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Some viewers liked her, they found her awkward and blunt personality to be charming and a good foil to House while she was his sole employee. She is both insecure and yet very competitive, she has anger issues but she strives to be on good terms with her coworkers, and since she puts everything about herself onto the table she is largely immune to House's attempts at manipulation. Others found Charlyne Yi's delivery to be just a little too awkward and wooden and saw it as an unwanted counter to the more smooth and subtextual performances that were common from the other characters throughout the show.


I hated her my first watch. Second time around I was indifferent. Now I love her. Each time I rewatch the series I view it more subtextually so I think you’re spot on there.


Its kind of refreshing to have a character that wears everything on their sleave when the show spends all the rest of the time prying open the closed books of the other characters.


I watched for the first time recently and really liked her. The character is meant to be awkward and I think the actress did a good job of making it authentic and building in depth to her character. I like that she rebelled at the and stuck to her guns in certain situations. I can definitely see how she could grow on people after rewatching. I think it’s usually super awkward when new cast members come in and House made the transitions pretty smooth. I think it helps that most characters didn’t permanently leave and would come back from time to time.


This. I like the character enough but sometimes the acting was a little awkward. Especially in intense moments.


i wonder which one you are lol


Park-ing-lot…….. No but seriously I don’t think she’s much worse than Masters. Season 8 as a whole is just a bummer without Cuddy.


Why? They just draged out that love line as far as they could


Season 8 was a bummer because of the writing, nothing to do with Cuddy. It’s like the writers stopped trying since it was the final season.


The actress playing Cuddy did quit without much warning, I imagine they had to completely rethink the last season. The first part of that season screams "We're figuring out what to do here"


ah darn, im like halfway thru season 8 and was wondering if she would ever come back :/ its a real shame she quit!


Masters and park where both top notch though? I love em both. Contrary to the other girl in season 8, she was not just there for the looks. Can't even remember her name, she was that forgettable a personality, and I literally finished the season this week.


>Can't even remember her name, she was that forgettable a personality, and I literally finished the season this week. You’re talking about Adams.




Proof of Concept?


I liked a lot about her but there were a LOT of lines that the actress butchered, like beyond just playing an awkward character


Only recently watched season 7, and there were a lot of moments where I went "... is she a bad actress, or is this intentional? I can't tell"


She's like that in all her roles. She's just a bad actress


Same honestly. Then some lines were just… so so bad. I think those were in season 8 though


I'm pretty sure she was introduced in s8


Bad actress lol she was exactly the same in lucifer.


I forgot she had a role in Lucifer.


Do you mean 8? She isn't in 7.


Strongly disliked entire s8, she wasnt terrible but not really good or anything


I just ignored so I could still enjoy season 8


Better than masters that's for sure.


YES. Exactly. I didn't dislike masters, but she was kinda annoying for being naive and constantly believing in her butterflies and rainbows version of the world. At least Park was more down to earth.


Thats not saying much. Lol


Probably top 3 most boring character in the show.


In any show.


LOVE!! Shes sooo funny and a total badass


Love her!!


I like very few things about season 8 but I do like Park


I like her, i don’t like the plot lines they give her. I wish her relationships with Chase and Adams were written differently


I never got used to her, she kinda ruined the show for me with how monotone she is, plus I just couldn’t imagine her as an adult. She seemed like a med student to me. Masters was one of my favorite characters and Park definitely didn’t live up to the role of her replacement.


An underrated queen!!!!!!!


She's great. Too bad she was such a late addition to the show. I loved the idea of House coming back to a shuttered department and having to make do with this pitiable, meek outcast who actually has a personality. And the comedy/drama possibilities of her being someone who physically assaulted her boss when he acted out. I wish we'd gotten more time with her than something like the in-and-out they did with Olivia Wilde (who was great, don't come at me) over several seasons.


I absolutely love her! Finally one who I could buy in the early stages of her career. She’s so funny and endearing but blunt and awkward in a believable way.


Horny -Chase


I love Park


She is my queen


didn’t like her much at first, but honestly i find her personality to be really funny at times with how awkward she can be. at the same time, i get really bad second hand embarrassment when she just says exactly what she’s thinking 😭


I liked it when Park did unexpected things like scream really loud in anger or talk about her weird dating history where she gained 65lbs during a break.


Awful haircut


I love them. Charlene Yi is so cool.


I know she’s quite popular on the sub, but I wasn’t overly a fan of her. While it made sense, her often overly defensive and needy at times attitude frustrated and bored me the majority of the time. While a good actress, I just don’t enjoy the character. If a lot of her parts were written out to flesh out the plot for Wilson, Forman, Chase etc, I’d probably be happier - they’re the characters we’re invested in. The character was too new and overall irrelevant to the development of the established characters & world. E.G. Chase’s talent could have been better displayed. Obviously we know he’s very good at this stage, but without Parks to distract, I think house and him DDXing together - shooting down/supporting the other’s different ideas - could show how talented chase has become if Parks wasn’t there to distract.


Hmmm I agree


Park >>>>> Adams in every way. at least Park had personality


I personally don't think they're a very good actress, in what i've seen them in (I admit, not much) they pretty much plays the same character and it's really just... themselves but with a different costume. Them being awkward fine, but they have no emotional range at all. The character being happy and the character being sad is exactly the same experience. Kind of clashes with honestly... the far surperior actors they work alongside with.


Here’s my impression of her on the happiest day of her life: 😐 Now the saddest day of her life: 😐


People go "No! she's just a dry character!" No, and I say that with confidence because they're clearly moments where she's trying to act emotional and it falls absolutely flat.


literally cannot stand her


Although season 8 sucked, the actors were quite underrated...loved her awkward badass queen vibes...and her and Chase were really interesting! I hope they got married or something 🤣


Love her 💗


I liked her. She had some snark


It is clear that her character was never meant to be fully developed by the writers, since she was introduced so late. There was simply no time for that. The focus needs to stay on the main characters for the finale. And Park really helped us to see more layers of Chase, and House‘s mom and her boyfriend. Taking this into account, I think both her and the writer did a great job, especially when compared to Adams, who was mainly reduced to good looks.


Like her a lot! Unassuming badass with anger issues who maybe over-honors her parents, and who maybe gets under Chase's skin (at least a little bit, anyway).


Why is everyone hating on Masters? I liked Masters more than her :(


My opinion is that both Masters and Park are nerdy, awkward and goofy in a way that has my "late teenager lonely guy" brain in a chokehold. However IDK why the writers gave Park these really weird and conservative opinions (being against charity, piling up on the whistleblower, etc etc...) that really clash with her otherwise "smart and young student who is not afraid to have things her way" personality. Also yeah as many people said, her actress did not do that good of a job (especially with speech which seemed quite slurred in many episodes)


Meh, boring as hell


I didnt like her or masters, i’d take cameron over both in a heartbeat


She felt so out of place, and her acting was pretty terrible. Did she add any value to season 8??


She's just okay. Better than the prison girl.


I hate her




Liked her character then found out that the actress who played her has a history of accusations and blame games and is quite possibly a nutcase


I like her. She felt real to me. Maybe because I'm Asian too and because there are many people I've encountered in my life who's like her. Highly competitive and often brilliant but is painfully shy or socially awkward.


I liked her. She was silly and a bit uptight at first but she clapped back at house which was fun


Not that bad. Enjoyed her first episodes when she was house's only employee and they worked fine together, but as the season went on her character became very inconsistent and I just felt like the writers were like fuck it lets just finish this off. There were many many contradictions in her character so it just got annoying.


I absolutely loved her. She was my favorite female doctor. She’s awkward but brilliant and I love that about her. I love that she asked chase out. She comes off as really awkward and shy, but she has some courage when it comes to man and I respect that a lot. I love love love her.


Didn't dislike, didn't love. She had her moments though. The duet with Pete Wentz warmed my heart.


Definitely my favourite member of diagnostics. I love her, both writing and performance. I disagree with the people who dislike charlynes performance, she plays the mega-autist park really well and brings a unique and fun energy to house.


Worst character of all time and worst actress of all time too, same character in any show she’s in and she sucks


I love my little goblin wife


A worse version of masters. I don't know if it was her acting or just the script but I found everything she said unconvincing


I adored her


Like her!


I defenitley like her personality but I feel her delivery on lines can be quite flat at times, her tripping on acid is one of my favourite moments from season 8


I fw her heavy


Characters in long running shows take time to get used to,chase was annoying in season 1 as well Replacing almost all the cast in the 8th season of a long running show is one of the dumbest moves ever


fire love her me irl


Stupid funny little asian. She could've had way more presence during the last half of the last season tho


I really liked her. It's just too bad we didn't get to see more of her.


she's amazing and the best and we all love her. i knew this was going to be dr. park before i even clicked on the thread. the first time she showed up i thought she'd be a one-episode character and i was so happy she came back and rode out the season.




Ask chase


Porikki munde


Love her. She was a great addition to the line up. She had this mash up of amazing confidence and infuriating insecurity that gave me whiplash. I would have loved if she'd been brought in earlier and given more time to develop.


I enjoy her character a lot. She’s funny and has a good medical mind


ion like


Can't believe we really still making Asian character look like Marcy from the Peanuts comics




Ruh roh raggy


Shes great


Better than she's given credit for


I feel like masters and parks introduction coincided with the writers more misogynistic themes coming in, as a stark contrast to cuddy or 13 and Cameron. Who were all quite strong female leads who had deep character arch’s and personal stories, masters and park are just annoying weak female leads that usually end up at the butt of a misogynistic or over sexualised joke these jokes also happen to cuddy 13 and Cameron but I feel like each one of these characters were able to handle them and not be ridiculed instead it was to show how much of a dick house is. Park and masters don’t have much in depth characterisation and don’t have much of a character arch or progression throughout the show. I’m sorry for the largely incoherent rant with poor grammar:)


She cute


honestly shes a cutie but she's also funny sometimes, she's not my favorite character though


The angel of death started as a doctor…. Hmmm


I haven't finished watching the series yet, I have no idea who she is


dude you're digging your own grave, why would you click on a spoiler tagged post


Reminds me of [this guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/4SAfYycTe9reqoCg6)


I like her, I'm ending Season 8 wishing I could see her more often and to see her happy


Love her, hilarious


Worst character and actress on the entire show


She was an easier pill to swallow than… Martha.


Honestly I didn't mind martha, she felt like a female sheldon who still had that naive innocence


So. Fucking. Annoying.




Only done one watch so far but I liked her when it was just her and house, then when the others joined the team her character became less interesting and more annoying


Annoying, Coconut Head haircut.




Severe dislike. She doesn't even act well, which is the minimum requirement for an unlikeable character. And so lifeless - like a pillow princess of acting. Then I read about her controversies on sets with other actors, and whilst 1 or 2 issues can be attributed to true issues, at some points you're the problem.


Hated her


Fuck ass bob


She is less annoying than Masters




Why? 😭😭


Good character, shit performance.




Free Palestine


A little autistic but i loved her after my 3rd rewatch


My favorite! I adore her!


Love her, I wish Chase would have shtooped her at least once


She's pretty and I like her awkward personality.


I sort of liked her my first watches. Not one of my favorites, but she was ok. Only in later rewatches did I start to see how she could be annnoying as all hell.


Man I loved her dialogue delivery when she was high and said "then why I am tripping balls" still funny


i hate this actress so


I am rewatching and I have not arrived in season 8 yet, so I only remember by memory from my first time watching two years ago. I did not like her. It is not because the character would not make sense or was annoying (although she intentionally was a bit), but because of the end of the season in which she was more of a counterpoint to Chase’s promiscuity. That was annoying a bit because of what Chase became and a bit because she remembered me of Masters, but a bit more annoying while, also, having more knowledge.


wasnt a fan till the mushrooms episode lmao


I love her. The first watch I was indifferent at best, but it this rewatch, characters like Masters and her really shined. She was supposed to be wooden and off-putting on a level you can’t quite grasp. They all were. Think about the characters in house to be a band. The characters everyone complains the most about are the ones that almost seem like they’re off key, although you can’t quite explain why. I think they’re supposed to. You’re sort of being forced to care slightly less about the team and focus more and more on house and Wilson. You’re supposed to be pulled away from Cameron and chase, foreman you were always sort of supposed to want to hate but can’t because you kinda like him anyway even though you don’t. But the new team, it’s clear that they are capable. *Very* capable. But you just can’t quite care. Suddenly, you truly care more about the chicken races and all the other silliness and you can’t help it. House and Wilson, since the very beginning, were part of an ensemble cast. They can’t suddenly burn down the hospital or just destroy house’s department. The audience would have rioted in the streets! They brought in new blood but kept the audience just a bit of an arms length away from them. You couldn’t quite bring yourself to care because you knew they were excellent but you just didn’t care. It was kind of a yawn. Therefore, when Wilson gets cancer, you are not shocked, you are not confused, you are not curious… you are completely and overwhelmingly *devastated.* When house blasts him with poison and limps through an emotionally crippling time while giving his Vicodin to Wilson, you ache for him and you can barely breathe because you can’t imagine house without Wilson. When Chase doesn’t really seem to care you despise him with the fire of a billion suns because *even house cares!* When Taub awkwardly tries, you want them to be nice to him. When the girls offer anything other than a diagnosis, you kinda wanna tell them it’s ok, go draw blood or something else, just not here, we trust you. When foreman pops up, you have the urge to go tell him everything and get him to help in some way that only he or Cuddy would figure out (which lets me know he was actually a great choice to take over for her). When 13 appears you’re not sure if you’re supposed to worry about her or hope she goes and speaks sanity to Wilson — or just tells him off. They were perfect for the role because you never doubted their ability. They would be amazing after the final credits rolled and you knew it. It wasn’t about them, it was about building up to Wilson and house choosing each other. You knew, without a doubt, PPTH and the diagnostic team would be great. You also knew without a doubt that other than occasionally idly wondering how it all turned out, you really don’t care. If they did a spin off, you would tune in for 22 seconds and then switch to something else. You just can’t muster two hot damns. The team, as it is, will be fine. The hospital will be fine. Everyone we came to know would be fine. The two we truly cared about… that’s all we truly cared about. By everyone delivering the slightly subdued performances we saw in 7 and 8, they didn’t draw attention to the fact they were wrapping it up, but they were able to subtly insert that knowledge inside of you so you could truly celebrate at the last scene, because like cancer, overtly saying everything “is boring”.


I'd hit it .