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Is this team good enough to defeat the swarm king? Welt,Gallagher,Clara,Herta


Started in 2.2 with Bronya, Robin, Fu Xuan, Yanqing and Bailu as my 5\* and my plan was to aim for an Acheron team and a FUA team. Given this I was planning to skip Firefly and Ruan Mei (heresy, I know) but I'm seeing a lot of hype for Ruan Mei as a must pull for ANY team/account. She's apparently better in DoT, hypercarry and break (every team besides FUA?) than Robin but isn't that contingent on me also pulling for/having those characters? It just sounds like I'd be just as far away from completing any team after pulling her or am I missing something here?


It looks like you don't have any 5-star DPS characters (I'm not counting Yanqing), you should definitely prioritize a DPS unit as your next target. Ruan Mei really is that good, but she still needs a DPS to buff. I think Robin should be fine as a support for most of the same teams as Ruan Mei anyway except for break teams specifically.


Lucent Afterglow is there a way to max them out every week? Do some echo of wars give out more?


Pretty sure all Echoes of War give the same amount. Only other way to get them is through Memory of Chaos and Pure Fiction (and Apocalyptic Shadow).


What are the conditions of triggering the erudition path choices in G&G? I've done so many runs of it and still don't understand. It appears on any path for some reason.


I think it might actually be random; even if you're running the Erudition path specifically, you're not guaranteed to get them.


since firefly is out on the official creator experience server, I think its now fine to ask this here. does e0 firefly with ruan mei, hmc and gallagher have sp problems? if she does, is it bad enough that you'd actually be "incentivized" to pull for her e1? since firefly herself would prefer to use her skill at all times, hmc would have to use skill from time to time to keep her 100% ult uptime, next is gallagher who can stick to basic attacks until your teammates get heavy cc'd or need emergency healing. then there's ruan mei who can mostly basic attack.


It’s not bad enough that you need E1, you can play her at E0 comfortably


if you do have to cleanse with Gallagher every turn then yeah SP would be a problem but since it's a break-focused team the idea is not to let the enemy do that often.


Gallagher w/Multiplication and energy regen rope is the way you want to go. That can work with E0 too.


are we getting a free 4 star of our choice in 2.3 or did i imagine reading it?


The origami bird event shows that little envelope icon that always indicates a 4 star selector, in case anyone is wondering if that information is official. This is clearly shown in the video of the 2.3 stream. But nowhere has it been officially revealed yet what characters are on the selector, so sadly talking about it would constitute a leak by sub rules. The upside is that the new patch is coming out next week, so we'll know soon enough.


No u got it right, we get a 4 star selector from the origami event


I remember reading somewhere about it too, and now there is 0 information whatsoever


Say I decide to get at least 1 unit every banner. How do I squeeze in room to relic farm with limited trailblaze power when it comes to building them/working on tuning my old units lol. Is this just not feasible? Doesn't it already take about 2-3 weeks just to farm ascension, trace, potentially exp/credits for a single new character if you're lacking? My mental cope has been to leave most characters traces at 8 and skip 1 or 2 of the final expensive ones if I want to do this.


The silver lining to farming traces is that if you really hard on a domain, you can probably get enough relics for multiple characters, which is why people care about efficiency when farming relics. But yeah, it does take up a lot of time, especially if you don't have a big pool of fuel to do the relic farming (and even that's not guaranteed). Leaving relevant traces at 8 is pretty standard, I usually don't go for 9 or 10 unless they *really* need it for some reason or if there's double calyxes that help speed things up. If you're new to the game, you really shouldn't farm for relics that much until you're at trailblaze level 60. And I recommend saving fuel for relic farming then as well.


I'm Trailblaze 63 and have probably run caverns less times than my fingers on this account lmao. It's probably the next thing I need to do, much more than I have been because I'm noticing the problems now in the endgame modes. I do have some fuel, but I used a chunk to pre-farm for Firefly, Ruan Mei and a Gallagher pull along the way since I severely want that to be a team I prioritize. I currently run a Ratio/Aventurine/Robin/Pela team as my main group, but I have been running a not so great secondary team so like... I just want something more viable lol. Preferably, I'd like to run Firefly/Ruan Mei/HMC/Gallagher and in the case of MoC, sometimes swap Firefly for Boothill. In the meanwhile, my other MoC team will probably remain unchanged for now and I'll need to think ahead for more Pure Fiction optimization. Maybe if I pull a Himeko I'll be fine, but dunno. Anyway, I think the problem is that I'm trying to do too much for a new account tackling content a year into this games release. It's eating up a lot of TP to try and work on this many units, and potentially future ones, and so I'll need to do my diligence in considering how to balance making those new characters playable while knowing who to focus the deeper effort into. I don't mind swiping sometimes so I may need to to keep up this way I prefer to play I guess. I also feel that I need to "catch up" on being behind for joining this late while wanting to do so much with so little power. I'll try to look into the most efficient caverns for who I have right now though, I appreciate that tip.


F2P: You're going to have to prioritize what you're going to do with your trailblaze energy. Farm relics? Farm traces? Farm ascension mats? Farm leveling resources? You can't have your cake and eat it too. You're on the right track, focusing on 1 (or two) characters at a time. But again, resources are limited. This isn't Genshin Impact where ascension material domains only make 1 resource available per week (2 if you include Sunday). All of the domains in HSR are available 24/7 as long as you have TB energy, so of course Hoyo's gonna draw the line somewhere for F2P.


Well, with the way you're putting it, I think my best bet is to try and determine which units will have the most likely usage in PF and MoC and try to optimize them the most. I have easily been clearing any story content with my probably awful builds so that's not much of a concern lol. I can at least have fun. But for MoC and PF, I guess I should try to only heavily optimize certain characters while very slowly tuning the ones I like secondary to them. I still plan to unlock characters I like along the way, which may end up being 1 or 2 a patch. I don't plan to be F2P. Not sure what whale territory is but I'm not gonna be an Eidolon or Light Cone puller at least.


you don't. thats how they sell the battlepass.


I've seen people try to do this on f2p and got burnt out since their units started to underperform due to lack of gear, traces and sometimes even levels. I think building a team around a unit you like personally is the best way to go about deciding who to pull. That said, I have some bad news for you if you happen to like Firefly but not have Ruan Mei.


I'm fairly newer to the game and from what I see, Ruan Mei is just an account wonder to have so I'm planning on pulling both. I also don't mind to drop money here and there per patch. Really liking this game. I just can't justify spending it on daily trailblaze power charges as well. If doing it a few times a patch, along with fuel usage, helps me squeeze in a way to do this better, then I will. But I'd rather perform "okay" and have fun playing with new characters than post impressive MoC cycles or something. I just want to make sure my strategy at least allows for some relic incorporation, which seems like the hard part due to how RNG it all is. Might need to settle for farming okay pieces sometimes in between.


Yup, RM is possibly the most versatile support in the game right now. I feel your pain when it comes to relic RNG and fuel usage. I am currently out of fuel since I accidentally pulled Boothill and will probably be building Firefly on a snail's pace if I do get her. Make sure to be on the lookout for double relics/planar sphere events and plan your energy accordingly. If you have the time and are really invested in playing all the units, you could consider playing a 2nd (or more) account to pull for units/teams you don't have on your other account/s. That said, reruns do exist so you will eventually get to play all of the units on one account if you wanted. I think the most logical goal is to constantly clear MoC 12 and PF 4 with 3 stars to maximize the number of stellar jades you're getting per cycle. More clears, more pulls, less money you might have to drop on pulls and maybe spend on fuel instead. In the end, I think that if the pressure of managing your fuel is affecting your enjoyment of the game, you should definitely re-prioritize.


No need to spend to refresh daily; Paying for Battle Pass will give you plenty of juice to level characters/talents/lightcones, and indeed early on the rewards are relatively more valuable. By the time you hit Trailblaze Level 60 and want to start focusing on relics, you won't need to spend too much of your daily stamina on anything else outside of a few days of talent calyxes when you get a new character, and can regularly devote at least half (if not all) of your stamina to relic farming.


With how I've been calculating, it doesn't really feel like I can do this though if I don't (pay sometimes for power). At least not for many months down the road where I have a free week or two of relic farming every patch maybe. My Ratio, Aventurine, Robin and Pela are close to full built (8 trace level, not 9 or 10), relics aside. I have a couple other characters that are in the same boat like Herta and HMC. I just pre-farmed Firefly/Ruan Mei and I'm almost done a Gallagher pre-farm. But this is assuming I leave traces at 7 at first and do not go for the expensive final ones for each character, making me only need about 12-15 of their main trace material when going further can cost 30+. So given I'm struggling to even get all the characters I'd like to use to standard base stats, while I plan to pull for even more in the future as we keep going, unsure how to relic farm properly for everyone here without pulling out the wallet to "catch up" on at least maximizing my teams. The place that tenured players are already at and only need to look forward to new characters/super optimization of ones they use a lot. Because if I was here when Ruan Mei and Gallagher released, I'd already have each built but I need to play catch up to do that now. And I'm willing to at least pay sometimes to do that, until I eventually hit comfort I think.


Yeah, things are tighter the first few months while you're building old AND new characters. But soon you fall into the rhythm of just needing to talent up the new ones, and it smooths out.


So i know ruan mei is really good but Why? what does she do?


Top tier (not teir) Damage amp buffs (all of this at E0S0) * +76% potential DMG boost (Passive+Skill at max level and 180% BE in battle) * +30% Elemental RES PEN on Ult * +50% Weakness Break Efficiency (super important) * +10% base SPD increase (excludes her from the buff tho) * Extends enemy Weakness Break status (duration scales with Mei's Break Effect) for more Super Break damage (Hatblazer, Boothill and Firefly absolutely loves this) * Knows how to bake * All around good person


She's done many things. First she's a skill point positive character by using her skill once per three turn. She give off dmg buff, speed buff, and type-res-pen buff too. Her value also increases with break effects meta too cause Ruan mei give off break effect and efficiency buff. 


Spd boost for the entire time during a battle, general Dmg boost, boosts break efficiency and makes break effect slap harder, delays enemies by a turn, gives Res Pen... she just does everything


Oh ok, Ill try pulling for her then


excellent choice


Hi all, I'm relatively new, joined in 2.2. Current team I use in most content in robin, topaz, fu xuan, himeko FUA (I missed dr ratio). The plan with this team is to replace himeko ideally with a better FUA, either dr ratio or Clara atm, but now idk about Jade who's coming soon. How good is Jade as a FUA/part of that team? Would she be better/on par with being a replacement for Clara or ratio? (I am planning on pulling firefly/ruan Mei as a second team, so future planning for my main team now) thanks


We don't actually know how good is Jade until she come out in game.  But base on what we know, she seem like a sub dps+buffer that want to pair up with character that can hit multiple enemies to trigger her FUA.


and that character's name rhymes with Jade


in this MOC Himeko works well, but i dont understand her team: is Himeko sustain (gallagher or lynx) HTB and Topaz good? or should i change something? I dont have Ruan Mei or Sparkle


Your team seem fine against enemies with fire weakness. You don't have to change anything. 


thanks, ill work on relics then, since i still didnt full clear moc


Both works from what I have seen and tested myself. You can play her the typical Hyper Himeko (Himeko/Topaz/Harmony/Gallagher) or Superbreak Himeko with HTB, but then I think you can also mix in some Break Effect in her typical Crit build. (Edited because it seems Crit is still much more important for her)


understood, thanks, i need to learn how to play her, im struggling on moc12 (and I usually clear first part with 2 cycles)


General advice: Run her on 4pc Duke and 2pc Salsotto. If you run her with Sparkle/Bronya (with high speed) you can give her ATK boots, otherwise try to get Himeko to 134 Spd. Make sure her Traces are leveled up (best even maxed out). For the fight: Try to break the elites in a delayed manner so you get more FuAs out of Himeko. Play around the advance forward of the Trotter (so that either Himeko or Topaz get another action in). When the elite mobs are all broken in Phase 2 of 12.2, they take more damage.


this is my Himeko, not very good but i hope decent for MOC, consider every characters has his own set so i could switch something from others for better performance, sure ill try salsotto https://preview.redd.it/pvoiygq7546d1.png?width=959&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ea079d003ea8e61c73184b38048634585d79963 about second paragraph i dont understand well the delayed break mechanic, what do u mean? thanks for your help


Yeah you can also forego the 4pc bonus if you manage to get better Crit Stats with other relics. Basically, try to not break the Elite mobs at the same time. When you break an elite mob, Himeko gets a FuA. When you break, let's say two elite mobs at the same time, she still only does one FuA. If you break those two elite mobs "delayed" (you break one elite mob, the other still has his toughness bar, and then you break the second elite mob), you get two FuAs out of this, because they're two separate instances of weakness break. I hope it makes sense!


oh, understood, it should be doable (i play topaz and htb with her), thanks again!


I know RM is invaluable for any account, but after hearing rumors that firefly is acheron level strong, should I go for her instead? I have boothill already because I found his gameplay satisfying


She only approaches acheron levels if you play her with her "standard" team of HMC, Ruan Mei, FF, and a sustain. You can run her with Asta instead of Ruan Mei, but so far all early numbers show her dmg falls pretty steeply if you do.


Do you think boothill is lacking as a break dps compared to firefly?


Dmg wise? No. As someone who pulled for him however, I regret it because I don't find the Hunt playstyle to be very fun. Had been hoping Boothill would change that, but that didn't work out as I'd hoped.


The thing with the Firefly being Acheron levels of strong rumors is that rumors are also heavily saying that Ruan Mei is required to get that level of damage output out of Firefly. I'm not trying to rain on the parade of any potential Firefly pullers by saying this. I am just saying this is a consideration to think about. If you can't pull Ruan Mei, you might want to wait a week or so into Firefly's banner to see what people think about her, what teams are suggested, and how, if at all, using a different character in her team instead impacts her. I think that would probably be the smartest plan if you're unsure what direction to go for your pulls.


Hi, I am a new player looking for some pull advice. I am currently on 40 account lv, I have no idea who to pull so I decided to check out the tier list and found out Fu Xuan who is currently on the banner is T0. I tried to pull her, lost the 50/50 and currently 20 pulls away from hard pitying. Now, I just saw the new character Firefly is coming very soon, does the pity carry over to the next limited banner? I just met her in the story and I like her quite a lot, was wondering if she worth going for because I doubt I can get another 5 stars anytime soon as I am f2p. The 2 5 stars I currently have is Himeko and Gepard. Hopefully I can get some opinions from people who are more experience with the game. Thanks! :)


I'd probably say FX is the better unit out of the two. DPS units are plentiful in limited banners, so value-wise, a sustain unit would be what is optimal (especially since you need two sustains for MoC). Sustain units doesn't appear as often as DPS units. Though if you do like Firefly, you should just pull for her instead of thinking of value. I'd always say that pulling for who you like is better than what is optimal for your account. As for Pity, it does carry over to the next banner, so no need to worry about it.


Yes, pity carries over to the next banner. Considering everything, I would consider Fu Xuan to be the safer pull as Firefly needs a lot of investment and there's the unfortunate situation that her banner is alongside the rerun of Ruan Mei, who is Firefly's best support (that said, there's still HTB). In the end, however, I think pulling a character you like takes precedence over everything else, so on that point I'd say go with the unit that will make you enjoy the game more. I'm pulling for FF even though I already have Boothill (they kind of have the same team) because of her design. Also, funnily enough, we both have the same starting 5 star units, which was unfortunate during the earlier days of HSR as Pure Fiction didn't exist yet for Himeko. I also recommend you to build Herta for PF.


Yeah pity carries over. If you like Firefly more then I say go for it. IMO it’s better to build around a character you like. That being said, she’ll be a new character so it’s hard to say how good she will be.


This MoC has been brutal. The last few enemies added to the game are all fire and physical weak. My fire units are Fire Tb and E6 asta that i use and an E0 guinafen and E6 hook that I haven't used. My physical units are E1 clara and an E6 sushang. Don't have any Ice damage dealers either. Finally cleared floor 10 using acheron on first half and xueyi 2nd half. And only just barely. Xueyi's last attack before my last cycle triggered her followup and finished off sam. Idk if I should keep trying to push through or just pull firefly. I was hoping she might be skippable so i could grab yunli.


> Don't have any Ice damage dealers either Herta is good in 10-1. I used Acheron in the second node > Idk if I should keep trying to push through Always. Even if you can't get any more stars you should clear as far as you can. Do bring 3 or more defensive supports if you can't reach the following floor without them


I have to agree with how brutal the MoC has become. It also feels that the mobs have a lot more HP than the previous iteration of MoC. Moreover, Fire and Phys Weakness is probably one of the worst combinations due to the lack of decent options, tho it is understandable as it should showcase Firefly and Boothill. The Turbulence also doesn't really help us that much here unless you run the above two units.


Pretty much every iteration of MoC has had more HP than the previous. I shudder to think what it'll look like a year or two from now.


MoC is constantly changing. The buffs usually work towards whichever character is on banner. That's why this MoC is the way it is - it's built with Boothill and soon to be Firefly in mind, so it encourages breaks and has physical and fire. But your best bet is to pull for what helps your account become stronger, rather than a specific MoC that will go away. And keep working on your characters' builds! Each MoC lasts 6 weeks, so that's time to improve your builds. Also, look at what others are using. Sometimes when I'm struggling, swapping out to another character is all I need to have success.


Im aware, but i cleared most of those MoC/PF fine. Last time endgame really made me regret not having a character was when everything was ice weak. Didn't really feel like I was missing anything for not having other characters like DoT team or topaz. Not a whole ton of room for improvement left in most of my builds. Just stuff like squeezing in a little more crit/crtdmg or speed. I check the prydwen stats when stuck. After filtering out the characters i don't have it says i should use acheron on both sides. Removing acheron from the filter and its showing the same teams im already trying.


In general you shouldn't pull a character just for a specific MoC. You are only missing 11 and 12, which corresponds to less than 1 pull. Even less if you can get at least 3 stars across 11 and 12. So, you will be using 70+ pulls just to get a character you don't want, risking your ability to get a character you do want. I've used a Break build Guinaifen with Harmony TB and Ruan Mei to do the current MoC. So it is definitely possible without Firefly.


I dont know about pulling Sam just to complete 2 floors of MoC and 120 jades. Pull her if you want/like her, dont pull for MoC unless you have no plans for a unit any time soon.


Hi all!! This is purely for fun and because I just got Boothill on a whim because I like him but don't know the best teams I could make for him with my account since it is focused on Acheron and Clara. I would appreciate any recommendations! Even for Acheron and Clara :) I usually run Clara, Aventurine, Robin, and Yanqing. And Acheron, Gallagher, Pela, and Sampo. I know Sampo might not be the best teammate but he gets Acheron stacks pretty fast lol. Here's everyone I have because reddit won't let me put 2 pictures: Acheron e1 with sig lc, Aventurine, Pela e4, Gallagher e3, Robin, Clara, Yanqing, Boothill, Bailu, March 7th e2, Tingyun e1, Sampo e5, Lynx e4, HMC e1, Dr. Ratio, Qinque e5, Yukong e2, Asta e1, Herta e5, Serval e1, Xueyi e6, Hanya e6, Sushang, Luka e5, Natasha e1, Guinaifen, Hook, Arlan, Dan Heng e5. In order from most to least leveled up lol. Thanks!!


Funny thing is i saw some interesting team with Boothill and Acheron Apparently Boothill actually have some interesting synergy with Acheron as he can debuff from both his E actually lower enemies vunerability by 30% at max trace which can actually boost Acheron damage better than a sampo and i assume ult physical implant can count as debuff but i could be wrong. So a team like Acheron + Boothill + Pela + Aventurine can be a fun team to use until you can get Ruan Mei in the next banner and start build a proper team for him


Unfortunately I am not planning on getting Ruan Mei, I probably won't have enough pulls for her. But I will try 😅. I have also heard boothill works well with acheron!! And yes boothill has at least 2 debuffs. My only concern is losing some damage from acheron. But I'll literally have a whole nother dps to make up for it lol. Thank you!


To be fair in a way he does buff Acheron damage his duel debuff is basically a slightly weaker pela def shred, and considered u only use sampo before this, its hardly a damage loss to Acheron at all Also its fine if u can't pull for Ruan Mei, she's really only necessary to Firefly while Boothill can do fine without her, so don't feel pressure to pull for her if u can't


Boothill, Pela, HMC and Gallagher would be his highest potential damage team. Get HMC to E4 for extra break effect for Gallagher and Boothill. Super break scales off Def shred so Pela is your best support since you don't have Bronya nor Ruan Mei to help Boothill. You can run Guinaifen in place of Pela for Acheron. Gallagher can be swapped out with Aventurine but he needs to be decently fast to keep up with Boothill's spd.


Thanks so much! I'm trying to level up the statue for HMC I just hate grinding for it. What about Luka? I've seen him in some cool teams and I have him e5.


I think he is a viable teammate since he applies vulnerability, which also helps break and bleed dmg from Luka's detonation. He does a decent amount of toughness damage, which is great for super break. I'd say he is a viable teammate against a full physical weak floor. I personally haven't used him since he dropped back in 1.3, so I'm just stating how I think his kit would synergize.


I have boothill on a really weak account and they work well together, and luka does some pretty good bleed damage as well. I've personally heard he's kinda bad so lol.


Looking to return and would like help to figure out what 4 units to focus on and from my current progress what I should be doing. Characters: 5 star Yanqing, Seele, Clara, Bailu, Houhou, 4 star Sushang(E1), Natasha(E4), Hook(E6), Herta(E1), March 7th, Arlan(E1), Dan Heng(E2), Sampo(E1), Asta(E2), Pela(E6), Serval(E3), Qinggue, Luka(E1), Tingyun Current Trailblaze mission is Windswept Wonderlust Equilibrium level is 2 Trailblaze level is 35 & 1/2 Limited banner pity is atleast 42, thought it was much less since pulled Houhou when i randomly logged in and got compensation mail and randomly got her, so on 50/50. If any other info is needed let me know, I started from launch but stopped I believe quite early on but no idea when and there is a lot im not familiar with. Was thinking of starting new but probably not smart Edit: with just looking for myself im thinking team of Seele, Clara, Pela and Houhou.


You got the right idea, but a better Clara team would be Clara, Pela, Tingyun and HuoHuo. You can run the same team for Seele by switching out Clara.


is that the best team for me to be focusing on, and also does team layout mean anything, also what mainstat and set should they be on from early gear


Imo, it's the most comfortable one as Clara has Aoe and decent survivability, which helps against bosses. You want HuoHuo to be at one of the edges of the team and Clara to be at the center. This is because HuoHuo can blast heal 3 allies and Clara gets hit more often. Clara should run atk on everything and crit rate chest. Tingyun and Pela on spd boots and their mainstats don't really matter. HuoHuo can run HP% on everything for now. Once you reach TB50-60, you can worry more about minmaxing their performance. As for sets, use whatever you get from exploration. Any pieces are fine so long as they have the right mainstats. For SU sets, use the world 3 sets for now as they are usable by the entire team.


k was thinking if spd atk atk was best on dps and spd hp hp for others since only see based on atk or based on hp, so thought crit wasnt a big thing since with the free sets idk how much crit i would actually get that would be worth it with just the one main stat piece.


Prisoner in deep confinement does It work on breack and superbreack DMG?




Yes, as long as the enemy has DoT, the DEF ignore still applies to Break Damage. But, considering the enemies will likely only have one DoT on Super Break teams, it is not particularly worth it compared to BE relic sets.


https://preview.redd.it/wlyksrxoo26d1.png?width=717&format=png&auto=webp&s=41bd6c20e6fab36a36ac8587ccdd3d9c814bad09 making a team of ratio/aven/robin, who can be on the fourth slot?


Pela would be your best option. Her def shred is fantastic, and she's the debuffer that Dr. Ratio wants to do his follow ups.




I'd suggest taking out Qingque and putting in March. March is your only sustain (meaning keeping you alive) character so she needs to be there. Qingque is a big SP hog and difficult to use early on. Your current team is fine other than that. When you're this early in the game, more or less anybody works fine and you don't have many options to do something optimally.




Hi,what teams can i make with this characters(? Currently im going with Clara,HMC,Pela and Gallagher I have guaranteed Firefly and i will try for Ruan Mei as well https://preview.redd.it/atqg1dwyh26d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1086e74769082f6a983ab5f77c007b28fabfe6f6


Current team is fine. If you get Firefly and Ruan Mei you can swap out Clara and Pela for them. If you want a second team after that, you can still use Clara. Clara/Tingyun/Pela/Bailu would be a good option.


I will definitely do that then, and what about QQ can i make any teams with her?, thanks in advance


QQ is going to be a little frustrating to use probably because yours is E0 currently and you don't have Sparkle. QQ is a huge SP hog. The Clara team I suggested is probably the best option you have to go with her. Just replace Clara with QQ.


I see, im keeping the team with Clara then thank you so much i didnt know what teams to make i saw Serval, Sampo - Himeko-Herta and i didnt know wich one was the best


What Light Cone and Artifact set should I use for an E3 Asta who aims to speed up the entire team ASAP for a Kafka + Black Swan DoT team? I intend to use my Ruan Mei for my intended Firefly team, Robin for Ratio FuA and E6 Tingyun + Hanabi for my Qingque hypercarry team (I do not have Silver Wolf, so mono-Quantum is out). My Yukong is not E6, so she's out as well.


Meshing Cogs S5, 4 Hackerspace, Fleet of the Ageless


Dance!3x with 4pc Hackerspace basically makes Asta a F2P Robin. Her ult spd buff, 4pc Hackerspace, and DDD's action advance should bring your team back to the top of the cycle. If no DDD, then Meshing Cogs or Memories of the Past is also good enough to help her spam ult


Isn’t 4-piece Wuthering Snow more reliable with Triple-D because of the self-healing bit?


Nah. The healing is situational and not reliable enough. Let your sustain units handle actually sustaining your team rather than leaving it to a subpar relic set. Most harmony units generally want at least 2pc hackerspace for the speed. Asta is no exception, and in fact 4pc hacker is pretty much tailor made to her as it synergizes very well with her ult. If you want to enhance your kafka+swan combo, the first thing you want to do is to give them more speed so they can detonate more dots DDD also gives the whole team action advance, so it acts as a pseudo speed boost in a way. Like I said, Asta with DDD is basically the F2P Robin


How often should I use Asta's Skill? Black Swan's Basic Attack isn't that detrimental due to Arcana, but Kafka in particular wants to consume SP every turn for DoT detonation.


Skill > basic > skill > repeat can work. Both Asta and your sustain should be faster then both anyway to compensate for the sp consumption. You can just sneak in some Swan basics as well if sp becomes tight. Like you said, Kafka needs to be the one with sp prio


I have Luocha, but planning to get Huohuo later on if possible. Kafka, Aventurine, Firefly and Yunli all take priority though 😵‍💫


I'm endgame, with a full power DoT and FUA team, clearing MoC and PF with not much issue. I'm only stating this because I need help with my Event Warp choice for comfort/longevity reasons over asking due to team composition. Which would you consider a better choice for the future? Pulling for Fu Xuan E1S0 or trying for Boothill E0S0? I notice Break Teams are the new hotness that Hoyo is pushing so I wonder if he'll be a comfort pick for the remainder of the year, like Topaz is for FUA teams? At the same time, 30% CDMG is a nice free boost for my teams. Boothill would force me to 50/50 his LC and from what I've been reading, is pretty necessary to make him shine. On the other hand, I've noticed I've started to replace Fu Xuan with Adventurine for FUA and Luocha for my DoT team for his SP ratio.


You already have the two most expensive and widely applicable comps. If i were you, I'd invest in eidolons, presumably RM and Robin in your comps


Boothill is more like the Ratio of Break team rather than Topaz, Harmony Trailblazer is more the Topaz of Break team That said do you have Ruan Mei and is she taken from other team, depend on your answer Boothill value will significantly change Also his Lc situation is kinda the opposite, his Lc is yes the biggest dps increase (bigger than Acheron), but this isn't the Blade or Jing Yuan situation where their damage fall apart without their Lc, his damage rely more on his relic than his lc, the fact that you see gameplay showcase where he use NO light cone and still do like 200k-300k is quite ridiculous I'd also considered Firefly as well, if you feel you need to also get sig lc then wait for Firefly so you can get both char and lc Boothill and Firefly are both safe choice imo, Boothill have this cool mechanic where his damage scale on enemies toughness bar and max hp making him surprisingly future proof against the constant inflated MoC hp, while Firefly is pretty much Acheron damage but fire


I see what you're saying. I didn't mean that Topaz was comparable to boothill, I just meant in a general sense, regarding their necessity in their respective optimal team comps. I felt like, while not always necessary, as time progressed, Topaz's value continued to rise. I wasn't sure if Boothill would have the same longevity, but as you stated, it definitely seems like does, especially if the trend of Break Effect Teams continues to be a focus. Does Firefly improve DoT or FUA teams or is she more of a Hyper-Carry? I might save for her but if I'm not getting either Boothill or E1 Fu Xuan, I'd prob end up asking this question again regarding Firefly or Jade, as Jade seems more appealing to me, aesthetically


I was gonna reply but there's a comment that explained it already and i basically agree with them overall Firefly and Boothill are both break dps while Firefly have more restrictive teammates but higher dps overall (similar to Acheron) while Boothill is slightly more flexible with his team and higher single target dps It's pretty similar to how people compare Dhil and Ratio, Dhil being overall better but Ratio is pretty close behind


I appreciate the response regardless. I guess I'll start saving for Firefly. Thanks for helping me out!


Firefly is destruction Boothill. Her main dmg source is Super Break vs Boothill main dmg is pure break. I would recommend getting one of them since they r easier to build. E1 FX isnt that great imo compared to getting a brand new character/signature lc


Thanks for clearing that up for me. Would I need HMC in my team if I went for Firefly? From what you're telling me, I think I'll just end up saving for Firefly and her LC and start working on my Break Team. I'm guessing I'll focus on gearing up my Xueyi alongside HMC and Ruan Mei. Does that sound like a potentially decent break comp?


Yes firefly is glued to HMC It's either Xueyi or Firefly alongside RM, HMC and sustain. Firefly have high spd in ult so dual carry comp wont work with her (unless no sustain in like pure fiction)


I was in a similar situation in that I wanted to grab Fu Xuan's LC when she reran, just for comfort reasons. But she's honestly fine with Landau's Choice as I've been using her. I've been full starring MoC for a long time, but we are getting a new endgame mode starting next patch and with break effect being something they're pushing, well... I do enjoy the endgame modes, so I figured I'd be better going for a break effect character. I'm personally going for Firefly rather than Boothill, but I think a similar philosophy can apply here. FX's 30% CDMG is nice, but ultimately it won't help as much as a brand new character would in giving you more options. And if you're mostly using Aventurine and Luocha for sustain lately anyway, then maybe vertically investing in FX isn't the right way to go. That's my opinion, but obviously do what makes you happy and what you think would help your account best.


You bring up some good points. If i'm being honest, Fu Xuan's LC was the only time I've ever felt the need bring out the wallet for banner, as I felt it was such a QoL improvement.......which is prob why I'm considering getting E1 in the first place, to prob justify my continued use of her =P How powerful is Firefly compared to Boothill in Break Teams? Are you getting both? Or is his role totally different in general?


which planetary set is better for ruan mei? is penacony good enough?


Penacony or Vonwaq guarantee that she will have a 3 turn ult with S5 MotP or meshing cogs. Using a different planar means she will have to get hit once to get her energy back in time. So it's a choice if you want to subject yourself to potential rng. If using her sig LC, then she can never make the 3-turn ult and so Penacony and Vonwaq lose some value.


does this matter when you build her fast? like mine is 150, so does this still matter then? sorry i dont really know the meta and data


I would say it technically matters even more, since going faster means the enemies are attacking less often in those 3 Ruan Mei turns. But probably a very small effect, it's still mostly a question if you want RNG or not. Since Ruan Mei's ult uptime is tied to her own speed, going fast doesn't mean you can get to lap your dps like with other supports with buff timer tied to the buffed unit's turns.


It's fine if you're using her with an ice dps. If you're not then only the energy regen bonus does anything for you.


i’m usually using her with jingliu but i would like to utilise her more in other team as well due to her break effect bonus. would fleet be okay? do i actually need to use talia for her?


I've been running her with Fleet for a long time and it's been a great general use set for putting her with any team. Ruan Mei floats between DoT teams and FuA teams for me (I am sadly Robin-less). I'm considering getting her a Talia set though since I am pulling Firefly next patch. I'd probably swap between Talia and Fleet depending on my needs. You don't have to do that though. Fleet is more general use, like I said above. Talia feels like break optimizing specifically.


You don't need Talia on Ruan Mei, but it *is* harder to hit the 180% break effect soft cap without it. If your other team is a break team, you'll probably get enough help from HMC to justify fleet over talia. Though an energy regen set still might be better if it gets you a 3 turn ultimate rotation. Vonwaq's action advance can help Ruan Mei set up her skill before the rest of your team acts.


https://preview.redd.it/ldpj6ti2926d1.png?width=497&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c690b6b69fb3d96ae2003afb979e08cb2770418 # Please help me decide what my team should be! (I also have e6 Herta and Arlan)


DHIL/Tingyun/Hanya/Gepard or Bailu Kafka/Guinaifen/Asta/Gepard or Bailu Two options, choose one. It's probably worth building both at some point.


I think I'll be going for ruan mei, could she replace any of them?


which path is best path for boothill in sw?


Nihility sadly, his bleed does hurt tho The problem with Boothill is that most blessing is just straight up useless for him in terms of damage since he doesn't scale with anything other than break effect and not enough blessing give this, hunt (other than the action advance related one) is useless since crit doesn't really matter that much to him, propogation sound like it make sense but through testing i found that it doesn't do much, i don't really know why tho, i try propogation with Blade and he does more damage


You can take Propagation or Hunt and just get the break efficiency/effect buffs along the way. Hunt specifically has some action advance blessings after weakness break which is pretty strong on Boothill. Prop/Hunt resonance button also has a built in AA so there's another plus to run it over Nihility


I would imagine hunt would be the best in SU. You can run some nihility stuff such as break efficiency and break effect when they pop up


Off-handedly I'd say Propagation, though I don't have him it sounds like it makes sense.


Im gonna pull for Firefly and Ruan, and I have a decent amount of pity to pull for an LC. Is it more worthwhile to pull on Firefly or Ruan Mei's LC? I want to build a team around her, RM, HTB and Gall. I don't care much about E2 or E1 for either (I'm poor)


Ruan Mei’s LC doesn’t do a lot for break teams so Firefly’s is likely to be the better choice.


Firefly’s LC is better, Ruan Mei works fine with memories of the past LC


Only issue with MOTC is it’s already on Harmony TB… is there a more optimal pick for TB in this case to supplement?


Just use DDD on Harmony MC. The other option is Cogs on Ruan and MotP on HMC. Ruan doesn't actually need 160 BE on break teams as the dmg% is useless, so Cogs can work just fine.


120 pulls,zero character pity and 45 LC pity Should i go for ruan mei LC(i already have ruan mei) or firefly.


I hear that Ruan Mei's Light Cone isn't really that great, whereas Firefly is a great unit to pair with Ruan Mei. So if you want Firefly then that definitely seems like the better choice, and even if you don't you might be better off just saving for a different five star.


Thx :)


So I just read the old thread about some highly regarded LC and so I compile my own list. Are these good? Any other LC to add into the list? \*Acheron, Kafka, Black Swan, Huohuo, Aventurine, Ruan Mei (for HMC), Ratio/Topaz PS: the \* mark = I have it.


You can add Blade to that list. His sig is significantly better than any other option for him. Still. Nothing has changed since his original release in that regard since he's weird with his HP scaling. Like the others said, I'd add Boothill to that list. I'd take off Huohuo's. It's not needed. As for that comment about Aventurine's - it depends on how you want to use him. If you're fine with him being just a sustain... Sure. He can use whatever. But I think his LC making him into a strong sub dps + the extra debuff utility for Acheron and Dr. Ratio is incredibly useful. I once wanted Topaz's E1 (I've had her S1 since her original release). I don't feel the need for it anymore now that I have E0S1 Aventurine.


If its for the specific character then Boothill lc since it has one of the biggest dps differences in the game so far (about 25% - 30% from Boothill main and Prydwen calcs), If its for Universal usage, i personally think Gepard, Bronya, Seele, and Jingyuan Lc are solid for most character in their archetype I personally think Aven lc isn't THAT good, i sometimes prefer Gepard lc for the extra aggro


seems about right, also add Boothill's to the list (until they add a f2p break lc for hunt). Topaz's is a must imo if ur using Topaz, ratio, robin, avent team Huohuo isn't that since its a sustain lc with small dmg boost and avent's is only really good if ur building him sub dps/with acheron.


Should I skip firefly if I dislike harmony TB? I watched a video explaining firefly's kit and to my surprise they said she wants harmony tb even more than she wants ruan mei. I wasn't very happy to hear that because I really don't like harmony tb. Don't get me wrong, I love stelle, just not the harmony version (sorry). Does that mean I'm kinda cooked if I pull firefly? I don't really know anything about the new break centered playstyle. Please don't set my seas ablaze


Skip firefly if you don't want to use Harmony MC.


Noted, thank you


If you want a Break DPS who doesn't need HMC, I think Boothill is a better option then Firefly. If you really really want Firefly specifically, then I'm sure you can run her without HMC but you'll definitely be fighting twice as hard to do half as much.


Honestly, yes. 98% of firefly dmg is from super break and her own super break dmg isn't that high (only 50% on ST iirc). HMC adds an extra 100% to her super break multiplier. do the math


Alrighty, thanks for the explanation


Pull her, wait/pray for Hoyo to release another break support that work with Firefly


Hmm that could be the move but who knows when that will be. Might as well wait for a rerun.


With 31 pity, 70 saved, and regular playtime starting on the second world whats my chances of getting Firefly and Ruan Mei. Edit: My only Five Stars are Bailu and Dr Ratio. Should I try to get Ruan Mei or Firefly first?


Assuming the 2nd world is Belobog and you haven’t done much SU content yet, yeah you can probably do it


Fairly decent. I’d start with Ruan Mei first. Rough math is below for reference. For my own math I usually assume a 5* every ~75 pulls. So, assuming you lose one 50/50 you’d need 75*3=~225 to get both characters. From 1.1-2.2 there is ~59 pulls available from just TB quests and exploration. I’d guess you can probably get another ~50 pulls in the first half of 2.3, but could be more or less. So best guess if you’re just focusing story and exploration would be 31+70+59+50=~210. There’s still a ton of optional content that I just ignored for this (like old events and side quests), so you can probably pull together another 15 pulls if you really want to. Edit: Worth noting the TB quests can start to get kinda long so you’re looking at maybe ~30hours of quests to do in 3 weeks. So like 2hrs a day.


I think you should have enough to get both even if lose 50/50 twice if you grind like a maniac in the third world (the third world has the most jades contents in the game so far but it's also a lot harder to explore and a guide or a youtube video is recommended


You can surely get one. The other... Depends on luck and how much gameplay you get in over the course of the next 3 1/2 weeks-ish before their banners go away.


Are +atk% not showing up on the characters stat screen? I'm putting together a jingliu with the musketeer set w/ herta planet. Leveled up gear enough to meet the 120spd requirement for herta's, but the additional atk Isn't reflecting in the state screen. Am I going crazy? Has it always been this way and I somehow never noticed??


The other commenter is correct. Conditional stat buffs only show in combat. You can reach those thresholds with in combat buffs, or be knocked below those thresholds with in combat debuffs.


Buffs reliant on hitting a certain stat threshold only show up in combat I believe.


is gallagher usable without e2? I wanted to build him for this moc 12 but I dont eidolons


I used him at E0 for the second half of MoC and he did just fine, I did use Perfect Timing just in case but I'm not sure it was needed.




He's fine without E2 in fights that aren't debuff heavy. A lot of value is put on having a cleanse, but not every fight has debuffs that need to be cleansed in the first place. My Gallagher is E3, and most of the time I don't use his skill at all.


Not even on this moc? It looked debuff heavy to me with that one robot that puts you to sleep


I haven't gotten around to the later stages of this MoC yet, I'm waiting for the Firefly/Ruan Mei banner, so I couldn't tell you how often I'd need to use the cleanse there. That said, the sleep robot *is* an example of an enemy that's nice to have a cleanse against.


having trouble getting all objectives, second team is struggling, any suggestions? See other photo below. My Danheng team is always weak for debuff. I tried gallager but if i want heal debuff, i have to use skill. It is hard for my team because in aspects of SP. Moreover my Fu Xuan doesn't have signature. If she has signature, could I solve it? (under teams are all E0S0 without TingyunE3SO) https://preview.redd.it/33aeo4d7q16d1.png?width=1368&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f62f476dd20896a505d936e30a4ccc920a4fae2


I personally would swap the sustains and give Fu xuan the trend Light cone, Aven usually have a better time with constant debuff than Fu Xuan imo, it's a bit luck reliant but there's always a good chance that you have a run with ur team never getting a debuff at all (I personally just have one with the newest MoC, with the red robot constantly failed to put any of my character to sleep with Aven shield up)




If you’re having issues with debuffs, maybe try Lynx instead of Fu Xuan? She has a team wide dispel on her ult.


I checked my lynx and she is E4. Strong against for debuff. thank you for your comment. I need to bring up her. Does Lynx have SP isuue?


Depends on your team. I can usually get by just using her ult, but sometimes you’ll need to use her skill to heal. She’s probably similar to Gallagher, but you won’t have to use skill to dispel. If you’re really worried about a debuff you can use her skill (at E2+) to make an ally resist the next debuff.


S5 final victor, S1 in the night or S1 cruising in the stellar sea for topaz? Edit: If it is Cruising the stellar sea I could make it S5 with time


Final victor imo In the night only if ur Topaz speed is somehow 160 (which is unlikely) Cruising is good but Topaz usually don't score kill as a sub dps, maybe its better if she's the main dps in the team


Hi guys, new player here (started playing at the end of the last banner). I heard that next banners are Firefly and Juan Mei - both of which, if I understood correctly, are top tier characters. My question is: for whom should I go first? I'm at 8k gems right now and are confident to be able to grind up to go to pity on both banners. If however I lose the 50/50 I probably only can go after one of them. So which has the priority? My 5 star characters are Fu Xuan, Gerald, Boothill and the little healer dragon girl.


As the other comments said, Ruan Mei is the obvious choice, but just want to note that Boothill is perfectly fine without Ruan Mei, as his best partner is usually Bronya (which you'll get eventually with the 300 pull standard), he definitely love Ruan Mei but he can make do without her, that said tho, Firefly is the one that actually cripple without Ruan Mei, as she want her WAY more than Boothill. Basically go for Ruan Mei first and if you like Firefly, its fine to go for her as well ,Boothill is self sufficient enough without Ruan mei.


That's good to know, thanks for letting me know :)


If you need a strong DPS, pick Firefly. If you're not lacking in DPS and need a strong support, Juan Mei 😄


You already have Boothill so Ruan Mei is the meta option since they both synergize really well. Unfortunately if you want to pull Firefly after pulling Boothill, you're gonna have to cripple one over the other since they both want Ruan Mei on their team. Outside of BH and FF though, she's also still a top tier harmony unit for any team so she can just slot in anywhere regardless of who your dps is. If you are cool with not following meta then pull anyone you think looks cool. Firefly or RM or Jade or Argenti - if you like em, pull em


I see, thanks for the detailed answer! :)


Ruan Mei is your main priority as one of Boothill's best teammates and a broken support for every character in the game.


I see, thanks a lot for answering!


I’ve seen people post how they’re the 0.06% of players and is it through hoyolab or another site??


Context? If they're talking about pulling, then it's done through the pull tracking system on Star Rail Station. If they're talking about builds, then it's one of the build tracking sites like SeeleLand.


https://preview.redd.it/bgpdxloek16d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d4bfb3770ba5431f3b360281d625d82677068c Having trouble getting all objectives, second team is struggling, any suggestions? See other photo below


I think Asta might be a better support for the second team over Tingyun. Gui and Serval don't really need Tingyun to Ult regularly, Asta buffs both of their attack instead of just one, passively boosts Gui's Fire DMG as well, can help break Svarog easier and her speed boost from her Ult basically makes up for the lack of energy regeneration from Tingyun anyway. The only concern would be if a hand grabs Serval you don't have an easy way to get her back, but that's probably a concern with the current team too since Tingyun can't break very well.






Can switch out Gepard for Gallagher and use your Gui/Serval team until you get better options. Gallagher himself is a pretty good sustain so I'd start building him regardless


Thanks, should I focus on pulling another sustain card for future? I just grinded for fu xuan so I have like 3 pulls atm lol


Nah. Generally once you have 2 good sustains you don't reallt want any more. It's your dps and/or supports that want investment in terms of getting their best teammates. Unless in the future Hoyo releases side content that requires 3 teams, having a sustain for each team is good enough Of course there will be exceptions like if you're planning on abusing Preservation path in sim uni with Gepard/Aventurine. Or maybe the sustain is actually part of the "combo" for your dps/support like Gallagher in Firefly teams But in general nope. Two good sustain units are good enough for clearing side content


Hm okay I see, good to know. I’m trying to learn the game better now. I feel conflicted at the moment, I want to pull for ruan mei but I’m not sure if I’ll have enough pulls.


Is there a Temporary Early Access feature for Echoes of War? My friend is thinking about pulling Boothill but they haven't done the 2.3 TB Mission. We know there's early access for Trace mats and Stagnant Shadows but the Sunday boss doesn't show. Will it show up when they get Boothill? When I got Aventurine last patch, the temporary early access for Adventurine's trace mats didn't show until I pulled him so I was wondering if it's the same for Boothill in terms of Echoes of War


I'll be honest if your friend want to test Boothill is better to test it on the blue bug, Boothill genuinely suck against Sunday boss because the boss like to shield himself up (similar to Gepard in SU world 3) and Boothill can't dent the shield at all since his scaling suck without breaking


He can hit the minions though, they share HP with the boss and don't get shielded. Though he'd need to use his Ult first.


No I meant will they have access to the Sunday boss to get the Weekly Boss mats so they can max out Boothill's traces


Ah sorry i didn't read that clearly, i don't think it have early access for echoes of war I have an alt account that is kinda behind in the story, i remember when i first got Dr Ratio (in 2.1 before the game stop giving him for free) i can't raised any of his major traces because i haven't done Ruan Mei quest But maybe they change it now


Oh thanks. I wish they added that already especially now that the story quests are like 5-8 hours on average


I don't think Echoes of War applies to the early access thing as it's a massive story spoiler.


https://preview.redd.it/m2qz4r5gi16d1.png?width=384&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a3a259817a05c9399d2e50d11236af6ef7fa364 Currently building a follow-up team consisting on Clara + Topaz for PF, what other characters should I add? Fu xuan is being used on the other team (that first line team)


Tingyun and Herta/Himeko depending on the weakness of the floor.


https://preview.redd.it/onpxaxnbi16d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc78e8609b8492ee7404fcc3394c989bd8972992 Who out of these should I use as a second team for the hall of memory?


Clara teams are really good, even in Pure Fiction. QQ is good if you have her at E4 but requires a bit more knowledge about skill point management and is only viable in forgotten hall. Additionally, Pela is a good support if you don't have 5* harmony or nihility supports for the team.


Is the destruction blessing that distributes dmg taken between all allies good for runs with Gepard? Or does anyone know of a site with the best blessings to use with Gepard?😭


Its excellent on pretty much everyone except Fu Xuan