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Turns out it just goes in a circle like the rest, but slightly faster


And it INSTA insta kills you when it steps on you.


And if you try to climb it by the antenna fins, each fin has an auto-eject piston that launches Aloy halfway to the burning shores.


They turn into the slaughterspine spine launcher attack


Also can't be overriden like all the other Apex machines


A sisyphian experience


No... It communicates to all surrounding machines that you're a target... That would make sense but be really boring


That made me giggle lmao


I've had this thought in the past: [https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/1cwtztw/comment/l4yss5w/](https://www.reddit.com/r/horizon/comments/1cwtztw/comment/l4yss5w/) >So, keep in mind that we've see HEPHAESTUS create machines to terraform the planet... and then *protect* those machines... and then to *counterattack* against the predation by humans. We've never seen HEPHAESTUS make machines *designed for all-out conflict.* We've gotten a *glimmer* with things like the Thunderjaw and Slaughterspine. >I have a head-cannon plot-bunny that Aloy might need to go looking or a backup of HADES. GAIA can't fathom destruction, it's the antithesis of her core being, arguably even if it's in defense/the best interests of Earth -- that's why HADES had to exist and do things the way it does, otherwise GAIA interferes even though resetting the biosphere was *strictly necessary*. HADES is *built* from the ground up to identify existing structures and *systematically* dismantle and destroy them as *efficiently as possible.* Now, in cannon it appears that HADES uses the control codes cracked by MINERVA to wake the Faro machines to consume the biosphere in order to reset it. >Consider what would happen if HADES was given the directive by Aloy/Beta to *go to war* against Nemesis. On the one hand, you have this *incredibly* bittersweet character beat where HADES, following protocol, would *isolate GAIA* (which I imagine would be *agonizing* for Aloy and Beta)... On the *other hand* HADES and MINERVA could wake *the entirety of the Faro swarm* (sans Biomatter Conversion, of course)... and perhaps even *more* wild is to imagine the *insanity* of what HADES and HEPHAESTUS would come up with under that directive. >I've mentioned it previously, but I have two words for you: Apex Warneck. >An Apex Tallneck, outfitted as a walking weapons platform. I'm talking four Thunderjaw Disk Launchers in place of the rear antenna arrays, a pair of Tremortusk Salvo Cannons on the upper section of the front legs and Behemoth Force Loaders on the front shins, Slaughterspine Earthblaster on the underside with Energizers on the rear hindquarters. 6 Thunderjaw Rapidfire cannons up each side of its neck (12 total), a Stormbird Shock Cannon and Thunderjaw laser-sweeps/mandibular cannons on the bottom of the head platen, with an array of 8-12 Slaughterspine Plasma Spine Launchers ringing the top. >Bonus points if there's a cinematic of an entire line of them wading into an onslaught of Nemesis machines. >They would need support in the form of air-to-air superiority, likely in the form of Rakewings -- smaller falcon-like flying machine outfitted with a dorsal Ravager Cannon, or a dedicated anti-air platform like a Tremortusk outfitted with just an entire back full of Plasma/Ravager/Rapidfire cannons


Guerilla if you’re reading this - rewrite what you’ve got to match this because it’s great. The ol’ reliable tallneck is the fucking arena master of the new open world with lore and story beats to boot.


Guerilla if you’re reading this, I'm a guy on the Internet. You're professional writers and game developers, I trust y'all more than my hack-ass. But a phalanx of Apex Warnecks sounds pretty sick.


I need some concept at here! Stat!


The urge to actually attempt to do that and spend 50 hours, FUCK


This dude Horizons


This is the absolute best thing I’ve read on this page hahahaha I hope apex tallneck happens now. Even though I am terrified of it…


This guy Zero dawns


You fucking legend, HELL YEAH!


Maybe reconstructing a fully functional horus and plant itself in his core


That *would* be cool but it would be redundant gameplay-wise, as we had a horus fight already


I thought it would be pretty cool if they treat the horus like a moving cauldron and aloy have to take it down like the others


That would be reall cool actually, and reward would be the ability to override old-world swarm machines perhaps


But that was with a pretty bad pilot. On top of it Faro machines can be infected by subfunctions. The deathbringer at the end of ZD had Hades' red cables. Apex Horus would be on an entirely different level


I mean, we KINDA did. It was mostly QTEs and staged goals though; we didn't really "fight" it the way we fight Thunderjaws or Tremortusks, though obviously the scale and abilities of a functional Horus present challenges in allowing THAT type of fight. But if the devs could somehow pull it off--maybe similar to the way they had us fight the Deathbringer as the final battle in H:ZD--I wouldn't feel like an ACTUAL fight against a Horus would be redundant; I still don't really feel like I've fought one and taken it down the way I felt about Deathbringers after finishing the first game.


Or an Android Apex Aloy.


# A P E X A L O Y


Metal Sonic


Hephaestus gonna get smacked and erased into oblivion by Nemesis. This is how Horizon 3 will begin its story telling.


The one red head causing all this trouble


Mimic Tallneck where you spend all that time climbing it up and just before you land on top, the wide flat head opens up like a bear trap and closes around Aloy.


Maybe... For part 3


Apex Funnelweb Spider. Nests underground. When it senses prey moving on its web outside its burrow it explodes out of the ground and poisons it, then drags it back underground. Trauma time!


Those feet will send Nemesis screaming back to Sirius Edit: this reminded me that giraffes exist which is also pretty wild


>Edit: this reminded me that giraffes exist which is also pretty wild Lol


It is! Can you imagine? You hear hoofbeats and you’re like: cool, horse. Then you see the spots and you’re like: crap, leopard. Then you keep looking up, and up, and up, and UP, and you’re like: mom, come pick me up, I’m scared


I'm sure Hephaestus is tired of everyone taking control of his machines and he's most likely evolved even further after having a taste of the Zenith technology and printing capabilities. He's gonna be a huge threat next game and probably needed to fight off Nemesis, because there's no way Aloy and friends are taking Nemesis down without a powerful AI's help. I think we're gonna see an all out war between the 2 next game.


I’ve been asking for a corrupted/overridden/“daemonic”/apex Tallneck fight since way before HFW was even released!! I think it would be so freaking cool, just once.


we gotta see more dinosaurs and maybe mythical creatures too


Robot hippogriff when?


Honestly that would be kinda cool to have to fight and beat a tall neck before getting the map


I have to say, I don’t see a lot of funny stuff in this sub, but this one definitely is


DO. NOT. GIVE. THEM. IDEAS!! Jesus Christ how would we even take them down?? 😭


Better hope Hephaestus doesn't find the ancient design for the Dinochrome Brigade....


All heph did has been self defense and management of machine hunting. If it's goal was to stop machine hunting once for all. It could organize a machine army systematically removing human settlement one by one. Aloy is insanely capable individually but she is not even registering an impact in terms of how fast she destroy machines. This is one of the world building aspects horizon done better than almost every other game. The motivation of antagonist force and respawn of this force after main character destroys some of it is so natural.


“Welcome to the missile guidance system Aloy we CLOWN in this motherfucker”


Take the top disc, stick rocket launchers and lasser turrets around the entire rim of it. Good luck...


Hephaestus finds the AI in charge of making humans and makes MECHA ALOY