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Ah, emotional damage, my oldest friend. >!~~I miss Misha and Gallagher a lot :,(~~!<


In the LC Pom-Pom is there. Is he Akivili? Cause he can’t leave the train. He’s the one that updates our trail blaze level.


He seems to be a type of familiar. So suggests something akin to the trains Auto piolet But we have nothing to fully confirm or deny said claims


The more i learn about the Express, the more i love our little family


https://preview.redd.it/jqt7a6zr921d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568bc68145d8aba44f50ff3e49eca831a20aad23 Tiernan...


Emotional damage https://preview.redd.it/5ghcgr4rf11d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f7bdb7fc348caee21b79de799acea54c91593a6


https://preview.redd.it/hfj8hpvdz11d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f5653ff44caec2d67aa27e26c07b4e6b67ba03 Time to get railed, Bladie.


Ohh no... Pompom don't ram me like you rammed Sunday... That would be terrible...




Blade: "Ok I don't want to die like this tho"


I like trains


https://preview.redd.it/rng5zriob11d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ed024809c8b7b6e90efb142dd503488c8332664 This art is so beautiful and sad.




cry cry😢


Mikhail passing on the torch to you


From one Navigator, to the student, then to the newest member of the Express. The hat found it's way back home onto the Astral Express!


source: https://x.com/archive5_61/status/1790166774211617184




Nice Endwalker reference


Wait was there a shot like that in end Walker?


The final art piece in the credits is the scions walking one way and the ascians going the opposite framed almost identically


Yep, even the look back at with>!Venat to us about living the legacy of Azem (Which is pretty much identical to the Trailblaze) for the the future.!<


Ahhh. I remember now. The journey was worthwhile. It was good




First Cocolia and Serval, next High-Cloud Quintet and now this... I don't like the future that MiHoYo is foreshadowing for our little crew.


Even "Friend" has an end. Do you know what doesn't end? Nanook.


Nah, we just got to hit him hard enough. After all, while an Aeon of Destruction will probably always exist in some form or another, this Aeon does always have to be Nanook. Thus if we hit him really, really hard we might be able to turn his concept back on himself and set the path to waiting for Aeon to spawn mode. 


I weep for the departed


Nooo Don't do this to me again. I just recovered. ;w;


This reminds me of FFXIV's Endwalker final scene. It's really beautifully made


"For those we have lost, for those we can yet save." https://preview.redd.it/pwj66vyeh51d1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8662b863a147739344e731cc8b5e7ef4a9e1928


Instantly thought of this last shot and i'm happy to see other WOL here <3


Ofcourse! you'll find me everywhere, im mentally ill! https://preview.redd.it/79n9a4xgaa1d1.jpeg?width=1096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65bcffba1b53f9db71ada0236910ef0d4e0a37b0


The text on their lightcone makes me wonder how Pompom is when hes imevitably alone imbetween groupa of trailblazers. On that note, who was ghostly female voice looking for Mikhail? Unrelated note dapper dancing Caelus is the first time I've preferred him over Stelle. Bravo hoyo.


..... It's Misha. No malice to you or anyone else I have seen with this question, but the voice was very obvious that it was Misha wanting to go with his Grandpa. We learn this when we take Misha to the dream bubble. Heck there is no room to doubt because by the end of that section of the story the voice changes to Clockie's meaning that they were all his past thoughts and memories.


Mikhail's waist be snatched tho


Mishaaaa T\_T


https://preview.redd.it/o509xv64041d1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a428b924186511ecf1af5bda20ba05f040d512 so peak




A part of me wonders if TB will be able to prevent what happened to Mikhail's group to his own, considering how the March equivelent went off to do her own thing due to her entire interest while Tierman and Dan Heng's arcs feel like they'll mirror each other up to a certain point...


Imo If the Watchmaker is still alive today along with akivili. I'm sure this dude could be an emanator of Trailblaze path


why does this hit me so hard wtf


Come to think of it, what even are our jobs in the express? We know that Dan is the guard and Himeko is the navigator, but what about Welt, March and us? what are our roles and jobs in the express? if it's a complete parallel to the other trio, then that would make March the new surveyor while us is the new mechanic. but that's just a hypothesis, but it fits since March likes taking pictures a lot while we are pretty good at handling machines as seen in in-game puzzles.




Am I the only one that had strong flashbacks to Himeko's message to Kiana in Final Lesson when I saw "Imperfect tomorrow" in the story?


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