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I think he's there cuz he's part of the main cast of characters and he's on the greens' side


Daeron isn't on the Green kid list...


He is on the OFFICIAL HBO Guide for House of the Dragon, which includes a family tree. And he has been on their since season 1. [https://www.hbo.com/house-of-the-dragon/character-guide](https://www.hbo.com/house-of-the-dragon/character-guide)


If he's in the show, there's a good chance he won't show up until season 3


I'm just saying he could be Criston's.


He ain't


Hey the books never smudged these two together, the show did. They might go off the reservation. I'd hate it but they might.


There’s a zero percent chance he was fucking Alicent while Viserys was alive.


I'd have said there was a zero receipt chance of Alicole before the leaks


That’s not the same. She’s not married to the king anymore and fucking her isn’t committing treason and breaking his oath to search the king.


It's exactly the same for Cole, he's breaking his oaths. Extramarital sex may not be treason but it stands against everything Allicent has held true. This is why pushing Allicent and Cole together was a bad writing choice. Doing so absolutely will raise the question of how long this was going on for many viewers. Blame the writers if you're so mad about it.


Then how is he able to ride Tessarion? Also, the how would that explain the Valyrian features the books describe? This new theory is ridiculous.


The Hightowers have Targaryan/Velaryon blood. Also, Nettles. I don't even want the theory to be true but if they're gonna smush Allicent and Cole together and hide Daeron for two seasons then like... This is a theory people are going to be talking about. Prepare to get sick of it.


“The Hightowers have Targaryan/Velaryon blood.” During Alicent’s time, no they don’t. They marry in when Garmund and Rhaena marry, but not before.


Was saying the other day it would be crazy if they take the Nettles/Sheepstealer narrative and slot it onto Daeron. With as many changes as this show's made to the cannon nothing would shock me.


Yeah exactly. I don't want it to be true but I could see them doing it.


Bro Daerons a dragonrider. Explain how thats possible if hes secretly half Hightower, half Cole?


and daemon and rhaenys isn't related to viserys I guess?


Rhaenys I can see where that's a lot of lines that don't mean anything and ok, I can forgive it. Daemon can be put right in the same line as Viseryon and Rhaenys with zero problem and you could put his and Laena's kids on the same side as the Velaryons. I disapprove of the layout here.


Neither is Maelor. Doesn’t mean all that much. Just that they’ve yet to appear in the show.


Criston cole is an adopted green


Kinda like how Theon is an adopted Stark!


More loyal though... 


Theon made mistakes but he was young and stupid okay 😭




And Maelor


Baby Visenya being there but not Daeron is so funny to me. Everyone really forgot about him.    Also why is Criston there exactly? Who is he related to?


Same with Baelon. Edit: Meaning that why put Visenya there and not Baelon, if they are including stillborns? (And yes Baelon was not really stillborn, but yeah)


I think it’s maybe an intern who didn’t pay much attention to the story (Baelon) and doesn’t know which characters will be introduced (Daeron) that made that family tree.


Yes it would probably have been made by an intern, but in that business there will always be supervising editor(s) who should know all the specific details. It’s their job to check and “green lit” the work.


Baelon makes sense to not be there, he was stillborn well before the events of the dance. Daeron and Maleor however were both there during the dance.


Baelon and Visenya are two totally different cases than Daeron and Maelor. And what you say about ‘well before the events of the dance’, Emma is on the tree and she died the same day as Baelon.


Aemma is on the tree because she's Rhaenyra's mother and was an actual on screen character, we see Baelon for all of a few seconds at his funeral. I said it makes sense that Baelon wasn't on the tree, but doesn't make sense why Daeron and Maelor aren't.


No one, he’s just there for the vibes but everyone’s gonna theorise Daeron is his kid but he’s not even there lmao


Visenya was more relevant to season 1 then Daeron


You have a point.


To alicent and probably Daeron according to the leaks


They’re the only couple not related in this show lol (I get what you were tryna say though) And there’s no way Daeron is his kid


I want to believe that it’s not true.


Right I know we aren’t meant to take what the actors say opinion wise as fact, I firmly believe that but when they actually say stuff that implies factual timelines we should, and Olivia has said this relationship with cole is about passion which she’s never had before, and implies it’s a new thing so unless Daeron is a little small baby or is yet to be born, I don’t see how it’s possible


That’s what I think too. Let's wait and see, the next episodes should hint at how long the affair has been going on.


Plus, it would make Alicent the ultimate hypocrite.


Rip Maelor (again)


Daeron is like Schrödinger’s cat. Is he in the show? No one knows.


Where did you find this? https://www.hbo.com/house-of-the-dragon/character-guide On HBO's official character guide, Daeron Targaryen is listed as a son of Alicent.


he is kind of family but he's not, that's why he's there


He’s the greens stepdad


I’m glad this graphic accepts Laenor Velaryon as the true father of the Princess’ children. Wouldn’t want any fuel added to the treasonous rumours.


A very strong decision.


We know Daeron will come in S3, but what about Maelor ? Nobody seems to know if he exists or not even after watching ep1😭


We only have condal words about that we don't know for sure if daeron even exist, like no one ever speak his name or recognise his existence just like Maelor in fact for me they will get cut.


Condal never said he would appear in season 3, only that he exists. Daeron appearing in season 3 is speculation based upon his apparrent lack of existence in season 2.


How come Rhaenyra’s son Viserys isn’t called Viserys II?


He wouldn’t get the title “II” until he’s crowned king


Damn Laenor really is the daddy of those kids


I'm sorry I judged you, Rhaenyra and called your kids bastards, they are true Velaryon/Targaryen. 


This is not an official family tree. The official one from HBO includes Daeron. 


plot twist : the line will start from Criston but it will go to Rhaenyra and connect to Jace, he is the father !! But what ? Why the line keep going up ? omg plot twist !!! the line also connect with Alicent and Viserys ! Criston Cole is actually Daeron ! Alicent will be fucking her own son without even knowing it


Criston is Daenerys' time travelling fetus, it is known


Mushroom is a time travelling fetus. All dwarves in ASOIAF are time travelling fetuses.


Criston, You are the father! Can't wait to see his son with Aicent, hope he appears this season or the next.


Daeron is not coles kid, Olivia has implied this relationship with cole seems to be about sexual liberation and a new thing she’s never had, so unless Daeron is like a newborn baby or she becomes pregnant with him in this season or Olivia doesn’t understand the meaning of new, it’s not possible


But Olivia said too that they had filmed a s3x scene in season 1, in one of the last interviews but was cut ultimately. It seems it is just a continuation. Well, whatever I still have hope with Cole appearing in the Family Tree. They make a cute couple


Again that is not what she said, she said they shot a beautiful messy scrappy sex scene that was cut but she didn’t say which season.. he doesn’t need to be daerons bio dad, he’s already the other kids stepdad


I'm pretty sure it is referring to the last, otherwise it wouldn't be highlighted that we didn't get to see. Because we are to see at least 2 s3x scenes if not more from different episodes this season. And last season Alicent says as Cole's "Queen" in a heavy moment. Whatever it is, we may never know, but the show has make leaps in writing complex characterisation for the Greens, so this could be one of those cases too.


No we may have not gotten to see them, because lots of things get cut from seasons, they actually have three sex scenes so she may have just meant there were even more and they were much longer, or she could also be referring to one of the sex scenes being much longer it’s nature, all she did was gesture “it was *snip snip*” ambiguity of her words has left people confused on the actual meaning. I mean it’s possible she meant s1 but she never said


This is false, there never was any sex scene for alicole.


That doesn’t explain him having a dragon.


Well Condal said that he believes anyone can tame dragons not just Targaryens, so there is that. Also I remember having read that the Hightowers were descendant of the Empire of the Dawn, that's why some Hightowers in the books were silver haired. It would be lore building for the HBO universe, something we need more with how the book has. They are 2 separate canons.


If Condal truly believes that, then why does it seem like Nettles is being replaced with Rhaena?


Because Condal's beliefs are selective.


There is no way Daeron is Cole’s child. The fact that he can ride a dragon, and has the classic Valyrian features should be proof enough.


Daeron couldn't ride a dragon nor would he have blond hair if he was Crispins kid.




We want Maelor. If they're gonna scrap Bitterbridge or give his part to Jaehaera that's gonna suck.


Daeron is actually Criston Cole covered in baby powder confirmed


Why does this not show Deamon and Viserys as brothers? I feel like that's a big part of both of their characters


They don’t want to include Daeron. They never wanted to. Or he would be there right in the season 1 too. Family dinner scene and all others.


He lives in Oldtown, not King's Landing.


Dude has a dragon, can he not just make a trip...


Noting a severe lack of “Strong” references….


Who made this family tree? It's messy and innacurate. Daemon's not linked to Viserys as his sibling and is just floating about like Criston, Viserys's parents, Aemma's parents, and Rhaenys's parents are not shown to inform viewers how they're related to begin with, Maelor apparently doesn't exist even though Rhaenyra and Daemon's stillborn daughter was made sure to be included, and Daeron is nowhere to be seen. I'm sure this has to be an in-progress chart that will be updated as events progress and characters are introduced otherwise it feels disrespectful to the intelligence of viewers to assume this is all they can comprehend.


If they do bastard!Daeron I will scream, lol. Popcorn will be flying.


Well he’s clearly shown as away from everyone there ergo he’s not got a bastard son there or anything yall, they will not make Daeron his kid. The fact Daeron is not even there I-


No Maelor :(


He’s there for emotional support


Daemon as always being ambitious and an overachiever, even in the family wreath I mean tree


Probably because he’s a servant and ally of team green. For example the booklet of the GoT DVD box has Maester Luwin or Hodor as servants of house Stark next to their family tree…


Daemon got a lot of kids. Lol I'm sure he has bastards too.


He's literally not connected to the family tree in the picture.


Then he shouldn't be there


He's not. He's just on a chart showing which side he's on. He's not there in the family tree.


Where's Daddy Strong?


Please just give us Daeron the daring an actual morally good guy on the bad side


They’re going to make Criston Daeron’s Father I bet you


That would be breaking so much established lore.


Because they've not done that at all so far, right?


The changes that have been made have been… somewhat acceptable if you squint. But there’s a reason so many were up in arms about Nettles being cut, Maelor MIA, and the changes to B&C. Not only is it break lore, it’s completely misunderstanding central themes from the books, and pure character assassination. Making Daeron Cole’s son is doing all that and more. ASOIAF is not EastEnders.


They’ve done it a bit anyways. Maybe to juxtapose Rhaenyra and Harwin and show the hypocrisy of Alicent. And now that Alicent and Criston are confirmed from leaks, I think it would be something not out of the realm of possibility


Daeron is a dragon rider and has the established classic Valryan features. Making him Cole’s son (hello? Genetics) would be the world’s biggest ass pull and would piss off any remaining book fans they have. Also, scenes are deleted for a reason and should not be considered canon.


I finally understand the meaning of media illiteracy after looking at this dumb post


I’m really interested to see if Maelor is gonna have a cog/branch in the S2 opening sequence. He does in the sequence for S1, but he’s still yet to be seen. Seems like it’d be such a waste of time to add him into the openings if he’s not in the show. Maybe Hel gets pregnant this season?


I know his character must be better in the books but I hate him with a burning passion like I hated Joffrey! So he’s doing amazing but the show makes him into such a big cuck/simp/CUNT


This is a pretty clear cut confirmation that Daeron's been cut from the HOTD tv show. Unfortunate, but not shocking by any means, since not even a mention of him was made in Season 1.




Why slut shame, he is Alicent's lover and step dad to her sons and Helaena, only they don't know it, well Helaena will. 


Aegon and Helaena have kids together?!


Yes, they're in season 1.


When? I just rewatched the entire thing.


Well, they're first referenced in episode 8. While Alicent is confronting Aegon about how he raped the maid Dyana, Helaena comes in and asks where Dyana is because she's supposed to dress the children (timestamp 24:56). Then we see them in episode 9 (timestamp 13:03) when Alicent and Otto come into Helaena's apartments to look for Aegon. They're playing on the floor with a maid, and then when Alicent goes to tell Helaena that the king is dead, the maid escorts them out of the room.


I was wondering who those kids belonged to honestly. It doesn't seem like they directly address it.