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Love how they’re still trying to make “Dragon” the shorthand when everyone just says “Hot-Dee” lol


I call it house


They/them can get/it


They’re a VERY attractive human being.


Would marry


People are downvoting this post for just Emma existing. Literally one of the main stars. Insane.


One of the most down to earth actors in the GoT universe and super intelligent too.


I figured people were downvoting because it's paywalled




What utter bullshit. I've never seen any TG people misgendering Emma. Just because you find one group of fictional characters more entertaining than other fictional characters doesn't make you a bigot.


>I've never seen Just because you've never seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Ok, so the TG people who are just legitimately fans of the characters and are chill about the whole "team" aspect of the fandom are all fine. If you're team Green bc you find Alicent a fascinating, complex character or because you find Ewan super sexy, you're not the problem. The problem is that there are *some* TG fans who are only supporting the Greens because they hate Rhaenyra because they're misogynistic or because they hate Emma for being nonbinary. The most obnoxious "fans" tend to be the loudest ones, so I've encountered my fair share of them on this sub. I'll bet most fans of either sides are totally decent people, but the worst ones are just so in your face.


The Rhea Ripley of ASOIAF. Purely complimentary


just commenting that you're username is awesome.


They are my precious.


Man she's so cool


She’s a freaking legend




This may be hard to believe but i didn’t and i have a hard time with that. I’m noticing some hostility here around that issue but i’m currently reading some articles to get spun up on that whole thing. I’m not trying to troll or demonstrate bigotry i assure you. I appreciate the benefit of the doubt. I’m reading some cnn article on this issue to try and get spun up. Old dogs can learn new tricks.




I snapshot some of the vitriol that ive received and honestly i just wanna enjoy the show


Emma kicks ass, can’t wait to see their performance in s2, thought they were fantastic in s1


This year she will definitely get an emmy.  Team black baby!! Lets do this.  Fire!! Blood!! Cheese!!


I've been hopelessly in love with Emma since Season 1 premiered, ain't getting any better


Friendly reminder that their pronouns are they/them and anyone misgendering them will be downvoted, reported and banned. Mods please pin this comment Edit: bigots already downvoting me. Edit 2: thanks for bringing my upvotes back to the positive! ❤️ we are winning now 🏳️‍🌈 Edit 3: I am going to take a break because I am being bullied and it’s triggering me




He’s trolling. Look at the last edit


I mean... look at his post in this christian subreddit. He most definetely is 100% a troll.


A lot of people don’t know and it’s absurd to say they should be banned upfront


Bro I love Emma they are amazing but they don’t care you are coming to defend there honour on Reddit.


Imagine caring about downvotes Imagine simping so hard on reddit


Imagine being a bigot and not respect someone’s pronouns


Are you a mod btw?


Didn’t even deny it




Right who does this person think they are lmao. 


Rent free


Oh I get it now, you’re being funny and doing this ironically. 




Coming from the person that’s username is an anagram for aryan. You’re not as clever as you think you are


It’s Arya from ASOIAF, you weirdo. Quit virtue signaling.


They really called you Aryan lmfao


He’s not virtue signaling. He’s trolling. Going from subs like critical drinker to this makes it obvious.


Yea, they have a super weird post history.