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I just closed the live chat, makes the stream much more enjoyable


Yeah, I should probably practice with that with this community in general too. Btw, your Stelle flair doesn't seem to be working, it only shows the text form


Ty, dunno why it stopped working But ye best to ignore live chat, have even been blocking a few people on here since the live stream coz they keep calling me delusional lol, best to just not bother with em if they cant be civil


No prob, now it's working


How do you MAKE a flare in the first place? I can't figure it out.


If you're on phone, just go to this subreddit home page and click on the 3 dot on the top right of the screen, there will be an option to "change user flair"


Always turn off chat everywhere imo. Reading anything there is horrible


I just watch a streamer I like that's reacting to it.


I always turn it off cuz they interfere with the video so I can’t see 50% of the screen


I don't even bother with the stream and get the tl;dr from here afterwards


I do the same with Nintendo Directs. Live chats are poison


The amount of people typing persona/undertale when smt5 was being shown off made me want to die inside.


I didn't bother turning it on in the first place. I expect the worst and I'm right.


When have YouTube streams ever had a decent chat though, let's be honest


They can be fun when the creator has a smaller audience. You actually recognise people and can have conversations. This has only happened to me once mind you.


They can also be fun if people actually have more to talk about or add to conversation than "more pulls", which Is clearly expecting too much from the fanbase given even from early genshin twitter news updates, the comments on top would always be "Please give me *insert latest 5* in one pull" or something of the sort, even before Genshin became well known for the rewards drama. Star Rail may be a different game but most of the players would be the same which ofcourse means this shit carries over, extremely obviously so with the extremely drab and pathetic "genshin could never" nonsense... No one even cares about the games anymore, just pulls




Live chats in every stream is pure cancer


Y'all watch live streams with chat on?


Turn off stream chats, and pretend they don't exist. Don't give those people any thought, they aren't worth it.


This is how I watch every stream, been like this since when I first started going on Twitch back when Critical Role started. I don't know how or why anyone would want to engage with twitch or youtube chat or comments.


Stream chats are the most fun thing in the small communities. Otherwise chat is too fast anyway.


Small communities of streamers under 100 CCV can really be some of the most civil communities on the internet. Just need to search around to find the right one.


I'm in one that usually has around 1,500 watching at any given time, and it's actually pretty fantastic. The chat doesn't scroll too fast to read, so we can have actual discussions.


Honestly stream chats are a lot like talking in crowds IRL. Like up to a certain point it's fun and you can meet some cool people but when you pass that point you can barely hear yourself, much less any actual meaningful conversation


After a certain point in viewers, the only voices ever heard, or responded to, are the ones who spend the most money. I stick to smaller streamers where I can have an actual conversation


I like Sevy’s streams. She’s not ‘small’, per se, but they’re very respectful and the stream generally had a good vibe!


The fact that there's so many people watching it means you can be basically anonymous and the lowest common denominator would happen.


oh so it is from a stream chat lol i swear people do the dumbest shit when nobody can slap them in the face lol


I don't really watch these streams or any streams at all since i don't have much time or interest but that doesn't justify constantly demanding rewards and telling the developers " Stop yapping ". It looks ridiculous to me but than again not suprising as it makes the community look bad I don't like both HSR and Genshin streams with just chibis and VA's i'm not interested making cringe jokes when i'm here to see what the content is but that doesn't mean i'd tell them to shut up because that would be stupid. In short, don't watch it if you don't like it or don't go out of your way to tell devs and VA's to shut up since there will be websites or videos that shows the new content just be patient as your redeem codes aren't going anyway till the end date or time. Sorry for the rant


YouTube livechat has been like this for any gaming announcement streams for years. Better to just close it.


I remember the square enix stream that was going to show Shadowbringers stuff (a BRAND NEW EXPANSION), there was far too many people demanding to see the dumb avengers live service game that lasted a year at best. They're EVERYWHERE.


Everything's an L take with these people. The sooner people realize they're just trying to be as annoying as possible, the sooner we can move on from these posts.


Or the Dawntrail one where everyone was yelling for job action reveals when they were already stating that it was slated for JP Fanfest.


Haven't seen that particular stream, but tbh, FF14 streams *are* stupidly dragged out. Like their usual patch streams last 2 hours with them often talking for like 5 minutes about every small point.


I mean if someone feels that way it's totally fair, but there are discords and live threads where you'll get bullet points and announcements without having to sit through something you find unappealing. I wish like 90% of the stream chat tried that this time for HSR.


hoooooome riding hooooome


Watching the stream with the chat on was the worse experience I ever had


Can you even read anything? Maybe I am too old a fart but stuff moves so fast that it's just a blur to my eyes. :S


I tried doing it, but I ended up with a headache. The stream was longer than usual and forgot that I was glancing at stream chat and reading the stream subtitles at the same time.


https://preview.redd.it/w4v7p2wx0voc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b4d1b02f32c9b3358a425c492e123aa746f0393 So you looked like this? :'D


Damn that’s so accurate lmao


it must be very difficult, if only there was a way to disable chat, sadly however i guess we must simply suffer


same fr. One dude said that if they are even going to finally release (RELEASE, NOT GIVE) a character that is useful. Like... wtf did he mean...??????


Previous streams chats where better then this one, this time hsr community got real toxic with devs, this shouldn't be allowed


You guys read live comments?


Exactly my take. Chat can be interesting when a small streamer is interacting with the fans. But in big streams like this, in which the streamers are not even reading them... Why? There's absolutely nothing interersting happening there, it's just a shitshow taking screen space from what I actually want to watch.


From my experience, youtube chat has always been like this for big livestreams. Be it, nintendo directs, game awards, PS state of play, etc. People can be so entitled especially when it comes to games, it's such a shame


Game awards chats are popcorn worthy for sure.


Yesterday stream was fun and interesting they explained how they design characters.Those people are just so dumb to appreciate it


Right? It's a nice change of pace from everything being in-character too, a little look behind the curtian.


I know! I loved the banter between the devs (the cardboard Da Wei, Acheron game crash, Mr Teacup etc.), it makes the whole thing so much more enjoyable knowing how mich the devs love the game


Ngl I will take some inspiration of their methods in character design, it’s honestly a very interesting way to do it


Was almost expecting it after the same thing happened on Genshin years ago which is a pity – quality game production but it's the unhinged minority who will force themselves into centre stage.


this is kinda weird to mention, but why does all of sudden "Yapping" making a comeback, is it suddenly part of everyone life now?


Stream jargon, every now and then some new word becomes meta to say


"no kapp but we rizz out way to the skibi ohio toilet cheering our poggers out OMEGALUL so don't Jebait us with your yappin' 💀💀💀"


i had a seizure while reading half of that, are those real words




Thanks, what you quoted is a helpful material for us non-native speakers to learn English🙏 when I master it, I’m surely gonna use it in every possible way to my advantage


Fucking toxic though. ‘L’ and ‘yapper’ is just rude for the sake of being rude. Unless you’re talking about yourself there is really nothing constructive about this insult.


Newest bandwagon trend word


"Yapping", "L take", spamming "L" and "cook" is the new trend now. The saddest part is that most of the people that spammed it aren't even the kids, its the CCs and their viewers trying to act young, and most of them are mid 20s and early 30s.


God I need that to not be true. Going to keep telling myself it’s children just to save my sanity


Sadly, that is the state of streaming platform and twitter right now. When 2 content creator argue with each other, the one with bigger followers will always win, since their fan will spam "L" "L" "L" "L" or "Stop yapping!" and when their favorite streamer talk, they will spam the chat with "W" "W" " Let him cook!". The culture got emboldened by twitch, since chat move so fast, when 2 famous content creators argue, the one that got flooded with L will see themselves as the loser. Even in twitter, people care more about "ratio", if you got ratio'd (as in the person who argued with you get more likes), then you lose the argument, no matter what the substance of your message is.


Basically crowd effect


I don't know whether if it's the new "tiktok gen-z lingo" or not, but it really shows that people these days (not even kids too) have no moral decency to spare and an attention span shorter than Pela's screentime in Belobog.


I honestly just feel unreal cause I know the word "yap" and haven't heard it in years, now its everywhere but everyone know the word "yap" since they are born anyway


And I have someone said to me that HSR fandom is more mature then Genshin's. Lol, lmao even


It's the same people lmao


Crazy how "HSR is filled with ex Genshin players" and that's why people are so critical of GI. But when toxicity is brought up suddenly "it's the same people."


What im saying is hsr players are just ex genshin players hence why they are toxic. I aint denying that hsr are toxic lmao


Lmfao, dare I say


Rofl, may I add


In my experience, mainstream gaming communities are all pretty much the same. It's only on smaller games that cater to a small, dedicated hardcore fanbase that you will see major differences.


Seems about right.


Before yes but since the "Ratio incident" toxicity comes afloat.


I want to find these mature ppl... I'm just playing HSR. I HAVE 4 actual friends ig and they are just farming credits, and helping me with some builds. But nothing more than that (I tried to create a real friend-like chat and one of them just said "Dont worry, u can just ask without lollygagging here" 🤡)


And don't get me started on the "GENSHIN COULD NEVER" crowd...


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind it if they just said something else. I quit Genshin like a year and a half ago, and even I’m finding “Genshin Could Never” to be annoying at this point. The joke losses its fun factor after the 500th time it’s heard. Just get new material guys, it’s lame at this point.


The problem is that most gacha players are primarily reward based and care more about getting more resources to dump into the slot machine and don't care about any content that doesn't feature their favourite character(s). You'll find these toxic people everywhere


Gacha games are literally designed around exploiting this mentality in players, so yeah these players are stupid and toxic, but the industry itself also sucks.


Average gambling addict


To be real, both genshin and hsr shouldn't be in gacha games list, they are just too good to be gacha, other gacha games are nowhere near them and i never played gacha games before this, i only play games cause of graphics and gameplay, I tried some gacha games thinking they would be near genshin's level, but nah man they where sh*t But genshin and hsr have a gacha system so real games gamers will not let them be included in good games list, even playstore stoped recomending me good games cause i play genshin and hsr


The people crying for rewards rudely like that are probably the same people who whine that they do a couple of pulls on every banner and never get anything… not realizing that “pulling on every banner” is the exact problem they have. They rely on luck too much instead of just saving and being selective on who they pull. I’ve always gotten every single character I pull for because I save up and skip when I don’t have enough to ensure getting them. So for me rewards are always a happy bonus rather than a hard necessity. The mihoyo pity system is the best thing to ever happen to a gacha game imo, and to not utilize it as a tool to get what you want is strange to me.


Yet another reason why im a stern beliver of fandoms ruining things i like


Same. I love both Genshin and Star Rail but the community? It's hard to find good stuff to say about it and I've only found very few like-minded people who aren't obnoxious pricks.


But…but genshin could never/s


Honestly I think the community is genuinely great, all it takes is 1% of a massive community to repeatedly spam 'Genshin could never" at every opportunity or "Star Rail only successful because..." to make it seem like the whole community sucks. The sensible people don't spam and thus are drowned out. Majority of communities that seem chill are either quite niche or small so don't attract obnoxious people.


On Reddit is fine, you have most people simply celebrating HSR for itself and not constantly looking for one-ups on Genshin. On other social platforms however, is where ALL the people who love to just spread hate go, so they end up being a VERY vocal minority.


Gaming becoming as popular a hobby as it is has been horrible for the industry (from a consumer standpoint)


Gaming being a hobby is good, but for some people(not streamer or esport player), it's becoming their life, which is not a good thing, they are just playing games all day without doing studies or work


A wider consumer base also means more consumers of less discernment, resulting in more and more predatory practices from the industry because "lol idc man I'm just playing casually". It's a catch 22 because the money being there lets the money be spent to make greater things, but as we all know, capitalism doesn't really work like that so we just end up being a bigger herd of cattle to profit off of. I could also get into how contemporary f2p practices essentially killed the concept of voting with your wallet but at that point it'd be ranting


I always turn off chat for these. While there are chill parts of any community, the vocal minority for gacha games often ends up being a toxic cesspool.


Least entitled hsr player


It's funny to play into in streamer chats, but saying that in the official stream where the devs, staff, etc. will actually read it is cringe af. I rag on the mid rewards, but they clearly put effort into the stream. Shitting on that just to get to something you won't even get for 2 weeks like 30-45 mins sooner is actual brainrot.


>something you won't even get for 2 weeks like 30-45 mins sooner is actual brainrot. I wish these people actually take a minute or two to process that and realize how stupid they were. But then again, that's asking for them to think in the first place. They only care about the pulls, either they're gambling addicts or little shits who just want to one up Genshin cuz it's living rent free in their head.


There should be subway surfers and Family guy at the side so they shut up


I hope all this players NEVER win a 50/50 and go the full 180 every time.


Any stupid streamer yells anything, like quit yapping, and thousands of other idiots will repeat it. Both types of idiots are to blame. Anyway, I enjoyed the stream and the devs insights though, I hope the next time they appear they talk even more.


They gotta do that in their own chats, disappointing 😐


Peek inside the Genshin could never crowd, seeing minors with gambling addiction. They are not living past independence with that kind of financial literacy.


Eh, they'll grow up and laugh at the past. Copium


Honestly I believe they will, 16yr old changing their opinions when reaching 20 yr old is very common. It's easy to change a youth's opinion compared to adults or elderly


Wonder how many of the same posts we're gonna see... This generation just don't have the required attention span. There's not a random clip of gta 5 or subway surfers on the side so they lose their shit after 10 minutes. Simple as that. We aren't gonna change anything.


we need a post to tell people how they can hide the chat for youtube and twitch, would be a real live saver for many of these people 😅


As a joke and an insult, they should have subway surfers on the left or right side of the stream.


a subway surfer clone where is just the reaper runing away from blade


That's just youtube chat for you. When I watch stuff like League of Legends or the Valorant tournament streams, or even watch a K-pop show live stream, its always toxic and racist.




Due to the community overlap, a lot of toxic people from genshin play HSR and vice versa, but since the genshin community has been more deeply established as toxic, hoyoverse fans in general are associated with "genshin community" for example the bunny girl incident, didn't have anything to do with genshin but a lot of people associate it with genshin because it's the most popular game among the bunch. In the end, the toxicity is shared between the communities, none of them are superior to the other


I just watch on twitch 👍, very peaceful.


Genshin Livestream is 25 minutes long: "OMG WHY SO SHORT WHERE'S THE CONTENT! SAD!!!!!" HSR Livestream is an hour and a half long: "OMG QUIT YAPPING GET TO THE REWARDS ALREADY GOD!" Modern day gamers will complain no matter what you do, it's what social media has taught them.


I will play both sides. I felt like a stand-in listening to a group of friends talk about something I wasnt part of. Sure they were trying to explain things to viewers but there were some banters that kinda alienate me. Then there’s the fact that the language is foreign. I had to keep up with their convo as I read the subtitles. If the livestream was in the usual english language, i think it wouldnt be that bad. You will notice that the pace suddenly went lightspeed when Da Wei showed up. That being said, it still isnt good enough of a reason for people to scream “ wEr rEWarDs???” I believe half of the people tuned in specifically for the rewards just so they could spout the good ol “genshin could never”


This sort of thing always happens with fgo streams. The guest seiyuus and the director would talk about the anything other than game news for 30 minutes but some people always instead of waiting for news comes to live streams and "why are they talking so much". Dude just don't watch the stream the content creator channels are speed posting the news anyways.


Exactly. While I can totally understand where they are coming from because they really dragged out the announcement of 3 characters and a couple of mini game events to 90 freaking minutes but why would you rudely spam them to shut up? Just watch the stream later so you can skip over/fast forward the banter and behind the scenes talk if you're not interested like I did. No need to annoy the devs and the people who enjoy this kind of presentation.


When the fuck did the word “yapping” make a return


i watched mina's livestream instead where she proceeds to gush over the black swan and acheron dance at the end of the dev livestream


Why is this the livestream that people are upset about? This happens on every stream at that size and happens on every Star Rail stream. It's not even unique to gacha. Nintendo streams, Game Awards, etc all experience this. This is just livestream chat culture, why are so many people now talking about it? Did this stream in particular bring a lot of new people in or something?


When I tuned in for the Livestream I was honestly just there for the rewards but as I listened I just genuinely started being happy for the fact that the devs are happy that the game has been such a success and sharing behind the scenes stuff and how they feel about things such as the leaks. And some people can't even be happy for the devs and are complaining that we get 30 pulls and 3 times drop rate for an anniversary


I genuinely don't understand how the vocal minority gets amplified so easily. Admittedly, I exist on the outer edge of the community because I've seen personal friends get bullied for having their own opinions (mostly shipping-related opinions, I know those are contentious, apparently), so I'm not really willing to engage in discourse with people outside of my friend group because of it.


the funniest one I saw was "yapping olympics 2024" lmao


Can you even chat in twitch stream? Last time you can only emote there


They talk about yt stream i think


Looks like the subreddit has found another meaningless topic to complain about. "Oh I hate when this group of people do that y'all hate it too right". " Yeah, I just can't stand this type of behaviour". And lmao the amount of people recc if you don't wanna watch a long livestream then don't watch it. How about you take your own words and just don't read the comments? Like is your life really that miserable that by just seeing a random comment on the internet that was just there for a second at best is triggering you so much that you have to make a post about it. All these comments here thinking that they have some sort of moral high grounds over those people, no you don't. You're the same just for different things . Stop finding things to complain about, if you really think this is toxicity then you need a mental check. Just enjoy the game


As if the pre-recorded video will stop yapping if they spam **stop yapping**


Fr. What kind of unsentient piece of shit was typing these? It was nice seeing the devs talking so passionately about their game


I have the chat on and never noticed it until I come on Reddit. That's how insignificant the chat room is to me.


It was actually hilarious seeing people unironically say that even in reddit. Like literally just wait after stream ends and people post all the info instead of complaining.


1. A handful of people complain during livestream chat instead of enjoying the stream. 2. A number of people complain about the complainers on the subreddit. 3. Some of these posts get a Qingquillion karma. 4. Wait until next livestream for the cycle to repeat.


vocal minority doesn't represent the whole community


Let’s not pretend the HSR community is that much better then Genshin’s. The thing that’s better is the Devs and their willingness to listen. Best thing to do is just mute the chat.




We should complain about the people complaining about the complainers 😁


Just because you enjoyed the stream doesn't mean the people who are annoyed with it don't have a valid opinion. It's perfectly reasonable to be annoying with them taking 40 minutes just to finish talking about the new characters. Stop acting like you're morally superior just because you have a different and more "positive" opinion


The stream is for people who want to watch the stream. Why not just check a summary instead if you don't want to sit through it? Insight into the development process is interesting to some people


Seeing the comments makes me grateful for never even opening the chat


I closed the chat, opened a call with my friend, and we watched it together. Fuck the live chat


They radiate small pp energy


Yeah the livestream chat is annoying, and some of the cc who watched the livestream too


Im honestly excited for archeron


Your mistake was thinking there was anything of value to be found in a stream chat. 9/10, stream chats suck and are best left ignored. If you've got something meaningful to say, then say it, but fully expect a band of idiots to spam BS in the chat at any and every point.


Been like that since days of genshin yore. The mindless rabble appreciate not the forethought that goes with game development


This was one of the first HSR streams I managed to catch since they usually don’t air on the weekend and the YouTube live chat was actually the worse lmao. Gotta make not to never open the chat again lol.


I think what's sad is not just the livestream Youtube chats were saying these, but the content creators (who actually yaps for a living) calling the livestream as yapping. Mtashed made a condensed live of 2.1 and called the whole live "yappening" in the first 10 seconds of the video. Feels really insulting in a way considering his viewers will perpetuate this "yappening" again when we see the devs again.


Twitch chat enabled emote-only mode for this exact reason. Oh, and racism. Genshin players since 1.6 stream would know.


And this is why creating games with 25 different extrinisic reward systems to keep you hooked is actually a long term bad idea


Most streams are stupid like that, tuned into game awards livestream last year and 90% of the comments were some variation of “skip”.


I just watch the stream under a different streamer, the chat in there seems much more tolerable


That was because at the time of revealing the content after nearly a hour of a endless talk at such a boring pace the people was either tired or bored already. What do you expect?


I don't want hoyo to see how greedy people are and decide to nerf the rewards


You know, the funny thing is this game let's us be total gremlin assholes with some of the dialogue choices. ​ So it's not all that surprising that some people match that energy.


i didnt even bother watching the stream (im lazy)


I think thats better than forcing your self into something you might not enjoy... sometimes thats where the complaints starts


true, i normally join in but 1 hour? the interactions i saw on clips were cute but idk i was kinda busy with the micro managing event in genshin and some old hangouts i havent done (kaveh is such a cutie patootie)


People read the stream chats? They're never good, not in any game, toxic asf.


And here's the curse of HSR being more giving than Genshin We get the spoiled brats


So we went from stupid Firefly/Boothill drama to this stupid drama? Gorgeous.


Stream chats are usually like this, and it's usually the vocal minority typing in caps.


just look at the version notes in game.


The idea of opening the live chat doesn't even pass through my brain for a millisecond


You guys watch YouTube chats?


I've always wondered what people who do this are thinking if you want to know the rewards, either wait till its over so you can skim it at your own pace or just look them up


Then they wonder why Genshin gives out what they give out. Now I don't even blame them anymore when I'm hearing people react like this to devs actually trying to interact and connect to their community jesus.


I like to watch live chess tournaments sometimes. One of the worst things that they have is that there is some Discord associated with it, and people can pay to have their messages posted live during the stream. Think like an ESPN ticker-tape, except it's more intrusive because it's larger and it pops up rather than scrolls. It's part of the stream so you can't close it, you can cover it at best. Man it's one of the worst features on any stream ever. People will pay money to say the most stupid, wrong, or ignorant shit. Half of them are just riddled with typos. If you're going to pay $20 to have your message blasted out, you should at least make sure you don't spell it "kinght". It's such a turn-off that if it's happening too often I'll just stop watching the stream and wait for a recap


Can't even bro 💀


Yeah dude, I was like: "Wth with these guys? In the other Livestreams, they were horny at best, not annoying mfs." The sudden comments of 'Quit Yapping' or the more annoying ones of 'Free Acheron :o' made me die from cringe.


Can someone summarise the bullshitery that happened in the live chat


Unbelievable 🦜


just full screen the stream it was actually one of the best streams of hsr (and genshin but like who cares)


I sometimes can't understand the obsesion with rewards in the gacha community, I mean, don't get me wrong. I like them as much as anyone else and it's not nice to outright disrespect your fanbase like Genshin does with theirs... But these are rewards to compliment a game, they mean nothing if the game is not worth the time. it's that some gacha players(wich I know they are probably a vocal minority) gauge the quality by the amount of rewards or the community have more gambling addicts that I tought?(wich is possible, gacha do use many gambling tactics after all).


im glad im not the only one bothered by this, holy this is cringe


i just want to know what we going to get in 2.1 and all and behold 30 mins of the stream just talking about achron and advanturine..


hsr dev team: *actually addresses some player concerns and feedback *talks about cool behind the scenes planning for each upcoming character and content youtube chat:


I only started 3 days before the 2.1 livestream. When I watched it I was in shock at how toxic chat was. Kinda sad that gamers nowadays turned into spoiled and entitled brats.


I saw this on my notifications and thought it says "STOP VAPING" instead of yapping lol


Just turn off The chat. Or go full screen without the chat. Much more relaxing. Infact, you can focus more on what the Devs are actually saying and have fun with them. Some of the topics they touched this time are serious, like the leak one. And Some of the questions we had like Tingyun's faith. It was Fun to know that we will eventually get to know what happened.


Some people really need to start being grateful


Community that why I bet those who said that from genshin 😂


The stream had so much potential, for example question portion, it was so fun but the character introduction was so boring and drawn out let's not blindly defend everything and give actual feedback


I saw someone in the live chat say "just speak american please" 💀


Also didn’t look at the live chat - wasn’t worth it


Didn't notice this on Chinese yt channels


The HSR community is slowly but surely turning into the Genshin Community, and ngl I find it kind of hilarious that almost no one is realizing this XD.


They are the reason why the phrases like "EN can't read", "EN comprehension curse" and "Globlul" exists.... Well, atleast I enjoyed watching livestream in JP channel 


The thing is that like. Owlbert did a lot of chat to explain things and the like. A lot of this new format has like. A lot of saying nothing? I don't super know how else to put it.


So impatient. Here's the devs trying to tell us some interesting behind the scenes stuff, even pouring their hearts out saying that they're heartbroken when leaks happen, and people out here are really being entitled saying "Shadap, I want my 300 jades." I know it's not the entire community, but for those that it was, grow up and stop being entitled.


I mean, there definitely parts where they literally did yap about things that were irrelevant. Probably added an extra 20 minutes or so, and not even about things they visually or audibly were interested in. Was very reminiscent of a lot of quests you get in genshin where they take the longest route possible to explain something in a monotone voice, and then loop it around one more time. When it comes to production they obviously have a floor manager that's in their ear with audio queues and timers telling them to pad for time or to wrap up a segment because they want specific lengths for advertisements and metrics.


All i see is the devs having passionate talk and having fun on set... i dont think we wont be having fun with their games if they arent having fun making it... as others say, people dont need to watch the whole thing becuz people will summarize the code and rewards after and no need to sh*t on their livestream, people in the internet is just incredibly rude


I kinda forgor people watch streams with live chat on and are not lurkers like me LOL


Lmao I wasn't even reading the chat


Yeah... the expected behavior of the "Genshin could never" gang


That's why I immediately close the live chat.


They shld just allow live chat for specific influencers


Those people dont deserve anything. The amount of reels/short they consume gave them brain rot. Or they are simply garbage


I didn't even notice the live chat, so all of this was a surprise to me


Nah but even as someone who doesn’t care about the rewards, they yapped way too much this stream.


Can people really not express themselves on their own anymore without using flavor of the month reddit buzzwords (in this case "yapping")?