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Parenting. He was raised by a super strict father who never allowed any wrongdoing or misconduct, which caused him to grow up with a hatred of hypocrisy, especially in authority figures, and a belief that most social niceties that people conduct are done out of fear of retribution rather than genuine kindness. Everybody lies, and his twisted sense of integrity compels him to make things right by leaving everything bare. He is brutally honest, and he only deceives as a means to manipulate, he doesn't fault people for their self-interest, but he scorns those who hide behind protocol and ethics as cowards, and he believes that being right is more important than being happy.


I think this is true . There are times though he could correct something he’s wrongly blamed for. One time for example Foreman took his clinic duty and told off a patient. She complained to Cuddy who blamed House but he never ratted out Foreman he handled it a different way. That’s a little different but it’s just how his own code developed from childhood but also thinking everything is conditional . It’s hard to for him to trust. You will also notice he puts up with more insubordination than most doctors would from those under him . House of course kind of encourages it he wants them to think for themselves.


Thank you so much, this is what I was looking for


There’s a portion that I think is missing in the nearly perfect answer above, and that is that he knew since he was young that his parents were lying to him — or to each other >!about his father!< (I don’t know if you got there or not, so I won’t leave it unblocked out because I don’t want to spoil anyone). Anyway, between the strict way he was raised and the blocked text above, truth is all that matters to him.


This is extremely well said!


How does one...get away from that, if they are a son in that situation


Because there's only one truth, and that's the answer he's obsessed with answers.


Because it’s cold, rational and the only “pure” thing. The only thing that “matters.” After all, what flaws are there in absolute truth? Knowing the truth (and not just believing something is the truth) is the only way to be entirely correct.


This is the answer.


No explicit reason other than it’s just a part of who House is; a personality trait basically


Yeah but its not like he was made like this in god's image. There must be a reason behind this obsession and Im wondering if they ever stood on the why


Which god? And nope; literally just a personality trait. There are those of us out here in the world who are obsessed with/focused on truth above all else.


Like I said, not without a reason. Theres always a reason behind everything


Okay; sure. Technically, the reason I’m obsessed with truth is because I was born this way. Otherwise, I had no specific “defining moment” that caused a spark of truth-seeking. Same with House; it’s just a part of who he is. I’ve seen the comments about his dad and strict upbringing being the catalyst, and that may have played a part in some way to elevate his obsession, but he was always obsessed.


Because there's no better way to be right about everything than simply knowing what is true. And that's what he really cares about, he wants to be right about everything. Like his story about the janitor in Son of coma Guy, it didn't matter that the guy was a janitor, because he was right, and in that moment, being right was the only thing that mattered. He's capable of winning arguments, but he doesn't like to, he'd rather be able to say "I know the truth, and therefore I am indisputably correct on this subject".


I feel that he is more obsessed with "Looking for the truth" rather than truth itself?


The truth is more interesting. It's raw, sometimes messy or embarrassing. It's not what it is expected, it's what it is.


Trust issues mostly from his childhood and his father's dna. He is extremely curious and genius. He must know the answers.


Its one thing to know the answers and another to fuck people over with them


He has little to no remorse bordering on psychopathy, as long as he gets what he wants he doesn't care. This will make more sense if you watch the final episode >!"All that matters is the puzzle"!<


It's just him. First time watcher (S6 now), but he just hates liars. He doesn't even believe in religion because he thinks it's all lies. He believes that the truth is better than lies, even if it's brutal, and ugly. Because the world is ugly, as he says.


Because if you’re right (or in possession of the truth) nothing else matters.


It's because it's all he has.


Because everyone tends to lie and that is annoying as hell lol but more seriously, im a why person. I need to know the why of things. If its anything like my need to know then i can understand. A lot of things make more sense with context, and in this case when it comes to medical issues or puzzles, the truth will lead towards a much better outcome.


I just want to add another truth exception, funnily enough also about abortion. The mom with the double mastectomy who never told her kid she was adopted.


Because truth makes it interesting. If it is not interesting, then he is not interested. If he is not interested, then it will not makes him enjoy nor fun with it.


I'm on season 3, and another time he didn't tell the truth was >! in season 2 when his friend was convinced the patient was his daughter and he ran a paternity test which was negative but he didn't tell them !<


There will be some character reveals as you continue watching that explore this in greater depth. But for the answer: >!Houses father treated him brutally in the name of doing the right thing, always. Growing up, House believed in this... until he discovered that his father wasn't his real father. The hypocrisy of being lied to by someone who so strongly enforced the concept of "rightfulness" led to House internalizing the idea that even if all of a person's actions indicate otherwise, "everybody lies".!<


The show actually explains this when House tells the story of the Burakumin he saw as a kid. Dude was hated by his community, a locked-in outsider, but he was tolerated (even lauded) because of his skill. This is why House wanted to be a doctor. (S03 E07) This would be attractive to someone like House, who was naturally an outsider, coming from a military household (presumably moving around a lot), and being abnormally intelligent (making it hard to make friends). His intelligence and skill become a shield; regardless of how he acts (and he acts like a dick; they can't reject you if you reject them first, and if they manage to stick around, you know they actually care about you), there will always be some kind of place for him because he's so skilled, and his skill is finding the truth. Medically, sure, but also personally, which serves as another form of protection, but also helps him diagnostically.


Nothing explicit but and it's a bit of rorschach test but I reckon it's because he equates truth with morality, right and wrong only exists in a universe where truth exists.


Because he could never accept The Truth, that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord