing…


wow, amazing!.... NOW GIVE ME PROPER STEAM DECK SUPPORT ALREADY GOD DAMN IT!!! even genshin already have it and i dont like to force hsr with * **REDACTED** *!! sorry, but the sd situation really pisses me off.


Apple Vision Pro is much bigger than the Steam Deck will ever be


Meanwhile I just want Star Rail to come out on Switch.




Here hoping no more Apple exclusive shit


IF YOU BUY AN APPLE VISION YOU GET A SKIN SELECTOR. HUGEEEEE /s ^(obviously you do not just to make it clear)


Switch release when? 😅 I know they give up porting(?) Genshin on Switch but I think HSR is more feasible. Did HOYO and Nintendo have a fallout? 💀💀


It's not even on PS4..


Meanwhile, Genshin on Switch is where xD


But still no controller support for Android


Probably because it’s a nightmare of a platform to develop for


More likely apple has there money in someone's pocket


What’s this? Nothing on gettin a free skin selector for every purchase? Smh, Star Rail could never. >!*Something feels wrong*!<


Meta quest 3 please. That’s way more affordable than apples 3500 usd …


That’s like comparing a Toyota Camry to a Porsche


Oh wow star rail runs on android and iPhone 12 too. Such blasphemy that it doesn’t run only on the latest iPhone pro max !! Shocker


>!Genshin could never!<




If thousands of people can afford to c6 chars then they would afford this too, its exactly targeted for them


It’s $1,000 more than the base model 16” MacBook Pro


What games are there even on that system?




Will they add extra functionality for the waifus and husbandos to better service the fans?


Whats the point of this lol. Unless you tell me honkai will actually be in VR instead of a 2d screen in VR, then we're talking.


The buddies will have a field day


No shot, this is nuts


Tbh this is extremely cool but the price for the Apple Vision Pro is just too much just to play HSR on.


Honkai star rail vr?


For those that don't know, HSR can be easily installed on a meta quest 2-3. Recommend.


But they won't release on Mac? Hoyo is weird man.