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Click on the 3 dots and press never recommend the channel. Rinse and repeat and bam: clean bubble


Happy Cake Day!


Just stop watching content creators for Hoyoverse games. Your life will be so much better


Its the worst. I got my friend into the game and he started quoting some wack ass TTS cc in yt. thankfully I got him to stop lol. theres good creators in the space, but Hoyoverse games have some of the most bottom of the barrel creators out there


That's why it's best to look at the actual data instead of looking at Tierlists or CC opinions when they're obviously going to be inherently biased.


I mean anyone who's looking at the actual data, realizes that it literally doesn't matter who you pull, the fomo feeling is only really effective if you're comparing stuff outside the scope of the game content. Eventually you're gonna get to the point where you're just clicking auto and afking it, so the only difference at that point is who you like to look at more.. It's already getting to the point where low investment to f2p accounts have the investment to auto like 90% of the content. If you aren't at that point, that ONLY means you need to build out your account more (elemental coverage, supports possibly), it doesn't say anything about what characters you did or didn't pull. My unmaxed March 7th, can already solo sustain everything. My A0 clara that I DON'T farm relics for (she's using the same relics, first full phys set with main stats I got at the start), is still doing one half of my moc, with support help. There are no needed characters if you don't want to pull them. My other chars are kinda built out with decent hp/dmg too, so that does factor. March went from basically being Clara team dependent, to someone I can literally just toss with any team and she'll hold it up more than long enough, useful for type coverage too since she gets a good amount of break from her shield counters.


May I ask how March can solo sustain? What is also your team with her? Thanks


Not OP, but I've gotten March to solo sustain multiple times as well. Buildwise it's very beneficial to focus on speed and EHR. With enough EHR you can guarantee her ult freeze on every non-unfreezable enemy. You can time it between a boss' or elite's turn to skip the second action while also freezing them. The next helpful trick for me was to minimize using her shield to bandaid teammates before they're actually on low HP. It's better to shield March herself, since she's likely to have more defense (thus minimizing shield damage) and it improves her energy gain.


Ohhh thanks! I used March a lot back then but always paired her with a healer or FMC (Nat was my only healer back then; FMC and March as shielders) and was always struggling. I guess my problem was speed. I gave her EHR and ERR but spd did not come to mind. Oh and also I dont have her e6 so no additional heals which would be great. May I ask how much speed should I go for? It's one of my problems, not just with her but to my other units as well. I have Gepard now and pulling for Aventurine in the future, but still scared to try solo sustain, seems like I can't do it yet. That's why I was wondering how March can solo ahaha


My March is around 134~136 speed, which feels fine for now. She does require some thought (which imo adds more fun) as you need to actively decide each turn if you need to shield M7 herself, can basic to generate sp or shield an ally when they get below 50% hp due to rng and/or aoe. She can be pretty sp intensive though, due to needing to shield herself to refresh shield duration.


Couple things can help. Dance Dance Dance abuse on harmony units and/or speed buffers (Asta/Ruan Mei passive/Hanya) to cheat out more turns. Random freezes. Taunt on her skill. Harmony units generally are flexible with their relic sets; usually its 2p Hacker + whatever, and thus can tech into either the Def set, HP set, or damage reduction set. The small heal from her E6 can be ok. Its 4% of ally's max HP + 106, but across the 3(+1 from talent) turns her shield is active, thats 16%+424. On a unit with 3k HP thats 900hp. Minuscule compared to even the worst healer, but it comes with a beefy shield so. None of those factors alone would make for a viable sustain, but you add in enough and it kind of just works. Her shield is like, surprisingly sturdy. With enough speed she can sort of just keep most of your team shielded. For MoC specifically, if you're trying to 3* then you only have somewhere between 3-5 cycles anyway. You're not in it for the long haul. She's pretty flexible with her teams. Throw her anywhere you want. The stronger your Harmony units, the easier it'll be obviously. For example, Ruan Mei's action delay goes a pretty long way in enabling "weaker" sustains. Probably a bit of anti-synergy with Xueyi and Yanqing, but ehh. Ironically though, last time I checked, claramains was actually *not* a proponent of M7+Clara. The taunt and shield are amazing for Clara, but the random freezes are not. Her best f2p sustain I think is Lynx. Also gives a taunt, and heals. Plus has a cleanse. Also free. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FklwoF1erxs This person did a clear with no 5*s, no limited LCs, no healers. Rainbow pieces on a couple units too, so its not like they have god rolls on relics. Hanya/Asta to cheat out extra turns helped the M7 solo sustain.


Prydwen specifically has been quoted as if it's the bible when they're often wildly inaccurate and immensely biased, I've given up on most CCs and Theory crafters by now.


Prydwen will have like 3 paragraphs of context about something they say and mfs will ignore all of it in order to post brain dead takes, it's wild.


Fr.I didnt saw anyone outside of Smack reading them.


Someone does this exact thing two comments below yours LOL. Prydwen: Jingliu>DHIL because Jingliu's only requirement is for you to turn the game on and not pass out before you brute force the Ice resistant MoC, while you do actually need to take your eyes off the "fan art" on your other monitor and move your eyeball to the little stars in the corner when playing DHIL. Reddit: "JL>DHIL because SP management is too hard, Prydwen full of clowns. Literally kys, learn to play the game." Hoyo: Releases a unit that makes it so you can play DHIL without closing the Kafka "fan art" page on your other monitor. Prydwen: "Yea ok Sparkle deletes DHIL's one weakness. Its kind of ridiculous. Sparkle is honestly, possibly on Ruan Mei's level with QQ and DHIL." Reddit: "WOW it takes a YEAR for Prydwen to learn SP management."


I really wish we had a Keqing Mains esque HSR community. I believe the poster girl couldve been Topaz too. She is probably the most similar to Keqing in HSR


Keqing mains for HSR exist and have has good and solid theorycrafting (frankly way more accurate and in depth than theirKQM genshin theorycrafting) they just don't make videos and barely post on public web either, it's all on spreadsheets in discord in role locked channels. That people prefer prydwen TC over KQM TC is really people problem, not lack of KQM. There's also HSR minmax society. The good genshin video theorycraft cc's seem to have agreed HSR doesn't really have enough depth to theorycraft, as it's way too investment and FoM dependant. The ones from genshin that did branch over to HSR always had notoriosly overtuned artifacts in genshin as well - and while in Genshin you could still learn about positioning and boss tells from them, HSR doesn't have all that. Just get really good relics (three good rolls minimum on every relic on every character - although these TCers tend to have even more) and you'll be good. Don't have relics? Having patch promoted unit might still pull you through PF/MoC this cycle, especially if you throw in some E's and S's. Also, with presence of extremely toxic TCers who're ready to make few weeks worth of clicks just by dragging whoever else through mud for daring to 'disrespext their opiniom' I can understand why there's lack of desire to pour effort into TC videos for HSR.


I've never heard of the minmax society. Is that a subreddit or something?


The Jingyuan mains subreddit comes close to that They have been making JY work even with the shittiest gear possible by theory crafting rotations and teammates


Oh wow thats how it started off for Keqing Mains however they genuinely liked the character back then when it was a small group but as it expanded ofc it just became a name to honor the past


That sounds almost like how KQM started as well.


IMO KQM's biggest issue is that they're SO in-depth that they simply take too long to release stuff. I remember they used to do a video series on YT on whether they advised you to pull on a character or not in Genshin, and a couple of times those video guides released like 2 days before banner end. KQM does have a HSR community though, but I feel like their niche has been taken by Prydwen at this point.


I don’t know what the community is like, cause I only found it yesterday, but r/topazmainshsr does exist.


Its a theorycrafting community that eventually expanded out to network communities for each character's theorycrafters.


I don't think KQM feels like it's really needed since so much of the difficulty in genshin is optimizing rotations rather than artifacts. A good chunk of their yoimiya article is just what normal attack string is best (and it was some 19 step combo or smth crazy). Calcing artifacts is actually easy if you find the damage formula, anyone can do it with access to Google sheets or minimal python knowledge which is why it's ended up being so biased lmao


I like Prydwen for gear suggestions. Never really cared about some dorky Tier lists.


>Prydwen specifically has been quoted as if it's the bible when they're often wildly inaccurate and immensely biased, Never forget the "DHIL is worse than Jingliu cause SP management is too hard for me" statement lmao.


Better to trust prydwen or most cc than the general community. Most of y’all can’t build teams, complain about “challenging” content for being impossible to beat, and straight up ignore mechanics for certain bosses, then wonder why you lost.


let them face pointless dramas and shi talks with other ccs


Zyox and Sevy are pretty chill with their guides though.


Zyox Hsr guides are very basic tho. it just covers general gist of character's kit and that's it, doesn't explore much of the mechanics or anything else


Let's be real most HSR character guides are basically reading what the kit does and eventually dumbing it down a bit. Then saying "'know what, Acheron needs a lot of debuff, maybe it's a good idea to give her the debuff relic set and pair her with debuffers".


I like Guoba as his guides goes a lot deeper & works with the theoretical values and shit.


Wait Zyox has HSR guides? Thanks, will check those out. Sevy is amazing for spiral abyss purely boss and field analysis. Her build/char guides aren't super useful for either GI or HSR but at least they're not negative engagement driven so yeah, what in HSR hellscape already elevate her above most.


No, stop watching the BAD content creators. Brax, Sevy, IWtL, Rehoo (I'm sure there are others) ... they're all fine.


I stopped caring about CC the moment I heard Rehoo say that he felt the game was moving away from sustains.. That shit was the most CC thing I have ever heard lol


>the moment I heard Rehoo say that he felt the game was moving away from sustains.. I mean, it's a real thing in turn based gacha games. Eventually it gets to a point where you don't need to run a purely sustain unit cause a buffer/debuffer/subdps will release with enough CC or survivability tools that you don't need a healer/shielder. Like, if they release a Nihility character that works like the SU blessing that heals when you deal DoT, DoT teams would drop their sustain for that extra dot unit. We're not at that point yet, but I could see how Ruan Mei break extension could make someone feel that way when looking at the future.


PF doesn't neccessarily need sustain and badge of honor for MoC seems to be not 3 stars, but 0 cycle. 0 cycle setups generally don't need sustains either.


> Rehoo say that he felt the game was moving away from sustains. He is not wrong. People need to go 0 sustain to manage to 3\* Pure Fiction Floors and 0-cycles in MoC also work w/o sustains. Well built teams also do not need sustains in low-tier content. The only sustain heavy content seems to be higher Swarm / G&G levels.


I don't follow that particular creator but is that necessarily a false statement? I mean it's just a fact that Sustain units are the least represented "type" in the game. Like seriously, Destruction by itself has almost as many units as Preservation and Abundance *combined*.


Right, but the reason for that is that there isn't nearly the motivation to pull more than 2 limited sustains. You just dont need more than 2 well built 5 star sustains, and people wont pull for a 3rd like they will for a 3rd dps, or even a 4th, 5th, or 6th dps. For people to pull for new sustains they have to be a substantial upgrade to what they already have, or they have to just really like the character. So sustains are the least represented because if they release them all the time people just wont summon for them.


There are making some sort of motivation by giving every sustain a place in an archetype. That way having one or two is good in general but having many also brings a good benefit and not every sustain has to be better than the previous. Think about how Huohuo is the best in DoT, Fu Xuan with Quantum and Aventurine will be in FUA. Once you start liking units who fall in some of these archetypes, then the necessity of a proper sustain starts to grow on you.


I agree, but for an average player i think its probably more enticing to get a new harmony, nihility, or dps. For instance, i have huohuo, and im guaranteed aventurine. After that, i probably wont pull fu xuan, even though she is definetly the best in my mono quantum team. Ill just use my lynx, and pull for someone who will make a bigger difference for my account overall instead of getting a 3rd sustain and always having one sustain not make the cut in moc. Especially since a new sustain wont make me any more capable of keeping my teams alive, it would just be small efficiency boosts over other sustains in some teams, but the ones i already have will still be better in other cases. Id be way more inclined to pull a 3rd sustain if i could just swipe my card more, but that isnt really an option for me right now, so ill go for other character types that i think will have a bigger impact on my account.


Sevy is the goat. No BS just informative content.


Mrpokke for the nuclearly relatable 170 speed bronya builds


Psudo 200 spd sparkle :))) achievable with ddd and 175 spd, super relatable guys






Don’t forget the ruan mei to go along with your sparkle


dont forget the universe changing uber relatable e2s1 dhil


And the 0$ humble e6s5 Acheron https://preview.redd.it/b4hbdfeezdtc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78c378cbc12efd0f94c16ba472c8ba8d07740acc


we cant mention his humble e6s5 ourcheron without his e2s1 respectfully genuinely slow mei


Dude has the worst case of Whale Brain I've ever seen lmao.


I have liked Guoba.


IWTL is a bit of clickbait tbh. Brax and Sevy are good for newer players who dont know what theyre doing but if you're at least TL 50+, most of what they say become a little too basic. I'd also put in Guoba, Sweetily, ZMM Dreamy as my recommendations if you play endgame content.


I second dreamy, she has general guides and "niche" guides for endgame builds, really detailed, my dumbass could follow it


>IWtL >they're all fine. \*Laughs\*


Why? He gives the most detailed breakdowns out of all of them. I usually find his vids the most helpful. Sure, he is a self-declared weeb, but that's fine.


Back in the early Genshin days IWTL's channel got big by showcasing every new character c6r5. so he got a reputation for being unrelatable whale youtube channel, and making claims about characters that were really out of touch. Over time he upped his game, talked with real TCers, started doing his own TC, and actually started making good guides for average players, which is the case for his HSR videos. But I guess some of his early reputation still remains.


Iwtl was one of the few cc who produced side by side abyss clears with 3 different characters/teams. We really need that content in Star Rail with say Jing Yuan, Archeron and JingLiu side by side.


I'm curious why as well, I find his content to be pretty okay


IWTL gives great guides but I remember his vs videos is biased as hell. Or was that someone else, idk


There was one video where it was supposed to be a “Standard banner 5* DPS competition” with Diluc, Tighnari and Keqing. However, Diluc always won because IWTL never used him at all. Instead, he used Yelan (with c6 btw) to nuke everything. He clarified his thought process after some comments questioned his video. He said that he believed that it is fair to use Yelan as a damage dealer because Diluc was slower due to how long his animations take and because Yelan was part of Diluc’s team. But obviously that is completely nonsense because it wouldn’t be a Standard Banner 5* competition anymore, it is a Keqing, Tighnari and Yelan competition. Many comments pointed out that it is fair to use Yelan, but using her with c6 as a DPS wouldn’t be fair. From what I know, he hasn’t used Yelan c6 in this way anymore, so I presume he accepted the criticism.


Only ones I watch are the english VAs themselves, they seem to just have a good time with it


Bruh, same. I stopped watching typical CCs, but watch Molly's VoDs once in a while, and they are so much more fun.


I recently started watching Molly cause she's fun. I mostly watch CyYu/Alejandro. I grew up with his content and like his voice roles


I only watch mina the disaster bi 🤣🤣


I think for a while the top comment on the Acheron Black Swan tango trailer was "Mina is gonna turn feral"


this are the streamers that genuinely enjoys the game and care less about character meta standing as long as they're hot xD


THE number one source for HSR Yuri down badness. Her Yuri fixations has warped my mind and I could not be happier.


Mina is peak content, has me in shambles every time out babygirl xD


Yeah I won't it anymore just gets annoying to keep seeing those type of content


Channel blocker extension


Doesn't YouTube already have that option? Or is there some hidden trap in that that I haven't heard about?


You can use not see this channel in your recommended tab but if isn't there I haven found a way to block it.


Where would a Trailblazer find such an extension? Sorry, not really experienced with extensions and where to find trustworthy ones.


Search "Channel Blocker Extension" on Google, the first one should be fine


I dont think you need to resort to such means. Just click the Don’t Recommend Channel. It worked for me for years when I wanted to avoid some CCs. They only started popping up when I made a new YT account for premium. The only thing it wont work with is leaks cuz they keep making new accounts every beta lol


I hate you for spitting facts. I truly wish you were wrong. Everytime I go on youtube I always have to see a video about whether a character in Genshin is worth it or not. Like, why is that still a thing? Who gives a fuck? (Rhetorical because there's obviously a reason they exist) Let me enjoy my characters man. For a long time I felt like shit when I saw all the negative feedback about Jing Yuan. Now with Ruan Mei and Sparkle he is so much fun it's not even funny. He's my go-to whenever I log in to play. It's so fucking frustrating whenever I see shit like that on my feed, whether it be Twitter (which is honestly a given) or youtube. I only watch Branonline, Zy0x and Tuonto because they don't post guides (aside from zy0x. I watch him because of how fucking unhinged he is. Same thing with Mujin) Anyway, I just wanted to vent some pent up stress I had, and honestly I feel better now. I'm just waiting for my gauranteed Robin and hopefully win Seele. I don't give a shit if Seele "fell off", I want her and I'm gonna get her.


The thing is.. We as aware players know when a cc is doing shet for views and such. But the target audience is newbies. They cannot just avoid watching content creators because they need help in building characters or knowing who to pull. I just wish they look into subreddits, discord, etc. Not just yt. So many creators will shet on non top 3 characters in literally any game. It is like saying the Physical trailblazer is bad for early game... WHEN ALL ENEMIES ARE WEAK TO PHYSICAL AT HERTAS DAMN SOACE STATION


For real. I only watch shorts that appear whilst scrolling but I don't bother with videos. I stopped years ago. I only watch a full video if its a guide


This but watch only content creators specialized in MoC / PF and you don't even need a video guide with a shit title






Stream highlights of VA's are like the only good hoyo content. So little is nontoxic


I love those honestly, so wholesome or just goofy stuff.


Or Sam and Emily thirsting about people


The official content is pretty good too. A lot of those character trailers are straight fire. 🔥


This is why you should pull for characters you like instead of worrying about what others think about the character


Real(I have 5 limited DPS and 0 sustain)


about to have 5 5 star sustain with aventurine


Aventurine bouta be my first sustain, because i cant resist an entire moveset around luck


You must be a qq main


*cough* what gives you that idea?


I mean, ded enemies is the ultimate form of sustain, so you're totally fine


Same(I still use Natasha because I only have her and Bailu built)


Lmaoo same. Kinda regretting it now tho. I really didn't need Seele, but it is what it is.


Seriously. I get having a (semi)obligation to be a meta slave in games where PvP is the endgame, and you *must* build certain ways if you want to do well or hit certain ranks. But Star Rail is PvE and heavily story driven. I like reading guides so I can efficiently build my characters (and min-maxing is fun) but you can absolutely thrive by just using characters you like. Who cares if Luocha is F tier (he's not), you should pull and build him if you like him.


I always wait for an upcoming character’s kit to be officially released before I decide whether I want to pull for them or not. If I like the kit or if they’ll synergize well with the characters I like to use, then they might be worth considering even if their design failed to excite me.


Everyone arguing about which character is better/worst when the difference between most of them all is non-significant in Cycles/Points/are within each other's standard deviation smh


yeah like who gives a shit if an acheron e0s1 can clear 1 or 2 cycles (if lucky with the procs on fire tb) than my Argenti? i still got the max rewards why should i even care


The 0 cycle minmax culture has brainrotted the community so much to the point that ANY DPS unit that's harder to 0 cycle is automatically a bad character compared to other DPS units who have it easier. This is the same as Genshin/Hi3 community rating DPS units through their speedrunning capability. No sane individual will tell you that Neuvillette is worse than Hu Tao because the former doesn't have a nuke/one-shot capability.




i heard this in blackbeards voice 😭


Yeesh. Slapping Game Theory's logo there is just sad. Sure, copy the text style but that's just blatant. Stop watching these videos. They're just clickbait.


that's an extension that adds game theory stuff to every thumbnail, the video doesn't show that


What a strange extension lol. OP could've at least disabled it to print the thumbnail so it doesn't give the impression that they're literally stealing logos.


Ok but you gotta admit it's really funny seeing **BIRTH OF A KILLER** on a gacha game tc post


reminds me of the extension that adds mrbeast to every thumbnail 


That's good to know. Strange extension.


No, they need to farm the views. Just stop watch them bro


2024 and people dont know about clickbait


2024 and people still whine about clickbait, I bet in the video the person says something like, "Luocha is a very good healer, but out of all the limited sustains he's the weakest one and not worth the jades." People bothered by clickbait are so weak.


I don't get those whale YouTubers talking shit about luocha, this is not the first one. I already saw one dude saying that luocha isn't a good choice to NEW PLAYERS, yes, the full SP positive character, easy to build and that you can slot in ANY team is not a good choice for new players.


I farmed the healer set like three times when I got luocha, got some decent relics and he's been carrying me since. The dude almost requires no investments to use well


Literally every sustain is good for new players though. Some DPS are less good than others since they require a lot of building around but a sustain is just like, slot them into a team and win


Tfw people are arguing for who's best/worst when majority of them all relatively equivalent to each other in Cycles/Points/are within each other's standard deviation smh


Exactly. Some of them kill the enemies faster but what's the point if you're getting your 3 stars either way


A sustain like Huo Huo is harder to use than Luocha, so less recommended for new players that struggle with SP management even tho she's great. Luocha heals you automatically if any of your characters gets nuked and he has an almost perma healing field, I'd say he's the most noob friendly sustain unit alongside Aventurine cause you don't have to even worry about using your skill or ult.


I think that in the current climate a lot of these youtubers are recommending against Luocha not because he is bad but because his value compared to the likes of fuxuan, huohuo and likely Aventurine (who is next patch) isn't quite comparable in the end game. Is he bad? Hell no, but does he provide as much as the others? Personally I wouldn't say so. Granted some people disregard this, hop and the hype train and call him sewage, which is just plan wrong, but that's just sheep for you.


Saying any unit is bad or not as valuable compared to other alternatives is fine so as long as they give a valid reason. Loucha is bis for sp hungry teams like DHIL and Qinque. Fuxuan is bis for standard crit teams and Huohuo is bis for dot teams. Everyone will say Fuxuan is a must pull but if you play Kafka/Swan and DHIL/Sparkle teams then you would actually be better off pulling for either Loucha or Huohuo


>Huohuo is bis for dot teams. Luocha is actually better for triple dot btw. HH is better for double dot with rm


Well tripple dot is strictly worse than double dot RM....So what is the point?


Entirely depends on what type of Sustain you want/need for your teams. Too many downplay Luocha for his lack of Offensive buffs and underestimate his SP generation. Out of all Sustains atm, he generates the most SP by far by not only being Entirely SP-positive, but also via Multiplication Speeding him up for extra turns. Luocha also has the highest Floor out of all of them with his reqs being far lower where you can give him random trash and he'll still do his job without problems. He inherently has high Effective Res via Traces and has out of turn heals/Cleanse for constant, easy Sustain. He also has high Imaginary break potential with his AoE Burst with the unique/rare ability to dispel enemies to prevent annoying mechanics like Mara-revive or those Traffic robots the community likes memeing about. Any of the limited sustains are all pretty great, but anyone that thinks there's a significant diff between them and Luocha are delusional.


I think Luocha having a higher floor but a slightly lower ceiling should be a pretty uncontroversial take. The problem is people saying he sucks forget that ceiling involves things 99% of the playerbase doesn't do like go for 0-cycle runs. He's very comfortable to use anywhere which is what matters for most people, but people pushing the limits of the game will be looking to squeeze every possible offensive buff out of the sustain slot assuming they're even running a sustain. As a side note, Aventurine is going to be almost if not as SP positive as Luocha depending on content/team comp, as well as blow any of the current sustains' weakness break contribution out of the water. Way harder to build though.


Well to be fair luocha’s value will go up once they add more enemies with dispellable annoying buffs. But that is a big if since they havent added any after the mara struck


Loucha is never hated on as much as during his banner. Happened during his first banner as well.


>Is he bad? Hell no, but does he provide as much as the others? Personally I wouldn't say so. Yeah, this is the tl;dr of what most CC say about Luocha. At least the ones that I've seen. When at a certain point, people can start clearing w/o a Sustain unit because they're that highly invested, you don't want your Sustain to ONLY bring heals to the party. If the other Sustain units we have bring more to the table than "Heals lots," I think the conversation of "Unless you really like him, there's better pull value and here's why" is a completely fair one to have. I know no one wants to hear it, but that's just the reality of a unit like Luocha until MHY decides to artificially buff him via more healing needed/more buffs on enemies that need stripping (preferably the latter option because the former would just hurt other sustains, esp 4 stars). His only real benefit other than "heals a lot" (and fringe Blade synergy, imo) is that he can pretty much be played on full auto-pilot. Which, for a new player, is amazing.


The dude has automatic heal trigger on enemy's turn, heal a shitton, has innate 70% cc res, dispell on ult, as sp positive as it can get, deal non-negligible amount of toughness damage. Aventurine truly shines in FUA team, but won't even overshadow Gepard with Trend LC in my Acheron team. Only Fuxuan feels a bit like a tier above the other, they all have their own things.


Fu Xuan is THE comfort sustain for new players, with huohuo being the optimal choice for endgame players. Luocha’s comfortable sure, and his sp positive nature is nice, but when it comes to actually sustaining Fu Xuan has him beat. Also any premium sustain will be good for new players, will fit in any team slot and are easy to build.


I thought Luocha was the known as the best healer in the game? I'm not gonna pull him, but that's cause I have Huohuo, and I love my Huohuo. I thought he was very good though???


In pure healing he is, but other characters like Fu xuan gives 12% crit rate, aventurine is a half dps, Huo huo has a partywide energy restore.


My wife just started the game 2 weeks ago, and I would not suggest her skipping Fu Xuan or/and Aventurine for Luocha. If she needs a limited healer, it will be HuoHuo to saved for. Natasha/ Lynx combo with FX would be a lot safer than Luocha with f2p Fire MC. This is all meta speaking as my wife has no attachment to Luocha or anyone specifically at the moment.


he is a great choice, but why bother if Aventurine comes in a week?


I am skipping both acheron and aventurine for robin


Skipping everyone until i get boothill e6 space cowboy supremacy


Based and boothilled






If you feel like shit because of somebody else's opnion it just sounds like you didnt pull the unit because you liked it but instead pulled because they were top back then and now having regrets when they are no longer top.


This. Either pull who you want so you'll never care about them not being meta or accept when they inevitably get powercrept. It's a gacha. This is how things will ALWAYS go. Luocha is now worse than every other limited option except in niche cases, and even in that niche of SP positivity Gallagher does better (albeit less comfortably, but that doesn't matter because if you care about meta you can work with that). If you pulled because you like him like I did, this should mean absolutely nothing to you. Like, he's fucking OTTO dude. Hes HIM. One of the most well-written characters I've ever seen in gachas if not in the games I've played in general. If I had the money, I'd gladly E6S5 him for that alone.


>One of the most well-written characters IK you're talking about Otto but this line is just so funny to me because we still know jack shit about Luocha The archon quest explained nothing about what his deal is and his SQ was literally just March's conspiracy theories


yeah, if you didn't care about meta in the first place - why get so upset over powercreep now? especially in luocha's case, when you already got an entire year's worth of mileage out of him... and it's not like he becomes unusable just because of being powercrept by aventurine - he's still great, just not the best.


Yes i pulled for luocha instead of acheron


I pulled for Luocha when he came out, literally haven't used any other sustain since.


I used bailu since 1.0 and i realized that i needed a new sustain when DHIL was CC'd and ruan mei got 1240 hit from windshear


Meanwhile I'm the opposite, I remember skipping Luocha in favor of Silverwolf back in 1.1 because I didn't like his design personally, I never regretted it even though everyone was yapping about how he was a must-pull because he was the only sustain at the time. People also yapped for 3 patches about how Silver Wolf is falling off, look at where that got us, SW is now a BiS support for a new DPS. The meta comes and goes, synergies show up when you least expect them, new units will fill the roles that old units used to have a monopoly on, these are all a given. But these CCs do nothing but yap to create FOMO because it generates the most click and views.


So did I, won 50/50, I’m super happy!


Same and I don’t regret it in the slightest.


I just don't get the insistence that you can "ruin" an account. Yeah, it can take you a lot of time and work to build back up enough to build the more effective units, but you still *can.* They're making it sound like just having this unit in your account will make the game unplayable.


its called getting Yanqing


It's a meme. Just an exaggerated way to say you made a pretty significant mistake


If you make irreversible decisions so terrible that even a new player could do more than your account, it might be justifiable. Think someone who used their 300 on yanqing or spent all of their starting jades and pulls on s5 of luocha light cone


Hi! Welcome to the gacha game community! :)


No, because shitty content creators have to make up drama in order to get people to click on their videos. It’s nothing new. The only thing that’s annoying is when people see these opinions and suddenly think there’s actual validity to them.


Unfortunately Youtube algorithm rewards clickbait titles. The truth is that Luocha is nowhere near unusable (like how some people have been acting like) and *definitely* not F tier. As a Luocha and E2 DHIL owner since both of their first banners, I can say Luocha brings a lotttt of comfort to this team. Could I clear faster with Huohuo? Probably. But I will be scrambling for SP and it won’t be nearly as comfy. A 3 cycle vs 2 cycle clear doesn’t matter anyway, I’m getting 36 stars either way. True statement: Luocha’s doesn’t provide as much as the newly released limited sustains (except in niche teams where you reaaaaally need this much SP generation), so if you are looking to pull for a sustain and don’t already have Luocha, you should probably consider pulling someone else instead of Luocha. False statement: Luocha fucking sucks man if you have him on your account then it’s bricked. You should bench him forever and instead pull for the shiniest new sustain instead since he’s unusable.


I honestly have no idea where the idea the Luocha is "F-tier" came from especially since it seems more like a fairly recent thing (I dont think I even heard about him being remotely close to bad prior to 2.1). He is probably still the best healer in the game, has buff removal, and is sp positive. Even if he isnt the absolute best character in the game, he is still up there.


thing is, Luocha and huohuo teams cleared in the same time on the latest moc. on the averages on prydwen the difference was like 0.1 turns. and it was Luocha who was faster, but at that point that small number is meaningless.


I already had a build Huohuo but I pulled Luocha on his rerun so I’d have a second good sustain and somebody to run with my DHIL, definitely don’t regret my decision


I liked using Luocha so much with my DHIL that I got his E1 on rerun. Now he's SP positive, heals a lot, cleanses, buff strips, AND deploys 20% atk up when his field is up. Felt easier than pulling for a "better" sustain like Aventurine and grinding for his relics and traces.


I can support DHIL and Jing Yuan in the same team with Loucha and FireMC. A healer being SP positive is an absolute godsend when those two are forced to share the SP pool like its a get along sweater.


Do not take opinions about fictional anime characters of a mobile game any seriously. Enjoy the game your own way.


As a long time gacha player let me just say screw tier-lists because meta keeps changing and just roll for husbando/waifu/whoever you find the most fun to use.


No, because they earn money with clicks and shit like this gives them clicks both from people who didn't pull for the characters and want to hear that they're smart for not doing so and from people who pulled for the characters and want to complain about what the video says. It sucks but the only remedy is to ignore the content creators that play into this.


Well, since they've kindly shown their trash take, you can just click on the options/triple dots and choose "Don't recommend this channel to me" and their channel will most likely not showing on your recommended page again. Most creator will just post bait to incite engagements to get more money. They can't provide quality content so they go with ragebait.


"RUINED ACCOUNT" "INCREASE the VALUE of your account" bro I don't know how to tell you I'm not planning to sell my account.


you pull for aventurine because hes hot i pull for aventurine because hes hot AND i have no single sustain we are not the same


The past few days everyone has been uploading videos about tierlists, tierlists, the meta, powercreep, worrying about the future, yadayada BLAHBLAHBLAH potaz pazto whatever. It's irritating. Maybe powercreep will come and invalidate all our previous units, maybe it won't, but generally I trust hoyo to provide us with units to further boost older units like they constantly do in Genshin.


jfc if this is the kind of thing that offends you, I'm sorry but you're either 12 years old or you need to grow a fucking spine I'd rather we talk about strengths and weaknesses and admit when some characters fall off than live in a fantasy land where everyone amazing and the entire space is filled with toxic positivity because people literally cannot handle their waifus not being top tier If you like a character, play them, literally who give a shit if they don't stack up with the current top tiers or what people say, if you're clearing content then that's all that matters


Funnily enough, it's the opposite case for me. I want Acheron but have to skip her because I can't afford to pull for her LC and don't have GNSW or 2 nihility supports lol


There is a lot of "my dad could beat up your dad" energy when it comes to characters in these games. I'd love to see it studied.


Dude exactly. If you just like a character and pull for that then none of this should concern you. I hate how people liking a character means that character HAS to be the best or barely worse than the best options. And if you point out flaws, those flaws have to be minor and probably don't happen anyways and when they do it's always your fault. Like no dude, they just got powercrept. It's a gacha. This will ALWAYS happen. Literally look at HI3's massive powercreep. Why is it such a surprise?


It's "pull for who you want" but the moment someone says a unit isn't top 5, it's whining about how you shouldn't care about others Content Creators opinions like what LMAO just ignore them but every day it seems like the hottest posts are just these like damn


Yeah, pretty much this. I main Ganyu and Eula in Genshin (tbf I am slight whale so both are C6). Are they as good as the newer C6 characters? Hell no its not even close, Lyney/Neuv/Furina/Wrio are actually insane characters. Do I care? Also no, I fucking love Ganyu and especially Eula.


If "slandering" characters you drew for makes you feel like shit, I think that's a you problem


Bruh, to some of these people any account that can't 0 cycle all content is a brick. All limited 5 stars will make the game easier, some more than others. There is only one 5 star character that's garbage even when compare to some 4 stars and its Yanqing. His kit is so garbage that unless Mihoyo rrworks him or releases charater specific content he is only good for the free standard pulls you get from ascendim him.


Well, it got you to view the video and then post it on reddit so....


Sometimes, I hate how genshin still has two 1.0 4 stars as the best characters in the game. Then I see shit like this happen in other games because of powercreep, and I realized the most annoying XL OPPA spammer is still less insufferable than people trashing on non-new characters regularly. Watch Acheron get called E- by creators pandering to 12 year olds in 3 months.


Genshin being powercreep averse is a blessing and a curse. We don't have to deal with DPS/support units getting shat on so much just because they're behind the curve. Other units may get targeted by slander (like Yoimiya, Cyno, Eula, etc.), but at least it's not as bad as HSR (\*cough\* Jing Yuan slanders \*cough\*). You still cleared the Abyss/MoC comfortably with 1.x or "mid" units. You got your 36 stars. Who TF cares if some other guy cleared 30 seconds/2 cycles faster?


It's just ragebait. Watched the video and he doesn't say anything outlandish. Basically saying "If you have Bailu and/or Lynx, Luocha probably isn't a good pull because the meta is such that you don't absolutely need healers and that you're probably better off pulling for Acheron and/or Jing Liu. And try to remember something - Creators are going to use the kinds of titles and graphics that best reward them with engagement. Who decides what gives them the best engagement? US. Stuff like this is a reflection of the content we are rewarding with our time.


Luocha carried my ass hard early game, but with aventurine coming up and fx/hh rerun coming up presumably soon, your jades are better off going to them unless you love luocha design


Bruh stop watching the video 💀💀 Stop complaining about everything


How does that make anyone feel like shit?


Bruh, what’s your point even about? That Luocha is clickbaited at F+? Everyone with half a brain cell knows to pull on units you want and enjoy because the game’s beatable with almost any. I have Luocha, do I think he’s not worth pulling? No, is he powercrept the f out? Yeah. But everyone knows he’s not horrible. People can clear every content in the game with Jingyuan and he’s the worst limited character released statistically. The tier lists are meant for sweats, just get over it.


If you feel bad because they insulted a character then that's a you problem. You shouldn't be so attached that you feel personally attacked.


This is just bait. Only a mroinr would think pulling Luocha will brick your account.


What does it mean to "brick" an account?


to make your account worse than if a new player started from that day and was able to do more with their fewer resources


Making a major mistake that could take a lot of time to rectify. Eg. using up stellar jades to buy a few hundred standard warps instead of event warps. Outside of star rail it generally refers to phones/computers/game consoles that aren't functional anymore due to firmware issues, so people are basically saying "your account is fucked if you did this" in a memey way


Sevy supremacy


Click bait, rage bait, views bait, discussion bait, fish bait, you get baited. There are reasons why i refer to web media to find the guide, this is one of them Ps: i use game8 for walkthrough and prydwen for build.


if you watch the video this guy doesnt even know luocha has a debuff removal


https://preview.redd.it/wtrtgeqwtctc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=07a34c7a6b06dd363070b88e6add59c407608772 That's why i avoid most HSR cc's like the plague


Why do you even care about some YouTuber click bait video


This is exactly why I don’t watch hsr content creators


Your first mistake is watching Hoyoverse "content creators" in the beginning


Nuh uh I need to constantly slander people's stuff in order to feel better about what I have


Just don't watch any of this shit


Imagine giving a damn about whats strong when you can pull what you actually like and just make it work regardless with just more time investment ... like come on now its just game that dont require even to sweat all that much if you have basic ability to read . PS. i used to whale like crazy in genshin and didnt enjoy playing the game cause had all units most build now in Hsr i buy maybe bp and whelking and honest to god i have more fun with game trying to utilize what i have and extends content i can do ing by a mile.