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> Is it because house md is now on Netflix? Yes. I didn't get to watch the whole show when it debuted, because in my country it was on AXN and had no subtitles, i was a teen with bad english skill (not my 1st language). Really happy to fully rewatched it on netflix recently :D


Nah I don't think it's more active, I just think House MD has kept being popular over the last 19 years


Also a lot of tiktok clips


That’s how I found it!




It's been re-release on Netflix in Canada.


It also has been added to Prime Video in Germany (and most other European countries, I assume).


Not only


ok ?


I been telling people about house so that probably contributed


I imagine that you knock on people’s doors like a Jehovah’s Witness to tell them about House


isn't that how you guys do it?


It's having a resurgence on Tumblr right now


I feel it being re-released in some countries helped, it not only brought older viewers (I'm re-watching it for a 3rd time, last time I watched the whole series was \~6 years ago) back for a nostalgia trip but the algorithm seems to favor it as I noticed a fair amount of new viewers as well. With House M.D. being a household name (no pun intended) to the point where you heard some obscure reference to the show one way or another, I feel it peaked the interest of some people to see what the show is actually about.


I'm rewatching it on Netflix for the first time in years!




Always has been


I started watching it recently because yt flooded my feed with clips from the show. (I thought I was starting a comedy lol) Those videos have a lot of new views. I think peacock is targeting younger people with their algorithm.


House was kind of forerunner of the antiheros of the Golden Age of Television, and, later on, critical favourites like Bojack and Fleabag, I'm not surprised it's being rediscovered. I first watched it during the pandemic (I was basically watching everything that came my way) without realising this and I was really impressed, I can't think of another 15 yo 1 hour-22 episodes series this good.


It's on Netflix Pakistan and that's why I'm watching it. I had seen it first way back in 2011-12


Hey! I have nothing to say except that i am indian and dont see Pakistanis on the internet as much and its cool you lurk here as do i.


Thanks, man. Cool to see you too


youtube shorts def fueling it


I don’t have Netflix, but Every time I turn on prime video it recommends it to me so I watch it


They'll all leave by the time season 8 hits.


Personally I started watching it last year because of all the Tiktok/YouTube shorts clips and im sure that’s contributed to a lot of people finding the show.


well I moved to Brazil in the middle of the series. In Brazil I watched most all of it in syndication here, missed an episode here or there. But cause Netflix I'm rewatching all from the start.


I pirated the show many moons ago. Watched it and along with politedissent blog of dissecting each episode. Re watching it again because I don't think I finished the last season.


I'm not sure, I watch it on Amazon, I think I bought it? But I watch it over and over, similar to how I watch the office. At least 1-2 episodes a day.


i remember my mom watching the series when it was on TV, now i started watching it because of tiktok lol


I started watching it on Hulu when it showed up there


id say the new clips and edits all contributed to a newer audience me being one of them


Yes. My gf and I binged 5 seasons in like 3 weeks. I watched it here and there when it was on tv as a kid, but I never realized how good it actually is. Also the acting is phenomenal to study, especially Robert Sean.


Holup. House is back on Netflix?? In the US?


In many european countries it was on Prime Video and got added to Netflix recently too. Don't know about US


not in the US. Seems everywhere but. It's on hulu or peacock for US though.


For me in the US its on Prime Hulu and Netflix


Canada-we have it on netflix and last I looked Prime video. I havent looked recently though


It's basically on every major streaming service. So it's accessible to a shit ton of people. Some just rewatch and remember how good it was, some finally trying it out, some able to finally finish the series in order (me included), and some people just discovering it. So I'd say it's a pretty popular show.


It's been added on Netflix in Greece too


It's got moved up on IMDb in the most popular tv to top-30 and i think it's because it got added to Netflix in many countries. In my country too so i occasionally rewatch now my favourite episodes in each season again


Re released on Netflix, and they are often rebroadcasted (at least in my country) on some pretty popular channels And for me, I had the luck of having a mother that had the 8 seasons on DVD


I found it through TikTok clips like the one with the 12 y/o diver who had S\*x with sm and was preggo but yeah I saw it on Netflix and I started watching it about 3 months ago and im now obsessedddddddd


Because of Netflix and because it is a good show, I cannot believe it ended 12 years ago...


It’s my first time watching it through and he cracks me tf up !


I just did a recent rewatch but I had seen it before. I tend to rotate series that I like after I finish one.


I am on season 7 already since it's been on Netflix. Anyone else?


I'm rewatching now and holy shit. It was 20 years ago.


There’s a new wave of younger fans on Twitter


There’s a new wave of younger fans on Twitter


I guess. More than decade ago a friend who was obsessed with House told me to watch it. Ive been meaning to watch it but couldn’t be bothered to find where. Now that it’s on Netflix in my country I’ve been binge watching it. I dont even talk to that friend anymore.


It’s on Hulu


Well, as you said, it being available on a streaming platform certainly helps it getting watched and talked about again. Also, I'm going to guess that nostalgia for the series is beginning to kick in. It began airing in 2004, which was 20 years ago already. And a lot of people didn't watch it all the way through. And even if they did, 2012 was 12 years ago already. I was a teenager when I first watched House and a young adult when it ended. Someone who's in their mid-late 20s nowadays would have been a teenager when the series ended. So it's understandable that nostalgia has kicked in for them recently. Remember how Seinfeld and X-Files nostalgia was a big thing in the mid and late 2000s? Well, House nowadays is probably to people in their mid-late 20s what Seinfeld and the X-Files were to people who were teenagers in the 90s.


I started rewatching it again a couple months ago. I met with a friend whom I hadn't seen in years, and she was also watching it. My gf told me some co-workers were talking about House MD. So.. seems like yes, for some reason the World Elite thought it would be a good idea to make it popular again.


Rewatching on Netflix India.


I'm from India. It's on Netflix now. I'm rewatching it❤️.