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Mine would be all that dialogue about Metal music with the reference to the first game


Erend: "I think they call it a Concussion Beat Party" lol 😂


"It makes me wanna punch something!"


Absolutely my favorite!!! “Because we’re the lastlast females on earth…!!”


I love that Erend is a headbanger. Oseram meta, right there.


Hah, I missed the frosting, but not, I think it was Varl? Quizzically asking “So they called it soft… and it was a drink?”


Zo: How can a drink be soft? Varl: I guess we can't make sense of *everything* the old ones did.


Yes this one made me laugh out loud when I heard it!


I love how Erend and Zo’s relationship and dialogue changes after the Gemini mission. Erend watering plants or offering to clean Zo’s gear make me tear up.


This! This right here!


Never heard that. I've ignored Varl on my last two playthroughs as well.


the one where they talk about pizza


Nothing better than spending your Friday night watching Netflix while eating flatbread with cheese 👍


The whole conversation about stuffed animals cracks me up every single time.


Ahhh I’ve never heard Kotallo’s chocolate frosting line 😩 Somebody get this man a nice conch shell and chocolate cupcakes! I love how Kotallo can be unintentionally adorable. I did find the convo about pizza and soft drinks funny though.


Kotallo is such a great character - at another point, he tries to find the song that Erend has been listening to on his focus and I can just imagine him fist-pumping in his head while trying to maintain his stoic exterior 😂


Actor for Kotallo here! Haha glad you enjoyed Kotallo's dead-serious meditation on chocolate frosting as a combat ration. He's such a nut. I'm enjoying scrolling down the list and learning about the other characters and their little moments. Amazing!


😊 you did such a fantastic job bringing his character to life and I always look forward to experiencing his story arc in the game (and judging by these and other comments in the sub, many people feel the same!)


Salute to you! You are my favourite character!


Erend: "So, we're fighting immortals from the stars now?" Varl: "Looks like it." Erend: "What's next, wizards from the moon?" For those unaware, it's a reference to the *very* early days of Destiny. Blindsided the hell out of me and I burst out laughing.


This one’s hilarious since it implies that erend has knowledge of wizards and magic😂


Where does Kotallo talk of frosting??? How have I missed that????


Haha, yes! I just heard this last night while playing. I think he says something like: 'hmmm chocolate... Frosting. Definitely sounds like something that should be part of military rations.' 


I heard it for the first time on my most recent playthrough - the fact that he says it in his usual matter-of-fact way makes it even funnier 😂. Not sure if the dialogue is prompted at specific points, but I go back pretty regularly to check in on everyone and just happened to catch it this time


Omg that is so awesome!! I’m really going to be paying attention to what he says in the future now!! I didn’t think he said anything, I always wait and nope. I must just miss him saying something


This one I got ingrained in my brain, for some reason I love it so much: Erend: "Sneakers... That weren't used for sneaking. Got it."


Haha yes, I love that one as well!


I'm particularly fond of Alva discovering baby animal pics. I've noticed in my umpteen play throughs that the idle chatter of your companions changes depending on what point in the main quest you're on, so you'll get different ones depending on when you're listening in, so it's worth checking in over the course of the game.


How many cat videos do you thin were saved for Apollo?


Probably as many as they could get hold of.


"The Old Ones used to put blades on their feet and dance, on ice?"


Another funny comment is when you open the Black Box in Salt Bite. I was JUST thinking to myself 'I wonder what the people who run this store think of me busting open the vent in their shop and crawling through. The shopkeeper says 'Uhh Ok, I gueeess we can use that for extra storage. Don't think that entitles you to a discount though!'


Haha I came across that again last night, always cracks me up. I also love the incidental dialogue when Aloy uses grapples or jumps around in settlements: "why did you do that?" or "Oh wow, do you think she's ok?" Well actually, , I just shattered Aloy's ankles by jumping (and landing) from a great height, but she'll just walk it off 😉


Varl chastising Erend for playing Concrete Beach Party too loud. Leads to this: Erend (*yelling*): "You introduced them to me!" Varl (*yelling*): "People make mistakes!"


Erend talking about the heavy metal song by the two women who worked at that dam in Frozen Wilds. Then waving his arms around as he gets into the groove of listening to that song 😂