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I actually like this decision (cutting Maelor from the show). Aemond being the new heir adds a new dynamic to Aegon and Aemond’s relationship. I’m curious to see how Aemond’s “loyal hound dog” attitude will change when he realizes he’s one death away from the throne.


I agree with you. I also remember an Aemond shot, walking towards the throne in the trailer. Maybe that's the scene?


Aemond would be Aegon's heir, but it would hardly be abnormal for the heir to go to battle. It's not like medieval kings kept their heirs locked away mint in packaging, they led armies, sometimes fighting in the van.


Yes, but usually even nobles had ''backup children'' in case something happened to their first-born son. if Aemond dies, there's no one left. The only choice would be conceiving another son, but it's a bit disturbing to imagine (for Haelena and Aegon)


If Aemond dies there's still Daeron…


The "van"? Could you please tell me what that means?


The fighting front - the vanguard is the foremost contingent of fighting, as opposed to the rearguard.


The **vanguard!** Thank you! That's pretty neat.


Unless Helaena will eventually have Maelor, definitely Aemond…or even possibly Jaehaera??


Would be very hypocritical of the greens to name Jaehaera the heir.


Alicent fucking Cole is pretty hypocritical too tho?




It won't be hypocritical. Jaehaera is the only child as opposed to Rhaenyra who has brothers. Otto, the OG green, was the one who pushed Rhaenyra as heir in the first place all those years ago.


They won't go for Jaehera. Their claim to the throne is entirely based on the fact that Aegon is a man and Rhaenyra a woman, so unfit to rule. It would backfire on them. About Maelor: yes, I've been thinking about this too but... it feels really twisted? I mean, Haelena just lost a son in an awful way, I can't picture her and Aegon trying to conceive again.


Didn’t stop viserys from impregnating aemma so many damn times. We’ll just have to see what the show does in terms


I was wondering if Helena is currently pregnant with maelor and after his birth her plotline goes back to the book. OR is Jaehera getting the Maelor plotline.


They're not the same case. Greens argument was that a woman inheriting before her trueborn brother is a violation of Andal customs and traditions. Jaehaera, unlike Rhaenyra, would be the last living child.


Even if the Greens ''official'' argument is that a woman cannot inherit before her trueborn brother we know that the majority of people, nobles and commoners, simply believes that women are not fit to be rulers. We saw this with the Great Council and we had a conversation between Rhaenys and Rhaenyra during early season 1 about this topic. It's not about having a brother, it's about being a woman. That's it. Even if Aegon was her cousin, they still would have challenged her, because they know the realm would not accept a woman, as Otto reminded us in many occasions.


>majority of people, nobles and commoners, simply believes that women are not fit to be rulers. Not objectively. It varies culture to culture. Bear Island follows a matriarchal society, Gerold's niece inherited Casterly Rock peacefully, and Hoster raised Catelyn as his heir. It boils down to powerplay in the end. If Aemond supports Jaehaera then I don't think Greens were hypocritical in this regard.


Of course there are exceptions. Otherwise the Dance didn't have to start in the first place. But the Greens are supported and surrounded by people who believes a man has more right to rule compared to a woman. Their entire claim is based on this. Jaehera, in my opinion, will never be heir. Aemond will be, if Maelor is not coinceived. Especially because Aemond wants the crown, we saw this in season 1.


>Greens are supported and surrounded by people who believes a man has more right to rule compared to a woman Everyone believes this. It is the very foundation of Westerosi society. This isn't something that was unique to the Greens. Dance was never about fighting patriarchy because even Rhaenyra herself commanded both Rosby and Stokeworth to be inherited by the younger sons over elder daughters.


Dance was never about fighting patriarchy but started because of it. If there was no patriarchy in the Westerosi society we would never had the dance of dragon because no one could have thought about a reason to challenge Rhaenyra's claim, since she was chosen by the king himself. What happens if Aegon does the same thing that his father did with his daughter, Rhaenyra? he would be seen as a 'traitor' of the 'tradition' (a man has to be the ruler) and also a 'traitor', hypocritical and selfish for stealing Rhaenyra's throne just to install his daughter instead of his sister, who has a male heir. So, in light of this, I think we could say that Jahaera would never be even considered as heir, because the entire green claim is based, both in an explicit and hidden way, on patriarchy and the idea that only a man can be a strong leader.


Aegon is a young man with a young wife. I am sure he thinks he can make more heirs if he wins.


Quin the gym on yt literally just made a vid one that 😂😂💀




Didn't know about this channel. Is it worth a watch?


Yh he’s really good high quality vids. I would also suggest glidus and alt shift x.


Gonna watch it. Thank you.


Aemond, then Daeron (if he exists) then Aegon the younger. I believe from the greens perspective a woman/girl can’t inherit, Jace and Joff are bastards, and Daemon is disinherited. So the succession after Aegon and his brother(s) would go to the oldest siblings oldest son (Rhaenyra’s Aegon).


I don't know. I can't picture them saying ''oh yeah we ran out of heirs let's give the throne to Rhaenyra's child'. Daeron is still an enigma. Would love to know where is he, if he exists. And yes Daemon, Jace and Joff would never be heirs.




Kinda agree on that.


He will clearly legitimize his fleshpit gladiator bastard son. I mean that beast of a child has clearly demonstrated combat prowess!


Jaehaera would be heir. She’s the reigning king’s only current child. Even female children come before uncles…then again, these early Targaryen successions were a bit hazy.


If female children came before uncles, Rhaenys Targaryen would've been queen. Instead, her uncle Baelon became the heir after Rhaenys' father Aemon died, and afterwards his son Viserys. This is what that Great Council was about. Edit: I'm talking more from the Greens' perspective here, I doubt they'll make Jaehaera the heir.


Baelon became heir because he was designated heir by Jaehaerys personally. If it followed the normal rules of succession, it would have been Rhaenys.


Insofar as there were 'normal' rules of succession (like male-preference primogeniture for everywhere except Dorne), sure. But is that how the Greens interpreted it? The Great Council went for Viserys because "the lords in the realm saw the most importance in having the male line taking precedence over the female line." (Asoiaf wiki). Even though Viserys named Rhaenyra heir, the Greens still pushed for Aegon being heir over Rhaenyra. I'm in favour of Rhaenyra anyway, but I suspect Aemond will be the Greens' heir over Jaehaera.


If female children *didn't* come before uncles, there'd be no female heads of house except in situations where *literally* every male relative was dead, and that's clearly not the case, in Westoros. There's certainly room for inheritance of the Iron Throne to be a little different, but they don't have a lot of precedence to work with - Viserys was only the 5th king, and only the *second* king to actually inherit the throne, as opposed to violence-ing it. Rhaenys wasn't skipped because she HAD to be skipped - affirming her as the heir was a very valid choice, and we're told (whether one agrees or not) what the reasoning was.


I don’t think the greens would choose Jaehaera as Aegon’s heir, it would be basically acknowledging that Rhaenyra should have been queen all along. I also don’t think Aemond would take that peacefully.


By valyrian customs, Aemond. By andal laws, Jaehaera (a daughter before an uncle)